Do I need to peel stem celery? How to peel leaf, petiole, root celery. Methods for proper cooking

Do I need to peel the stems and roots of celery, and how to do it correctly? How to cut celery for salad

How to peel celery: product features.

Celery is a vegetable plant with a spicy taste and specific aroma that can improve tone and normalize appetite. Its leaves, stems and roots are eaten, and sometimes the juice is squeezed out.

But how to peel celery, depending on the variety and age of the crop, in order to get the maximum benefit for yourself?

Choosing a product

Before cleaning celery, you need to decide which part of it is needed for consumption. Accordingly, choose the appropriate type of celery:


It has an undeveloped root vegetable, but lush greenery with a rich, bright color, rich in essential oils. When choosing, you should pay attention to how elastic and fragrant they are. A young, fresh plant cannot have limp or yellowed leaves.


It has an underdeveloped root and thick stems with a diameter of about 4 cm. They are good for preparing salads and stews, and due to their high juiciness, they can be used for squeezing juice. In appearance, the stems should be smooth, not withered, without a brownish tint. Limp, weathered stems indicate staleness of the product.


A vegetable with a well-developed round root, reaching a diameter of 20 cm. It has a bitter-sweet taste and is used raw and dried in soups or salads. Fresh celery root is hard. You need to choose a product with the smoothest skin possible so that it can be easier to clean.

Advice! Pay attention to the smell of celery root - fresh and young it has a well-defined aroma. A released umbrella with seeds can indicate that a vegetable is overripe.

Preparation for use

How to properly peel celery? It all depends on the age, as well as the freshness of the product.

Naturally, there is no need to clean the foliage. It is enough to separate it from the stem and rinse with water. The herbs can be chopped or dried and then used as spices.

The petioles of young celery are not yet covered with coarsened fibers; their skin is thin, almost imperceptible. Before cooking, it is sufficient to simply rinse the stems in hot water. Petiole celery has a hard film, so it is better to peel the stems using a knife or vegetable peeler. It is also necessary to remove the upper shoots, if any, and the lower part of the stems.

Cleaning the root vegetable is the most difficult due to the presence of nodules on the surface and the hardness of the product. However, it is necessary to peel the root, since only a well-washed crop can be eaten, and always without rough peel. If the root is rough, more pulp will be lost when peeling. So how do you clean and cook it?

  1. Rinse off the dirt thoroughly; you can use a brush.
  2. Cut off the top and bottom parts of the fruit with a knife.
  3. Cut the root into four parts; put the unnecessary pieces in the refrigerator for now.
  4. Use a vegetable peeler to cut off a thin layer of skin, removing spoiled areas and black spots. The peeled pieces should be white.
  5. Remove the spongy pulp - it has no taste. You can leave this part if celery is being prepared for weight loss: it is, in fact, coarse dietary fiber.
  6. Rinse after cleaning and cut according to intended use.
  7. After cleaning the celery root, it is better to fill it with cold water so that the product does not darken.

Some housewives confidently say: “I don’t peel the celery root, and the result is a healthier dish.” In fact, the skin of the root vegetable contains more nitrates and therefore needs to be peeled like potatoes.

Celery roots and greens contain a lot of fiber; this is an effective health recipe in the fight for a slim figure. This vegetable plant provides a surge of intellectual and physical strength, normalizes digestion, which makes the product very popular.

How to properly prepare celery root vegetables for consumption

To make your work easier, try to choose root vegetables in the store that are firm, less knotty, and have smooth skin.

Uneven, knotty root vegetables can be easier to clean by cutting them into small pieces.

Petiole celery - is it worth peeling, and what is the best way to do it?

In young stems growing inside the bunch, the fibers are not felt at all, but old petioles may turn out to be tough and fibrous

options for preparing the stem and root of a raw vegetable

There are three types of celery used in cooking: leaf, stalk and root. The first is added to food as vitamin-rich greens. The other two raise doubts among many housewives: whether celery needs to be peeled or not, and how to eat it correctly. This crop is not popular among Russians due to its specific taste and smell, so it is not surprising that not everyone knows what to do with it.

Stem - to clean or not

Celery stalks are mainly used in salads and cold appetizers without prior heat treatment. Whether the celery stalks need to be peeled before use or is best left as is depends on the thickness of the peel.

Young and juicy petioles do not require peeling. And sometimes this can be difficult to do: the pliable pulp separates under the edge of a knife. It is best to rinse this celery thoroughly with running water, dry it, chop it and then use it in salads or other dishes.

Sometimes you come across hard stems with a clearly visible “skin”. This is overgrown celery, which has a different taste from young celery, but after pre-processing it is suitable for food. Tips on how to peel celery, the stalk of which is not the first freshness, relate primarily to available kitchen equipment. If you have a vegetable peeler on your farm, you can use it; if not, a sharp knife will do. The main thing is to free the stem from the rough skin so that it can be used for its intended purpose in the future.

How to clean the root

The root crop of this aromatic vegetable has been undeservedly overlooked by consumers. But in vain, because it is healthy and tasty when prepared correctly. Make the soup richer and more aromatic, give a vegetable salad a piquant note, or become a full-fledged side dish - the unsightly-looking celery root is capable of all this.

How to clean rough peel correctly:

  • The root vegetable needs to be washed well; you can use a stiff brush - this way the lumpy peel will be washed off better.
  • Cut off the top and bottom of the root vegetable in such a way as to completely remove the leaves (if any) and roots.
  • Cut the root into 4 parts, set aside the required amount, wrap the rest in cling film and put it in the refrigerator.
  • Using a sharp knife or vegetable peeler, cut the peel to light pulp, then remove small spots and dubious areas - there should not be the slightest hint of vegetable “skin” left on the root vegetable.
  • Rinse the root vegetable again, dry and use as intended.

It should be remembered that peeled vegetables cannot be stored for long, even in the refrigerator. 3−4 days is the period of time during which you will need to find a use for the root crop. Then it may rot or be attacked by a fungus, and all that remains is to throw it away.

What to cook from a savory product

The aromatic vegetable is used in European and Asian cuisines, but you rarely see it on Russian tables. And all because many compatriots look warily towards the outlandish product and do not even try to cook anything with it. Some believe that it is only suitable for women who are losing weight as a low-calorie snack. In fact, the possibilities of this culture are wider than is commonly thought.

So, how to eat celery correctly so that it not only brings benefits and takes away extra pounds, but is also very tasty.

Stem celery

The vegetable can be added to almost any salads (fruit, vegetable, meat), soups, and main courses. Young stems are used as a filling for pies and a main ingredient for vegetable sauces. Spicy oriental snacks are prepared from the petiole, for example, Korean-style celery. But the most popular are celery smoothies - thick drinks made from the pulp of vegetables and fruits, designed to saturate the body with useful substances.

How to use the root

Traditionally, the root vegetable is used as a flavorful addition to soups and main courses. But not everyone knows that celery root can become a complete side dish, replacing boring potatoes. The root vegetable is pureed or baked in the oven under a cheese crust. You can simply fry it like regular potatoes. The spicy vegetable adds an unusual touch to salads and cold appetizers. It is pickled and dried for the winter, and also frozen to preserve its beneficial properties as much as possible.

What are the benefits of vegetables?

Celery was mentioned in ancient Greek mythology. According to ancient legends, the goddess Aphrodite herself enriched her diet with it to maintain youth and beauty. Indeed, celery is superior to many other vegetables in its beneficial properties. Its composition is rich in vitamins C, E, PP, group B, macro- and microelements, organic acids, essential oils. How does a spicy vegetable affect the body?

  • Enhances the production of interferon, thereby increasing immunity.
  • Reduces cholesterol in the blood.
  • It has a vasodilating effect and lowers blood pressure.
  • Has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Fights free radicals, preventing serious diseases.
  • Supports nervous system health.
  • Promotes natural weight loss.
  • Preserves vision.
  • Prevents early aging of the body.

But despite all the benefits of this vegetable, it should be used with caution by people with urolithiasis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, thrombophlebitis and varicose veins.

For everyone else, celery is a great way to improve health and maintain your figure, as well as enrich your diet with new dishes with an unusual taste.

Many people have not yet learned how to use it in cooking, which is where a number of questions arise: how to choose the “right” plant and how to peel celery? The answer to each of them comes with experience, but it is better to stock up on theoretical knowledge in advance.

Celery comes in three types.

  1. Sheet. The root crop is undeveloped; the plant spends most of its energy on ripening green foliage. The leaves contain essential oils that are very beneficial for the body. Salads are prepared from them and added to soups.
  2. Chereshkovy. The root crop is also underdeveloped. The plant has succulent thick stems. Their diameter reaches 4 cm. It is the stems that are used for food: salads, stews, and freshly squeezed juice are made from them.
  3. Root. A rounded root crop is formed underground, reaching 20 cm in diameter. The taste of the pulp is bitter-sweet. The root vegetable is dried and added to soups or salads.

How to choose celery?

If you have not previously encountered the preparation of this product, there is still a lot to learn about it. Cleaning celery depends on its condition: how young and fresh the plant is. To avoid wasting your money, learn a couple of secrets on how to choose the “right” celery.

  • Foliage. Greens should have a rich, bright color. Be sure to feel the leaves, they should be elastic, not flaccid. The plant should have an aroma.
  • Stems. They should look full of juice. When a cut or break occurs, you will hear a crunch. If the petiole is covered with scratches, has a weathered appearance, the green color has acquired a brown tint, you have a stale product.
  • Root vegetable. The root should be firm and not squeezed when pressed with your fingers. The surface should be as smooth as possible. Don't buy root vegetables that are covered in knots. Pay attention to the color of the upper leaves: green indicates the freshness of the plant.

When purchasing, pay attention to whether the plant has produced an “umbrella” with seeds. In this case, you risk buying overgrown celery. It will taste bitter, and the stalks and roots will be very hard.

Leaf celery does not need to be peeled. The leaves are used in cooking as an addition to fresh vegetable salads, stews or first courses. The chopped herbs are dried and used as a seasoning. In addition, greens are added to pickles. However, in many countries they believe that only in fresh form does it retain all its “magical” healing properties. Like parsley or dill, just separate the branches from the main stem and rinse under cold running water.

How to clean stalk celery?

When cleaning stems, housewives have many more questions than when processing a leafy plant. The opinions of culinary specialists on this matter also differ. Some believe that it is necessary to remove the top layer of the stem, while others claim that this procedure is not necessary. This really depends on the freshness and age of the celery.

In addition to the skin, the lower part of the stem (the first 3 cm) must be removed and the upper shoots, if any, are cut off.

The young petiole growing inside the bunch is not covered with thick, coarse fibers. Its skin is thin and almost invisible. In this case, it is enough to rinse the stems under hot water. If the plant overgrows a little, the petiole becomes covered with a thick film. It is hard to the touch, so you need to remove it with a knife (it is more convenient to use a vegetable peeler).

How to clean root vegetables?

This part of the plant raises the most questions among housewives. And this is not strange at all. The fruit has a rough surface and is covered with soil when sold. There is also debate among culinary specialists about its cleaning. Some argue that it is enough to wash off all the soil - and the fruit is ready for further cutting. This opinion is erroneous, because you can only eat well-washed root vegetables with the peel removed.

By purchasing a root with a smooth surface, you will not lose a large amount of pulp when peeling. "Knots" interfere with quick and economical trimming of the peel. First of all, wash off all the dirt under running water, take a sharp knife, a vegetable peeler and a cutting board.

  1. Use a large sharp knife to cut off the top and bottom of the fruit.
  2. It is unlikely that you will need the entire root vegetable to prepare any dish. Cut off the required part. Place the remaining root vegetable in the refrigerator or a cool, dark place.
  3. It is necessary to cut off the skin and spoiled areas. This is convenient to do with a vegetable peeler or a sharp knife. Do not leave spots or spots, the flesh should be white and clean.
  4. Discard the spongy part of the root as it is tasteless and will not add flavor to the dish. However, if you are preparing celery for the purpose of losing weight, it should be left, since it is a coarse dietary fiber and is valuable for cleansing the body.
  5. After processing, rinse the root vegetable again and start cutting. The shape of the pieces depends on the dish you are going to cook.
  6. A cut root vegetable tends to darken when exposed to oxygen. If you are making a preparation, then the chopped fruit should be filled with water, like potatoes.

All skills come only with experience. Knowing how to handle a particular product will make the cooking process easier. Celery is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. It is easy to prepare and process. This plant should be a frequent guest in every kitchen.

How to properly peel celery and is it necessary to do it at all?

Because of its specific aroma and spicy taste, celery is not very popular among our compatriots, so it is not surprising that many have no idea how to peel celery, and does it make sense to do it at all, or is it permissible to eat stalks and root vegetables unpeeled?

1 How to properly prepare celery root vegetables for consumption

If, having become familiar with the beneficial properties of celery root, you decide to include it in your diet, it would be a good idea to immediately learn how to properly peel celery so as not to spoil your first impressions of this amazing vegetable plant. After all, with the right approach, celery can become your indispensable assistant in the kitchen: soups with the addition of roots become richer and more aromatic, grated fresh root vegetables give salads a tart taste, stalks go well in salads with seafood and make vegetable stews tastier. In addition, celery produces wonderful freshly squeezed juice, the healing properties of which are extremely high!

There are usually no problems with celery greens - it is enough to rinse it under the tap and finely chop it to add to soups, main courses, sauces, salads, or to decorate cooked dishes with delicate leaves. But we will look in more detail at how to peel root and stalk celery.

Video about proper cleaning of celery

So, are you holding a large, scary-looking, gnarled celery root vegetable in your hands for the first time and don’t know which way to approach it? In fact, there are no special tricks on how to peel celery. But to make your work easier, try to choose root vegetables in the store that are firm, less knotty, and have smooth skin. In terms of weight, they may seem quite heavy for their size. The greens remaining on the top should be green, not yellowed or withered. Such root vegetables will be much easier to clean, and there will be less waste during cleaning.

Photo of celery

It’s worth noting right away that it is necessary to peel root vegetables; only completely peeled, well-washed roots are added to dishes.

How to peel celery roots:

  • first of all, the root crop should be thoroughly washed, and then the top of the root and its lower part should be cut off with a knife;
  • celery roots are quite large - half or a quarter of one root may be enough for you to prepare one dish, so for convenience, cut the root into the required number of parts and put those that are not needed in the refrigerator;
  • from those parts that you are immediately going to use for food, carefully remove the skin with a sharp thin knife or a vegetable peeler;
  • scrape out all the recesses and cut out dubious places on the white pulp;
  • the spongy parts have no taste, so they can also be cut out immediately;
  • now all that remains is to rinse the peeled parts of the root vegetable and use as you wish: grate, cut into small cubes, large pieces, strips, slices, etc.;
  • Pour cold water over the chopped pieces to prevent them from darkening.

In the photo there is celery

If you plan to eat celery root for the purpose of losing weight, you should not cut out the spongy parts - they are coarse dietary fiber, the processing of which the body spends a lot of energy.

Uneven, knotty root vegetables can be easier to clean by cutting them into small pieces.

2 Petiole celery - is it worth peeling, and what is the best way to do it?

Conflicting opinions can be heard regarding celery petioles: some argue that the stalks must be peeled before eating, others limit themselves to only washing the petioles in running water, without bothering to clean the stalks. So, is it necessary to peel celery?

Video about cleaning celery stalks

It all depends on what petioles you come across in the store. For example, in young stems growing inside a bunch, the fibers are not felt at all, but old petioles may turn out to be tough and fibrous - without preliminary cleaning, eating them will not be so tasty. Therefore, you should carefully select petiole celery in the store: the plants should have fresh, bright green leaves and straight stems, but if some leaves and petioles are missing, this may mean that the celery is stale. It is best to buy unwashed celery if possible, because it tastes better than stalks that have been washed before sale.

Photo of celery

Before peeling celery stalks, rinse them under the tap with warm water. After this, you should carefully remove the fibers and hard veins from the surface of the petioles with a sharp knife or a vegetable peeler.

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root and stems and how to eat them

Celery is a spicy vegetable that comes from the Mediterranean countries. In terms of the content of vitamins and beneficial microelements, it occupies one of the leading positions among vegetables. Thanks to the high content of essential oils, it gives dishes and salads a specific bright aroma. All parts of the plant are eaten both raw and processed. And in this article we will look at the types of celery and how to properly clean it.

Types of celery and its characteristics

Sweet celery is a biennial herbaceous plant, the appearance of its leaves is very similar to parsley, only much more massive. In the first year, the plant forms a powerful rosette of dark green leaves with a beautiful gloss, fleshy cuttings and a white strong root or even a root crop. In the second year, green leaves appear in early spring, and by mid-July the plant is already blooming; in August, the seeds ripen and the celery dries out almost immediately.

The appearance of celery depends on the variety to which it belongs: leaf, petiole, root.

Leaf celery is grown to produce aromatic greens rich in vitamins. They are eaten fresh, in salads, as a seasoning for soups and other dishes.

This type of green has thin petioles and a hard root - both are not suitable for food.

Petiole celery is cultivated for its petioles and leaves. The petioles reach a width of 4-5 cm, are very juicy, oily, and contain a large amount of essential oils, vitamins, and useful minerals. They are used to prepare first and second courses, dietary low-calorie salads, and added to pickles and preserves to impart a piquant, bright aroma and pleasant taste.

The root type of celery is grown exclusively for its root crop, which is similar to a large white beet and reaches from 500 to 900 grams of weight. The root vegetable is a real storehouse of vitamins and has a beneficial effect on the human body. It is used both fresh and in salads and hot dishes.

The leaf and petiole types are sown directly into the soil in early spring or winter, and the root type is planted in seedlings.

Beneficial and harmful properties of stems and roots

Stem celery is a valuable food product and has amazing medicinal properties. It would take too long to list all the beneficial qualities of the vegetable, but the most important ones are: beneficial effects on the nervous, cardiovascular, and digestive systems.

The healthy vegetable contains a large amount of proteins, B vitamins, carotene, vitamins E, K, C, valuable amino acids - nicotinic, asparagine, tyrosine, essential oils, trace elements - potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, manganese.

Celery has the following effects on the human body:

  • slows down the aging process, helps fight senile dementia;
  • helps restore water-salt balance;
  • essential oils relieve nervous tension, increase performance, vitality, and resistance to stress;
  • has a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, thereby restoring blood circulation and normalizing high blood pressure;
  • due to the high content of vital minerals, vitamins B, PP, E, C, it has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair, lips and eyes;
  • the root vegetable has a diuretic effect, daily consumption cleanses the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • salads from raw vegetables with the addition of grated root vegetables should be consumed during diets, for patients with diabetes mellitus, and for vegetarians;
  • Regular consumption of celery greens relieves heartburn, flatulence, constipation, and stomach cramps, as it promotes the digestion of food and removes toxins from the body.

Different parts of celery close-up on the table

This is not all the beneficial properties of the miracle vegetable.

But such a powerful remedy cannot be equally useful for everyone, so there are contraindications:

  • in case of urolithiasis, to avoid the movement of stones and exacerbation of the disease;
  • with dilated veins, the presence of blood clots;
  • due to the high content of essential oils, it is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding, with colitis and enterocolitis.

How to eat a stem vegetable

All parts of the plant are equally useful and edible. But since most of the essential compounds, vitamins and microelements are destroyed during heat treatment, celery is eaten raw, after peeling. Young green leaves are used as a seasoning for salads, fish and meat dishes.

The root vegetable is peeled, and the juicy white pulp, grated, is added to fruit, vegetable and even meat salads.

How to clean the petioles

The juicy, crispy, aromatic pulp of the petioles is an excellent ingredient for salads, appetizers, and sauces. But not many people know that in order to fully enjoy the taste and aroma of green stems, they must be thoroughly cleaned.

The top layer of the petioles consists of long, hard fibers that make chewing the vegetable difficult. Therefore, before eating, cutting into salads, etc. you need to cut off the top layer using a regular or economy knife.

If there are no fibers when breaking the stem, then you can start chopping or slicing the vegetable.

Methods for proper cooking

Dishes made from celery stalks and roots may not be as rich in vitamins and fiber, but they will certainly have a piquant taste and aroma. The vegetable is used to prepare soups, vegetable stews, side dishes, as a filler or additive to sauces. It can be boiled, stewed or fried in sunflower or olive oil.

Without a doubt, celery is exactly the vegetable that should always be on our table in any form. Such a healthy product cannot be excluded from the diet. According to nutritionists, daily use of the product will have a positive effect on the entire body, the functioning of internal organs, the condition of hair, nails and skin.

Celery salad -

Category: Vegetable salads

Hello my dear friends. Today I want to offer you a celery salad. In general, celery is a very unique vegetable (stem, greens, root vegetable, but why should we take celery seriously?) Not everyone can not only enjoy its taste, but in general eat it normally and without cringing. My acquaintance with celery was several years ago, then I just smelled and tasted its greens, and was quietly horrified. At that time, I decided to go on a diet, and my sister gave me a super recipe for borscht with celery. Many have probably heard about this, that apart from it you don’t need to eat anything else. I cooked everything, finished one plate, and since then, when I hear the word “diet,” I remember this borscht, and I no longer indulge in such terrible hobbies as dieting. After that, I happily forgot about celery. And of course, the thought of making a salad with it somehow never appeared. There were salads, but without it, for example, vegetable salads with cucumbers or carrots, or meat ones.

But just recently, I started reading some blogs on culinary topics. I again remembered about celery, or rather, I was reminded of it. And this was done by Galina, the author of the blog “World of”; it was from her that I read an article about salads with celery. Well, basically I read and read, you can find a lot of recipes now. But I was hooked by her phrase that even her husband, who doesn’t like celery, ate the entire bowl of salad and really liked it all. I don’t remember it verbatim, of course, but I think you get the idea. I was hooked by this, I think, maybe in vain, I don’t like this miracle vegetable so much. In general, at the first opportunity I decided to buy celery and chop it.

I decided to definitely make a celery salad. And as soon as I got to the store, I bought a stalk of celery and, happy, went home to do experiments. At home, I even managed to bite off a piece of the stem and chew it, even swallowed it, already an achievement. To be completely honest, I expected a much worse result. And so, in principle, it turned out quite well. The apple goes very well with celery, I’ve already convinced myself. Of course there was an aftertaste, but it wasn’t very unpleasant. I haven’t become a big fan of celery, but sometimes such salads can easily find their way into my diet. But I wonder, is celery pickled? I want to try to do this, then I’ll write about the results.

Celery salad necessary products

  • Celery stalk about 50 grams
  • 1 sweet and sour apple
  • 200 g crab sticks
  • 200 g canned corn
  • 1-2 tbsp mayonnaise

Celery salad preparation

Well, in general, it’s pretty quick to prepare. Here you don’t even need to boil anything, everything is already ready.

I eat a stalk of celery and cut it into small pieces, I can’t say exactly by grams, but I got two or three spoons of chopped celery.

We also cut the crab sticks finely.

Peel the apple and grate it on a coarse grater.

Now we mix everything, apple, celery, crab sticks, corn and season everything with mayonnaise.

And let's go enjoy the process of eating salad.

Well, our celery salad is ready, I wish you a bon appetit. How did you become acquainted with celery, and when did your sympathy and love for it begin? Do you have a favorite celery salad recipe? Feel free to share it in the comments. And next time I invite you to an incredibly tasty salad that you can’t help but like, and we will prepare it from beef lung. Therefore, I advise you to subscribe to updates so as not to miss anything.

Sincerely, Margarita Sizonova.

Because of its specific aroma and spicy taste, celery is not very popular among our compatriots, so it is not surprising that many have no idea how to peel celery, and does it make sense to do it at all, or is it permissible to eat stalks and root vegetables unpeeled?

How to properly prepare celery root vegetables for consumption

If, after reading it, you decide to include it in your diet, it would be a good idea to immediately learn how to properly peel celery, so as not to spoil your first impressions of this amazing vegetable plant. After all, with the right approach, celery can become your indispensable assistant in the kitchen: soups with the addition of roots become richer and more aromatic, grated fresh root vegetables give salads a tart taste, stalks go well in salads with seafood and make vegetable stews tastier. In addition, celery produces wonderful freshly squeezed juice, the healing properties of which are extremely high!

There are usually no problems with celery greens - it is enough to rinse it under the tap and finely chop it to add to soups, main courses, sauces, salads, or to decorate cooked dishes with delicate leaves. But we will look in more detail at how to peel root and stalk celery.

Video about proper cleaning of celery

So, are you holding a large, scary-looking, gnarled celery root vegetable in your hands for the first time and don’t know which way to approach it? In fact, there are no special tricks on how to peel celery. But to make your work easier, try to choose root vegetables in the store that are firm, less knotty, and have smooth skin. In terms of weight, they may seem quite heavy for their size. The greens remaining on the top should be green, not yellowed or withered. Such root vegetables will be much easier to clean, and there will be less waste during cleaning.

To make your work easier, try to choose root vegetables in the store that are firm, less knotty, and have smooth skin.

It’s worth noting right away that it is necessary to peel root vegetables; only completely peeled, well-washed roots are added to dishes.

How to peel celery roots:

  • first of all, the root crop should be thoroughly washed, and then the top of the root and its lower part should be cut off with a knife;
  • celery roots are quite large - half or a quarter of one root may be enough for you to prepare one dish, so for convenience, cut the root into the required number of parts and put those that are not needed in the refrigerator;
  • from those parts that you are immediately going to use for food, carefully remove the skin with a sharp thin knife or a vegetable peeler;
  • scrape out all the recesses and cut out dubious places on the white pulp;
  • the spongy parts have no taste, so they can also be cut out immediately;
  • now all that remains is to rinse the peeled parts of the root vegetable and use as you wish: grate, cut into small cubes, large pieces, strips, slices, etc.;
  • Pour cold water over the chopped pieces to prevent them from darkening.

Uneven, knotty root vegetables can be easier to clean by cutting them into small pieces.

If you plan to eat celery root for the purpose of losing weight, you should not cut out the spongy parts - they are coarse dietary fiber, the processing of which the body spends a lot of energy.

Uneven, knotty root vegetables can be easier to clean by cutting them into small pieces.

Petiole celery - is it worth peeling, and what is the best way to do it?

Conflicting opinions can be heard regarding celery petioles: some argue that the stalks must be peeled before eating, others limit themselves to only washing the petioles in running water, without bothering to clean the stalks. So, is it necessary to peel celery?

Video about cleaning celery stalks

It all depends on what petioles you come across in the store. For example, in young stems growing inside a bunch, the fibers are not felt at all, but old petioles may turn out to be tough and fibrous - without preliminary cleaning, eating them will not be so tasty. Therefore, you should carefully select petiole celery in the store: the plants should have fresh, bright green leaves and straight stems, but if some leaves and petioles are missing, this may mean that the celery is stale. It is best to buy unwashed celery if possible, because it tastes better than stalks that have been washed before sale.

In young stems growing inside the bunch, the fibers are not felt at all, but old petioles may turn out to be tough and fibrous

Before peeling celery stalks, rinse them under the tap with warm water. After this, you should carefully remove the fibers and hard veins from the surface of the petioles with a sharp knife or a vegetable peeler.

Not everyone likes the specific smell of celery, but you shouldn’t exclude it from your diet. This root vegetable is a real storehouse of vitamins, and nutritionists consider its juice especially useful. However, other parts of the plant are useful in the kitchen. The leaves can be used for preservation or in salads. And the fragrant rounded root vegetables will add piquant tartness to salads and richness to the broth. If you decide to try this vegetable, it doesn’t hurt to know some of the nuances of how to peel celery, because it comes in different types. Depending on this, the preparation of the vegetable for consumption differs.

So, according to which part of the plant is intended for use as food, three varieties of celery are distinguished:

  • sheet;
  • petiole;
  • root.

Now let's look at the features of cleaning each type.

Picked, washed, eaten - minimal preparation of leaf celery

The easiest and fastest to clean are leafy varieties. Here it is enough just to rinse the foliage well and let it dry. The only thing you may need is to select yellowed and limp leaves, if any. However, when buying freshly cut celery there will be no such problems.

Do I need to peel stalked celery?

Some housewives, having tried juicy thick petioles for the first time, refuse them. The reason for this is the excessive fibrousness and rigidity of the stems. In fact, this is indeed possible, but for a completely different reason - if old petioles are caught. It is they that are covered with coarsened fibers on top, which must be cut off with a knife. But the internal fibers remain moderately rigid and are almost not felt, while maintaining the characteristic structure of celery.

But young petioles can be consumed without additional cleaning, simply by washing them.

How to clean celery root?

The roots of this celery are somewhat reminiscent of beets, only whitish in color and with an uneven surface covered with tubercles. They can be impressive in size. When purchasing, it is better to choose those fruits that have a smoother skin - they will be easier to peel, and there will be less waste of valuable aromatic pulp.

You need to clean it in any case, young or old, small or large. Firstly, it is the peel that absorbs nitrates, and secondly, the spongy top of the fruit has no taste and needs to be cut off and thrown away.

Before cleaning, root vegetables should be washed, then cut off the lower and upper parts. All growths and depressions are also cut out, and the fruit itself is peeled like a potato. If it is too large and will not be used completely right away, you can cut off and clean half. The second part of the celery is placed in a bag and stored in the refrigerator. By the way, celery can lie there for a very long time - it practically does not spoil and remains hard. The only thing is that the cut area darkens, and in the future it will need to be trimmed thinly.

Video on how to quickly peel celery root

  • Weight loss salad made from celery, chicken and apples. Combine 250 g of boiled and finely chopped chicken fillet with 200 g of chopped celery stalks and the same amount of chopped green apples.

    How to eat celery, which parts of the plant are considered edible and healthy

    To this mixture you need to add 150 g of finely chopped bell pepper, 200 g of diced tomatoes and 100 g of onion. Salt the finished salad, sprinkle with lemon juice and season with a mixture of sour cream (100 g) and a small amount of olive oil.

  • Day 1: soup and any fruit;

  • with arterial hypertension;

Root celery: cultivation and use

I grow celery for its tasty and healing roots, which are perfectly preserved in the basement. And the aromatic, vitamin-rich leaves of celery root are a necessary by-product for us.

Previously, we grew about 80-90 roots of this valuable seasoning vegetable every year. But with the advent of new imported varieties of root celery, the number of plants planted was reduced. This is due to the fact that high-yielding imported celery varieties have large roots weighing up to 800 g (for example, the Prague Giant variety). Previously, I grew celery varieties “Yablochny” and “Gribovsky”, whose root weight was no more than 200-250g.

Proper sowing of celery seeds and maintenance of seedlings

Celery seeds must be fresh, as they quickly lose their viability when stored. Already in the second year of storage, their germination rate drops to catastrophically low values.

I start sowing root celery for seedlings in mid-March. To destroy inhibitors that hinder germination, I soak celery seeds in snow or rain water. I regularly change the water to fresh water (3 times within three days).
After this, I pour the soaked celery seeds onto moistened paper (filter or toilet paper) placed in a shallow saucer.
Then I put the saucer with the seeds in a plastic bag. It should be in a warm (possibly dark) place; The condition of the seeds must be regularly monitored.

As soon as the swollen celery seeds begin to peck (the beginnings of roots appear), then it’s time to start sowing.

Using a toothpick or a sharpened match, I plant the seeds one at a time into the prepared soil mixture (I take sifted sand and humus in equal parts). I sow in rows. I maintain a distance between seeds of about 2x2cm, which allows the seedlings to actively develop without interfering with each other.
I sprinkle the sown celery seeds with a layer of substrate no more than 0.5 cm.

I place the bowl with the crops in the brightest place. I water regularly, not allowing the soil to dry out.
If possible, at the beginning of April I place celery seedlings in a greenhouse, protecting them from possible frosts.

When celery seedlings have 1-2 true leaves, I dive the young plants into small pots one at a time, pinching the central root.
In order for the rooted celery seedlings to develop well, I apply liquid fertilizing (2-3 times).

Planting celery seedlings in open ground

At the end of May or early June, after the end of heavy rains and possible dangerous frosts, I transfer celery seedlings from cups into open ground. I plant them in well-cultivated and amended soil according to a 20x30 cm pattern. At the same time, I try not to destroy the clod of earth, which by this moment is already completely covered with roots.

Benefits of celery root, stem and leaves

I don’t bury plants when planting. I water it well.
Celery should not experience a lack of water during the growth process, but excess moisture is undesirable for plants.

Caring for celery during tuber growth

When the young plants take root and grow a little, the celery will develop new leaves. The time has come to remove excess roots from grown plants.
At this stage of development, I unplant the root celery, while cutting off all the roots that are located horizontally. I will do this technique again. It is better to trim off unnecessary celery roots with a knife.
If you leave horizontal roots in root celery, the tuber will grow “horned” - then when digging up a celery crop, you will have to cut off a lot of roots.

And remember - root celery should never be hilled!
Therefore, when loosening plants during care, I try not to add soil to the roots.

Removing and Using Celery Root Leaves

As the celery tuber grows, we use the lower leaves for food; They usually fall to the ground on their own. These leaves can be removed from plants without harming the future tuber harvest.

The strongest increase in the mass of celery tubers begins with a decrease in day length (up to 12.5 hours or less). During this period, I gradually remove most of the leaves from the root celery. I leave on each plant only those leaves that grow vertically upward.
Please note: if the leaves are not torn off, the celery will develop flat roots!

We widely use celery root leaves throughout the season - as a seasoning for various soups (we don’t put them only in milk soups), when cooking broths, for stewing meat, etc.
We definitely use celery leaves to ferment cucumbers (we excluded dill altogether, as it gives a bitter aftertaste). With the addition of celery leaves, pickled cucumbers are especially piquant and have a mild taste.

Digging and storing celery

I dig up root celery in the fall as late as possible so that the plants gain good mass and an abundance of nutrients over a long period of development.
Its tubers can withstand frosts of -3 degrees without problems.

Around mid-October, I dig up celery tubers, clean them from the roots, and cut off the leaves with a small part of the fruiting body.
I put celery leaves intended for use in the near future in a small amount of water - this way they perfectly retain freshness in a cold place for a whole month.
To use fresh celery leaves in winter, freeze them in plastic bags.

I store celery tubers in the basement (where other vegetables are stored), without any powder. When it gets warmer, I continue to store the remaining roots in the refrigerator until the next harvest; We use them as needed.

The nutritional and medicinal value of celery root is undeniable, especially for men's health. You can prepare a huge number of dishes from this useful plant using celery tubers either independently or as a component of a complex dish.
The celery tuber has a sweet flavor and does not have a strong spicy undertone compared to the leaves.

Stefan Fedorovich Nedyalkov (Novopolotsk, Republic of Belarus)

Use of celery in medicine

Celery is a wonderful spicy and aromatic plant that has long been grown in many countries around the world.
Celery seeds were most likely brought from Greece. There, temples were decorated with wreaths of spicy celery greens, winners were awarded, and celery was depicted on coins.

In Rus', since ancient times, celery has been highly valued as a medicinal plant: “The use of celery roots warms, is good for the stomach, promotes perspiration, the urge to eat, heals a weakened stomach and intestines, drives away the winds, and protects against rottenness. The tincture of the seeds, like a healing herbal tea, drives away urine.”
Celery leaves, seeds and roots are used for medicinal purposes.
Celery leaves are harvested for treatment in June-July, when they have not yet become coarse. The seeds are collected as they ripen, and the roots are collected in the fall.

Celery is used internally as a medicine for kidney diseases, edema, diabetes, obesity, and various dermatitis.
Externally, celery is used for washing trophic ulcers and purulent wounds.

A healing decoction is prepared from celery roots (fresh or dry) at the rate of 2 tablespoons per 3 cups of boiling water. Take 1 tablespoon of the decoction 4 times a day, half an hour before meals.
For the purpose of lotions or washes to prepare a decoction, take 4 tablespoons of raw materials per 3 cups of boiling water.

Healing oil from fresh celery leaves is prepared as follows: 2 tablespoons of leaves are finely chopped, ground and mixed with 0.5 cups of olive oil, infused.

An infusion of celery seeds is made in the following proportion: 1 tablespoon of seeds per 3 cups of cold water. Take the infusion 1 tablespoon 4 times a day, half an hour before meals.

Contraindications to the use of celery are heavy periods, urinary incontinence, and pregnancy.

Kapitolina Semenovna Rodionova (Russia)

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Celery is a healthy root vegetable, which since the time of Hippocrates has been considered a cure for all diseases. It has general strengthening properties, rejuvenates the body and cleanses it of toxins. Celery is useful for stomach diseases, rheumatism and various inflammatory processes in the body. In addition, this root vegetable helps fight excess weight.

Nutritionists say that celery is healthy from the top to the very roots. It is the leader among all vegetables in terms of nutrient content. This juicy root vegetable is rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, amino acids and microelements that have a positive effect on the body's metabolic processes. It should be noted that it contains a large amount of fiber, for the absorption of which the human body has to spend additional calories stored in reserve. According to reviews of celery for weight loss, the more of this vegetable in a person’s daily diet, the more calories he loses.

Thanks to this unique composition, regular consumption of celery not only gets rid of extra pounds, but also generally helps to heal and rejuvenate the body, while slowing down the natural aging process and improving the condition of hair and skin. Doctors recommend consuming this root vegetable for gastritis, constipation, peptic ulcers, allergies and various inflammations in the body.

Regular consumption of celery not only relieves the body of excess water, but also stimulates the process of removing toxins, waste, various poisons, as well as their breakdown products, which, of course, has a positive effect on the process of losing weight. In addition, the systematic inclusion of this root vegetable in your daily diet helps fight fatigue, strengthen the immune system, improve sleep quality, increase human performance and prevent stressful conditions.

Recipes with celery for weight loss

This root vegetable is also considered unique for the reason that absolutely all of its parts can be eaten. For weight loss, celery root is boiled, fried and baked, the leaves and stems are eaten raw, and the seeds are used as a seasoning. Celery goes well with many foods, so it is used to prepare all kinds of salads and as a side dish for fish or meat.

Using this vegetable you can prepare many healthy, light, low-calorie and delicious dishes. If you practice eating such dishes every day, you can lose up to 2 or more kilograms in a week.

We offer you several simple recipes with celery for weight loss, the preparation of which will not take you much time and effort:

  • Weight loss salad made from celery, chicken and apples.

    13 Health Benefits of Celery

    Combine 250 g of boiled and finely chopped chicken fillet with 200 g of chopped celery stalks and the same amount of chopped green apples. To this mixture you need to add 150 g of finely chopped bell pepper, 200 g of diced tomatoes and 100 g of onion. Salt the finished salad, sprinkle with lemon juice and season with a mixture of sour cream (100 g) and a small amount of olive oil.

  • A weight loss salad made from celery and beets perfectly cleanses the intestines. The ingredients for it are taken at a 1:1 ratio. Boiled beets should be grated on a fine grater, and celery should be finely chopped. You can use sour cream, olive oil or lemon juice as a dressing for this salad.
  • Celery root cutlets for weight loss. Using a meat grinder, grind 500 g of celery root, 100 g of onions, 100 g of carrots, 100 g of peeled potatoes and one medium-sized clove of garlic. Add a raw chicken egg, pepper and salt to taste to the resulting mass. The finished minced meat should be thoroughly kneaded, formed into cutlets, rolled in breadcrumbs or flour and fried on both sides in olive oil.
  • Celery root puree soup for weight loss. To prepare this dish, you will need: 150 g of white cabbage, 300 g of celery root, 100 g of carrots, green beans, bell peppers and onions, 200 ml of tomato juice, fresh herbs, salt and ground black pepper to taste. All vegetables need to be chopped, placed in a pan, pepper, salt and tomato juice poured into them. As soon as the contents of the pan boil, add a little water and continue to simmer over low heat for 30-40 minutes. After this, let the soup brew for 10-15 minutes, grind its ingredients using a blender and sprinkle with chopped herbs.
  • To stabilize weight, as well as to prevent obesity, it is useful to take celery juice daily. Drink it 3 times a day, 2 tbsp. spoons half an hour before meals. This juice removes all excess fluid from the body, cleanses the bladder and kidneys.

Celery Soup Diet

According to reviews of celery soup, the most effective for weight loss is a 7-day or 14-day diet based on it.

This celery soup recipe is incredibly simple. For 2 liters of water take 400-500 g of celery, 1-2 carrots, 2 tomatoes, greens and leeks. Vegetables need to be finely chopped, thrown into a pan, filled with water and put on low heat. After the soup boils, add onions fried in sunflower or olive oil, add bay leaves and spices to taste and boil for 10 minutes.

According to reviews of celery soup, you can eat it at any time of the day and in any quantity to lose weight:

  • Day 1: soup and any fruit;
  • Day 2: soup and any vegetables (except potatoes, corn, peas and beans);
  • Day 3: soup, vegetables and fruits of your choice (except bananas and grapes);
  • Day 4: soup, yogurt, kefir and whey;
  • Day 5: soup, some boiled lean beef;
  • Day 6: soup, raw vegetables and some lean meat;
  • Day 7: soup, fruits, vegetables and rice.

Contraindications to the use of celery

According to reviews of celery, it should not be used for weight loss in the following cases:

  • with peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
  • with arterial hypertension;
  • with thrombophlebitis or varicose veins;
  • during pregnancy and lactation period.

Its spicy, pleasant aroma and excellent taste have long made celery famous among chefs, but few people know that this vegetable has remarkable properties and can be used in treatment. The uniqueness of the plant is that all parts can be used for medicinal purposes, although before starting treatment, you definitely need to learn about all the features of the garden crop. How to properly use celery to get rid of ailments, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which often cause a lot of controversy among admirers of this vegetable?

What are the benefits of petiole celery?

You can talk for a very long time about the benefits of petiole celery. This plant contains so many substances that they can be used for almost any disease. It will be no less useful in the prevention of diseases, weakened immunity, and is even often used against aging.

If you eat celery, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which have been studied by scientists, you can get rid of many problems. You can take it for the following diseases:

  1. increased fatigue;
  2. poor sleep;
  3. rheumatism;
  4. gastritis;
  5. prostatitis;
  6. kidney and bladder problems;
  7. heart disease;
  8. avitaminosis.

Petiole celery is a vegetable that can be safely given even to children from one year of age. The only thing you need to remember is that it is better to start with small portions, using the product for making purees.

Celery, the benefits and harms of vegetables for the body

How to apply it correctly and against what problems can one direct its wonderful properties using celery, the benefits and harms of which have many interesting features? Doctors say that regular consumption of vegetables can affect the following problems:

  1. relieve shortness of breath, heartburn, constipation and flatulence;
  2. provide a daily dose of vitamins necessary for the body;
  3. cure skin diseases (burns, wounds, ulcers, various types of dermatitis);
  4. increase libido (especially for men);
  5. slow down the aging process of the body;
  6. get rid of age-related memory problems.

If you carefully study the qualities that celery is so rich in, its beneficial properties and contraindications, you will notice that in some cases it can cause harm. When is it better to stop eating vegetables so as not to harm the body? For kidney stones, doctors do not recommend taking celery-based products or dishes, since some elements of the plant can lead to the activity of formations.

You will also have to give up the vegetable if you have varicose veins or increased blood clot formation. If you have epilepsy, it is also better not to abuse the plant - it can cause dangerous complications.

Useful properties of celery for weight loss

Is it possible to use this wonderful vegetable to get rid of extra pounds? If you correctly extract the beneficial properties of celery for weight loss, you can not only forget about the fat folds at the waist for a long time, but also put in order the digestive processes in the body.

How exactly does the plant affect adipose tissue? First of all, it regulates metabolism and quickly removes harmful substances from the body, which are often the culprits of obesity. A unique feature of the vegetable is that it does not accumulate calories, but burns them, which is important when losing excess weight.

To lose weight, it is not necessary to eat the vegetable raw or prepare a puree or salad from it - there are many recipes in which celery is the main component and is wonderfully complemented with tasty ingredients. You can combine it with lean meat, fish and even seafood, burning the calories received from these products at the same time.

How much celery to eat per day

Fans of this wonderful vegetable are often interested in how much celery to eat per day and whether it will cause harm if you overuse the nutrients. Despite the huge number of advantages for which this plant has become famous, you should not get too carried away with eating it - a large amount of vitamins and beneficial elements can lead to some health problems. Another unpleasant surprise that awaits those who do not know how to eat vegetables in moderation is prolonged diarrhea.

How many tasty vegetables can you safely consume per day? Doctors do not advise exceeding the norm of 200 grams. A great option is to combine it with other vegetables, combine it, and use it for side dishes and sauces. You can prepare juice, which has remarkable properties and can not only have a positive effect on health, but can also be successfully used for weight loss.

We should not forget that children should be given much less vegetables, especially toddlers. The daily norm for a one-year-old child is only 30 grams. plants, whether the roots are used for making puree, or the leaves. For older children, you can increase the norm to 100 grams.

Celery soup for weight loss

In an attempt to get rid of folds of fat, women are ready to do anything, even actively eat the plant raw, not realizing that there are many recipes that can be successfully used on a diet. The easiest way to use a vegetable is to prepare a soup that will mercilessly deal with fatty tissues.

Celery soup for weight loss:

  1. 320 gr. Chop the leaves, roots, and stalks of celery, after rinsing thoroughly.
  2. Chop tomatoes (3 pcs.).
  3. Chop cabbage (400 g) into thin strips; if desired, you can use pickled product.
  4. Combine the chopped vegetables, place in a cooking container, add water (2 l).
  5. Boil at low simmer until tender (until the vegetables are soft).
  6. Add chopped herbs, turn off the heat and let the soup brew under the lid.

Add spices in minimal quantities, because when losing weight they can be harmful and reduce the effect of beneficial components on fatty tissue. You can add a little olive oil - it will only enhance the taste of the finished dish.

Celery diet - what should be present in the daily diet

Many ladies mistakenly believe that the celery diet means actively consuming this wonderful and healthy vegetable three times a day and avoiding other foods. There is no need to be mistaken and make mistakes that are quite dangerous for the body - celery just needs to be included in the menu and consumed once a day, replacing one of the meals with it.

What can you use this delicious vegetable for? The soup made from it is considered the most useful - it is this dish that has become famous for actively burning fat. You should not refuse the juice from the plant; the remarkable properties of this drink are to normalize metabolism and break down fatty tissue. The only rule that needs to be remembered is that you cannot drink more than 100 ml of juice per day. You can add honey to the drink - you get a tasty and healthy liquid that will help correct your figure.

How else can you use celery during your diet to get the most benefits? You can prepare a tasty and healthy salad, which, in addition to celery, contains turnips, carrots, and herbs. You can use lemon juice and vegetable oil as a dressing. It is recommended to eat this dish for dinner.

Celery. What do you eat it with?

As many representatives of the fairer sex testify, with the help of this salad you can get rid of 2-3 kg in just a week. The main thing is to use it daily a few hours before bedtime.

For what qualities is celery valued, beneficial properties and contraindications, interesting recipes - you definitely need to find out this before using this plant to get rid of problems. Only the correct use of the roots and leaves of the vegetable will allow you to cope with diseases, excess weight and even poor health. We should not forget about the harmful qualities of the plant - there is no need to abuse it, otherwise, instead of benefit, you will only get unpleasant consequences.

Petiole celery - recipes

If you can be considered a fan of celery, then try to implement the recipes for preparing petiole celery, which we will describe below.

Salad with petiole celery - recipe

Celery stalks are incredibly tasty fresh, especially when combined with green apples. We decided to use this classic combination once again in this salad.


  • lemon juice – 35 ml;
  • Dijon mustard – 35 g;
  • honey – 35 ml;
  • olive oil – 115 ml;
  • a bunch of celery stalks;
  • green apples – 2 pcs.;
  • walnuts – 85 g.


Prepare the salad dressing by first whisking the first three ingredients together, then begin pouring in the olive oil while whisking vigorously. Chop the celery and apple, dress the salad with mustard sauce and sprinkle with nuts before serving.

Preparing petiole celery for the winter - recipe


  • a bunch of stalked celery;
  • peppercorns – 3 pcs.;
  • salt – 30 g;
  • lemon juice – 15 ml.


Divide the washed celery stalks into pieces that can be conveniently placed in a jar. Blanch the celery in salted boiling water for a couple of minutes. Prepare the brine by adding salt, lemon juice and peppercorns to boiling water.

How to eat celery?

Pour hot brine into the contents of the prepared jars and pasteurize for 20 minutes before rolling.

Fried stalked celery


  • corn oil – 25 ml;
  • hot pepper - to taste;
  • soy sauce – 35 ml;
  • celery stalks - a bunch.


After heating the oil, fry the hot peppers in it, and then add the celery stalks cut into strips. Stir-fry the stems in hot oil for 3 minutes, then add soy sauce and wait another minute. Serve the finished stems warm.

What to cook from petiole celery?



To prepare this soup with a subtle, refined taste, chop the onion and celery, sauté them until soft, add the chopped potatoes and garlic, and after half a minute pour the broth over everything. Boil the soup until the potatoes soften, then blend it with a blender and season with lemon juice before serving.

In this article I decided to collect in brief the answers to “technical” questions about celery :) So to speak, for the convenience of using the material, so that you don’t have to go through articles looking for answers to specific questions, for example “ how to cook celery».

Celery root can be boiled either in its peel or after peeling it. You can fry it like regular potatoes (by the way, it turns out very well, it’s delicious). You can bake the root in the oven or over coals.

How to properly peel celery

We also tried the method of cooking celery root in the microwave - the experience was considered positive (details in the “ How long to cook celery»).

A stalk of celery is best consumed raw, but you can also throw it into soup - it will add piquancy to the soup. For the sake of experiment, I boiled the stems in water to try - I didn’t like it :) It’s a matter of taste, of course, but I still don’t recommend it.

Actually, there is a universal answer to the question “ how to cook celery"(root): like potatoes, one to one.

How to peel celery

If you're interested, how to peel stalked celery, then this is not for me: I cut off the bottom and top of the stem and wash it. All. Some people are still peeling the top peel with a vegetable peeler and shouting about the absolute necessity of this act. Probably, cooking in ancient times also had its own god - so let this “someone” be their judge.

With the root it is more difficult, because its peel is not suitable for food, and the gnarled roots do not at all simplify the matter. There are two ways to clean celery. Both involve preliminary thorough washing of the tuber. The first method: take a sharp knife and carefully cut off the skin, scraping out everything dark from the recesses and between the roots. Since the roots are usually quite large, for convenience, you can first chop the root into pieces so that it fits better in your hand. Before using the second method, you will first have to “strangle your toad” :) We chop the root into two parts (so that it doesn’t crawl on the board), take a large knife and “broad strokes” cut off all the excess. It is not obtained economically, but quickly. Knowing my habit of using the second method, I take celery with a reserve :)

How long to cook celery

The celery root needs to be cut into small pieces and cooked for about 30 minutes, there is no wisdom here. The trick is different. The root has the structure of a sponge and absorbs water, so before making, for example, puree, boiled celery should be... squeezed out :) Otherwise, you end up with a liquid pulp, not a puree.

The method of cooking celery in the microwave was discussed above - let’s get to the bottom of it.

If you stuff small celery roots into bags and put them in the microwave at 800 for 15-20 minutes, they will cook, and there will be no need to squeeze them. We did it without peeling, but I think you can remove the peel. Subtlety: before turning on the microwave, pierce the bags in several places with a toothpick to allow air to escape. Why do you need to “bang” in the stove?

What to make from celery

Since the entire site is essentially dedicated to the question “ What to make from celery", in this article I will approach it in a military way :) From the root - puree, from the stems - salad. If you like it, you can move on to studying other recipes. If not, even more so :)

Celery is a natural, light food that contains virtually no calories. It is delicious both raw and cooked, with a variety of toppings and dressings, and most importantly, it is very nutritious. Read our article and you will learn about different ways to prepare celery.


Preparing celery

    Buy fresh celery. You can find celery at markets and most grocery stores, or you can grow it yourself in the garden.

    • The best place to find fresh celery is from local farmers. Celery can also be found in packaged form, but such a vegetable can be grown somewhere far away, sprayed with unknown things and contain a lot of pesticides.
    • Buy celery stalks whole. Make sure the stem is light green, firm and free of blemishes. A whitish, soft or cracked stem is considered already wilted, so you may want to look for a fresher product.
    • For a quick snack, you can purchase a bag of pre-chopped celery. Again, pre-chopped and packaged stems may not be very fresh, but if you're in a hurry, this is a great option.
  1. Store celery in the refrigerator until ready to use. You can store celery in the bottom drawer, tightly packed in a bag, or in a regular bowl/jar, dipping only the ends of the stalk in water to keep it fresh longer.

    Cut the stem into pieces. When purchasing a whole fresh stalk of celery, cut off the top leaves and discard their debris.

    • Cut the celery into 7-10 cm strips if you plan to season it with sauce or seasoning.
    • If you are cooking with celery or adding it to a salad, you should cut it into bite-sized pieces or smaller.
  2. Dip celery into yogurt or cream cheese.

    • Greek or regular yogurt pairs well with celery flavor, but feel free to experiment with other flavors.
    • Regular cream cheese will pair perfectly with celery, but you can also use cheese with herbs and other additives.
  3. Try dipping celery in cheese sauce. Fondue, nachos or any processed cheese will do. You can also find prepared cheese sauce at most grocery stores, but try making your own fondue.

  4. Dip celery into soup. Creamy soups like clam chowder, potato and onion soup, or even celery soup work best for this.

    • Celery can be used as a low-calorie substitute for saltine crackers or oyster crackers. Celery does not absorb soup like crackers, but you will be able to scoop soup due to its fluted shape.
    • Scoop the soup using 7-10cm strips of celery or crumble it directly into the bowl.