Report on the practice of an interior designer. Industrial practice for a design student

The report on the student designer's practice consists of typical sections.

  • Introduction. The section where the report begins. This describes the basic characteristics of the organization in which the student is undergoing internship. A work plan is drawn up, listing specific goals and objectives.
  • Project part. This section consists of several subsections that talk about the design stages and project goals. This section describes the general characteristics of the enterprise for which a design project will be created, the creation of technical specifications, the development of a design project, the implementation and implementation of the project itself with a detailed description of all its stages.
  • Familiarization of the student with the work of the enterprise.
  • Description and analysis of legal documents and standards regulating the work of a designer.
  • Conclusion. This includes conclusions both about the work of the enterprise as a whole, and specific conclusions about the work of the designer.
  • List of used literature.

Samples, examples of practice reports 2015,2016:

A practice report is essentially a draft design solution for a specific organization. At the very beginning, in the introduction, the organization in which the student is doing internship is succinctly described. The history of the enterprise is described, significant dates that in one way or another positively influenced the development of the organization. All goals and objectives assigned to the trainee are also briefly described. In addition, in the introduction it is necessary to mention the work and role of the designer in the enterprise in general. Then more detailed characteristics of the organization are given, areas of work and main structural divisions are described.

The next stage is the design project itself. The terms of reference are carefully written and a detailed plan for implementing the project is drawn up. After drawing up the plan, you should describe in detail each of its points and the design stage. The student must explain in the report what impact his design solution can have on the enterprise.

The peculiarity of a designer student's practice is that it includes not only the creation of a design project, but also the study of the features and subtleties of the design profession. This means that during practical classes the student must study the regulatory and legal framework that regulates the direct process of the designer’s work.

In conclusion, the student must present detailed conclusions made while working in the organization. The conclusions concern both the work of the enterprise as a whole and specific conclusions about the features of the designer’s work. The design student can also describe his suggestions for improving the organization's design department. After this there is a list of literature used; it is allowed to use both printed materials and a variety of Internet resources.

?Federal Agency for Education
Kuban State University
Institute of Primary and Secondary Vocational Education

From 06.06.2011 to 03.07.2011

Head from INSPO _________ Full name

Head of the organization _________ Full name

Work completed:
3rd year student
Specialties 032401 “Advertising”
Full name

Krasnodar 2011
About the student’s practical training

Student name
specialty 032401 “Advertising”, 3rd year group, from 06/06/2011. to 07/03/2011
completed an industrial practice “in the specialty profile”
at the enterprise IP "Full Name"
at Sochi, lane. Morskoy 12, 3rd floor.
1. Duration of practice from 06/06/2011. to 07/03/2011
2. No violation of labor or executive discipline was observed
3. The general level of theoretical training is high
4. Demonstrated the ability to work in the specialty
5. High level of communication skills
6. Obtaining a working position in the future is possible as an advertising and PR technology specialist
7. Internship assessment: Excellent
8. There is a prospect of employment at the enterprise after the student completes her studies and receives a diploma.
Notes: Diana has a high level of knowledge in her specialty and takes a responsible approach to any assigned work.

Head of practice from the enterprise
Director, full name

2011 _________________

Internship plan
Chapter 1. Brief characteristics of the enterprise
1.1. General information. Types of economic activities. Operating mode
1.2. History of creation and development
1.3. External marketing environment. The company's main competitors
1.4. Advertising. Its role in developing the competitiveness of the company
Chapter 2. Organizational structure of the enterprise
Diary of internship
Recall of the enterprise
Chapter 3. Conclusions and suggestions
3.1. Analysis of the organizational and managerial activities of the RA “Pride”. Proposals for changes to the structure of the RA and its organizational and legal form
3.2. Competitiveness analysis of RA “Pride”. SWOT analysis of the agency's activities
3.3. Activities to increase the competitiveness of the RA “Pride”
3.3.1. Changes in the pricing policy of RA “Pride”
3.3.2. Providing new types of advertising services. Release of new types of advertising media
3.4. Improving the advertising activities of the advertising agency “Pride”
3.4.1. Determining the goals and objectives of the advertising campaign
3.4.2. Determining the target audience. Market assessment and segmentation
3.4.3. Distribution of advertising budget and choice of advertising media
Annex 1
Appendix 2
List of used literature


In accordance with the curriculum, I, a 3rd year student at the Institute of Primary and Secondary Vocational Education at KubSU, majoring in Advertising, was accepted for practical training at the Design Studio “Pride” (hereinafter referred to as RA).
While working as an advertising assistant, my responsibilities included:
- Monitoring the work of company employees;
- Study of the structure, types of activities, documentation and operating mode of the enterprise;
- Participation in the work of the advertising department;
- Assistance and study of the process of developing advertising campaigns;
- Monitoring of the advertising market in Sochi;
- Identification of industries with the greatest need for advertising in Sochi;
- Search for solutions and ideas to increase the competitiveness of the Republic of Armenia;
- Assistance in developing the RA philosophy;
- Analysis of the most popular types of advertising in Sochi.
The purpose of the industrial practice is to study the work of the advertising agency, consider the specifics of the advertising market in Sochi, study the features of promoting advertising services, analyze the advertising and economic activities of the advertising agency and analyze the competitiveness of the company.
The object of the study is the Design Studio “Pride”.


Planned work
06.06.11 – 12.06.11
Acquaintance with the employees of the enterprise, the history of creation and development, operating hours. Familiarity with the types of activities of the enterprise, enterprise documentation and market position.
13.06.11 – 20.06.11
Acquaintance with the advertising department, its composition, and the main functions of specialists.
Working as an assistant manager for advertising and customer relations, with the following duties: working with databases, assistance in working with clients, participation in the development of company presentations for clients, familiarization with the basics of the work of a BTL manager, studying the marketing environment in the city of Sochi, and studying the advertising activities of the enterprise.
21.06.11 – 26.06.11
Collection of data on the operation of the enterprise, its position and competitiveness in the advertising market in the city of Sochi, on the clientele and pricing policy of the enterprise. Drawing up a brief description of the enterprise.
Studying the organizational structure of the enterprise together with the director (full name) and drawing up its diagram.
Drawing up a list of conclusions and proposals for the work and advertising of the enterprise.
27.06.11 – 03.07.11
Consolidation of acquired knowledge and skills through work: supervisor; working as an assistant production manager and participating in the development of an advertising campaign; participation in the publication of souvenir products.
Development of a media plan for the advertising agency “Pride”.




Design studio “Pride” (hereinafter RA “Pride”) was founded on February 3, 2006, by director Yuri Ovchinnikov. The organizational form of the enterprise is individual entrepreneurship (IP). Actual address of the Republic of Armenia: Russia, Sochi, lane. Morskoy 12, 3rd floor.
RA “Pride” is open from Mon. – Fri., from 10 am to 6 pm, lunch break from 1 pm to 2 pm. Closed: Sat., Sun.
RA "Pride" is a full-cycle advertising agency, that is, it provides a full range of advertising services and has its own printing. These services include:
1. Marketing development strategy (they create a plan for building and selling a brand for the target audience).
2. Creation of advertising. These are advertising specialists (project managers, art directors), who create the advertising itself, and copywriters, who compose advertising texts that help increase sales.
3. Media planning. Conducting research to identify the target audience and the best methods of influencing it.
4. Buying advertising in the media.
5. Planning. Determination of quantitative and qualitative factors affecting the consumer’s perception and attitude towards the advertised product (Example: a certain car is positioned as “female”, thereby reducing the male audience; Or a strong alcoholic drink, which is preferred by men, the expectation for a female audience will be minimal).
6. Production. It is the very process of physically transforming an advertising strategy into actual print advertising, radio and television advertising, or any other type of advertising.
The main objective of RA “Pride” is to generate profit, provide services to clients and satisfy their needs in services such as branding, design, creative and other developments, conducting marketing research, presentations, placement in the media, supply of souvenirs, printed products, etc.
During the existence of the company, the following clients have become (many of whom are still cooperating with RA): FGU Center Mir IT, Utrish Dolphinarium (Anapa), Aquatoria Dolphinarium, Baltika - Sochi, Boomer Automotive Complex, Yuzhproektkommunstroy , “Sochigorstroy”, “Yugspetsstroy”, “Usadba – Sochi”, shopping center “Alexandria”, car market “Ferrara”, etc.
When working with clients, a standard service agreement is used, which is concluded with the client for an indefinite period and stipulates the general terms of cooperation. Also an integral part of the contract are annexes that stipulate the execution of specific works, their cost, deadlines and other individual conditions. Agreement for the provision of services by RA “Pride” in Appendix 1.


The history of the creation and development of the agency begins with the current director of the company, Yuri, who, before becoming the director of the Pride company, tried himself in many fields and specialties. The idea of ​​creating an RA agency arose spontaneously, but rapidly developed and was brought to life. It all started with a passion for web design and several orders for website development from friends. Having his own individual entrepreneurship, Yuri had no problems with the official registration of the company. But difficulties arose with renting space for the company, financial possibilities were severely limited, and there were no specialists in this field among my acquaintances right away. Then the first improvised office was Yuri’s house, he was also the only RA employee and a jack of all trades. The first clients were friends and relatives, with small orders of flyers and advertising booklets. Having mastered the basics of advertising and marketing, Yuri began developing a logo, corporate colors and banners for his own computer store. The budget has already begun to allow us to create a mini advertising company, rent space and create our own staff. The first staff consisted of 3 people, but they were great enthusiasts of their work. So, step by step, RA “Pride” entered the city’s advertising market. Within a year, the agency already had its own base of regular clients and set up its own printing press.
Now the main activities of the RA are:
1. Development of brands and their communications (development of names, corporate styles, promotion programs, advertising ideas, logos).
2. Naming (development of brand names, company names, slogans, etc.), copywriting, rewriting.
3. Marketing research, interviewing, questionnaires, information collection, etc.
4. Outdoor and print advertising (banners, flyers, leaflets, booklets, pillars, banners, etc.)
5. Advertising inside retail premises.
6. Direct marketing (direct mail, delivery of business correspondence, unaddressed mailing).
7. Production (souvenir products, outdoor advertising, printing of leaflets, business cards, etc.)
8. BTL (creation of promotions, presentations, etc.)
9. Design, web design.
The company went through different stages during its development. The shares of income brought into the company by various directions change from time to time. At the beginning of the agency's work, development (design, idea) and implementation (printing, survey, installation) brought in about 50/50. During the crisis of the services market and the sharp rise in prices for products, the indicators shifted from 15-20% to development (since many firms and companies saved money, preferring to outsource this work to their employees, which did not have a very beneficial effect on sales), and 80-85% was implementation and placement. Currently, the ratio has changed in the opposite direction and is 60/30 in favor of developments. Printing is still in particular demand.


The advertising market in Sochi appeared quite a long time ago, but began to develop only in the last 5 years. Likewise, the demand for advertising agency services has increased during this time. For quite a long time, this service sector was controlled by several “giants” who set development trends, pricing, and also introduced new ideas into the market. These were the RA "Elephant" (in collaboration with the Advertising House "Kuban") and the RA "Pirate" (from the group of companies "Pirat Energy").
After the start of Olympic construction in Sochi, the number of enterprises and companies providing various types of services increased sharply, which could not but cause the growth of advertising agencies and printing houses. For example, a table showing the pace of market development:
Tab. 1. Growth in the number of enterprises in Sochi from 2009 to 2011*

Transport and communications
Health and Social Services
Hotels and restaurants
Large institutions for treatment and recreation
Wholesale enterprises
Shopping and business centers

*according to the site

Total 1167 new potential clients for advertising agents. It is especially profitable to “catch” a client who has just entered the market.
The growth of enterprises continues to gain momentum today, and the advertising services market is changing rapidly and offering more and more new ideas. It is enough to carefully monitor trends to remain in demand.
Today in Sochi, there are about 390 companies positioning themselves as related to the advertising field. This number also includes companies (agencies and printing houses) engaged in advertising as a related service, or providing marketing services for market analysis. Let's consider the relationship between enterprises with a full range of services and firms with separate advertising areas.
Diagram 1. Percentage of full cycle RA and
companies with separate advertising directions.

*In my experience
Evaluating the results of the diagram, one can make a false conclusion that full-cycle RAs are not in wide demand and may be unprofitable. But they have one main advantage: only in such agencies can you do absolutely everything to advertise enterprises and services, literally without leaving one office. It is worth emphasizing such advantages when developing the company’s advertising concept.
Despite the competition in the advertising services market, Pride RA has its own small but constant client base for many years. Good clients, good orders. The clients of this company are people who are interested in the successful business of their company, in the progress of their company, and most importantly, they value high quality work and fast order execution. Also, a significant advantage of RA “Pride” is its fairly long existence on the service market. Many of our clients recommend the company to their friends.
It is necessary to thoroughly study the policies of competitive companies in order to correctly set the tasks and goals of further advertising campaigns, as well as to allocate a budget for them. To highlight the company’s competitors, we will consider all enterprises engaged in advertising, according to the time of existence in the city.
Diagram 2. Time of existence of the Republic of Armenia in Sochi.

*Data received by me
My main competitors are some of the larger agencies that have been in business for over 6 years. These are branches of large media holdings (Elephant, Pirate, Maxima (Sochi branch), Advertising - Sochi, RPK Orange, RPK Graphics, RPK Mir). I identified them as the main competitors and compiled an approximate percentage of costs from profits on advertising campaigns, and an overall assessment of competitors.
Tab. 2. General assessment of competitors.

Approximate advertising percentage
RA Elephant
Outdoor advertising, service, souvenirs, printing, layout design for printing
Outdoor advertising, Internet, Information in directories, on television (RenTV (Efkate Sochi))

Internet, Outdoor advertising, printed publications (Relax! Sochi)
Full cycle
Outdoor advertising, Internet, Directories.
Advertising – Sochi
Outdoor advertising, advertising on transport
Internet, Directories
RPK Orange
Outdoor advertising, silk-screen printing, souvenirs
Internet, Information in directories
RPK Graphics
Full cycle
Internet, Information in Directories
RPK World
Full cycle, promotions and PR services
Internet, Outdoor advertising, Directories.
*Data from the Internet

Advertising in the service sector (including in the advertising market) is an effort to disseminate reliable information about the consumer (useful) properties of services (products) in order to create demand for them. That is, it must solve the following problems:
1. inform the population (or an entire audience) about the place, forms, methods of service, cost and timing of orders;
2. influence the formation of demand for products (services) in order to increase the volume of their sales and reduce the influence of seasonality;
3. cultivate the aesthetic tastes of clients.
Despite a good client base, stable earnings and a positive reputation among clients, Pride RA has not actively advertised itself over its almost 6-year history.
Strange as it may seem, many RAs do not advertise themselves at all (except for scanty information in directories and, at best, the presence of a website). “Pride” is more related to this group, believing that cooperation with regular customers is very important and the replenishment of the customer base is carried out like a radio, at the expense of business reputation. Even when advertising information about RA is placed in directories and Internet catalogs (I was provided with examples of this type of advertising), dry informational text is used that conveys to the consumer (without specifically identifying the target audience) the main coordinates of the company, its services, advantages, and sometimes information about promotions .
It's rare to see advertising on TV or radio, especially with an interesting storyline. Everything is designed for professionals (who apparently don’t laugh and don’t remember bright things), without trying to play up the advantages of cooperation, interesting design solutions, the presence of memorable slogans and USPs.
RA “Pride” has all the basic information, along with advertising, price lists, etc. located on the official website of the company (, which is currently under reconstruction). RA also sends out emails with commercial offers to various enterprises (the “cold calling” method).
An advertising campaign can be considered absentee participation in the thematic forum “V element. Market of Advertising" in April 2008 in Rostov-on-Don. You can also note the increased level of knowledge and qualifications of some employees after the forum. Indeed, among the employees of the advertising and marketing department of the RA, only the designer has a professional artistic education, which corresponds to their professional activities. But, unfortunately, not a single employee of the company has completed a higher education (or completed courses on this topic) in advertising or marketing.
Very often you can hear the opinion that there are services (products) that do not need advertising. It can hardly be considered true. After all, without broad information about the services provided, no enterprise will be able to constantly and systematically replenish its client base, and therefore will not be able to receive more profit, which is necessary for further development. Especially in the current conditions of high competition in the city, advertising should not only inform, but also arouse interest and create a need among the audience for this service.

Director of Design Studio “Pride”, full name


Student, full name

Figure 1. Organizational and managerial structure of the RA “Pride”
The head of the RA management is the director. The structure of the company is as follows: the main part of the staff is divided into designers and advertising managers. Above all departments, except accounting, there is a manager, represented by the office manager, who is also the deputy director in case of his absence. The director of the company maintains direct communication with him, the secretary and the chief accountant. The main communication with middle and lower level personnel occurs during planning meetings, meetings and the process of agreeing on project development. The production base in the Republic of Armenia is represented by printing house workers (printers) and specialists in the installation of advertising structures. The company also has an IT department, represented by two people. The first is a technology specialist, responsible for the entire technical base and software of the company, the second is a computer graphics artist, involved in the development of three-dimensional models, graphics and the implementation of design solutions in virtual life. He takes orders from both the chief designer and is associated with a senior IT specialist. All mid-level specialists of the enterprise are interconnected.
This type of communication and control makes it possible to increase the efficiency of decisions made, which, in turn, has a positive effect on the quality of fulfillment of assigned tasks and on the work of the RA as a whole.
Each link in the RA performs its specific functions. Let's look at them next.
The functions of the director include:
1. Control over the movement of financial and material assets;
2. General management of the RA activities;
3. Monitoring the condition of equipment and office equipment;
4. Ensuring the fulfillment of the RA’s obligations to the Customer;
5. Resolving all issues related to the commercial, financial, economic and production activities of the company;
6. Organization of effective work of all structural departments and their interaction;
7. Participation in the creation of advertising strategies based on promising areas;
8. Drawing up, concluding, signing contracts, signing and securing all documentation of the enterprise, as well as documents related to the manufacture of products and the provision of RA services;
9. Market analysis of supply and demand;
10. Organization of methodological assistance to all department heads.
The functions of the chief accountant include:
1. Maintaining accounting and tax records in accordance with national standards and regulations in force in the Russian Federation;
2. Providing tax, financial and statistical reporting within the deadlines and authorities established by current legislation;
3. Submission of an annual report to the company’s board of directors;
4. Organization of property accounting, receipt of funds, etc.;
5. Taking measures to prevent shortfalls.
The functions of the secretary include:
1. Carrying out work on organizational and technical support for the administrative and administrative activities of the manager;
2. Acceptance and distribution of business correspondence;
3. Record keeping;
4. Preparation of documents, materials and personal statements for signature by the manager;
5. Monitoring the execution of orders and instructions in the agency;
6. Organizing the reception of visitors, facilitating the prompt consideration of their complaints, wishes and claims;
7. Formation of cases;
8. Fulfillment of orders and requirements of the director.
The functions of an office manager include:
1. Analysis of the activities of agents and all subordinate structures;
2. Drawing up, concluding contracts and issuing special permits for advertising products during the absence of the director. As well as performing all his duties during his absence;
3. Public relations;
4. Finding out the needs and wishes of consumers and clients;
5. Delivery and preparation of all documents important for the agency’s work;
5. Participation in planning and distribution of the company’s budget;
7. Monitoring changes in the structure of the company and in the work of subordinates;
8. Responsibility for order in the office, as well as accurate execution of customer orders;
9. Implementation of collective work of all employees.
The functions of the chief designer include:
1. Accepting orders for the design part of the work;
2. Preliminary graphic description and justification of the future advertising product;
3. Resolution of specific issues with the client;
4. Interaction with a computer graphics artist.
The functions of a production manager include:
1. Development of a product promotion strategy;
2. Processing information about the market, competitors, and new trends in the advertising business;
3. Forecasting and analysis of sales, demand for services;
4. Introduction of new services, development of advertising campaigns for the agency;
5. Organization of marketing events;
6. Monitoring the timing of orders;
7. Search for contractors and temporary specialists (if necessary);
8. Preparation of trainings and seminars for the company.
The functions of advertising specialists include (Job Description Appendix 2):
1. Replenishment of the RA client base;
2. Client meeting and product presentation;
3. Client management;
4. Finding solutions to problems posed by clients;
5. Planning of advertising campaigns;
6. Creating a positive image of the company;
7. Drawing up and submitting work reports on time;
8. Stimulating the client for repeat orders;
9. Establishing and maintaining contacts with the media for the purpose of placing advertising information;
10. Interaction with other employees of the creative department.
The functions of production base workers include:
1. Reception of raw materials;
2. Production of promotional items on time;
3. Installation of promotional items.
Currently, RA “Pride” employs 15 full-time employees, but the company is striving to expand and reorganize its activities. Supervisors and promoters are also invited to work temporarily, at the request of clients, to conduct promotions and presentations. In general, the agency is quite young, only 3 specialists are over 30 years old. And the average age of workers is 23-25 ​​years.

Director of Design Studio “Pride”, full name


Student, full name

Description of work performed
Acquired skills
Introductory interview. Tour of the advertising agency, meeting its employees.

Familiarity with the types of activities of the enterprise, with its economic activity. Study of the market situation, familiarization with the market of goods and services in Sochi, under the supervision of the director of the RA. Studying the distribution of responsibilities among specialists.
Analysis of the city market. Selection of more developing areas of goods and services. Analysis of the company's position in the market by clientele and closest competitors.
Introduction to the creative (advertising) department. Studying the division of work and functions of each specialist. Getting to know the agency's client base. Working as a customer service manager (calling, conducting a survey about the quality of service, the effectiveness of the advertising produced, where they found out, about the agency).
Conducting business dialogue. Conducting a telephone survey
Training on new trends in advertising services in Sochi. Observing negotiations between a specialist and a client.
Search for non-standard advertising solutions within the budget.
Working as an assistant advertising manager. Participation in the preparation of presentations for clients. Studying prices for advertising production and for the work of specialists. Analysis of the agency's philosophy (motto, slogan, corporate colors, goals).

Faculty of Arts

Department of Art Design

Technological practice


Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Zakharova S.V.


Student gr. ZLD - 211S Menshikova I.V.



General conclusion of the practice manager from the enterprise.

During the internship at Transkom-Stroy LLC

Menshikova Irina Vladimirovna became familiar with safety precautions when working with tools, their technical characteristics, technology for drawing up technical specifications, and gained theoretical and practical knowledge in the development of land plots. Under the guidance of the head of the practice, I completed an order for arrangement of the house territory. Showed a good level of theoretical preparation. She approached her task conscientiously and responsibly. She showed her desire to gain new knowledge and master technology.

In general, the work of Menshikova I.V. deserves an "excellent" rating.

signature transcript


Name of works, tasks.

Evaluation signature of the manager

Filling out documents for internship. Completing safety training and getting acquainted with brief information about the enterprise.

Familiarization with the tools and devices used in the production process. Study of planting material and planting technology. Familiarization with the materials used for planting plants.

Receiving a task. Execution of technical specifications. Selection of materials and tools for this task. Showing sketches to the customer. Order confirmation.

Execution of additional drawings and sketches. Showing sketches and drawings to the customer. Order confirmation.

Selection and order of planting material in the nursery. Delivery.

Preparation of soil and planting holes.

Preparing a trench for planting hedge plants.

Planting trees.

Caring for seedlings. Watering.

Lawn cleaning and mowing.

Delivery of the object to the customer.

Manager's signature _____________________ (_______________________)

signature transcript


Surname Menshikova

Name Patronymic name Irina Vladimirovna

Educational institution RGPPU

Faculty Faculty of Arts

Course and group 2nd year ZLD-311S

2014/ 2015 academic year

Practice period from 19.062015 By 02.07.2015


and brief description Transkom-Stroy LLC was created in early 2006. The main directions of the company are landscape design, landscaping, architectural and artistic lighting of buildings and facades. The company helps to make original and informed decisions that satisfy even the most sophisticated customer requirements. Currently, Transkom-Stroy employs 25 people. The staff consists of landscape designers, a landscape architect, agronomists and facility maintenance workers. The company's specialists undergo advanced training courses, which has greatly expanded their service area.

Head of practice from the university:

Position, scientist degree and title:

FULL NAME. Zakharova S.V.

Head of practice from the enterprise:

Job title ________________________________________________________

FULL NAME. ___________________________________________________________

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University"

Faculty of Arts

Department of Art Design

on technological practice

Student of group _____________ ZLD – 211C Menshikova I.V.

Head of the enterprise Transkom-Stroy LLC

company name

_______________ _________________________ ________________________

signature position full name

Head from the university Art design

____________ teacher, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Zakharova S.V.

signature position, academic degree and title full name



Production - technological part……………………………...4




The tasks of practice in the specialty profile are:

In students' mastery of professional activities in their specialty;

In consolidating, expanding, deepening and systematizing knowledge obtained from studying special disciplines based on the activities of a specific organization;

In acquiring initial practical experience.

Goals of practice in the specialty profile:

Formation of a holistic understanding of green enterprises among students;

Familiarization with the state of the labor market and the production of green material for landscaping;

Studying the range of flower, tree and shrub crops; - completing an individual task.

    Production and technological part.

Preparing planting sites, planting trees.

The planting pit for trees begins to be prepared in advance - several months before planting. This is necessary so that the earth has time to settle. The dimensions of the planting pits for stone fruits (cherries, plums, sweet cherries, apricots, cherry plums) are approximately 60 cm deep and 40 cm in diameter. Pome-bearing species (apple, pear) are planted in holes 80 cm deep, 60-80 cm in diameter. Berry bushes can be planted in holes or trenches (40x40 cm). On dense clay soils, it is better to dig holes of larger diameter but shallower depth. In areas where there is a risk of flooding, drainage can be done. To do this, in the lowest part of the planting pit, a drill is used to make a channel 1-1.5 m deep, which is filled with broken bricks or crushed stone. You can also plant trees on mounds (or “beds”), for which a stake 1.5 m high and 5-6 cm thick is driven into the place chosen for planting the tree, the soil around the stake is dug up to a depth of 20 cm and the necessary organic fertilizers are poured (up to 8 kg per 1 m²). The seedling is tied to a stake, straightening the roots. Everything is covered with fertile soil, forming a mound. To prevent the walls of the earthen mound from crumbling, they can be lined with turf around the perimeter. The mound on which the tree is planted can be of different heights, depending on the depth of the groundwater: 50 cm if the groundwater lies at a depth of 0.5-1 m, 30 cm if the groundwater is 1-1.5 m deep. Diameter of the mound it is necessary to increase the bedding as the root system grows. It is best to plant trees on hills in the spring.

Advantages of planting tree seedlings on mounds:

    the roots are provided with a deeper fertile layer;

    the roots of the tree are better provided with oxygen;

    in the spring, the flowerbed warms up faster and the roots begin to grow earlier; the harvest is obtained earlier;

    with the onset of frost in autumn, the roots harden and adapt to winter faster;

    the bark of the trees does not get warm in rainy autumn and snowy winter;

The most fertile soil in any area is concentrated in the top layer (top 20 cm), therefore, when digging planting holes, this layer of soil must be removed and set aside separately from the rest of the soil being removed, without mixing. After planting, the soil taken out from the depths of the hole is distributed around the trunk circle (and ideally, it is better not to use this soil at all). When the entire hole has been dug, it is filled with a mixture of top fertile soil with organic and mineral fertilizers, taking into account the requirements of the plants being planted.

Rotted manure and compost (15-30 kg per 1 hole) are suitable as organic fertilizers for filling a planting hole (if the soils are clayey, you need to add coarse sand - 2-5 buckets, if the soils are sandy - the same amount of clay).

Before planting, broken branches are removed from the seedling; the roots are not cut off unless necessary. Only if the roots are damaged, they are shortened to the healthy part. The roots of a healthy seedling should be fresh, not dried out, not frostbitten, preferably no shorter than 30 cm, branched.

If the roots dry out on the way, they should be immersed in water for 12-24 hours. If the root system of the seedling is open, and it will only be possible to plant it in a few days, during this time the roots can be wrapped in damp burlap or moss and wrapped in several layers of newspaper. If seedlings are planted immediately after digging holes, it is necessary to compact the soil after backfilling by compacting it with feet or spilling a large amount of water (1-2 buckets per plant). Also, when planting a seedling, it is better to carefully (without damaging the axillary buds) remove all the leaves, which will prevent the young plant from evaporating moisture, which means it is less likely to die from drying out. This technique is especially relevant for seedlings that will not be planted immediately after purchase. After planting the seedling, special holes are arranged around the trunk for summer watering.

Planting a hedge. Planting dates depend on the selection of plants. Deciduous shrubs, taken from open ground with a bare root system, are planted in autumn or early spring. Planting material received at an inopportune time or when the soil is not yet prepared is better to dig in. Shrubs grown in containers are planted at any warm time of the year; they only need to be watered during short periods of drought.

Soil preparation. Hedges, as a rule, occupy a permanent place for a long time, so thorough preliminary soil preparation is necessary. To mark the land allocated for hedges, use bamboo sticks and strong twine. Along the line that the fence will occupy, dig a trench 60-90 cm wide and a depth of a spade bayonet. The bottom of the trench is loosened with a pitchfork and well-rotted compost, manure, peat or leaf humus is added. A certain amount of organic matter is left a little further away, which is mixed with the soil when the seedlings are buried. For each linear meter of the trench, two or three handfuls of complex mineral fertilizer are evenly filled with a pitchfork.

Selection of plants for hedges. It is very tempting to choose large plants for planting at once in order to reduce the time needed to create a hedge. This should not be done. Small plants 30-45 cm high are not only cheaper, but also take root faster than their larger relatives. In case of emergency, a temporary fence made of poles and wire is erected along the young plantings. Planting hedge plants. Planting is carried out in moist, easily cultivated soil. Use sharp pruning shears to trim broken or damaged roots and place the plants in trenches at the required distance. Carefully remove the shrubs from the containers in which they were grown, being careful not to damage the root ball. A hedge 90 cm wide or more is planted in two rows in a checkerboard pattern. The rows are placed at a distance of 30-40 cm along a line stretching along the trench. The bare roots of the plants are straightened out and covered with soil, compacting it tightly with your feet. The old soil mark on each plant stem should be at or just below the soil level. The root ball of plants grown in containers is filled in so that the old mark is buried no more than 2.5 cm from the surface. The soil near the trunk becomes compacted. Immediately after planting, unattractive or damaged branches are trimmed with pruning shears. Hedges of deciduous plants are pruned to about a third of their height, and for hawthorn and privet, pruning should not exceed 15 cm from ground level. Evergreen and coniferous plantings can be sprayed with a preparation that promotes the survival of young plants and reduces evaporation.

Hedge care. In the first spring after planting, a 5-8 cm layer of mulch from wet peat or ground tree bark is scattered on the soil surface at the base of the hedge. When planting evergreens and conifers in spring, this operation is performed immediately. Mulch only moist soil. In dry weather, frequent watering is carried out. During frosts, the soil around the plants is trampled down daily, since when the plants protrude, the roots can dry out. The application of mineral fertilizers is a particularly important process for increasing soil fertility. As the plant grows, its root system absorbs nutrients from the soil, which gradually reduce their content in it. The application of mineral fertilizers helps restore the balance of nutrients in the soil. If the soil is not fertilized in a timely manner, the planted plants will noticeably slow down their growth or stop growing altogether. Thus, the application of fertilizers should not only take place, but also be applied at the optimal time for plant growth. The amount of fertilizer required for each specific soil type can be found in the reference literature.

Planting trees and shrubs in groups is the most common technique of landscape architecture, which is used in practice to create a green background, fill open space, and decorate bare trunks and branches of elongated plants. A group of woody plants carries an independent decorative meaning, creating a certain color spot or color effect, especially if it consists of foliage or flowers of plants contrasting in color. Such groups can successfully camouflage unsightly buildings, hedges and fences, compost heaps, etc. Depending on the purpose of the group, it can be formed either only from trees or shrubs of one species or variety (pure groups), or include trees and shrubs of different species and varieties (mixed groups).

Based on planting density, dense and openwork groups are distinguished. An important characteristic of the group is its colorfulness, which is determined by the color of its constituent plants: discreet, monochromatic, not contrasting, or, conversely, spectacularly blooming, with colored or contrasting foliage. Discreet groups perfectly mask the less attractive corners of the garden, serve as a backdrop for tapeworms, frame a lawn or edge, and serve as a backdrop to a site. Bright groups are planted in the most prominent places to create a spot of color, highlight the compositional center, and focus the observer’s attention. It is appropriate to place such groups on lawns, near the facade of the house, as part of mixborders, in corners formed by the intersection of paths. The area occupied by the group varies from 1.0-.5 sq.m. up to a third of a hectare, plantings with a larger area are called arrays. In terms of quantitative composition, the scatter is also large, from 3 specimens to several dozen.

The construction of groups can be very different, depending on the author’s imagination and the goal he pursues:

    regular placement of plants in a group (rare);

    bouquet or close planting of plants; tent planting of plants that are pure in composition but of different ages;

    tent planting of different species of plants;

    free planting of pure and mixed groups; planting extended compositions;

    planting plants in combination with prominent tapeworms.

For the practice of arranging a plot of local area, the following rules are adhered to:

    the smaller the plants, the more of them are required for planting;

    the group can be quite dense or through, but it must have clear outlines.

To do this, plants must be planted in such a way that their crowns close together in adulthood. With very rare exceptions, the group cannot have a regular geometric shape in its outline, for example, a square or rectangle. The boundaries of the group should be soft and smooth - this will give the plantings a natural look.

Traditionally, an odd number of plants are planted in groups: trees and large shrubs - 3 pcs., medium-sized shrubs - 5 pcs., low-growing or dwarf shrubs - 9 pcs. If necessary, the number of plants can be increased or decreased. In order for a group mixed in dendrological composition to retain its architectonics for many years, it is advisable to take into account the growth rates of the plants included in it.

Fast-growing species should not be planted in limited areas. For mixed groups, plants are selected both on the basis of decorative and biological compatibility. If a mixed group consists of beautifully flowering plants, it is advisable to select them in such a way that the flowering of some species is replaced by the flowering of others. The decorative group should always look neat, that is, clogging of the plantings with the remains of fallen leaves and dead branches, or overgrowing with weeds is not permissible.

Group plantings of woody plants must be cared for especially carefully. This means regularly destroying weeds, removing drying branches and cutting out excess root growth, mulching tree trunk circles with peat, peat compost or wood chips, trimming the edge of the lawn (the so-called “cutting”) along the contour of the decorative group to prevent it from becoming overgrown with lawn grasses. Since group planting is usually denser, during dry periods of summer the plants need additional watering; for the same reason, plants must be fed annually with organic and mineral fertilizers and their condition must be carefully monitored.

Cleaning areas of plant debris

Clearing the lawn of debris. The lawn surface is cleaned of grass, small debris and leaves using LUM-1.3, S K-24 lawn cleaning machines, as well as a Husqvarna 141B hand blower. Of great importance is the system of prescribed lawn maintenance measures, carried out periodically, every three to five years. Such activities include digging and rolling lawns, mechanical treatment of turf, protecting lawns from pests and diseases, and lawn repairs. Earthing and rolling of lawns. One of the lawn care techniques is soiling - covering the surface of the lawn with a thin layer of fertile soil. Digging stimulates the tillering of cereals, improves the moisture supply of young shoots and overall soil fertility. Lawns must be mowed before digging.


Analyzing the work done, we can say that the goals and objectives of technological practice have been completed in full. A custom order has been completed. The project for landscaping the recreation area was worked out and carried out from order to delivery of the territory to the customer. During the practice, all the shortcomings were taken into account and all the nuances of working with customers were taken into account. I discovered a lot of new things in the field of materials and devices for implementing projects.

During my internship, I became familiar with various ways of arranging and landscaping a recreation area on the premises, from submitting an application to handing over the property to the customer. During the internship I gained the following knowledge:

    methods for establishing lawns, planting material for lawns for various purposes and lawn care;

    selection of planting material for different types of group plantings and hedges;

    necessary conditions for pruning trees and why they are needed.

I had the opportunity to use and improve my knowledge and skills. I learned to apply my knowledge and skills in practice.

All this will be useful to me in my future professional activities.


1. Bogovaya I.O., Teodonsky V.S. Greening populated areas - M.: Agropromzdat, 1990.

2. Ganichkin O. and A. Ornamental shrubs, trees and flowers. - M.: Onyx Publishing House, 2009.

3. Gostev V.F., Yuskevich N.N. Design of gardens and parks - M.: Stroyizdat, 1991.

4. Erokhina V.N., Zherebtsova G.P., Wolftrup T.I., Pokalov O.P., Shchurova G.V. Greening populated areas - M.: Stroyizdat, 1987.

5. Konovalova T.Yu., Shavyreva N.A. Decorative shrubs. – M.: Fiton+ CJSC, 2006.

6. Leontovich V.V. Vertical planning of urban areas - M.: Higher School, 1985.

Design practice, which must be completed before writing a dissertation. project evokes different feelings among customers. On the one hand, there is an opportunity to feel the atmosphere of a diploma in a team and evaluate your prospects in this specialty.

On the arc side, you should write . And no more and no less, its writing will be the main thing when marking the test. It is clear that this is biased to a certain extent, since professional skills are not considered enough, but nothing can be done.

In fact, at any enterprise, in any company, registration is approximately the same. The practice report consists of three main parts.

  1. . In this section, you should provide information directly related to the company - its history, structure, main activities, form of ownership, and so on.
  2. Main part. As a consequence, several sections need to be described here. First of all, there is an analysis of your work and completed activities. Secondly, theoretical issues are considered in the perspective of their practical application, which will be further covered in the diploma. Work.
  3. . In this section, the practice report covers your personal awareness of the positive and negative aspects of the company’s diploma project, proposals for the reorganization of production, and other criticism and wishes.

There are other types of internships - introductory or, for example, production. Of course, the practice report in this case will be slightly different. But not by structure, but by the volume of reflected material.


specialty 070600 “Design”

The industrial practice program is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the State Standard of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation. Contains the general structure of practice, types and contents of assignments, methodological recommendations for preparing and conducting practice, content of the report, a list of basic and additional literature for preparing and completing practical training. Intended for students majoring in 070600 “Design”.


Industrial practice for students of higher educational institutions is an important part of the educational process of training students in specialty 070600 “Design”.

Purpose production practice is - obtaining practical skills in the phased design of objects of design activity, using the latest innovations in computer graphics programs.

In practice, students are faced with the following: tasks:

    get acquainted with future professional activities related to the production and design activities of the designer;

    master the ability to understand the principles of development and implementation of design projects;

    master the methods of the creative process of designers;

    master practical skills in various types of fine arts and design graphics methods;

    master the principles of artistic and technical editing;

    become familiar with computer technologies used in design organizations and design studios.

Internship is aimed at familiarizing students with the design process, acquiring practical skills in their specialty in the real conditions of a design organization, consolidating and deepening the knowledge gained from studying special subjects.

Among the practices provided for by the State educational standard, industrial practice is one of the stages in organizing students’ continuous and consistent mastery of professional activities. Its distinctive feature is its practical focus on developing professional skills and competencies in students, allowing them to comprehensively and rationally solve specific problems related to design. It develops in students the skills of a practical approach to the process of designing objects of design activity.

Industrial practice is aimed at developing the following professional competencies in students:

    ability to analyze and determine requirements for a design project;

    the ability to synthesize a set of possible solutions to problems and approaches to implementing a design project;

    the ability to use drawing skills in sketching practice;

    ability to develop a design idea based on a conceptual creative approach to solving a design problem;

    ability to prepare a complete set of documentation for a design project.

Industrial practice is carried out at the university in the 3rd year at the end of the 6th semester. The duration of the internship is 3 weeks. At the end of the practical training, students are provided with a report on the practical training. At the end of the internship, the student is given 2 days to complete the report. The content of the report is determined by the practice program. Submission of the internship report is carried out on the day established by the department - during the last week of internship or during the first two weeks of the new semester. The defense of the practice report takes place before a commission appointed by the head of the department. As a result of submitting the practice report, the student receives a grade. When assessing the results of students’ work, the content and correctness of the student’s execution of practice reporting documents, the complexity of the designed object, and the orderliness of the work are taken into account. A student who has not completed the internship program, received negative feedback on the work or an unsatisfactory grade when defending a report, is sent back to practice.

Approximate thematic plan for industrial practice

Duration of practice in days

Introduction to the design organization

Familiarization with the technology of design work and the approval procedure. Project approval

Work as a designer (or assistant designer)

Collection of materials for the practice report and course design (during the entire internship)

Preparation of reporting documentation and presentation of your work in practice

Total practice:

Approximate content of industrial practice

Topic 1. Introduction to the design organization

The head of practice from the design organization introduces students to the structure of the design organization, the nature and content of its work, the work schedule and internal regulations, and the rules of labor protection and fire safety.

Topic 2. Familiarization with the technology of design work and the approval procedure. Project approvals

The head of practice from the design organization introduces students to the structure and full composition of the project at various stages of design; reveals the content of each part of the project; introduces the rules and standards for performing work, modern methods of their implementation and reproduction, the procedure for coordination and approval at all stages of design.

Topic 3. Working as a designer

During this period, students are directly involved in design work under the guidance of a representative from the design organization.

Topic 4. Collection of materials for the report and course design.

The student individually studies design regulatory documents, masters modern design computer programs, and improves new technologies for completing coursework.

Topic 5. Preparation of reporting documentation and presentation of your work in practice

The student prepares and draws up reporting documentation on practice, according to established standards. Collects necessary signatures and seals on documents. He puts everything in a separate folder, which he submits for review to the head of the practice from the university. Prepares a presentation and speech for the reporting conference.

Practice assignment

The practical training assignment is intended for all students and is presented in thematic sections that reveal the content of the main areas of their work. Each section of the assignment defines the area of ​​professional knowledge acquired by the student at the beginning of practical training, for which it is necessary to acquire sustainable knowledge and skills. The main areas of student work during practical training are:

₪ development of a project sketch;

₪ execution of the drawing;

₪ development and visualization of the final version of the project;

₪ implementation of the project or its main directions;

₪ drawing up a report on practice.

The final reporting materials for practical training are: a diary, a practical report, applications and a presentation of your work at the final conference.

The production practice report must contain:

1. Title page.

2. Description of the goals and objectives of industrial practice.

3. Description of the content of the practice. The content should reflect all sections of the assignment that the student must complete during the internship period.

4. Conclusions. The conclusions reflect the results of practice. Knowledge and practical skills acquired by the student.

The student attaches preliminary designs to the report.

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