Melania Trump: the path to first lady - biography. From provincial model to first lady: the path of Melania Trump Melania trump who

Melania Knavs, today much better known as Melania Trump, is the First Lady of the United States, wife of the elected 45th President of the United States. But it cannot be said that Melania Trump’s biography is connected exclusively with her famous husband. Even in her youth, she achieved considerable success as a fashion model, posing, among other things, for men's magazines. In addition, the new first lady tried herself as an actress and starred in the comedy film Zoolander.

Donald Trump's wife was born in 1970 in the Slovenian town of Sevnica, which at that time was part of Yugoslavia. Melania's father, Victor Knavs, repaired and sold used cars, and Amalia's mother worked at a local textile factory. As a child, Melania Trump lived in a poor area, in multi-storey building, surrounded by factory chimneys. The Knavs family was quite poor.

At the same time, the girl was diligent, purposeful and disciplined. She studied well at school, teachers and classmates today first of all remember that Melania Knavs was always polite, and not a single person heard a bad word from her. After graduating from school, the girl moves to the capital of Slovenia, where she becomes a student at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Ljubljana.

However, the student was not destined to graduate: she soon met professional photographer Stane Erko, who convinced the girl to start a career in the modeling business. Six months later, Melania Knaus slightly alters her surname in a Western manner and, under the name Melania Knaus, leaves first for Milan and then for Paris.


To be more in demand in the fashion world, Melania Trump had plastic surgery: she changed the shape of her nose, increased her lip volume and breast size. The fashion model gained popularity through erotic photo shoots for magazines such as GQ and Max. You can still find her “naked” photos on the Internet. Later the girl appeared on the covers printed publications“Vogue”, “In Style”, “Glamour”, “Elle” and many others.

In the second half of the 90s, photos of Melania Trump began to be published in America, where the girl moved to permanent place residence and settles in New York. She continues her modeling career and also tries herself as an actress. Trump's future wife Melania appeared in the comedy Zoolander directed by actor Ben Stiller, but the young woman's name was not mentioned in the credits.

In 2010, Melania launches her own line jewelry. Her name trademark is gradually conquering the world, and in addition to the jewelry itself, Trump creates designs for wristwatch, and also produces perfumes and cosmetics for women.

Personal life

In 1999, at a photo shoot for Allure magazine, the model met Donald Trump. This meeting radically changed Melania's personal life. They began dating, and the public learned about the affair between Donald Trump and Melania during their radio appearance on The Howard Stern Show. The future US president called the girl “the love of his life.” For their engagement, he gave her an 11-carat diamond ring, the price of which was $1.2 million.

In January 2005, a wedding took place in Florida, and Melania became the wife of Donald Trump. By the way, Trump’s future opponent for the presidency was present at the wedding ceremony. As a wedding gift from friends, the couple received the song “The Lady and the Tramp,” a reworked composition from the cartoon “Beauty and the Beast.”

The wedding ceremony was widely covered by the press. The public was primarily attracted by the luxury of the celebration. Melania Trump's dress was estimated at $200 thousand. It was worked on by someone who was then working for a French brand. Tailors hand-embroidered the dress with stones and pearls. It is not surprising that his weight was as much as 27 kilograms. A a wedding cake, exceeding 1.5 meters in height, was decorated with three thousand confectionery roses.

A year later, a son was born into the Trump family, who was named. And if this child was the first for Donald Trump’s wife, then for the man it is already the fifth: from two previous marriages, President Trump has sons Donald Jr. and Eric, as well as daughters and. His father and mother dedicated a 20-minute appearance to Barron on the radio show “Imus in the Morning.”

Melania, like many successful women, is an avid fitness fan. She enjoys cardio exercises, as well as Pilates and tennis. It is noteworthy that the first lady does not adhere to any diets and allows herself to eat both fried and sweet foods, including her favorite ice cream. At the same time, she looks stunning - with a height of 178 cm, her weight is about 60 kg.

During a speech at the 2016 Republican National Convention, Mrs. Trump expressed support for her husband as a candidate for the presidency of the United States. Her speech was a success, but later journalists compared the text of the speech of Donald Trump's wife with what Michelle Obama, the president's wife, said eight years ago. It turned out that some paragraphs coincide almost word for word. However, representatives of the Trumps rejected the accusation of plagiarism.

However, in any case, that performance did not stop Melania from becoming after the announcement in November 2016.

True, one can hardly say from a woman’s face that she is happy. More and more often, Melania was caught on television cameras with a sad expression on her face. Later it became known that she. But it turned out that the reason for this was that she wanted her son to be able to finish in peace. academic year. The family reunited in the summer of 2017. But the public stood its ground - Melania is unhappy.

With the beginning of Trump's presidency, various unpleasant details of his life began to emerge more and more often. In January 2018, the US President found himself at the center of another. The media found out that even before the start of the election race, Trump paid porn actress Stephanie Clifford $130 thousand for her silence, so that the girl would not tell anyone that they had a close relationship in 2006 - a year after Donald entered into an official marriage with Melania.

The First Lady did not comment on this situation, but through her behavior she made her offense clear. For some time she did not go out into the world and did not appear in the company of her husband. There were rumors on the Internet that a divorce was imminent. But in February 2018, Melania and Donald again appeared before the public - together and quite happy.

From insider information it became known that the woman had to forgive her unfaithful husband and forget about the divorce due to the fact that she did not want to create a scandal, as this could negatively affect their son Barron.

Melania Trump now

It’s unlikely that anyone will argue that Melania Trump is one of the most stylish first ladies. Every outfit, piece of clothing or accessory she wears is actively discussed on the Internet. There is even an Instagram dedicated exclusively to the images of the First Lady of the United States. The wife of the French President is considered her main “rival” in fashion. However, Melania and Brigitte themselves seem to be far from rivalry, and even vice versa. At the G20 summit they once again demonstrated their impeccable style.

In May 2018, the wife of the President. The White house reported that the surgical intervention was planned earlier, everything went well, there were no complications. No other details about Melania's health were disclosed. American doctors interviewed by the media suggested that the cause of the operation could be angiomyolipoma, a benign tumor in the kidneys.

This news surprised some, since a week earlier Melania Trump had appeared in public and announced the launch of her social program"Be Best" She said that she will teach children to deal with difficulties modern world. And she looked healthy and happy at the ceremony.

In turn, Donald Trump was filled with a sense of pride for his wife. And he did not hide his warm feelings for her - he kissed Melania in front of everyone. And she did not resist this (after the scandal with the porn actress, she did not even allow her husband to take her hand).

Melania Trump will soon officially become the First Lady of the United States of America. For the first time in history, this status will be given to a woman who was not born in the United States. We have collected some facts about her.

Melania Trump (nee Melania Knavs) was born in 1970 in the city of Sevnica in Yugoslavia (now Slovenia).

Her father, Victor Knavs, a car salesman, was a member communist party countries. Mother Amalia worked at a state textile factory.

Melania's parents often visit New York, where they live in Trump Tower. They also still have a house in Slovenia. It is located in the suburb of Sevnica, which locals call Beverly Hills.

Melania's height is 180 cm

Her first job as a model was for Vezenine Bled, one of the most famous textile factories in Yugoslavia.

After school I entered the University of Ljubljana at the Faculty of Design.

In 1992 she took second place in the Face of the Year competition in Slovenia.

At the age of 18 she signed a contract with a modeling agency in Italy. Her modeling career was quite successful. She appeared on the covers of many magazines and once even posed nude (though wrapped in a snow-white carpet) for British GQ.

In 2000, she received the title of “Miss Bikini” from Sports Illustrated magazine.

In 2001 she starred in the comedy Zoolander (“Zoolander”). Her future husband also appears in this film. As yourself.

The future first lady speaks five languages: Slovenian, Serbian, English, French and German

Melania and Donald first met at a party in 1998. They say she impressed Trump so much that he immediately asked for her phone number, but was refused because Donald was there with another lady. However, Trump continued to seek the beauty's favor, and they soon began dating.

Their romance was very stormy. Trump did not hide his serious intentions and even talked about how much he was in love with live famous radio show.

They got engaged in 2004. The wedding ceremony took place a year later in Florida. The bride's luxurious dress from the Dior fashion house weighed 20 kg. It took 550 hours of work to create it. The huge wedding cake was decorated with 3,000 roses.

The Clinton couple attended the reception on the occasion of the celebration.

Melania became Trump's third wife

American Vogue put a photo of Melania on the cover wedding dress. Inside was an article “How to Marry a Billionaire.”

In 2006, their son, Barron William Trump, was born (he became Donald's fifth child). They say the boy loves wearing suits and playing golf with his father. Melania names her son Mini-Donald. By the way, Barron speaks Slovenian fluently.

Melania received a Green Card in 2001, and a year after her wedding to Trump, she obtained American citizenship.

Has his own business. Designs watches and jewelry. Produces a cosmetic line for facial care.

According to opinion polls, Melania will become the sexiest first lady in the world. Previously, this honorary title was held by Carla Bruni, wife of Nicolas Sarkozy.

But once upon a time, in her distant childhood, Mrs. Trump could not even dream of such fame or wealth. Melania’s biography is like a fairy tale: an ordinary girl from Eastern Europe became the First Lady of the United States - and it’s hard to disagree with this.


  • height: 180 cm
  • weight: 63 kg


Melania Trump (nee Knauss) was born in Yugoslavia on April 26, 1970. Her father was a used car salesman, and her mother was an ordinary textile factory worker. Melania grew up as a modest, unsmiling, but very polite girl; she did not stand out among other children, and if they had told her that many years later she would be photographed in expensive jewelry and furs for the most popular magazines, she would not have believed it.

Education and career as a model

After graduating from school, the future model went to the capital, where she became a student at the Faculty of Architecture and Design. One day she was walking around the city. A professional photographer noticed a tall, slender girl. He invited her to become a model. , made by this young man, changed the girl’s life forever. Melania took a risk, dropped out of university and went to Milan to start building a new career.

The young model very quickly got used to the new, bohemian life. From Milan she moved to Paris, and from there to New York. She worked very hard, sometimes her working day lasted 20 hours. The work yielded results - Melania soon received several offers of cooperation from major glossy publications.

There were different offers, men's magazines offered beautiful model lucrative contracts for candid photos: her sexy body and unapproachable proud look created a very attractive contrast. Melania was paid generously, and she worked without any inhibitions.

Work meant a lot to Melania. She lived for filming, including filming, and when she needed to change something about herself in order to remain attractive to gloss readers, the girl did not hesitate. She did rhinoplasty, enlarged her lips and breasts.

You can read about all the changes that have occurred in Melania Trump’s appearance in our article.

Meet Donald

In 1998, due to her duty, she had to attend a party in Manhattan. Melania never liked such events: party regulars irritated her with their vulgarity and impudence. This is exactly how billionaire Donald Trump, who was also at the party, seemed to her.

The famous womanizer, who without a shadow of regret left his girlfriend, who accompanied him to the party, alone, confidently approached the tall girl to ask her for her phone number. Melania was disgusted by the behavior of this impudent person, and she simply ignored him.

But Donald was stubborn. The next day, having sobered up, the rejected gentleman made inquiries about the brave girl, after which he realized that she was not an easy prey. Understanding how she wants to move forward career ladder, Trump "pulled the right strings."

In gratitude for the help, Melania thawed, began to treat her new acquaintance with sympathy, and then fell in love with him. There was a significant age difference between the couple: Donald Trump is 24 years older than her. But this did not stop them from getting married and living happily in their marriage.

Wedding and children

Donald and Melania Trump's luxury could rival royal holidays. The bride's dress went down in fashion history as one of the most expensive: it was decorated with many crystals, due to which it began to weigh 20 kg, and the total cost of the dress was 200 thousand dollars.

In 2006, Melania gave birth to Donald Trump's son. But even after the birth of her first child, the wife of one of the richest people in the world did not become a housewife. She went into business, launching her own line of jewelry and watches. Later, Melania also began releasing her own cosmetics line for women.

First Lady of the USA

When her husband ran for president, Melania actively helped him, working along with everyone else in a PR company to support him.

Having risen to such a height, the first lady of the United States faced negative side fame: her past connections, her family, all the mistakes she made became public knowledge.

Alas! The public loves to dig through dirty laundry powerful of the world this. And yet this Strong woman I was not afraid of such trials.

She is now 47 years old. She has a strong husband handsome son and a huge fortune. She has achieved a lot and is not going to stop there.

Melania Trump is a simple girl from a provincial town in Eastern Europe, who achieved career heights, became the wife of first a billionaire, and then the president of the most powerful state in the world. A star of the modeling business, a jewelry designer, a polyglot, in 2017 she began her duties as hostess of the White House.

Childhood. Modeling career

Melania Knavs was born in the small town of Sevnica (Yugoslavia) with a population of 5 thousand people. The girl's father made a living by selling used cars, and her mother worked in a garment factory. The family lived in an ordinary panel high-rise building on the outskirts of the city. Now Melania’s parents live in the USA, but former neighbors still remember them with warmth and kindness.

As a child, the thin, lanky girl was embarrassed by her appearance, but by the age of sixteen she blossomed and became a real beauty. At school she was an exemplary, polite and disciplined student, and was fond of photography.

After graduation high school Melania decided to continue her education at the Faculty of Architecture and Design of the University of Ljubljana. A fateful meeting for her was with photographer Stane Erko, who immediately appreciated the girl’s external characteristics and persuaded her to work as a fashion model.

After finishing her first year, Melania changed her last name to the more euphonious “Knaus” and went to Milan, where a string of filming for magazines and shows began fashion designers. The beauty never returned to university.

To achieve success faster, the young model had rhinoplasty and adjusted the shape and size of her breasts. After that, she began to be invited for erotic photo shoots by the famous “men’s” publications “GQ” and “Max”.

When the name of Melania Knaus became known outside Europe, she decided to move to the USA. In 1996, the girl went to New York, where she continued her successful modeling career.

Meet Donald Trump

The meeting between the billionaire and the Slovenian beauty took place at one of the high-society parties in the New York club KitKat. It was 1998, Melania was 28 years old at that time, Donald was almost twice that age, and in addition, he was married to actress Marla Maples. The model was aware of the businessman’s marital status and love of love (especially since he came to the party with his companion), so at first she rejected his attentions. But Trump became seriously interested in her and eventually won her favor.

From that moment on, Melania's career took off sharply. Her photographs began to be printed on the covers of the most popular glossies: Harper's Bazaar, Ocean Drive, In StyleWeddings, New York Magazine, Avenue, Allure, Vogue. It was then that she starred in the ill-fated nude photo shoot, which many years later Trump's enemies used against him in election race

In 2001, she tried her hand at filmmaking, appearing opposite Donald in Ben Stiller's Zoolander. However, the attempt was unsuccessful - Melania’s name was not even included in the credits.

Melania and Donald Trump in Zoolander

Family life of Melania and Donald Trump

It was the sixth year of Melania and Donald Trump's romance when the woman decided for herself: “Either he will marry me now, or I will leave him forever.” The billionaire realized that he did not want to lose his life partner, and proposed to her.

The wedding of Donald Trump and Melania Knaus, which took place in January 2005, amazed both the press and high-ranking guests. The businessman spent about $45 million on the ceremony, making it one of the most expensive weddings in history. Trump decorated his lady's finger with a 12-carat diamond ring worth one and a half million dollars. Melania's wedding dress from the Dior fashion house cost $200 thousand and took worthy place on the cover of Vogue. Among the distinguished guests was Trump's future rival in the presidential race, Hillary Clinton and her husband Bill.

A year later, the couple had a son, Barron, Donald's fifth child and Melania's first child. The woman had to part with the modeling business. She devoted herself to family and community work, and in 2010 founded own business for the manufacture and sale of jewelry.

Melania Trump now. First Lady of the USA

During Trump's election campaign, the future mistress of the White House provided every possible support to her husband, courageously fighting off the endless stream of dirty accusations pouring on his head.

Melania Trump is experiencing increased public attention to her own person not only because of her marriage to the high-ranking politician Donald Trump, but also due to her unfading model appearance. “Witch,” some say. “Plastic,” others are sure. Today we will figure out what is true and what is fiction from the numerous gossip about the first lady of America.

Biography of Trump's wife

On April 26, 1970, the current third wife of the President of America, Melania Trump (nee Knavs), was born in Slovenia. At that moment, Slovenia was part of Yugoslavia. In quite poor family, in a house densely surrounded by factory chimneys, a girl lived throughout her childhood. His father repaired and sold cars, and his mother worked in a textile factory.

Purposeful, diligent and smart, she moved to the capital of Slovenia, becoming a student at Ljubljana architectural university. But the studies did not work out as soon as the girl met a beginner, but quite talented photographer Stan Yerko. From that moment on, her biography changes dramatically. A year later, having slightly adjusted her surname to Knaus, so as not to stand out from the orderly ranks of Europeans, she was already filming on sites in Paris and Milan.

Her face and brilliant figure continually adorn the covers of GQ, Max, and then Vogue, In Style, Glamour, Elle, etc. magazines.

In the 90s, the spectacular model moved to New York, where she met her fate in the form of a red-cheeked and blond politician. The future 45th President of America declared Melania “the love of his life,” and this is not surprising, because in addition to the stunning appearance the woman fully supports her husband.

The lady does not interfere in his affairs, is engaged in the manufacture and design of jewelry and evokes envious glances from Donald's colleagues. Beautiful wives are the main feature of many presidents, just remember the wife of the President of France.

Melania Trump plastic surgery

Melania Trump in her youth was a timid girl, she made her way in the world of modeling, wooed her billionaire husband, but the born female diplomat cannot admit to even one plastic surgery. Although Melania Trump’s plastic surgeries are obvious, her first words as First Lady of America were a comment that there was no plastic surgery, that the woman was going to age with dignity, and that she had complete hatred for Botox and fillers.

We present to your attention comments from famous plastic surgeons about how Melania Trump has changed before and after plastic surgery.

  • Canthopexy + blepharoplasty. Melania Trump is recognizable due to her interesting eye shape. And this is not just a cat's squint, this is a mixture of Lyudmila Gurchenko and Jackie Chan. Doctors agree that such a maximally elongated look could not have appeared naturally, since in her youth the woman’s eyes looked more open. After plastic surgery, Melania Trump highlights her special squint with thick black shadows and. The total cost of this unearthly beauty is about $210,000.

  • Rhinoplasty. Before plastic surgery, Melania Trump posed for the camera with a rather crooked nose. This did not stop her from winning the love of the male audience. But in the quest for aesthetic beauty and ideal parameters, the increasingly popular model underwent a number of nose correction operations in the 2000s. During the first intervention, doctors corrected the wings and crooked bridge of the nose, and during the second, they corrected the position and shape of its tip. Melania Trump changed significantly before and after surgery. Her face took on the expression of a predator. This effect is produced due to elongated eyes with squinting and a long, refined nose. The cost of this procedure for the former model was approximately $250,000.

  • Fillers in the cheekbone area. Modern photos Melania Trump is striking in her youthful appearance. The woman insists that the smoothness and freshness of the skin is maintained by healthy image life and facial care. However, experts agree that Melania Trump after the operation gained an open and toned oval face. Fillers were injected in such a way that the cheekbones were raised and became denser and more toned. $50,000 in fillers fits into an “expensive” face.

  • Circular facelift. Many Hollywood stars are happy to use new technologies in cosmetology. An endoscopic forehead lift relieves women of wrinkles, and a further circular lift sharpens the oval of the face and removes the ugly turkey goiter that drags under the chin. Melania Trump at the inauguration in 2017 demonstrated the fact that she was carried away by plastic surgery to dangerous levels.

The face acquired the rubberiness characteristic of Hollywood divas, and excess makeup and an on-duty smile only aggravated the situation. A billionaire husband shelled out $150,000 to iron out his beloved wife's wrinkles.

  • Mamoplasty. The changes in the first lady's breasts have been savored for the longest time in the press. The newspapers poked red-cheeked Donald in the face, waving their fingers in shame, saying, ah ah ah, how is it possible for the presidential wife to show off shameful places on the covers of men's magazines. The flamboyant husband calmly accepted the journalists’ attacks, answering that he was proud of his wife’s beauty and understood the specifics of working in the modeling business. Before breast augmentation surgery, Melania Trump had a modest figure, but after plastic surgery she walks around in openly low-cut outfits.

Her bust lay down softly, clearly outlining the inserted implant. The skin on her cleavage and bust is so smooth, untouched by acne and age-related changes that cosmetologists accuse her of laser resurfacing of this area. On her Instagram, first lady Melania Trump says that age is not a sentence, that her appearance is the result of titanic work and daily training. However, the enlarged breasts “absorbed” good car costing $260,000, and the lifting has already cost $200,000.

  • Botox injections. A strange expression on his face, as if frozen in time. Now the woman looks like she has a slice of lemon under her tongue. The grimace on her face appeared due to his Botox injection. Oddly enough, the former model denies the miracle injection the most. But one has only to glance at the shiny face, and the truth is immediately revealed. As experts comment, the injections have already siphoned $20,000 out of her pocket.

After a series of operations, paparazzi all over the world concluded that the woman began to look like after a sex change; in addition, the tabloids are worried that soon the woman’s eyes will stretch so much that there will be no way to close them.

No one would have thought that once a simple girl from godforsaken Yugoslavia would become the first lady of the United States of America, but moreover, the former model was recognized as the sexiest of the presidential wives of our time.

Video: Melania Trump about herself and married life
