Why does one papilla hurt in women? Causes of severe nipple pain in women. Why does my right nipple hurt?

Modern bleaches and stain removers successfully cope with many stains of various origins. Alas, not all synthetic detergents are capable of removing stubborn stains from clothes, especially old ones.

Most often, clothes get dirty from food - both in the process of eating (especially for children) and in the process of preparing it. The most difficult food stains to remove are those from berries and juices.

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Fresh berry stains

There are several ways to remove a berry stain that has not yet dried:

  • The fabric is stretched over a container (bowl, pan, jar). Pour boiling water over the stain for several minutes until the hot water completely washes away the berry juice;
  • A small fresh stain will help remove the steam from the iron. The fabric is placed in the same way (pulling it over the frame) and the stain is treated with a strong jet of steam;
  • Porridge from table salt with water will remove stains from fabrics that cannot be treated hot water. The salt mixture is applied to a fresh stain and wiped with a cotton pad (or a white natural cloth) until the stain disappears.

Dried spots

If the stain has already dried, it can be removed in several ways:

  • Clothes are soaked in kefir (or yogurt) for 2-3 hours, then rinsed and washed as usual;
  • Solution citric acid(1 tsp per glass of warm water) apply to the stain and wash after 20-30 minutes. Instead of citric acid, hydrogen peroxide is also suitable (for permanently dyed fabrics);
  • Wipe the stain (from the edges to the center) with a cotton swab dipped in a mixture of vinegar and lemon juice;
  • Remove stains from colored clothing using a mixture of raw egg yolk and glycerin (let it sit for 2 hours and then wash).

Stubborn berry stains

A very old and stubborn stain on white and permanently dyed fabrics can be removed with potassium permanganate:

  • Several crystals of potassium permanganate are dissolved in vinegar (until a rich beet color);
  • Dip a cotton swab into the solution and gently wipe off the stain. It is important to prevent undissolved grains of potassium permanganate from getting on the fabric;
  • To remove the color of potassium permanganate from clothes, the stain is treated with hydrogen peroxide (with clean cotton swabs) and then washed.

Stains from fruits and berries become a problem for almost every housewife. Summer, autumn, winter, spring - it is not important, because juice, compote and other drinks also leave traces, becoming an annoying problem. Both small children and adults can inadvertently drop or spill something on themselves, someone else, furniture, the floor, etc. Of course, stains from the mentioned liquids do not eat into the fabric as much as from fresh fruits and berries, however, even this problem can be difficult to deal with. A washing machine and stain remover will not always be available to you in our difficult task. faithful assistants, unless you first remove the traces left by the fruit.

Cleaning clothes from fruit and berry stains

There are many ways to clean clothes from fruit and berry stains. Traces from raspberries, strawberries, wild strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, pomegranates or other berries will not be a reason to send your clothes to waste, you just need to check the material in our article.

There are separate recipes for white and colored clothes. We suggest you study them to avoid problems.

Stain removal recipe

It is quite difficult to remove a fruit or berry stain completely from a light-colored material. Contamination can be removed as follows:

  • Wash clothes in a solution of bleach and water, rinse thoroughly.
  • Mix baking soda with any dishwashing detergent in a 1:2 ratio, apply to a cloth for 30 minutes, rinse warm water.
  • Milk removes fresh stains from citrus fruits on light fabrics, and sour milk removes old ones. Heat the milk, dip the contaminated area of ​​​​the fabric in the liquid for 15 minutes, rinse.
  • Dissolve 2 g of citric acid in one glass of water; if the stain on a white fabric is fresh, wash it.
  • Pour one teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and one teaspoon of ammonia into a glass of water, if the mark on the material is old.

Leave wine stains on a white fabric for a day in a soda (0.5 tsp) and soap (5 g) solution, after the time has passed, rinse. You can also deal with wine stains using other means: hydrogen peroxide (1 tsp) + 100 ml of water, after treating the stain in the solution, rinse the item at a temperature below room temperature.

To remove stains from colored clothing, apply lemon juice to this area of ​​the fabric, or place part of a fruit on the stain.

You can remove fruit or berry stains using a mixture of egg yolk and glycerin. Mix in equal proportions, apply to fabric, after three hours- wash it.

Salt (apply on the fruit trail for 5 minutes) and sparkling water (wipe the stain with it until it disappears completely) will help get rid of stains on denim.

Remember! Remove stains before washing. Do not bleach detergents. Remove with a clean sponge.

You can remove fruit and berry stains from children's clothing using special concentrated bleaches - there is a wide selection of them in supermarkets.

Fresh and old tracks

Fresh and old traces of fruits and berries are removed differently. It goes without saying that fresh ones are cleaned faster and easier than old, ingrained ones. What means should you turn to for help? If the stain has just appeared or only a short time has passed since the stain was stained, it can be easily washed off with hot water. If it was not possible to remove the stain immediately, and a short period of time has passed, sprinkle the item with fine salt and wait until it is absorbed, and then wash it in hot water. A fresh stain from fruits and berries is “eaten up” by lemon juice: cut the lemon into two parts and put inside onto the dirty area and let the acids soak in, then wash with laundry soap.

You can easily get rid of a fresh stain by rubbing it with a pharmaceutical solution of ammonia. Fast and always works!

With old stains everything is more complicated, but this does not mean that it is impossible to get rid of them. On the contrary, there is such a chance, and it is great. Check out accessible ways removing fruit and berry stains:

  • Medical alcohol.
  • Lemon acid. Prepare a solution: add 2 g of citric acid to warm water. Immerse the item in the solution for 30 minutes, then wash. Repeat until you are satisfied with the result. Instead of citric acid, you can use oxalic acid.
  • Vinegar. Mix vinegar and baking soda in equal proportions and place on the stain for 15 minutes, then wash in warm water.
  • Peroxide + ammonia. Moisten the stain with peroxide, and then dip it in ammonia. Rinse and proceed to washing.
  • A mixture of egg white and glycerin. Combine ingredients in equal proportions. Apply the product to the material and wait until it is absorbed. Wash in warm water.
  • Milk + whey. It is worth soaking things in this for a certain period of time (2-4 hours) before washing.

You can also wash the item in washing machine, indicating the desired mode and setting the required temperature. In this case, we recommend using powders that contain an enzyme, which is an excellent fighter and helps a lot in removing fruit and berry stains.

Advice! Do not dry the washed item until the stain has completely disappeared.

Contamination on other surfaces

Stains from fruits and berries also remain on other surfaces. Besides clothes, kitchen utensils by type of towel, tablecloth, napkin, fruit and berry traces can become an undesirable color of your carpet, flooring– linoleum, parquet, plastic surfaces. This is why there are a lot of stain removers that quickly remove marks. After using stain removers, wash the stain with soapy water.

Artificial leather is cleaned with a non-aggressive agent - warm soapy water, but if the stain is not removed, use a solvent or alcohol.

Well, a couple of final tips.

  • Wash stains from fruit or berry juice in cool water in which you mix ammonia(one tablespoon for every liter of water).
  • Do not remove fruit stains with soap to avoid increasing the stain on the fabric.
  • Warm water with glycerin removes fruit and berry stains from woolen items.

Remember that sometimes just boiling water will be enough to remove a stain, such as from cotton fabric. Don't complicate the process.

An accidental stain from a strawberry, blueberry, cherry or watermelon can ruin your favorite blouse or other clothing forever. To prevent this from happening, you need to immediately begin removing stains.

7 ways to remove strawberry, blueberry, and currant stains

Berry marks are the most popular summer problem for children's clothing. Strawberries, blueberries, and currants leave very noticeable marks. It is very difficult to get rid of them. You can remove berry stains using the following methods:

  1. Boiling water is a method that will help if the stain is still very fresh. The contaminated area is poured with boiling water, as a result of which the traces immediately disappear;
  2. Citric acid - a teaspoon of acid is dissolved in a glass of water, in which the contaminated part of the clothing is soaked for 20 minutes. The process is repeated until the stain disappears;
  3. Sour milk – you need to soak part of the clothes with the stain in it for 2-3 hours;
  4. Vinegar – use a mixture of vinegar and lemon juice in a 1:1 ratio to treat the contaminated area;
  5. Glycerin – a mixture of 40 grams of glycerin and fresh egg yolk is applied to the contaminated area and left for a couple of hours;
  6. Salt - a paste of salt and water is carefully applied to the stain, after which it is washed off with a soap solution;
  7. Hydrogen peroxide - mixed with water in a ratio of 1:10 and applied to the stain.

If you are not sure whether the chosen method will cope with the berry stain and whether it will not ruin the fabric, test the product on a separate piece of the same fabric from which the clothing is made. See what happens.

Under no circumstances try to wash away a stain from strawberries, wild strawberries or blueberries with soap, this will only make it stick even more!

How to remove mulberry stains

Mulberry leaves the brightest and most difficult stains to remove. You can get rid of them in exactly the same way as other berry stains, that is, using boiling water, a mixture of vinegar and citric acid, glycerin and egg yolk, as well as hydrogen peroxide.

In addition, you can try a couple of other methods:

  • Dish detergent - applied to the area with the stain, thoroughly rubbed into it, after which the item should be washed in clean water;
  • Stain remover - selected for a specific type of fabric and used strictly in accordance with the instructions on the product.

The faster you take on removing the stain, the greater the chance that there will be no traces left of it. Old mulberry stains are very difficult to remove from clothing.

How and how to remove cherries from a T-shirt

Before removing a cherry stain, it is important to familiarize yourself not only with folk remedies, but also with modern chemical methods:

  • Bleach – used for light or white items. The main thing is that the chosen product is based on active oxygen and not chlorine;
  • Stain remover – selected for the type of fabric.

3 traditional ways to remove cherry stains

  1. Cherry stains can be poured with boiling water, hydrogen peroxide or whey.
  2. Unlike strawberry or blueberry stains, cherry stains can be removed with laundry soap.
  3. Rubbing salt into the stain or wetting it with a mixture of vinegar and lemon juice helps.

As with other stains, cherry stains should be removed as soon as they appear. Old stains are much more difficult to remove.

Pain in the nipples may be accompanied by soreness of the mammary gland of varying intensity and nature, accompanied by swelling and pain spreading to the shoulder or back.

Cyclic mastodynia

One of the main reasons for nipple pain is due to menstrual cycle. The pain is observed 2-5 days before the onset of menstruation (sometimes from the middle of the cycle) and is caused by an increase in the levels of the hormones progesterone and prolactin in the blood serum.

These hormones, in combination with other biologically active substances (histamine, prostaglandin, pain amines, etc.) can contribute to the retention of fluid and electrolytes in the body, including in the mammary gland. At the same time, pain, tension, and sometimes an increase in volume appear in it.

Against the background of increased growth of the mammary gland ducts, compression of the nerve endings occurs, which is manifested by increased sensitivity of the nipples. In this case, nipple engorgement and swelling may occur. In the first days of menstruation, the level of these hormones in the blood drops sharply and the pain disappears.

Noncyclic mastalgia as a cause of pain

Non-cyclic mastalgia, as a rule, is not associated with fluctuations in a woman’s hormonal levels and can be caused by other reasons: neoplasms and inflammatory processes in the mammary gland itself, with disturbances in the functioning of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, thyroid gland and other endocrine glands, with liver diseases (impaired synthesis steroid hormones), for diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system(intercostal neuralgia, reflex, segmental pain, etc.).

Pain can also be caused by psychological factors: negative emotions, stress, sexual conflicts, etc.

Hormonal contraceptives cause nipple pain

If a woman takes hormonal contraceptives, pain in the nipples and in the mammary gland in general may be more pronounced, which may indicate a hormonal imbalance. In this case, you need to consult a doctor and choose another drug.

If there is a suspicion of mastopathy, an examination is prescribed: ultrasound of the mammary glands, mammography, determination of hormone levels in the blood serum, consultation with an endocrinologist.

Why nipples hurt: pregnancy and lactation

Pain in the nipples may be due to the onset of pregnancy and the beginning of a structural restructuring of the milk ducts.

Pain in the nipples during lactation can be caused by the incorrect position of the baby when feeding, the mother’s lack of skills to stop feeding correctly and the ability to take the breast from the baby, dry skin of the nipple and the appearance of cracks on it, when breastfeeding begins, when wearing uncomfortable and tight underwear, when damage to nerve endings in the nipple, etc.

Symptoms to look out for for nipple pain

  • The appearance of discharge from the nipple outside the period of breastfeeding (sanguineous, bloody, purulent).
  • Changes in the shape, size, color of the nipple and areola.
  • The appearance of erosions, ulcerations, and areola.
  • The appearance of soreness, redness and swelling around the nipple or throughout the breast.
  • The constant nature of the pain and its increase, as well as pain in the armpit area.

If you have these symptoms, you should immediately contact a gynecologist or mammologist, as they can be observed in breast cancer.

Most often, nipple pain worries pregnant and lactating women. This symptom is most likely not associated with any pathologies and is easily eliminated. But pain in women who are not carrying a child can be a sign of a large number of diseases.

Causes of nipple pain

If a woman feels pain in her nipples, she should first visit a doctor. However, this type of pain can be very disturbing before and after menstruation, as well as during it, so it is necessary to find out its exact cause.

The pain may be of the following nature:

  • spicy
  • pricking
  • cutting
  • pulling
  • aching

If a woman takes such medications, like antidepressants, hormonal drugs, contraceptives or fertility drugs, nipple pain may be their fault. It is these drugs that undermine the normal hormonal balance in the female body. Also, with pain in the nipples, compactions, discharge and other pathological accompanying factors may be present.

In addition to menstruation, the cause of pain in the nipples is infrequent sexual intercourse. A woman with low sexual activity accumulates a large amount of hormones in her body, which causes pain, severe nipple itching and breast discomfort.

A painful nipple can react to touch, so you should protect it as much as possible (for example, make sure that a man treats your breast with care)

Another reason for nipple pain is the presence of fibrocystic mastopathy. A doctor who has reviewed the results of a mammogram (breast x-ray) can make an accurate diagnosis. Mastopathy is the name given to pathological growths of connective tissue in the mammary gland. Its characteristic symptom is the appearance of pain in the nipples before menstruation and its disappearance after their onset. Over time, the pain stops disappearing and begins to intensify.

Nipple pain during menstruation

The main causes of nipple pain before menstruation are hormonal disorders, in which the female body produces an increased amount of sex hormones. Menstruation can increase nipple sensitivity and significantly reduce a woman’s quality of life during this period.

If nipple pain occurs in young nulliparous girls after menstruation, it is necessary to consult a mammologist as soon as possible

Premenstrual syndrome provokes the appearance of painful sensations in the nipples, swelling and enlargement of the breasts, as well as pain in the mammary gland. To relieve pain, you can take a non-steroidal painkiller prescribed by a gynecologist.

Pain in the nipples in pregnant and lactating women

Increased sensitivity of the nipples in pregnant women is caused by hormonal changes in the body - the breast tissue and nipple begin to grow quickly, unlike the nerves, which cannot keep up with them. As a result, the breasts and nipples begin to ache, itching, burning and other discomfort appear, which intensifies when wearing underwear that compresses or rubs the skin.

The cause of pain during feeding may be improper attachment of the newborn to the breast, non-compliance proper hygiene, incorrect position of the mother when feeding, as well as underwear that is not suitable for a nursing woman.

You can reduce the pain from feeding your baby by preparing your nipples for this procedure - you need to regularly wipe them with a rough cloth during pregnancy. This will make the nipples easier to bear while breastfeeding the baby.

Over-wetness, dryness or injured nerves can also cause nipple pain. If a woman does not promptly change the lining for leaking milk or underwear, the wet fabric irritates the breast, making the nipple hypersensitive and, as a result, causing pain. Excessive dryness of the nipples is caused by the use of products containing alcohol when caring for the skin of the breast.

If a nursing woman's pain is concentrated in one nipple, this may be a symptom of mastitis. If you experience fever and discharge from the nipple, you should consult a doctor.
