The main ways to develop professional competence of a teacher. Formation of professional competence of a teacher. Questions and tasks for self-test

Development of professional competence of a teacher as a factor in improving the quality of education in the context of the introduction of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard.

I would like to begin my speech with the wordsBritish professor, leader of educational reform in Great Britain Michael Barber: « The quality of the education system cannot be higher than the quality of the teachers working in it.”

Traditionally, the education system has focused on knowledge as the goal of learning. The work of the school's teaching staff was assessed based on the amount of knowledge acquired by graduates. The transformations of Russian society in general and schools in particular have led to changes in the requirements for students. The “knowledgeable graduate” has ceased to meet the demands of society. There was a demand for a “skillful, creative graduate.”

Therefore, the main direction of work in school today is considered to be the development of the professional competence of a teacher who is able to skillfully organize the activities of students, transfer to students a certain amount of knowledge to master their abilities to active action. The quality of student learning depends on the quality of the teacher’s work.

I would like to draw your attention to different approaches to the definition of professional competence.

IN explanatory dictionary S.I. Ozhegovacompetence is defined as a characteristic of a knowledgeable, knowledgeable, authoritative specialist in any field. According to Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Vadim Nikolaevich Vvedenskyprofessional competence The teacher’s knowledge is not reduced to a set of knowledge and skills, but determines the need and effectiveness of their application in real educational practice.

Despite the ambiguity of the presented approaches, professionallycompetent you can name a teacher who is sufficiently high level carries out pedagogical activities, pedagogical communication, achieves consistently high results in the training and education of students.

Development of professional competence – this is the development of creative individuality, the formation of sensitivity to pedagogical innovations, the ability to adapt to a changing pedagogical environment.

Based on modern requirements for a teacher, the school determines the main ways to develop his professional competence:

    System of advanced training.

    Certification of teaching staff for compliance with the position held and qualification category.

    Self-education of teachers.

    Active participation in the work of methodological associations, teacher councils, seminars, conferences, master classes. Popular forms of methodological work are theoretical and scientific-practical conferences, meetings, and congresses of teachers.

    Mastery of modern educational technologies, methodological techniques, pedagogical tools and their continuous improvement.

    Mastery of information and communication technologies.

    Participation in various competitions, research work.

    Generalization and dissemination of one’s own teaching experience, creation of publications.

These areas are implemented by the school’s methodological service, which includes: pedagogical council, methodological council, school methodological associations, problem groups.

The following forms of work with teachers can improve the quality of modern lessons:

    thematic teaching councils

    instructive and methodological meetings on a methodological topic

    open lessons at municipal and school levels

    in-school methodological seminars

A special role in the process of professional self-improvement of a teacherhis innovative activity plays a role . In this regard, the formation of the teacher’s readiness for it is the most important condition for his professional development.

If a teacher working in a traditional system only needs to be proficient in pedagogical technology, then the teacher’s readiness to innovate is decisive for the transition to an innovative mode.

The innovative activities of teachers at school are represented in the following areas: implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC, development of modern pedagogical technologies, testing of new generation textbooks.

It should be noted that none of the listed methods will be effective if the teacher himself does not realize the need to improve his own professional competence. There are two ways to implement teacher professional development:

through self-education;
– through the conscious, voluntary participation of the teacher in events organized by the school.

The development of professional competence is the development of creative individuality and readiness for pedagogical innovations. From professional level The socio-economic and spiritual development of society directly depends on the teacher. The changes taking place in the modern education system make it necessary to improve the qualifications and professionalism of the teacher, i.e. his professional competence. The main goal of modern education is to meet the current and future needs of the individual, society and the state, to prepare a well-rounded personality as a citizen of his country, capable of social adaptation in society, beginning labor activity, self-education and self-improvement. A qualified, creatively thinking teacher, capable of educating an individual in a modern, dynamically changing world, is a guarantor of achieving goals.

It is clear that solving the main problems general education primarily depends on the professional competence of teaching staff - the main executors of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. One thing is clear that only teachers with high professionalism can educate a person with modern thinking. At the same time, the concept of “professionalism” also includes the personal potential of the teacher, his beliefs, attitudes, in their integrity, giving high-quality educational results.

In modern conditions, the requirements for the professional competence of a teacher are imposed not only by the new educational standard, but also the TIME we live in. And each teacher is given a difficult but solvable task - “to find himself in time.” For this to happen, everyone who has chosen the teaching profession must periodically recall the very important and correct words of the Russian teacher, the founder of scientific pedagogy in Russia, Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky, with which I will end my speech:“In the matter of teaching and upbringing, in the entire school business, nothing can be improved without going past the head of the teacher. A teacher lives as long as he learns. As soon as he stops learning, the teacher in him dies.”

Formation professional competence teacher and its influence on relationships with children.

Unlike education at other age stages of development,

preschool education is considered as a system in which the central place is occupied not by content and forms, but by the process of interaction between the teacher and children. Pedagogical interaction is a purposeful contact between a teacher and students, the consequence of which is changes in their behavior, activities and relationships. Since the teacher is a significant figure for the child, he is responsible for the quality of interaction with children. Therefore, near preschoolers there should be

highly professional teachers.

Exploringprofessional competence of a teacher , E.F. Zeer, E.A.

Klimov, A.K. Markova, L.G. Semushina, N.N. Tulkibaeva, A.I. Shcherbakov and

others point to its components: special knowledge, abilities, skills,

significant personal properties and value orientations.

Concretizing the understanding of the essence of professionalism in relation to

professional - pedagogical activity, O.M. Krasnoryadtseva

defines a professional teacher as a person who well understands the general trends in the development of the educational process, his place in it and

having a special vision of a person in the process of development, understanding

direction and effectiveness of psychological actions and influences; transforming any learning situation into a space for the development of the child and capable of designing a developing pedagogical environment and himself.

In the context of modernization preschool education in activities

teachers identify a number of interrelated components: constructive,

organizational, communicative, which specify activities

teachers. In general, at the federal level, requirements for personality and functional responsibilities modern educator.

Becoming new system preschool education requires radical

rethinking the existing approach to professional activity

teacher A modern kindergarten needs a teacher who can

independently plan and organize pedagogically appropriate

work system, and not just perform job duties.

Modern education characterized by the active involvement of teachers in innovative activities, the process of introducing new programs and

technologies, methods and techniques of interaction with children. In such conditions

special importance is attached to the state of professional activity,

the level of competence of teachers, improving their qualifications, the desire for self-education, self-improvement.

The professional competence of a teacher is characterized as general

the teacher’s ability to mobilize his knowledge and skills. Consistently high

the level of professional competence can be achieved subject to continuous education. What comes to the fore is not formal membership in a profession, but professional competence, that is, the specialist’s compliance with the requirements of professional activity.

Formation of professional pedagogical competence- a process that continues throughout professional path. To acquire professionalism, you need appropriate abilities, desire and character, a willingness to constantly learn and improve your skills. The concept of professionalism is not limited to the characteristics of highly skilled labor; this is also a person’s special worldview. A necessary component of human professionalism isprofessional competence.

Professional competence of a teacher is multifactorial

a phenomenon that includes the teacher’s system of theoretical knowledge and

ways of their application in specific pedagogical situations, the value orientations of the teacher, as well as integrative indicators of his culture (speech, communication style, attitude towards himself and his activities, towards related areas of knowledge, etc.).

Under professional competence is understood as a totality

professional and personal qualities necessary for successful

pedagogical activities.

A teacher who is professionally competent can be called

carries out pedagogical activities at a sufficiently high level,

pedagogical communication achieves consistently high results in development and education.

In accordance with the definition of the concept of “professional competence,” it is proposed to assess the level of professional competence of teaching staff using three criteria:

1. Knowledge of modern pedagogical technologies and their application in professional activities.

2. Willingness to solve professional subject problems.

3. The ability to control one’s activities in accordance with accepted rules and regulations.

One of the most important components of professional competence is the ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, as well as use them in practical activities. Today, society is experiencing the most profound and rapid changes in its history. The old style of life, when one education was enough for a lifetime, is being replaced by a new life standard: “EDUCATION FOR ALL, EDUCATION THROUGHOUT YOUR WHOLE LIFE...”. One of the indicators of a teacher’s professional competence is his ability to self-educate, which manifests itself in dissatisfaction, awareness of the imperfections of the current state of the educational process and the desire for growth and self-improvement.

A teacher of the 21st century is:

A harmoniously developed, internally rich personality, striving for spiritual, professional, general cultural and physical perfection;

Able to select the most effective techniques, means and technologies

training and education for the implementation of assigned tasks;

Able to organize reflective activities;

Possessing a high degree of professional competence, a teacher must constantly improve his knowledge and skills, engage in self-education, and have versatility of interests.

Competence is personal characteristic, and competence is

set of specific professional qualities.

Professional competence is the teacher’s ability to decide

professional problems, tasks in professional conditions

activities. Professional competence is the sum of knowledge and skills that determines the effectiveness and efficiency of work; it is a combination of personal and professional qualities.

Based on modern requirements, we can determine the main ways to develop the professional competence of a teacher:

Work in methodological associations, creative groups;

Research activities;

Innovative activities, development of new pedagogical technologies;

Various forms of pedagogical support;

Active participation in pedagogical competitions and festivals;

Broadcasting your own teaching experience, etc.

But none of the listed methods will be effective if the teacher

he himself does not realize the need to improve his own professional


Development of professional competence is a dynamic process

assimilation and modernization of professional experience, leading to development

individual professional qualities, accumulation of professional experience, which involves continuous development and self-improvement.

We can distinguish the stages of formation of professional competence:

1. self-analysis and awareness of the need;

2. planning for self-development (goals, objectives, solutions);

3. self-expression, analysis, self-correction.

Formation of professional competence - the process is cyclical,

because in the process of pedagogical activity it is necessary to constantly

increasing professionalism, and each time the listed stages

are repeated, but in a new quality. Speaking about the professional competence of a teacher, one cannot fail to mention the creation of a portfolio. A portfolio is a reflection of professional activity, in the process of its formation there is self-assessment and awareness of the need for self-development. With the help of a portfolio, the problem of teacher certification is solved,

because here the results of professional

activities. Creating a portfolio is a good motivational basis

the activities of the teacher and the development of his professional competence. A

To create a portfolio, you must have positive results from working with students and the achievements of the teacher himself. Having a good portfolio, you can take part in various grants.

In the structure of competence, three components (levels) can be distinguished: theoretical, practical, personal. The main components of a teacher’s professional competence include:.

Intellectually - pedagogical competence – the ability to apply acquired knowledge, experience in professional activities for effective training and education, the teacher’s ability to innovative activities;

Communication competence – a significant professional quality, including speech skills, listening skills, extraversion, empathy.

Information competence – the amount of information the teacher has about himself,

students, parents, colleagues.

Regulatory Competence – the teacher’s ability to manage his

behavior, control your emotions, ability to reflect,

stress resistance.

The following types of competencies are also distinguished:

1. Competence in conducting the educational process. Preparing for

educational activities necessitates a high

competence, constant search for new information. Deep knowledge

preschool pedagogy, basic methods of raising and teaching children

preschool age with practical application. Usage various methods training, various types activities and materials that are developmentally appropriate for children. Using diagnostic tools.

2. Competence in organizing the information basis of activities

pupils. Preparation for educational activities causes

the need to have high ICT competence, constant search for new information.

3. Competence in the organization educational work. Recognition of children's right to choose (activities, partners). Show respect for each child's thoughts and judgments.

4. Competence in establishing contacts with parents.

5. Competence in building an individual educational

pupils' routes. Organizing your own pedagogical

activities focused on the individual characteristics of the child.

Possession of means of diagnosing the individual characteristics of a child and

characteristics of the group. Defining individual goals for the short and long term.

6. Competence in the development and implementation of original educational


7. Competence in mastering modern educational


8. Competence of professional and personal improvement.

Ensures constant growth and creativity in teaching

activities, involves continuous updating of one’s own knowledge and

skills, which ensures the need for constant self-development.

9. Creative competence of the teacher. Positive attitude to new ideas, the desire to put them into practice on one’s own initiative.

Demonstration of competence in generalizing and disseminating teaching experience.

10. Competence in organizing health-preserving conditions

educational process. This competence will ensure the presence

criterion for a new quality of education - creating conditions for preserving

health of all participants in the educational process.

11. Competence in creating a subject-spatial environment. This

competence allows for the organization of children's communities and

stimulating children's self-regulation processes by providing them with

materials, time and place to select and plan their own


The key to professional growth of a teacher is the constant desire to improve skills. Professional skill is achieved only

constant work. The requirement for lifelong learning is not

new for educational workers. However, today it has received a new meaning. The teacher must not only monitor and study the rapidly occurring changes in the professional industry, but also master modern pedagogical technologies.

Teachers with a sufficient level of internal motivation, creative individuals, oriented to success, are able to independently achieve a high level of professionalism.

In modern conditions, a teacher is primarily a researcher,

possessing such qualities as scientific psychological and pedagogical

thinking, high level of pedagogical skill, developed pedagogical intuition, critical analysis, need for

professional self-improvement and wise use

advanced pedagogical experience, i.e. having formed

innovative potential.

I propose to organize work on developing the professional competence of teachers as follows:

Stage 1. Identification of the level of professional competence of the teacher:

Diagnosis, testing;

Determining ways to improve professional competence.

Stage 2. Mechanisms for developing professional competence of a teacher.

Training in advanced training courses, including distance learning

mode, etc.

Work in Russian educational institutions, creative groups, pedagogical workshops, master classes.

Active participation in teacher councils, seminars, conferences.

Participation in various competitions.

Participation in research work, creation of own publications.

Generalization and dissemination of experience.


Creative report.

Usage modern techniques, forms, types, teaching aids and new



Stage 3. Analysis of the teacher's activities.

Generalization of experience.

professional competence of teachers.

Self-analysis of activities.

Development of professional competencies of a young teacher in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

Just as no one can give to another what he does not have himself, so one who is not himself developed, educated and educated cannot develop, educate and educate others. He is only capable of actually educating and educating as long as he himself is working on his own upbringing.

A. Disterweg.

IN modern society rapid updates are taking place in all areas of professional activity; new, higher demands are being placed on the professional development of young specialists. In the Modernization Concept Russian education attention is focused on the fact that a developing society needs modernly educated, moral, enterprising young people who can independently make decisions in a situation of choice, capable of cooperation, characterized by mobility, dynamism, constructiveness, ready for intercultural interaction, with a sense of responsibility for the fate of the country, for its socio-economic prosperity. The school should have not just a subject teacher, but a creative organizer, a creatively developed person, capable of not only educating and raising a child, but also developing him as a person.

The definition of a teacher’s professional competence in our education appeared relatively recently. Now the issue of developing the professional competence of a teacher is more relevant than ever in the pedagogical community.

In the pedagogical dictionary, professional competence is defined as “a teacher’s possession of the necessary amount of knowledge, skills and abilities that determine the formation of his pedagogical activity, pedagogical communication and the teacher’s personality as a bearer of certain values, ideals and pedagogical consciousness.”

Thus, the responsibility for gaining experience practical work entrusted to the educational institution and the mentor, who is usually “attached” to young specialist. The quality depends on the level of the mentor and the teaching team into which the young specialist ends up. The main ways to develop professional competence at this stage are the Young Teacher School and mentoring. Are professional competencies being formed in a young teacher, which are undoubtedly very important for future pedagogical work, it is unclear if you do not know the work plans of the administration of a particular school for working with young professionals.

On the path to improving and developing professional competence, a young teacher will have to go through the following stages:

1. Work in methodological associations, creative groups

2.Research activities

3.Innovative activities, development of new pedagogical technologies

4. Active participation in pedagogical competitions, scientific and practical conferences

5. Broadcasting your own experience

However, none of the listed stages will be effective if the teacher does not feel the need to improve his own professional competence. It follows that it is necessary to ensure the creation favorable conditions for pedagogical growth and stimulate intrinsic motivation young teachers. The problem of managerial assistance to young teachers is quite relevant today.

Starting a professional activity in an educational institution, a young teacher must be fluent in pedagogical technologies of such types as diagnostics, goal-setting, forecasting, possess methods and means of pedagogical influence, skills in organizing various types of student activities, and the ability to connect personal, differentiated and individual approaches to teaching and upbringing. process, as well as overcome difficulties in communicating with students, parents, colleagues and administration.

Everything is new: social role, new relationships with people. A new personal situation - responsibility for the quality of one’s work, the result that teachers, students, and parents expect.

Lesson - the most important condition formation of universal educational actions.

Primary school is the foundation of every person's education. Today's junior schoolchildren, of course, are not like their peers in the 80s and 90s of the 20th century. The new generation is citizens of Russia with new thinking and motivated to innovative behavior. Therefore, it is important to form junior school student such a key competency as “the ability to learn.”

In this regard, other requirements began to be placed on the Russian education system. Thus, in primary education, the most important task is the formation of universal educational actions - the ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills. A special place in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard is given to the formation of universal educational activities (UAL).

Universal learning activities developed by a group of psychologists under the leadership of corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education, professor of Moscow State University A.G. Asmolov. Methodological and theoretical basis UUD is a system-activity approach by L.V. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontyeva, P.Ya. Galperina, D.B. Elkonina, A.V. Zaporozhets, V.V. Davydova. The authors of the second generation standards consider UUD as providing the student with opportunities to act independently when receiving education.

Universal learning activities (ULAs) are divided into 4 groups: regulatory, personal, communicative and cognitive.

The teacher’s task is to create conditions for the formation of UDL at each stage of the lesson and determine which methods are the most effective, to understand what the role of the teacher and student is at each stage of the lesson, to think through a system of questions and tasks that contribute to the formation of UUD.

Lesson stages that contribute to the formation of the above UUDs:

Stage 1 - updating basic knowledge

Stage 2 - formulation of an educational problem

Stage 3 - problem formulation, planning;

Stage 4 - discovery of new knowledge;

Stage 5 - application of new knowledge

Stage 6 - reflection

When designing any lesson, the teacher must plan the formation of a UUD: he must teach children to set goals and look for ways to achieve them; show the child's achievements in comparison with his early achievements; involve students in the discovery of new knowledge; teach techniques for working in groups; teach self-examination; introduce different sources of information used to search for knowledge; learn to independently choose criteria for evaluation; teach to defend own opinion and respect the opinions of others; teach cooperation between students and teacher. The teacher must remember that training, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, should be structured as a process of “discovery” of specific knowledge by each student. The student does not accept him in finished form, and the activities in the lesson should be organized in such a way as to require effort, reflection, and search from him.

So, the student must be the master of his activities: set goals, solve problems, and be responsible for the results. In order to cope with any task, the student masters universal learning actions.

The new Standard is results-oriented. Now not only knowledge, abilities and skills in subjects will be taken into account, but also interdisciplinary and personal results, that is, the development of a particular student, taking into account individual age, psychological and physiological characteristics, the student becomes an active participant in the educational process and does not just listen to the teacher who tells new material, but learns to acquire knowledge himself.

If change is not managed, it will happen regardless of whether we want it or not. It’s just not a fact that they will be exactly the way we want them. Control is intended precisely to transfer the system to the state we desire. To work in conditions that suit us. To do what we like. To receive satisfaction from your work, and not exhausting fatigue and irritation.


1. Koreshkova M. N., Ryzhevskaya M. A. Formation of professional competence of young teachers [Text] / M. N. Koreshkova // Young scientist. - 2016. - No. 24. — P. 466-469.

2. Ignatieva L.V. Pedagogical support formation of young specialists in educational institutions SPO [Text] / L.V. Ignatieva // Scientific and methodological electronic journal “Concept”. - 2016. - T. 19. - P. 108-111.

The quality of the education system cannot be higher than the quality of the teachers working in it


Traditionally, the education system has focused on knowledge as the goal of learning. The work of the school's teaching staff was assessed based on the amount of knowledge acquired by graduates. The transformations of Russian society in general and schools in particular have led to changes in the requirements for students. The “knowledgeable graduate” has ceased to meet the demands of society. There is a demand for a “skillful, creative graduate” who has appropriate value orientations, a graduate who can take responsibility, participates in joint decision-making, knows how to benefit from experience, and is critical of natural and social phenomena.

Therefore, we consider the main direction of work in school to be the development of the professional competence of a teacher who is able to skillfully organize the activities of students, transfer to students a certain amount of knowledge to master their abilities for active action.

Let us pay attention to approaches to determining professional competence. In S.I. Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary, competence is defined as the characteristic of a knowledgeable, knowledgeable, and authoritative specialist in any field. According to V.N. Vvedensky, the professional competence of a teacher does not boil down to a set of knowledge and skills, but determines the need and effectiveness of their application in real educational practice. The understanding of professional competence as “the unity of theoretical and practical readiness to carry out teaching activities” can be found in the works of Boris Semenovich Gershunsky.

Despite the ambiguity of the presented approaches, a teacher who carries out teaching activities, pedagogical communication at a sufficiently high level, and achieves consistently high results in teaching and educating students can be called professionally competent.

The development of professional competence is the development of creative individuality, the formation of sensitivity to pedagogical innovations, and the ability to adapt to a changing pedagogical environment.

The national educational initiative “Our New School” names a number of priority areas, one of which is improving the teaching staff. A new school today requires a new teacher. It becomes necessary for a modern teacher to constantly improve the level of his professional competencies: subject, methodological, communicative, informational, general cultural, legal.

Based on modern requirements for a teacher, the school determines the main ways to develop his professional competence:

  • Work in methodological associations, creative or problem groups (school and municipal levels).
  • Innovative activity of a teacher.
  • Participation in professional skills competitions, master classes, forums, festivals, etc.
  • Generalization and dissemination of one’s own teaching experience.
  • Certification of teachers, advanced training
  • Development of professional competence through active forms of work with teachers.

These areas are implemented by the school's methodological service, which includes: a pedagogical council, a methodological council, school methodological associations, problem groups, a school information support service, and a socio-psychological service.

The regulatory framework that ensures the work of the school methodological service is the internal local acts of the school.

The school methodological council is a collective public body that coordinates the activities of various services and departments of the school, school methodological associations, problem groups, aimed at developing and improving the educational space at school. The functions performed by the methodological council are:

  • Analytical (consists in studying the professional culture of the teacher, his ability to work with the class, individual students, his command of the professional language, methods of organizing and conducting a lesson, diagnosing the results of the teacher’s activities)
  • Advisory (consists of providing analytical, practical, advisory and other assistance to structural units in the development and implementation of innovative forms of work; summarizing the work experience of school teachers)
  • Organizational (consists of organizing and conducting methodological, subject weeks, organizing the work of creative and problem groups of teachers, organizing work with young teachers)

Among the priority areas of activity of the methodological service we highlight:

Organizing the work of the teaching staff on a single methodological topic.

Since 2009, the school has been working on the methodological theme: “Modeling a modern lesson.” The methodological theme of the school and the subsequent themes of the work of school methodological associations correspond to the main tasks of the functioning and development of the school. The goal of working on a single methodological topic: improving the professional competence of a teacher within the framework of modeling a modern lesson.

Each subject methodological association also organizes its work in accordance with the unified methodological theme of the school. The school has created 5 subject MOs, the priority areas of which are:

– improving the methodological and professional skills of teachers, developing their creative potential;
– creation of a training system that meets the needs of each student in accordance with his inclinations, interests and capabilities;
– organization of mutual assistance to ensure modern requirements for the training and education of students;
– mastering modern teaching methods and technologies.

Recently, school methodological associations have been paying great attention to the consideration of issues related to the formation of students' skills in creative research activities.

The following forms of work with teachers can improve the quality of modern lessons:

  • thematic teaching councils:“Lesson and child’s health”, “Motivating students’ activities in the classroom and creating conditions for its implementation”, “System of pedagogical lesson design in the conditions of different educational technologies”
  • instructive and methodological meetings on a methodological topic: “Alternative lessons in the practice of a teacher”, “Development of subject competencies of students in the lesson”, “Integrated lesson. Types of integration”, “Main stages of research search”, “How to make a presentation for a lesson” and others.

Open lessons at the municipal and institutional levels:

  • within the framework of city seminars for deputy directors: “Integrated use of health-saving technologies in the educational process”, “Organization of the specialized seasonal camp “Planet of Knowledge””, for teachers of history and social studies: “Civic education through a modern lesson”, for teachers of the Russian language and literature: “Development critical thinking through reading and writing"
  • as part of the implementation of the municipal project “Lessons as a gift”
  • within the framework of the institutional “Panorama of open lessons”.

Managing a modern educational institution today is impossible without receiving systematic, prompt, reliable information as a means of feedback. A means of obtaining such information can be pedagogical diagnostics as a technique by which the nature and essence of the process being studied is determined.

To implement quality work On the methodological topic, a survey was conducted with school teachers: “Studying the degree of difficulties in preparing for a lesson”, “Difficulties in organizing a school lesson”, which made it possible to identify teachers’ difficulties in designing individual stages of lessons, developing students’ communication skills, and using active forms of conducting lessons. The identified difficulties of teachers helped to qualitatively plan and implement corrections in the work of teachers on the structure of a modern lesson.

Attendance of lessons by the administration, heads of school educational institutions, mutual visits, analysis of diagnostic questionnaires show that the recommendations of pedagogical councils and IMS are used by teachers in the practice of their work. At the same time, there are still problems with the organization of the stages of goal setting and reflection, and the rational distribution of students’ time in the lesson. The percentage of young specialists attending lessons from their colleagues is low.

Self-education– the main and most accessible source of knowledge. Until recently, teachers developed a plan for working on the topic of self-education. The choice of topic was based on an assessment of the teacher’s activities, each person’s vision of their personal and professional problems, the ability to correctly formulate goals and consistently solve them, and the ability to design and control their activities. But the plan reflected only one side of the teacher’s work. There was a need to develop an individual plan for professional development of a teacher, which has a broader structure.

The structure of writing a teacher professional development plan includes the following areas:

  • Study of psychological and pedagogical literature
  • Development of software and methodological support for the educational process
  • Working on the topic of self-education
  • Participation in the system of school methodological work
  • Training in advanced training courses outside of school
  • Leading the professional development of other teachers
  • Work as part of school management bodies (The bodies in which the teacher works (trade union committee, Governing Council, PMPK, ShSP) are indicated, as well as his functional responsibilities)

Writing a plan is creative work, and how much it will become the same in practice largely depends on the school leadership. It is important that the procedure for developing an individual plan does not become formal. Therefore, the entire teaching staff took part in developing the structure of the professional development plan; When writing plans, the school's methodological service provided consultations to individual teachers on the rational use of this or that material to acquire and improve the necessary competencies, the capabilities of the methodological work system of the school and the municipal methodological service.

A special role in the process of professional self-improvement of a teacher his innovative activity plays a role. In this regard, the formation of a teacher’s readiness for it is the most important condition for his professional development.

If it is enough for a teacher working in a traditional system to master pedagogical technology, i.e. system of teaching skills that allow him to carry out teaching and educational activities at a professional level and achieve more or less successful learning, then the teacher’s readiness to innovate is decisive for the transition to an innovative mode.

In November 2010, a survey was conducted to determine the level of readiness of the team for innovative activities. This question is relevant because... The team began to develop a new Development Program, the main directions of which will be implemented through projects. The purpose of the survey was to determine the level of readiness of teachers to master new things, the desire to master certain innovations, and the survey allowed the management team to correctly build a series of methodological studies, workshops, and teacher councils that would help teachers improve their professional skills. In general, it should be noted that the school staff quite adequately perceives the need to introduce innovative processes, does not follow them blindly, and weighs the pros and cons of introducing something new. This is fully facilitated by the stability of the teaching staff, the high level of staff qualifications, effective management support for innovation processes in the school, and sufficient theoretical and practical training of school teachers on issues of innovation. However, today the management team must successfully solve the following tasks:

– create a system of motivation and incentives for participants in innovation processes;
– provide effective methodological support for the activities of teachers introducing innovations.

The innovative activities of teachers at school are represented in the following areas: testing of new generation textbooks, implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, development of modern pedagogical technologies, social design, creation of individual pedagogical projects.

One of the ways to develop a teacher’s professional competence is to participation in professional skills competitions:

In two last year 23 teachers (46%) took part in professional skills competitions at All-Russian, regional, and municipal competitions. We have 11 prizes.

We believe that the activity of teachers’ participation in competitions is not high due to the lack of internal motivation, teachers’ workload, and the high cost of competitions.

One of the leading forms of improving the level of professional skills is studying the experience of colleagues, broadcasting your own experience. Over the past two years, 21 teachers of the school (39%) have shared their experience at pedagogical conferences at various levels. (III International Scientific and Practical Training “Formation of Professional Competence of Primary School Teachers”, All-Russian Scientific and Practical Training “Continuing Education: Problems, Searches, Prospects”, Christmas readings for teachers of Verkhnekamya , regional conference “Problems and prospects for teacher training in the context of the introduction of new educational standards and others)

An indicator of the creative activity of teachers and a mechanism for improving education quality management is certification of teaching staff. Teachers undergo a certification procedure according to a long-term plan. In connection with the change in the certification procedure, a series of instructional and methodological meetings were held to familiarize school teachers with the legal framework governing the new certification procedure for the first and highest qualification categories;
individual and group consultations on filling out a teacher’s electronic portfolio. In the 2010-2011 academic year, all declared teachers successfully passed the certification procedure, 17 teachers (32.7%), and the number of certified teachers increased by 12% compared to the 2009-2010 academic year.

Actively taking place training teachers in advanced training courses in priority areas, determined by the educational institution and the municipal education system: implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education, preparation of students for the State Examination and the Unified State Exam, modeling of modern lesson questions, organization of work with gifted children. Every year, up to 30% of teachers attend advanced training courses and participate in scientific and practical seminars and conferences.

The results of the effectiveness of course training are monitored through professional development plans for teachers and final diagnostic cards.

Such cards are filled out annually by teachers on the basis of the Regulations on the rating assessment of the level of methodological work of a teacher. Based on maps and self-analysis of the teacher’s activities, the administration has the opportunity to track the level of the teacher’s methodological activity and the growth of his professional skills. Self-analysis helps the teacher plan work to develop his professional competence in a new capacity and at a higher level.

When managing the development of professional competence of a teacher, we do not stop only at traditional forms of work. New forms of work with teachers include:

  • active forms when conducting instructional and methodological meetings, pedagogical councils: methodological ring, brainstorm, organized dialogue, problematic situation, work in small creative groups;
  • methodical week including conducting a panorama of open lessons, pedagogical readings on the topic of self-education of teachers, thematic pedagogical council;
  • school professional skills competitions, which gives the teacher the opportunity to disseminate innovative experience among colleagues, contributes to professional self-determination young teachers.

In the 2010-2011 academic year, school professional skills competitions were held for the first time: “Your name is Teacher!”, dedicated to the year of the teacher, “Computer presentation for the lesson.” 48% of teachers took part in the competitions.

To ensure high-quality conduct of competitions, Regulations were developed, organizing committees were created to organize and conduct competitions, and the composition of the jury was determined to evaluate competitive works, which included representatives of the administration and teachers.

It should be noted that none of the listed methods will be effective if the teacher himself does not realize the need to improve his own professional competence. There are two ways to implement teacher professional development:

– through self-education, i.e. own desire, setting goals, objectives, consistently approaching this goal through certain actions;
– through the conscious, necessarily voluntary participation of the teacher in events organized by the school, i.e. factor of the influence of the surrounding professional environment on the teacher’s motivation and his desire to develop and grow professionally.

This implies the need to motivate teachers and create favorable conditions for their pedagogical growth.

The diagnostics carried out by the head of the school as part of the study of the issue of motivation for the professional development of teachers made it possible to identify techniques and methods that help increase the motivation for professional development for various categories of teachers in our educational institution, as well as to build a model for managing the motivation for the professional development of teachers. This model will be implemented subject to the creation of a certain environment that provides an atmosphere of inspiration and the desire to work productively. The following can be identified as priority areas for creating a motivational environment:

– formation of sustainable motivation for professional development (emphasis on the value-motivational aspects of professional activity and the need for teacher self-development);
– psychological support for the professional development of teachers;
– updating and development of the system for advanced training of teachers and their training in an educational institution;
– strengthening individual and differentiated work with the teacher, planning his professional career.

The quality of student learning depends on the quality of the teacher’s work. Analysis of the results of educational activities is directly determined by the level of professionalism of teachers.

The school's students have shown stable educational results for many years. This is evidenced by monitoring maps.
In the 2010-2011 academic year, the percentage of student achievement in levels I and II increased, in the school as a whole it increased by 0.5%, the quality of knowledge in levels I and II increased, and in the school as a whole by 3.6%. The targets set by the school have been met.

Graduates of 9th grade have maintained stable quality of knowledge in elective subjects compared to last year, which ranges from 50% to 100%, despite the fact that the number of graduates who took exams on Federal level tests increased from 19 to 43 people ( 24 more graduates). The problem remains the low quality of 9th grade students' results in mathematics. The problem is solved through the organization of systematic, systematically structured work to prepare students for passing the State Examination Test in the current academic year.

The proportion of students who became prize-winners of various competitions, olympiads, competitions, and scientific and practical conferences has also increased significantly.

(In city subject Olympiads - an increase of 46%, in city creative competitions, festivals, scientific and scientific complexes - by 17%, in regional, all-Russian, international olympiads, competitions, festivals, scientific and scientific complexes - by 60%).

Thanks to targeted, systematic work to develop the professional competence of teachers, the school takes 2nd place in the ranking of general education institutions in the city.

In modern conditions, only an active life position and improved professional skills help a teacher ensure one of the most important rights of students - the right to quality education.

MBOU "Insar Secondary School No. 1"


Prepared by: chemistry and biology teacher

MBOU Insarskaya secondary school No. 1 –

Chekashkina Oldga Viktorovna


Development of professional competence of a teacher as the basis for the effective implementation of modern pedagogical technologies

In the matter of teaching and upbringing, in the whole school business, nothing

it cannot be improved without going past the teacher's head. The teacher lives as long as he

studies. As soon as he stops learning, the teacher in him dies

K.D. Ushinsky

For a number of years, the school has been living in conditions of modernization of education, which, in essence, is a process of introducing innovation. The innovation process acquires a special status in connection with new federal educational standards.

Currently, the demand for a qualified, creatively thinking, competitive teacher who is capable of educating an individual in a modern, dynamically changing world has sharply increased. Consequently, today a teacher needs to have a certain set of competencies and develop and improve the level of his professional competencies: subject, methodological, communicative, informational, general cultural, legal.

Studying different opinions, presented by researchers of the nature of competence, such as A.V. Khutorskoy, S.E. Shishov, V.A. Kalney, V.G. Sukhodolsky, by definition of the essence of the concept"professional competence"makes it possible to present it as an integration of knowledge, experience and professionally significant personal qualities that reflect the teacher’s ability to effectively perform professional activities and include the teacher’s professionalism and pedagogical skill .

Modern researchers identify the followingtypes of professional competence:

Special competence – mastery of professional activity itself at a relatively high level, the ability to plan one’s further professional development;

Social competence – mastery of joint professional activities, cooperation, as well as professional communication techniques accepted in a given profession; social responsibility for the results of professional work;

Personal competence – mastery of methods of personal self-expression and self-development, means of confronting professional deformations of the individual;

Individual competence - mastery of techniques for self-realization and individual development within the profession, readiness for professional growth, the ability for individual self-preservation, non-susceptibility to professional aging, the ability to rationally organize one’s work without overloading time and effort .

Professionally competentwe can call a teacher who carries out pedagogical activities, pedagogical communication at a sufficiently high level, and achieves consistently high results in teaching and educating students. Therefore, the main direction of the school’s work should be considered the development of the professional competence of a teacher who is able to skillfully organize the activities of students, transfer to students a certain amount of knowledge to master their abilities for active action.

Modern pedagogy highlightsstructure of professional competenceteachers through pedagogical skills:

1. The ability to “translate” the content of the objective process of education into specific pedagogical tasks: studying the individual and the team to determine their readiness to actively master new knowledge and design on this basis the development of the team and individual students; identifying a set of educational, educational and developmental tasks, their specification and determination of the dominant task. 2. Ability to build and set in motion a logically complete pedagogical system: comprehensive planning of educational tasks; reasonable choice of forms, methods and means of its organization.

3. Ability to identify and establish relationships between the components and factors of education, to put them into action: creation necessary conditions(material, moral and mental, organizational, etc.); activation of the student’s personality, development of his activities; and etc.

4. Skills in recording and assessing the results of teaching activities: self-analysis and analysis of the educational process and the results of the teacher’s activities; defining a new set of dominant and subordinate tasks .

Today, every teacher is looking for the most effective ways to improve educational process, increasing student engagement and increasing student achievement. In connection with this desire of teachers to improve the quality of teaching, the call for a transition from individual methods to pedagogical technologies is increasingly heard.Working according to second generation standards, the teacher must make the transition from traditional technologies to technologies of developmental, personality-oriented training, use technologies of level differentiation, training based on a competency-based approach, “learning situations”, project and research activities, information and communication technologies, interactive methods and active forms of learning. In such lessons, students should be interested not only in the content of the lesson - the results of their own activities should be interesting and significant.

The design of lesson and thematic plans involves the use of organizational forms that are consistent with the logic of developmental education. A professionally competent teacher in his lessons should:

Replace the reproductive question-and-answer system of the lesson and types of tasks with more complex ones, the implementation of which involves a variety of mental qualities (memory, attention, thinking, speech, etc.);

Change the nature of the presentation of new material and turn it into problematic, heuristic, stimulating students to search;

Involve students in self-government and self-regulation of cognitive processes in the lesson, involving them in setting lesson objectives, developing a plan for its implementation, monitoring and self-control, assessment, self-assessment and mutual assessment of performance results.

Development of professional competence- this is the development of the teacher himself, the formation of his readiness to accept new things, the development of receptivity to pedagogical innovations. The development of professional competence is a dynamic process of assimilation and modernization of professional experience, leading to the development of individual professional qualities, the accumulation of professional experience, implying continuous development and self-improvement. You can selectstages of developing professional competence: self-analysis and awareness of the need; self-development planning (goals, objectives, solutions); self-expression, analysis, self-correction.

Based on modern conditions of the educational process, it is possible to determineways to develop professional competence of a teacher:

Work in methodological associations, creative groups.

Research activities.

Innovative activities, development of new pedagogical technologies.

Various forms of pedagogical support.

Active participation in pedagogical competitions and festivals.

Broadcasting your own teaching experience.

Use of ICT, etc.

But none of the listed methods will be effective if the teacher himself does not realize the need to improve his own professional competence. This implies the need for motivation and creating favorable conditions for pedagogical growth. The teacher must be involved in the process of managing the development of the school, which contributes to the development of his professionalism.

There is also a need to develop an individual professional development plan for a teacher, which includes the following areas:

An important place in the development of a teacher’s professional competence is occupied by a portfolio, during the formation of which self-assessment occurs and the need for self-development is realized. Creating a portfolio is a good motivational basis for activity: with the help of a portfolio, the problem of teacher certification is solved, because here the results of professional activities are collected and summarized.

The formation of professional competence is a cyclical process, because In the process of pedagogical activity, constant improvement of professionalism is necessary, and each time the listed stages are repeated, but in a new quality. The process of developing professional competence also strongly depends on the environment, therefore it is the environment that should stimulate professional self-development. A democratic management system must be created at the school. This includes an incentive system, various forms of pedagogical monitoring, surveys, testing, interviews and intra-school events for the exchange of experience, competitions, and presentation of one’s own achievements.

So, in order to become professionally competent, a teacher must deeply know his subject, master a variety of methodological means and have thorough psychological and pedagogical training. But this is not enough. In modern conditions, only an active life position and improved professional skills help a teacher ensure one of the most important rights of students - the right to quality education. Each teacher must become an innovator, find his own methodology that meets his personal qualities, because without this, everything else can remain only a formal and expensive innovation that will never “reach practical use.”

Khutorskoy, A.V. Key competencies as a component of the personality-oriented paradigm of education / A.V. Khutorskoy // Public education. - 2003. - No. 2.- P. 58-64.

Lapina O.A. Pedagogy: general basics learning theories [Text]: textbook. allowance. - Irkutsk: ISTU Publishing House, 2003.-160 p.

Angelovski K. Teachers and innovations book for teachers [Text] / K. Angelovski. – M.: Education, 1991. – 159 p.

Podlasy I.P. Pedagogy [Text]: textbook for higher education. textbook establishments / I.P. Podlasy. – M.: Education, 2005. – 245 p.
