Causes of severe swelling. What is edema? Causes of swelling on the face

Swelling appears for various reasons, it all depends on the location and size. There are physiological and pathological edemas.

Swelling often occurs before menstruation, from carbohydrate foods. Other causes: consumption of salty foods and carbonated drinks, heavy physical activity, excess weight, pregnancy, smoking and alcohol.

If the swelling does not go away, then the problem is more serious. The body may swell due to problems with the endocrine, cardiovascular, and urinary systems. There may be varicose veins of the legs, liver failure, allergies, kidney pathologies, traumatic edema. The problem may be Quincke's edema. It occurs due to allergies and requires immediate medical attention.

Before treatment, find out the true causes of edema. First, give up the wrong lifestyle. If it doesn't help, seek medical help.

Lyoton gel, heparin ointment, Venitan, and Troxevasin are prescribed for edema. Synentic diuretics, potassium-sparing diuretics, saluretics, loop diuretics, sulfonamides and thiazide are recommended. Such drugs should be taken in consultation with a doctor. Read more about the problem and treatment below.

Main types of edema

Swelling can appear in any part of the body where there are soft tissues that can accumulate a certain amount of water. In this case, fluid accumulates in the body cavity, in the intercellular space or inside cells.

The principle of the formation of edema can be completely different, as well as the reasons that provoke it in one area of ​​the body or several at once.

By origin, all edema is divided into the following:

  • physiological, appearing as a result of changes in external environmental conditions or changes in metabolism in the body, for example, during pregnancy: active growth of the uterus occurs, which provokes compression of the lower vein, which complicates the process of returning blood to the heart through the veins, resulting in stagnation in the lower extremities and pronounced swelling appears;
  • pathological edema is formed under the influence of various disruptions in metabolism, which provokes fluid retention in certain areas of the body, this disrupts the functioning of organs and the structure of tissues.

What is edema? In itself, edema due to fluid retention in the body is not a disease, but only a symptom of the presence of a pathological process, indicating problems with water-salt balance.

They can differ in local (appear on a specific area of ​​the body, cavity or organ, limb, neck and even genitals) and systemic location. At the same time, other parts of the body are not subject to swelling and continue to work at the same pace.

The systemic type of edema is characterized by the spread of fluid stagnation throughout the body, in the area of ​​body cavities and intercellular space. In especially dangerous cases, swelling extends to the intracellular sector.


Looking at a person who has swelling of the body, it is clear that parts of the body are swollen, as if increased in size. The skin ceases to be elastic; if you press the skin with your finger and release it, a depression (pit) will remain on it.

The location of the swelling will depend on the disease. In cardiovascular patients, edema is located on the legs (lower leg, ankle). If this is a bedridden patient, then the swelling covers the lower back and sacrum. Sometimes, such diseases lead to the development of ascites, i.e. there will be swelling of the anterior abdominal wall.

Kidney diseases leave swelling first on the face, then on the ankle, lower leg, knee, abdominal cavity, genitals, sacrum, lower back. Quincke's edema spreads to the entire face and neck; internal organs also swell, such as the tongue, larynx, and the airways become blocked.

Why do I swell before my period?

The most common and harmful case of edema is undoubtedly the days before the onset of menstruation. On such days, you may simultaneously notice swollen breasts, an enlarged abdomen, swollen legs and a swollen face.

They also say that we women are completely intractable these days. I'd like to see how men would cope with PMS symptoms... I think they would have started World War III by now.

Scientific explanation of edema during PMS. After ovulation, the level of the hormone progesterone increases in our body. With a sharp increase in progesterone, prolactin levels increase.

Prolactin retains fluid and also leads to an increase in the level of antidiuretic hormone (ADE), so our weight can increase by almost 4% (a woman weighing 55 kg can gain up to two kilograms).

Hormonal surges during this period also affect the level of serotonin (the hormone of happiness), significantly reducing it and causing inexplicable, uncontrollable, nasty cravings for sweets. Carbohydrate metabolism causes swelling, and it turns out that in addition to swelling due to progesterone, swelling due to glucose is added.

Trouble doesn’t come alone, and you’ve probably noticed that before menstruation we are more susceptible to stress. Stress, in turn, affects the level of aldosterone, a hormone that regulates the balance of fluids in the body. In general, with PMS we are still “fairies”.

How to get rid of swelling? You can temporarily cope with the situation as follows:

  • Remove salt from your diet completely or significantly reduce its consumption.
  • Use natural drainage products to help remove fluid.
  • Use special nutritional supplements to relieve the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (they come in different types, sold in pharmacies), which will help you control hormonal fluctuations, replenish magnesium deficiency and reduce irritability.
  • Loosen up as much as possible and wear bulky black clothes because scientists have found that black is slimming.

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Why do I swell from carbohydrates?

Now you will learn one of the secrets associated with weight fluctuations. Probably, each of you has noticed that the weight and comfortable feeling of how jeans sit at the waist often unexpectedly change: sometimes in the morning you wake up and feel that you have become heavier by a couple of hundred grams, or even a whole kilogram, and jeans that Yesterday they fit you, today they are too tight. What's going on?

Scientific explanation of edema associated with carbohydrate metabolism. If it's not PMS, most likely you're swollen because you ate too many carbohydrates: bread, pasta, rice, buns, pizza, dry bread (I feel embarrassed just by listing such foods), potatoes, spelt, corn, etc.

Fast carbohydrates (sugar) from these foods, which you did not burn immediately because, for example, you ate pizza with a glass of beer and then went to bed, do not immediately turn into fat, but are first converted into glycogen.

Glycogen consists of glucose (sugar) molecules connected to each other in a chain, similar to beads, with water molecules as the connecting link. First comes a glucose molecule, then a water molecule, and then a glucose molecule again.

So, if you've been eating pizza (or cookies) late at night, you'll notice that you're not peeing much and, as often happens, that you're thirsty. Still would! The body uses water to create a chain of glucose (better known as glycogen), which it stores in the liver and muscles as a primary source of energy.

The next morning you wake up and see that your jeans are tight, and the numbers on the scale confirm your worst expectations. Calmly. These are just weight fluctuations, you haven’t really gained weight!

How to deal with swelling due to carbohydrates? Don't eat carbohydrates for a few hours or all day. The body burns existing glucose first before converting proteins and fats into new glucose: that is, glycogen bonds are broken, releasing water molecules. And you no longer have that extra kilogram that made you so angry in the morning.

Because of this simple process, at the beginning of any protein diet, a person loses a lot of fluid and notices a significant increase in diuresis (that is, the volume of urine per day): the body takes glucose from glycogen.

Why does leg swelling occur in summer?

In healthy people, predisposing factors for fluid accumulation in the legs are:

  • consumption of excessively salty foods, smoked and spicy foods (contribute to fluid retention);
  • drinking carbonated water and sweet drinks (water should be consumed unlimitedly in hot weather, but it should not contain sugar);
  • a lot of physical activity during the day (especially for women who prefer to wear high heels);
  • pregnancy (women's legs swell in the summer at any stage, but in the last trimester one should be wary of toxicosis);
  • smoking and drinking alcohol (promote fluid retention and worsen the condition of blood vessels).

However, if swelling appears systematically and does not go away after performing the recommended treatment measures, then you need to go to the doctor.

Severe swelling, even in the hottest weather, becomes a clear sign of a systemic disease.

You can get rid of physiological swelling in the heat if you avoid exposure to risk factors. After a working day, it is recommended to lie down for a few minutes with your legs elevated to improve the drainage of fluid from the extremities.

To solve the problem, you can fill a salt bath for your feet or take a contrast shower. Correct distribution of sleep and wakefulness will help to avoid swelling. You can also do aerobics in sea water to combat swelling.

Definition of edema and its types

What is edema? Based on the factors that lead to the development of swelling and the mechanisms of development of pathology, doctors identify several types of lesions, which differ from each other in their differences in external manifestation.

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Main types of pathology:

  1. Inflammatory edema forms in the area of ​​tissue deformation and exposure to the inflammatory process, the spread of bacteria and viruses. Most often, edema of this form affects soft tissues and organs and is formed as a result of the active influence of inflammatory mediators on vascular permeability.
  2. An allergic type, which is very similar in type to inflammatory, but swelling in this case occurs for other reasons. It is formed due to the impact of allergic irritants on the tissue - histamine, bradykinin and others. With their active influence, the lumen of the capillaries changes significantly, vascular permeability increases greatly, the liquid component of the blood passes from the vessels into the tissues and accumulates there in large quantities, forming edema, especially for loose and hydrophilic tissues.
  3. Toxic edema, according to the principle of development, is very similar to inflammatory and allergic, but the reason for its appearance is damage to the human body by poisonous toxins and chemicals, which often reduce blood viscosity and lead to increased permeability. Such swelling is dangerous because it can spread to large areas of the body, including damage to the entire body.
  4. Swelling due to prolonged fasting. This condition occurs due to a violation of protein metabolism, which is very important for retaining water molecules in blood vessels. If there are more proteins in the tissues than inside the vessels, then they attract water molecules to themselves, accumulating them in the tissues. A certain amount of plasma proteins leads to oncotic pressure, which is much higher inside the vessels than in the intercellular space. When protein is lost during fasting, there is a strong change in the oncotic pressure of the plasma relative to the intercellular space. It is in this condition that the liquid passes into the tissues. Because of this condition, the expression “to swell from hunger” arose.
  5. Lymphogenic edema, which appears due to a problem with the circulation of lymph in the capillaries, its collection and delivery to the venous network. Such processes provoke the appearance of swelling in places with a large number of lymphatic capillaries and venous plexuses.
  6. Neurogenic ones appear due to disturbances in the functioning of nerve fibers or sensory endings, due to which the tone of blood vessels and their permeability to fluid are poorly controlled due to expansion or spasm at the right time. This type of swelling forms in diseased areas of the body innervated by a damaged trunk or, if we talk about brain centers (for example, during a stroke), by a projection of the diseased area.

Causes of body swelling

There can be many reasons for the occurrence of edema. Most often they become:

  • Fatigue;
  • Excessive consumption of salty foods;
  • Excessive fluid intake;
  • Uncomfortable shoes and tight clothing, which disrupt metabolic processes in skin tissues;
  • Vein diseases;
  • Liver and kidney diseases;
  • Cardiovascular ailments, etc.

Edema always signals that the internal systems of the human body have failed, and the functioning of some organs is currently impaired. It is quite difficult for a person to understand the cause of edema, so it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. After examination and research, it will become clear what caused the swelling.


It is assumed that the development is based on an endocrine factor, a change in the balance of hormones, especially the estrogen series. The assumption is based on their more frequent formation in young and middle-aged women.

Such swelling occurs against the backdrop of hot weather and stress; fluid accumulates in those parts of the body that are most susceptible to the influence of gravity: in a standing position, these are the lower limbs and partially the upper, in a lying position - the lower part of the body.


Associated with a violation of the pumping function of the heart muscle (myocardium), which is not capable of pumping the volume of blood that is necessary for full blood flow in the arteries and veins.

Edema in this case is associated with stagnation of blood in the area of ​​venous vessels, especially those distant from the heart and having a small diameter; they form in the evening, after an active day or sports activities, are expressed in the area of ​​the hands and feet, and spread upward.

In heart failure, swelling is severe, can reach the groin and abdomen, shoulders and spread throughout the body; when resting in an upright position, it decreases or is distributed in the body cavities, along the back, chest.

Varicose veins of the legs

Diseases of the blood vessels of the legs occur against the background of various symptoms (pain, swelling of the extremities), timely diagnosis of the causes and treatment of which allows you to quickly eliminate the pathology and avoid the development of complications.

With varicose veins, circulation in the circulatory system is disrupted. An imbalance of pressure in the veins and intercellular space leads to fluid being squeezed out of the vessels and accumulating in the tissues. As a result, swelling occurs.

Pathologies in liver failure

Edema is accompanied by a severe complication of liver failure - cirrhosis. The liver produces insufficient amounts of protein, oncotic pressure drops, fluid is not retained in the circulatory system: all this leads to the development of edema.

Diseases of the urinary system

A person often experiences swelling of the face and limbs due to problems with the kidneys. Excess fluid is not removed from the body. As a result, it begins to accumulate in the skin and fat layer. If the kidney system cannot function normally, then the patient's legs and face begin to swell first. Hands begin to suffer from the disease much later.

The following ailments lead to edema:

  • hydronephrosis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • unspecified nephrotic syndrome;
  • nonspecific nephritis;
  • glomerulonephritis.

Hormonal edema

The female body undergoes cyclical changes in hormonal levels. When the balance of hormones is disturbed, general health worsens, the monthly cycle is disrupted, and swelling occurs.

The main cause of the symptom is premenstrual syndrome, which occurs constantly on the first day of the monthly cycle. More estrogen is synthesized than progesterone, so sodium and water are retained in the body.

Edema changes cause diseases of the thyroid gland if the patient is sick with thyrotoxicosis, hypothyroidism and other pathologies. With a deficiency of thyroid hormones (myxedema), the symptom covers the subcutaneous tissue, face, shoulders, and legs. The skin above the swelling will not gather into a fold; if you press, the hole will not remain.

Edema syndrome is also caused by pregnancy, since the sodium concentration in the blood is high, the developing fetus puts more pressure on the uterus, the vena cava is pinched, so the discharge of fluid will slow down.

Diagnostic measures are prescribed by an endocrinologist, gynecologist, blood and urine tests are performed, and hormonal concentrations are determined.

Therapy is aimed at eliminating the factors that cause endocrine dysfunction. A course of hormone therapy is used, food rich in proteins is recommended, and table salt is limited. To reduce fluid volume, diuretics and potassium salts are used. Contraceptives are not used or they are replaced.

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Allergic swelling can occur anywhere in the body. They are dense to the touch, accompanied by itching and redness, and sometimes the appearance of a pinpoint rash. With such swelling, you should consult an allergist and not only treat the symptoms, but also eliminate the root of the problem - the allergy itself.

Pathologies of the hepatobiliary system

Edema in men and women can occur due to improper liver function. Fluid begins to accumulate in the body due to the fact that most of the protein begins to be washed out. The swelling spreads throughout the body and does not decrease over time. Diseases of the hepatobiliary system can be chronic and acquired.

Alcoholics suffer from the last group of diseases when they begin to abuse alcohol. The liver cannot cope with toxic substances, so protein synthesis is disrupted and fluid begins to be retained. Ascites often occurs against the background of this pathology.


The causes of body edema are hidden in the disruption of the mechanisms of filtration and reabsorption of water and salts, as well as the loss of proteins by the kidneys in the presence of inflammatory processes.

Kidney function may suffer when their blood supply is disrupted and renal tissue hypoxia, which leads to the release of factors (biologically active substances) that increase pressure and promote the removal of fluid from the vessels into the tissue. Such swelling is typical in the morning, spreading from top to bottom - from the face and neck to the extremities.

Quincke's edema

This type of edema is of an allergic nature. It occurs abruptly and quickly, sometimes starting with one or several small blisters. Itching, as a rule, is absent, but sometimes it still happens. The skin color does not change, but there is slight redness or, conversely, pallor. As a rule, there is no pain. The skin in the area of ​​edema is dense.

Typical localization is eyelids, lips, cheeks, sometimes feet or hands. At the same time, allergic itchy blisters may appear on other parts of the body.

The disease is named after the German physician Heinrich Quincke, who first described it in 1882.

If angioedema occurs, you should immediately take something anti-allergic and go to the emergency room, because this condition, although harmless, if it progresses, can cause swelling of the larynx, which will immediately lead to noticeable breathing problems.

Therefore, even if Quincke’s edema goes away on its own (which often happens), it is definitely necessary to be examined.

Traumatic edema

Traumatic edema, which occurs as a result of mechanical damage to blood vessels, is the easiest to distinguish from other types of edema. A recent injury, be it a bruise or a sprain, leads us to think about this very reason.

In addition, traumatic edema is not uniform or symmetrical - they, as a rule, have an irregular shape. The skin over them becomes noticeably warmer and often changes color, especially if there is local hemorrhage (bruising). And the main criterion is pain, which intensifies with movement or pressing on the swelling.

In the case of traumatic edema, if the function of the leg is not impaired, you just need to keep it calm, somehow unload it - for example, walk less and, if possible, place it so that the foot is higher than the pelvis.

In this way, we will help the veins more efficiently remove excess fluid from damaged tissues. An ice pack or a cold heating pad applied to the sore spot will also be useful.

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If traumatic edema progresses, interferes with the normal functioning of the limb or pain increases, and in general if it does not go away within one day, then the matter is serious and you need to contact a traumatologist at your place of residence.

Pressure problem

One of the causes of edema is an increase in pressure in the thinnest blood vessels - capillaries. Another reason is associated with a decrease in the content of proteins in the blood plasma, especially albumin. This leads to a decrease in osmotic pressure and the release of fluid from the bloodstream into the tissue.

The formation of edema is also due to an increase in capillary permeability, which develops as a result of their toxic damage or inflammation. For treatment of these ailments, you should consult a general practitioner.

Alcohol and bad habits

When you abuse alcohol, your metabolism is disrupted, your face and limbs swell. Ethanol, after entering the bloodstream, “leaks out” of it, taking with it a large amount of liquid.

First, the water will reach the cell membranes, then go to the soft tissues. Formally, dehydration does not occur, since there is a lot of fluid in the body, but it is not where it is needed.

There is an intense release of fluid in the urine through the pores. The volume of circulating blood flow will decrease, kidney function will be impaired, and the person will become thirsty.

The degree of edema syndrome depends on:

  • weight;
  • age category;
  • drinking a dose of alcohol;
  • duration of alcohol addiction;
  • burdened heredity;
  • heart problems.

When swelling of the face occurs, even after consuming weak alcohol, a person already has a dependence on alcohol, the functions of internal organs and systems are impaired.

The legs will swell after drinking alcohol due to intoxication, dehydration, dysfunction of the excretory system, microcirculation disorders, pathologies of the liver, kidneys, heart, and ascites.

To eliminate symptoms, you need to take a sorbent agent, for example, activated carbon or Smecta. Before meals, drink still water or tea with lemon. Warm and cool water is poured onto your feet.

Prepare a bath to which sea salt is added, then wrap your feet in a natural cloth moistened with salt water, you need to lie down for 30 minutes.

Swelling occurs due to smoking. A woman’s lungs have a smaller volume than a man’s, metabolism occurs faster and harmful compounds also quickly penetrate the internal organs. Therefore, swelling of the face from smoking is more often observed in women.

Vein diseases

Swelling inevitably accompanies inflammatory diseases of the veins in the legs: phlebitis or thrombophlebitis. In this case, the leg turns red and hurts both at rest and when touched. If your legs regularly swell, but do not turn red, this indicates the development of varicose veins. Venous edema is soft to the touch, the skin is warm to the touch, sometimes with a bluish tint.

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Fortunately, legs can swell “just like that” - from heat and fatigue. But in this case, the swelling is irregular: if you lie down with your feet up, pamper your feet with warm baths, the swelling goes away and does not return.

Important! Remember that edema itself is not a disease. It can only be an important symptom indicating the presence of a particular illness. Therefore, if edema occurs regularly, you should definitely consult a specialist.

A phlebologist can determine whether you have varicose veins and also treat phlebitis or thrombophlebitis.

How to distinguish cardiac edema from renal edema

In case of heart problems, swelling begins in the legs*: feet, ankles, then, as the disease worsens, it rises higher and higher in the leg, affecting the lower leg and knees.

*Note. This localization cannot be applied to people with impaired venous/lymphatic outflow, with varicose veins of the lower extremities, or whose professional activities require them to be on their feet for a long time.

Nephrotic edema, unlike cardiac edema, begins from above: eyelids, bags under the eyes, face, body, hands. It comes to the lower extremities after the swelling has “taken over” the entire body.

Morning cardiac edema is insignificant, increasing during the day and reaching a maximum in the evening. The skin becomes bluish in color and feels cool to the touch. More pronounced morning renal swelling begins to subside during the day, decreasing in the evening. The skin is a natural color, soft when pressed, warm to the touch.

To avoid facial puffiness, sleep on your back: Sleeping on your stomach often leads to bags under the eyes. If swelling does not go away within one or two days, or swelling is observed throughout the body, you should consult a doctor to find out the causes of this condition.

Self-treatment of edema at home often leads to complications and advanced forms of the disease. An incorrectly selected dose of medication increases the risk of side effects.

The information in the article is for informational purposes only. To select therapy, you need to see a doctor and undergo an examination to identify the cause of edema.

Causes of edema from a physiological point of view

From a physiological point of view, edema is the retention of excess fluid inside the vessels, in the space between cells and, in severe cases, inside them due to an imbalance of sodium, proteins, water, as well as disorders in the regulatory link (hormone release, vascular tone, nervous system problems). systems).

For edema to occur, a combination of certain conditions and the influence of both external and internal factors is necessary.

Often the causes of edema of the whole body lie in a violation of the pressure inside the vessels, tissues and cells - in a change in the hydrodynamic gradient. Under normal conditions, blood pressure in arteries and capillaries is higher than in tissues, but in veins it is lower than in tissue fluid, which allows blood to flow and supply all cells with oxygen and nutrients.

If the pressure in the area of ​​the arteries is high (for example, with hypertension), it also increases in the vessels of the capillary network, “squeezing out” excess fluid into the tissue, and the veins do not have time to return it all back, due to the fact that the pressure in the area of ​​the tissues themselves increases , and water returns poorly to the veins.

This happens when a large volume of liquid is administered orally or intravenously, when general swelling of the body forms.

The cause of edema of the entire body may be a violation of the permeability of cell membranes (both in the area of ​​blood vessels and tissues and organs). The membranes become permeable, allowing water, salts, and small molecules to pass through where they were supposed to be retained.

Increase membrane permeability:

  • mediators of inflammation and allergy (especially histamine),
  • some toxins entering the body,
  • under-oxidized metabolic products,
  • enzymes of infectious agents (microbes or viruses) that damage the membranes of cells and blood vessels, creating “holes” in them.

Edema of this type is typical for poisoning, diabetes, gestosis in pregnant women, and infectious diseases. Swelling of the leg or arm, face, neck and other areas. Disorders of osmotic or oncotic pressure.

Osmotic pressure is created by certain concentrations of salts in the area of ​​cells, intercellular space and blood vessels. The liquid, according to the law of osmosis, rushes to where there is more salt to dilute the concentration. Typically, such swelling is associated with poor nutrition, intake of salty foods and large volumes of liquid.

Edema of the entire body may occur when the amount of protein in the plasma and tissues changes. Proteins have the ability to retain water, and it moves from tissues to blood vessels because a lot of protein is dissolved in the plasma.

During fasting or loss of protein by the kidneys, burns or other problems, the concentration of protein in the plasma decreases, but in the tissues there remains the same amount or becomes larger, and water rushes into the tissues.

Disruption of the lymphatic system is another factor in the development of edema. The lymphatic network densely entwines all tissues and organs, collecting excess fluid in capillaries and carrying it into the common duct, which flows into the bloodstream near the heart.

If the capillaries are inflamed, compressed by scars, injured or affected by tumor metastases, the fluid through them cannot fully flow into the vessels and stagnates in the tissues. This is usually local swelling in the extremities or body cavities.

If the body swells, the reasons may also be a violation of the resistance of tissues that lose collagen and elastin fibers; they have a highly loose structure and reduced activity of enzyme systems that maintain the elasticity and turgor of tissues.

This happens against the background of systemic infectious and autoimmune pathologies, severe inflammatory processes, and general toxicosis.

Particularly dangerous against the background of any mechanisms of edema are damage to vital organs, especially cerebral or pulmonary edema, allergic edema of the larynx, which threaten a person’s death without timely assistance.

Mechanism of edema development

Swelling of the arms and legs occurs when excess fluid begins to accumulate in the space between the cells. This process can affect the tissues of the entire body or a specific area. Women often experience facial swelling after applying night creams or masks.

This condition does not require drug treatment. If your face swells without using any cosmetic products, then the problem is related to the functioning of the internal organs.

In a healthy person, a continuously certain amount of fluid enters the space between the cells and is then removed from them. If, due to external or internal natural factors, the balance is disturbed, then swelling of the face, hands or limbs occurs. A person who is faced with problems in the functioning of organs will experience swelling constantly.


You can diagnose hormonal edema yourself, but you can find out the cause of its appearance and, therefore, decide on a treatment method only after consulting a doctor. Diagnosis requires a visual examination of the hands, feet, face and complete information about the symptoms.


The first step is to find out the causes of edema. The location of edema, instrumental and laboratory tests will help diagnose the disease.

Treatment of the underlying disease must be prescribed first. Treatment will depend on the pathology. For allergies, for example, antihistamines and hormones are prescribed; it is necessary to act quickly so that the airways are not blocked. When there are inflammatory processes - anti-inflammatory ones.

If the swelling is severe and extensive, diuretics are prescribed to get rid of it. In cases where there is no strong need, you can wait to prescribe diuretics, since they remove salts and water from the body. When water is quickly removed from the body, blood viscosity increases, which consequently threatens the formation of blood clots.

Along with diuretics, you can prescribe antiplatelet agents (help reduce the adhesion of blood cells) and potassium supplements.

Nutrition plays an important role in the treatment of edema. It is impossible to get rid of edema without changing your diet. A special diet is prescribed, which includes diuretic products, reducing the amount of salt and liquid. Alcoholic drinks should be completely avoided for a while.

Products that have a diuretic effect

Blackcurrant - berries. Strawberries and strawberries are berries. Particularly good for edema caused by kidney disease. Watermelons - cleanse the kidneys and relieve swelling. Pumpkin juice is a very effective means of combating swelling, plus it improves digestion and metabolism.

Oatmeal, but not flakes, but normal cereal, which must be boiled or steamed in a thermos. But the swelling is significantly reduced. Add a spoonful of flax seeds to the porridge. To reduce swelling, reduce the amount of salt and hot spices, replace them with herbs and roots: basil, ginger, thyme, oregano, rosemary.

Fermented milk products and whey are beneficial. And the most affordable product is potatoes “in their jackets” or baked in their skins. Tasty, healthy and effectively relieves swelling. Just get carried away with pickles and herring with baked potatoes. Otherwise the whole effect will be lost.

You can make masks from peeled potatoes (for just five minutes). For a mask, you can mix mashed potatoes and pumpkin, then apply it to your face for five minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

What herbs and foods have diuretic properties?

Nature has prepared more than 2000 diuretic herbs and products for us. Let's choose those that are always in the house or easy to buy. You can prepare decoctions from individual herbs or create mixtures. Celery: seeds, greens, root. Parsley: root, greens, seeds. Dill: seeds and greens. Parsnips: roots and greens. Flax seed.

Birch - buds. Pine - buds. Asparagus - roots. Bay leaf – brew 5 leaves in a glass of water. Knotweed grass that grows near all paths. Creeping wheatgrass, roots, is a resident of all vegetable gardens. Burdock - roots and leaves. Elderberry flowers.

Seeing a doctor

First of all, with the problem of swelling, they turn to a therapist, and during the examination, possible causes are excluded. If there is a hormonal imbalance, then further diagnosis is carried out by a highly specialized specialist. Only an endocrinologist and gynecologist will help you get rid of hormonal edema.

And a cosmetologist helps them relieve facial swelling. To get a clearer picture, urine blood tests are prescribed to determine hormone levels.

Why does leech treatment help with swelling?

Leeches introduce very strong enzymes into the blood. As a result, it happens

  • blood thinning,
  • blood circulation improves at the level of the smallest vessels (capillaries),
  • urine filtration increases.

Already after the first session, a pronounced diuretic effect is noted, swelling decreases. During a course of treatment, leeches also help normalize blood pressure, which is very often elevated in patients with chronic pyelonephritis.

As for the second disease, varicose veins of the legs, it is often in the summer that it first makes itself felt. Apparently, during this period the load on the legs increases, and due to the profuse secretion of sweat, the blood thickens. Hot temperatures cause vasodilation, which disrupts the mechanism of blood return through the veins.

Of course, in cases of swelling of only the legs, differential diagnosis should be made between vascular pathology of the lower extremities, heart failure and joint diseases, and for this you need to consult a specialist. You need to start with a therapist, and he will then refer you to either a cardiologist or a surgeon.

Linda Lazarides' Water Diet

How to remove excess water from the human body? There are a large number of diuretic diets that help actively fight swelling. Today, Linda Lazarides's drainage diet is considered the most famous and effective. The purpose of using such a diet is to eliminate severe swelling and improve the person’s condition.

The essence of the diet: swelling and excess weight appear not because a person consumes a large amount of water, but because some components are retained in the body. You can easily get rid of puffiness if you give up such substances - this includes carbohydrates and salts.

With this diet, it is prohibited to consume the following foods: honey, sugar, syrup, eggs, yeast, red meat, dairy products, salty foods, especially smoked sausages, bacon, ham, fatty foods, confectionery, various sweets, potato chips, cream , mayonnaise, products with artificial additives.

Experts recommend consuming the following foods: soy milk, yogurt, fresh fruits and vegetables, oatmeal, nuts, seeds, lean meat and fish, and legumes. It is allowed to drink freshly squeezed juice, herbal teas and other drinks with a small caffeine content.

The amount of food allowed is not limited; you can eat as much as you want. Already in the first week of such a diet, a person loses about 6 kilograms in weight, which is due to fluid loss. Further results will not be so noticeable, but you will steadily lose several kilograms per week.

If you use such a diet before your period, it will help significantly ease their course.

What to do if there is swelling of the body? To do this, it is best to use the following herbal decoctions:

  • green tea;
  • lingonberry tea;
  • caraway decoction;
  • hawthorn;
  • rosehip;
  • black or green tea with milk;
  • Melissa;
  • plain water with lemon juice;
  • complex herbal collections: knotweed, nettle, bearberry.

Additional list of foods that help eliminate swelling:

  • beans;
  • cucumbers, melon and watermelons;
  • oats;
  • beet;
  • nettle;
  • rowan and viburnum juice;
  • low-fat kefir;
  • green apples;
  • baked potato.

Any significant swelling on the human body requires timely consultation with a treating specialist. They often report the presence of serious diseases in the body that affect metabolic processes.

It is especially dangerous when swelling forms on the neck or face, spreads to the eyes, toes and hands, and interferes with normal putting on shoes and walking.

How to remove excess water from the body? If there is swelling, it is important to create the correct diet and drinking regimen as soon as possible, start consuming less salt, and drink only purified still water, since other drinks only develop swelling.

If it continues to persist for two days or actively spreads to the entire body, then a qualified doctor should find out the reasons for this process.

First, the specialist conducts an external examination of the patient, identifies the severity of water retention in the body: it is possible to approximately determine the amount of accumulated water if the person knows his weight and how much it has changed after the appearance of edema.

There are special tests and samples that help identify the degree of hydrophilicity of tissues. The blister test allows you to determine the strength of tissue impregnation with liquid, and the identification of a dimple on the lower leg or its disappearance will indicate the presence of hidden swelling.

When going to the doctor, the patient must tell him about all the medications used, since they could lead to the accumulation of water. It is also important to indicate whether there are problems in the health of the heart and liver, how often edema occurs and what can cause it.

Local remedies for swelling

Mechanical damage can have serious consequences. Bruises and bruises appear at the site of injury.

This form of swelling can be reduced by providing first aid yourself:

  • apply a cold compress to the affected area;
  • restrict movement;
  • take anti-inflammatory non-steroidal medications;
  • apply gel, cream or ointment for swelling.

Swelling most often affects the lower extremities because the legs bear the weight of the entire body. In addition to injuries, local medications are prescribed for varicose veins. Some medications are equally effective in removing hematomas, swelling and varicose veins.

The most effective drugs are anti-inflammatory drugs based on heparin. Such medications improve the condition of the capillaries and relieve swelling in a short time. Gels containing troxerutin are highly effective. The active substance strengthens the walls of blood vessels, relieves bruises, and relieves pain.

The following drugs have become very popular:

  • Heparin ointment for swelling;
  • Venitan;
  • Troxevasin.

Important! Tumor creams eliminate only the symptoms of pathological processes. Topical products also help reduce pain and have a warming effect. The procedure for treating with ointments involves rubbing with massage movements until completely absorbed. Medications should be applied a couple of times a day (morning and evening) for 1-2 weeks. Proper use will promote the drainage of excess fluid from tissues.

Synthetic diuretics for edema

According to the main classification, anti-edema drugs are divided into renal and extrarenal. The first group is kidney enzyme blockers. The effect of such diuretics is a significant increase in the number of excreted chlorine, sodium and potassium ions.

The group of renal diuretics includes:

  1. Potassium-sparing (aldosterone antagonists, or sodium channel blockers). They prevent the loss of potassium and urea and increase the excretion of sodium. These include Amiloride, Veroshpiron, Triamterene, Eplerenone, Spironolactone. They are used for primary hyperaldosteronism, liver cirrhosis, nephropathic syndrome, hypertension, gout. Advantages of potassium-sparing agents: the possibility of use in case of intolerance to potassium-leaching drugs. Disadvantages: they are not suitable for self-therapy, they have a weak diuretic effect.
  2. Saluretics. They have a diuretic effect due to the removal of potassium and magnesium ions.

The last group is the most extensive. It includes several more categories of diuretics that remove potassium and magnesium ions from the body in different ways.

List of these groups:

  1. Loopbacks. This category includes Torasemide, Diuver, Furosemide, Lasix, Uregit, ethacrynic acid. Used for chronic heart failure and renal dysfunction. Their advantage is their rapid effect – half an hour after administration. The downside is that the effect is short-lived – it lasts no more than 6 hours.
  2. Sulfonamides. The group includes Clopamide, Indapamide, Chlorthalidone. More often used for arterial hypertension. The downside is that the effect occurs after 1-2 weeks of use. The advantage is that the effect lasts for a long time - about 2-3 months.
  3. Thiazide. These include Dichlorothiazide, Hypothiazide, and Cyclomethiazide. Widely used for long-term treatment of arterial hypertension, used for heart failure, liver cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome. Advantages of thiazides: rapid absorption, action after 0.5-1 hour, no effect on the acid-base balance of the blood. Disadvantages: disturbance of potassium and magnesium levels, increase in sugar and uric acid levels.
  4. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. This is Diacarb, Acetazolamide. They are indicated for intracranial hypertension, poisoning with barbiturates and salicylates, treatment with cytostatics, gout, and increased intraocular pressure. Plus the quick effect - after about 1 hour. The downside is increased potassium loss.

Extrarenal diuretics are also classified into several groups depending on their mechanism of action.

According to this criterion, the following are distinguished:

  1. Osmotic diuretics. They prevent the reabsorption of fluid due to the difference in the same pressure in the tubules. These include mannitol, acetate, urea. They are used for glaucoma, cerebral or pulmonary edema, and forced diuresis. Plus - they do not lead to hypokalemia and changes in acid-base status. The disadvantage is the frequent development of side effects, because osmotic diuretics are the most powerful.
  2. Acid-forming diuretics. These are calcium chloride and ammonium chloride, which are associated with the conversion of cations. They shift the balance to the acidic side, compensating for acidosis. Plus - they are well absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. Disadvantage: rapid development of addiction.

Each group of diuretics is prescribed for certain diseases. This is explained by the different principles of action and effectiveness of the drugs. Contraindications and side effects are also important. In each group of drugs, frequently used ones can be identified.

Examples of such medications are:

  1. Torsemide. This anti-edema remedy is a representative of loop diuretics. It begins to act half an hour after administration. Used for swelling due to essential hypertension, heart failure, high blood pressure, renal failure. Side effects should be clarified in detailed instructions. Contraindications: arterial hypotension, renal failure with anuria, hypovolemia, hyponatremia, hypokalemia, arrhythmia, hepatic coma or precoma, childhood, pregnancy, lactation.
  2. Diuver. Refers to loop diuretics, used for swelling due to chronic heart failure, diseases of the lungs, liver and kidneys. Sometimes used for arterial hypertension. Effective after 30-60 minutes. It is better to study the list of side effects in the detailed instructions, because they are numerous. Contraindications include anuria in renal failure, hepatic coma, lactase deficiency, dehydration, exicosis, hypovolemia, acute glomerulonephritis, decompensated heart valve defects, childhood, hypokalemia and hyponatremia, lactation, intoxication with cardiac glycosides.
  3. Dichlorothiazide. Acts as a representative of the thiazides group. The hypotensive effect occurs after 4 days. Indicated for diabetes insipidus, subcompensated glaucoma, nephrotic syndrome, arterial hypertension, gestosis. Side effects include allergies, nausea, weakness, dry mouth, hypokalemia, exacerbation of gout, interstitial nephritis, thrombosis, dizziness, diarrhea, tachycardia, and calf muscle cramps. Contraindications: age less than 3 years, anuria, decompensated diabetes mellitus, gout, lactation, hypokalemia, 1st trimester of pregnancy, Addison's disease, renal failure, lactose intolerance.
  4. Amiloride. This is a potassium-sparing remedy for edema with a moderate diuretic effect. The effect appears 2 hours after administration. Used for edema due to nephrotic syndrome, arterial hypertension, liver cirrhosis, chronic heart failure. Prohibited for hepatic coma, renal dysfunction, hyperkalemia. Adverse reactions include disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, nausea, skin rash, headache, and low blood pressure.

Relieving swelling in pregnant women

A special category of people prone to swelling are expectant mothers. Swelling affects almost every woman from the second trimester. You should select medications for swelling only with the permission of your doctor. The specialist, taking into account the patient’s situation, is inclined to prescribe herbal medications.

Popular medications during pregnancy are: Phytolysin, Eufillin, Canephron for edema. Medicines of natural origin are produced for internal use. Additionally, special creams may be prescribed that are approved for the period of waiting for a child: Mamacomfort, Senosan, MamaCare.

Relieving edema with other drugs is undesirable. The effect of the above-mentioned drugs has been tested and does not have any special side effects that can harm the fetus.

Review of the best anti-puffiness creams

Among the most popular ointments and creams that help eliminate swelling of the legs, the following should be highlighted:

  • "Troxevasin";
  • "Venitan";
  • Heparin ointment;
  • "Lioton 1000";
  • "Essaven gel".

"Troxevasin" helps eliminate swelling, inflammation, and pain. In addition, it strengthens blood vessels and veins. Heparin ointment helps normalize blood circulation and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

"Venitan" refers to herbal preparations. It is made from chestnut extract. This remedy has anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects.

Rules of a non-edema person

It is necessary to spend more time in the fresh air and move more. Edema is a stagnant phenomenon, and the better all metabolic systems are “overclocked,” the less edema there is. It is not recommended to wear shoes with too high heels, so as not to provoke swelling in the feet.

If your legs are swollen from heat and fatigue, try to place them on a slight elevation for at least a few minutes during the day to promote the outflow of fluid. Warm baths with sea salt (one tablespoon per liter of water) also help with swelling of the legs.

For swelling of the face, you need to grate peeled raw potatoes and squeeze out the juice through gauze, which can be used to lubricate problem areas.

Prevention of swelling

Some people do not know that swelling in the legs can be avoided.

It is enough to regularly follow a number of simple recommendations:

  1. If you have to walk in heels all day, when you get home, try to give your feet more rest, it is advisable to prepare special contrast baths.
  2. If edema has become a constant companion in life, take the trouble to properly plan your diet. Try to eliminate salt and spices, or minimize the amount. Sports and healthy eating
  3. Love sports, preferably water aerobics and swimming. Water sports strengthen your back muscles and minimize the risk of pneumonia.
  4. For smokers with swelling in the legs, it is better to give up the bad habit; blood flow slows down when smoking, causing swelling in the lower extremities.
  5. Try to drink less water before bed; at night the body rests and does not process the liquid properly.
  6. If you have a sedentary job, make sure to set aside ten minutes to do small exercises that allow your body to relax.
  7. In the evening you can treat your feet with a massage. Remember, you need to make movements energetically from the feet up, not vice versa.

By monitoring your health status, you will be able to avoid many problems associated with vital organs: kidneys, heart and lungs.

When a person first sees swelling in his legs, the first thing he experiences is fear and a desire to get rid of it quickly.

Of course, edema often indicates severe heart or kidney disease, but before you grab medications or folk remedies for edema, you need to find out as accurately as possible why your legs swell, and for this it is wise to consult a doctor, and not rush to the Internet with a request “swelling of the legs, what to do.”

All edema is divided into several groups depending on the reasons that cause them (see details). The main approaches to treatment depend on this.

  • Orthostatic edema due to forced positions.
  • Edema in nephrotic syndrome due to renal pathologies (glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis) or systemic diseases (amyloidosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, lymphogranulomatosis, diabetes), as well as nephropathy in pregnant women.
  • Cardiac edema with circulatory failure (with heart defects, heart rhythm disturbances and coronary heart disease, decompensation of the pulmonary heart).
  • Venous edema with thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities.
  • Lymphatic edema.
  • Idiopathic edema in women.

What to do with swollen legs before going to the doctor?

Until the moment when a person manages to get an appointment with a specialist, it is inappropriate to leave swelling unattended. However, this does not mean that you should immediately start taking diuretics, since uncontrolled use of these drugs is fraught with a number of side effects that are not inferior in severity to the edema itself.

But the simplest measures that help reduce or relieve swelling of the legs will not cause harm to health.

  • First, leg swelling can be reduced by positional drainage

This method is good for eliminating edema resulting from venous stagnation or positional edema, when a person spends a long period of time in a forced position with his legs down or stands for a long time. To carry out drainage correctly, you need to raise your leg from heel to hip above the level of the body at an angle of thirty to forty-five degrees. To do this, you can lie down with a rolled-up blanket under your feet (this way, by the way, you can sleep all night without any problems) or sit down with pillows under your feet. Any amount of time, starting from half an hour, spent in this position can reduce swelling of the legs.

  • Limiting fluid and salt intake

Another factor that can help in the fight against swelling in the legs is limiting the liquid you drink during the day (up to two and a half liters, including soup), not drinking at night and reducing salt intake. The fact is that table salt (sodium chloride) contains sodium, which, when retained in the body, draws water into the tissue and provokes swelling. It is enough to start by refusing to add salt to ready-made dishes, and gradually reducing the addition of salt when cooking.

  • Simple exercises and foot massage

Also, simple physical exercises can help with swelling of the legs:

  • tiptoe walking
  • alternately raising your toes and heels while standing or sitting
  • dorsiflexion of the foot
  • splaying and curling of toes
  • foot massage

Self-massage of the feet and legs can also be effective, which should be started from the tips of the fingers, kneading the soles of the feet, and done for 2-5 minutes, alternating stroking, rubbing and kneading. Yoga classes are also very effective, as they help improve blood circulation and massage internal organs, which has a positive effect on metabolism and the general condition of the body.

  • If there is a deficiency of magnesium in the body, take dietary supplements and multivitamins

A lack of magnesium can lead to swelling of the legs, especially during pregnancy. Therefore, taking Magne B6, Magnelis B6, Magnerot, and multivitamins can significantly reduce swelling of the lower extremities. During pregnancy, you should not take magnesium supplements on your own; the dosage and course of treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor.

  • Taking aromatic baths or foot baths

As a solution for baths, you can use mineral water or tonic, which is used to dilute alcoholic drinks; the components contained in soda and quinine reduce swelling. Baths with drops of essential oils or Epsom salts or foot soaks with sea salt also provide relief. Any water procedures, bathing, swimming give rest and relaxation to the legs, since water pressure prevents the dilation of blood vessels and helps reduce swelling of the legs.

How to reduce leg swelling depending on the cause?

After a thorough diagnosis of edema has been carried out and its true cause has been identified, the doctor prescribes one or another treatment regimen. The duration of treatment directly depends on the origin of edema:

Orthostatic edema

Such swelling is treated with postural drainage. Cold foot baths may also be effective. To do this, immerse your legs up to your knees in a container of cool water for fifteen to thirty minutes.

Nephrotic edema

This is a more serious situation that requires a systematic approach. Since in this case the cause of swelling of the legs is a violation of renal filtration, the first step is to reduce the load on the kidneys. For this purpose, a diet is prescribed:

  • limiting fluid to 2 liters per day
  • salt up to 3 grams per day
  • protein up to 90-60 grams
  • Thus, for glomerulonephritis, glucocorticoids (prednisolone), cytostatics (cyclophosphamide, chlorambucil, cyclosporine, azathioprine), and penicillin antibiotics are prescribed.
  • In case of post-streptococcal process and ACE inhibitors in case of arterial hypertension (enalapril, ramipril).
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis are also treated with hormones and cytostatics.
  • Nephropathy due to diabetes requires the use of insulins or hypoglycemic drugs such as sulfonylureas (glibenclamide, gliclazide, gliquidone, glimeprimidone), biguanides (metformin), thiazolidinediones (rosiglitazone), alpha-glycoidase blockers (acarbol).

The swelling itself is resolved by prescribing diuretics (furosemide, indapamide). If conservative measures are ineffective, dialysis is prescribed, that is, hardware blood purification, which replaces the natural function of the kidneys.

Cardiac edema

Cardiac pathologies that lead to swelling of the legs also require complex treatment. Treatment begins with a diet (restriction of water and salt load). You also need to adjust your weight and reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis by balancing vegetable and animal fats in your diet and taking anti-atherosclerotic medications (see: vasilip, simvastatin, astorvostatin, rosuvostatin). Smoking, which constricts blood vessels, and alcohol, which has a direct toxic effect on the heart, are contraindicated.

Chronic heart failure is treated using:

  • drugs that increase myocardial contractility - cardiac glycosides, such as digoxin, strophanthin
  • drugs that reduce vascular tone:
    • ACE inhibitors - berlipril, enalapril, diroton, ramipril
    • angiotensin receptor blockers - losartan, valsartan
    • nitrates - nitrosorbide
  • diuretics - hypothiazide, spironolactone, indapamide, furosemide
  • drugs that reduce the load on the heart: beta blockers - metoprolol, betaloc ZOK, bisoprolol, carvedilol, nebivalol

Heart defects are subject to surgical correction; in case of weakness of the sinus node, artificial pacemakers are installed, and in case of ischemic disease and after heart attacks, coronary artery bypass grafting is used.

Venous edema

Venous edema is one of the most common types of leg swelling. Their cause may be hidden in varicose veins or vein thrombosis (see).

In case of venous insufficiency, the first measures that help eliminate swelling are positional drainage and compression bandaging of the legs. Today, instead of bandages, specialized compression stockings are often used (see). Both bandaging and stockings should be applied in the morning, without getting out of bed in a lying position, while the blood has not yet stagnated in the veins against the background of the day's load.

Since venous stagnation can be caused by increased intra-abdominal pressure, you should avoid lifting heavy objects and combat constipation. The diet for vein pathology should not contain spices, pepper, it is advisable to give up alcohol and smoking (see).

  • Venotonics (venitan, antistax, troxevasin), rutosides (venolan, venoruton, ginkor forte), saponins (escusan), diosmin, .
  • If the veins are completely incompetent, they are turned off from the bloodstream with the help of venous sclerosing drugs (hepatrombin or ethoxysklerol), which are injected into the veins or removed surgically.
  • Even in case of venous pathologies, it is recommended to improve capillary blood flow with the help of pentoxifylline and low molecular weight dextrans.
  • Thrombotic complications are treated with direct (heparin) or indirect (phenindione, coumarin derivatives) anticoagulants.
  • In case of acute thrombosis in a surgical hospital, heparins are administered followed by a switch to warfarin or surgery is performed.

Lymphatic edema (lymphedema) is the result of impaired drainage through the lymph vessels. They accompany congenital anomalies or blockage of lymphatic vessels, malignant tumors. In this case, as a rule, one leg swells.

  • With this form of edema, the condition is somewhat alleviated with the help of:
    • positional drainage
    • compression bandages or garments
    • foot massage
  • Physical therapy and physiotherapeutic methods are also prescribed:
    • Pneumatic massage boils down to the fact that with the help of a special apparatus, a rising wave of increased pressure is formed over the area of ​​influence, which acts for 1 to 7 minutes and drives lymph from the periphery of the limb to the central ducts.
    • With kinesiology taping A network of adhesive tape is applied in the projection of the lymphatic vessels. Which lifts areas of soft tissue, stimulating the outflow of lymph.

Contraindications to physical therapy are acute infectious and skin processes, tumors,. There are also surgical techniques for restoring lymphatic drainage pathways by creating anastomoses between the lymphatic and venous systems.

Swelling of the legs in pregnant women

The legs of a pregnant woman bear a double load, so all the conditions are created for venous stagnation. The situation is aggravated by compression of the inferior vena cava by the pregnant uterus, as well as difficult ventilation of the lungs and increased demands on the heart. Therefore, often in healthy pregnant women, after a whole day, especially if it is spent on feet shod in narrow shoes, the feet or ankles of the feet swell. It is usually enough to lie down for a while with a blanket under your feet to let the swelling go down.

The situation becomes more serious when swelling in a pregnant woman is the result of gestosis or nephropathy (see). These situations require observation by a doctor and timely medication correction. Often such women are offered hospitalization in an obstetric hospital, which should not be neglected in order to maintain the pregnancy. After all, if a future mother’s legs swell, what to do should be decided by a competent doctor, who will be responsible for the baby’s health.

How are diuretics selected?

The basis of the kidney is the nephron, which contains the vascular glomerulus, its capsule and a system of afferent and efferent tubules connected by a loop. The efferent tubule passes into the collecting duct, which flows into the renal pelvis. The glomerulus filters blood plasma and turns it into primary urine. Along the tubules, some of the water, as well as sodium, potassium and chloride ions, are partially reabsorbed.

Different classes of diuretics are preferred for different causes of leg swelling.

  • Saluretics are diuretics whose effect is based on the removal of potassium and magnesium ions. These include:
    • thiazide (hypothiazide, cyclomethiazide)
    • sulfonamides (indapamide, chlorthalidone, clopamide)
    • loop (furosemide, lasix, torasemide, ethacrynic acid, bumetanide)
    • carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (diacarb, acetazolamide).
  • Osmotic diuretics (urea, beckons) work due to the difference in osmotic pressure in the tubules, which prevents the reabsorption of water.
  • Potassium-sparing diuretics (amiloride, triamterene, spironolactone, veroshpirone, eplerenone) work in the efferent tubule, interfering with potassium loss.
By efficiency
  • Diuretics are strong - furosemide, lasix, tripas, uregit, brinaldix, clopamd, ethacrynic acid
  • medium strength - hypothiazide, hygroton, cyclomethiazide, oxodoline
  • weak - veroshpiron, diacarb, triamterene
By duration of action
  • Eplerenone, chlorthalidone, veroshpiron work for a long time (up to four days)
  • Medium-term (up to 14 hours) are diacarb, hypothiazide, clopamide, triamterene, indapamide
  • Short-acting diuretics (up to 8 hours) are beckons, lasix, furosemide. Torsemide, ethacrynic acid
According to the speed of onset of action
  • secrete fast diuretics (begin to act after half an hour): furosemide, ethacrynic acid, torasemide, triamterene
  • medium (after 2 hours): amiloride, diacarb
  • slow (after 2 days): veroshpirone, eplerenone

Diuretics are selected as follows:

  • For chronic heart failure and nephrotic syndrome, loop diuretics are preferred.
  • Osteoporosis requires the use of thiazides.
  • Indapamide is used for metabolic disorders and diabetes.
  • Spironolactone is indicated for increased secretion of aldosterone by the adrenal glands.
  • Arterial hypertension is treated with thiazides and indapamide.
  • Severe swelling of the legs due to heart failure requires parenteral administration of Lasix or furosemide.

It should be remembered that treatment of edema should begin not with taking diuretics, but with a trip to the doctor, in order to establish the true cause of edema as early as possible and receive adequate advice on what to do when the legs swell.

If in the evenings deep marks began to remain on your feet from seemingly not at all tight elastic bands of socks and socks, and also, for no apparent reason, your weight increased sharply, your favorite shoes became too small, swelling, cellulite and bags under the eyes appeared - all this can be symptoms of the accumulation of excess fluid in the body.


Fluid retention, although unpleasant, is most often a completely safe syndrome. However, it is necessary to consult a doctor to rule out diseases that may also be accompanied by edema, such as kidney disease, circulatory disease and metabolic disorders.

1 g of glycogen binds to 4 g of water.

You can determine whether you have swelling or not this way: Press your fingers into the shin bone. If fingerprints remain, this is a sign that your feet are swollen. But swelling can also be hidden. Doctors can diagnose them through regular weighing, measuring blood pressure and monitoring urine tests.

Causes of edema and fluid retention in the body

  • Improper nutrition, which leads to an imbalance of electrolytes: sodium, potassium and chlorine ions.
  • Excessive drinking, when fluid intake exceeds its elimination.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Taking certain medications and contraceptives.
  • The habit of crossing your legs, predominantly standing or sedentary work, heat and tired legs, uncomfortable, tight shoes - everything that leads to impaired blood circulation in the legs.
  • Pregnancy and the changes in the body that accompany it.
  • Premenstrual syndrome.
  • Diseases of the kidneys, circulatory and digestive organs, metabolic disorders and a number of other diseases.

How to reduce the amount of fluid in your body and cope with swelling yourself

There are completely harmless measures that will help relieve swelling and reduce the amount of fluid in your body.

Linda Lazarides' Water Diet

There are many diuretic diets. But by far the most famous and popular of them is the Drainage Diet, written by Linda Lazarides.

The essence of this diet: swelling and excess weight occur not because we drink a lot of water, but because certain substances retain it in the body. This means that the problem of edema can be solved by giving up these substances - primarily salt and carbohydrates.

Products not allowed:

Sugar, honey, syrup and all products containing them, dairy products, eggs, yeast, any red meat, salt and all salty foods including ham, bacon, smoked fish, cheeses, cakes, pastries, chocolate, potato chips, butter, margarine , fried foods, cream, mayonnaise, baked goods, sauces, gravies, fatty desserts, wheat flour, alcohol and foods containing artificial additives.

Can be used:

Soy milk and yogurt (natural, no additives), fruits (except grapes and bananas), vegetables (except potatoes), seeds, nuts, oatmeal, brown rice, legumes, lean poultry and fish. You can drink freshly squeezed juices, herbal teas, and other low-caffeine drinks.

The number of permitted foods is not limited - you can eat as much of them as you want.

Efficiency: in the first week, weight loss can reach 6 kg (this occurs due to fluid loss). Afterwards the pace will not be so noticeable, but 1-2 kg per week is a very realistic result.

Regularly following this diet a week before your period can significantly alleviate PMS, or even get rid of it altogether.

Herbal infusions and teas that reduce swelling

  • Green tea
  • Black or green tea with milk
  • Melissa
  • Lingonberry tea
  • Rose hip decoction
  • Cumin decoction
  • Hawthorn decoction
  • Water with lemon juice
  • Complex pharmaceutical preparations, which usually include: bearberry, knotweed (knotweed), nettle, horsetail and other herbs.

Foods that reduce swelling

  • Watermelon, cucumbers, melon
  • Celery
  • Beans
  • baked potato
  • Green varieties of apples
  • Low-fat milk and kefir
  • Juice of viburnum, rowan
  • Sorrel
  • Nettle
  • Beet

What else helps reduce swelling

Sauna, bath, bath

Bath recipe to relieve swelling and excess fluid

Pour water at a temperature of 37-38 C0 into the bath, dilute 300 g of sea salt and a pack of soda in it.

The time for taking such a bath is approximately half an hour.

You should not drink 2 hours before the bath and 2 hours after.

You can repeat this procedure 3 times a week.

This bath helps you lose 500-700 g of weight per procedure.
Massage and warm-up

If you sit a lot, then touch your toes as often as possible, make circular movements with your feet, stand on your toes for a few seconds (15-20 times). In the evenings, lie down for 10 minutes and throw your legs up on a wall or some hill, and then vigorously rub them from your feet to your knees.

Contrast shower for feet

A contrast shower helps strengthen the blood vessels in the legs. It is not necessary to specifically set aside time for this; after a normal shower, change the water several times from hot to cool and vice versa. There is no need to turn on ice water; leave it at a temperature that does not irritate you. You need to approach colder water gradually. Contrast baths can only be done for the feet. The basic rule of such procedures is that you need to finish in cool water.

Medicinal diuretics

There are many different medicinal diuretics. But we do not recommend that you use them yourself, due to the high likelihood of various complications. Consult your doctor.


Any diuretic should be used with caution! Uncontrolled and prolonged use of diuretics can lead to dehydration of the body, as well as disruption of the water-salt balance.

Mild swelling at the end of the day in young women, in people who have to work standing (salespeople, hairdressers, etc.). - There is no reason to worry. When we stand for a long time, the pressure in the capillaries of the legs increases. This explains mild swelling at the end of the day in completely healthy people. Relaxing on the couch with your legs elevated and plant-based creams and gels that relieve tired legs will help.

Edema in women is accompanied by drowsiness, bad mood, melancholy, headache, and increased appetite. There is a time dependence - once a month. - Premenstrual syndrome is to blame. In many cases it is accompanied by swelling: the ankles swell, the eyelids swell and the face becomes puffy. Gums and joints may swell. After the “critical days” these phenomena disappear.

Asymmetrical swelling of the legs. They mainly affect women. There is a clear boundary between the edematous and normal parts. Even if the other leg then swells, the asymmetry is visible. -

Most likely, you have problems with the veins - thrombophlebitis, varicose veins. It is necessary to check the blood vessels of the legs. The second option is inflammation or a congenital defect of the lymphatic vessels.

Sudden swelling, redness, pain after an insect bite, after you have tasted unusual food or smelled a flower, as well as a reaction to taking medications. -

A severe allergic reaction is Quincke's edema. Accompanied by itching, tension, fever, it usually goes away on its own after some time. The danger is swelling on the face, mucous membranes of the mouth, throat - there may be an attack of suffocation. Antihistamines and other antiallergic treatment are urgently needed.

Swelling - initially on the legs, quite dense - occurs gradually, imperceptibly, is often accompanied by an enlarged liver, and mainly appears in the evening. - Most likely, the “motor” is playing pranks - this is a signal of heart failure. Swelling in the legs, in the lumbar region, enlarged liver - all these are signs of stagnation in the systemic circulation.

Swelling quickly increases, the whole body swells, the process begins with the face and eyelids, the swelling is soft, watery, mobile, and often appears in the morning. - Typical renal edema. Exacerbation of urolithiasis, pyelonephritis and other inflammations, diabetic kidney damage, etc. cannot be avoided without them.

They develop due to diet, digestive disorders, prolonged pain in the epigastric region, and after intestinal surgery. There is often a decrease in protein in the blood. - Normally, proteins perform an important function - they prevent swelling from developing by retaining water. When they decrease, swelling begins in the body. With fasting or an incorrect diet, the intake of protein from food decreases; with intestinal diseases, the absorption of proteins into the blood decreases.

Swelling on the hands and feet; the skin over the swelling is rough and dense, unlike, for example, cardiac edema. A hole does not form when pressed. General health is unimportant - drowsiness, lethargy, low temperature, low heart rate, sexual dysfunction. - Perhaps this is myxedema - a condition with severe dysfunction of the thyroid gland - hypothyroidism. Sometimes it occurs after part of the thyroid gland is removed.


1. An excellent diuretic is an infusion prepared according to the following recipe. 50 g of fresh birch leaves are poured into 500 ml of boiling water, infused in a warm place for 5–6 hours and filtered. Take 150 ml 3 times a day.

2. For swelling, it is recommended to drink tea from birch leaves. 2 teaspoons (with top) of birch leaves are poured into 250 ml of boiling water and left for 10 minutes, wrapped warmly. Tea should be drunk warm, drinking up to 3 glasses a day. After the swelling disappears, you can stop taking the tea.

3. For swelling of the hands and feet, grate peeled beets and potatoes, apply the pulp to the swollen areas, wrap in cellophane and tightly wrap the “compress” with a cotton cloth or terry towel. Keep for at least 20 minutes.

4. Pour 400 ml of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of dried and chopped bean leaves, leave for 1 hour hot, strain. Take 1/2 cup hot infusion orally 3-4 times a day, regardless of meals, for rheumatism and as a diuretic for renal edema.

5. Throughout the summer, horsetail can be harvested, but now is the most favorable time for this: at the beginning of July, the horsetail, as they say, has reached its standard size and juiciness. Traditional medicine recommends brewing crushed horsetail with boiling water and drinking it as tea (daily dose - 1 glass). At the same time, thin people are advised to take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry herb per glass of boiling water, and for those whose weight exceeds 70 kg - 2 tbsp. spoons per 300 g of boiling water. This tea is useful for both the prevention and treatment of kidney diseases, bladder diseases, kidney stones, pulmonary tuberculosis, and edema of various etiologies. For hypertension, horsetail is recommended to be taken in a mixture with hawthorn.

6. Collect fresh birch leaves at the end of May or beginning of June and dry them so as to preserve their green color and aroma. Pour enough leaves into the bath so that the patient does not lie hard, strip the patient naked, put him in the bath and cover his body so that it is not difficult for him to breathe. The patient should remain in this position until he begins to feel numbness throughout the body, after which he can leave the bath. The procedure is accompanied by profuse sweating. If certain parts of the body are affected by dropsy (legs, stomach), then only these parts of the body are covered with birch leaves. In case of dropsy of cardiac origin, the patient should consult a doctor before taking a dry birch bath. This procedure is also very effective for rheumatic pain, joint pain and radiculitis.

7. Seven ways to prevent swelling

1. Try to reduce your fluid intake a couple of hours before bed to a few sips.
2. Eliminate salty foods.
3. Avoid feather pillows. It is possible that you are allergic to feathers or down.
4. Start the day with a cold water rinse. A more radical way is ice cubes. By lightly and carefully rubbing your face with them, you will exercise your skin and improve blood circulation.
5. Pat your eyelids with your fingertips. This can increase the outflow of fluid from the tissues around the eyes.
6. Make a lotion or, if time permits, a mask (see below).
7. Take a mild diuretic. Nowadays pharmacies have quite a lot of special fees. If you prefer pills, consult your doctor first.


How to get rid of swelling


Potato mask

Grate raw potatoes, squeeze lightly, place on a gauze napkin and apply to face for 10 minutes. Or use a cotton swab dipped in potato juice to apply a lotion under the eyes.

Pumpkin mask

Bring two tablespoons of finely chopped pumpkin in a small amount of water over low heat until smooth. Add 1/2 teaspoon honey, mix well. Place the resulting mass on gauze and apply to the face for 5 - 7 minutes.


Rose and rosehip lotions

Dry the plant petals and fill small gauze bags with them. When you need a compress, dip two bags in hot water for one or two minutes, and then, when slightly cooled, place them on your eyes. Rose or rose petals can be replaced with dill herb or parsley leaves.

Tea brewing

Warm bags are applied to the eyes for 15 minutes. Compresses made from tea leaves not only act on the bags, but also soothe the eyes. The tannin contained in tea smoothes the skin and reduces puffiness under the eyes.


Medicinal fee

Mix 1 teaspoon each of Adonis spring herb and motherwort, valerian root and calendula flowers. Add 1 dessert spoon each of corn silk and St. John's wort. Mix everything and let it brew in 1 liter of boiling water.

Take 1/2 cup with honey 4 - 5 times a day.

Parsley cocktail

Wash and finely chop 800 grams of parsley. Place in a saucepan, pour in a liter of fresh unpasteurized milk and place on low heat. You need to let the milk boil until half the original amount remains. Strain and take 1 dessert spoon of broth every 2 hours. The product helps when a regular diuretic no longer has much effect.

Salon treatments


Microinjections are used, which have a lymphatic drainage effect.

Lymphatic drainage

The circular massage alternates with deep pressure, which activates the lymph and rids the body of fluid and toxins.

Vacuum peeling

The upper layer of the epidermis “wears off,” which increases blood circulation and lymph flow, and as a result, the outflow of excess fluid.

Makeup artist secrets

To minimize the signs of swelling of the upper eyelids, apply dark shadows to them, advises Irina Shvets, from the eyebrows to the crease of the eyelid. Further to the border with the eyelashes - shades of a lighter color.

Tint the lower part of the eyelid with very light shades of shadow. And along the border of the eyelashes, draw a strip of darker shadows.


What tests should you take if you have swelling?

General and biochemical blood tests. They will show the amount of protein, glucose level, etc.

Urine analysis - for the presence of protein, sugar, red blood cells, white blood cells.

ECG and ECHO to find out if there is heart failure.

Doppler examination of blood vessels - check the veins for blood clots and inflammation.


Edema is an excessive accumulation of fluid in tissues. It is believed that they manifest themselves externally when fluid retention in the body is more than 5 liters.

In heart patients, swelling first appears in the legs and lumbar region. If you have kidney problems, the eyelids, face and hands swell first.

At the beginning of the disease, swelling may not be visible to the naked eye. You need to look for them on the inside of the leg, near the protruding bone, and on the lower leg - on the front of the bone.

Edema often occurs in completely healthy people due to improperly selected diets or fasting.


Swelling is a signal that the body has malfunctioned and needs help. The causes of edema are varied: allergies, injuries, diseases of internal organs and systems, overwork.

Once the cause (pathology) is established, it is much easier to eliminate the consequence (edema) and restore beauty and health to your body.

Basic disorders in the body

Edema is a consequence of excessive fluid accumulation in the body.

Knowledge of what specific diseases and pathologies can provoke swelling will help you pay attention to the problem in time and take measures to eliminate it.

Water is part of the intercellular fluid and takes an active part in metabolic processes in the body. Water penetrates into tissues from the blood by diffusion, and also penetrates back through the walls of capillaries and small vessels. The lymphatic system also takes part in the outflow of excess fluid. Any violation of the permeability of the vascular wall causes edema. Most often, the result of such disorders is swelling that appears in the morning, when a mark from pressure remains on the skin, the arms and legs increase in volume.

Basic disorders that cause edema:

  • increased permeability in capillaries;
  • imbalance of salt and protein pressure in the blood;
  • hydrodynamic pressure in the blood.

Swelling can be eliminated only after the cause has been diagnosed and the necessary treatment has been carried out.

Causes and methods for determining edema

The most common causes of swelling are acute pathologies of the kidneys and heart, pregnancy, and lack of movement for a long time. The process of diffusion from blood vessels into tissues is disrupted, as a result, fluid is retained in the tissues and swelling occurs.

There are several methods for determining the origin and cause of edema:

  1. Urine collection and analysis throughout the day. The daily diuresis (urine output) ranges from 800 to 2000 ml. A positive result is if diuresis is 80% of the total volume of fluid drunk per day. If the daily urine volume is less than 75%, then there is a high probability of developing edema.
  2. Visual inspection. The skin at the site of swelling changes color and may be hot or, conversely, cold to the touch.
  3. Palpation. By pressing the skin at the site of swelling, a hole remains that does not disappear for a long time.
  4. Weigh yourself on an empty stomach at the same time (preferably in the morning). Swelling increases body weight.

Swelling of the body in women

There are many causes of edema in women:

  1. PMS (premenstrual syndrome) is the main cause of edema that occurs regularly in the first days of the menstrual cycle. Swelling is accompanied by a bad mood, headache, and excessive appetite.
  2. Diseases of veins and blood vessels. A characteristic feature of the pathology is the presence of a clear boundary between the swollen and healthy part of the leg.
  3. Kidney pathologies. Swelling appears in the morning on the face (the eyelids especially suffer). During the day, swelling may increase, covering the entire body.
  4. An uncontrolled process of losing weight (fasting) can cause water retention in the body (edema).
  5. Heart diseases. Swelling occurs on the hands and feet. The process of swelling is accompanied by lethargy, drowsiness, and heart rhythm disturbances.

Swelling is the main enemy of beauty for women. Only careful attention to your health will help you identify and eliminate the cause of edema in a timely manner.

Heart diseases

The most common causes of body edema are heart diseases (cardiosclerosis, vascular aneurysm, heart disease, myocardial infarction). Heart failure provokes changes in the rate of blood pumping, it stagnates in the tissues and excess plasma is pushed outside the vessel, provoking the development of edema.

Varicose veins of the legs

Diseases of the blood vessels of the legs occur against the background of various symptoms (pain, swelling of the extremities), timely diagnosis of the causes and treatment of which allows you to quickly eliminate the pathology and avoid the development of complications.

With varicose veins, circulation in the circulatory system is disrupted. An imbalance of pressure in the veins and intercellular space leads to fluid being squeezed out of the vessels and accumulating in the tissues. As a result, swelling occurs.

Chronic kidney disease

One of the main causes of swelling throughout the body is kidney failure. As a result of impaired kidney function, fluid is retained in the body, which provokes the development of edema. Kidney diseases occur against the background of a decrease in the amount of protein in the blood, which also causes swelling.

Renal edema lasts a very long time. Reporting appears in the morning (under the eyes) and will persist until the evening.

Pathologies in liver failure

Edema is accompanied by a severe complication of liver failure - cirrhosis. The liver produces insufficient amounts of protein, oncotic pressure drops, fluid is not retained in the circulatory system: all this leads to the development of edema.

Lung diseases

Stagnation of fluid in internal organs can cause death. A particularly dangerous situation is pulmonary edema. A peculiarity of the course of the disease is the fact that pulmonary edema is a consequence of a severe complication of other diseases of internal organs and systems (myocardial infarction, hypertension, cirrhosis of the liver).

Pressure problem

One of the reasons for the situation when the whole body swells is increased pressure in the capillaries. Swelling can also be caused by a decrease in the amount of protein in the plasma. It is important to understand that pressure is not a disease, but only a consequence of some pathological processes in the body. A set of treatment methods, including drug therapy and traditional methods of treatment, will help eliminate it.

Excessive fatness

One of the causes of edema in women is active weight gain. Obesity can be caused by dysfunction of the thyroid gland, hormonal imbalance, and ovarian dysfunction. It is important to understand that by eliminating the underlying disease, which is the impetus for the development of edema, you can get rid of the problem of edema forever.

If weight gain is a consequence of an unhealthy diet, a healthy diet rich in vitamins and microelements, as well as light fitness, will help you lose extra pounds, and along with them swelling.


In the blood of the expectant mother, the amount of sodium that retains fluid increases. As the fetus develops, the pressure of the uterine body on the vena cava increases, which also slows down the discharge of fluid. This is the cause of edema during pregnancy. Also, with the growth of the abdomen, the natural blood flow of the tissues is disrupted, which provokes the formation of spider veins on the abdomen and causes itching.

In order to prevent the development of edema, water aerobics and regular active movements (for example, a walk in the park) are recommended for pregnant women.

Hormonal disorders

Hormonal imbalance can provoke disturbances in lymphatic drainage and, as a consequence, the development of edema. Most often, hormonal imbalances are the cause of edema in women during pregnancy.

Vein diseases

Swelling is a characteristic symptom of venous diseases. Venous blood cannot move to the heart at the required speed and in the required volume, and it stagnates. Damage to blood vessels and veins provokes a violation of the outflow of blood and, as a result, swelling, cramps, and nagging pain in the muscles. Also, disturbances in the movement of blood through the veins can cause redness of the feet.


The body's natural reaction to an allergen is swelling. When interacting with an irritant, histamine is released into the blood, which increases the permeability of capillary walls and promotes the active release of fluid into the tissue. The cause of external allergic edema can be a bee sting, in which the body swells only at the site of the sting. More dangerous swelling is internal. So, for example, if a person is allergic to peanuts, then if this nut gets ingested, swelling of the larynx may develop.

Causes of swelling in the morning

The following reasons can provoke the development of edema in the morning:

  • excessive fluid intake;
  • lack of sleep and prolonged stress;
  • alcohol;
  • heart and kidney diseases;
  • protein-free diet.

Only by eliminating the main causes can you forget what swelling after sleep is.

Why do my legs swell in the evening?

It is not uncommon for your legs to swell in the evening.

The following symptoms signal the development of leg swelling in the evening:

  • a feeling of heaviness in the muscles that occurs in the evening;
  • night cramps of the feet and ankles;
  • pronounced swelling of the feet, legs, knees, which occurs in the evening.

If a short rest helps eliminate the problem of swelling, then there is no need to worry. A much more dangerous situation is when swelling in the evening becomes systematic and is accompanied by severe pain and redness of the skin.

One of the main reasons why legs swell in the evening is diseases of the lymphatic system. The pathological process occurs against the background of the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues, which provokes the development of edema.

The following can also cause swelling of the legs at the end of the day:

  • active sports;
  • excessive fluid intake during the day;
  • incorrectly selected shoes;
  • pregnancy;
  • metabolic disease;
  • obesity.
  • No matter how trivial it may sound, only careful attention to yourself and a healthy lifestyle are the main condition for the absence of edema. Timely diagnosis of diseases of internal organs and systems, proper nutrition and moderate physical activity, all of this together has the most positive effect of eliminating swelling (we can say that swelling goes away forever).

    You can read more information on edema and treatment methods on our information website
