We clean windows after renovation. How to clean windows after repairs We haven’t washed plastic windows for a long time after repairs

Renovating not only means updated spaces, but also a lot of cleaning. This is especially true for plastic windows - after repairs, you need to wash both the glass and the plastic, while maintaining their original appearance. It is extremely important to choose the right product depending on the type of contamination.

How to wash various types of dirt from plastic windows?

Wash plastic windows after repair it is not easy, since they remain contaminated of various types: remnants of polyurethane foam, paint, plaster, putty. It is important to remove all these elements without scratching the surface or changing the color of the plastic.

To wash plastic windows after repair, certain materials and tools are required:

  • Glass scraper. An ordinary spatula or knife will not work for cleaning - such tools leave scratches on the surface.
  • Microfiber cloths. Can also be used folk remedies– nylon tights, newspapers, paper towels.
  • A hard sponge - in combination with a cleaning agent, it will perfectly clean the frames.
  • Vacuum cleaner. With its help, you can clean the window mechanism from the dust that invariably accumulates during repairs.
If the windows were covered with film before repairs, you should first wet it hot water, and only then delete it. Read more about how to remove film from plastic windows -.

Basic stains can be removed with plain water. To do this, you need to wet the glass and then use a scraper to collect the water along with the dirt. A soap solution is also effective - to avoid streaks, it must be washed off clean water and then polish the surface.

You need to wash the glass and frames first, and then proceed to the window sill. Glasses should be washed from the inside first. The ebb tide is washed last.

If there is any foam left on the windows, it must be carefully removed. mechanically. You can also use a spatula for this, but it may leave scratches.

Traces of paint or tape are usually washed off with a solvent - you can buy it at any hardware or hardware store.

When cleaning, it is important to avoid getting any products on the window seal. It is made of rubber and provides an airtight seal to the window. Aggressive components destroy this material, and therefore harm the entire window structure.

When choosing cleaning products, it is important to read the label - they must be intended for PVC, otherwise the components may corrode the material or cause it to change color. When using aggressive cleaning agents to clean plastic windows, cleaning must be done with rubber gloves. For maximum safety, you can also wear a mask.

You should start cleaning plastic windows immediately after completing the repairs. The longer you delay cleaning, the more dirt gets absorbed into the surface. Fresh traces after repair work can often be washed without special effort and the use of special means.

You can wash plastic windows after repair using both ready-made household products and some folk tricks.

Household cleaning products for PVC windows

When washing plastic windows, glass and plastic elements (frames, slopes, window sills) should be used. different means. Read more about how to wash plastic window sill - .

To clean plastic, you can use the following household products:

  • Domestos. This product not only cleans, but also disinfects surfaces and also has a whitening effect. This product can cope with even quite stubborn stains. Simply apply the product to the surface, leave for a few minutes and rinse with plain water.
  • Mr. Proper. This product is universal, so it is suitable for washing both glass and plastic surfaces. Small stains can be removed with a solution diluted in water, but in larger cases difficult cases use a concentrated composition.
  • Intensive cleaner Fenosol. It is enough to apply it on a cotton napkin and wipe the surfaces. There is a whole set of this brand for window care, including separate products for: window profiles, rubber seals, fittings and window mechanisms.
  • Karcher. This brand offers not only window cleaning products, but also special devices for this.
  • Amway L.O.C. This concentrated product is universal. This composition must be diluted depending on the degree of contamination. First, water is poured into the container, and only then the product is added there. There is also a special product for glass of the same brand.
  • Another universal remedy– H.G. The product is concentrated and must be diluted. If the contamination is very strong, the composition does not need to be diluted. The product should be applied to the surface and left for a few minutes. Do not use this composition in direct sunlight. There is a special product for glass of the same brand - it comes in the form of a spray.
  • Inexpensive glass cleaner – Help. It comes in a spray form and is very easy to use.
  • iKeep. This brand has an all-purpose cleaner and a glass cleaning product. The first must be applied to the surface and left for a few minutes, then rinsed off with plain water. The window cleaner is sprayed and cleaning is done with a regular microfiber cloth or a substitute material.

Folk remedies for washing

There are many folk remedies that will help clean plastic windows after repair:
  • If there are cement splashes left on the window, you can remove them with lemon. The citrus should be cut in half, and then rub the contaminated surface with these halves. Over time mortar dissolves and remains to wipe the window damp cloth and polish.
  • Traces of building mixtures on windows can be removed with household chemicals designed to combat lime deposits on plumbing fixtures. You should use such products carefully so as not to damage the surface.
  • Another remedy for cement is baking soda and vinegar. First, apply acetic acid to the contaminated surface, and then treat it with soda sprinkled on a damp sponge or rag. Then you need to intensively wipe the surface, adding soda if necessary. Afterwards, the window must be rinsed with water and polished.
  • You can also get rid of traces of cement using solvents. It is necessary to remove strong deposits of the mixture with a spatula, and then treat the remaining dirt with felt soaked in a solvent. After 10-15 minutes, the cement will soften, and its remains can be easily washed off.
  • Remaining glue from glass can be removed with ammonia and dish soap. You need to mix both components in a 2:1 ratio, moisten a sponge in the resulting mixture and treat the contaminated surface. Apply the product several times until the glue softens. It can be removed with a hard sponge or rubber spatula.
  • You can also get rid of traces of glue using vegetable oil. You need to moisten a cotton wool in it and wipe the contaminated areas. After an hour, the remaining glue can be easily removed.
  • You can remove tape residue from windows with alcohol, solvent, or regular nail polish remover. You need to moisten a cotton wool in the chosen product and wipe the contaminated areas. Read more about how to wash tape and glue from it from glass -.
  • You can get rid of traces of polyurethane foam using the pharmaceutical drug “Dimexide”. It should be applied for a few minutes to the remains. construction product, and then remove dirt with a hard sponge.
  • If the surface is heavily stained with paint, you can deal with this using foil and an iron or construction hair dryer. The foil must be placed on the contaminated surface and then heated. This type of paint softens and is easily removed.
  • Small drops of paint can be removed silicate glue. To do this, apply glue to the stains and leave until completely dry. The glue will begin to shrink, pulling out the paint.
  • If the paint has not had time to dry, you can remove it with a soap solution. It should be applied liberally to the contaminated area and left, wetting periodically.
  • Heavy stains can be removed with kerosene or gasoline. Both remedies are very aggressive, so they should be used when other methods have failed. You should first test the selected composition on a small area of ​​the surface.

General rules for caring for plastic windows

There are several general rules that need to be applied when caring for plastic windows:
  • you need to choose only special care products - the label should be marked “for PVC”;
  • You cannot use abrasives on plastic windows: this applies not only to cleaning compounds, but also to auxiliary materials;
  • It is undesirable to use aggressive agents for plastic windows, and if you still have to resort to them, then you need to limit the contact of such a composition with the sealing gum;
  • It is imperative to take care of the shut-off valves; for this you can use machine oil and silicone grease and treat twice a year;
  • After installing the windows, you must remove the protective film;
  • It is worth washing windows and performing other actions to care for them in dry and windless weather;
  • Washing glass should start from the top, gradually moving towards the window sill;
  • Do not allow plastic windows to come into contact with hot objects. Often this mistake is made in the kitchen when they place a pan removed from the stove on the windowsill or install a multicooker or other heating appliance there;
  • it is necessary to regularly clean windows from dirt: if you do not allow heavy pollution, then for standard cleaning a soap solution or regular glass cleaner will be sufficient;
  • During repairs, it is necessary to carefully close the windows: for this you can use film, old wallpaper or fabric;
  • it is important to protect windows from various mechanical damage: even small scratches can significantly reduce the service life of plastic structures;
  • The service life of plastic windows is affected by humidity. You should regularly ventilate the premises, monitor the ventilation system and, if possible, use air conditioning.
Plastic windows can be washed after repair different ways. To do this, you can purchase household products or use folk tricks. It is best to take care of this in advance and carefully close the windows before repairs to avoid heavy contamination.

During repairs at window frames construction dust, plaster, paint and other solutions used in repairs get into the glass. You can clean windows using folk recipes or remedies household chemicals. To choose the best method, you should take into account the nature of the contamination and the material from which the frames are made.

Preparing windows for cleaning

Before you start washing window frames, they should be prepared. Often after repairs, traces of polyurethane foam, glue or plaster remain on them. If you encounter this problem, use the recommendations below.

Tips for preparing window frames for washing:

Polyurethane foam. Build-ups of hardened polyurethane foam should be removed carefully with a spatula so as not to damage the surface of the window. Places where the foam has become ingrained should be treated with an acetone-based solvent (purchased from hardware store). You need to soak a napkin or piece of fabric with the product and apply it to the remaining foam. After 5-7 minutes, the foam will become wet and can be easily removed with a damp cloth.

Glue. If new windows were installed before renovation, after all construction work the protective film must be removed from them. Traces of glue often remain on the surface of the frames, which can be removed using the special Cosmofen product. Also, remaining glue can be removed with a spatula after warming it up with a hairdryer.

Plaster. Traces of plaster from windows must be thoroughly wetted with water. Once the remaining plaster gets wet, it can be easily scraped off with a spatula.

Washing window frames

After removing the remaining building materials, you should begin washing the frames. You can remove remaining dust with a soap solution or detergent. To do this, add one third of a grated bar of soap or a tablespoon of dishwashing detergent to warm water (3 liters). Then you need to moisten a cloth in the solution and wipe the frames. If after this procedure there are stains on the surface, you should use special household chemicals or other preparations.

Household chemicals for cleaning frames

There are many various means household chemicals that can be used to wash frames. Before using any drug, you should read the instructions for use.

Brands of frame cleaners:

  • “Mr. Proper." Available in powder or liquid form. If powder is used, it must be dissolved in clean water(3 tablespoons per 5 liters of water). The liquid is used in pure form. The product is applied with a sponge to contaminated surfaces, and after a few minutes it is removed with another clean sponge, generously moistened with clean water.
  • "Cillit Bang" Sold in a bottle with a spray bottle, with which the product must be sprayed onto the surface of the frame. After this, you need to rub it a little with a sponge in order for foam to form. After 10 minutes, the foam should be wiped with a clean cloth. The product is harsh unpleasant smell, so it is recommended to keep the windows open when using it.
  • "Sanita." The product has a creamy consistency. It should be applied to the surface, rubbed and left for 2-3 minutes. If there are stains that are difficult to remove, the product should be washed off after 5-7 minutes.
  • "Domestos". This product has a slight whitening effect, so you can use it to get rid of stubborn stains. To maximize the effect of application, Domestos should be applied to the frames and left for 12-15 minutes, after which the residue should be removed with a napkin.

Other preparations for cleaning frames

You can wash stubborn stains from window frames with other means that you have on hand.

Such means include:

  • Nail polish remover. You should choose brands that do not contain acetone. You need to soak a napkin or cotton pad with the product and wipe the stained areas. Nail polish remover is good for removing paint and glue stains.
    Table vinegar (9%). To clean windows, you need to prepare a vinegar solution of 5 parts vinegar and 2 parts water. The resulting composition must be wiped off with a napkin.
  • Ammonia. 25 milliliters of alcohol are used per liter of warm water. This solution will help remove stubborn dust and other contaminants after repairs.
  • Kerosene. This remedy should be used only in cases where other methods do not help, since kerosene is toxic. The product is especially effective when there are paint stains on window frames. If kerosene is not available, gasoline can be used.
    Window glass cleaning

Glass cleaners can be purchased or prepared independently.

Purchased glass products

Glass cleaning products, which are purchased in stores, are available in liquid form in bottles that are equipped with a spray bottle. Such products are used according to the same principle - the liquid must be sprayed onto the surface of the glass and then wiped dry. For wiping, it is best to use newsprint or special wipes for cleaning glass.

The brands of glass cleaners are:

  • "Mister Muscle". It is affordable and cleans glass well. construction dust and other contaminants.
    "Help". It is in the same category as the above remedy. It does not leave streaks, but it is difficult to cope with stubborn stains.
    "Clean." It has a higher price compared to “Mr. Muscle” and “Help”. Effectively removes even stubborn stains from glass left after repairs.
  • "Cif." Refers to one of the most effective means for washing glass surfaces. Doesn't have strong smell, and the cost is comparable to the “Clin” product.
  • "A second for glass." It has a low price and removes all contaminants well. The downside of this product is the strong aroma, which lasts longer than the smell of other drugs.
  • "Ecover". Distinctive characteristic This product has a composition that includes only natural ingredients. The cost of this product is higher than all others. “Ecover” is not suitable for stubborn stains, as it does not contain aggressive chemical components. This remedy is optimal choice for pregnant women or allergy sufferers.

Homemade products

To wash glass, you can prepare a product according to a folk recipe. To do this you will need the following components:

  • Medical or technical alcohol - 50 milliliters;
  • Potato or corn starch - 1 tablespoon;
  • Water – 500 milliliters.

All components must be mixed in a convenient container and poured into a spray bottle. Before spraying the liquid onto the glass, the bottle must be shaken vigorously. After spraying the product, wipe the treated surface with a napkin. The starch in this recipe can be replaced with powdered chalk or powder for cleaning teeth.

If there is dried dust on the glass, you can use a soap solution with vinegar. To prepare this remedy, take the following ingredients:

  • Clean warm water – 500 milliliters;
  • Table vinegar – 50 milliliters;
  • Dish soap or liquid soap– 1 teaspoon.

All components must be poured into a vessel with a spray bottle and sprayed onto the glass. The vinegar in this recipe can be replaced with lemon juice (3-4 tablespoons) or citric acid(at the tip of the knife).

Each window cleaner comes with instructions for use and preparation if we're talking about O folk recipe. But there are also general rules guidelines that must be followed when cleaning window frames and glass. These recommendations should be followed in order to maintain appearance products and ensure your safety.

General rules for washing windows include:

If used for cleaning windows chemicals, all manipulations must be carried out wearing a protective mask and gloves. The same recommendations should be followed if folk remedies based on alcohol and other aggressive substances are used.

To wipe glass and frames, you need to use fabrics that do not crumble and do not leave lint on the surface. These can be cotton towels or flannels. You can also use microfiber or thick paper wipes.

First, the outer surface (the one that faces the street) of the windows is washed, then the inner one. You should start by cleaning the glass, then wash the frames, mechanisms and window sill.

After completing the procedure, you should vacuum the surface of the window frames in order to remove small particles of cement, soil, and dust.
When using funds with abrasive particles Care must be taken when washing frames. Do not rub them vigorously, as the granules can scratch the plastic.

In order for window cleaning after renovation to be effective, procedures should begin immediately after completion of all construction work. To obtain a high-quality result and ensure safety, you should also follow all recommendations for using both purchased and self-prepared products for cleaning window frames and glass.


Repair is a very troublesome, dirty and garbage job, after which you still have to spend a long time and persistently washing the floors, furniture, and, of course, the windows! And this can be very difficult to do. The difficulty is that window glass is very easy to scratch if you use sharp tools when cleaning metal objects. Of course, you can use the services of commercial organizations that will clean windows without any problems, but not everyone can afford it, especially after repairs, which usually “suck out” everything to the last penny!

So, let’s take a look at the rules and tips for cleaning windows after renovation:

  • Thick layers of paint and plaster are well softened by acetic acid. Apply it liberally to the dirt, and then carefully remove it with a special scraper with a thin trapezoidal blade designed for removing dirt from windows. Do not forget to protect your hands with gloves, and your respiratory tract with a mask and respirator, since acetic acid vapors are poisonous to humans. Take children and animals out of the house during this time.
  • Minor paint stains can be removed with gasoline or kerosene. Rub these areas with a fresh cut of the onion.
  • Don't neglect the age-old window cleaner: ammonia. Feel free to add it to a warm soapy solution for washing windows.
  • After the basic procedures for removing dirt and traces of repairs, it is necessary to wash the windows clean. It is better to do this in cloudy weather, when the sun's rays do not hit the glass. This will avoid divorces.
  • After removing all dirt, wipe the glass with a soft cloth, and then rub it until shiny with a special product designed for caring for windows.
  • Ordinary soda or dish soap are excellent for cleaning plastic window frames, but certainly in powder form. Do not rub the glass itself with this composition, otherwise you will scratch it. For painted frames, it is better not to use soda, as it will corrode the paint.
  • Add a little starch to the rinsing solution and your windows will delight you with a pleasant shine and shine.
  • Try wiping dirty glass with a piece of leather moistened with a little water and alcohol.

There are also ready-made chemical products for cleaning windows after renovation. Buy them if home recipes don't work. But remember that before repairs it is better to protect new windows as much as possible with special construction tape, fabric, screens, than to go out of your way to try to remove stubborn stains.

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Maintenance of plastic windows is minimal. Unlike wooden ones, they do not require periodic painting and additional protection. The only thing you need to do is wash the profile and glass, and the windows will serve faithfully for decades. But even such care has its own rules and requirements. How and with what to wash plastic windows? - let's look at this issue together.

Cleaning the window after installation

Immediately after installation, the windows do not look as we would like. When completed installation work There is a film left on the profile, and stains on the glass and fittings. You will have to spend 5-10 minutes cleaning the windows after installation.

When completing all work, first remove the protective film from the profile. This must be done no later than 2-3 days after installing the profile. Adhesive layer upon exposure sun rays may come away from the film and remain on the profile in the form of spots, onto which dust and dirt from the street will subsequently settle.

The film cannot fully protect the profile from contamination, so after its removal, stains from construction mixtures may remain on the surface of the frame and glass. Now we will tell you how to clean plastic windows after repair. We will take into account only the profiles, because the glass and fittings can be cleaned by any means, but the frame needs more gentle care.

How to clean concrete, putty and plaster from a window profile?

If you remove stains from building mixtures immediately after they hit the window, not a trace will remain of them. It is much more difficult to wash the profile and glass if the concrete, putty or plaster has already dried. This will take a little more time.

Data Construction Materials are susceptible to getting wet, and it is this flaw that we will use to our advantage. Wet the stains thoroughly with water using a spray bottle or a rag; periodically, you can additionally moisten the contaminated areas. After a few minutes, the building mixtures can be washed off with a rag.

If water doesn't help, carefully remove the stains with a blade or thin stationery knife. It is not recommended to use coarser and thicker tools, for example a spatula, as you may damage the profile.

How to clean construction foam from a window profile?

It will be difficult to wash off construction foam, so make sure that installers wipe the profile every time it gets on the surface of the frame.

If you still cannot avoid this, you can completely remove the dried foam only by scraping it with a knife or blade. Residues can be removed with special means, for example, Phenozol or Penosil, or “non-traditional” foam solvents like Dimexide ( medicine). But under no circumstances use chemical solvents, nitro compounds (toxic substances of organic origin, for example, nitrobenzene, nitronaphthalene) or pure acetone. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC, the material from which the profile is made) is not affected by acids and alkalis, but on the surface of the profile there may be a glossy film or a protective layer that will suffer from exposure to such agents.

And now we will tell you in detail about the means to combat stains construction foam, which were mentioned earlier.

Fenozol is a company that produces care products for plastic windows. Its product line includes a special profile cleaner without any solvents. This product can remove any dirt, including foam stains. We will return to this company, because it produces a lot of products that will be useful to us.

PENOSIL is a European company that produces polyurethane foam and construction adhesive. In addition, it produces Premium Foam Cleaner - a cleaner for hardened polyurethane foam from tools, clothing and even skin. The product contains acetone, but due to the mass of auxiliary substances, this solvent is not dangerous for the profile surface.

The product is available in the form of an aerosol. Dimexide - medicinal product

in the form of a solution or gel, used for muscle or joint pain. This medicine is produced by several manufacturers and is sold without a prescription. The product contains dimethyl sulfoxide, which softens the foam so that it can be removed with a regular rag. The product does not damage the outer layer of the profile, but can cause allergies or skin irritation, so it is better to use it with gloves.

How to remove paint from a window profile?

First, try scraping off the droplets with a blade or utility knife. This must be done extremely carefully. If there are small stains, you can wipe them off with nail polish remover, without acetone. It is better to do this pointwise, i.e. Apply the product only to contaminated areas; it is most convenient to use cotton swabs.

Paint on water based can be removed using a hair dryer (a device that supplies a stream of hot air under high pressure) and an ordinary high-power household hair dryer.

To do this, just direct a stream of hot air at the stains for a few minutes, the paint will become soft and can be wiped off with a regular rag. With more durable paint and varnish materials this approach will not work.

How to remove glue stains from a window profile?

If you did not remove the film in time and traces of glue remain, be prepared for labor-intensive work.

Stains can be removed using an aqueous solution of acetic acid (70%) in a ratio of 10/1. If you use less pure acetic acid (with a lower percentage of the active substance, for example 14%, 10%) you can use less water.

All contaminated areas are wiped several times with a vinegar solution, after which the glue is wiped off with the hard side of a dishwashing sponge. To completely remove the glue from protective film it will take you 20-30 minutes of continuous work.

We have figured out the removal of construction dirt, now let's find out how and what is the best way to wash plastic windows during operation.

Cleaning the window during operation

By the word “window” we mean the profile, glass, fittings and even the seal. All these parts consist of different materials and their care requirements differ from each other.

How to wash a plastic window profile?

The profile is washed as it becomes dirty. They can act as detergents: special means, as well as household chemicals familiar to everyone.

Most accessible remedy to clean the profile - regular dishwashing gel. Such products do not contain hard particles that can damage the surface of the profile, they are non-toxic, do not cause allergies, foam easily, remove all dirt from the profile and are easily washed off.

It is recommended to make a soap solution in a ratio of 10/1 (10 parts water, 1 part gel). The water should not be hot. The profile is wiped with a soft sponge for washing dishes or a special household microfiber cloth ( fabric material, leaving no fibers). You can properly wash plastic windows using regular soft fabric, but in this case the profile will have to be polished in a circular motion.

After washing, you need to wash off all the foam from the profile and wipe dry. It is not recommended to leave the frame wet. If the sealing of the profile and glass unit is somehow damaged, water can get inside the window, which can cause condensation or fungus.

For serious contamination, it is better to use special products, such as the aforementioned Phenozol.

For convenience, you can purchase a special set that includes products for washing the profile, seal and fittings. Each of these products meets all the requirements for caring for plastic windows. Fenosol is not the only company, but one of the most affordable. Attention should also be paid to a company called KARCHER. It produces a range of products for household use , including for cleaning PVC products. You can purchase a stone/linoleum/PVC cleaner. It removes stubborn stains without harming the profile, and is even suitable for caring for wooden windows

, sold in a convenient spray bottle. Each of these professional means

You can purchase it at a hardware or hardware store. Their price is approximately 500 rubles. To clean the profile with these compounds you will need a soft cloth. Any material can be used.

How to wash glass?

Window glass is not much different from ordinary glass, so you can wash it with the usual means. It is best to use cleaners based on acetic acid, ammonia or regular alcohol. The same compounds can be used to wipe the profile.

In order to wash plastic windows without streaks, microfiber cloths are used. You can also use regular paper napkins or newspaper.

More complex stains can be removed with solvents, alcohol and acetone. The main thing is to ensure that these compounds do not get on the profile and seal. If you have tinted or laminated glass (glass covered with a special film), it is better not to use caustic compounds.

How to wash fittings and seals?

Dust and other contaminants must be periodically removed from the plastic window seal. Do this with a soap solution and a soft cloth. Once every few months, the seal needs to be treated with silicone grease, which you can purchase at any hardware store; it is also recommended that it be carried out periodically (every few years).

External window care

Plastic windows need to be washed both inside and outside. Caring for windows on the street side is not much different from caring for the room side. The exception is the metal parts of the window, for example, the drainage profile. It is best to wash it only with soap solutions and do not use abrasives (with hard particles), as well as various acids and alkalis. The paint that covers the outside of the window can become damaged, exposing the metal, which increases the chance of corrosion (rust).

It is quite difficult to protect all parts of the window from contamination during repairs. Sometimes polyurethane foam gets on the window sill, the glass gets splashed with paint or plaster, and the slopes and frame get dirty. How to clean a window from such complex contaminants?

It is best to use a special glass scraper for cleaning windows. You can buy it at a hardware store for a small amount, and you will need it more than once later. You cannot use spatulas and knives to remove dirt from windows, since they can scratch the surface and do not scrape off dirt well.

  • Vacuum the frames to remove dust from the hinges and other window mechanisms.
  • If there is a film on the frames, then remove it by first moistening it with hot water.
  • Wipe the frames with a hard sponge and a cleaning agent, such as Sif, and rinse them with clean water.
  • Wet the glass with regular warm water and remove the water along with any stuck-on dirt using a scraper.
  • Apply window cleaner to the glass and clean the glass with a cloth, paying attention to all corners. Very convenient for removal excess moisture use a squeegee.
  • Glasses are washed first from the inside and then from the outside.
  • After the glass and frames are washed, you can wash the window sill.
  • At the end the tide is washed.

A few words about the squeegee, it is also called a glass screed or a squeegee. It allows you to clean glass without any rags or napkins. You can use a rag only if you need to slightly correct the result. Sold individually at different prices, there are not very expensive ones, and there are professional ones, the cost of which exceeds 1000 rubles.

How not to cover up the windows too much

It is easiest to clean plastic frames; wooden, painted metal or frames coated with a special film require more careful handling. If construction mixture gets on them during the repair process, it must be wiped off immediately. It is very difficult to clean such frames from dried dirt without damaging them.

You must immediately remove the mounting foam if it gets on any part of the window. The foam sticks strongly, and it is not easy to wash it off after repair. True, it is destroyed under the influence of the sun and low temperatures, but you have to wait a long time for this to happen.

It is advisable to remove protective films from new windows after repair as quickly as possible. The longer they hold on, the more they will stick to the frames.

Can be used to protect frames masking tape However, it is not advisable to keep it for a long time, since under the influence of sunlight it can leave behind yellow spots. You should not use tape that is too sticky, because it will take a lot of effort to clean it later.

Window cleaners

If there is no significant dirt on the windows, then almost any detergent. You can use special wet wipes or rub slightly moistened glass with newspaper. Newspapers perfectly collect dirt, polish glass, give it an incomparable shine and absorb moisture. However, now regular newspapers are becoming increasingly rare. Instead, you can use a soft cloth made of material that will absorb water and will not leave fibers on the glass.

If desired, you can buy a set that includes cleaning products plastic frames, seals and fittings. The advantage of such a kit is that you can subsequently lubricate the seal and metal parts of the window mechanism more than once. This way you will extend its service life.

If you do not trust purchased detergents, considering them harmful to health, you can first wash the frames and glass with soapy water, and then rinse with the solution ammonia(per liter of water 1 large spoon of alcohol).

A solution is a good way to remove stains from glass. table vinegar(a quarter glass) and water (a glass). For ease of use, the liquid is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed on the glass surface.

Splashes of paint from frames or glass can be washed off with turpentine; they can also be soaked with water and scraped off with a scraper.

For cleaning, it is best to choose a non-hot day so that the sun does not quickly dry the glass. In this case, it will be easier for you to work, and you will quickly get your windows in order.
