Clearing snow under pitched roofs. Just look what this handy man came up with to get rid of the snow on the roof. What a trick! Safe cleaning rules

Winter is not only joy and evening walks along the street, but it is also an endless struggle with precipitation that periodically falls on the surface of the earth. In this case, snow brings not only positive emotions, but also creates unnecessary problems with cleaning it.

Removing snow is sometimes not as easy as it might seem at first glance. It all depends on the amount of precipitation, as well as methods of cleaning it. IN modern world There are simply a huge number of tools that can help in one way or another with removing snow from the territory, while spending a minimum of time.

In order to guess with a tool, you need to study each of them and come to an informed conclusion.

As mentioned earlier, there are a lot of tools for snow removal, so not everyone is able to accurately determine what is needed. But all of them are somehow divided into several categories, which greatly simplifies the time spent on choosing.

Manual method of removing snow using a shovel or scraper

The shovel is not only the most common tool, but the most reliable. After all, the shovel has absolutely no complex parts in its design that could fail.

Working with a shovel is very productive. If when using heavy equipment certain resources may run out, then when working with a shovel everything depends only on the physical capabilities of the person. The same goes for the scraper.

A distinctive feature of a scraper from a shovel is their size. The scraper is much wider than the shovel, which allows you to get rid of snow deposits much faster. But there is one drawback here - when working with a scraper, difficulties often arise with the passage of the tool. If a person has weak physical characteristics, then working with this tool will be very difficult.


The most the best option snow removal on large areas is the use of specialized snow removal equipment. All work is carried out using heavy or semi-heavy equipment, which allows you to get rid of a large scale of snow deposits in a relatively short period of time.

To snow removal equipment can be attributed:

  • tractor with special accessories;
  • snow blower;
  • snow removal rotor and much more.

If you need to clear the area of ​​snow as quickly as possible, then the equipment will the best option. But even here there are drawbacks in the form of a constant need for fuel or management personnel. Also the majority Vehicle It has very decent dimensions, and therefore is unable to fit on the site. In general, the equipment is able to cope with the task at hand with a solid “A”.

Video: comparison of snow removal with a shovel and a gasoline snow blower

Worth knowing! If you need to clear a small area of ​​snow, then there is no need to purchase heavy equipment. You can get by with less expensive snow removal tools.


This is perhaps the most expensive way to clear an area of ​​snow, both in terms of time and financial costs. This method cleaning allows you to get rid of snow using an almost passive method. You just need to spread the reagent over the area and wait for the snow to melt.

Important! The chemical method can be used to remove snow only in places where it will not cause harm to humans and animals. In most cases, toxic salts are used, which, when in contact with the skin and mucous membranes of a person, can cause harm to his body.

Snow removal chemicals occurs by mixing or applying reagents on top of the snow, which, under the influence environment The snow melts, leaving only water or steam with impurities of reagents.

other methods

There are also more radical ways clearing snow deposits. Their use implies the use of physical laws in the right direction. For example, one common method is simple snow blowing. Through influence air masses on snowdrifts, snowflakes are blown over a long distance, leaving an absolutely clean surface.

Another common method is melting snow. With the help of special melting plants, snow turns into water in a matter of seconds. The resulting water can be very easily directed to its intended purpose or simply poured out.

That's not all alternative ways snow removal. You can add new ones to them using your own logic and ingenuity. The main criterion is rationality, which is sometimes very difficult to achieve.

After the most common methods of snow clearing have become known, we can proceed to their immediate description. After all, in this matter you need not only to choose the right tool, but also to know how to use it.

How to remove snow in the yard using a shovel and scraper

It would seem that what could be easier than working with an ordinary snow shovel? But even here there are pitfalls that can have a significant impact on the workflow.

In order to remove snow with a shovel with your own hands, first of all, you need buy a quality tool. Determining its quality is very simple - you need to check the integrity of the shovel, as well as the quality of the material used in production. If the quality inspires confidence, then you can purchase it.

Advice! Before starting work, be sure to do a warm-up. This is necessary to avoid injury during work in the form of sprains or other injuries.

Snow is removed quite easily with a shovel. All that is necessary is to gradually remove the masses of snow that will be encountered along the way. The main thing is not to take too much, then the work will be completed much faster than planned.

The purpose of a scraper is somewhat similar to a shovel. The only difference is that the scraper does not come off the ground and literally pries up the snow masses from below. When snow has accumulated in the scraper cavity, it can be transported to the designated location without any problems.

How to remove snow from your property using snow removal equipment

If you have any snow removal equipment available, this greatly simplifies the snow removal process. After all, the main work is done by technology, a person only directs it to the required place.

The process of clearing snow using equipment primarily depends on the type of equipment itself. For example, there is tractor type MTZ with front bulldozer, which is designed for clearing snow. IN in this case everything is simple - you just need to prepare the transport for work and clear the snow masses, delivering them to the far corner of the territory, or even load it into auxiliary transport.

Most often it is used as snow removal equipment for household needs. snow rotor. A rotor is a device that is attached to small-sized equipment like a mole or to a mini tractor, the main element of which is screw.

Video: clearing snow with a snow rotor

To clear snow on the site with such a device, you must follow some recommendations.

  • The snow drain on the device must be directed in the opposite direction from the direction. Thus, the bulk of the snow will be directed in the right direction.
  • If height snow cover is more than 1 meter, then it is necessary with remove the top layers with a shovel. In this case, the likelihood of equipment failure will be minimized.
  • Best to use rotors on gasoline engines . They are independent of the distance to the power source, which allows them to be used even in the most remote areas of the territory.

In general, when using such transport, you must first of all pay attention to its capabilities and not exceed them. In this case, the work will be done efficiently, and the equipment will not fail.

Removing snow in the yard with chemicals

The most common method chemical control with snow is use . This method has many advantages, including:

  • availability;
  • quick solution to problems with ice and snow cover for a long period of time;
  • action occurs immediately after distribution.

Principle of operation similar mixtures of sand and industrial salt very simple: since the heat capacity of sand is much higher than snow, under the influence sun rays it heats up, after which the resulting thermal energy acts on snow by melting it. This is very effective way, since snow remains on the territory until the end of winter.

There is also purely chemical reagents, which work on the principle of absorbing moisture and subsequent freezing. But their use is not only dangerous for others, but also very expensive to use.

How to remove snow from the roof

When snow accumulates on your roof, it causes a lot of problems. For example, a passerby can easily be injured by the fall of large masses of snow. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of snow on the roof as quickly and efficiently as possible.

What and how is it better to remove snow from the roof of a private house?

For similar purposes Only one tool will do - a shovel. In rare cases, you can use a regular scraper.

If the roof has horizontal arrangement, then the snow can be cleaned in the same way as on the ground. Before starting work you only need secure yourself with a rope or cable.

Video: how to quickly remove snow without falling off the roof

But if snow removal work is planned to be carried out on sloped roof, then here you need to follow a number of tips and requirements.

  • Before starting work it is necessary warm up thoroughly. This is necessary in order to avoid injuries or sprains, as well as to increase the overall tone of the body.
  • Since the work is carried out at height, it is necessary to take care of your own safety. To do this you just need secure to the roof ridge with a cable. The cable should not restrict movement.
  • Using a shovel, you need to throw down masses of snow. In this case it is necessary stand firmly on the roof surface so as not to fall down.
  • If there is a lot of snow, you can use a scraper.

In most cases, you need to navigate the place, taking into account everything key points(roof slope, distance to the building, etc.).

Video: clearing the roof of snow

If you follow all the tips, removing snow on your property or from your roof will become not only easy, but also a virtually cost-effective process. You just need to choose the right method and tool for clearing snow. If you do everything correctly, you will save not only time, but also money.

In contact with

Lush caps of snow on a roof look very nice, but homeowners have good reasons to remove those white coverings. Fortunately, today there are many tools to make your work easier.

If you do not clear the snow, its masses will put pressure on the roof, which can lead to subsidence and even collapse. But this is not the only danger. A series of frosts and thaws leads to the formation of ice. In spring, the ice crust melts and water seeps into the smallest cracks roofing. At the same time, rafters and other wooden structural elements begin to rot.

It is not yet possible to solve the issue of cleaning the roof without human intervention. Cable heating systems prevent snow from collecting around the perimeter of the roof and accumulating in gutters, but the bulk of it remains on the slopes. Snow retention systems (grids installed at the edges along the overhangs) save from sudden avalanches, but also do not completely solve the problem. Snow from the roof has to be removed manually. More precisely, using various tools.

Snow shovels

If the roof is flat and you can walk on it without risking your life, the easiest way is to use a regular shovel. But even this simple tool must be chosen wisely. What should you pay attention to first? Of course, onto the ladle.

Shovels with metal bucket durable, but quite heavy. In addition, during operation they produce an unpleasant grinding noise, which can be heard inside the house.

When clearing snow with a metal shovel, you need to act carefully. The sharp edges of the bucket can damage soft roofing materials such as shingles.

Wooden shovels also quite heavy, but safe. True, their lifespan is relatively short. Usually, after one or two seasons of use, you have to buy a new tool.

Finally, plastic shovels light, comfortable, but also not very durable. When exposed to low temperatures, plastic becomes brittle and breaks easily. Of course, there are models made from high-quality frost-resistant polymers, but they are not cheap.

Now let's talk about the cuttings. It should be comfortable, durable and lightweight. The wooden ones are not very good - they are too smooth, which is why they slip out of your hands, and are quite heavy. Plastic ones are much lighter and more convenient, but they do not withstand the cold well. But the metal cuttings show themselves the best way, although they are relatively expensive.

It is best if the shovel handle has a telescopic design. Then the snow can be removed almost without leaving the spot.

Scrapers (scrapers)

If the roof of the house is pitched, it is unsafe to walk on it. It is better to remove snow from the ground using a scraper. Typically, a tool of this kind has a telescopic handle (metal or plastic). But some manufacturers offer prefabricated structures of 3-4 tubes 1.2-1.5 m long. If a very long handle is not needed, you can remove several elbows, thereby reducing the weight of the equipment. And this is very useful, because it sometimes takes several hours to remove snow from the roof, constantly holding your hands up.

When choosing a scraper for cleaning roofs, you should pay attention to its weight. It should not exceed 3 kg, otherwise it will be difficult to work with the tool

The tool's scraper is a long, narrow blade mounted at an angle, much like a garden rake. For most models on the market, it is made of frost-resistant plastic. Metal blades are quite rare. They are more durable than plastic ones, but they are also heavier, more expensive and more dangerous.

When choosing a scraper, you should pay attention to the number of attachment points for the scraper to the handle. It is desirable that there be three of them, not one. It will be stronger this way. Stiffening ribs with reverse side The blades also significantly extend the life of the tool. Some manufacturers equip their models with rubberized pads or plastic brushes, which improves the quality of cleaning.

In addition to the “rake”, there is another interesting type of scraper. Instead of a scraper, a metal puller in the form of a loop is attached to its handle rectangular shape. It cuts off layers of snow and they just roll down. Some tools have a special tape - a guide that regulates the movement of the snow flow, but you can do without it.

The main advantage of a scraper with a metal puller is that it allows you to remove huge layers of snow from your roof in one motion. Working with a conventional scraper requires much more time and effort.

Hello to home-made people, as well as summer residents and owners of personal plots.

In winter, many summer residents are faced with the need to clean the roof overhangs from sliding snow. This phenomenon is mainly observed on the roofs of houses, barns or other courtyard buildings, with a slight angle of inclination of the roof slopes.

Here is just an example of such snow sliding from the roof of our barn.

As you can see, the snow slides down in a fairly large and thick layer and even rests against the neighbor’s fence.

Naturally, such a layer of snow must be cleared from the roof, because, firstly, it poses a serious danger to people, since it can break off and fall down at any moment, and secondly, this layer creates a very large load on the roof overhang and might just break it.

Well, and thirdly, such a thick layer of snow can easily damage neighboring buildings (in our case, the neighbor’s fence).

However, when cleaning such a snow layer, a serious difficulty often arises due to the fact that from below this layer turns out to be icy. That is, its lower part is a layer of ice, since during a thaw the snow lying on the roofs begins to thaw from below, near the roof itself, and then when it freezes, this lower layer turns into ice.

Thus, in order to clear this layer of snow from the roof overhang, you have to knock it down with something, for example, a shovel.

However, this method is very physically difficult, and quite dangerous, since it is difficult to control the falling of snow fragments and they can easily fall on your head, causing serious injury.
In addition, when knocking down snow, there is a high risk of missing and damaging the roof overhang itself.

However, there is a very effective and easy way removing the layer of snow sliding from the roof. And for this, you just need a regular wood saw.

Having stepped back about five centimeters from the edge of the roof overhang, so as not to damage it or the saw, we simply cut off this layer of snow.
It must be said that cutting snow with an ice layer is very easy and quick, and in addition, with this method of cleaning, it is much easier to control the fall of large pieces of snow.

By the way, if you have to clear snow on high roofs in this way, you can, for convenience, attach the saw to a long stick. Then you won't need a ladder.

However, now it is also useful to me. Moreover, to cut down the snow layer, I installed on this bar not a garden hacksaw, but a saw with a longer and wider blade.

Sawing with such a device is much more convenient than with a regular saw, and also much safer, since the sawed-off pieces of snow fall in front, at a fairly decent distance.

Thus, it only took me about two minutes to clean the roof overhang of a barn 5-6 meters long.

And a little later, you will also have to clean the roof overhang on the house, since a layer of snow is already beginning to slide off there too.

Well, in conclusion, I want to give one more little advice. After such work, do not forget to wipe the saw blade dry with a dry cloth so that it does not rust.

Well, that's all for me! Bye everyone and good luck in the fight against winter difficulties!

A snowy winter very often becomes a serious test for the roof. Snow drifts on the roofs of houses are a common phenomenon that can be seen after another snowfall. After heavy rainfall, the roof needed at home clear the snow.

Removing snow from the roof of a house: risks, features and methods of removing snow and ice from roofs of houses

Snow gradually accumulates on its surface, cakes into heavy layers and gradually melts, forming a strong ice dam. The weight of this ballast can reach hundreds of kilograms, which leads to deformation of the coating and load-bearing frame and cause serious damage.

These “avalanches” tear down gutters and pipes, collapse fences, damage wires and antennas... The frames of greenhouses, sheds and other similar country buildings are also not always able to withstand the weight of the snow mass. If you happen to be nearby at such a moment, your health and even your life are at risk - people die every year from icicles and layers of snow falling from roofs.

In order not to risk testing the roof for strength, and not to deal expensive repairs, it is necessary to timely free it from the snow load.

It should be remembered that not only excess load, but also leakage of the snow coat during thaws is dangerous for the roof. In this case, water does not leave the roof as quickly as in summer, but looks for every loophole and the slightest unevenness in order to seep under the tiles or slate.

Therefore, any flaws made during laying the coating and attachment points sheet material become risk zones through which the insulation becomes soaked and wooden elements rafter system.

Removing snow from the roof of a house It is also required when there are snow guards on it. The fact is that they do not save the roof from excess load, but only protect the gutters and the perimeter of the building from falling snow layers. Moreover, roof snow guards sometimes themselves need protection, since thick layered snow can tear them off their fastenings.
Cable roof heating system reliably protects gutters from ice, drainpipes and the edges of the roof, but is not able to melt the snowdrifts lying on its main part.

Scheme of the anti-icing system of a country house

Considering everything existing risks, you should study in more detail the features and methods of removing snow and ice from roofs country houses, and also consider prices for similar types of work.

Here are a few practical advice for those who are going on their own remove snow from the roof of a house:

1. Wear warm but light clothing in which you can easily move around the roof. Choose shoes that are not slippery, and if you have boots with spikes, they will be the most suitable equipment in dealing with snow. Be sure to use a long, strong rope, especially if you have a high roof.

3.Start removing snow from the edge of the roof, gradually moving upward. When you have removed all the snow from the very top, clean the bottom again. Clean in reverse order undesirable, large snowdrifts form at the bottom of the roof, and it will be difficult to throw them off, but this way you will gradually clear the rubble, spending a minimum of effort.

4.If the rope is long, you can go down it and leave the other end on the roof. And next time just use an existing and fixed rope.

You should start throwing off snow from the edge of the roof, gradually moving upward

On to row houses With slight slope covered with slate, ondulin, bitumen or metal tiles process snow removal relatively simple:

  • There is no need for a special safety device, but only attention and accuracy when performing the work.
  • Take with you to such a roof not a steel one, but a plastic or wooden shovel without a metal edge, so as not to damage the covering material.
  • You need to work especially carefully on soft roofs, since bitumen shingles in the cold it becomes brittle and easily damaged.
  • If the right moment in the weather was missed, and ice managed to form under the layer of snow, we strongly recommend not to touch it.
  • Removing ice carries a high risk of damage roofing material(especially on soft and metal tile roofs). Therefore, remove the snow with a shovel to the surface of the ice and go down.
  • Working at height alone is dangerous, difficult and time consuming. Therefore, it is best to take a partner with you who will not only be able to replace you, but will also give you the right tool and protects you from falling.

If working at height is not for you, you can cope with the task from the ground:

How remove snow from the roof complex configuration and with a large slope:

  • This question interests most owners of modern country houses.
  • To do this, it is best to take the help of specialists who deal with high-altitude work. They have all the necessary safety equipment and tools, so your task will be completed efficiently and on time.
  • When preparing for this work, do not forget about the safety of your household. Therefore, do not be lazy to warn them of your intention and be sure to protect the area where the snow falls with stands with protective tape.

Video: Clearing snow from the roof

Device for removing snow from the roof

Although general principle cleaning the roof from snow is the same (moving the snow and ice mass from top to bottom), ways its implementation exists so many.

In this article we will talk about most of these methods, because each of them depends on:

  • various instruments;
  • personal qualities.

For one way required:

  • scrapers, which can be bought at any hardware store;
  • excellent physical shape.

For another required:

  • technical savvy;
  • electric motor

For the third method you will need:

  • special ladder;
  • wooden shovel.

In addition, we will tell you how to clean your roof from ice build-up and icicles.

How to remove snow, ice or frost from the roof, including icicles, without damaging the roof covering?

Let's consider list of main impacts for snow and ice:

  • physical movement;
  • mechanical destruction;
  • vibration;
  • heat.

Physical movement– this is the simplest effect.

Its essence is that they rest against the snow or ice with some object and, using physical force, push the mass from top to bottom.

Such an impact does not require some complex technology and great skills, but directly depends on physical fitness, namely from:

  • coordination of movements;
  • balance;
  • accuracy;
  • eye gauge.

This method of influence only effective in a relationship:

  • snow;
  • melting ice.

Therefore, using this effect, snow can be removed at any time, and ice can be cleared only during a thaw. Attempting to clear ice during freezing conditions will only result in damage to the roof or equipment.

Mechanical failure- this is sawing. This effect is used if the thickness of the ice layer exceeds 20 centimeters. For sawing, conventional electric and gasoline saws are used.

This method of influence very difficult to perform, therefore it is used only when no other methods have yielded results, and the ice must be removed urgently.

Vibration- one of very effective methods that work on snow in any weather, but on ice only in positive weather.

A huge plus This method is that everything can be done in the attic without climbing out onto the slippery roof.

Minus are very high requirements for the rafter system - the effect will be effective if all the boards of the rafter system are free of rot and damage.

Heat roofing is effective in quality preventative measure, because it prevents snow from caking and sticking to the roof, turning into ice.

However, heating the roof is ineffective against a thick layer of compacted snow and ice.

Exception constitutes a simultaneous impact:

  • heating;
  • vibrations.

In this case, even a thick layer of ice can be cleaned without any problems. Minus this method is huge power consumption, if you heat the roof. If you heat snow and ice from above, you will need a powerful gas burner.

How to clean a roof

All methods of clearing the roof from snow, which we will discuss below, can be conditionally divide by location who will do this work:

  • standing on the ground;
  • from the stairs;
  • from a self-propelled lift;
  • from the attic;
  • from the roof.

We will also tell you about the cleaning method flat roofs (soft roofing) and such an exotic method of dealing with snow as sawing.

This method is effective in cases where no possibility remove snow in time.

That's why accumulates a huge volume of ice mass that can damage:

  • roofing;
  • rafter system.

Standing on the ground

This cleaning method is used only for one-story not too high private houses, in which the distance to the lower edge of the roof does not exceed 3 meters.

For work you you will need:

  • wooden or plastic (you can use a homemade) scraper;
  • handle 4–5 meters long;
  • handle 6–8 meters long (it can be made from plastic water pipe suitable diameter);
  • assistant.

For work, you can use either one scraper with replaceable handles, or several scrapers with different handle lengths.

Problem The only problem is that storing a scraper with a handle over 6 meters long is very difficult, so best choice there will be a scraper with a collapsible handle. We talked about making such a scraper and a handle for it in the article (equipment). In this case, you can increase the length gradually as you clean the roof.

Start cleaning with icicles, which must be carefully knocked off with a scraper.

How to knock icicles off a roof without damaging it?

To do this, the scraper is taken away from the house (swing) and hit on the icicles 10–15 centimeters below the edge of the roof.

Do not hit the icicles near the roof, a strong impact may damage the roof.

If the temperature outside is above zero, then hit the icicles not hard, but several times to tear them away from the main mass of ice.

In just shorten the frost time them and that's it. After this, carefully place the scraper on the roof (the distance to the lower edge of the roof is 30–50 centimeters) and gently pull it towards you. If the snow is compacted, you can reduce this distance to 10–20 centimeters.

Do not try to pull the scraper too much; if it encounters any obstacle, lift it to get around an obstacle.

Perhaps there:

  • snow retainer;
  • ice buildup.

In both cases, trying to forcefully remove the obstacle will not lead to anything good.

After cleaning the bottom of the roof along the perimeter, proceed to cleaning the next area, located a little higher. Cleaning the roof along the perimeter, go up to the top ridge.

If on the roof snow guard installed, then lift the scraper so that it passes over it. Do not press the scraper against the roof; its weight is sufficient to remove snow safely.

How to remove frost or ice from the roof of a private house in the safest way for roofing? Most gentle option: heating combined with vibration or light mechanical impact during a thaw. Most wrong— strong mechanical impact in cold weather.

From the stairs

This method is suitable for one-story houses, in which the lower edge of the roof is located at a height of 3–4 meters.

For work you you will need:

  • light scraper 40–60 centimeters wide with a handle 2–3 meters long;
  • wooden block(you can use a chair or stool leg) or a small rubber mallet;
  • ladder or ladder at least 4 meters long with tip-over protection (wide bottom step);
  • safety belt;
  • two assistants.

Place the ladder so that the angle of inclination relative to the ground is no more than 60 degrees.

Climb onto the ladder and fasten your belt.

Both partners at the same time must insure the stairs(one on the side, the other on the back) so that it does not fall, even if you fall.

First, use a wooden block to knock down the icicles from a distance 5–10 centimeters from the roof.

It is undesirable to hit higher, because you can damage the roof.

During frost and thaw proceed as described in the previous section.

If it is necessary to completely remove icicles during frost, then hit them with a block from the wall of the house, so the likelihood of roof damage is minimal. Hit it lightly light wooden with a block or rubber mallet.

When you're done knocking down the icicles, throw the block down or tuck it into your belt, then ask an assistant to hand you the scraper.

Take the scraper while standing straight, because tilting can cause the stairs to move. Place the scraper on the roof to the side of you (make sure that a helper is standing on the opposite side), and the distance from the scraper to the edge of the roof should not be more than 15 centimeters.

Clear snow with stripes 1.5–2 meters long And 10–15 centimeters wide, moving the scraper from top to bottom without applying much effort.

After cleaning the strip, lift the scraper up, gradually moving from the bottom of the roof to the top ridge.

After cleaning one area from bottom to top, move on to another.

For this:

  • unfasten from the ladder;
  • get down to the ground.

Then rearrange the ladder, climb on it and buckle up again.

From the cradle of a self-propelled lift

Self-propelled lifts on the base trucks Many businesses have it. These devices lift a load weighing 200–300 kilograms 20–30 meters.

To clear snow and ice from a self-propelled lift, you you will need:

  • safety belt;
  • folding scraper;
  • wood bar or rubber mallet.

Having climbed into the cradle of the lift, fasten the safety belt to its grille. Having risen to the roof, use a block to knock down icicles at a distance of 5–10 centimeters from the roof.

If you need to completely remove the icicles, then lightly hit the icicles with a mallet from the side or from the side of the wall. After this, clean the roof in the same way as described in the previous sections.

Snow should not fall into the cradle, so clean the roof slightly to the side of it. Do not try to remove ice build-up. This will either damage the roof or cause the cradle to swing violently.

You can remove ice build-up or a thick layer of ice only by standing on the attic or roof, combining:

  • thermal impact;
  • vibration impact.

During frost and thaw, proceed as described in the previous sections.

Standing on the roof

To remove snow and ice you will need shovel with wooden or plastic bucket. You can also use a plastic scraper with a handle 1.5–2 meters long. Wooden scraper not suitable due to too much mass.

In addition, you will need wooden or plastic ladders, after all, walking on icy and snow cover Only possible on roofs without a slope. Going down the ladder to the very bottom of the roof, use a shovel to knock down the icicles.

For this:

  • lower the shovel bucket to the level of the middle of the icicles;
  • holding the handle of the shovel by the edge with your left hand, right hand move the shovel to the right to swing;
  • smoothly, with not too much effort, move the shovel to the left, making a swing;
  • During the thaw, try to remove all the icicles from the roof by hitting them several times.

After that:

  • turn over a shovel so that its bucket is directed towards the roof;
  • lower it on the snow (distance from the edge of the roof 20–40 centimeters);
  • push snow mass down.

Do not try to clear all the snow all the way to the roof, as this will only damage the roofing material. Allowable balance between the shovel and the roof 5–10 centimeters.

Follow this rule even during a thaw, this will protect your roof from damage.

Clean the entire piece of roof up to the ridge in the same way, then move the ladder and begin cleaning the next area.

If you are cleaning the roof during the thaw, then removing upper layer snow all over the roof, try push carefully flaking pieces of ice.

Do not try to break through or knock down the ice, as this will only damage the roof.

You can very lightly, moving the shovel only with your fingers and hands (without the participation of your forearms), lightly strike the ice with the bucket from top to bottom to move it.

If the ice does not go down after several hits, stop hitting and move to another area.

If you do not use a shovel, but a plastic scraper, then the sequence of actions with it is the same.

From the attic

This most:

  • safe;
  • effective

a method of removing snow and ice, but it can only be used where all the boards of the rafter system are not damaged by rot or cracks.

For this cleaning you will need 2–3 electric motors with a power of 50–100 watts with a shaft rotation speed of up to 2 thousand revolutions per minute, as well as a hockey puck.

Instead of a washer you can use wooden or metal block. You need to make a vibrator from a motor and a washer. To do this, a washer or block is placed on the shaft and secured, but not in the center, but moved to any edge. A metal block can be welded to the shaft, and for a washer or wooden block make an adapter.

One vibrator is enough for 100–150 square meters roofs. Attach the vibrator to any rafter so that the rotating eccentric does not damage anything, and run the wire from it into the house.

The effect of the vibrator will appear through 20–60 minutes after turning it on, so warn your household not to go outside or walk under the edge of the roof while it is running. After all, no one knows exactly when the snow and ice will melt, as well as what the mass of the melted area will be. Usually the snow melts within 2–4 hours and the ice within 5–8 hours.

Most effective vibrator during a thaw and on roofs where the roof is heated from the inside.

Also increase efficiency The vibrator can be operated by warming up the roof from the outside using gas burner. To do this you will need the same ladders as in the previous section.

At the same time, the impact high temperature Without the participation of a vibrator it is very ineffective.

Cleaning a flat roof

To clean a flat roof, you will need a wooden or plastic snow blower or a snow blower with a metal auger. A plastic or wooden scraper may also come in handy.

Start cleaning from any edge of the roof and move around the perimeter, throwing snow outside.

Once you have cleared a strip along the entire perimeter of the roof edge, move a little closer to the center and clean the second strip.

After cleaning 2–3 strips, the next strips move first to the edge of the roof, and then throw it down.

Under no circumstances should you shovel heaps of snow or try to chip away or cut down ice.

When moving snow from the center of the roof to the edges, make sure that it the thickness did not differ on the thickness of the remaining or already thrown off snow.

If you make the layer thicker, then may damage:

  • roofing;
  • rafter system.

During a thaw, do not try to remove ice from the roof. If the roof is fenced with a parapet, then clean the drain holes so that melting water can drain freely.

On flat roofs, especially with a soft roof, all the ice should melt on one's own, and snow is cleared only to reduce the load on the rafter system.

Sawing ice dams

This operation is carried out only if the total weight of the ice is poses a threat to the rafter system. To operate, you will need a gasoline or electric saw.

Ice can only be sawed if its thickness exceeds 35 centimeters. They cut the ice from the top ridge. First, a cut is made parallel to the roof slope, at a distance of 5–10 centimeters from the roof.

If you are not sure that you can make a cut parallel to the slope, then increase the distance to the roof. This cut is made along the entire ridge, first on one side, then on the other. To move along the roof, ladders are used.

The ice above the cut is divided in pieces convenient size (30–70 centimeters), for which they saw through, holding the saw guide parallel to the roof. After which a longitudinal cut is made, which will completely separate the ice from the main ice mass.

Ice bricks are thrown down, then the entire cycle of work is repeated on the next section of the roof. It is taken into account that if the guide bar is parallel to the roof, then the distance from it to the ice will be 2–5 centimeters, depending on the model of the saw. Therefore, the saw is tilted so that the front of the blade is at the level of the already cleaned cut.

The most common mistakes and their consequences

The most common mistake, which is allowed by people who do not have great experience, this is an attempt to chip ice from the roof.

It doesn’t matter what you use to break the ice, a shovel or a crowbar, the consequences are always the same - damage to the roof. The only difference is that the crowbar pierces the material right through, and from blows with a shovel:

  • slate and tiles are covered cracks;
  • from corrugated sheets the protective layer peels off ;
  • soft roof delaminates.

In spring, all materials, except corrugated sheets, start to leak and the corrugated sheet, having lost its thin zinc layer, starts to rust and after 2–4 years a hole appears in it.

Another mistake– an attempt to cut down icicles on the roof right up to the roof with sub-zero temperature, directing the blow towards the wall of the house or striking from above.

Frequent and very dangerous mistake– go out onto a roof covered with snow and ice without ladders.

Indeed, in this case, the only way to ensure stability is to use studded shoes.

But thorns damage any roofing material, so there is a very high probability that a roof cleaned without ladders will will leak in the spring.

Exception is the removal of snow from the roof by climbers, because they use shoes without spikes, and their stability is provided by:

  • tensioned safety rope;
  • Huge experience.


After reading this article, you learned:

  • how to clear roofs of snow and ice with your own hands or with the help of climbers in various ways;
  • how to remove ice from the roof of a private house or high-rise building;
  • how to knock down icicles in various conditions.

All the methods described in the article for clearing roofs of snow have one thing in common - they allow you to remove snow and ice, without damaging:

  • rafter system;
  • roof covering.

Choice The method for clearing snow from the roof depends on:

  • accessibility one or another equipment;
  • yours physical data;
  • technical ingenuity;
  • state roofs;
  • thickness snow and ice layer.

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