Why doesn't yucca bloom? Yucca at home. Yucca care

Yucca garden - beautiful evergreen from the Asparagus family, which came to us from the tropical and subtropical semi-deserts of America. In Russia, yucca has been known and grown for more than a century. At the end of the 19th century. this “exotic” with lanceolate leaves pointed at the ends, collected in a dense rosette, could be found in park ensembles of palaces and garden compositions large private lands. Today, anyone can place a lush beauty in their garden plot and even in a city apartment! Today we will tell you how to grow yucca and provide the plant with proper care.

Despite all the overseas beauty of yucca, the culture cannot be called capricious. The plant, accustomed to sudden temperature changes and the arid climate of semi-deserts, has successfully adapted to weather conditions middle zone Russia. However, for a successful winter, yucca needs to be well protected from frost and snow, and the climate of the southern regions allows the plant to be grown without any restrictions at all. For content in open ground Two types of yucca are most suitable - filamentous and glorious. Distinctive feature Yucca filamentosa is considered to have long hairs that hang down and curl slightly along the edges of the hard leaves. In Russian gardening, it is the filamentous type of yucca that is most often found, since it is more winter-hardy.

Yucca filamentosa

Yucca nice

Yucca: a brief description

The yucca leaf is large and tough. Its width reaches 3–6 cm, and its length varies from 50 to 70 cm. During the growth process, the lower row of leaf plates withers and, drying out, takes on the appearance of a kind of skirt framing the trunk. Thanks to these large bluish-green leaves, decorated with white or yellow stripes, yucca cannot be confused with any other shrub.

With good care, which prevents freezing and waterlogging of the plant, yucca will delight the owner with pompous flowering every year. First, a strong peduncle up to 1.5 m in height appears from the rosette in the form of a branched panicle, and then it dresses up in a white, yellowish or pink robe of 80 - 150 bells up to 6 cm in diameter. The sight of blooming yucca will not leave anyone indifferent.

Planting Yucca

Yucca can rightfully be proud of its endurance, because it is not afraid of drought, heat and wind. The main danger for the tropical beauty lies in excessive moisture and heavy soil in which moisture quickly stagnates.

The ideal place for planting yucca is a spacious sunny area where the plant will be well ventilated. But the lowlands and heavily shaded corners personal plot They don't suit her at all. Growing yucca in partial shade is a rather controversial issue. Insufficient lighting has a bad effect on the appearance of the plant: its leaves lose their elasticity, become limp and thin, and the trunk becomes more elongated. As a result, yucca looks sloppy even with comprehensive care.

Soil composition is not of great importance for this plant. The main thing is that the soil allows air to pass to the roots of the bush and does not contribute to stagnation of moisture. To protect the plant from stagnant water, before planting it in areas with black soil or clay, sand is added to the ground to backfill the planting hole. A drainage layer must be installed at the bottom of the pit, and the soil depleted of nutrients must be enriched with humus. In addition, the possibility of water stagnation at the yucca roots can be eliminated if the plant is planted on a sunny slope.

Yucca: care rules

After planting, the plant should be watered moderately and removed withered leaves and peduncles, said to feed and trim.

Watering yucca should be the same as for other plants whose leaves are collected in a rosette: water is poured only at the root. If moisture gets into the rosette core, the crown of the bush may rot and the plant will have to be saved by drastic pruning.

The soil under the yucca needs to be loosened regularly, eliminating weeds and dead leaves, then the roots of the plant will actively “breathe” and putrefactive processes will never affect them. If yucca recently planted in the soil does not take root well and there are suspicions that the planting site chosen is not the most suitable, you can still fix everything - the plant can be transplanted to another site before it is 3 years old.

Features of yucca transplantation

With the arrival of cold weather, the evergreen yucca “falls asleep”, gaining strength before the new growing season next spring. This is the most suitable time to transplant a bush - slower biological processes in tissues will help the plant quickly adapt to a change of place of residence. When transplanting yucca Special attention Give it to the roots - if possible, they should be left untouched and slightly moistened. After transplantation, the bushes are not fertilized for a month, and the yuccas that remain in their original places are fed with the arrival of spring, in the summer, before the yucca blooms and after flowering has completed.

Yucca blooms only in sunny areas

Having reached 3–4 years, yucca begins to bloom – elegantly and for a very long time. The decorative appearance of the racemose inflorescence lasts up to 1 month! Yucca flower is a fragrant bell, with a smell vaguely reminiscent of aroma expensive soap. The fruits of the plant appear only in the wild and are round boxes up to 5 cm in diameter. At this time, the plant is supported by fertilizer with complex mixtures, in which nitrogen predominates. Feeding is stopped 1 month before the arrival of autumn. This measure will allow the plant to prepare for the cold and survive the winter safely.

How to protect yucca from freezing

The evergreen bush takes the sudden appearance of snow in autumn or spring calmly, provided that the snowfall disappears within a couple of days. But at a consistently low temperature in a snowless winter, the yucca may die.

The most vulnerable point of the bush is the growth point, hidden in the center of the rosette; the second place in terms of weak resistance to cold is occupied by the vegetative roots of the plant. To prevent damage to the yucca, before the arrival of winter, a frame shelter is prepared for the tropical crop in the form of a spacious box with a height equal to the size of an adult specimen of the plant. Before hiding the bush, its leaf plates are bent upward and collected into a large bundle using strong twine. Then the plant is covered with a box, which is laid on top with spruce branches or a thick layer of fallen leaves. The entire structure is wrapped with covering material and sealed with tape for reliability. Such a shelter will help the yucca to comfortably overwinter and meet spring in all its glory.

The box is removed from the bush when the danger of unexpected frosts has disappeared. If the above-zero temperature is stable, you cannot delay the release of the yucca, otherwise the plant will begin to actively absorb oxygen and prepare for the growing season in a confined space, and this is fraught with the appearance and rapid spread of mold spores.

To prevent the snow from breaking the bush, the yucca is covered for the winter.

Yucca propagation

The yucca in the photo you see below blooms magnificently and beautifully, however, in the conditions of the middle zone this bush will not produce seeds. However, in domestic gardening there are several ways to propagate this exotic beauty without using seeds.

To obtain a young independent plant, you will need a daughter rosette, which is formed at the foot of an adult bush. For propagation to be successful, the cuttings must have developed roots. Thanks to their own root system, the “kids” will be able to quickly acclimatize and quickly grow in a new place. Layers can be easily separated when transplanting an adult yucca, and after detachment they require the same care as the mother plant. The only caveat is that the cut sites on the “babies” are very vulnerable to pathogens of all kinds of infections. To protect the daughter rosettes from infection, they are dried and sprinkled with crushed charcoal or cinnamon powder.

In the spring, when transplanting, several cuttings 5–10 cm in size are cut from a healthy yucca root. After treatment with charcoal, they are planted in a greenhouse, sprinkled with an important mixture of sand and peat. After some time, the dormant buds give rise to young shoots.

There is another way by which you can not only get offspring from yucca, but also rejuvenate the mother bush if it has grown greatly with age and lost its compactness. This effect is achieved by pruning - a simple procedure will give the adult bush a more well-groomed appearance and will allow you to obtain a lot of high-quality planting material.

How to prune yucca correctly

Yucca is a plant that awakens in early spring, so pruning is best done at this time of year. Yucca has a single growth point, so cutting the stem completely stops the vertical development of the bush. Nevertheless, the life of the flower does not fade away - the buds that have been dormant until this moment awaken on the stem, from which new rosettes will begin to form. By pruning, the plant can also be rid of leaves damaged by rot or frost. 2 days before pruning, the yucca is watered for the last time.

The operation itself is carried out as follows: using a clean and well-sharpened knife, carefully cut off part of the plant so that the cut site remains intact - without splitting the stem or exfoliated bark. In this case, you need to ensure that the cut is made at a distance of 8 - 10 cm from the growth line of the leaf plates. Dried “wounds” on the top and trunk are sprinkled with a fungicidal agent and charcoal powder. A protective layer of garden varnish can be applied to the top of the stump that has formed after pruning. After 2 - 3 weeks, new shoots will appear on the old plant. If the yucca is very strong, with great potential, it will produce from 3 to 5 buds, but small bushes can grow only 1 to 2 buds.

"Children" of garden yucca are ready for planting

There is no need to throw away the cut top - you can get a new garden yucca from it. First, the seedling needs to be rooted in a greenhouse, while the moderate humidity of the sandy substrate must be controlled and condensation prevented.

Yucca garden: pests and diseases

If yucca remains in waterlogged soil for a long time, it is at risk of attack by root and stem rot. For the same reason, the plant’s immunity decreases and it becomes a target for fungal and bacterial diseases. If the yucca leaves become limp and the trunk is covered with dark spots, you can rest assured that the bush is sick. It is necessary to immediately remove the affected areas, and treat those that survive with a fungicidal agent. While the plant is recovering, watering is reduced and spraying is abandoned altogether. Unfortunately, in most cases it is not possible to eradicate rot, so it is easier to cut off and root the healthy top of the yucca, and immediately get rid of the damaged part of the plant.

How to care for yucca at home

Many gardeners grow this evergreen tropical beauty at home. Yucca sitting in a pot can reach a height of two or more meters without losing its decorative value.

You can buy ready-made yucca at any flower shop - today the plant is very popular. The graceful tree will need some time to acclimatize to its new conditions. When the plant is finally established, it needs to be replanted from store-bought soil into complete, nutrient-enriched soil. About the peculiarities of transshipment of yucca in new pot will tell the video:

Indoor filament yucca will feel best near southern, brightly lit windows. In summer, a pot with a plant can be placed on the balcony so that the yucca can bask in direct sunlight. If the possibility of temporarily relocating a domestic “palm tree” to open air no, the room needs to be regularly ventilated in spring and summer, making sure that the yucca does not stand in a draft.

At home, the tropical plant feels great at a temperature of +8 - +25 0 C. Drought-resistant yucca does not need regular spraying, but this procedure cannot be completely abandoned, because it good way clean its leaves from dust. It is important to ensure that the sockets do not fill with water and not to spray the plant in direct sunlight, otherwise burns may appear on it.

The signal that it is time to water the yucca is when the top layer of soil dries out. In the warm season, watering can be plentiful, but in winter it should be kept to a minimum. A large yucca loses more moisture, and therefore needs more water than a small palm tree.

Indoor yucca is fed once every 3 weeks from spring until the end of summer. Suitable fertilizers are diluted mineral compounds and organic matter based on cow or horse manure. The houseplant does not need feeding in winter, during illness, or immediately after transplanting and rooting.

Yucca is not a supporter of frequent transplants. The plant is sent to a new pot when it is already cramped in the old one (the roots have grown through the holes), and also if it is necessary to save it from too moist and acidified soil.

A new container is selected a few centimeters larger than the previous one, and the yucca will quickly grow. To stop growth indoor palm tree, ¼ of its roots are cut off and the plant is planted in an old pot filled with new soil. Too large specimens are not replanted, but only the top few centimeters of soil are renewed once a year, replacing the old soil with new one.

The owner of an indoor yucca may encounter several common problems for this plant:

  1. The palm trees are drying out lower leaves. There is no need to worry about this, since this is a regularity. But if the top leaves of the yucca wither and dry out, most likely it lacks moisture, so the watering program needs to be reviewed and adjusted.
  2. In rooms where it is too dry, yucca can be attacked by hordes of spider mites. The leaves of the plant dry out and become covered with cobwebs, and their surface is disfigured by yellow spots. To get rid of pests, a weak solution of tobacco, onion and garlic infusion. Using the chosen product, rub the yucca in the direction from the trunk to the leaves.
  3. When shield aphid larvae appear, apply laundry soap. A solution is prepared from it and the leaves are treated with it. You can also use a soap solution with the addition of tobacco, kerosene and a small part of denatured alcohol. The plant is sprayed with this product.
  4. In the cold season, when natural light not enough, it is difficult for yucca to stay in rooms with central heating. Palm leaves react to such conditions by turning yellow. To stop the destructive process, the plant is removed away from the radiators and provided with as much natural light as possible.

Despite such nuances, yucca is recognized as one of the most undemanding indoor plants. If you follow the basic rules of caring for it, you will decorate your home with an exotic colorful palm tree.

Yucca filamentous: cultivation, care and reproduction. Video

When landscaping modern offices, reception directors, and other official premises, the yucca flower is indispensable. And even if you want tropical exoticism at home, there is no problem - gardeners have long been growing false palm trees as a greenhouse or indoor plant.

Certain types of yucca in small spaces can look like alien giants

The question logically arises: is this even a palm tree or not? Despite the obvious similarity, you should not trust your eyes. In both cases we're talking about about an evergreen woody plant that, with good care, can reach a height of over 2.5 m. Individual specimens found in wildlife on American landscapes, they even grow into giants - up to 12 m. But! Scientists still classify palm trees as a separate family.

And yucca is such a mysterious representative of the flora that it still causes heated discussions among botanists: which family should the plant belong to - Liliaceae, Agaveaceae or Asparagusaceae? After all, even adult specimens are very different from each other.

general characteristics

Main groups

There are two large groups of yuccas:

  • tree-like;
  • stemless.

In the first case, there is a pronounced tree-like trunk on which 1-4 rosettes with a fan of leaves grow. There are samples with artificially created branching.

In stemless representatives, one rosette forms the crown of a false palm.


What does real yucca look like? Reliably describing a plant is not an easy task. The variety of species and similarity with dracaena easily confuses the inexperienced gardener.

However, it is worth noting that it is not for nothing that yucca is called a false palm. The tall, even stem forever retains traces of the attachment of dead leaves, forming a characteristic pattern. There are no branches or abundance of young shoots typical of a tree to be found on the trunk.

The top of the central trunk of the palm tree is crowned with a rosette with narrow pointed leaves reaching a length of 40 cm. In some types of yucca, the leaves are erect, in others they are slightly convex, with their tips reaching towards the ground. To the touch, the surface of the leaf plate is hard, rough, often with serrated rather than smooth edges.

The average gardener is attracted to yucca both by its armful of sword-shaped green leaves and original form scaly trunk. A home palm tree looks very impressive in a living room or hall as a single tree. Large rooms significantly increase the effectiveness and attractiveness of yucca.

Interior designers and flower growers have noticed its excellent compatibility with drought-tolerant plants, and therefore successfully use it when creating floral compositions.

Good neighbors of yucca in a container:

  • sedum;
  • spurge;
  • Kalanchoe;
  • cacti.

Indoor lifespan

Flower growers are often interested in how many years a palm tree lives at home and to what size it grows. It all depends on the care and preferences of the owner.

Thus, yucca grows slowly, but within 15-20 years of indoor maintenance it is quite capable of reaching a height of 1.5 - 2.5 m. This is not the maximum lifespan of a palm tree. When favorable climatic conditions are created, it doubles.

As for the size of an adult plant, its height is adjusted by the frequency and degree of pruning of the trunk. A lignified yucca stem, the top of which has been cut off, stops growing and devotes all its strength to throwing out a lateral shoot with a rosette. Many gardeners tend to shorten the central trunk “into a stump.”

On a note! Large specimens grown in greenhouses for sale are expensive. However, the special decorative value of an indoor tree deserves to be spent and organized in the tropics at home.

Flowering and pollination

Under natural conditions, adult yucca blooms beautifully and smells wonderful. A powerful panicle consisting of large bells resembles a candle or a giant lily of the valley.

But at home it is almost impossible to achieve flowering. The problem is related to the palm tree’s lack of long, cold wintering. For laying flower bud houseplant needs special conditions for a period of rest, which cannot be realized in heated city apartments and private houses.

On a note! Yucca aloelia is prone to self-pollination. Its fruits are inedible berries.

About toxicity

Flower growers who have pets are concerned about the question: yucca is poisonous plant or not? Practice has shown that palm trees do not cause harm or trouble to cats. On the contrary, animals happily chew greens indoor tree, leaving unsightly marks.

Owners will have to think in advance about how to protect the plant from four-fingered gourmets.

Important! Yucca leaves are not poisonous, but very pungent. Careless handling may result in cuts and punctures. It is better to keep the flower pot away from children!

Things to remember

Four statements that characterize yucca:

  • has no relation to palm trees and dracaenas;
  • V home environment blooms extremely rarely;
  • not poisonous;
  • unpretentious in care when creating a favorable climate.

Homeland of yucca

Countries where yucca grows everywhere are Central (and North) America and Mexico.

Back in the 19th century, the false palm attracted the attention of scientists so much that it became the basis of collections in many botanical gardens in all corners of the globe.

Today exotic tree They are cultivated in greenhouses on the coast of Crimea and the Caucasus, and in the central zone, yucca has gained popularity as an unpretentious indoor plant.

The subtropical origin of yucca affects the basic rules of care and cultivation: the palm tree grows slowly, loves moist air and mild drought. Some species (filamentous, glorious, aloel-leaved) are even frost-resistant, surviving when temperatures drop to -15 degrees, and therefore are suitable for cultivation in open ground.

Yucca or dracaena - five fundamental differences

After much research, scientists agreed that yucca and dracaena belong to the asparagus family, but both are worthy to lead a separate genus.

Without going into botanical terms, it is important to note the signs that allow flower growers in a store to correctly determine the name of a home palm tree.

So, what is the difference between yucca and its twin dracaena? First of all, the texture of the leaves, the diameter of the trunk, and the characteristic root system.

the leaf blade is wider, dense, rough to the touch, often distinguished by serrated edges (with jagged edges)the leaf plate is narrower, thinner, smooth to the touch, with smooth edges
tree trunk with the same height of plants has a larger diametertree trunk with the same height of plants has a smaller diameter
developed root system and the trunk sproutsthe root is smooth with a slight yellowness, orange-yellow when cut, does not produce rhizomes or shoots

Fundamental differences in care

prefers dry soilprefers moist soil
spraying is undesirableloves spraying

Yucca photo gallery

Of everything in indoor floriculture Only two types of yucca have received recognition:

  • ivory;
  • aloe leaf.

Yucca elephantipes (ivory)

Spectacular evergreen perennial with a short stem swollen at the root and a lush, lush crown, this is the national flower of El Salvador.

The trunk of a houseplant can be single, resembling an elephant’s leg, or it can be weakly or strongly branched. Tough, shiny leaves with tiny teeth are collected in bunches. A real exotic palm tree.

On a note! Caring for elephant yucca is standard: poor semi-dry soil, moist air and bright, diffused light.

The white and emerald palette makes the room bright and cozy

Yucca aloefolia

It is the second most popular false palm and is widely cultivated in flower pots, pots. Compared to it, it is more demanding on lighting and heat.

Rarely blooms at home. The attention of florists is attracted by its narrow sword-shaped and very traumatic leaves. If the owners set a goal and provide the plant with a long, cold winter and a comfortable rest period, then the chances of seeing a flowering palm tree increase sharply.

The photo below shows a decent example.

This false palm will not survive in a small room. She needs space and a lot of light. A feature of the culture is indifference to spraying.

And this is how yucca blooms in the garden. Light shading is not a hindrance to the plant.

IN sunny garden filamentous yucca cozy and calm

Educational videos on the topic of caring for indoor elephant yucca:

Evergreen yucca has up to forty plant species. Each of them has its own differences in the shape of the leaves (smooth, jagged, with spikes, with threads, in the shape of a sword), their color (gray, green, brownish) and the shape of the buds (bell, bowl).

Unfortunately, at home indoor yucca rarely blooms, but many achieve this.

Optimal conditions for keeping yucca in the house

Yucca is a southern plant, the optimal conditions for it are good lighting, warmth and moderate humidity.

Location and lighting

If you have a heated balcony, the yucca will feel good, where it is provided with the maximum amount of light. On the windowsill in the room, the plant should not be exposed to direct sunlight; it is better if they are located at an angle.

IN winter period the flower will require additional artificial lighting. If there is a lack of light, the plant develops poorly, the leaves turn pale, and the trunk may become deformed.


For indoor flower During the growth period of yucca, the desired temperature is about +25 degrees. During the dormant period in winter, the temperature can be gradually reduced to +10 degrees. A uniform, without changes, decrease in temperature stimulates the formation of flower buds.

One of the flowering conditionsThis is compliance with the temperature regime. Yucca, like any southern plant, easily tolerates high temperatures, but reacts poorly to sudden changes from heat to cold and vice versa.

Comprehensive care for yucca at home

No less important care criteria than temperature are air humidity, soil and lighting.

Watering and air humidity

Yucca easily tolerates drought and does not require frequent watering. IN spring-autumn period The plant is watered as the top layer of soil dries. In winter, watering yucca is reduced: no more than once every two weeks. Stagnation of water in the soil can cause rotting of the roots and provoke plant diseases.

Many varieties of yucca prefer dry air; they do not need to be sprayed; you can wipe the leaves to remove dust.

Yucca, which loves moisture and regular spraying, should not be placed in direct sunlight after moistening. Wet leaves can cause severe burns.

All types of plants love water procedures in the form of a shower; after such irrigation, before putting the yucca in place, dry the leaves.

Important! Remember that yuccas do not tolerate drafts, and after watering or water treatments, a draft is dangerous for the plant.

Feeding and fertilizing yucca

During the growth period, yucca needs feeding. It is advisable to feed the foliar method with minerals. liquid formulations, diluting by half big amount water than indicated in the instructions for the drug. Spray the underside of the leaves with the preparation - the plant responds well to it.

In the spring-summer period, fertilizing is applied once every three weeks. In autumn and during the winter dormant period, the plant is not fertilized. You can also use organic fertilizer for yucca at home, for example, an infusion of cow manure with leaf humus.

Yucca pruning

If your plant begins to grow while losing decorative look, trim the branch, leaving two or three buds. Treat the cut area with crushed activated carbon. After three to four weeks, the buds under the cut will awaken and send out young leaves.

Do not throw away the cut branch; it can be used as a cutting. Trimming yucca at home will rejuvenate the plant and give it a well-groomed appearance.

Did you know? The Indians of both Americas ate yucca flowers. They were used to cook soups, bake meat and vegetables, and prepare drinks. Yucca fruits are similar in appearance and taste to bananas, which is why they are called “Spanish bayonet”.

Replanting and soil composition

Yucca grows, and along with it, its root system grows. For normal growth and development, the plant is replanted. There are several nuances on how to plant yucca correctly. Transplantation is carried out in the spring so that the plant has time to get used to its new location.

Young intensively growing plants require replanting every year, adult specimens - once every four years. The starting point for replanting will be the yucca root system that has grown throughout the entire space of the pot.

Properly repot the plant by moving it from the pot to minimize root damage and stress to the yucca. For replanting, universal soil with the addition of perlite is suitable. The yucca pot should be larger than the previous one and have drainage so that water does not stagnate at the bottom of the pot.

Attention! The basic rule of replanting: within a month after the procedure, the plant does not need to be fed, pruned or cuttings. During this period, he needs rest to adapt.

Yucca propagation at home

There are several ways to propagate yucca.

For sowing seeds prepare light soil for yucca - this is a mixture of turf and leaf soil with sand. The seeds are sown in a box with moistened soil and covered with glass. Crops are regularly ventilated and soil moisture is checked. When the seeds sprout (in a month), they are transplanted into separate pots.

When propagated by shoots The daughter side shoot is carefully separated from the adult plant. For rooting, it is placed in a container of water or wet sand. When roots appear on the shoot, you can transplant it into a pot with prepared soil.

Cuttings obtained by cutting the trunk of a plant into individual shoots up to 10 cm long. The top is planted in a mixture of turf soil and sand, creating a greenhouse effect. The remaining shoots are deepened into the soil horizontally, lightly sprinkled. When new shoots appear at the cutting sites, the cuttings are taken out of the soil, the shoots are separated and transplanted into pots.

Garden yucca– a very decorative flowering crop. Nowadays, it is regaining its former popularity among gardeners, landscape designers, as well as gardeners of parks and squares. ABOUT garden yucca, planting and care in open ground and will be discussed in this article, supplemented by beautiful photo.

Description of garden yucca

Yucca is an evergreen plant belonging to the Liliaceae family. In nature, there are about 40 species of yucca, growing mainly in the Northern, Central and South America. Depending on the type and location of growth, yuccas can reach a height of up to 10 m. The stem of the plant is branched or slightly branched. The leaves on the stem are arranged spirally. This gives the plant additional decorativeness. The upper leaves of yucca are erect, and the lower ones are drooping and lanceolate in shape. The length of the leaf blade varies from 25 to 100 cm. The color can be green or bluish. On a wide pyramidal inflorescence, 200 white bell-shaped flowers can bloom at once. The peduncle comes out from the center of the rosette and reaches a height of 1.5-3 m. Flowers can be either white tone, and milky, up to 7 cm long and up to 5 cm wide. In open ground, a seed fruit is formed on the flowers.

Yucca garden planting and care photo of flowering

Planting garden yucca It is better to produce in spring and summer, when the daytime temperature reaches 20 degrees, so that the plant can form a good root ball for winter. Open areas well lit by sunlight are suitable for growing garden yucca. The composition of the soil is not important for the plant - it can grow in almost any soil. However, the flower achieves greater decorative value on well-drained soils with a soil acidity of no more than 7.5 pH.

Attention! The size of the planting hole for garden yucca should be twice the size of the root ball.

Place planting yucca garden Water generously and mulch with hay or sawdust to reduce moisture evaporation.

Caring for garden yucca simple enough. Mature plant Water only when the layer of soil covering the upper roots is completely dry. If, with this watering regime, the garden yucca begins to dry out the tips of the leaves, then periodically spray it with water.

Remember! Overwatering your yucca garden may cause the roots to rot, so don't water your plant too often.

Feeding yucca is as important as watering. Any complex mineral fertilizer is suitable for the plant. Fertilizing takes place in two stages: the first time fertilizer is applied in May, the second fertilizing is carried out after flowering.

Winter-hardy types of garden yucca easily tolerate winters in the middle zone, the main thing is to tie the leaves in a bunch and cover them with agrofibre. Some leaves of an uncovered plant may die in severe frosts.

As you can see planting and caring for garden yucca this is not too troublesome, but yucca flowers will not leave anyone indifferent, look at photo.

Reproduction of garden yucca

Yucca garden can be propagated in two ways - seed or vegetative. Vegetatively propagation of yucca garden perhaps by cuttings, root suckers or dividing an overgrown bush.

Garden yucca from seeds

In temperate climates, garden yuccas growing in open ground often set seeds. They have a round shape (look at photo), with a diameter of 0.5-1 cm, ripen in August. After collection, they are immediately planted in a mixture of equal parts of turf, leaf soil and sifted river sand. The emergence of seedlings will have to wait for a month. Seedlings with one true leaf are planted in separate cups with the same soil as when sowing.

Propagation of garden yucca by cuttings

For cuttings, cut off the upper part of the stem with a bunch of foliage, as in the photo. It is dried for several days, then planted in pots with sand or perlite. Over the next period of time, until rooting, the substrate is maintained in wet by spraying water from a spray bottle.

Propagation of yucca garden stem

A fairly common method is to root parts of the yucca stem. With this method (as shown in the picture), the stem is cut slightly above the root collar, slightly dried and planted horizontally on moistened perlite or river sand. At a temperature of 20-22 degrees and regular moistening of the substrate, sprouts will soon appear on the stem. As soon as they take root, the stem is cut into pieces, and each sprout should have its own small root. After this, they are planted in the soil mixture and watered moderately.

But perhaps the simplest method vegetative propagation- dividing an overgrown bush. In the spring, in April or early May, dig up an overgrown plant, separate the daughter shoots (there are many of them on an adult bush), which have shoots and roots, and plant them in a permanent place. At the same time, propagation by root suckers is important.

The use of garden yucca in landscape design

Only 10 species of yucca are used in decorative garden floriculture. They are grown as garden culture in group plantings, in the center of flower beds or as a tapeworm, for example, on the lawn. The plant is suitable for decorating slopes and for fixing sandy soils. Garden yucca is very impressive during the flowering period, although it is considered more of an ornamental deciduous plant.

Pests and diseases of yucca garden

Of the pests, garden yucca is most often affected by:





Spider mite.

They will help in the fight against the pests listed above. systemic fungicides. To cope with scale insects on yucca, wipe the leaves with regular vodka every three days for 1-2 weeks.

Moist cool air, such as in autumn and spring, provokes damage to the leaves and stems of yucca by fungal and bacterial infections. Therefore, it is very important to ensure good drainage when planting.

Often a planted plant does not want to bloom for a long time. This is quite normal - Garden yucca blooms only 3-4 years after planting. To force yucca to bloom, do not cut off the lower wilted leaves.

Varieties of yucca with photos

As mentioned above, there are many types of yucca, however, not all of them can be successfully grown in the garden. Below are some types of yucca that can be successfully grown in the garden.

The plant can grow up to 2 m in height. The trunk in the upper part is decorated with leaves collected in a bunch, 4-6 cm wide and 40-70 cm long. Young leaves in the center of the rosette are grayish-green in color. Flowering occurs in the second half of May and lasts until June. The inflorescence has a branched structure and reaches 1 m in height. The flower is 5-7 cm in diameter, white-cream in color. This variety of yucca is undemanding to soils, quite drought-resistant (tolerates temperature increases of up to 35 degrees) and frost-resistant. During the growing season it is capable of forming a large number of shoots. This allows the plant to grow into large bushes in a short period of time.

Breeders have developed a number of forms of Yucca reflexifolia, used in landscape design. The most decorative ones are:

With border. The leaves of this form are green, but along the edges there is a small border 0.5 cm wide, light green in color;

Variegated form. There is a yellow stripe running down the center of the green leaf;

Elegant. The middle of the sheet is decorated with a red stripe.

An evergreen plant with a woody stem under the soil. Forms a large decorative bunch of bluish-green erect leaves, 25-30 cm long and 2-2.5 cm wide, pointed at the top. Flowering begins at the end of June, July or August and does not last long, only 1 week. This type of yucca is the most frost-resistant in relation to other varieties. Able to withstand temperatures down to -30 degrees. This variety of yucca is not picky about soil. Grows well even on sandy soils. This type of garden yucca is drought-resistant and prefers sunny areas. The bush grows very quickly. In one place for many years it does not lose its decorative effect. In our climate zone, seeds are set on a flower only through artificial pollination. Valuable fiber is synthesized from Yucca filamentosa.

A small shrub with an evergreen crown, reaching a height of 5 m. The leaves are erect, leathery with a serrated edge. Bell flowers reach 7 cm in diameter, cream or white in color with purple spots. Flowering occurs at the end of May, blooming earlier than other types of yucca. Easily tolerates drought and midland winters. It does not require particularly nutritious soil; it can grow on rocky and sandy soils.

The following forms of this type of garden yucca are known:

  • noble with bluish leaves;
  • low-growing - has leaves with a bluish coating, the plant is up to 1.5 m tall;
  • tall;
  • powerful - folded leaves;
  • folded.

Yucca gloriousa looks beautiful as a tapeworm surrounded by low-growing plants.

Evergreen tree plant, forming a large bunch of green leaves on the soil surface. The leaves are 25 cm long, 4 cm wide, and have sparse pubescence. A ribbed, spindle-shaped inflorescence reaches a height of 1.5 m. Strewn with numerous bell-shaped flowers. Their number on one peduncle can reach 200 pieces. Grows well on any soil. Calmly tolerates frosty winters with little snow. Drought resistant.

Tree-like evergreen and tall plant, reaching 3 m in height in nature. The leaves are greenish-gray, narrow, 0.6-1.2 cm wide and 30-70 cm tall. The edge of the leaf plate is decorated with a narrow light stripe. The racemose inflorescence, depending on the nutritional value of the soil, can reach a height of 1 m to 2 m. The color of the flowers is greenish-white. Blooms in May-June. Frost-resistant and tolerates drought well. Most often used for landscaping in open ground.

Yucca grows well not only at home, but also in open ground flower beds. Most often, garden false palm is grown in Ukraine, the Caucasus and the southern regions of our country, where soil and climatic conditions are most suitable for cultivating heat-loving exotics. Few flower growers know which varieties and species, due to their botanical characteristics, are suitable for outdoor cultivation, which is why choosing a variety for decorating a flower bed and planting under open air you need to approach it very carefully and responsibly.

Characteristics of garden yucca

A significant part of yucca species in natural conditions grows in America and Mexico. Some species are also found in southern Europe. Beautiful and unpretentious, tree-like and evergreen outdoor false palms come in several types, but they all have some general characteristics. A perennial ornamental plant, depending on its species characteristics, its appearance may resemble a tree or shrub.

The average height of the tree-like stem part can vary from several centimeters to several meters. The trunk can be either straight or have branches. The foliage is lanceolate-linear or xiphoid, collected at the end of the stem in a fairly dense bunch. The plant blooms in summer. Large flowers, white in color, bell-shaped, multi-flowered and quite long, paniculate inflorescences. After flowering, the flower transforms into a round, dry or fleshy fruit, represented by a multi-seeded capsule with black seed material.

Species diversity

The Yucca genus includes about fifty species, but only a few of them are suitable for outdoor cultivation. The false palm is decorative, and at the flowering stage the garden crop takes on a very exotic appearance. For cultivation in open ground flower beds in temperate climatic conditions, blue-gray trees are also suitable, as they tolerate low temperatures very well. temperature regime to minus 18-20°C.

Perennial evergreen shrub Yucca filamentous has linear-lanceolate, flat, basal, growing from a rosette, blue-green foliage. The length of the leaves varies between 30-90 cm with a width of 2-4 cm. The apex of the leaves is sharply pointed, soft or hard. Threads hang along the edges of the foliage. The inflorescence is represented by a panicle consisting of creamy white or yellowish-white drooping flowers.

Yucca glauca

Yucca gray or "Candle of the Lord" is a perennial, evergreen, monoecious, stemless or small woody stem plant. The foliage is linear, bluish-green, 40-70 cm long, 0.8-1.2 cm wide, with sparse and thin, curled threads at the edges. The peduncle is racemose and tall. The inflorescence is branched, collected from bell-shaped, white, greenish-white or yellowish flowers.

Exotic appearance a garden evergreen plant that can easily withstand short-term drops in temperature down to minus 28-30 o C even without shelter protection. The root system is of a buried type, therefore it freezes out extremely rarely, but in regions with long and harsh winters, the ornamental crop needs dry, airy shelter. Improper protective measures are the main cause of damping off or death of tropical plants.

Yucca gray is one of the extremely life-loving plants, and is able to grow well even on sandy soils and without additional irrigation measures. This garden plant It is quite aggressive in nature, so removing weeds when growing in flower beds is practically not required. The crop blooms at the age of four, and the flowers remain decorative for about a month. Yucca is best propagated by numerous lateral offspring, since seed material is almost never formed, and using store-bought seeds for sowing allows you to get the first flowering only after a few years.

Others are grown as container or pot plants placed outdoors in the summer. Garden varieties and varieties are perfect for landscaping the most arid and rocky-sandy garden areas.

Features of the development of garden yucca (video)

Rules and terms of landing

Landing garden yucca carried out in spring and summer, when daytime temperatures reach 20-22 o C. Only in this case does the plant form a good root system, and the ornamental crop goes into winter as prepared as possible. To grow an outdoor ornamental plant, you need to select an open area well lit by sunlight, represented by well-drained soil with an acidity of pH 7.5.

The dimensions of the pre-prepared planting hole should be approximately twice the volume of the root system of the false palm tree. The planting area should be thoroughly watered and mulched with hay or sawdust, which will reduce moisture evaporation. In order not to dig up heat-loving varieties for the winter, these varieties of yucca are planted in special planting containers.

Features of outdoor care

Caring for garden yucca is not at all difficult. Standard care for outdoor false palm trees includes watering and fertilizing, removing weeds, loosening, preventing diseases and pests, and protecting from frost.

Optimal growing conditions

Although the false palm belongs to the category tropical plants, impact on the aerial part of straight lines sun rays over a long period of time can sharply reduce the decorative qualities of foliage. It is optimal to grow in well-lit and sun-warmed areas with some shading at midday.

Site selection and soil preparation

The decorative outdoor crop grows quite well on almost any type of soil, but in order to get the most attractive plant, it is recommended to plant it on sufficiently loose soils that do not retain water with a sufficient content of coarse sand. The site must be well drained. When planting, you can use black soil, as well as calcareous, sandy or clay-rocky soil. Among other things, experienced gardeners recommend pre-planting deep digging with the removal of all weeds and the application of complete complex fertilizers.

Watering and fertilizing

To improve the decorative qualities of an outdoor plant, it is important to provide the yucca with proper irrigation and fertilizing measures. Under natural conditions, the false palm easily tolerates dry periods, and an excess of moisture can cause irreparable damage to the root system of the plant.

Irrigation measures are necessary when upper layer the soil dries out completely. You need to spray the foliage of garden yucca in the morning or in the evening, after sunset. IN spring period, at the stage of active growth, the false palm tree needs to be fed with compost, liquid humus, mineral fertilizers for succulent plants. Top dressing can also be foliar.

Yucca: growing (video)

Reproduction and transplantation

Garden yucca can remain decorative for twenty years, but the plant needs timely replanting:

  • if the false palm has grown and numerous shoots have appeared, but they need to be separated and replanted, and the garden crop needs to be replanted;
  • the root system can be buried 60-70 cm, so to reduce the risk of damage to the roots you need to dig deep enough;
  • replanting garden yucca can be done not only in spring, but also in the last ten days of summer;
  • Flowering of the false palm after transplantation occurs in about a year.

Garden yucca reproduces by seeds and vegetatively. In our country, propagation is used by bush division and stem cuttings.

Use in garden decoration

When using garden yucca in landscape design, it is very important to take into account the botanical characteristics of the crop and follow the basic rules for combining false palms with others ornamental plants. Outdoor false palm is great for decorating rock gardens and border decoration garden paths, rocky gravel or sandy landscape areas.

For a long time blooming yucca with bluish-green foliage and white leaf edges - this exquisite decoration monochrome territories. The plant is suitable for single and group plantings. IN flower arrangements Yucca is best complemented with low-growing crops with bright or pastel blooms.

In the spring, in order to form a branching plant, it is recommended to cut off the apical part. Sections need to be processed garden varnish or crushed coal. R the result of such measures is the formation of stem shoots from awakening buds.

Why garden yucca does not bloom

Many experienced amateur flower growers know that room conditions Yucca almost never blooms. However, when creating comfortable growing conditions for outdoor ornamental culture, as close as possible to natural ones, the garden false palm blooms with very beautiful and fragrant bell-shaped panicle inflorescences.

The absence of flowering may indicate gross violations of cultivation technology or improper care of the plant. Among other things, the period of entry into the flowering phase may depend on the characteristics of the variety. Some species bloom already in the first year after planting, and perhaps flowering in the fourth or even fifth year of life. It should be remembered that a plant that is in good conditions, does not freeze in winter and does not suffer from waterlogging, blooms annually and very profusely.

Feeding yucca (video)

Growing garden yucca is a fascinating and not at all difficult activity. To get a long-lasting and highly decorative street culture, it is enough to carry out the proper care and do not forget about regular prevention of diseases and pests.
