Ondulin sizes. Ondulin: sheet size, material properties and scope. Calculation of ondulin for a roof of complex shape

Calculate correctly required amount Ondulin on the roof is best done with the help of experienced and qualified roofers. You can do this yourself. To do this, you will need to take into account the dimensions of the material, as well as the parameters of the roof. Also, during installation work you will need a certain amount of fastening material.

Technical characteristics of ondulin

The dimensions of ondulin are regulated by existing GOSTs, which manufacturers adhere to. Maximum deviation from established sizes is no more than 3 mm. Used in production traditional technology, in which cellulose fiber is impregnated with bitumen and pressed at high temperatures.

  • Be sure to secure the sheets well. They may not withstand the wind load, and they will simply be torn off the building
  • Maximum permissible temperature installation about 30 degrees. Conduct installation work if this is exceeded temperature regime prohibited
  • The sheet must be laid loosely and fixed without stretching, otherwise waves will appear as a result
  • It is worth purchasing products from time-tested companies. The price of ondulin (standard sheet size) will be about 400 rubles. per sheet, nails package (100 pcs.) - 120 rub.

Important! Ondulin can withstand about 100 freeze-thaw cycles. The dimensions of the sheets are specially selected in such a way as to facilitate installation of the product.

Factory products are guaranteed to withstand about 15 years of operation. But high-quality roofing material can last much longer. Therefore, be stingy when choosing soft roof not worth it, relatively small overpayments can increase the service life by 5 or more years.

And one last thing. Well-known manufacturer values ​​its reputation and therefore carefully controls the quality of products for compliance with standards and GOSTs. As a result, all declared sheet sizes must strictly correspond to actual ones. One of the ways to check the quality of the product is to simply take a tape measure and measure the length and width of the sheet; deviations can be 1-2 mm.

Video about installation of ondulin

A master class on installing ondulin and accessories will help you correctly lay this material on the roof.

Sheet material developed by the French company ONDULINE has been one of the popular materials for roofing for more than half a century. Today, ondulin is produced in many countries of the world, including Russia. Due to the nature of the material manufacturing technology, the color shades of different batches may vary slightly. To appearance the roof was aesthetically pleasing, it is recommended to use roofing material from one batch, having previously accurately calculated the required number of sheets.

Characteristics of ondulin

Ondulin is actively used in the construction of capital projects - residential, commercial and industrial buildings, during the construction of light structures - pavilions, kiosks, canopies, gazebos. Due to its light weight, this sheet material is ideal for repairing old roofs: it can be mounted on top of flat, old roof coverings without fear of excess load on the foundation of the structure. The approximate load of the new flooring will be about 3 kg per 1 m2.

The technology for manufacturing the material is quite simple: cellulose fiber is pressed into corrugated sheets, reminiscent of traditional slate in shape. Then the base is impregnated with bitumen, upper layer The material is coated with a layer of mineral pigment and curable resins. The small thickness of ondulin makes it easy to install - the sheets are easy to lift onto the roof, cut, and use for laying on curved surfaces, since the material bends both in the longitudinal and transverse directions. The total area of ​​the standard sheet is 1.9 m2.

The advantages of ondulin include:

  • long service life (warranty - 15 years, actual service life - 50 years);
  • attractive appearance;
  • resistance to moisture and atmospheric influences (squally winds up to 200 km/h, temperatures from -40 to +80°C);
  • high noise absorption coefficient;
  • simple installation;
  • resistance to biological destruction, acids, alkalis, oils;
  • ability to withstand loads up to 300 kg/m2.

Ondulin, unlike standard slate, does not contain harmful substances and does not affect negative influence to your health.

Ondulin sizes

Ondulin, manufactured under license from a French company, is usually sold on the Russian market. The length of a standard sheet is 2000 mm, width - 950 mm, ondulin thickness is 3 mm, wave height is 36 mm. The permissible error may be +10/-3 mm in length, +5/-5 mm in width, +2/-2 mm in wave height.

Each sheet of ondulin has 10 waves with a width of about 95 mm, which must be taken into account when calculating the material for roofing. When installing a horizontal row, it is necessary to overlap one wave wide to ensure the strength and tightness of the flooring. The vertical overlap when laying ondulin on a roof whose slope slope exceeds 15 degrees should be at least 100–150 mm. As a result, effective area one sheet element reaches 1.60–1.64 m2.

If ondulin is laid on a roof with a small slope, the lateral overlap of the sheet should be 2 waves, and the vertical overlap should be about 200 mm, which requires a special calculation of the usable area sheet material.

Before purchasing ondulin, it is important to calculate the roof, taking into account the usable area of ​​the sheet material, so that in the future you do not have to purchase additional products from another batch.

Principles for calculating roof coverings

The easiest to calculate are gable roofs with an inclination angle of 15 degrees, each slope of which is a rectangle, and the overlap parameters are standard. In this case, it is necessary to calculate the roof area and divide it by the usable area of ​​one sheet of ondulin - 1.6 m2.

If you need to calculate a complex roof, then you need to divide it into separate planes - rectangles and triangles, calculate the coverage area for each plane separately and sum it up, adding 5% for installation waste.

When calculating roof materials, you should also take into account the presence of windows in the roof plane, the use of elements such as a valley, ridge, covering aprons, eaves gutter, roof ventilation elements and other components roofing system. Their presence and quantity affects the calculation of ondulin sheets.

Ondulin, which sellers and manufacturers often call Euroslate, is considered a reliable material, used for repair, reconstruction and complete roof covering. All manufacturers of this technological coating are distributors of the French company of the same name, Ondulin. You need to know the dimensions of the cellulose sheet in order to accurately calculate how much material you need to purchase. An accurate calculation of the number of sheets saves builders from situations where there are a lot of unused residues or, conversely, a lack of roof covering. In this article we will talk about the standard sizes of ondulin, and also tell you what the useful sheet area is.

Ondulin is the name given to the product of the French company Onduline, which has been produced for over 70 years. The composition includes only components that are safe for health, environmentally friendly, this distinguishes it from, of which it is considered an analogue. It is made from purified cellulose impregnated with petroleum bitumen and ether resins, natural pigments, and modifiers. Ondulin production occurs in several stages:

  1. First, the cellulose is cleaned of debris and impurities, and then water with a coloring pigment and modifiers is added to it. The resulting wet substance is called pulp.
  2. The pulp enters a special conveyor, where it is extruded into a layer 3 mm thick, and then, during the drying process, hardens, acquiring a wavy surface.
  3. Then the cellulose base of ondulin, the area of ​​which is 1.9 m2, is treated with petroleum bitumen on both sides.
  4. The finished material is stacked in packs, packed in shrink film, and then a label with information about the material is attached.

Note! A few years ago Italian designers together with the Onduline company we developed new material for the roof with the same composition, which is called onduvilla. Onduvilla consists of corrugated strips 40 cm wide and 103 cm long. They are laid overlapping on the roof slope, visually imitating ceramic tiles.

Standard sizes

The advantage of this material is that the sizes of ondulin sheets are always standardized. If, when purchasing a roofing covering, you notice that the width or length differs from those described, you are most likely looking at a fake, for the quality of which no one is responsible. Knowing the area of ​​one sheet of ondulin, it is easy to calculate how many sheets will be needed for installation. The dimensions of this roofing material are:

  • The width of the ondulin sheet is 950 mm. This is a convenient format for creating a roof of a small or medium area.
  • The length of the ondulin sheet is 2000 mm, which simplifies the calculation of the material required for covering.
  • The thickness of the material is uniform, 3 mm, however, small errors are allowed in this parameter, which are not considered defective.
  • The profile wave has a height of 36 mm.
  • The weight of an ondulin sheet is 6 kg, and 1 square meter of onduvilla coating weighs 4 kg.
  • The area of ​​each sheet of material is 1.9 square meters.
  • The useful area of ​​each sheet is 1.6 square meters, taking into account vertical and horizontal overlaps.

Important! Knowing the area of ​​the roof slope, it is not difficult to calculate how much material will be needed for the roof. To do this, the area of ​​the slope must be divided by the usable area of ​​1 sheet of ondulin. 15% of the safety stock is added to the received quantity, and ridge elements are also purchased separately.

Material advantages

Initially, the Onduline company conceived the roofing material of the same name as a means to perform quick repair and eliminating leaks for roofs made of corrugated sheets, slate, and tiles. However, over time, builders appreciated the decorative potential and performance qualities of this material, and they began to use it as an independent roofing covering. The use of ondulin has the following advantages:

  1. A light weight. Lightness is the main advantage of this material, which no other roofing coating has. Due to its light weight, it can be laid on top of old slate or corrugated sheets without dismantling the structure.
  2. Long service life. Ondulin can withstand up to 100 freezing and thawing cycles without changing the operational properties of the material, so it has a guaranteed service life of at least 25 years. Although, according to reviews from builders, in real conditions it can withstand at least 50 years.
  3. High strength. Due to its fibrous structure, ondulin has bearing capacity up to 650 kg/m2. It can withstand snow loads of up to 300 kg/m2.
  4. Waterproof, low absorbency. Thanks to these qualities, ondulin does not leak and also eliminates the appearance of moisture inside the rafter frame.
  5. High noise reduction ability. Ondulin effectively suppresses sounds, reducing noise during rain, hail or gusty winds.

According to reviews from experienced roofers the only drawback ondulin is highly flammable roofing material. Without deformation, it can withstand temperatures only up to 110 degrees, so it is not recommended for use for covering rooms with a high probability of fire (baths, gazebos with barbecues, houses with fireplaces or solid fuel stoves).

Video instruction

The roofing material developed by the French company ONDULINE has been considered one of the most popular in its field for half a century. Today it is produced in many countries, and Russia is no exception.

Despite its great demand, not everyone knows what the usable area of ​​ondulin is, and yet this information is necessary in order to accurately calculate the estimate. Incorrect data often leads to shortages, and then people are forced to buy more material. Of course, there is nothing fatal in this, but it is worth knowing that different batches differ in shade, and as a result, the risk of color mismatch increases.

This material is considered a high-quality coating and can reliably protect your home from rain and snow if all installation work was carried out correctly. The service life is at least a quarter of a century. Moreover, the manufacturer gives a 15-year warranty on the product.

The cost of ondulin is approximately 40 percent higher than that of traditional slate. Therefore, if finances are limited, it is advisable to take the latter. In addition, in the same price range there are several options for modern roofing materials that have similar characteristics and proper quality.

Ondulin copes well with sudden temperature changes, but at the same time it softens in the heat, while in the cold it becomes quite fragile. The latter circumstance explains the ban on working with this coating in winter.

According to the manufacturer, the material can withstand:

  • hurricane (up to 200 kilometers per hour) wind;
  • large volume of snow (more than 300 kg per square meter of roof);
  • hail;
  • showers.

It also has good noise insulation properties. This makes ondulin preferable if you plan to build an attic in the attic. Flexibility and lightness make working with it much easier - even an untrained person can handle it alone.

Since ondulin contains only natural materials, it is completely safe. At the same time, the coating is not afraid of:

  • fungus;
  • mold;
  • acids;
  • alkalis;
  • oils - both synthetic and organic.

Its undoubted advantage is its rich range of colors.

A significant disadvantage of ondulin is its poor fire resistance. Already at temperatures above 230 degrees it can ignite. Moreover, after this it burns on its own, emitting a lot of suffocating smoke. For this reason, it is necessary to carefully weigh the pros and cons if your home is heated by stoves. In this situation, the company recommends insulating pipes from ondulin with special aprons and spark arresters.

Among other things, the coating also fades, since the manufacturer uses natural pigmenting substances. In this case, color saturation is often lost in fragments, resulting in spots appearing on the surface of the roof. In such cases, the roof is simply repainted.

Over time, bitumen may appear on its surface. The company does not consider this a defect.

Sheet sizes

Currently, three variants of ondulin sheet roofing are supplied to the Russian market. They differ in:

  • appearance;
  • design features;
  • usable area.

For example, Smart tiles have special locking systems. At the same time, DIY has fewer waves than a standard sheet. And the Compact version has a small area compared to other products.

The useful area is the area of ​​the roofing material without taking into account overlaps, both end and side. Knowing this value allows you to most accurately calculate the amount of ondulin for your particular roof.

It is only worth noting that the usable area of ​​the same material may differ, depending on the slope angle of the roof slopes. The larger it is, the smaller the overlaps need to be made.

On steep roofs, ondulin is placed on top of the previous sheet by 1 wave, while on flat roofs - by 2. This approach is needed in order to protect the house from leaks to the maximum, because water drains quickly from a sharp roof, and from those whose slope angle minimal - very slow.

This rule does not apply only to Smart tiles. It is equipped with a special lock that ensures tightness in any case. The size of the sheet mentioned above is 1.95 meters by 96 centimeters. The area, respectively, is 1.56 square meters (1.9 by 0.864 m).

Ondulin DIY has dimensions of 2 by 0.76 meters. The usable area varies depending on the steepness and slope. So, if the angle is more than 15 degrees, then:

  • longitudinal overlap – 1 wave;
  • transverse – 170 mm;
  • usable area – 1.22 sq. m.

More than 10 degrees and not less than 15:

  • 1 wave;
  • transverse overlap – 200 mm;
  • area – 1.2 square meters.

The slope is gentle from 5 degrees to 10:

  • two waves;
  • 300 mm;
  • 0.97 m.

For standard ondulin, the size of which is 760 × 1950, the calculation of the usable area is carried out in the same order.

Ondulin Compact has a length of 1 meter and a width of 76 cm. Its usable area is:

  • 27 or more degrees of slope - only 57 cm2;
  • from 17 to 27 – 53;
  • 10-17 – 50;
  • 5-10 – 40 cm.

It is also necessary to mention that the height of the ondulin wave is 3.6 centimeters. There are 10 bends in a standard sheet, each with a step of 9.5 centimeters.

For those who do not want to bother with calculations, it is possible to calculate the exact amount of ondulin on the official website. There is a special calculator that will also indicate the number of all necessary additional elements:

  • valleys;
  • nails;
  • skates;
  • filling seals;
  • waterproofing tapes, etc.

The use of sheet material began in 1944 after it was invented in France. Today, the shape and size of ondulin can be very diverse, which allows you to create new and interesting construction projects. Professional craftsmen recommend purchasing materials made in one series in order to successfully fit each product. In this article we will talk about the features of ondulin roofing, its characteristics and parameters.

Ondulin leaf is widely used in modern construction. It can be found both in projects of private houses and industrial facilities. The material has also found its application in the construction of lightweight structures, such as gazebos, canopies, kiosks and pavilions. The low weight of the products allows you to perform renovation work old roofing coverings. Thanks to the lightness, it will be possible to avoid unnecessary load on the foundation of the building.

For your information! The new flooring will create a load of approximately 3 kg per square meter. meter.

The material is produced using a simple technology in which cellulose fiber is pressed into wave-shaped sheets reminiscent of ordinary slate. After this, bitumen impregnation is carried out, and the upper surface of the sheet is covered with resin and mineral pigment. Small size The thickness of ondulin greatly simplifies the installation process, since the material is very easy to transport, move and lay. The products can be cut and bent, which allows them to be used on curved planes. The area of ​​one standard sheet is 1.9 square meters. m. Among the positive characteristics of ondulin, the following properties should be highlighted:

  • Long service life. Manufacturers indicate 15 years in the warranty certificate, but proper care the material will last 50 years without losing its quality;
  • Aesthetics and attractiveness of products. A wide range of products is represented by a huge variety color shades and forms;
  • Has excellent resistance to impact atmospheric precipitation. Such useful characteristic will help protect the building from strong winds, rain and temperature changes;
  • Frost resistance. Euro slate can withstand 25 cycles of thawing and freezing;
  • Withstands loads up to 300 kg per square meter. m.;
  • The material is resistant to biological and chemical exposure, that is, it is not afraid of contact with acids, alkalis and oils, and the formation of fungi is not typical;
  • Simplicity of the installation process;
  • Ondulin coating is very easy to repair;
  • Products are resistant to mechanical damage, exposure to water, frost, and heat;
  • Such designs are characterized by excellent sound insulation.

Attention! The material differs from ordinary slate in the absence of harmful impurities, which makes it safe for the health of people and living beings.

Standard sizes of ondulin sheet for roofing

For the production of ondulin, there are standards distributed to other countries under a French license. According to the prescribed standards, the dimensions of the ondulin sheet for the roof are as follows: the length of one product should be 2 thousand mm, width - 950 mm. In this case, the thickness should be 3 mm, and the height of the waves should not exceed 3.6 cm.

Attention! The permissible error is considered to be +/- 5 mm for width, +10/-3 for length. The height of the ondulin wave can be 2 mm more or less.

Each ondulin product consists of 10 waves, which must be taken into account when calculating material consumption when covering the roof. If you perform horizontal masonry, then the width of the overlap should be equal to one wave. This approach will improve the strength and tightness of the flooring. When laying the roof vertically, the angle of inclination should be taken into account. So, if the slope angle is greater than 15 degrees, then the overlap should not be less than 10-15 cm. Thus, the useful area of ​​one work item is 1.6 square meters. m.

Important! If ondulin is laid on roofs with a slope of less than 15 degrees, then the overlap on the sides should cover two waves, and the vertical row should be about 20 cm. In this way, a special calculation of the useful area of ​​the sheet is made.

Before you go purchasing material, you should find out how many sheets you will need for the roof of the building. This can be clarified using special calculations. In the next section we will find out how to determine the optimal amount of ondulin for a particular roof.

Methods for calculating the amount of material

The size of an ondulin sheet may vary, so it is important to know not only the parameters of the material, but also the required quantity, so that you do not have to postpone work due to a lack of sheets. The easiest way to perform the calculation is for gable roofs with an angle greater than 15 degrees. In such structures, the slopes form rectangles, and the dimensions of the overlaps do not exceed the standard framework. The calculation is performed as follows:

  • We calculate the total roof area;
  • We divide the resulting amount by the usable area of ​​one ondulin (1.6 sq. m.).

To perform calculations for buildings of a more complex type, they should be performed for individual sections. We divide the entire area into rectangular and triangular zones, and determine the amount of material for each of them. Then we summarize the data obtained and add 5% for waste, which cannot be avoided during the installation process. It is worth noting that when performing this task, you should take into account the presence of windows in the roof space. It is also necessary to take into account the installation of all additional elements, such as a valley, ventilation pipe, apron, gutter, etc.

Attention! The number of all additional roofing elements significantly affects the consumption of material, therefore, when calculating the number of sheets, they cannot be ignored.

If you approach the calculations wisely, taking into account the dimensions of the ondulin sheet and additional components, you can avoid most problems during installation. You can save on extra costs for delivery of missing material. Also, thanks to the accuracy of the calculations, it will be possible to complete the work on time. In addition, additional purchases may have differences not only in color, but also in shape, which can disrupt the strength of the structure and the geometry of the roof pattern.

Estimated cost of material

Not only the size and weight of the ondulin sheet may vary, but also its cost. It depends on the manufacturer and manufacturing features. In most cases, it is the price that is the criterion for choosing a roofing material, because everyone dreams of spending less money and at the same time getting high-quality coating. On pricing policy affects the color of the product:

  • Green and black coatings cost on average 8.5-9 dollars. for a sheet of ondulin (in rubles it will be from 450-480);
  • Onduline red or Brown– 7.5 – 8 dollars (approximately 430 rubles);
  • Slate roofing material - from 6 to 6.6 dollars for one ondulin product (on average 350 rubles).

In addition to the main material for roofing works you will need additional elements. Their cost:

  • Skate can be purchased from 4.5 to 4.8 dollars per item;
  • Endova - from 3.7 to 4.3 dollars per piece;
  • A special lining mat, also called onduflesh, costs on average 17 – 19 dollars;
  • One gable profile will cost you from 4.5 to 4.8 dollars.

So we got acquainted with standard sizes ondulin, which is most often used in the construction of roofing structures.
