Wallpaper for uneven walls. How to hide uneven walls with the help of properly selected wallpaper What wallpaper to cover uneven walls

It's terrible in our apartment smooth walls, I heard that liquid wallpaper hides all the unevenness and defects of the walls. Tell me, can I glue them myself or do I need to find a specialist? What is the service life of such wallpaper?

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User comments:

    And if I were you, I wouldn’t glue them myself. I have always done renovations in my apartment myself and, in principle, they have always been successful! But I'm tormented with this wallpaper. Gluing them is much harder than regular ones, but it’s still possible... you’ll just have to suffer!

    Liquid wallpaper actually hides unevenness and various kinds of defects, fills gaps around sockets and switches, and, which is very good for crooked walls, has no seams. Of course, you can apply such wallpaper yourself. This is done either with a spatula or by spraying from a “gun” (depending on which method is recommended on the package). Sometimes it makes sense to prime the walls.
    If we talk about the service life, it can be different and depends on the type of use of the room. It absorbs odors very much, so when applying such wallpaper in the kitchen, its service life will be shorter. Can be coated on top to increase moisture resistance acrylic varnish. Also, heavily contaminated areas can be replaced during operation. On average, I think they will last 5-6 years for sure.

    In order to apply liquid wallpaper efficiently, you need to properly prepare the surface. You need to completely get rid of old wallpaper and paint. Parts consisting of metal must be primed with enamel or oil paint, and surfaces where there is plastic - with water-dispersion paint.

    Generally strange reviews. Liquid wallpaper, of course, can be applied to unleveled walls, but you will suffer. Of course, if you want to create the effect of rough stone, you can use the sponge in a circular motion along curved walls. But if you still want to get a flat surface in the end, it’s better to trim the walls before applying wallpaper.

    Liquid wallpaper is not a panacea for completely crooked and cluttered walls. They can easily hide small cracks and not particularly deep irregularities. But here I saw incorrect reviews: varnish the liquid wallpaper. On the contrary, the main value of this wallpaper is that it maintains comfortable humidity in the room. If the room gets damp, absorb excess humidity, and when it is very dry, they release moisture back into the room.

From the author: Summer is in full swing, everyone is relaxing and enjoying the sea, and you have to urgently correct repair defects and figure out how to hide uneven walls? We welcome you to our website, we are ready to help and tell you about the main design secret. We work on mistakes and determine which wallpaper to choose for uneven walls! Let's try to find a solution to the problem together.

First you need to decide on the design, layout and choice of materials, and finally - on the final type of finishing: will it be plaster, drywall or decorative wallpaper. Agree, this sequence corresponds to most construction repair work. It’s quite difficult to decide on what to choose, especially with the current volume of products offered. building materials, as well as information articles on the World Wide Web. We will try to help you with this. You have already taken the first step - you have chosen our website!

Assessing the situation: we perform surface defect detection

Smooth walls are very good, because such a surface makes it quite easy to carry out Finishing work of any complexity, and especially wallpapering. But, sadly, very few people can boast of a perfectly smooth wall surface in their premises, especially in standard apartments of old construction.

Important: in a situation with large differences and obvious defects on the walls of your rooms, you need to approach the repair work with the proper consistency and thoroughness, so to speak. Uneven walls can and should be leveled! If the defects are minor, then you can save money and time and use design secrets.

When choosing wallpaper in a situation where there are uneven walls, it is important to be guided not only by personal taste and preferences regarding color range and style, but also the problem of defects. Manufacturers, of course, know about the existence of such a problem and are ready to offer quite wide choose wallpaper that can be glued without much difficulty to problematic walls. After all, due to their characteristics, appearance and performance properties, they are suitable for gluing to any surface, including those with protrusions, bumps and depressions. Texture and pattern will help hide and camouflage defects and unevenness of the walls. So all that remains is to decide which wallpaper to choose.

What do our people advise us? experienced craftsmen, what wallpaper do they prefer during renovation to hide unevenness? We invite you to listen to the recommendations:

Types and characteristics of wallpaper

Let's look at photos and the most common types of wallpaper that can be successfully used for problem walls.


If you glue ordinary paper wallpaper on walls with defects, then all these defects will clearly appear. Manufacturers suggest using special look paper wallpaper, which is called duplex. They are made from two thick layers of paper, which are pressed into one piece and feel like cardboard. They also contain various types of embossing and often repeating patterns, which allows you to hide unevenness. Among other things, they hold their shape well and stick perfectly to an uneven wall, because they do not need to fit tightly over the entire surface. All potholes and bumps will be hidden! And such wallpapers are very affordable in price; any average person can afford them.

Important: additional property duplex is environmentally friendly, which allows it to be used in a nursery and bedroom!

Source: this-oboi.ru


Durable and bright. Vinyl samples are a good alternative to duplex wallpaper, although they are already in a higher price segment. They will serve you for a long time, remaining bright and fresh. In addition, on bright wallpaper, the unevenness of your walls does not stand out so much, and the thickness and deep texture will allow you to hide the most complex defects. Among other things, they have the ability to copy the texture of natural finishing materials, which will give your room a noble, “rich” look.

Source: alberomarket.ru

From the total mass of vinyl wallpaper that is used to decorate walls with uneven surfaces, the following areas can be distinguished:

  • quite simple and inexpensive option is foamed vinyl; its sufficient thickness will hide all surface defects. The disadvantages include the relative fragility of this material, as well as its insufficient strength. However, from an aesthetic point of view, such wallpapers will look better than duplex ones; we advise you to pay attention to them before considering more expensive options;

Source: remontiruem.com.ua

  • Wallpaper made of washable vinyl will look good and practical in the kitchen. It should be taken into account that on their glossy surface it is the bulges of your walls that will be clearly visible, so we advise you to remove them; it is better to leave the recesses and pits;

Source: kuhniclub.ru

  • A great option is hot-stamping vinyl wallpaper - the fabric is the densest, strongest and most durable. They can be washed repeatedly, and the structure allows you to hide fairly large areas of uneven walls. The only thing we recommend is to abandon the glossy design of such wallpaper, since it will flicker at the bends in the places of depressions and bulges. The price of such wallpaper is quite significant, but their quality is correspondingly impeccable.

Old apartments or houses have some peculiarities - their walls are not always smooth. And although this problem can be dealt with if you use plaster or putty, not everyone has the time and means to carry out such a task. If the unevenness is minor, it is easier to stick wallpaper. They will allow you to hide defects, and purchasing and gluing will not require a lot of money and time. But what wallpaper is best to glue on uneven walls? After all, not everyone is suitable for such work.

What types of wallpaper to glue on uneven walls

It is clear that it is better to stick the canvases on perfectly smooth walls. This will not only simplify the process, but will also make the room beautiful. However, it is allowed to use certain types of wallpaper on uneven walls to hide defects.

It is clear that the best option in this case - thick and dense canvases and products with a relief pattern. Here is a list of products that can be used for uneven walls:

  1. Paper canvases. Such wallpaper hides uneven walls. You just need to choose duplex products consisting of two layers. The thickness allows the canvas not to stretch much, so after drying the likelihood of surface curvature is reduced.
  2. Liquid wallpaper. The structure of the material resembles plaster or putty. This makes it easy to apply. And if there are small cracks on the wall, they are filled with the composition.
  3. Vinyl wallpapers. It is difficult to hide unevenness with such products, since the surface of the material is glossy. However, vinyl wallpaper has a textured surface with a specific pattern. These options are ideal for hiding surface irregularities.
  4. Non-woven trellises. This is thick wallpaper with relief applied. You could say that this is perfect option which will help get rid of problem areas. The irregularities will visually disappear or become barely noticeable.

But in order to hide imperfections on the walls, you need to not only look at the appearance of the wallpaper, but also at its features, such as the pattern on the surface, texture and density of the canvas.

Products with bright patterns

A bright, rich and intense pattern is best; it will help hide all imperfections. Since when using plain trellises, all irregularities will be emphasized. Therefore they should be avoided. Abstract drawings that are randomly located on the surface have proven themselves especially well. They distract and attract the eye. As practice shows, it is better to use small patterns on the surface, for example, images of flowers or monograms. But, it is better to buy wallpaper that does not require selection of a pattern, so that the joints do not highlight the unevenness on the wall even more.

As for geometric patterns, they are not suitable for hiding irregularities. After all, the curvature of the walls will only stand out more as a geometrically even figure, straight lines will be distorted and will immediately catch the eye.

Texture wallpaper

Smooth wallpaper will not help hide the imperfections of the walls, but, on the contrary, will emphasize them. Therefore, you only need to buy texture options. These are some types of vinyl products, photo wallpapers and non-woven products. The main requirement is a voluminous and convex pattern.

You need to choose foamed vinyl or products made by hot stamping. Tapestries based on non-woven fabric for painting also make unevenness invisible. As for photo wallpapers, then best option– images imitating natural texture: stone, plaster, decorative brick, tree. In addition, this will create an indescribable style inside.

For the effect to work, you need to choose products with a matte rather than glossy surface.

Thick wallpaper for walls

There is a pattern - the denser the wallpaper, the more imperfections on the wall they hide. Single-layer paper options have low masking ability. But thick wallpaper for uneven walls is just right. Since the price of dense products is higher, you can use duplex paper trellises. The price is low, and they are easy to use.

Vinyl and non-woven wallpaper are better in this regard. The first ones are made by hot stamping and their density ranges from 200 to 300 g/m2. Some manufacturers create canvases with a density of 400 g/m2. They are not afraid wet cleaning, they are not afraid of slight mechanical damage, and, of course, hide the imperfections of the walls.

Non-woven products are heavy and dense. They have a long service life, and to apply them you do not need to prepare the walls to perfection or seal small irregularities and cracks.

To hide imperfections, it is important not only to choose the right wallpaper for uneven walls, but also to paste them correctly to prevent further big mistakes. There are several tips to help you cope with the task:

  1. It is important to measure the strips with a small margin. Moreover, the greater the curvature of the walls, the greater the margin at the bottom and top of the strip.
  2. When working, you need to use a plumb line and a level to make sure everything is glued correctly. The starting strip must be glued strictly in a vertical order, and all subsequent ones must be aligned with it.
  3. It is recommended to glue wallpaper end-to-end. Otherwise, distortions on the surface may spoil the final result.
  4. If the distortions on the wall are minor, then it is enough to use thick vinyl or non-woven fabrics.
  5. When the ceiling also has a curvature, the uneven edge of the strips is hidden using a ceiling plinth.

As a result, even if the walls in the room are crooked, with defects and unevenness, wallpapering will help hide them. The main thing is to choose the right type of wallpaper, its texture, color and patterns on the surface.

What products will highlight wall defects?

It is important to know that some products can have exactly the opposite effect. Therefore, it is important to choose the right wallpaper, avoiding the following options:

  1. Canvases with a strict geometric pattern. This is especially true for horizontal or vertical stripes.
  2. Tapestries with light or pastel colors. Defects will only be highlighted and noticeable even more.
  3. Paper wallpaper consisting of one layer. They are thin and will reveal even the smallest imperfections on the surface.
  4. Plain products, without drawings or patterns on the surface, as well as without a relief part.
  5. A large pattern on the surface will not work either.

It is important to understand that wallpaper that is too heavy and dense on uneven plaster can quickly peel off, and all efforts, time and money will be in vain.

Considering all the tips and tricks, it is easy to hide imperfections on your walls using regular wallpaper. The main thing is to choose the right canvases, take into account the presence of a pattern and stick them with all the recommendations. You need to understand that no one will give a 100% guarantee. If you need a perfectly flat surface, then it is still better to level the walls.

How to glue wallpaper on crooked walls. Pasting curved walls and corners

Since not all walls and corners, especially in old houses, are straight, many people ask how to glue wallpaper on curved walls.

In this article we will try to answer these and related questions, and also analyze which wallpaper is suitable for curved walls.

Because the following information is specific, it may not apply to all cases.

And if your walls are smooth and the corners are perfect, just skip this article and read something else on our website wallpaper-steny.ru.

Wallpaper for uneven walls: features of use, selection and installation

Before gluing, you should try to level the walls and corners as much as possible.

The smoother the surfaces are, the easier it will be to wallpaper!

2. At the second stage, it is important to choose the right wallpaper for curved walls.

The best option would be thick vinyl or non-woven fabrics with a matte or voluminous, but independent pattern.

NOT suitable for curved walls and corners:

  • thin paper wallpaper;
  • trellises with an even vertical pattern;
  • canvases with a dependent pattern that has to be adjusted;
  • photo wallpapers of all types.

3. To decide how to glue new wallpaper on curved walls, it is better to start from the window.

In this case, the first sheet should be glued exactly along a vertical line.

To apply perfect markings, use a level and a simple pencil.

4. The first sheet of wallpaper in a room with crooked corners is glued to the wall adjacent to the window so that an overlap of 3 centimeters is formed on the “window wall”.

5. The second strip is glued to the wall with the window and slightly overlaps the emerging section of the first sheet.

Take a longer ruler (or spatula) and apply it to the line of intersection of the second sheet with the first.

Using a knife along the ruler (or spatula), a deep cut is made in one go, for which the knife is not removed along the entire cut line, but only placed below the ruler.

IMPORTANT – the cut must be performed in one go, without removing the knife!

7. When the cut is made along the entire height of the canvases, you can remove the upper and lower cut sections by aligning the first or second sheets of wallpaper with the joint.

The joint should be smooth.

And to avoid mistakes, you can try to trim on some stand - on a clean and empty section of the wall, for example.

The quality of the pruning is very important and you only have one try!

The main thing is to monitor the vertical position of each subsequent canvas and make the necessary cuts in the corner areas.

9. You can hide unevenness in the floor area using a small wooden or plastic skirting board for the floor.

10. Irregularities in the ceiling area are hidden using baguettes or panels.

Since the above was about non-woven or vinyl wallpaper, which looks luxurious and expensive, it is better to give preference to gypsum or wooden carved ceiling plinths.

If you use cheap foam plastic ones here ceiling skirting boards, their lack of integrity and cheapness can ruin the whole picture.

11. When gluing wallpaper to curved walls and corners, you should make sure that the joint does not lie exactly in the corner.

If this happens, then it is extremely difficult to adjust the evenness of the joint along an uneven corner line (how to mask joints).

As an option, glue the adjacent wall with a slight overlap over the problem area and trim as described above.

If all of the above procedures seriously frighten you, if you have doubts about your own abilities, you could hire a team of specialists.

At the very least, experienced workers will make curved walls and corners as invisible as possible. And along the way, you yourself will learn a simple technique for gluing wallpaper on uneven surfaces.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper over old wallpaper?

: how to glue paper wallpaper. : gluing paper wallpaper

  • What wallpaper to glue on the ceiling. Choosing wallpaper for the ceiling

  • How to wash vinyl wallpaper

  • How to glue wallpaper on drywall. Preparing drywall for wallpaper

  • How to glue non-woven wallpaper. Features of gluing

  • How to glue paper wallpaper

  • How to hang vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing (step by step)


  • There are many shortcomings that spoil the walls and complicate repairs: cracks, unevenness, remnants of old coatings.

    Ideally, the surface is carefully prepared before wallpapering.

    But if the defects are not clearly visible and there is no time for leveling, you can use several solutions that will help hide imperfections and speed up work. Let's figure out how to choose the right wallpaper for uneven walls.

    Solution 1: Wallpaper with a bright pattern


    If the walls are not even, then you should give preference to wallpaper with a pattern. Plain coatings will only highlight all the imperfections and spoil general form rooms.

    Abstract, a chaotically located pattern is best suited for uneven surfaces. It will divert attention to itself, and the imperfections of the walls will be almost indistinguishable.

    The right choice would be wallpaper with small pattern , for example, flowers or a monogram. However, a pattern that requires matching the pattern should be avoided, otherwise the joints will further highlight the recesses and hills on the walls.

    Wallpaper with geometric patterns is contraindicated for non-ideal surfaces. Any distortion of straight lines will immediately catch the eye and indicate all the shortcomings.

    Another important question is how to choose the color of wallpaper for uneven walls. Light shades have the opposite effect: they increase the visibility of flaws. Therefore it is better to choose dark or rich colors. If such wallpaper is difficult to perceive and seems too gloomy, you can use a combination.

    Uneven walls: hiding imperfections behind wallpaper

    A bright accent strip covers that section of the wall where the unevenness stands out most clearly, and discreet wallpaper is glued to the even parts.

    Solution 2: Texture wallpaper


    Regular smooth wallpaper does not cope well with surface imperfections, but textured ones can hide them more effectively. Such wallpapers include varieties of vinyl and non-woven coverings and photo wallpapers. The most important thing is the convex pattern.

    Foamed Vinyl performs the task perfectly. The dense base and voluminous relief of such wallpaper will mask flaws and decorate the room. Hot stamping also suitable for such cases. These coatings are durable and have a textured surface, which means imperfections will be completely invisible.

    Non-woven wallpaper for paintingindispensable assistant under repair. You can choose different relief patterns and paint them in suitable color. In this case, the unevenness will visually disappear, and the walls will appear smooth.

    Wallpapers and photo wallpapers, imitating natural textures, will cope well with problematic surfaces. Coverings imitating stone, brick or plaster create a special stylistic mood in the room and turn the disadvantages of the walls into advantages.

    It is important that such wallpaper be matte. The play of light and shadow on glossy wallpaper will make unevenness visible.

    Solution 3. Thick wallpaper


    Wallpapers differ in the density of the material from which they are made, which means they have different masking abilities. Single-layer paper wallpaper is the most thin version, so it's not The best way eliminate wall defects. For such cases, duplex, consisting of two layers of thick paper, is more suitable. These coatings are inexpensive and easy to use.

    The properties of vinyl and non-woven wallpaper are much better. Coverings with a vinyl layer, especially foam and hot stamping, have increased density- 200-250 g/m2, and for some manufacturers it can reach up to 400 g/m2. They are easy to clean, resistant to damage, but most importantly, they hide uneven walls.

    Non-woven wallpaper is heavy and has a significant thickness. This means that they will not only last for many years, but will also save time on preparing walls and sealing small cracks.

    There is little difference between how to glue wallpaper on uneven walls and pre-prepared ones. But there are several nuances that affect the final result:

    1. stripes are measured with a margin. The worse the quality of the walls, the more centimeters need to be added to the top and bottom of the panel;
    2. if the walls are noticeably crooked, then when gluing the canvases, a plumb line and level are used. The first strip is glued strictly vertically, and the rest are aligned along it;
    3. To make the wallpaper joints even and strong, it is better to glue the wallpaper overlapping. Otherwise, distortions on the walls will spoil the final result;
    4. small curvatures are successfully hidden with high-density wallpaper - vinyl or non-woven. They can be glued end to end;
    5. if the ceiling also has defects, then the uneven edge of the strips can be covered with a ceiling plinth.

    Walls with defects and unevenness will not interfere with making quality repairs and beautiful interior. The most important thing is a competent approach to choosing finishing materials and taking into account the peculiarities of their gluing.

    Choosing wallpaper for uneven walls: 4 types of coatings that will hide unevenness

    If this question comes to your mind, it means you don’t have the time, desire, or money to properly prepare the walls for wallpapering.

    Not the best option, but you need to get out of the situation... A few tips from professionals with many years of experience who have seen and different walls and different wallpapers.

    We asked the question: “What wallpaper to glue on uneven walls?” several masters and systematized the answers.

    First, about what kind of wallpaper to glue, but crooked walls are strictly forbidden:

    • Any shiny (glossy) wallpaper is especially smooth. They will highlight any irregularities very strongly.
    • The same can be said about any thin wallpaper, it will simply cover all the imperfections of the walls.
    • Wallpaper with geometric patterns, especially with stripes, is absolutely not suitable. Any distorted straight line is immediately visible.
    • White and light wallpaper. As a rule, if the walls are not leveled, then the color to them will be spotty and all this will show through.

    Now let’s talk about what options remain in stock so that, despite the uneven walls, the pasted wallpaper will hide the deficiencies of the preparation and, in general, everything will look decent:

    • It is better to take paper wallpaper or vinyl wallpaper on a paper basis - they are better adapted to such tests, and when drying on an unprepared surface, they stretch and can hide some of the depressions on the walls.
    • The color of the wallpaper is quite dark, for example brown.
    • A matte surface is required, relief will not be superfluous at all, foamed vinyl, embossing
    • The drawing should be abstract and large (large flowers, leaves, various color spots, or very small and not periodic.
    • It is advisable to find wallpaper without a pattern, i.e. those that do not need to join the pattern. It will not be possible to make an exact joint on uneven walls and, as a rule, it is uneven joints that spoil appearance most.

    That's all the main ones

    Old houses, uneven walls. How to hang wallpaper when the walls in the apartment do not allow this to be done using conventional methods?

    You may be surprised, but the disadvantages of uneven walls can be easily hidden if certain recommendations are followed, and we will tell you how to do this.

    Ahead of questions about liquid wallpaper, painting walls or decorative plaster- you can’t, that’s all. These materials will further expose imperfections on the surface of your walls.

    How to choose the right wallpaper and adhesive for uneven walls

    What do you need to know when choosing wallpaper? There are many of them, however, if we previously gave you hope that the problem of uneven walls can be solved by proper wallpapering, this does not mean that all wallpapers are suitable for this.

    Indeed, non-woven and vinyl wallpapers will help smooth out your walls.

    Desirable wallpaper structure for uneven walls

    Why these? The high density of the material, multi-layering and special embossing play a decisive role in the visual alignment of your walls.

    In more detail, we recommend using non-woven wallpaper for living rooms and bedrooms: after all, they are more noble and elegant.

    Vinyl wallpaper, as you know, is washable, which means it is ideal for hallways and kitchens.

    Non-woven wallpaper better creates the effect of “wall leveling” due to the increased density of the soft substrate.

    Despite the myths that truly breathable wallpaper is textile and paper, non-woven wallpaper also fits this abbreviation. The structure of these coatings contains micropores, which provide a “breathing effect”.

    What about the drawings? What to choose? Of course, geometry and various “correct” designs are not our choice. We need exclusively chaotic prints that will not be distorted by crooked walls.

    How to choose glue

    Adhesives are divided into two categories: universal and for vinyl-coated products. There is relevant information on the glue packaging, but in our case, the most convenient will be glue that is applied to the wall in advance and allows you to not roll out the wallpaper on the floor, but to glue it right away.


    We glue wide non-woven wallpaper on uneven walls

    Wallpapering begins, of course, with the selection of the necessary equipment:

    • A level or plumb line with a pencil for gluing marks on the walls.
    • Application brush adhesive composition and the glue itself, pre-diluted in a container. Instead of a brush, a roller with medium or short pile will do.
    • Use a rubber roller or plastic wallpaper spatula to smooth the pasted material onto the wall.
    • A knife, scissors or something else cutting for cutting out holes for sockets, switches and other objects built into the wall.
    • A long ruler, or better yet a tape measure.
    • Foam rubber or microfiber to remove excess glue at the joints.
    • Stepladder, chair or table. Whatever is more convenient for you will do.

    Gluing process

    1. Let's measure the height of the walls, it is measured from floor to ceiling, and add 5-7 centimeters to the resulting figure.
    2. We cut the canvas into the required number of strips and do not forget about the drawing if necessary.
    3. At this stage, you can begin to apply pre-prepared glue to the walls, and adjusting the height, we apply the first cut sheet. You shouldn’t worry about the height being different, because after that we will be able to trim the protruding wallpaper.
    4. As soon as the canvas is on the wall, do not hesitate and expel all the air from under it, smoothing it using a previously prepared tool. Smoothing must begin from the center moving towards the edges.

    Butt gluing

    Right stick wallpaper together on uneven walls is not an impossible task.

    The most important thing: do not try to achieve clear joints by stretching the wallpaper, otherwise, after the wallpaper has dried, the joints will definitely separate.

    1. First, the joint and height are adjusted, and then the air is expelled from the wallpaper. Everything is quite simple. Having trouble hanging wallpaper perfectly even with a monotonous pattern? There is one trick - the canvas is glued overlapping with the previous piece and then the intersection of the canvases is cut off.
    2. Carefully check the sharpness of the knife, because you will need to cut 2 pieces at once. We remove the trimmings, coat the joint with glue and straighten the canvas. Thus, you got a perfect joint, but slightly increased the consumption of wallpaper.

    Wallpapering corners

    The previous “trick” also applies to wallpapering corners. overlap on next wall should be 2-3 centimeters, and you will also need to cut two pieces.

    We have two options for the development of events: we glue the wallpaper with a pattern from the corner, and an overlap of 2-3 cm with the previous canvas will allow us to hide the defect of the uneven corner, but we do not cut anything off. Or the canvas is glued from the corner, and the excess is removed with a knife without overlapping from the corners.

    An ideal joint for monotonous wallpaper, but in in this case Wallpaper with a pattern without visible defects cannot be hung.

    If bubbles form on the wallpaper, they can be easily removed

    Glue wallpaper on uneven corners walls not so difficult if you have already read our article. So go ahead to the store for wallpaper and tools, because uneven walls for wallpapering are not such a terrible problem.
