Basic principles of organizing production processes. Methods for organizing production processes

Any type of industrial activity requires a competent construction of the production process, which is understood as the procedure for transforming the subject of labor (raw materials, materials, semi-finished products) into something necessary for society.

Organization presupposes a rational combination of its elements: labor (human activity), (tools of production), natural processes (chemical, physical, biological), aimed at changing the properties of the object of labor - its shape, size, quality or condition.

Principles of rational organization of the production process.

Existing production processes are extremely diverse, but their correct organization is based on certain principles, following which allows us to optimize industrial activity.

    The principle of differentiation. In accordance with this principle, the organization of the production process should be carried out in such a way that specific processes or operations that form the basis of the production outline are assigned to individual divisions of the enterprise.

    The principle of combination. It involves the unification of all or some operations of a different nature within one production unit (workshop, section, unit).

    At first glance, these principles contradict each other. Which of them should be preferred determines the complexity of the product being manufactured and its practical feasibility.

    The principle of concentration. This principle means the unification within one production area of ​​work on the manufacture of homogeneous products or the implementation of operations that are identical in execution. Its use makes it possible to use one type of equipment more efficiently (its load increases), increasing the flexibility of technological processes.

    The principle of specialization. It involves assigning to each work area a precisely limited number of operations, works, and products. The level of specialization is determined by the nature of the parts produced, as well as the quantitative volume of their production. The higher the level of specialization of an enterprise, the better the skills of workers and the higher labor productivity. At the same time, the possibility of automating production increases and costs associated with equipment changeover are reduced. The disadvantage is the monotony of work and the rapid fatigue of people.

    The principle of universalization is the opposite of the principle of specialization. The organization of the production process, based on this principle, involves the production of various products (or the implementation of heterogeneous processes) within one working unit. The production of a wide range of parts requires fairly highly qualified personnel and the participation of multifunctional equipment.

    The principle of proportionality. Competent management of the production process is inseparable from maintaining the proportions between the quantities of products produced by various departments of the enterprise. areas must correspond to the equipment load and be comparable with each other.

    The principle of parallelism. It involves the simultaneous production (processing) of various products, which allows saving time spent on the production of the final product.

    Direct flow principle. The production process must be organized in such a way that the path from one processing stage to another is the shortest.

    The principle of rhythm is that all production processes aimed at producing intermediate parts and producing final products are subject to periodic repetition. Following this principle allows us to ensure a smooth flow of production, free from missed deadlines and forced downtime.

    The principle of continuity assumes a uniform flow of the subject of labor from one operation to another without stops or delays.

    The principle of flexibility ensures rapid adaptation of production sites to changes in production realities associated with the transition to the production of new types of products.

    The listed principles are applied in accordance with their practical expediency. Underestimating their role leads to an increase in production costs and, as a consequence, to a decrease in the competitiveness of manufactured products.

2. Basic principles of organizing the production process

When organizing any of the above and other production processes, they are guided by a number of principles put forward by the theory of organization. The principles are generalized, well-established and widely used techniques and methods used in the process of organizing any system, including the organization of production processes. The most important principles of organizing the production process include the following.

The principle of specialization presupposes a strict division of labor within the enterprise. In this case, in-plant specialization is provided, ensuring mass production of products of a limited range in separate structural production divisions (shops) of the enterprise or by performing strictly defined stages of the technological process at workplaces. Specialization can be object-by-object (for finished products as a whole), detailed (for the manufacture of individual parts) and operational (for the implementation of a separate operation of the technological process).

Specialization of production ensures, on the one hand, an increase in its efficiency, but on the other hand, it can cause negative consequences. An increase in the level of specialization leads to an improvement in economic indicators due to an increase in the output of products of the same name, including through the emergence of greater opportunities for automating production processes, increasing the productivity of workers performing the same strictly specialized functions, as well as through improving the quality of manufactured products . At the same time, specialization is often associated with the monotony and monotony of work functions performed by workers, which causes them to increase their technological load, they may become deskilled, lose interest in work and, as a consequence, reduce labor productivity and staff turnover.

The level of in-plant specialization is determined by the production program of the enterprise; it is influenced by factors such as standardization, normalization and unification of product designs, typification of technological processes and their parameters. The principle of specialization and its observance largely determines the successful implementation of other principles of organizing production processes.

Principle of proportionality assumes relatively equal productivity per unit of time of interconnected divisions of the enterprise. Failure to comply with the principle of proportionality leads to imbalances, as a result of which the use of equipment and labor deteriorates, the duration of the production cycle increases, and backlogs increase. Violation of the principle of proportionality causes the emergence of so-called bottlenecks in a particular technological chain, on the one hand, restraining the growth of production volumes, and on the other, underutilization and deterioration in the use of equipment installed in other links of this chain.

An increase in the level of proportionality of production processes can be achieved as a result of expanding bottlenecks identified during the analysis of the use of production capacity of a workshop (enterprise) and building its “profile” on this basis. Elimination of bottlenecks, ensuring compliance with the principle of proportionality, will lead to compliance with the necessary proportions between individual stages in a particular workshop or between individual workshops (productions) of the enterprise. Thanks to this, the economic efficiency of the enterprise will increase due to the implementation of the opportunities that arise in this case to increase production volumes and sales of products, improve the use of existing equipment, and increase labor productivity.

Parallel principle involves the simultaneous execution of individual operations or parts of the production process. This principle is based on the principle that parts of the production process must be combined in time and carried out simultaneously. Compliance with the principle of parallelism leads to a reduction in the duration of the production cycle, saving working time.

Direct flow principle involves such an organization of the production process that ensures the shortest path for the movement of objects of labor from the launch of raw materials to the receipt of finished products. Compliance with the principle of direct flow leads to the streamlining of cargo flows, a reduction in cargo turnover, and a reduction in the costs of transporting materials, parts and finished products. Direct flow is achieved as a result of the rational placement of workshops, sections, jobs in the sequence of operations and individual stages, i.e. during the technological process.

The principle of rhythm means that the entire production process and its constituent parts for the production of a given quantity of products are repeated at regular intervals. There are rhythmicity of production, rhythmicity of work and rhythmicity of production.

The rhythm of output is the release of the same or uniformly increasing (decreasing) quantity of products over equal periods of time. Rhythmicity of work is the completion of equal volumes of work (in quantity and composition) at equal intervals of time. Rhythmic production means maintaining a rhythmic output and rhythmic work.

This is one of the most important principles of organizing production processes, meaning that all individual stages and the production process as a whole for the production of a certain number of products are repeated after strictly established periods of time, i.e. rhythm is expressed in the uniform output of products or the movement of objects of labor at equal intervals at all stages of the technological chain, as well as the regular repeatability of individual operations.

Compliance with the principle of rhythm is of particular importance in conditions of cooperative deliveries of partners, as well as from the point of view of fulfilling contractual obligations for the supply of products within strictly established terms in accordance with the contract. This principle of organizing the production process excludes the possibility of implementing the so-called storming, when the achievement of such a target in terms of production volume is postponed to the end of the calendar period (the last ten days of the month, the last month of the quarter, etc.) with all the ensuing negative consequences.

The indicator that best characterizes the degree of implementation of this principle is the rhythm of production, i.e. producing the same volume of products over equal periods of time. The rhythmicity coefficient is determined by the ratio of the actual volume of production for any calendar period (decade, month), within (not higher than) the planned target to the volume of production provided for by such target.

Continuity principle involves reducing or eliminating interruptions in the production process of finished products. This principle presupposes such an organization of the production process in which stops are reduced to the minimum required values ​​or even interruptions in the presence of the subject of labor (raw materials, semi-finished products) in processing are completely eliminated. The principle of continuity of the production process helps to reduce interruptions in the use of human labor and production equipment, which must be observed at all hierarchical levels: from each workplace, site, workshop to the enterprise as a whole. It involves the transfer of objects of labor from one operation to another without delays and downtime of equipment and workers. The implementation of the principle of continuity, guaranteeing savings in workers' working time, reducing the time the equipment operates "idle", ensures an increase in the economic efficiency of production. The level of continuity of the production process can be assessed using the following indicators:

Equipment utilization rate over time, assessing the degree of continuity in the use of labor tools;

The coefficient of continuity of the production process, determined by the ratio of the time required to complete all stages of the technological process to the duration of the production cycle.

Redundancy principle in the organization of production presupposes that the production system has some justified (minimum) reserves and safety stocks, which are necessary to maintain the controllability and stability of the system. The fact is that various disturbances in the normal flow of the production process, arising as a result of the action of many factors, some of which are difficult or impossible to foresee, are eliminated by management methods, but require the expenditure of additional production resources. Therefore, when organizing a production system, it is necessary to provide for such stocks and reserves, for example, insurance (guarantee) stocks of raw materials and power reserves of the enterprise and its individual divisions. In each specific case, the necessary redundancy of the production system is established on the basis of practical experience, statistical patterns, or is minimized using economic and mathematical methods.

The principle of technical equipment (automaticity) focuses on mechanization and automation of the production process, the elimination of manual, monotonous, heavy labor harmful to human health. There are many technological processes for the production of particularly complex and labor-intensive types of products, the implementation of which without their automation is in principle impossible, i.e. technically not feasible. Some production processes, although in principle feasible manually, but being automated, provide an increase in the technical level of production, and on this basis - a reduction in the labor intensity of production, a reduction in injuries to workers, and an increase in the quality of manufactured products. The solution to economic problems provided by the automation of production processes is determined, despite the relatively high capital intensity (the need to attract large investments) of automation, to obtain a significant amount of economic effect, thereby achieving a short return on investment and a significant increase in the economic efficiency of automated production processes. The social consequences of implementing the principle of automation and mechanization of production processes are manifested, firstly, in a change in the nature of the work of workers, secondly, in a significant increase in remuneration for their labor, thirdly, in improving working conditions, especially in hazardous industries, fourthly , in increasing safety, including environmental safety, of production.

The principle of flexibility when organizing production processes is that production must, in some cases, be organized in such a way that, in response to market demands, it can quickly adapt to the production of new products. Flexibility should be understood as the ability of a production process to:

Changes in product range, production volume;

Necessary changes in process parameters;

Ability of main and auxiliary equipment to switch to other types of work;

Necessary changes in the level and profile of qualifications of the workforce.

Optimality principle The organization of production processes is associated primarily with the need for their optimization, expressed in the possibility of choosing for each specific production such organizational principles that, in their combination, provide the highest level of its economic efficiency.


4. Indicators of accuracy and stability of technological processes. Methods for assessing technological processes. Basic conditions for intensifying the technological process.

1. The concept of the production process. Basic principles of organizing the production process.

Modern production is a complex process of transforming raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and other items of labor into finished products that meet the needs of society.

The totality of all actions of people and tools carried out at an enterprise for the manufacture of specific types of products is called production process.

The main part of the production process are technological processes that contain targeted actions to change and determine the state of objects of labor. During the implementation of technological processes, changes occur geometric shapes, sizes and physical and chemical properties objects of labor.

Along with technological ones, the production process also includes non-technological processes that are not intended to change the geometric shapes, sizes or physical and chemical properties of objects of labor or to check their quality. Such processes include transport, warehouse, loading and unloading, picking and some other operations and processes.

In the production process, labor processes are combined with natural ones, in which changes in objects of labor occur under the influence of natural forces without human intervention (for example, drying painted parts in air, cooling castings, aging of cast parts, etc.).

Varieties of production processes. According to their purpose and role in production, processes are divided into main, auxiliary and servicing.

Main are called production processes during which the production of the main products manufactured by the enterprise is carried out. The result of the main processes in mechanical engineering is the production of machines, apparatus and instruments that make up the production program of the enterprise and correspond to its specialization, as well as the production of spare parts for them for delivery to the consumer.

TO auxiliary include processes that ensure the uninterrupted flow of basic processes. Their result is products used in the enterprise itself. Auxiliary processes include equipment repair, production of equipment, generation of steam and compressed air, etc.

Serving are called processes during the implementation of which services necessary for normal functioning both main and auxiliary processes. These include, for example, the processes of transportation, warehousing, selection and assembly of parts, etc.

In modern conditions, especially in automated production, there is a tendency towards the integration of basic and servicing processes. Thus, in flexible automated complexes, basic, picking, warehouse and transport operations are combined into a single process.

The set of basic processes forms the main production. At mechanical engineering enterprises, the main production consists of three stages: procurement, processing and assembly. Stage production process is a complex of processes and works, the implementation of which characterizes the completion of a certain part of the production process and is associated with the transition of the subject of labor from one qualitative state to another.

TO procurement stages include the processes of obtaining workpieces - cutting of materials, casting, stamping. Processing stage includes the processes of converting blanks into finished parts: machining, heat treatment, painting and electroplating, etc. Assembly stage - the final part of the production process. It includes the assembly of components and finished products, adjustment and debugging of machines and instruments, and their testing.

The composition and mutual connections of the main, auxiliary and servicing processes form the structure of the production process.

In organizational terms, production processes are divided into simple and complex. Simple are called production processes consisting of sequentially carried out actions on simple object labor. For example, the production process of making one part or a batch of identical parts. Difficult the process is a combination simple processes carried out on a variety of objects of labor. For example, the process of manufacturing an assembly unit or an entire product.

Principles of organizing production processes

Activities related to the organization of production processes. The diverse production processes that result in the creation of industrial products must be properly organized, ensuring their effective functioning in order to produce specific types of products High Quality and in quantities that satisfy the needs of the national economy and population of the country.

The organization of production processes consists of uniting people, tools and objects of labor into a single process for the production of material goods, as well as ensuring a rational combination in space and time of basic, auxiliary and service processes.

The spatial combination of elements of the production process and all its varieties is realized on the basis of the formation production structure enterprise and its divisions. In this regard, the most important activities are the selection and justification of the production structure of the enterprise, i.e. determining the composition and specialization of its constituent units and establishing rational relationships between them.

During the development of the production structure, design calculations are performed related to determining the composition of the equipment fleet, taking into account its productivity, interchangeability, and the possibility of effective use. Rational layouts of departments, placement of equipment, and workplaces are also being developed. Organizational conditions are created for the uninterrupted operation of equipment and direct participants in the production process - workers.

One of the main aspects of the formation of a production structure is to ensure the interconnected functioning of all components of the production process: preparatory operations, main production processes, Maintenance. It is necessary to comprehensively substantiate the most rational organizational forms and methods for carrying out certain processes for specific production and technical conditions.

An important element of the organization of production processes is the organization of labor of workers, which specifically implements the connection of labor with the means of production. Methods of labor organization are largely determined by the forms of the production process. In this regard, the focus should be on ensuring a rational division of labor and determining on this basis the professional and qualification composition of workers, the scientific organization and optimal maintenance of workplaces, and the comprehensive improvement and improvement of working conditions.

The organization of production processes also involves the combination of their elements in time, which determines a certain order of execution of individual operations, a rational combination of execution time various types works, determination of calendar and planning standards for the movement of objects of labor. The normal flow of processes over time is also ensured by the order of launching and releasing products, the creation of the necessary stocks (reserves) and production reserves, and the uninterrupted supply of workplaces with tools, workpieces, and materials. An important area of ​​this activity is the organization of rational movement of material flows. These tasks are solved on the basis of the development and implementation of operational production planning systems, taking into account the type of production and technical and organizational features of production processes.

Principles of production organization. A rational organization of production must meet a number of requirements and be built on certain principles:

Principles of organizing the production process represent the starting points on the basis of which the construction, operation and development of production processes are carried out.

Principle of differentiation involves dividing the production process into separate parts (processes, operations) and assigning them to the relevant departments of the enterprise. The principle of differentiation is opposed to the principle combining, which means the unification of all or part of diverse processes for the production of certain types of products within one site, workshop or production. Depending on the complexity of the product, production volume, and the nature of the equipment used, the production process can be concentrated in any one production unit (workshop, area) or dispersed across several units. Thus, at machine-building enterprises, with a significant production of similar products, independent mechanical and assembly production and workshops are organized, and for small batches of products, unified mechanical assembly shops can be created.

The principles of differentiation and combination also apply to individual workplaces. A production line, for example, is a differentiated set of jobs.

In practical activities in organizing production, priority in using the principles of differentiation or combination should be given to the principle that will ensure the best economic and social characteristics production process. Thus, flow production, characterized by a high degree of differentiation of the production process, makes it possible to simplify its organization, improve the skills of workers, and increase labor productivity. However, excessive differentiation increases worker fatigue, a large number of operations increases the need for equipment and production space, leads to unnecessary costs for moving parts, etc.

Principle of concentration means the concentration of certain production operations for the manufacture of technologically homogeneous products or the implementation of functional similar works at individual workplaces, areas, workshops or production facilities of the enterprise. The feasibility of concentrating similar work in separate areas of production is determined by the following factors: the commonality of technological methods that necessitate the use of the same type of equipment; capabilities of equipment, such as machining centers; increasing production volumes of certain types of products; economic feasibility concentration of production of certain types of products or performance of homogeneous work.

When choosing one direction or another of concentration, it is necessary to take into account the advantages of each of them.

By concentrating technologically homogeneous work in a department, a smaller amount of duplicating equipment is required, production flexibility increases and it becomes possible to quickly switch to the production of new products, and equipment utilization increases.

By concentrating technologically homogeneous products, the costs of transporting materials and products are reduced, the duration of the production cycle is reduced, the management of production is simplified, and the need for production space is reduced.

The principle of specialization is based on limiting the variety of elements of the production process. The implementation of this principle involves assigning to each workplace and each department a strictly limited range of works, operations, parts or products. In contrast to the principle of specialization, the principle of universalization presupposes an organization of production in which each workplace or production unit is engaged in the manufacture of parts and products of a wide range or performing heterogeneous production operations.

The level of specialization of jobs is determined by a special indicator - the coefficient of consolidation of operations TO z.o, which is characterized by the number of detail operations performed at the workplace over a certain period of time. Yes, when TO z.o = 1 there is a narrow specialization of jobs, in which one detail operation is performed at the workplace during a month or quarter.

The nature of the specialization of departments and jobs is largely determined by the volume of production of parts of the same name. Highest level specialization is achieved by producing one type of product. The most typical example of highly specialized industries are factories for the production of tractors, televisions, and cars. Increasing the range of production reduces the level of specialization.

A high degree of specialization of departments and jobs contributes to the growth of labor productivity due to the development of labor skills of workers, the possibility of technical equipment of labor, and minimizing the costs of reconfiguring machines and lines. At the same time, narrow specialization reduces the required qualifications of workers, causes monotony of work and, as a result, leads to rapid fatigue of workers and limits their initiative.

In modern conditions, there is an increasing tendency towards the universalization of production, which is determined by the requirements of scientific and technological progress to expand the range of products, the emergence of multifunctional equipment, and the tasks of improving the organization of labor in the direction of expanding the labor functions of the worker.

Principle of proportionality lies in a natural combination individual elements production process, which is expressed in a certain quantitative relationship between them. Thus, proportionality in production capacity presupposes equality of site capacities or equipment load factors. In this case, the throughput of the procurement shops corresponds to the need for workpieces of the mechanical shops, and the throughput of these shops corresponds to the needs of the assembly shop for necessary details. This entails the requirement to have in each workshop equipment, space, and labor in such quantities that would ensure the normal operation of all departments of the enterprise. The same throughput ratio should exist between the main production, on the one hand, and auxiliary and service units, on the other.

Proportionality in the organization of production presupposes compliance with the throughput (relative productivity per unit of time) of all departments of the enterpriseworkshops, sections, individual workplaces for the production of finished products. The degree of proportionality of production a can be characterized by the magnitude of the deviation of the throughput (power) of each stage from the planned rhythm of production:

where m the number of processing steps or stages of product manufacturing; h – throughput of individual stages; h 2 – planned rhythm of production (production volume according to plan).

Violation of the principle of proportionality leads to imbalances, the emergence of bottlenecks in production, as a result of which the use of equipment and labor deteriorates, the duration of the production cycle increases, and backlogs increase.

Proportionality in labor, space, and equipment is established already during the design of the enterprise, and then is clarified when developing annual production plans by conducting so-called volumetric calculations - when determining capacity, number of employees, and the need for materials. Proportions are established on the basis of a system of standards and norms that determine the number of mutual connections between various elements production process.

The principle of proportionality involves the simultaneous performance of individual operations or parts of the production process. It is based on the proposition that parts of a dismembered production process must be combined in time and carried out simultaneously.

Manufacturing process Manufacturing a machine consists of a large number of operations. It is quite obvious that performing them sequentially one after another would cause an increase in the duration of the production cycle. Therefore, individual parts of the product manufacturing process must be carried out in parallel.

Under parallelism refers to the simultaneous execution of individual parts of the production process in relation to different parts general batch of parts. The wider the scope of work, the shorter, other things being equal, the duration of production. Parallelism is implemented at all levels of the organization. In the workplace, parallelism is ensured by improving the structure technological operation, and first of all, technological concentration, accompanied by multi-tool or multi-subject processing. Parallelism in the execution of the main and auxiliary elements of the operation consists in combining the time of machining with the time of installation and removal of parts, control measurements, loading and unloading of the apparatus with the main technological process, etc. Parallel execution of the main processes is realized during multi-subject processing of parts, simultaneous execution of assembly - installation operations on identical or different objects.

Concurrency b is achieved: when processing one part on one machine with several tools; simultaneous processing of different parts of one batch for a given operation at several workplaces; simultaneous processing of the same parts in various operations at several workplaces; simultaneous production of different parts of the same product at different workplaces. Compliance with the principle of parallelism leads to a reduction in the duration of the production cycle and the laying time of parts, saving working time.

The level of parallelism in the production process can be characterized using the parallelism coefficient Kn, calculated as the ratio of the duration of the production cycle with parallel movement of objects of labor T pr.c and its actual duration Tc:


where n is the number of redistributions.

In the context of a complex multi-link process of manufacturing products, continuity of production is becoming increasingly important, which ensures faster turnover of funds. Increasing continuity is the most important direction of production intensification. At the workplace, it is achieved in the process of performing each operation by reducing auxiliary time (intra-operational breaks), on the site and in the workshop when transferring a semi-finished product from one workplace to another (inter-operational breaks) and at the enterprise as a whole, reducing breaks to a minimum in order to maximize accelerating the turnover of material and energy resources (inter-shop storage).

The principle of rhythm means that all individual production processes and a single process for the production of a certain type of product are repeated after specified periods of time. Distinguish between the rhythm of production, work, and production.

The principle of rhythm presupposes uniform production and rhythmic progress of production. The level of rhythm can be characterized by the coefficient Kp, which is defined as the sum of negative deviations of the achieved output from the given plan


where EA the amount of daily products not delivered; n duration of the planning period, days; P planned product release.

Uniform production means producing the same or gradually increasing quantities of products at equal intervals of time. The rhythm of production is expressed in the repetition at regular intervals of private production processes at all stages of production and the “carrying out at each workplace at equal intervals of time the same amount of work, the content of which, depending on the method of organizing workplaces, may be the same or different.

The rhythm of production is one of the main prerequisites for the rational use of all its elements. Rhythmic work ensures that the equipment is fully loaded, its normal operation is ensured, and the use of material and energy resources and working time is improved.

Ensuring rhythmic work is mandatory for all production departments - main, service and auxiliary departments, logistics. Irrhythmic work of each link leads to disruption of the normal course of production.

The order in which the production process is repeated is determined production rhythms. It is necessary to distinguish between the production rhythm (at the end of the process), operational (intermediate) rhythms, and the start-up rhythm (at the beginning of the process). The leading factor is the rhythm of production. It can only be sustainable in the long term if operating rhythms are observed at all workplaces. Methods for organizing rhythmic production depend on the specialization of the enterprise, the nature of the products being manufactured and the level of organization of production. Rhythm is ensured by the organization of work in all departments of the enterprise, as well as timely preparation and comprehensive maintenance.

Rhythmicity release is the release of the same or uniformly increasing (decreasing) quantity of products at equal time intervals. Rhythmicity of work is the completion of equal volumes of work (in quantity and composition) at equal intervals of time. Rhythmic production means maintaining a rhythmic output and rhythm of work.

Rhythmic work without jerks and storming is the basis for increasing labor productivity, optimal loading of equipment, full use of personnel and a guarantee of high-quality products. The smooth operation of an enterprise depends on a number of conditions. Ensuring rhythm is a complex task that requires improvement of the entire organization of production at the enterprise. Of paramount importance are the correct organization of operational production planning, compliance with the proportionality of production capacities, improvement of the production structure, proper organization of logistics and technical maintenance of production processes.

Continuity principle is implemented in such forms of organization of the production process in which all its operations are carried out continuously, without interruptions, and all objects of labor continuously move from operation to operation.

The principle of continuity of the production process is fully implemented on automatic and continuous production lines, on which objects of labor are manufactured or assembled, having operations of the same or multiple duration to the line cycle.

Continuity of work within the operation is ensured primarily by the improvement of labor tools - the introduction of automatic changeover, automation of auxiliary processes, and the use of special equipment and devices.

Reducing interoperational interruptions is associated with the selection of the most rational methods for combining and coordinating partial processes over time. One of the prerequisites for reducing interoperational interruptions is the use of continuous Vehicle; the use of a rigidly interconnected system of machines and mechanisms in the production process, the use of rotary lines. The degree of continuity of the production process can be characterized by the continuity coefficient Kn, calculated as the ratio of the duration of the technological part of the production cycle T and the duration of the full production cycle T c:


where m is the total number of redistributions.

Continuity of production is considered in two aspects: continuous participation in the production process of objects of labor - raw materials and semi-finished products and continuous loading of equipment and rational use of working time. While ensuring the continuity of the movement of objects of labor, at the same time it is necessary to minimize equipment stops for readjustment, while waiting for the receipt of materials, etc. This requires increasing the uniformity of work performed at each workplace, as well as the use of quickly adjustable equipment (computer-controlled machines), copying machines machine tools, etc.

In mechanical engineering, discrete technological processes predominate, and therefore production with a high degree of synchronization of the duration of operations is not predominant here.

The intermittent movement of objects of labor is associated with breaks that arise as a result of the laying of parts at each operation, between operations, sections, and workshops. That is why the implementation of the principle of continuity requires the elimination or minimization of interruptions. The solution to such a problem can be achieved on the basis of compliance with the principles of proportionality and rhythm; organizing parallel production of parts of one batch or different parts of one product; creating such forms of organization of production processes in which the start time of manufacturing parts in a given operation and the end time of the previous operation are synchronized, etc.

Violation of the principle of continuity, as a rule, causes interruptions in work (downtime of workers and equipment), leading to an increase in the duration of the production cycle and the size of work in progress.

Under straightness understand the principle of organizing the production process, in compliance with which all stages and operations of the production process are carried out under the conditions of the shortest path of the subject of labor from the beginning of the process to its end. The principle of direct flow requires ensuring the rectilinear movement of objects of labor in the technological process, eliminating various kinds of loops and return movements.

One of the prerequisites for production continuity is directness in the organization of the production process, which is ensuring the shortest path for a product to pass through all stages and operations of the production process, from the launch of raw materials into production to the output of the finished product. Direct flow is characterized by the coefficient Kpr, which represents the ratio of the duration of transport operations Ttr to the total duration of the production cycle T c:


where j number of transport operations.

In accordance with this requirement, the relative arrangement of buildings and structures on the territory of the enterprise, as well as the placement of the main workshops in them, must comply with the requirements of the production process. The flow of materials, semi-finished products and products must be progressive and shortest, without counter or return movements. Auxiliary workshops and warehouses should be located as close as possible to the main workshops they serve.

Complete straightness can be achieved by spatially arranging operations and parts of the production process in the order of technological operations. When designing enterprises, it is also necessary to ensure that workshops and services are located in a sequence that provides for a minimum distance between adjacent departments. You should strive to ensure that parts and assembly units of different products have the same or similar sequence of stages and operations of the production process. When implementing the principle of direct flow, the problem of optimal arrangement of equipment and workplaces also arises.

The principle of direct flow is manifested to a greater extent in the conditions of continuous production, when creating subject-closed workshops and sections.

Compliance with straight-line requirements leads to streamlining of cargo flows, reduction of cargo turnover, and reduction of costs for transportation of materials, parts and finished products.

To ensure full use of equipment, material and energy resources and working time, the rhythm of production is important, which is fundamental principle of production organization.

The principles of production organization in practice do not operate in isolation; they are closely intertwined in every production process. When studying the principles of organization, you should pay attention to the paired nature of some of them, their interrelation, transition into their opposite (differentiation and combination, specialization and universalization). The principles of organization develop unevenly: at one time or another, some principle comes to the fore or acquires secondary importance. Thus, the narrow specialization of jobs is becoming a thing of the past; they are becoming more and more universal. The principle of differentiation is beginning to be increasingly replaced by the principle of combination, the use of which makes it possible to build a production process based on a single flow. At the same time, in conditions of automation, the importance of the principles of proportionality, continuity, and straightness increases.

The degree of implementation of the principles of production organization has a quantitative dimension. Therefore, in addition to current methods of production analysis, forms and methods for analyzing the state of production organization and implementing its scientific principles must be developed and applied in practice.

Compliance with the principles of organizing production processes is of great importance practical significance. The implementation of these principles is the responsibility of all levels of production management.

The current level of scientific and technological progress requires compliance with the flexibility of production organization. Traditional principles of production organization focused on the sustainable nature of production - a stable range of products, special types equipment, etc. In the context of rapid updating of the product range, production technology is changing. Meanwhile, a quick change of equipment and restructuring of its layout would cause unreasonably high costs, and this would be a brake on technical progress; It is also impossible to frequently change the production structure (spatial organization of units). This has put forward a new requirement for the organization of production - flexibility. In element-by-element terms, this means, first of all, the rapid readjustment of equipment. Advances in microelectronics have created technology that is capable of a wide range of uses and, if necessary, performs automatic self-adjustment.

Wide possibilities for increasing the flexibility of production organization are provided by the use of standard processes for performing individual stages of production. It is well known to construct variable production lines on which various products can be manufactured without restructuring them. So, now at a shoe factory, various models are produced on one production line women's shoes with the same type of bottom fastening method; On car assembly conveyor lines, cars of not only different colors, but also modifications are assembled without readjustment. It is effective to create flexible automated production based on the use of robots and microprocessor technology. Great opportunities in this regard are provided by the standardization of semi-finished products. In such conditions, when transitioning to the production of new products or mastering new processes, there is no need to rebuild all partial processes and production links.

2. The concept of the production cycle. Structure of the production cycle.

The main and auxiliary production of an enterprise constitute an inseparable complex of processes occurring in time and space, the measurement of which is necessary in the course of organizing the manufacture of products.

The time during which the production process takes place is called production time.

It includes the time during which raw materials, materials and some production assets are in stock, and the time during which the production cycle is completed.

Production cycle– calendar time for manufacturing a product, starting from the launch of raw materials into production and ending with the receipt of finished products. It is characterized by duration (hours, days) and structure. The production cycle includes work time and interruptions in the labor process.

Under production cycle structure the relationship between its various components is understood. It is of fundamental importance specific gravity production time, especially technological operations and natural processes. The higher it is, the better the composition and structure of the production cycle.

The production cycle, calculated without taking into account the time of breaks associated with the operating mode of the enterprise, characterizes the level of organization of the production of a given product. With the help of the production cycle, the start time for processing raw materials in individual operations and the time for putting the corresponding equipment into operation are established. If all types of breaks are taken into account in the calculation of the cycle, then the calendar time (date and hours) is set for the start of processing of the planned batch of products.

There are the following calculation methods composition and duration of the production cycle:

1) analytical (using special formulas, used mainly in preliminary calculations),

2) graphical method (more visual and complex, ensures calculation accuracy),

To calculate the cycle duration, you need to know the components into which the product manufacturing process is broken down, the sequence of their implementation, duration standards and methods of organizing the movement of raw materials over time.

The following are distinguished: types of movement raw materials in production:

1) consistent type of movement. Products are processed in batches. Each subsequent operation begins after completion of processing of all products in a given batch.

2) parallel type of movement. The transfer of objects of labor from one operation to another is carried out piece by piece, as the processing process is completed at each workplace. In this regard, in certain periods, all processing operations for a given batch of products are carried out simultaneously.

3) parallel-serial type of movement. Characterized by mixed processing of products in separate operations. At some workplaces, processing and transfer to the next operation is carried out individually, at others - in batches of various sizes.

3. Technological processes used in the production of products (services).

Technological process, - the sequence of technological operations necessary to perform a certain type of work. Technological processes consist of technological (working) operations, which, in turn, consist of technological transitions.

Technological process.. this is a part of the production process that contains targeted actions to change and (or) determine the state of the subject of labor.

Depending on the application in the production process to solve the same problem, various techniques and equipment are distinguished as follows: types of technical processes:

· Unit technological process (UTP).

· Standard technological process (TTP).

· Group technological process (GTP).

To describe the technological process, route and operational maps are used:

· Technological map - a document that describes: the process of processing parts, materials, design documentation, technological equipment.

· Operation card- a list of transitions, settings and tools used.

· Route map - a description of the routes of movement around the workshop of the manufactured part.

A technological process is an expedient change in the shape, size, condition, structure, position, and location of objects of labor. A technological process can also be considered as a set of sequential technological operations necessary to achieve the goal of the production process (or one of the particular goals).
The labor process is a set of actions of a performer or a group of performers to transform objects of labor into its product, performed at workplaces.
Technological processes according to the source of energy necessary for their implementation can be divided into natural (passive) and active. The first occur as natural processes and do not require additional human-transformed energy to influence the object of labor (drying raw materials, cooling the metal under normal conditions, etc.). Active technological processes occur as a result of direct human influence on the subject of labor, or as a result of the influence of means of labor set in motion by energy expediently transformed by man.

Production combines the labor actions of people, natural and technical processes, as a result of the interaction of which a product or service is created. Such interaction is carried out using technology, that is, methods of consistently changing the state, properties, shape, size and other characteristics of the object of labor.

Technological processes, no matter what category they belong to, are continuously improved following the development of scientific and technical thought. Three stages of such development can be distinguished. The first, which was based on manual technology, was discovered by the Neolithic revolution, when people learned to make fire and process stones. Here the main element of production was man, and technology adapted to him and his capabilities.

The second stage began with the first industrial revolution at the end of the 18th century. early XIX centuries, which ushered in the era of traditional mechanized technologies. Their pinnacle was the conveyor, based on a rigid system of specialized equipment for serial or mass assembly of complex standardized products that form a line. Traditional technologies assumed minimizing human intervention in the production process, using low-skilled labor, saving on costs associated with search, training, and remuneration. This ensured that the production system was almost completely independent of humans and turned the latter into its appendage.

Finally, the second industrial revolution (modern scientific and technological revolution) marked the victory of automated technologies, the main forms of which we will now consider.

First of all, this is an automatic production line, which is a system of machines and automatic machines (universal, specialized, multi-purpose), located along the production process and united by automatic devices for transporting products and waste, accumulating reserves, changing orientation, controlled by a computer. Lines can be single- and multi-subject, with piece and multi-part processing, with continuous and intermittent movement.

A type of automatic production line is a rotary one, which consists of working and transport rotors, where the processing of products of several standard sizes using similar technology is carried out simultaneously with their transportation.

Another form is a flexible production system (FPS), which is a set of high-performance equipment that carries out the main process; auxiliary devices (loading, transport, storage, control and measuring, waste disposal) and information subsystem, combined into a single automated complex.

The basis of GPS is computer-controlled group technology, which allows for rapid changes in operations and allows the processing of various parts according to a single principle. It assumes the presence of two flows of resources: material and energy, on the one hand, and information, on the other.

GPS can consist of flexible production modules (numerically controlled machines and robotic systems); the latter can be combined into flexible automated lines, and those, in turn, into sections, workshops, and, in conjunction with computer-aided design, entire enterprises.

Such enterprises, being much smaller than before, can produce products in the required volumes and at the same time be as close as possible to the market. They improve the use of equipment, reduce the duration of the production cycle, reduce defects, reduce the need for low-skilled labor, reduce the labor intensity of manufacturing products and reduce overall costs.

Automation is once again changing the place of humans in the production system. He leaves the power of equipment and technology, standing next to them or above them, and they adapt not just to his capabilities, but to provide him with the most convenient, comfortable working conditions.

Technologies are distinguished by a set of specific methods for obtaining, processing, processing feedstock, materials, and semi-finished products; the equipment used for this purpose; sequence and location of production operations. They can be simple or complex.

The degree of complexity of technology is determined by the variety of ways of influencing the subject of labor; the number of operations that are performed on it; accuracy of their implementation. For example, to produce a modern truck it is necessary to carry out several hundred thousand operations.

All technological processes are usually divided into main, auxiliary and servicing. The main ones are divided into procurement, processing, assembly, finishing, information. Within their framework, goods or services are created in accordance with the goals of the company. For a meat processing plant, this is, for example, the production of sausage, dumplings, and stewed meat; for a bank - accepting and issuing loans, selling securities, etc. But in fact, the main processes form only the “tip of the iceberg”, and its “underwater part”, invisible to the eye, consists of service and auxiliary processes, without which no production is possible.

The purpose of auxiliary processes is to create the conditions necessary for the implementation of the main ones. Within their framework, for example, monitoring the technical condition of equipment, its maintenance, repair, production of tools necessary for work, etc. take place.

Service processes are associated with the placement, storage, and movement of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, and finished products. They are carried out by warehouse and transport departments. Service processes can also include the provision of various social services to company employees, for example, providing them with food, medical care, etc.

A feature of auxiliary and servicing processes is the possibility of performing them by other specialized organizations for which they are the main ones. Since specialization, as is known, leads to improved quality and lower costs, purchasing this type of service externally is often more profitable, especially for small firms, than setting up its own production.

It is currently customary to classify all technological processes according to six main characteristics: the method of influence on the object of labor, the nature of the connection between the initial elements and the result, the type of equipment used, the level of mechanization, the scale of production, discontinuity and continuity.

Impact on the subject of labor within the framework of the technological process can be carried out both with the direct participation of a person - it does not matter whether we are talking about direct impact, or only about regulation, or without it. In the first case, an example of which is processing parts on a machine, creating a computer program, entering data, etc. such impact is called technological; in the second, when only natural forces act (fermentation, souring, etc.) - natural.

Based on the nature of the connection between the initial elements and the result, three types of technological processes are distinguished: analytical, synthetic and direct. In analytical ones, several products are obtained from one type of raw material. An example of this is the processing of milk or oil. Thus, gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, oils, diesel fuel, fuel oil, and bitumen can be extracted from the latter. In synthetic ones, on the contrary, one product is created from several initial elements, for example, a complex aggregate is assembled from individual parts. In a direct technological process, one initial substance is transformed into one final product, say, steel is smelted from cast iron.

Based on the type of equipment used, technological processes are usually divided into open and hardware. The first are associated with machining subject of labor - cutting, drilling, forging, grinding, etc. An example of the latter is chemical, thermal and other processing, which no longer occurs openly, but in isolation from external environment, for example in various types of ovens, distillation columns and so on.

Currently, there are five levels of mechanization of technological processes. Where it is absent altogether, for example when digging a ditch with a shovel, we're talking about about manual processes. When mechanizing the main operations and manually performing auxiliary ones, machine-manual processes take place; for example, processing a part on a machine, on the one hand, and its installation, on the other. When the equipment functions independently, and a person can only press buttons, they speak of partially automated processes. Finally, if not only production, but operational control and management are carried out without human participation, for example, using computers, complexly automated processes take place.

A relatively independent element of any technological process is an operation performed on a certain object of labor by one worker or team at one workplace. Operations differ according to two main characteristics: purpose and degree of mechanization.

By purpose, they primarily distinguish technological operations that ensure a change in the qualitative state, size, shape of the object of labor, for example, smelting metals from ore, casting blanks from them and their further processing on appropriate machines. Another category of operations are transport and loading and unloading operations, which change the spatial position of an object within the framework of the technological process. Their normal implementation is ensured by maintenance operations - repair, storage, cleaning, etc. Finally, measurement operations are used to verify that all components of the production process and its results meet specified standards.

According to the degree of mechanization, operations are divided into manual, mechanized, machine-manual (a combination of mechanized and handmade); machine (performed entirely by machines controlled by people); automated (performed by machines under the control of machines with general supervision and control by humans); instrumental (natural processes, stimulated and controlled by an employee, occurring in a closed artificial environment).

The production operations themselves, in turn, can be divided into separate elements - labor and technological. The first includes labor movements (single movements of the body, head, arms, legs, fingers of performers during the operation); labor actions (a set of movements performed without interruption); work methods (the totality of all actions on a given object, as a result of which the set goal is achieved); complex of labor techniques - their totality, combined either by technological sequence, or by the commonality of factors affecting execution time.

The technological elements of operations include: installation - permanent fastening of the workpiece or assembly unit being processed; position - a fixed position occupied by a permanently fixed workpiece or assembled assembly unit together with a device relative to a tool or a stationary piece of equipment; technological transition - a completed part of a processing or assembly operation, characterized by the constancy of the tool used; auxiliary transition - part of the operation that is not accompanied by a change in shape, size, or state of surfaces, for example, installing a workpiece, changing a tool; a pass is a repeating part of a transition (for example, when processing a part on a lathe, the entire process can be considered a transition, and a single movement of the cutter over its entire surface can be considered a pass); working stroke - a completed part of the technological process, consisting of a single movement of the tool relative to the workpiece, accompanied by a change in the shape, size, surface finish or properties of the workpiece; auxiliary move - the same, not accompanied by changes.

Concept of the production process. Modern production is a complex process of transforming raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and other items of labor into finished products that meet the needs of society.

The totality of all actions of people and tools carried out at an enterprise for the manufacture of specific types of products is called production process.

The main part of the production process are technological processes that contain targeted actions to change and determine the state of objects of labor. During the implementation of technological processes, changes occur in the geometric shapes, sizes and physical and chemical properties of objects of labor.

Varieties of production processes.

According to their purpose and role in production, processes are divided into: main, auxiliary and servicing and non-core facilities.

Main are called production processes during which the production of the main products manufactured by the enterprise is carried out. For example, thermal power plants are the main production, as they convert fuel energy into thermal and electrical energy.

The timeliness and high-quality execution of the main production largely depends on how the work of auxiliary and service production is organized, which are subordinated to the task of better providing the main production enterprises with materials, equipment, etc.

In modern conditions, especially in automated production, there is trend towards integration main and service processes. Thus, in flexible automated complexes, basic, picking, warehouse and transport operations are combined into a single process.

The set of basic processes forms the main production.

Auxiliary production enterprises are enterprises that, while not directly related to the manufacture of the main product, serve and create conditions for the normal operation of the main production. Auxiliary production enterprises include enterprises that manufacture products consumed by the main production and thereby contribute to the production of final products and ensure the normal operation of the main production. In the energy sector, auxiliary production includes repair enterprises, as well as enterprises that produce non-standard equipment and spare parts for energy equipment.

Service enterprises are organized to service main and auxiliary enterprises. The service production process is a labor process as a result of which no products are created. Service enterprises include enterprises involved in the supply of materials and spare parts, laboratories, design and research institutes, transport enterprises, etc.

Recently, the concept of “service enterprises” has appeared in the energy sector, which combines both auxiliary and service enterprises. It is proposed to include enterprises that provide repair, installation, adjustment and modernization services into the group of services industrial equipment, technological networks (for example, repair plants, equipment manufacturing plants, motor transport enterprises etc.).

Non-core businesses include farms whose products and services are not included in the main activities of the enterprise. Their functions include servicing household needs enterprise personnel (housing, kindergartens, sanatoriums, subsidiary farms, etc.).

Scientific principles of organizing production processes.

The organization of production processes consists of combining people, tools and objects of labor into a single process for the production of material goods, as well as ensuring a rational combination in space and time of basic, auxiliary and service processes.

The spatial combination of elements of the production process and all its varieties is implemented on the basis of the formation of the production structure of the enterprise and its divisions. In this regard, the most important activities are the selection and justification of the production structure of the enterprise, i.e. determining the composition and specialization of its constituent units and establishing rational relationships between them.

During development production structure, design calculations are carried out related to determining the composition of the equipment fleet, taking into account its productivity, interchangeability, and the possibility of effective use. Rational layouts of departments, placement of equipment, and workplaces are also being developed. Organizational conditions are created for the uninterrupted operation of equipment and direct participants in the production process - workers

One of the main aspects of the formation of a production structure is to ensure the interconnected functioning of all components of the production process: preparatory operations, main production processes, and maintenance. It is necessary to comprehensively substantiate the most rational organizational forms and methods for carrying out certain processes for specific production and technical conditions.

An important element of the organization production processes - the organization of labor of workers, specifically realizing the connection of labor with the means of production. Methods of labor organization are largely determined by the forms of the production process. In this regard, the focus should be on ensuring a rational division of labor and determining on this basis the professional and qualification composition of workers, the scientific organization and optimal maintenance of workplaces, and the comprehensive improvement and improvement of working conditions.

The organization of production processes also presupposes a combination of their elements in time, which determines a certain order of performing individual operations, a rational combination of the time for performing various types of work, and the determination of calendar-planned standards for the movement of objects of labor. The normal flow of processes over time is also ensured by the order of launching and releasing products, the creation of the necessary stocks (reserves) and production reserves, and the uninterrupted supply of workplaces with tools, workpieces, and materials. An important area of ​​this activity is the organization of rational movement of material flows. These tasks are solved on the basis of the development and implementation of operational production planning systems, taking into account the type of production and technical and organizational features of production processes.

Finally, during the organization of production processes at an enterprise, an important place is given to the development of a system of interaction between individual production units.

Principles of organizing the production process represent the starting points on the basis of which the construction, operation and development of production processes are carried out.

Principle differentiation involves dividing the production process into separate parts (processes, operations) and assigning them to the relevant departments of the enterprise. The principle of differentiation is opposed to the principle combinations, which means the unification of all or part of diverse processes for the production of certain types of products within one site, workshop or production.

Depending on the complexity of the product, production volume, and the nature of the equipment used, the production process can be concentrated in any one production unit (workshop, area) or dispersed across several units. So, for example, at machine-building enterprises, with a significant production of similar products, independent mechanical and assembly production and workshops are organized, and for small batches of products, unified mechanical assembly shops can be created.

The principles of differentiation and combination also apply to individual workplaces. A production line, for example, is a differentiated set of jobs.

In practice in organizing production, priority in using the principles of differentiation or combination should be given to the principle that will ensure the best economic and social characteristics of the production process. Thus, flow production, characterized by a high degree of differentiation of the production process, makes it possible to simplify its organization, improve the skills of workers, and increase labor productivity. However, excessive differentiation increases worker fatigue, a large number of operations increases the need for equipment and production space, leads to unnecessary costs for moving parts, etc.

Principle concentrations means concentration of certain production operations for the manufacture of technologically homogeneous products or performance of functionally homogeneous work at individual workplaces, areas, workshops or production facilities of the enterprise. The feasibility of concentrating similar work in separate areas of production is determined by the following factors: the commonality of technological methods that necessitate the use of the same type of equipment; capabilities of equipment, such as machining centers; increasing production volumes of certain types of products; the economic feasibility of concentrating the production of certain types of products or performing similar work.

When choosing one direction or another of concentration, it is necessary to take into account the advantages of each of them.

By concentrating technologically homogeneous work in a department, a smaller amount of duplicating equipment is required, production flexibility increases and it becomes possible to quickly switch to the production of new products, and equipment utilization increases.

By concentrating technologically homogeneous products, the costs of transporting materials and products are reduced, the duration of the production cycle is reduced, the management of production is simplified, and the need for production space is reduced.

Principle specializations based on limiting the variety of elements of the production process. The implementation of this principle involves assigning to each workplace and each department a strictly limited range of works, operations, parts or products. In contrast to the principle of specialization, the principle of universalization presupposes an organization of production in which each workplace or production unit is engaged in the manufacture of parts and products of a wide range or performing heterogeneous production operations.

The level of specialization of jobs is determined by a special indicator - the coefficient of consolidation of operations To z.o, which is characterized by the number of detail operations performed at the workplace over a certain period of time. Yes, when K z.o= 1 there is a narrow specialization of workplaces, in which one detail operation is performed at the workplace during a month or quarter.

The nature of the specialization of departments and jobs is largely determined by the volume of production of parts of the same name. Specialization reaches its highest level when producing one type of product. The most typical example of highly specialized industries are factories for the production of tractors, televisions, and cars. Increasing the range of production reduces the level of specialization.

A high degree of specialization of departments and jobs contributes to the growth of labor productivity due to the development of labor skills of workers, the possibility of technical equipment of labor, and minimizing the costs of reconfiguring machines and lines. At the same time, narrow specialization reduces the required qualifications of workers, causes monotony of work and, as a result, leads to rapid fatigue of workers and limits their initiative.

In modern conditions, there is an increasing tendency towards the universalization of production, which is determined by the requirements of scientific and technological progress to expand the range of products, the emergence of multifunctional equipment, and the tasks of improving the organization of labor in the direction of expanding the labor functions of the worker.

Principle proportionality is in a natural combination of individual elements of the production process, which is expressed in a certain quantitative relationship between them. Thus, proportionality in production capacity presupposes equality of site capacities or equipment load factors. In this case, the throughput of the procurement shops corresponds to the need for blanks of the mechanical shops, and the throughput of these shops corresponds to the needs of the assembly shop for the necessary parts. This entails the requirement to have in each workshop equipment, space, and labor in such quantities that would ensure the normal operation of all departments of the enterprise. The same throughput ratio should exist between the main production, on the one hand, and auxiliary and service units, on the other.

Violation of the principle of proportionality leads to imbalances, the emergence of bottlenecks in production, as a result of which the use of equipment and labor deteriorates, the duration of the production cycle increases, and backlogs increase.

Proportionality in the workforce, areas, equipment is installed already during the design of the enterprise, and then specified during the development of annual production plans by carrying out so-called volumetric calculations - when determining the capacity, number of employees, and the need for materials. Proportions are established on the basis of a system of standards and norms that determine the number of mutual connections between various elements of the production process.

The principle of proportionality involves the simultaneous performance of individual operations or parts of the production process. It is based on the proposition that parts of a dismembered production process must be combined in time and carried out simultaneously.

Organization of production processes over time.

To ensure rational interaction of all elements of the production process and streamline the work performed in time and space, it is necessary to form a production cycle of the product.

The production cycle is called a complex of basic, auxiliary and service processes organized in a certain way in time, necessary for the manufacture of a certain type of product. The most important characteristic of the production cycle is its duration.

Duration of the production cycle - This the calendar period of time during which a material, workpiece or other processed item goes through all the operations of the production process or a certain part of it and is transformed into a finished product. The cycle duration is expressed in calendar days or hours.

Production cycle structure includes working time and break time. During the working period, the actual technological operations and preparatory and final work are carried out. The working period also includes the duration of control and transport operations and the time of natural processes (including the time of breaks due to the work schedule).

In the most general view production cycle duration T c expressed by the formula:

T a = T t + T n -3 + T e + T k + T Tr + T mo + T Pr,

where T t is the time of technological operations; T n -3- time of preparatory and final work; T e - time of natural processes; T k - time of control operations; T Tr- time of transportation of objects of labor; T mo- inter-operational bedtime (intra-shift breaks); T Pr,- time of breaks due to work schedule.

The duration of technological operations and preparatory and final work together forms the operating cycle T c.op.

Operating cycle- this is the duration of the completed part of the technological process performed at one workplace.


Types of production and their technical and economic characteristics.

The type of production is determined by a comprehensive description of the technical, organizational and economic features of production, determined by the breadth of the product range, regularity, stability and volume of production. The main indicator characterizing the type of production is the coefficient of consolidation of operations K z.

The operation consolidation coefficient for a group of workplaces is defined as the ratio of the number of all different technological operations performed or to be performed during the month to the number of workplaces:

K op i - number of operations performed on i-th workplace; To r.m— the number of jobs on the site or in the workshop.

There are three types of production: single, serial, mass.

Single production characterized by a small volume of production of identical products, the re-production and repair of which, as a rule, are not provided for. The consolidation factor for unit production is usually above 40.

Mass production characterized by the manufacture or repair of products in periodically repeating batches. Depending on the number of products in a batch or series and the value of the consolidation coefficient of operations, small-scale, medium-scale and large-scale production are distinguished.

For small-scale production, the operation consolidation factor is from 21 to 40 (inclusive), for medium-scale production: from 11 to 20 (inclusive), for large-scale production: from 1 to 10 (inclusive).

Mass production characterized a large volume of production of products that are continuously manufactured or repaired over a long period of time, during which one work operation is performed at most workplaces. Operation consolidation factor for mass production is taken equal to 1.

Let's consider the technical and economic characteristics of each type of production.

Single and similar small-scale production is characterized by the production of parts of a large range at workplaces that do not have a specific specialization. This production must be sufficiently flexible and adapted to fulfill various production orders.

Technological processes in conditions of single production, they are developed enlarged in the form of route maps for processing parts for each order; The sites are equipped with universal equipment and fixtures that ensure the production of parts of a wide range. The wide variety of jobs that many workers have to do requires them to have different professional skills, so highly skilled generalists are used in operations. In many areas, especially in pilot production, combining professions is practiced.

Organization of production in conditions of single production has its own characteristics. Due to the diversity of parts, the order and methods of processing them, production areas are built according to a technological principle with equipment arranged in homogeneous groups. With this organization of production, parts pass through various sections during the manufacturing process.

Therefore, when transferring them to each subsequent operation (section), it is necessary to carefully consider the issues of quality control of processing, transportation, and determination of workplaces for performing the next operation. Features of operational planning and management include timely completion and fulfillment of orders, monitoring the progress of each part through operations, ensuring the systematic loading of areas and workplaces. Great difficulties arise in organizing logistics.

Features of the organization unit production affect economic indicators. For enterprises with a predominance single type production is characterized by relatively high labor intensity of products and a large volume of work in progress due to long storage of parts between operations. The cost structure of products is characterized by a high share of costs for wages. This share is usually 20 - 25%.

The main opportunities for improving the technical and economic indicators of individual production are associated with bringing it closer to serial production in terms of technical and organizational level. The use of serial production methods is possible by narrowing the range of manufactured parts for general machine-building applications, unifying parts and assemblies, which allows us to move on to the organization of subject areas; expanding constructive continuity to increase the launch batches of parts; grouping parts that are similar in design and manufacturing order to reduce time for production preparation and improve the use of equipment.

Mass production characterized by the production of a limited range of parts in batches repeated at certain intervals. This allows you to use special equipment along with universal ones. When designing technological processes, the order of execution and equipment of each operation are provided.

The following features are characteristic of the organization of serial production: workshops, as a rule, contain closed areas where equipment is placed along the course of a standard technological process. As a result, relatively simple connections arise between workstations and the prerequisites are created for organizing the direct movement of parts during their manufacturing process.

Serial production enterprises are characterized by significantly lower labor intensity and cost of manufacturing products than individual enterprises. In mass production, compared to individual production, products are processed with fewer interruptions, which reduces the volume of work in progress.

Mass production is different the greatest specialization and is characterized by the production of a limited range of parts in large quantities. Mass production workshops are equipped with the most advanced equipment, allowing almost complete automation of the production of parts. Automatic production lines have become widespread here. In conditions of mass production, the importance of organizing interoperational transportation and maintenance of workplaces increases.

Constant monitoring of the condition cutting tool, devices, equipment is one of the conditions for ensuring the continuity of the production process, without which the rhythm of work on sites and in workshops is inevitably disrupted. The need to maintain a given rhythm at all levels of production becomes distinctive feature organization of processes in mass production.

Mass production ensures the most complete use of equipment, high general level labor productivity, the lowest cost of manufacturing products. In table 1 presents data on the comparative characteristics of various types of production.

Forms of organization of production.

The form of organization of production is a certain combination in time and space of elements of the production process with an appropriate level of its integration, expressed by a system of stable connections.

Various temporal and spatial structural structures form a set of basic forms of production organization.

Temporary structure of the organization production is determined by the composition of the elements of the production process and the order of their interaction over time. Based on the type of temporary structure, forms of organization are distinguished with sequential, parallel and parallel-sequential transfer of objects of labor in production.

The form of organization of production with the sequential transfer of objects of labor is a combination of elements of the production process that ensures the movement of processed products across all production areas in batches of arbitrary size. This form is the most flexible in relation to changes that arise in the production program,

Table 1.

Comparable characteristics Type of production
Single Serial Mass
Nomenclature and volume of production Repeatability of production Equipment used Assignment of operations to machines Location of equipment Transfer of objects of labor from operation to operation Form of organization of the production process Unlimited range of parts manufactured to order Absent Universal Absent By groups of similar machines Sequential Technological Wide range of parts manufactured in batches Periodic Universal, partly special A limited number of detail operations is established In groups for processing structurally and technologically homogeneous parts Parallel-sequential Subject, group, flexible subject Limited range of parts manufactured in large quantities Constant Mostly special One or two operations per machine Along the technological process of processing parts Parallel Straight-line

Comparative characteristics of various types of production make it possible to fully utilize the equipment, which makes it possible to reduce the cost of its acquisition. The disadvantage of this form of production organization is the relatively long duration of the production cycle, since each part lies waiting for the entire batch to be processed before performing the subsequent operation.

Form of production organization with parallel transfer of objects of labor is based on such a combination of elements of the production process that allows you to launch, process and transfer objects of labor from operation to operation individually and without waiting. This organization of the production process leads to a reduction in the number of parts being processed, reducing the need for space required for storage and aisles. Its disadvantage is the possible downtime of equipment (workstations) due to differences in the duration of operations.

The form of organization of production with parallel-sequential transfer of objects of labor is intermediate between sequential and parallel forms and partially eliminates their inherent disadvantages. Products are transferred from operation to operation in transport batches. At the same time, continuity of use of equipment and labor is ensured, and a partially parallel passage of a batch of parts through technological process operations is possible.

Spatial structure The organization of production is determined by the number of technological equipment concentrated on the work site (the number of workplaces), and its location relative to the direction of movement of objects of labor in the surrounding space.

Depending on the number of technological equipment (workstations), a distinction is made between a single-link production system and the corresponding structure of a separate workplace and a multi-link system with a workshop, linear or cellular structure. Possible options for the spatial structure of production organization are presented in Fig. 5.

Shop structure is characterized the creation of areas in which equipment (workstations) are located parallel to the flow of workpieces, which presupposes their specialization on the basis of technological homogeneity. In this case, a batch of parts arriving at the site is sent to one of the free workplaces, where it undergoes the necessary processing cycle, after which it is transferred to another site (to the workshop).

Rice. 5. Options for the spatial structure of the production process

On the site with linear spatial structure, equipment (workstations) is located along the technological process and a batch of parts processed at the site is transferred from one workplace to another sequentially.

Cellular the structure of production organization combines the characteristics of linear and workshop.

The combination of spatial and temporal structures of the production process with a certain level of integration of partial processes determines various forms of organization of production: technological, subject, direct-flow, point, integrated (Fig. 6). Let's look at the characteristic features of each of them.

Rice. 6. Forms of organization of production

Technological The form of organization of the production process is characterized by a workshop structure with the sequential transfer of objects of labor. This form of organization is widespread in machine-building plants, since it ensures maximum equipment utilization in small-scale production and is adapted to frequent changes in the technological process.

At the same time, application the technological form of organizing the production process has a number of negative consequences: a large number of parts and their repeated movement during the processing process lead to an increase in the volume of work in progress and an increase in the number of intermediate storage points; a significant part of the production cycle consists of time losses caused by complex inter-site communications.

The subject form of production organization has a cellular structure with parallel-sequential (sequential) transfer of objects of labor in production. As a rule, all the equipment necessary for processing a group of parts from the beginning to the end of the technological process is installed at the subject area. If the processing technological cycle is closed within the site, it is called subject-closed.

Compared to technological form subject allows you to reduce the overall costs of transporting parts and the need for production space per unit of production. At the same time, this form of production organization, when determining the composition of the equipment installed on the site, brings to the fore the need to carry out certain types of processing of parts, which does not always ensure full utilization of the equipment. In addition, expanding the range of products and updating them require periodic redevelopment of production areas and changes in the structure of the equipment fleet.

Direct flow form of organization production is characterized linear structure with piecemeal transfer of objects of labor. This form ensures the implementation of a number of organizational principles: specialization, directness, continuity, parallelism. Its use leads to a reduction in the duration of the production cycle, more effective use workforce due to greater specialization of labor, reducing the volume of work in progress.

At point form production organization, work is completely performed at one workplace. The product is manufactured where its main part is located. An example is the assembly of a product with a worker moving around it. The organization of point production has a number of advantages: it provides the possibility of frequent changes in the design of products and the processing sequence, the production of products of a diverse range in quantities determined by production needs; costs associated with changing the location of equipment are reduced and production flexibility is increased.

The form of production organization involves the combination of main and auxiliary operations into a single integrated production process with a cellular or linear structure with sequential, parallel or parallel-sequential transfer of objects of labor in production.

Creation of integrated production sites is associated with relatively high one-time costs caused by the integration and automation of the production process. The economic effect of the transition to an integrated form of production organization is achieved by reducing the duration of the production cycle for manufacturing parts, increasing the loading time of machines, and improving the regulation and control of production processes. In Fig. Figure 7 shows equipment layout diagrams in areas with various shapes organization of production.

Depending on ability to readjustment for the production of new products, the above forms of production organization can be divided into flexible (changeable) and rigid (non-readjustable). Rigid forms of production organization involve processing parts of one type (for example, a continuous form of organizing the production process).

Flexible forms make it possible to ensure the transition to the production of new products without changing the composition of the components of the production process with little time and labor.

The most widespread forms of production organization at machine-building enterprises are currently flexible point production, flexible subject and flow forms.

Rice. 7. Layouts of equipment (workstations) in areas with different forms of production organization:

a - technological; b - subject; c - direct flow;

g - point (for the case of assembly); d - integrated

Flexible point production involves the spatial structure of a separate workplace without further transfer of objects of labor during the production process. The part is completely processed in one position. Adaptation to the release of new products is carried out by changing the operating state of the system.

Flexible subject form of organization production is characterized by the ability to automatically process parts within a certain range without interruption for changeover. The transition to the production of new products is carried out by re-adjusting technical means and reprogramming the control system. The flexible, linear form of production organization is characterized by rapid readjustment for processing new parts within a given range by replacing tooling and fixtures, and reprogramming the control system. It is based on a row arrangement of equipment that strictly corresponds to the technological process, with piece-by-piece transfer of objects of labor.

Development of forms of organization of production in modern conditions.

Under the influence of scientific and technological progress in engineering and mechanical engineering technology, significant changes are occurring due to mechanization and automation of production processes. This creates objective prerequisites for the development of new forms of production organization, for example, the block-modular form.

The creation of production with a block-modular form of production organization is carried out by concentrating on a site the entire complex of technological equipment necessary for the continuous production of a limited range of products, and uniting a group of workers to produce the final product, transferring to them part of the functions of planning and managing production on the site.

Economic basis The creation of such industries are collective forms of labor organization. The main requirements for organizing the production and labor process in this case are: creation autonomous system technical and instrumental maintenance of production; achieving continuity of the production process based on calculating the rational need for resources, indicating intervals and delivery dates; ensuring the matching capacity of machining and assembly departments; accounting established standards controllability when determining the number of employees; selection of a group of workers taking into account complete interchangeability.

Implementation of the specified requirements is possible only with a comprehensive solution to issues of labor organization, production and management. The transition to a block-modular form of production organization is carried out in several stages. At the pre-project survey stage, a decision is made on the advisability of creating such units in the given production conditions. An analysis of the design and technological homogeneity of products is carried out and an assessment is made of the possibility of assembling “families” of parts for processing within the production cell.

Then the possibility of concentrating the entire complex of technological operations for the production of a group of parts in one area is determined; the number of workplaces adapted for the introduction of group processing of parts is established; the composition and content of the basic requirements for organizing the production and labor process are determined, based on the intended level of automation.

At the structural design stage, the composition and relationships of the main components of the production process are determined.

At the stage of organizational and economic design, technical and organizational solutions are combined and ways to implement the principles of collective contracting and self-government in autonomous teams are outlined.

The second direction in the development of forms of production organization is the transition to the assembly of complex units using the bench method, the abandonment of conveyor assembly through the organization of a mini-flow.

Another decision of the organization continuous production is to maintain the conveyor system with the inclusion of preparatory operations. In this case, the assemblers, at their own discretion, work either in the main or in the preparatory operations. These approaches to the development of the continuous form of production organization not only ensure an increase in labor productivity and improved quality, but also give assemblers a sense of satisfaction from work and eliminate the monotony of work.

Methods of organizing production.

Methods of organizing production are a set of methods, techniques and rules for the rational combination of the main elements of the production process in space and time at the stages of operation, design and improvement of production organization.

Method of organizing individual production used in conditions of single production or production in small batches and assumes: lack of specialization in the workplace; the use of highly versatile equipment, its arrangement in groups according to functional purpose; sequential movement of parts from operation to operation in batches.

The conditions for servicing workplaces are different in that workers almost constantly use one set of tools and a small number of universal devices; only periodic replacement of dull or worn tools is required. In contrast, the delivery of parts to work stations and the adjustment of parts when issuing new work and accepting finished work occurs several times during the shift. Therefore, there is a need for flexible organization of transport services for workplaces.


Considering the procedure for performing the functions and subfunctions of energy management of an enterprise, it should be noted, firstly, that they permeate all areas of activity and, secondly, they have certain priority elements in these areas. The functional management subsystems formed at the intersection of areas are a kind of “table of contents” of the entire organizational and economic work of the energy service. Some of them receive more attention, others - less than ¾ due to the very large volume of management work in the energy sector.

Indeed, if you multiply the number of functions and subfunctions (there are 17) by the number of areas (there are 12), you get 204 “headings” - a set of tasks in the general list of management work of the energy service. In each such complex, the number of tasks is determined by the number of types of energy, energy facilities (productions, workshops, sites and even individual energy and energy-using installations), and other indicators. As a result, the total number of management tasks and works amounts to several thousand.

As an example of this diversity, it is advisable to list and briefly consider the organization of the structure in the main areas of activity:

¾ Organization of energy consumption structure;

¾ Organization of the structure of energy use.

¾ Organization of the structure of power equipment and the procedure for its operation.

¾ Organization of the structure of power supply modes and operation of power equipment.

¾ Organization of structure in the system of reliability of power supply and operation of power equipment.

¾ Organization of the structure of in-plant energy supervision.

¾ Organization of the structure of repair maintenance of power equipment.

¾ Organization of labor structure and energy personnel.

¾ Organization of the structure of material and technical supply of the energy sector.

¾ Organization of the structure of economic work in the energy sector.

¾ Organization of a structure for the development of energy production.

Energy efficiency enterprises largely depend on the degree of perfection organizational structure energy service management. The quality of the organizational structure is determined primarily by the ability to optimally perform management functions in all areas of activity. Therefore, production and management divisions are created here, the tasks of which include work on one function (“planning” - planning department, “accounting” - accounting, “rationing” - standardization bureau, etc.), in one (or several) areas of activity (“repair maintenance” - repair shop, “energy use” - energy management bureau, etc.), as well as in functional subsystems (“control and regulation of energy consumption” - energy management dispatch service, etc.).

Enterprises in various industries use centralized, decentralized and mixed schemes management. In some cases, a so-called “staff” scheme arises, usually organized as a temporary measure to solve specific problems.

With centralized control The energy service, headed by the chief power engineer of the enterprise, includes power engineers who service general plant and shop power equipment. Linear management ties of direct subordination are established between the chief power engineer, his administrative apparatus (department of the chief power engineer) and all power engineers of the enterprise. This management scheme is typical for small and medium-sized enterprises with an underdeveloped energy sector.

With decentralized management, the energy service covers only the general plant part of the energy sector. Shop energy personnel are subordinate to the management of their shops, and have only functional connections with the energy service - on issues of operation and repair of shop power equipment, energy supply, energy consumption and energy use in the shop. This scheme is used at large enterprises with complex energy management.

The mixed scheme provides for partial decentralization of management, in which power engineers of some workshops and services are subordinate to the management of their departments, and in some - to the energy service of the enterprise.

The use of one or another scheme, a greater or lesser degree of centralization of energy management at enterprises is determined based on local conditions, taking into account the size of the energy sector. In industry, there are different approaches to organizing the energy management structure, according to numerous provisions, categories of energy management have been developed.

The most common categorization systems are as follows.

One point is awarded for every 20 million kWh of annual electricity consumption. The total quantity is 50 thousand tons of fuel equivalent. per year, for every 500 pcs. electrical machines.

The total number of points is multiplied by a coefficient of 0.27 people/point and the result of the chief power engineer’s department determines the category of the energy service and the number of departments (by rounding).

At chemical enterprises, categorization is also associated with the calculation of points depending on the volume of electricity, heat and water consumption.

One category higher(including “zero”, non-categorical) refers to an energy service that includes one of the following facilities: thermal power plants, boiler houses, refrigeration, compressor, air separation, hydrogen-oxygen stations; waste heat boilers; water circulation systems; own sources of water supply - water intakes, artesian wells and others. An approximate structure for managing an energy service classified as category I or II is shown in Fig. 8.

Chief Power Engineer

Chief Department of the Chief Power Engineer Chief

electrician heating engineer

Accounting Sector, Sector Sector Laboratory

Standardization of energy supervision of PPR and testing and planning and reliability of spare parts for energy resources of installations

Electrical shop - Electrical shop - Steam shop - Water communication shop Repair supply, steam and heat supply and Supply shop, CHP sewerage

Rice. 8. Approximate scheme for managing the energy service at an industrial enterprise of categories 1 and 2

Some experts suggest establish the category of the energy sector and the number of management personnel in it depending on a number of production factors according to regression departments. Number of management personnel ( L aup) is calculated depending on the number of production workers at the enterprise ( L pr), number of workers in the energy sector ( L e); cost of production assets ( F), their active part ( F a) and separately power equipment (F e); total amount of consumed energy converted into standard fuel ( IN); the total number of units of power equipment, given in units of repairability ( R sl).

The standard number of management personnel is calculated using one of four formulas depending on the degree of influence of a particular factor:

L aup = 0,208F 0.9102

L aup= 0.0223 L e0 .19 F a0 .414

L aup= 0.023L pr 0.542 F a 0.414

L aup = 2 + 0,9F e + 0,55R sl+ 0.01 V.

These formulas are proposed to be used to determine the number of engineers in energy departments.

In market conditions, the organizational structure of energy management at enterprises must have two new qualities:

The greatest clarity in the construction of production and functional units to successfully perform the target function;

The expansion of economic units due to a sharp increase in the volume of economic work.

Approximate diagram management of the enterprise's energy management in conditions of economic independence is shown in Fig. 9.

The main tasks of the functional units of the energy service, traditional and introduced for economic support of economic independence, in most cases follow from their names. For a number of them it is advisable to give some explanations.

The main task energy economic bureau There should be an energy-saving policy at the enterprise, an analysis of energy use in production processes, and the development of organizational and technical measures for energy saving.

Rice. 9. Approximate scheme of energy management at an industrial enterprise in the conditions of an economic independent energy service

Tasks of the Bureau of Standardization and Energy Balances:

Creation of a system for rationing energy consumption in production processes based on an analysis of energy use carried out jointly with the economic bureau;

Development of technological standards for the most energy-intensive operations, processes, limits, intermediate products, per unit of raw materials or finished products across its entire range;

Development of energy consumption standards for sanitary and technical needs depending on climatic and seasonal factors;

Rationing of energy costs in auxiliary processes and production, losses in energy communications and energy equipment, and the energy sector’s own needs;

Development of general production - workshop and factory - standards for energy consumption for products, work and services.

This is where it should take place energy supply planning by developing planned (current) and long-term energy balances for all commercial (self-supporting) consumers inside and outside the enterprise.

The Bureau of Energy Accounting, Control and Supervision should be engaged in maintaining and improving operational and statistical (current) accounting of production, distribution and consumption of energy resources and related reporting; operational (together with the dispatch service) and ongoing control and regulation of energy supply, in-plant energy supervision.

The economic planning bureau (department) is designed to plan the production and economic activities of the energy sector (except for the production and consumption of energy resources), commercial relations with divisions of the enterprise and external consumers.

The financial bureau (department) must carry out financial transactions to finance the production and economic activities of energy services, and financial transactions with suppliers.


Energy production is a technological process that includes three phases: production, transformation, energy consumption.

This technological process is based on physical laws, from which two main features arise: forced continuity and automaticity; coincidence in time of energy production and its consumption.

From these two main features the following follows:

a) in this process there is absolute proportionality between energy production and consumption, i.e. there are no local accumulations of semi-finished products and products;

b) product rejection and withdrawal from consumption are excluded;

c) there is no sales problem, overstocking is impossible;

d) there is no need to store products.

An important feature of energy production also lies in the fact that energy enterprises are closely connected with industry, construction, transport, communications, agro-industrial complex and public utilities- with the entire set of various electrical energy receivers. And this, in turn, predetermines the strict dependence of energy production, especially electrical energy, on the consumption regime.

Very characteristic feature energy production is the variability of its regime both throughout the year and during the day. This variability is based, on the one hand, on natural and climatic factors (temperature fluctuations, changes in natural light), on the other hand, on the peculiarities of the technological process of various enterprises and industries.

These features of energy production determine the relevance of ensuring a sufficient level of reliability of the energy sector in order to ensure uninterrupted power supply to consumers.

An essential feature of energy production also lies in the relatively rapid development of emergency situations, in the influence that a failing element has on the elements working in conjunction with it.

As mentioned above, in energy production there is a strict dependence of the production mode on the consumption mode.

Therefore, in planning and economic analysis In energy production, load graphs play an important role, showing how consumption changes over time. Depending on the time interval, daily (winter, summer) and annual schedules are distinguished.

The load of the energy consumer continuously changes, reaching the highest at a certain point in time ( R max) and smallest ( R min) values. The maximum and minimum load are the most important points on the graph. The area of ​​the graph expresses, on a certain scale, the amount of energy produced.

The area limited by horizontal lines coming through the maximum R max and average R Wed of the load value is called the peak part of the daily load schedule, the rest of the load schedule is called the base. These are absolute load graph indicators. Load graphs are also characterized by relative indicators:

1. Density (fill) coefficient g, defined as the ratio of the average load R avg to maximum:

g = R Wed / R max, where max is the maximum load, MW.

2) Minimum load coefficient α min, defined as the ratio of minimum to maximum:

α = R min/ R max , where

Indicators of daily charts electrical load of the power system g and α min depend on the composition and operating mode of energy consumers. α min can theoretically fluctuate from 0 to 1 (the entire load is continuous throughout the day). In practice, α min ranges from 0.3 (single-shift consumers and lighting predominate) to 0.9 (energy-intensive consumers with continuous production predominate).

The density (filling) indicator of the daily electrical load schedule usually lies within g= 0.5÷0.95.

At a lower value, the electrical capacitance of industrial consumers prevails.

Power reservation.

Reserve capacity is necessary to replace units that have failed and are routinely taken out for repairs, as well as to meet the need for production capacity.

For generating, transforming, and transmission installations, capacity reserves are distinguished accordingly: repair, emergency, load (necessary to compensate for irregular load changes for reasons random to power systems). The combination of emergency and load reserves is called operational reserve. The electric power reserve is common, uniform for the energy pool. Its size is determined in relation to the maximum load of the energy pool (usually for winter days).

The economic aspect of the problem lies in justifying the optimal amount of power reserve. By increasing the power reserve in power interconnections, the consumer's damage from emergency undersupply of electrical energy is reduced, but the costs of creating and maintaining reserve power increase. Statistics show that the necessary and sufficient power reserve of the power system should be slightly more than 15% of the maximum load (including emergency - 4-5%, repair - 8-9%, load - 3-4%).


Most management functions have subfunctions related to the operational point in time - operational accounting, operational analysis, operational planning, operational control and regulation. Taken together, they form (an organization), with the most noticeable ones being operational accounting, control and regulation. Therefore, the entire process of operational management is often called that - operational accounting and control, the implementation of which is the service of the energy sector. The main task of operational management should also include the work of operational personnel at each workplace servicing energy and energy-using technological equipment.

At the same time, their task should be in the optimal management of processes not only in terms of technological, but also in terms of energy indicators. It is advisable to consider the procedure for such operational management using the example of optimal regulation of work technological installation according to the criteria of rational use of energy. Operational management in accordance with the tasks of any management cycle must correspond to the standard process of preparing, making and implementing decisions to achieve the goals. In this case, information connections arise between the object and the subject of management, and the management process itself consists of the sequential execution of strictly defined functions.

Operational management includes the following main stages:

a) during operational accounting, data on the consumption and use of energy resources by the control object is recorded; Such data are quantitative and qualitative (parametric) indicators of energy consumption;

b) from accounting data, indicators are selected that determine the degree of rationality of energy use, i.e. subject to operational control;

c) selected indicators are analyzed in comparison with standard values, for example, with the current rate of energy consumption;

d) if actual indicators deviate from the normative ones, a solution is selected aimed at correcting this situation, and a set standard solutions prepared in advance when preparing operational planning options;

d) intended option optimal solution V necessary cases is agreed upon with higher-ranking managers, and then a command is given to carry it out - an act of operational management;

f) actions are taken to operationally regulate the process to achieve the goal - bringing actual indicators into line with the desired, normative ones;

g) a new operational accounting act is carried out to check whether the desired result has been achieved;

This ends one cycle control and the next one begins - controlled

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1. Production process and principles of its organization

1.2 Production cycle as the main characteristic of the production process

2. Main ways to improve the production process


List of sources used

production unification technological


The production (work) process is the total number of all processes associated with labor and mental activity that contribute to the final production and subsequent sale of products. It is important to note that the structure of the production process itself varies significantly and changes if it is influenced by the technology of the equipment that is used to a greater extent for the normal functioning of a particular enterprise. In this case, it does not even matter whether it is a conveyor production or a production associated with constant manual labor person. The only important thing is that this kind of production processes can be carried out without any failures or pauses. However, some production processes require the presence of so-called interoperational delays - that is, breaks that are officially provided for by the compiler of the technological plan of the production process. Today, many production processes differ from each other in the nature of their flow and are divided into periodic and continuous. As for the method of influencing an object, it can be physical, mechanical, chemical, biological, and so on.

The object of study in this course work is the production process at the enterprise.

The purpose and objectives of the work are to study:

The production process, the principles of its organization, as well as the essence of technological processes;

The structure of the production cycle and ways to reduce it;

Organization of main and auxiliary production;

Ways to improve the organization of production at an enterprise;

Essential elements master plan companies.

1 . The production process and principles of its organization

1.1 General introductory categorical information

The production process (PP) carried out at enterprises consists of a large number of interconnected processes for the manufacture of parts, their assembly into units and finished products. All PPs are conventionally divided into simple and complex forms.

A simple process is a process in which, as a result of a series of sequential operations on objects of labor, a finished or partial product is created.

Complex is a process in which a finished product is created by combining partial products, that is, semi-finished products.

In the electrical industry, as a rule, a complex type of software is carried out, which includes three stages: procurement, processing, assembly.

The procurement stage includes the preparation of castings, production of welded, stamped and other blanks.

The processing stage includes mechanical, thermal, and chemical treatment.

The assembly stage includes unit and general assembly, as well as regulation, testing, and packaging.

At factories, a kind of division of a complex type of PP into partial and simple forms occurs.

All processes, depending on their purpose, are divided into main (technological), auxiliary and service forms.

The main forms include technical processes as a result of the implementation of which objects of labor are transformed into blanks or finished products.

Auxiliary processes ensure the implementation of basic technological processes (equipment repair, etc.).

Service processes include transport and warehouse operations.

The main technological processes are carried out in the main production shops, that is, in the procurement, mechanical and assembly shops.

The production process determines the technical level of production, the structure of the enterprise and its individual workshops.

The basis of the production process is the technological operation and the workplace.

A technological operation is a part of the production process performed on objects of labor at one workplace without readjusting equipment.

A workplace is understood as a part of a production area equipped with equipment where one or more operations are carried out. An operation during which a change in size and shape occurs is called basic or technological.

A number of technological operations form a technological process. When organizing the production process, we proceed from the following principles:

The principle of specialization;







The principle of specialization consists in assigning to each plant, workshop, and workplace a strictly limited group of work based on their technological homogeneity, which allows, at a certain scale of production, to use progressive equipment that achieves a reduction in labor intensity.

The principle of proportionality is the ability to provide a given number of products in all parts of the production process, i.e. it ensures compliance with the condition - the number of jobs is proportional to labor intensity. Failure to comply with it leads to bottlenecks and imbalances in certain areas.

The principle of parallelism is characterized by the possibility of simultaneous execution of individual operations or technological processes, which allows reducing the duration of the production process. The principle of direct flow makes it possible to achieve the shortest path for the movement of each part or unit through workplaces, sections and workshops. The movement must be carried out without returning or counter movements. The location of workshops, sections and workplaces along the production process ensures compliance with this principle.

The principle of continuity is that each subsequent operation should begin immediately after the end of the previous one without interruptions in time. The rhythmicity principle presupposes the release of the same amount of products at equal intervals of time and, accordingly, the repetition of the production process at these intervals across all its operations.

The principle of automation in constructing a production process is that all partial processes and the production process as a whole are carried out by automatic machines.

1.2 Production cycle as the main characteristic of the production process

Compliance with all principles when constructing the production process leads to the greatest economical option implementation of the production process, that is, to reduce the production cycle.

The structure of the production cycle is usually understood as the distribution of work time and breaks across all stages of the production process.

The duration of the production cycle is divided into working periods and breaks. The working period includes: the duration of the working cycle, which includes technological operations and preparatory and final work. The working period also includes the duration of the auxiliary cycle, which includes control operations, transport operations and natural production processes.

Breaks are divided into inter-operational (waiting, staffing, etc.) and inter-shift (lunch, weekends and holidays).

The structure and composition of the production cycle depend on the execution time of the main and auxiliary operations, as well as on breaks, which can be routine and interoperational. Ways to shorten the production cycle:

Reducing the working period due to comprehensive mechanization and automation, introduction of flow methods, improvement of technological processes, etc.;

Reducing or eliminating interruptions;

Improving organization and production (deepening specialization, introducing rational organizational equipment).

The reduction in production cycle time is significant economic importance- the turnover of funds is accelerated, the use of equipment is improved, costs are reduced, etc.

The duration of the production cycle is affected by:

Level of technical base;

The level of its organization.

The level of specialization and cooperation has a great influence on reducing the duration of the production cycle.

The production process includes a number of technological, information, transport, auxiliary, service and other processes.

Production processes consist of main and auxiliary operations. The main type includes operations that are directly related to changing the shape, size and internal structure of the objects being processed, and assembly operations. Auxiliary operations are the operations of the production process for quality and quantity control, and the movement of processed items.

The set of basic operations is usually called a technological process. It forms a major part of the production process. The nature of the technological process to the greatest extent determines the organizational conditions of production - the construction of production units, the nature and location of warehouses and storerooms, the direction and length of transport routes.

An operation is a part of the production process, performed at one or more workplaces, by one or more workers (team) and characterized by a set of sequential actions on a specific subject of labor. The main parameters of the production process are the tempo and tact of the operation. The tempo of an operation is the number of objects launched into an operation (or released from it) per unit of time. The tempo of an operation is determined by the ratio of a single launch (release) of an operation to its clock cycle:


where t is the duration of the operation; k is the number of jobs to perform the operation.

The operation cycle is the time during which an item of labor or batch is released from the operation.

Various branches of industrial production, as well as enterprises of the same industry, differ significantly from each other in the nature of the products created, the means of production used and the technological processes used. These differences give rise to an exceptional variety of production processes occurring in enterprises. The most important factors determining the specifics of production processes in industrial production, are: the composition of the finished product, the nature of the impact on the objects of labor (technological process), the degree of continuity of the process, the importance of various types of processes in the organization of production, the type of production. The finished product influences the production process by its design (complexity and size of the molds), as well as the required accuracy components, physical and chemical properties.

From the point of view of organizing production, the number of components of the manufactured product is also of great importance. On this basis, all production processes are divided into processes for the production of simple and complex products. The production process for the manufacture of a complex product is formed as a result of a combination of a number of parallel processes for the production of simple products and is called synthetic. Processes as a result of which several types of finished products are obtained from one type of raw material are called analytical. The more complex the product and the more diverse the methods for its production, the more complex the organization of the production process.

The predominance of one or another type of production process at an enterprise has a great influence on its production structure. Thus, in synthetic processes there is an extensive system of procurement workshops, in each of which the initial processing of raw materials and supplies occurs. Then the process moves to a narrower circle of processing workshops and ends with one production workshop. In this case, the work on logistics, external and intra-factory cooperation, and management of procurement production is very labor-intensive.

During the analytical process, one procurement shop transfers its semi-finished products to several processing and production shops specializing in the manufacture of various types of products. In this case, the enterprise produces a significant number of different types of products, has large and extensive sales connections, and such enterprises usually have developed by-products.

According to the degree of technical equipment, there are manual, partially and complex-mechanized ones.

Similarly, the production system of an industrial organization consists of objectively existing complexes of material objects, a team of people, production, scientific, technical and information processes aimed at producing final products and ensuring the efficient flow of the production process.

The production process is understood as a complex of labor and natural processes ordered in a certain way in space and time, aimed at producing products for the required purpose, in a certain quantity and quality, within a given time frame. The production process is heterogeneous in its structure; it consists of many interrelated operations, during which individual parts and assemblies are created, and their connection by assembly allows us to obtain the required product.

Typically, all production processes are divided according to functionality into main, auxiliary and service forms.

The main forms include the processes of processing, stamping, cutting, assembly, painting, drying and installation. All operations that result in changes in the shape and size of objects of labor and their internal properties.

Auxiliary processes are designed to ensure the normal flow of main processes. These processes are not directly related to the subject of labor; they include: production of tools and technological equipment, repairs, production of electricity for the needs of the enterprise, etc.

Service processes include product quality control, production process progress, transport and warehouse operations.

The development and improvement of all types of processes must occur in a coordinated manner.

The production process also consists of simple and complex elements, depending on the nature of the operations on the subject of labor. A simple manufacturing process is a sequential relationship of manufacturing operations that results in a finished or partial product. Complex refers to the process of manufacturing a finished product by combining several partial products.

Depending on the amount of work required to achieve the final result of the process, complete and partial production processes are distinguished. The complete process includes the entire range of work necessary to obtain the final result of the process. A partial process represents an unfinished part complete process. For the purpose of specialization, individual partial processes form working complexes, the structure of which is characterized in terms of their elemental, functional and organizational composition.

The elemental composition of work complexes includes an integrated and purposeful interaction of objects of labor, means of labor and labor power, that is, the targeted movement of objects of labor through the stages of the production process, at each of which the objects of labor are exposed to the influence of means of labor and labor power.

The functional composition is characterized by the functional specialization of working complexes, including main, auxiliary and service forms.

The organizational composition provides for the division of work complexes according to the hierarchical level of organizational elements: company, plant, workshop, site, workplace.

The process of movement of objects of labor forms a material flow, which includes: components (raw materials) purchased by the enterprise for processing and manufacturing parts; parts undergoing sequential processing at different stages of the production process; assembly units (assemblies) consisting of several parts; kits consisting of units and parts; products - a completed assembly kit or finished product.

The time for performing operations is understood as the time during which the employee has direct or indirect influence on the subject of labor. It includes time for equipment changeover, technical operations, transport, warehouse and control and maintenance operations. Natural downtime includes drying processes after painting, hardening, etc.

Break times include:

Interruptions that occur when parts are processed in batches due to them waiting for the entire batch to be processed before transporting it to the next operation;

Waiting breaks are a consequence of inequality in the duration of operations at adjacent workplaces; appear as a result of inconsistency between the end times of one and the beginning of another operation performed at one workplace, due to which parts or batches of parts lie waiting for the workplace to become free;

Completion interruptions occur due to the fact that the parts that form one product or set have different processing times and arrive for assembly at different times.

Regardless of industry, any organization seeks to increase the efficiency of the production process by reducing the duration of the production cycle by reducing:

Duration of main and auxiliary technological operations;

Duration of natural processes;


The third method is the most accessible and effective, as it does not require large expenses, which cannot be said about the first two.

Improving the production structure of an enterprise is the most important prerequisite for accelerating technical re-equipment, rationalizing its organization, intensifying and accelerating the production process and bringing it closer to the stated requirements.

2 . The main ways to improve the production process at the enterprise

With a change in the specialization of production, the need arises to organize new workshops or areas; the introduction of new equipment or methods of manufacturing products causes a change in the proportions between individual links. All these changes in the structure are carried out according to pre-developed projects.

Work to improve the structure of enterprises is carried out during the period of reconstruction, technological re-equipment, changing the profile and deepening the specialization of the enterprise.

Designing the improvement of the production structure of an enterprise goes through the same stages as any project work, including the design of a new type of product. The main attention of economists is focused on assessing the economic efficiency of the proposed work.

During the design process, the essence of the proposed changes in the structure of the enterprise, the composition of its workshops, areas, service facilities, their scale, the nature of their location are determined, these changes are carefully discussed with a wide range of specialists and with the team of workers, data from industry research and design organizations are used . After approval from higher management bodies, the design material is transferred for detailed development to the relevant design organizations. Further work of the economic service in the field of improving the structure of the enterprise consists of monitoring and analyzing developments design organizations, calculation of economic efficiency in this area.

The starting point when designing the structure of an enterprise is the characteristics of the production process. First of all, they determine that part of the main production process and the range of auxiliary farms that is included within the framework of one enterprise. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that the separation from existing enterprises of a number of auxiliary, procurement production and production of parts for general-industry and inter-industry applications, connected with each other through sustainable cooperation, is the most important direction for improving the structure of existing enterprises.

The next stage of enterprise structure design is to determine the scale of homogeneous production processes, primarily in the main production. At the same time, based on an analysis of the scale of production of various types of products, taking into account their structural and technological homogeneity, a rational level of specialization of production units is revealed. Starting points at the same time are deepening specialization and ensuring optimal size production by private production processes.

The next stage of design is linking and adjusting the specialization and scale of production units.

In the case when the scale of production of homogeneous products is small, it is necessary to go for a certain unification of divisions; when these scales are larger than optimal, the question of rational centralization of production arises, that is, the possibility of duplicating production units arises.

At this stage, the choice of the organizational structure of the enterprise is made. It includes: determining the degree of rational centralization of production, choosing administrative structural units - workshops, sections.

The next stage of structure design is determining the forms and directions of the relationship between the production divisions of the enterprise. This work is based on the analysis and determination of the sequence and scale of production, coordinating the pace of private production processes and ensuring their proportionality. The most important way to solve this issue is to use methods of rational organization of production. At this stage of work, the level of specialization of individual departments is adjusted. Cooperated relations are the basis for the final choice of the organizational structure and layout of the enterprise.

Since the process of transition to a new production structure is more complex than the creation of a new organizational structure, it is necessary to determine:

Principles and methods of improvement, according to which the production structure will be improved;

Internal and external environmental factors that need to be taken into account (the production structure must change in accordance with changes in the external environment).

The issue of choosing and improving the production structure of an enterprise (association) must be resolved both during the construction of new enterprises and during the reconstruction of existing ones.

In the future, enterprises must move to a production structure where there are no procurement and tool shops, where the number of mechanical and repair shops is reduced. One of the modern trends in improving the production structure currently continues to be the formation of flexible production processes. The production structure of the enterprise, consisting of flexible modules aimed at changing needs, which corresponds to new trends in creating a perfect production structure. This is also achieved by such methods and forms of changing it as the total quality management system according to international standards ISO 9000 (a series of international ISO standards regulating quality management in enterprises) in its various modifications.

The quality of use of available opportunities, resources and favorable market conditions in the enterprise is associated with the production planning mechanism. Building an optimal plan from the point of view of possible changes in the market situation is the key to realizing the internal sustainability of an enterprise in the external economic environment.

Rationalization of planning involves improving the master plan of the enterprise.

The master plan is one of the most important parts project of an industrial enterprise, containing a comprehensive solution to the issues of planning and landscaping of the territory, placement of buildings, structures, transport communications, utility networks, organization of economic and consumer services systems, as well as the location of the enterprise in an industrial area (node).

The master plan has high requirements, the main of which are:

The location of production units is strictly along the technological process - warehouses for raw materials, materials and semi-finished products, procurement, processing, assembly shops, finished product warehouses;

Placement of auxiliary sites and farms near the main production workshops that they serve;

Rational arrangement of railway tracks within the enterprise. They must be connected both to the premises of warehouses of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products, and to the warehouse of finished products, where products are restocked with removable equipment, spare parts, preservation, packaging, capping, loading, sending products to the consumer;

The shortest routes for transporting raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and finished products;

Elimination of counter and return flows both indoors and outdoors;

The most appropriate options for the location of external communications of the enterprise and their connection to utility networks, highways, railways, etc.

Placement in the blocks of workshops of laboratories (measuring, chemical, ultrasound, etc.) serving them, as well as heat treatment workshops and protective coatings parts, finished products.

At large enterprises, it is advisable to combine workshops into buildings.

When designing enterprises, it is necessary to take care of the compactness of the building. Depending on the nature of the product, it design features If possible, build multi-story buildings. Choose rational distances between workshops, workshop blocks and buildings, observing sanitary and technical conditions, safety and fire safety requirements. The master plan must also provide for the possibility of further development of the enterprise and provide a production structure in which the highest production results can be achieved at the lowest cost; create conditions for maximum satisfaction of the interests of all employees of the enterprise.

The placement of main, auxiliary, secondary, subsidiary workshops and areas, service facilities, management bodies, transport routes on the territory of the enterprise has a huge impact on the organization of production and its economy; determines the direction of freight flows, the length of rail and trackless tracks, as well as the efficiency of using production space.

The compactness of the building, its rational density and number of storeys make it possible to save capital investments and reduce volumes construction work and intra-factory transportation, reduce the length of communications, shorten the duration of the production cycle, introduce comprehensive mechanization and automation of production and auxiliary processes on a larger scale, reduce the time spent by finished products in the warehouse, and increase labor productivity.

The task of employees of design institutes, engineering and technical workers and production workers of industrial enterprises is to constantly improve the production structure, location of workshops and production areas. Particularly serious attention to this issue must be paid during the period of reconstruction, technical re-equipment, enterprise expansion and new construction. Improving the master plan of the plant is a manifestation of concern for increasing production efficiency, improving the quality of products and working conditions.

Analysis of information about the dynamics of the internal supply of production of an enterprise and market demand for its products is a condition for a qualitative assessment of its sustainability. At the same time, attention is paid to maintaining production at the enterprise. In this case, the mechanism of such analysis can be the fixation of the relationship between the properties of service and the goals of ensuring the general characteristics of production service at the enterprise.


The production process (PP) carried out at enterprises consists of a large number of interconnected processes for the manufacture of parts, their assembly into units and finished products. All PPs are conventionally divided into simple and complex forms. The basis of the production process is the technological operation and the workplace. A number of technological operations form a technological process. When organizing the production process, they proceed from: the principle of specialization; proportionality; parallelism; straightness; continuity; rhythmicity; automaticity.

The production cycle is the period of stay of objects of labor in the production process from the beginning of production to the release of the finished product within one organization, therefore it includes cycles of technological, control, transport and warehouse operations (operation time), natural processes and break times.

The technological cycle forms the time for completing a set of technological operations in the production cycle. And the operating cycle includes the time for performing one operation, during which one batch of identical or several different parts is manufactured, this is the time for performing a technological operation and preparatory and final work.

The duration of the production cycle depends on the method of planning, organizing and managing the production process in time and space.

Production processes consist of main and auxiliary operations. The main operations include those that are directly related to changing the shapes, sizes and internal structure of processed objects, and assembly operations. Auxiliary operations are the operations of the production process for quality and quantity control, and the movement of processed items. The main parameters of the production process are the tempo and tact of the operation. The tempo of an operation is the number of objects launched into an operation (or released from it) per unit of time. The operation cycle is the time during which an item of labor or batch is released from the operation.

According to the nature of the impact on objects of labor, production processes are divided into mechanical, physical, chemical and other forms. According to the degree of continuity - continuous (no breaks between various operations) and discrete (with technological breaks).

According to the stage of production of the finished product, procurement, processing and finishing production processes are distinguished.

According to the degree of technical equipment, there are manual, partially and complex-mechanized ones.

Among the main ways to improve the production structure and production process, the following are currently named:

Consolidation of enterprises and workshops (this will make it possible to introduce new high-performance equipment on a larger scale, constantly improve technology, and improve the organization of production);

Search and implementation of a more advanced principle for constructing a production structure (for designed enterprises) and the use of reserves for improving the structure (for existing enterprises);

Rationalization of the relationship between main, auxiliary and service departments;

Improving the layout of the enterprise (compliance of the master plan of the enterprise with the selected main technological processes);

Development of specialization, cooperation and combination of production;

Unification and standardization of processes and equipment.

The master plan contains a comprehensive solution to the issues of planning and landscaping of the territory, placement of buildings, structures, transport communications, utility networks, organization of economic and consumer services systems, as well as the location of the enterprise in an industrial area (node).

List of sources used

1 Alekseenko, V.B. Organization and management of an industrial enterprise [Text]: textbook. allowance / V.B. Alekseenko. - M.: RUDN, 2005. - 67 p.

2 Gavrilova A.N. Finance of organizations (enterprises) [Text] / A.N. Gavrilova, A.A. Popov. - M.: KnoRus, 2005. - 105 p.

3 Elizarov, Yu.F. Economics of organizations (enterprises) [Text]: textbook / Yu.F. Elizarov. - M.: Exam, 2008. - 153 p.

4 Latfullin, G.R. Organization theory [Text]: textbook / G.R. Latfullin, A.V. Raichenko. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003 (UMO and MO stamp). - 130 s.

5 Organization of production [Text]: textbook. allowance / P.P. Taburchak, [etc.]; edited by P.P. Taburchak, V.M. Tumin and V.M. Budykho. - St. Petersburg: Khimizdat, 2006 (UMO and MO stamp). - 100 s.

6 Savrukov, N.T. Organization of production: Lecture notes [Text] / N.T. Savrukov, Sh.M. Zakirov. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2006 (UMO and MO stamp). - 264s.

7 Turovets, O.G. Organization of production and enterprise management [Text] / O.G. Turovets. - M.: INFRA-M, 2005. - 377 p.

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9 Filatov, O.K. Economics of enterprises (organizations) [Text]: textbook / O.K. Filatov, T.F. Ryabova, E.V. Minaeva. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2006. - 154 p.

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