My embroidery assistants (how my workplace is organized)

Many girls and women who are interested in embroidery experience problems such as incorrect posture and curvature of the spine. As a result, embroiderers often suffer from neck and back pain, and their eyes and hands get tired. To avoid these unpleasant consequences, you should pay attention to such points as the organization of the workplace and the posture of the embroiderer herself.

By properly organizing your workplace, the embroiderer will be able to do what she loves with convenience and comfort. When choosing a workplace, you should pay attention to how the light falls. It is better if it falls from the left side to work. Embroidering in daylight - perfect solution. True, in most cases you have to embroider in the evenings or even at night. In such cases, it is simply necessary to take care of good lighting, which should shine as brightly as possible.

Additional convenience is provided by special drawers in the embroidery table. If there is no such table, you can get special boxes and boxes for storing threads and tools. These containers should always be at hand by the embroiderer. If the embroidery process is carried out on a floor-standing machine, care should be taken to equip it so that the threads, needle beds and scissors hold the auxiliary parts of the machine. They must be located in a visible place.

Another mandatory point that every embroiderer should pay attention to is her posture and position while working. If you embroider in the wrong position, you may experience stooping, curvature of the spine, and myopia. The chest should be loose, not compressed. The body should be tilted slightly forward, with your feet placed on a small stand. To prevent your legs from becoming numb, you can place them on a stand in an extended position.

In order not to harm your eyes or spoil your vision, you need to monitor the distance between your work and your eyes. It should be 25-30 cm. For this, some embroiderers set the frame or hoop a little higher, and use devices such as holders and stands. If the embroiderer sits at a table while working, a chair or stool should be moved closer to him.

The position of the girl’s hands also plays an important role during embroidery. The left hand should be held up and the right hand above the hoop or frame. First of all, those who embroider with both hands should pay attention to this. By the way, using this embroidery method prevents your hands from getting too tired and increases the speed of the work itself.

Having equipped the workplace so that everything is at hand and it is comfortable to work, each embroiderer will be able to enjoy her favorite work to the maximum.

Or rather, you need two of these pillows: to swap them when you sew to the other side of the frame.

They are made of foam rubber on the inside and unbleached calico on top.

(so that less dirt is visible. A joke of humor).
So that the whiteness does not hurt the eyes, and even more so, various drawings do not get in the way before the eyes.

At the back - elastic band - Cheer. So that it holds tightly and fits any frame.

Simply put on - on horseback. On the left parking pad, the parking pad itself is glued to double-sided tape: a plate with symbols and numbers and needles and threads stuck into it.

I covered the top of the parking sign with transparent tape so it wouldn’t fray, folded the tape inside out, and stuck it on. And she stuck it to the fabric using narrow strips of double-sided tape.

As for the reliability and strength of fastening the stuck needles: you can try it yourself by wrapping a dishwashing sponge in the kitchen with some kind of cloth, sticking a needle into it and trying to brush it off with your hand and pull it out by the thread. It’s difficult to pull the needle out with 2 fingers! So everything is fine. reliable.

The parking lot looks from the inside out - there is a seam in the middle. In principle, you can do without sewing machine, using double-sided tape, for example, or a regular office stapler. The dimensions need to be adjusted to your frame: in width so that they overlap each other a little, you can make three for a 90 cm frame, in height - how many characters you have, approximately forming a lattice of 4-5 in height. Well, fit the pad under it yourself.
Now the main question: why is it needed?
  1. Well, Firstly , sitting in a tense position at the machine is not for me. I like to have a frame on a string, embroider while sitting in a chair, with my legs on another chair, or on a bed, and so that everything is within reach of my hands. That's how it is here. There are 50 colors in this embroidery, which is not so little.
  2. Secondly , I don’t park in the direction I’m not sewing. And since it is not at all difficult to fasten the thread in the aida and is absolutely not visible under the 1st and last cross, I prefer to cut and fasten the thread as many times as necessary, and not get confused in the endless thread tails.
  3. Third , I don’t park it and it’s far up, no more than 5 crosses, so you need to quickly stick the cut thread somewhere, and then take it out just as quickly and continue embroidering. This is where parking is needed.
This is how the working threads are parked - in a fan.

This is the wrong side, the threads hang freely, they do not interfere, because... The frame does not rotate during operation. Or, extremely rarely, to see what’s going on there.

Tools are always at hand: scissors on a magnet, and he himself - on double-sided tape. The needle threader did not attach well to the magnet because it was lightweight. I attached a chain of balls to it.

Tray with reels on rings by numbers and markers,

pincushion in a jar of test strips for the glucometer. It opens with one hand, the needles fit perfectly, and there is something drying inside that prevents rust as such.

It became convenient with such a hybrid of embroidery by color and parking. I also remade the machine for Stoyankin’s parking lot icon with the addition of some details.

Here we are in full height and in detail.

Everything in one place, right on the machine! In a separate folder there is only a diagram and organizers with threads (already cut). But you can embroider without them, using a parking tool and bobbins on rings.

There is a whole parking lot here, because... the frame is small. We get out of the situation like this: we print out two signs, and when it is necessary to sew at the other edge of the frame, we sculpt it onto a parking pillow and re-poke the needles. All. I like the plumper one.

Below there is a ring hanging on a string. This is a "fishing rod" for collecting from the floor metal objects: we just carry it by the string, everything will stick, because... it's a magnet.

Screws and hooks are screwed into the auxiliary strip for hanging anything. The trash can also serves to store the marker. The lamp is energy saving and does not heat up.

Hybrid machine + . For what? For sustainability!

So that this miracle on one leg does not shake at all... It stands between the chairs: on one - me, on the other - my legs. The machine can be grabbed from above or behind with one hand and carried anywhere. Nothing will fall from it. The functionality is complete: there is an inclination for the left/right hand, there is an inclination of the frame relative to the horizontal, there is an approach and distance from the embroiderer, there is light directly on the embroidery, there is easy access to the wrong side in the same plane, stability is achieved by placing it between the legs and we hold them, placing our feet on its crosspiece, the lower edge of the frame rests on the sternum, then it does not shake at all. But you don’t have to hold it - it’s not for everyone.
For small frames - just what you need!

How I embroider with diagonal parking is described.

Beginner embroiderers attach little importance to organizing the space for embroidery. And in vain - competent organization of the workplace not only ensures comfort (both moral and physical - prevents pain in the lower back and shoulder girdle, eye fatigue and even possible migraines), but also contributes to the maximum improvement in the quality of work.

So, we list those aspects that allow you to properly organize this very workplace:

1. The embroidery process requires lumbar support. Wherever and whatever you sit on while embroidering, be sure to place a bolster cushion or a small, elastic one under your lower back. orthopedic pillow. Sofas decorative pillows will not fit - they are too soft, which will not allow them to really support the lower back. Also, you should not experiment with regular large pillows - you will simply be uncomfortable.

2. Good and properly directed lighting is a must when organizing a workplace. You can use either special lamps for needlework, which can be easily mounted on a machine or a nearby surface, or any model of compact table lamp. It is very important that the lamp leg is flexible and allows you to vary the lighting at different angles and at different distances from the work. The direction of light is a very individual nuance. Experiment with light placement on the left, right, and top. Depending on whether you are right-handed or left-handed, your embroidery technique, the size of the work, the frame and a number of other factors, you will select desired angle. Do not allow the light to even partially “hit” your eyes - this is very harmful and tiring. With proper lighting, embroidery becomes an excellent exercise for the eye muscles. Turning his gaze to different points at different distances, you carry out prevention age-related changes vigilance.

3. In addition to the previous point, we recommend that you use a magnifying glass located above the outline. Perhaps at first it will be very unfamiliar to you, and it may even seem that the magnifying glass is interfering and slowing down the process. But by giving yourself time to get used to it, you will soon appreciate the ability to repeatedly enlarge views of even the smallest outline.

4. Most needlewomen cannot embroider in silence, i.e. embroider for TV, movies or videos. It’s really hard to embroider in “isolation” - embroidery begins to tire. Organize a “sound source” for yourself (you might like to embroider to your favorite music), or alternatively, download videos from handicraft bloggers. By looking at the embroidery successes, achievements and purchases of like-minded people, you will become even more inspired, pick up new ideas and your desire to embroider will increase. In addition, when watching such videos, many embroiderers learn many secrets, techniques and technical tricks that can be applied directly in the process.

5. Before starting each new process, prepare in a separate organizer (plastic box, folder with files, box, etc.) absolutely everything that may be useful to you - the necessary floss color numbers, markers for marking, a pencil for working with the diagram, a thread threader , needles and more. Place such an organizer at arm's length so as not to take long breaks during work.

6. Before starting the next embroidery “session,” you should place a glass of water or juice next to your work area, big mug tea or coffee. This will help you “switch” for a short time, and also make the process cozy and enjoyable.

7. If you are a fan of aromatherapy, light scented candles during the session, which, as in the previous case, will give the process a special coziness.

Of course, these recommendations are general and each needlewoman develops over time her own mandatory points for organizing her workplace. However, all of the above is suitable for every embroiderer and allows you to get maximum pleasure from your favorite hobby.

If you manage to properly organize your workspace for embroidery, you will be able to do your favorite type of needlework, which in the end will bring you exceptional pleasure, and no back pain or tired eyes.

When you have everything you need for comfortable embroidery, you can start organizing your workspace. The first thing you notice is the good and correct lighting. It will be better if the light falls from the left side, and even better to embroider in daylight, but this is not available to many due to their busy schedule. Choose a lamp that shines brighter.

For greater convenience, you can organize yourself a small chest of drawers with drawers for your handicraft supplies. If you don’t have such a chest of drawers, just buy boxes or make them yourself, this will make it much more convenient for you to organize your threads and needles. If you embroider using floor machine, think carefully about its equipment so that you always have everything at hand.

Very important point- this is undoubtedly the pose of a needlewoman. An incorrectly occupied posture will lead to the development of stoop, problems with back pain and eye fatigue. Your chest should not be compressed, but loose. Move your body forward slightly and place your legs on a low stand; if your legs become numb, you can stretch them out on the same stand.

In order not to harm your vision, it is very important to control the distance between your eyes and work surface. This distance should be approximately 25-30 cm. If you prefer to embroider while sitting at a table, then move a chair or armchair closer to it.

It is very important how your hands are positioned during embroidery. Left hand should be slightly up, and the right one should be above the embroidery hoop or frame. Those who embroider with both hands should definitely pay attention to this point. If you try to embroider with both hands, you will notice that your hands do not get tired, and the speed and productivity of your work will also increase.

If you equip your workplace in such a way that your position while embroidering is correct, and all tools and materials are at hand, you can get maximum pleasure from this process.

I welcome everyone to my post :-).

At first I just wanted to show off my latest acquisition - a board that so successfully became a tablet for diagrams. But then I decided to take a few more photos and show how my workplace is generally organized. Maybe someone might find my experience useful.

First, a few words about myself and my embroidery experience. I haven’t been embroidering very long ago (compared to my knitting experience); I started embroidering in 2009, first with ribbons and icons with beads. Then I became interested in the topic of embroidery at will and a house was embroidered, my first painting. And after that I already realized that embroidery had drawn me in. I started looking different ways It’s more convenient to organize your workplace, I read a lot on forums, looked at girls’ posts. At one point I asked my husband to make me an embroidery machine (because you must admit that they are quite expensive, but 5 years ago the choice was much more modest and the prices were much higher). My husband met me halfway, I drew him an approximate view of the machine, and then he did everything himself.
This is what my stance looks like from the side. It is universal to fit the frame size and is height adjustable. So I can embroider without worrying about which frame I have the embroidery on (and I currently have 5 of them) and it doesn’t matter on an armchair, stool or sofa.

By the way, the production cost us a maximum of 300-400 rubles for all the parts and accessories.

Further very important element- how to protect your eyes, because they bear a significant load when we embroider. For this case I have two desk lamp daylight. One also has a built-in magnifying glass, which is very convenient when you embroider on very small canvas (I only embroider my tapestry with it), or, for example, an icon with jewelry beads.
For me it looks like this

Purchased from regular store electrical goods. Cost me 600 rubles. For comparison, I have never seen similar lamps cheaper than 1,500 rubles in online stores. And if you also take into account the costs of shipping and money transfer, it turns out that the whole thing is 2000 rubles. Which you agree can be expensive for family budget. So again, we managed to improve the ergonomics and not break holes in the budget while doing what we love.

I also really didn’t like when I was embroidering, collecting thread tails and periodically running to the trash can. Otherwise, from time to time they would cling to the sleeve, fall and be scattered throughout the house. Having such a glove compartment in the house really bothered me. What should I do? I had to run.
And then I was puzzled by the search for a small trash can that would allow me to immediately throw away the tails of thread and thus avoid interruption from class and contamination in the apartment. This is what I have now, very convenient, and in some places even cute

Further . It took me a long time to reach the point where I could thread several needles at once and embroider a certain section of the embroidery without being distracted by the process of threading needles. BUT!. It all came down - correctly, to the organizer. On the Internet you can only find PAK ones and they are again not cheap. from 700 rubles and above (this does not include delivery costs). No, I’m not greedy at all, and I have sets that are quite expensive, and I don’t bother with selection in order to save embroidery costs (because I don’t trust my eyes and sense of color, and to embroider and be disappointed with the result is beyond me strength). But I don’t see what could be worth that kind of money in this organizer, honestly. I didn’t reinvent the wheel here, I saw in several forums how girls showed their devices in the form of foam tubes that are used as insulation and asked my husband to buy me such a tube. He bought me a couple of meters, all this gladly cost 50 rubles. Then I simply drew keys to the process diagrams that are most interesting to me now, cut the right size pipe and attached the key with tape. This is what one of my needle organizers looks like

I also have this pincushion, with a little secret (for loose needles). By the way, I knitted it in one of my adventures. Here she is my assistant

Well, now to the very culprit who prompted me to write this post.
So, you have already seen that I thought about a lot and over time began to use it to make embroidering more convenient. But one weak point remained - the placement of the circuit. Oh, how much I suffered with this. It lies on the side of the table - it’s not convenient, you constantly turn your head, sometimes you lose the place of the embroidery. I’m trying to place it above the frame - it falls off periodically, again the paper is flexible, it’s also not very convenient. And in order to cross out the embroidered area, you need to remove it, put it on the table, then place it again, and somehow attach it. Well, you understand, it’s inconvenient in one word. Returning again to devices in online stores. I saw these tablets. Still the same price stopped me. Tablet for A4 format (regular magnetic tablet) costs 1.5 thousand. rubles and a magnetic ruler is sold separately for it, costing more than 700 rubles. What is it like? I personally feel sorry, yes, yes.
This is what caught my eye in the children's stationery department. This is a board for drawing with markers. Check it out for yourself.
