The Internet does not work well on a laptop, what should I do? Why is the Internet slow on mobile and how to speed it up?

Rostelecom is one of the largest providers. It operates in almost all regions, from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. The quality of its services fully meets the requirements of subscribers, but breakdowns and malfunctions often occur on the operator’s communication lines and equipment. All this leads to a drop in speed. Let's see what needs to be done when Rostelecom Internet does not work well. There are many reasons, but we will try to cope.

Line problems

The communication line between the provider and the subscriber is like water pipe. It must be intact and not clogged, otherwise the consumer will not see normal water pressure and will begin to complain to all authorities. Old pipes become overgrown with deposits from the inside, the metal gradually becomes thinner, and problems with water supply begin. On the new highways everything is fine - at least for now.

The situation is exactly the same with Rostelecom lines. Only instead of old pipes we see outdated ADSL technology, which is used by millions of subscribers across the country. ADSL involves the use of telephone lines. Being made of copper, they are susceptible to oxidation and breakage, which leads to a violation of their integrity. Lack of normal contact in the connection cabinet - the Internet slows down and slows down, while the phone can fully maintain its functionality (it is unpretentious).

Modern communication lines are optical lines. They are built on the basis of optical fiber, devoid of metal conductors. The signal travels along the quartz fiber with virtually no loss, and the individual segments are firmly welded together to ensure continuous data transmission.

So, there are many more problems with ADSL:

  • Longer line length means the speed drops (and almost proportionally).
  • One core in the line comes into contact with other cores - problems arise.
  • The insulation of one of the cores is broken, a “ground” appears on the line - in handset You can hear a low-frequency hum, the Internet works poorly, and in most cases does not work at all.
  • It started to rain, water got into the connection cabinet or hatch - the line became wet, the signal attenuation increased, the Internet began to work poorly (constant breaks).

Poor Internet from Rostelecom needs to be brought back to normal. To do this, we begin to “peck” the support service until the outrages on the line stop. As practice shows, a few requests for repairs or threats to contact Rospotrebnazdor or the prosecutor’s office are enough for Rostelecom specialists to start moving more actively.

If possible, contact Rostelecom about switching to fiber optics. It does not react to rain, even when completely submerged in water. The quality of fiber optic lines is incomparably higher, so there will be many fewer problems. The difficulty is that the ability to extend optics is not available everywhere. But this doesn’t stop you from submitting an application – maybe it will work out.

Yes, there are also problems on optical lines - lines break, people are left without communication. Problems on intermediate equipment are also possible. But in any case, optical channels remain the most stable and reliable. And the speed of Internet access via fiber optics can reach up to 250 Mbit/s, depending on the region.

Technical work at the provider

Any equipment needs periodic repairs or at least preventive maintenance. You can endlessly swear about the lack of water in the tap or electricity in the outlet, but it is necessary - even if you crack. Rostelecom also carries out periodic work. Only in the field of communications can many things be done without subscribers noticing. The work is not carried out every day, but it allows us to eliminate current faults to make Internet access more stable.

If you are having problems with the Internet, try rebooting home equipment. Don't forget to restart your computer itself. There is no Internet connection - call technical support at 8-800-1000-800. Check with specialists what the problem is. If any work is being done on the operator equipment, you will be notified. You will also be informed about the time when Internet access will be restored.

Technical problems with the computer

The computer does not load files well, videos do not start, the browser slows down - subscribers begin to blame Rostelecom, saying that the Internet does not work well. In this situation, you need to check your own equipment:

  • Restart your computer - there may be some kind of glitch in your computer's operating system that is causing difficulty accessing the Internet. In many cases, a reboot is a universal panacea that returns equipment to full life.
  • Check your computer for viral infections. We will not recommend the free Avast antivirus, since it has become completely incomprehensible. It is best to install Kaspersky Free on your computer. This is an excellent antivirus, albeit with limited functionality. You can also try a tool like Dr. Web CureIt is a utility that allows you to identify a huge number of viral infections and cure them. The utility is absolutely free provided it is used non-commercially.
  • Download the CCleaner utility and scan your computer with it. First, clean your computer of debris through the “Cleaning” tab. In the next step, correct registry errors through the “Registry” tab. Don’t be afraid to break something - the utility does everything itself, without your participation.

If all else fails, connect another computer to the Internet and check the speed. Excellent speed indicates that the problem is with your computer. IN difficult cases A complete reinstallation of the operating system may be required.

You can test Internet speed from Rostelecom not only through a computer, but also from a smartphone or tablet - download the Speedtest application and take test measurements. If everything is fine, deal with your computer.

Technical problems on the client side

There is no connection to the Internet - we begin to interfere with the subscriber equipment installed in the house. These can be wireless routers, optical terminals, PON modems, media converters, cable modems and ADSL modems. Incorrect operation of the equipment often leads to the fact that the Internet works very poorly - the connection is constantly interrupted, there are problems with the connection, and the speed drops.

The first priority is to send the equipment to reboot (simply unplug it or activate the reboot through the administrative panel). After the reboot, evaluate the status of your Internet connection. If everything works poorly, we continue to torment the equipment.

The second step is to reset the equipment to factory settings. This is usually done through the administrative panel; it is also possible to reset using the “Reset” button (it all depends on the specific equipment - look for information on the Internet). After that we reconfigure it. If you have any problems with the re-setup, call Rostelecom at 8-800-1000-800 and ask the consultants for help.

Step three - if the previous steps did not help, try replacing the equipment. It is quite possible that it is out of date or has fallen into disrepair - this happens. Check with Rostelecom support which equipment is recommended for use and change it.

ADSL speed drop

If the Internet is not working well and you are connected via ADSL, it is quite possible that your communication channel is simply overloaded. U modern man there are a lot of gadgets, and some families have several computers. Such a crowd of users can quickly clog the entire channel, interfering with each other. There are only two ways out of this situation - change the tariff plan or switch to optics (the latter is not always possible).

ADSL technology also has another interesting feature. When the outgoing channel is loaded (one of the household members is chatting on Skype with video or uploading photos to social media), the incoming one also drops - the Internet starts to work poorly. And that's absolutely normal. The same effect is observed if the output in the torrent client is not limited (the recommended output is 10-15 kbps).

Step by step instructions

The Internet from Rostelecom does not work well - we have already found that out. The reasons were also discussed. It remains to figure out in what sequence the diagnostics need to be carried out:

  1. Step one - if the Internet is not working well, reboot your computer. It is advisable to do the same with a smartphone or tablet.
  2. Step two - if this does not help, reboot the router or modem (depending on what is installed in your apartment).
  3. Step three - if the previous two steps did not help, check the functionality of the computer. If the Internet works poorly only on it, we bring the equipment back to normal. If the Internet slows down on all home appliances, move on to the next step.
  4. Step four - call Rostelecom support at 8-800-1000-800 and say that the Internet is not working well. Next, follow the consultant's instructions.

If it turns out that poor Internet performance is due to problems with the line or operator equipment, you will be accepted for work.

Problems with mobile internet

With a poorly functioning mobile internet It's almost impossible to fight. Calling support is useless. They will say that everything is working fine and will advise you to restart the phone or check the settings. Complaining about the disgusting quality of communication in the office is also useless - few people can boast of positive results. Rostelecom specialists may advise you to change your location, but not to buy new apartment only because the mobile Internet does not work well in the house.

Where to complain about Rostelecom

The Internet does not work well, there are problems with connection - all this is annoying and unnerving. If Rostelecom specialists are inactive, you can do the following:

  • Call support every day, or better yet, every hour - you pay money for the Internet and have every right to normal access speed in accordance with the terms of the contract.
  • Submit a written complaint at the Rostelecom office - they will provide you with a sample application (the bad thing is that according to the law, a response is given as many as 60 days, so receiving it may take a while).
  • File a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor or the prosecutor's office. If it doesn’t help, you can go to court, but this is time-consuming and expensive, and the evidence that Rostelecom is wrong must be tangible.
  • Find friends in Rostelecom and try to solve problems with the Internet through them - oddly enough, this tool gives excellent results.

Do not leave Rostelecom alone until its specialists restore Internet access at normal speed.

Perhaps one of the most common problems of Internet users. Just yesterday, your computer quickly loaded interesting Internet pages, but today the page loading time is comparable to an eternity. There may be several reasons why the Internet works this way, and now we will tell you about them. I would like to immediately say that there are many services on the Internet that check real speed Your Internet connection. If, after checking, the speed indicators match your tariff plan, then read this article.

First, you need to understand that the Internet is not only your browser(Chrom, Mozilla, Opera, Internet Explorer, etc.) with which you view websites. Mail programs, Skype, ICQ and many other programs and their updates run from the Internet, which go online and most often automatically download updates for themselves. If the browser does not work or works very slowly, and all other programs, one way or another, related to accessing the Internet work normally, the reason is clearly in the browser. Try installing another one. If the new browser works quickly, but the old one continues to slow down, you should turn to its settings. It happens that they get lost or someone, sitting at your computer, either knowingly or unknowingly, reconfigured it in such a way that the connection is lost. The first thing you need to do is look at your Internet connection settings in your browser settings - if there is a problem, then it is there. For example, the checkbox for accessing the Internet through a proxy server, which you never had, is checked, or vice versa, if you have a proxy server, this checkbox is unchecked.

If all programs slow down when accessing the Internet, then consider the following options:

1. Check to see if your system is updating. If automatic updating is set in your system settings, which is most often the case, then the system can start updating at any time, download a huge amount of information and not initially high speed Internet, it takes a very long time to do this, slowing down both your connection to the Internet and the work of all other programs. To prevent this from happening, we recommend that you disable automatic system updates and run updates manually when it's convenient for you.

2. Carefully read the agreement with your Internet provider (this is the one to whom you pay money). There may be restrictions on the data transfer speed if you exceed a certain monthly traffic set by the provider in the tariff plan, or something else that the provider was silent about when concluding the contract. If there is such a limitation, you should either change your provider, or perhaps switch to a different tariff plan.

3. And most importantly, check your computer for viruses! Very often it is viruses slow down your Internet access, because they send spam en masse from your computer or pump large volumes of information. To do this, firstly, you need to have licensed antivirus, which has daily updates (without this, the antivirus is a completely useless program that only boots your computer), secondly, run a deep scan of all disks of your computer, since scanning in the background does not always allow you to catch viruses at the entrance. Thirdly, even if your antivirus didn’t show anything, it’s worth downloading some free utilities to scan your computer; there are a lot of such programs on the Internet.

If the Internet is slow occasionally, for example in the evening, and flies the rest of the time, most likely the provider has a weak channel or outdated equipment that cannot cope with the load at peak times. There can only be one piece of advice here: think about changing your provider.

This category also includes periodically occurring radio interference that disrupts the signal of your Wi-Fi router . For example, near your home there is some military facility or factory or something else that broadcasts signals at frequencies close to the frequencies of your router. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to deal with this, but there are some methods described in the article - Causes of a poor wireless signal. Well, maybe just switch to a wired Internet connection and use wires the old fashioned way.

We live in an age when everyone has forgotten about carrier pigeons and messengers, but you can live comfortably without leaving your home. In an age when the word “teleportation” is not a joke. I don’t know why, but it’s quite unfortunate that in this era high technology I have to watch how the video on the Internet slows down.

Users complain that the Internet freezes at the most inopportune moments

On the other hand, there is nothing terrible or unusual in the fact that from time to time your computer or laptop slows down and the Internet speed drops. Why does this happen and what can be done about it? Let's try to figure it out.

So, if your Internet is slow, then do not rush to call support, because, most likely, you are the main culprit. Why? So, only you decide what your computer should do and store.

First, we need to determine what speed we have now. There are specialized services to help you that will help you quickly find out the current speed of your Internet connection. After the measurement, leave yourself a note with the data - this will be a control result. After diagnosing each problem, take speed measurements and compare them with the control result to be sure to find out what the cause is.

TOP reasons for internet slowdown:

  1. Viruses:

Oh, these interesting “download without registration” links. Why is everyone itching to touch them? Most often, when you enter such a site or download files from them, you acquire diseases acquired through the Internet. They hide all kinds of Trojans, adware and much more, which not only slow down video on the Internet, but also significantly reduce the speed of the computer.

The solution is simple - get yourself a set of anti-virus programs to clean your computer , and also install a stationary antivirus with constant protection. Contrary to popular belief, cacti on the monitor no longer protect you from new viruses.

  1. Antiviruses:

Install - set, configure - forget. Yes, since this is protection, it can greatly reduce speed. And the stronger the “armor”, the more the Internet slows down.

It's all about network screens. They check all information in real time, thereby trying to protect you from POIs and visits to suspicious sites.

Measure the speed of your Internet connection with the antivirus turned on and off. If this is the reason, then you should think about either a new “blacksmith” whose protection will not burden you, or about high speed and the risk of being infected.

  1. Other software:

Let's not forget about what we use ourselves, without thinking that the “background mode” is the very reason why video on the Internet is once again slowing down.

The Internet was created to quickly and conveniently communicate and transmit information. But why should your computer and Internet connection take on excessive load? Applications that work in minimized mode - ICQ, [email protected], Skype, Viber, RaidCall, and other instant messengers and talkers - also use Internet channels, even if you do not use them, and they are minimized. Therefore, if you crave high Internet speed, then do not forget to free yourself from “unnecessary passengers”.

Add-ons and all sorts of bars are the problem of those people who do not know how to refuse installer programs. As a result, they wonder why they only see half the screen. All these add-ons, for your information, can be easily disabled and removed in the Extensions and Add-ons sections.

  1. WiFi

If your devices connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi, then it would be a good idea to look into the router settings, adding all your devices to the list of MAC addresses and turning on the filter.

One of the common reasons why the Internet slows down is multiple connections to Wi-Fi networks. Why not encrypt the channel if you really want to keep all the traffic and speed to yourself?

Assemblies, assemblies, assemblies. Happiness for the home-grown computer geek who low price will reinstall the operating system for you, who are ignorant in computer matters. At the same time, in the kit you get a whole set of incredibly “useful” programs. But in such assemblies, even more “background” operations happen behind your back. Various services, while performing their tasks, are “sucked” into the Internet and significantly reduce the data transfer speed.

From here there are two ways out: the first is to disable services yourself; you can find methods on our website. And the second is installing a clean OS, followed by self-installation the necessary software, and why not?

  1. Hardware Configuration

Not the least issue is the modernity of your computer. After all, Internet technologies work to improve the quality of the material, and, therefore, to reproduce it. Therefore, when your video on the Internet slows down, think about whether your Pentium can handle Blu-ray?

The main effort falls on the video card and RAM, so don’t forget to calculate the strength of your iron “beast”.

  1. Equipment malfunctions

Well, the last thing that depends on you is the quality of equipment care. Don't be surprised that your Internet video is slow if your cat uses the Internet cable as dental floss. Why not remove all the wires under the baseboard?

And when you last time Have you serviced your computer? When was the modem and router cleaned of dust? These are all good reasons for internet problems to start bothering you.

A faulty network card can be checked by simply connecting the cable to another computer/laptop.

Internet connection problems that have nothing to do with you:

They can be explained by technical and preventative work of the provider, broken wires, heavy load on the network due to big amount connections, and much more that you cannot do anything with on your own. Therefore, when all the points have been checked and unchecked, feel free to call the provider and demand restoration of the declared speed (which, by the way, is always higher than the real one).

What do we end up with?

Slow Internet cannot always be blamed on the provider. For the most part, the problem starts with the user. We figured it out and found out the reasons why Internet speed may decrease, and now you can share your successes with us or ask questions!

Internet speed has virtually no effect on whether your web browser will slow down. How to speed up your browser? Available various options optimization, even an inexperienced user will be able to adjust the speed without installing a variety of special programs. It is enough to periodically “clean” the working device and periodically perform the steps below.

What can cause Google Chrome or other browsers to slow down? There are several possible reasons:

And these are just the main ones: there may also be a lot of advertising in the browsers themselves, they constantly pop up various blocks and unwanted windows, the home page does not change. First things first.

Lack of system resources

The device resources may be insufficient due to certain circumstances:

  • If the shortage notification appears immediately after launching the browser, then the issue may be antivirus program, which blocks the web browser. If it is safe, you should add it to the security software exceptions (for non-standard browsers);
  • If the paging file is deactivated on the PC or there is no more than 2 GB left on the system disk free space– this will cause an error. You should create a paging file, and set its value using the “Auto-detection” function (the system itself will figure out how many resources it lacks);
  • Sometimes the reason lies in the fact that the hardware resources are really not enough to load the browser contents (if the PC is very old or is running big number various programs simultaneously).

You should also not forget about cleaning startup, which, when neglected when Windows starts, immediately loads the system to the limit.

Problems with the operating system

Similar problems can arise if there is no network connection or firewall settings do not allow the system to actively operate on the Internet.

  • Browser not functioning properly.

Often, problems with the browser can occur due to watching long videos or activating time-consuming processes. Sometimes it is enough to reinstall your web browser.

  • System shortcomings due to driver problems.

This applies to devices with Nvidia graphics cards, as well as when using two or more displays. To solve it, just roll back the driver versions to the previous ones.

  • Incorrect Wi-Fi operation.

If all browser pages load poorly, then you should simply restart your PC. However, you can disable the wireless connection sharing feature; it is installed on the system by default. Using this option, you can make the connection more stylish.

How to speed up your web browser

Often, users who constantly work on the Internet through Yandex, Google and other browsers notice that they begin to slow down. Such problems are associated with various nuances that affect efficiency and speed.

Checking Internet connection speed

The network connection speed test is a special test that allows you to find out the speed of information transfer. It is measured by transferring a certain amount of information from your computer to the service server for verification, and then in the opposite direction. At this moment, the average data transmission speed per second of time is calculated.

During such tests, it is best to disable the software that is used for downloading (torrents, FTP clients), email clients, various instant messengers, etc. It is better to take the test several times and check the information received.

Anti-virus scan

If you need to check for virus software when braking, you need to know about the following:

  • Either you will have to install an antivirus or a module that contains an antivirus database or is connected to the cloud, or upload suspicious files to a special service (the first option is simpler and more reliable);
  • Additional scanning modules do not conflict with existing antiviruses.

The most important thing is to use proven antivirus programs.

Disabling plugins

If the browser is stuffed with different extensions, this can affect its speed. How to deactivate them? Let's look at Google Chrome as an example:

It should be noted that many extensions are updated with the browser, such as Flash Player. Browsers themselves notify you about the required download of updates for various extensions. At the top right of the screen there is the inscription “More details”; after clicking on it, information about the add-ons will be displayed - their location on the PC, name and parameters.

Clearing cache memory

When a user uses a browser, such as Firefox or Chrome, some information about the pages visited is stored in cache memory and cookies. Erasing this information will allow you to get rid of various problems with web resources (as well as loading and performance when loading pages).

Using Google Chrome as an example, we should consider the cleaning process:

  • Click on the “Ellipsis” button at the top right;
  • Go to " Additional tools" - "Deleting data about viewed pages";
  • The time period should be indicated at the top. If you want to erase everything, you must select the “All time” value;
  • Click on “Cookies and other existing sites” - “Pictures and third-party files stored in the cache.”

Ad blocking

Various types of advertising in the browsers themselves have long been outdated, and even the users themselves do not pay attention to them. But often these windows appear at the wrong time, when searching for information or having a conversation. You should use one of the programs suggested below to eliminate pop-up banners and other advertising alerts.

  • uBlock;
  • AdBlock Plus;
  • Adguard;
  • AdwCleaner;
  • Ad Muncher.

They don't need any setup and will do everything themselves.

Starting turbo mode

In earlier versions of the Opera browser, the switch for this mode was in the main menu. In new versions you will have to perform the following steps;

  • Log in to the Opera Internet browser;
  • Click the “Browser” section;
  • Check the option “Display additional options;
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and activate the “Enable Opera Turbo” item.

You can also download the “Turbo Button” add-on and then the activation button will light up near the address bar.

Remove unnecessary bookmarks

It is worth remembering that you cannot restore erased bookmarks. Using Chrome as an example:

  • Login to the browser;
  • At the top right, click on “Settings and management” - “Bookmarks” - “Manager”;
  • Next to the desired tab, click on the “Delete” inscription.

By applying all the necessary actions and getting rid of the problems listed above, you will be able to significantly optimize performance and increase browser speed.

Long opening times of sites, freezing, low speed of downloading files, problems in online games, failures during video communication on Skype - these and similar things have to be faced with a slow Internet connection.

In this regard, users often have a question: why is the Internet speed low? How can this problem be solved in some cases?

We will consider the reasons that may result in a drop in Internet speed according to the following plan:

Let me note that a slow computer that “slows down” and a slow Internet are two different things and are not directly related to each other.

1. Rush hours

A decrease in speed is a natural process during peak hours, when a huge number of users connect to the provider’s network. As a rule, this happens by 6-7 pm on weekdays.

This point completely depends on the provider: the more users it has, the greater the load placed on the network equipment, therefore, the slower the Internet connection will be.

The situation is the same with Wi-Fi zones in public places.

And if you go to a cafe specifically for web surfing, it is better to look for a less crowded place.

2. Provider equipment

The reason for low Internet speed may be a depleted resource of the provider's network equipment. Even changing the tariff plan to a more expensive one will not help. After the provider replaces the equipment, the Internet speed increases dramatically.

The reason may also be a failure along any part of the path from the Internet provider to the network card on the user’s computer. The failure may occur in an apartment, in a hallway on a staircase, in the basement of a house, or in the attic where the provider’s equipment is located.

When someone cut off a piece of cable in our apartment building (perhaps due to apartment renovations), the provider had to replace 80 meters of cable. But according to my subjective feelings, after that the Internet simply began to “fly.”

In both the first and second cases, little depends on the user. True, you can contact your provider with constant complaints.

But if there are several companies operating in the Internet access market in a locality, why not get acquainted with the capabilities of other providers. You can return to the first one at any time if the Internet speed of other providers is also not satisfactory.

3. Router

Your router may be causing your internet speed to be slow. A router, regardless of the specific model and manufacturer, itself is a weak link in the chain of devices for high-speed data transfer on the network.

The situation gets worse in the case of budget models routers that have weak specifications. These are more capable of reducing data transfer speeds due to constant freezes.

When complaining about slow Internet speeds to the support service, the provider's employees first ask whether the connection is through the router, and if so, then the standard recommendation would be to turn off the router and then turn it on after 5 minutes.

When you reboot the router, the buffer is cleared of cached data that accumulates during the process of checking and assembling network packets.

Before purchasing a router, you should consult with your provider. Its specialists will tell you which models have proven themselves best in operation.

4. Number of Wi-Fi users

No matter how powerful the equipment that provides the point Wi-Fi access in the house or public place, it has a limit of connected devices.

And the closer the number of users is to the limit of possible clients of such equipment, the lower the Internet speed each of them can count on.

Routers do not always distribute Internet connection speed evenly among all devices. It also happens that when one user downloads a large file from the Internet, the second has to wait a long time for even a basic web page to open.

To ensure that no one at home is deprived of Internet speed, you can purchase a router with a traffic distribution function.

An alternative option is to configure the file download speed limit in software file downloaders (download managers, torrent clients).

And, of course, you need password-protected access to Wi-Fi. For in apartment buildings The router's Wi-Fi signal is available to neighbors, as well as to everyone who comes to visit them.

5. Wi-Fi coverage

Each router is designed for a certain range of Wi-Fi zones.

In some cases, if the need for a larger range arose later than the purchase a certain model If you have a router designed for a smaller radius, you can try to solve the problem using a wireless amplifier. This device is placed between the router and the computer device and serves to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal.

Metal barriers and water containers placed between the router and the mobile or computer device that receives the Wi-Fi signal can slow down the Internet speed. There may be interference from a neighbor’s router, from overheating of your own router, or from a malfunction of the router software.

It is advisable to place the router on an uncluttered surface and at a higher level.

You can try bringing your laptop as close to the router as possible to see if this increases your Internet speed.

6. Device processor

Internet connection mostly depends on network equipment, but sometimes the reason for low Internet speed can be a weak processor of your computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone.

On the one hand, high-speed Internet is no longer uncommon. On the other hand, many devices have appeared for accessing the Internet with “lightweight” budget processors: netbooks, etc. Such a processor, alas, sometimes cannot cope with a large flow of data (for example, torrents).

If you want to check the load on your processor, press three keys at the same time: “Ctrl”, “Alt” and “Del”. In the window that appears after this, click on the “Open task manager” option.

Rice. 1 Check the CPU load in Windows Task Manager

If in a similar window as in Fig. 1 You will see the load at 100%, then the reason for the low Internet speed is not in the provider, but solely in your computer and the programs on it that it is so busy with.

7. Programs

A decrease in Internet speed can be caused by the activity of applications on the computer that work with the network.

These are programs that run in the background. For example, in the “background” they can be launched

  • Skype,
  • WebMoney,
  • other messengers,
  • software torrent clients,
  • programs for saving Internet traffic, for analyzing it, etc.,
  • any applications that support data synchronization (Yandex.Disk, Cloud Mail ru),
  • browser extensions,
  • antivirus update,
  • Windows updates,
  • music is playing from some website,
  • online toy launched
  • and who knows what else is running?

Unused applications should be closed, or, best of all, removed from startup when the operating system starts.

Rarely used browser extensions can be left uninstalled, but disabled and activated only when necessary.

8. Malware

Slow Internet speeds can be caused by viruses and spyware.

Malware ( software) works in the background and uses the Internet connection without the user’s knowledge to send spam, download junk files to the user’s computer, and sometimes it can even block access to the Internet.

It’s good if the virus ends up only inside the computer and does not interfere with the launch of anti-virus tools. Because if a virus gets inside the router’s firmware, you will have to reset the settings to factory settings and configure it again.

9. Internet provider tariff

There are tariffs from providers that when the user reaches a certain threshold (which is probably specified in the agreement with the provider), the Internet speed is sharply reduced. And this can continue until the beginning of next month, for example.

At the beginning of the month, the Internet speed will be high again, then, as soon as the permissible threshold has been crossed, the speed will sharply decrease again. Here you need to either change the tariff, or change the provider, or “stretch your legs according to clothes,” that is, live with the tariff that is.

10. The site or server is overloaded

Internet speed may drop sharply if you try to go to a site in your browser that has been imposed a corresponding speed limit by its owner. Although the site may take a long time to load due to other problems with or on the site.

If you and many, many other users simultaneously start downloading files from a certain server or from a certain site, then it may well happen that the server or site “falls” and becomes unavailable.

11. Dust in the computer

The reason is rare, but everything happens in life. Sometimes an almost “new” computer manages to collect a huge layer of dust from animal hair, from using the laptop “on a pillow,” etc.

It is clear that this amount of dust must be eliminated.

How to measure Internet speed

There are many sites that are created specifically to measure your Internet speed. Below I offer you two options for this purpose: a special website and a Yandex service.

1. Website for measuring speed:

To start measuring, you need to go to the website indicated above and then click on the “BEGIN TEST” button:

Rice. 2 Special program for measuring Internet speed
  • All programs on the computer are closed, all windows are closed, only one website for measuring Internet speed is working.
  • It is better to take measurements not once, but several times and at different times of the day.

2. Internet meter from Yandex:

Rice. 3 Measuring speed using Yandex Internetometer

If you measure the Internet speed on your computer and compare it with the speed specified in your contract with the provider, then it is important to pay attention not only to the numbers, but also to the units of measurement.

  1. Megabits per second - these units of measurement are indicated in the provider’s tariff.
  2. Megabytes per second - this is how some program measures the speed.

There are 8 bits in one byte, so the difference between a megabyte and a megabit is 8 (eight) times different. Keep this in mind before calling your provider and blaming him for the fact that your Internet speed is 8 times less than that specified in the contract.

And one last thing. In your agreement with the provider you have specified the upper, maximum possible speed Internet, I would call it “ideal”. It may vary depending on the time of day, and is often less than stated in the contract.

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