Potentilla tonga planting. Kuril tea (cinquefoil): an excellent shrub for creating landscape design. Potentilla care in open ground

Cinquefoil shrub has another more common name - Kuril tea. This plant is valued primarily not for rose flowers, as it belongs to the rose family, but for its unprecedented survival, frost resistance, and unpretentiousness. Among the varieties of Potentilla fruticosa there are species with red, pinkish and yellow flowers. More often you can find the latter variety of cinquefoil.

Plants of this species reach a length of 1.5 meters, and skillful and regular care will help turn the cinquefoil into a chic hedge. Kuril tea performs decorative functions. So, in the spring the leaves bloom, in the summer and autumn it blooms, and in the winter it is covered with a cap of frost. The miniature size and neatness of the shrub have won the recognition of gardeners, who are increasingly using this plant in their areas.

Place for planting cinquefoil bush

All shrubs love the most illuminated places, the only thing worth considering is that in the very scorching sun the petals of varieties with red flowers can burn out. If you plant a plant in the shade, then the flowers will not wear as much decorative look. As for the soil, it is more correct that it be lightly fertile. You can also add sand to loams. Often Kuril tea is planted on a green lawn or in. In addition, they can be used to decorate, for example, coniferous composition, make a hedge or build a low border.

It is also worth considering that depending on the varieties of cinquefoil, the planting location will directly depend. For example, for shiny cinquefoil, dry sandy soil and the warm southern side of the garden are most suitable. But white cinquefoil prefers partial shade.

It is best to plant seeds in spring. Before planting the plant, the soil must be dug up and leveled. Next, the seeds themselves are planted and sprinkled with a small ball of soil, previously flavored with nutrients. After planting, the seeds need to be watered. Seedlings will begin to sprout within 3 weeks. At week 4, transplantation will be an important process. It is necessary to plant seedlings at a distance of 30-40 cm from one another. It is necessary to choose the strongest sprouts for replanting; the weak ones will be replanted at 2 years of age. It is worth making a hole for them, at least 60 cm deep.

They need to be planted according to this scheme:

  1. Since cinquefoil loves calcium, it is worth laying drainage consisting of lime gravel at the bottom of the planting hole.
  2. The drainage must be covered with earth, which must first be mixed with coarse sand and humus.
  3. Place the seedling in the planting hole, cover it with soil mixed with mineral fertilizers.
  4. After planting, water thoroughly and sprinkle the ground around the seedling well with sawdust.

Reproduction of cinquefoil bush

The fastest and in a convenient way Plant propagation is considered to be propagation by layering. Its essence is as follows: the shoot is cut, bent to the ground, pinned with a pin and sprinkled with soil at the site of the cut. When the layer has produced a root, it needs to be transplanted to a permanent place.

You can also use the method of propagation by cuttings. Cuttings are suitable for this annual plants. They are cut off and rooted in damp soil. After planting, you can see flowers on the plant already in the 2nd year.

Reproduction of cinquefoil shrubby plots is also practiced. IN in this case the root along with the sprouts is separated from the bush either in autumn or spring, and planted in the ground in the warm season. Before planting, the plot is placed in a gum mixture for 12 hours. During planting, you need to pay attention to the fact that the growth bud goes 5 cm deep into the ground. After planting, the seedling is watered and mulched with pine needles or sawdust. After planting, the shrub will bloom in 2-3 years.

Caring for cinquefoil bush

Cinquefoil is a fairly unpretentious plant, but it definitely needs minimal care. So, watering. It is performed as needed after sunset. Removal weed and loosening the soil must also be carried out when the need arises. In addition, the cinquefoil needs to be fed. Slurry is suitable for this, wood ash, humus or mineral fertilizers.

A special place is occupied by pruning of shrubby cinquefoil. The plant may lose its decorative effect if it is not carried out in a timely manner. All drying shoots and faded flower stalks are identified and trimmed using garden shears. Pruning is important to encourage flowering and new growth. In addition, gardeners make all sorts of fancy shapes from shrubs using pruning. In the spring it is also necessary to prune the cinquefoil. IN given time year, you can shorten all branches by a third.

IN winter time years, caring for shrubby cinquefoil consists of sprinkling the base of the bushes with mulch to protect the roots from damage; the layer usually reaches 10-15 cm. This will be enough to next year The bush has pleased you with its color, because it tolerates frosty winters well.

Varieties of Potentilla bush

Now a few words about the types of plants. There are actually a lot of them, more than 500 different varieties. We want to recall the most popular of them.

The bush reaches a height of 1 meter, its crown is dense, cushion-shaped. The flowers are about 2.5 cm in diameter, white in color, and can be presented single or collected in small clusters. This variety of cinquefoil blooms from June to October. Most often used to create borders or form rock gardens.

The height of this bush is on average 60 cm, the crown reaches a diameter of 1 m. The bush blooms with creamy white flowers from May to September.

This bush is usually low, no more than 1.5 m. The crown is cushion-shaped, the bush itself is quite dense, and has dark green leaves. As for the flowers, they are yellow, each about 5 cm in diameter. The shrub blooms very profusely from June to October.

The height of this variety is about 70 cm, the crown reaches 1.2 m in width. The flowers have an orange tint and are pleasing to the eye from May to October.

The shrub is quite low, about 0.5 m, diameter – 1.2 m. The crown is cushion-shaped, dense. Potentilla blooms light yellow from July to September. The peculiarity of this shrub is that it grows faster than others, so it requires pruning more often.

Reaches a height of 80 cm, has a dense crown with a diameter of about 1 m. Flowers are 3.5 cm in diameter. Flowering lasts from May to October.

The shoots of this bush are creeping. The height of the bush is no more than 65 cm, the width of the crown is 1.2 m. The leaves are light green. As for flowers, they change their shade. So, the first spring flowers are orange-red, and the summer flowers are orange-yellow. Potentilla blooms from June to October.

Cinquefoil is a large genus of the Rosaceae family. Translated from Latin, the name of this flower is associated with the words “mighty” and “strong,” which clearly characterizes the power of the medicinal properties of some species of this genus.

There are perennial and annual varieties presented as herbaceous plants or small shrubs.

Types and varieties

perennial, reaches a height of 10-25 cm, with unusual palmate-lobed leaves. Inflorescences up to three centimeters in diameter are located on tall leafless stems up to 25 cm high.

- perennial, up to 50 cm tall, with straight, branched stems of a purple hue. There are large (up to 30 cm) dark green palmate leaves.

The flowers (up to 3 cm in diameter) come in red and pink shades, with dark pink veins collected in panicles.

The most famous varieties:

  • Roxana ,

  • Potentilla variety Miss Wilmont ,

  • Floris .

(goose foot ) – has a basal rosette of pinnately complex leaves (about 20 cm tall). Distinctive feature is the presence of pubescence on the bottom of the leaf. Yellow flowers, 2 cm in diameter, are located on long stems with no leaves at all.

Or straight (galangal ) – perennial species, which is straight stems growing up to 20 cm tall, branching closer to the top. The leaves are trifoliate. The inflorescences are small, up to 1 cm in diameter, located on long stalks.

- a perennial with a large tuberous rhizome. The stems rise in beautiful arches to a height of up to 30 cm with five to seven separate basal and lower stem leaves. The inflorescences are collected in neat corymbose-shaped panicles. Flowers are 1-1.2 cm in diameter.

- this species combines many hybrid forms experimentally bred by flower growers. Representatives of this species have an oblique or vertical rhizome, pubescent, erect stems up to 90-100 cm high, with leaves collected in a basal rosette.

In this case, the lower leaves are trifoliate or palmate with sharp serrations, on long petioles, and the stem leaves are trifoliate and sessile.

Some of the varieties:

  • - long-blooming cinquefoil with simple yellow large flowers,

  • Cinquefoil variety Yellow Queen - yellow shiny inflorescences,

  • — Cinquefoil with bright red double flowers.

Cinquefoil shrub care and cultivation

Growing shrubby and herbaceous cinquefoil is no different and is not too labor-intensive.

The main thing is to weed, water, feed the plant in time, and also do not forget about mulching, loosening the soil around and removing faded flowers, leaves and weeds.

Watering cinquefoil

Watering is carried out once every two weeks, provided there is no rain. If the bush is mulched in the spring, for example, with peat (or sawdust), then the need for weeding and loosening is sharply reduced or eliminated altogether; the main thing is to periodically add mulch to the area.

Fertilizer for bloodroot

Fertilizing is carried out three times a year (May, July and September) with mineral fertilizers for flowering plants.

An additional, but not mandatory, condition is spraying (moistening) the cinquefoil at the end of a stuffy summer day, by doing which you can be sure of abundant flowering.

Pruning cinquefoil bush

Pruning is carried out in early spring, even before new buds appear, and in the fall after flowering has ended. If pruning is not carried out, the cinquefoil may lose its decorative effect and turn into an untidy shrub.

During pruning, broken and dry branches, dried leaves and flowers are removed, and the bush is also shaped into the desired shape (most often a ball shape).

In the fall, annual cinquefoil varieties are removed, the area is dug up, and fertilizers are applied. Shrub species of cinquefoil are pruned by a third. As a preventative control against diseases, the plant is sprayed with Bordeaux mixture.

Cinquefoil in winter

As for preparing for winter, there are no difficulties here. Due to the fact that cinquefoil is frost-resistant, it does not require shelter in winter, with the exception of young seedlings and rooted cuttings.

Cinquefoil growing from seeds

Potentilla grass propagates different ways. For example, propagation by seeds. Some gardeners advise sowing a plot of open ground with seeds in the fall, then by spring they will undergo natural stratification and young shoots will appear, which will only need to be planted.

But seedlings are still considered a more reliable method. To do this, seeds are sown in pre-prepared boxes with substrate back in February or March. Then create greenhouse conditions, covered with polyethylene, and maintain the air temperature within 15-18°C.

After the young shoots have leaves, they need to be picked into separate cups. Seedlings grow very slowly. In August-September, plants are planted in open ground in a permanent place. Cinquefoil, sprouted from seeds, begins to bloom only in the second year.

Reproduction of cinquefoil bush

Reproduction of shrub-type cinquefoil is carried out in early spring, when all the snow has thawed and the ground has warmed up. To do this, dig holes twice as large as the earthen ball (the size of the pot in which the bush had previously taken root).

The distance between each bush should be at least 30-40 cm. A drainage layer (limestone gravel) is laid at the bottom of the hole. Then fill the hole halfway with a mixture consisting of two parts humus, two parts leaf soil and one part sand. After which a good fertilizing in the form of a complex mineral fertilizer (150 g) will not hurt.

When immersing a seedling in a hole, it is necessary to ensure that the root collar of the plant is slightly above ground level after it is covered with the rest of the soil.

Immediately after planting, it is necessary to provide abundant watering, and over the next couple of weeks, ensure timely moisture of the soil, preventing it from drying out. You can also mulch the bushes with straw or sawdust, so the ground will remain moist longer.

Potentilla propagation by cuttings

Potentilla cuttings are carried out in early August. Cuttings, about 10 cm long, are cut from the ends of the shoots (removing the flowers). Rooting is carried out in damp perlite for 1-1.5 months in a warm room.

You can also plant it in open ground, in the shade of the garden, covering glass jar or a cut plastic bottle. Spraying is carried out several times a day and if buds begin to appear, then tear them off, they can weaken the growth of the cuttings. For the winter, be sure to cover the cinquefoil with spruce branches.

Propagation of cinquefoil by layering

The easiest way to propagate is by layering; for this in the spring, the strongest and healthiest, low-growing shoot is selected and cut along outside and fits into the dug groove. If it does not fit well, it must be secured with something and sprinkled with earth.

Closer to autumn, this layer forms its own root system and it can be separated from the mother bush and planted in a permanent place.

Propagation of cinquefoil by dividing the bush

The bush is divided at the end of April or in the fall (in the first half of September). To do this, choose a bush that is at least four years old, dig up the rhizome, carefully clear the soil so that the roots are clearly visible, and cut it into pieces so that each piece has two or three buds.

The sections are treated with a growth stimulator and planted in the ground, making sure that the buds do not sink deep into the ground. Do not forget to maintain a distance of 30-40 cm between plots.

Diseases and pests

Pests and diseases rarely affect this plant if you adhere to simple recommendations on his care. Sometimes cinquefoil is affected by rust, powdery mildew and spotting.

If this happens to an annual variety, then there is nothing wrong with it, it will not lose its decorative effect, and at the end of the season it must still be disposed of.

Perennial varieties and species must be treated with a fungicide. Among the known pests are cutworms, which are destroyed by treatment with insecticides.

White cinquefoil beneficial properties and contraindications

The leaves and flowers of white cinquefoil contain a large amount of ascorbic acid - several times more than in lemons! They also contain carotene, organic acids and many other useful substances.

The one-year flowering tips of cinquefoil shoots, ten to fifteen centimeters long, are used as medicinal raw materials.

White cinquefoil has no contraindications, except for severe hypotension.

Potentilla decoction

Brew at the rate of one tablespoon of crushed raw materials per two hundred and fifty grams of boiling water. In this form, cinquefoil is used to treat intestinal infections, dysbiosis in children, normalize metabolism, treat wounds, burns, and boils.

For rinsing the mouth and throat for sore throat, stomatitis, it is also a diuretic, but at the same time treats bedwetting, and also relieves constipation and calms stress.

Cinquefoil (lat. Potentilla) – unpretentious herbaceous plant from the Pink family. There are more than 500 species of cinquefoil in nature. There are both low-growing shrubs, tall and creeping specimens, which are used by summer residents and flower growers to decorate flower beds, borders, rockeries and alpine slides. The most popular among summer residents are perennial plant species that do not require special care and at the same time bloom for a long time and beautifully.

The color of the flowers of the plant is so diverse that you can get confused when choosing color range summer cottage plot. Potentilla blooms with yellow, red, snow-white, orange, cream, and pink delicate flowers. The flowering time of the plant is from May to September. The most widespread culture is in the Urals, the Caucasus, and Western Siberia, where shrubby cinquefoil is often called “Kuril tea” or “quinquefoil.” Potentilla was first discovered on Kuril Islands, from where it has already spread throughout Russia and to other countries. Since ancient times, cinquefoil leaves, rich in vitamin C, essential oils and tannin, have been used as a healing tea that heals colds and quickly gets you back on your feet. Today is wonderful ornamental plant, loved by landscape designers and flower growers for its unpretentiousness, simplicity and bright long-lasting flowering throughout summer season.

Cinquefoil, description and types of plants

Cinquefoil is a plant represented by numerous species of annual, biennial, and perennial crops, including both shrubby and herbaceous species.

Cinquefoil bush. Perennial shrub crop with a dense spherical crown. The height of the bush reaches up to 1.5 meters. This is the most common species of the genus, which is popularly called “Kuril tea” or “five-leaf tea”. Compact, highly branched bushes in nature can often be found on rocky slopes, screes, in rock cracks on pebbles, where they form thickets. The leaves of Potentilla fruticosa are slightly pubescent, dissected into 5 lobes, the flowers are quite large, collected in inflorescences. In the center of the flower there are many stamens, which is why the middle looks fluffy.

The flowering of shrubby cinquefoil begins in June and continues until October. There are shrubs with different flower colors, but most often the flowering of the cinquefoil shrub resembles the flowering of an apple tree or rose hip. After flowering, an achene is formed - a brown button-shaped box, which adds additional decorativeness to the crop.

Among the most popular varieties are:

  • Abbotswood is a bush, up to 1 meter high, with a pillow-shaped dense crown. The leaves have a light green tint, white flowers are collected in small clusters. The shrub looks great in rock gardens, in group plantings with other plants, and is used to decorate borders.
  • Guilford Cream is a tall bush, up to 1.5 in height. The crown is dense, cushion-shaped, the leaves have a dark green tint. The flowers are large, cream or white.
  • Red Ace - Shrub up to 70 cm high, wide crown - up to 1.3 meters wide. The peculiarity of the variety is creeping shoots. Leaves – dark green, blooms bright flowers in orange-red tones.
  • Pink Queen - beautiful flowering shrub up to 80 cm high, blooms with pale pink flowers, flowering time from June to September.
  • Hoppy Orange is a low bush up to 0.5 meters in height with a wide meter-long crown. One of the most hardy and winter-hardy varieties.

Cinquefoil Apennine. The perennial plant is native to the mountainous parts of Europe, where it grows at altitudes of more than 1500 meters. Plant height is from 5 to 15 cm, the leaves are trifoliate, pubescent, with a silvery tint. It blooms with pink or white flowers, up to 15 mm in diameter, flowering time is late summer. Used to decorate rock gardens, rock crevices in landscape design.

White bloodroot. A perennial plant native to central Europe and Russia. Height from 8 to 25 cm. Stems and leaves are covered with silky, appressed hairs. It has complex palmate-lobed basal leaves with dark brown stipules. It blooms with small white flowers on long stalks, up to 3 cm in diameter, from May to August. An unpretentious crop, however, it does not tolerate scorching sunlight and excess moisture in the soil.

Cinquefoil anserina, or crow's foot. Ground cover, unpretentious crop, widespread in Russia. The leaves are pinnate, coarsely toothed, blooms with small yellow single flowers, up to 2 cm in diameter. Peduncles are leafless. The plant is not demanding, it grows everywhere, along roads, highways - where other plants cannot survive.

Nepalese cinquefoil. Perennial herbaceous species, bush up to half a meter high. Nepal and the Western Himalayas are considered its homeland. Stems are straight, branched, colored purple tint. The leaves of this variety are quite large, palmate, up to 30 cm in length, dark green. The flowers are bright, large, red, pink, with dark pink veins, collected in panicles. Flowering begins in July, duration is 55 days.

Among the Nepalese cinquefoil there are attractive hybrid varieties, the most common of them are:

  • Miss Wilmott - lush cherry-pink flowers with a dark eye.
  • Roxana - salmon-orange flowers with thin dark veins.

Cinquefoil erecta (straight, or galangal). Perennial with a thickened woody rhizome, wildlife grows in forests, tundra, on the banks of rivers, lakes, and swamps. The stem of the plant is erect, up to 20 cm high, the upper part of the bush is without foliage. The flowers are solitary, regular in shape, up to 1 cm in diameter, growing on long thin stalks. Flowering period – June – August.

Cinquefoil - planting

The cinquefoil plant is undemanding to growing conditions, so growing cinquefoil on summer cottage- pure pleasure. The only exception is white cinquefoil, which grows exclusively in the shade and does not tolerate excessive humidity. All other numerous species prefer light, shaded areas of the garden at midday. Excess sunlight has a bad effect on the appearance of flowers. Delicate petals quickly fade under the scorching heat sun rays and lose their attractiveness. Lack of light can stop flowering or cause the plant to grow stunted.

Choosing soil for planting cinquefoil

The ideal soil for cinquefoil is loamy soil, although it can grow on any type of soil that requires additional fertilizing. Varieties with pink flowers are especially demanding on soil composition.

Planting cinquefoil seedlings in the ground

Cinquefoil shrub is the most popular variety of plant, which is used by summer residents to decorate their gardens and cottages. It is planted in spring or autumn.

  1. When planting seedlings, it should be taken into account that this variety of cinquefoil has a superficial root system, so planting holes should be up to 0.5 - 0.6 meters deep. The distance between plantings is from 30 to 80 cm.
  2. A drainage layer of pebbles, crushed stone, broken brick is placed at the bottom of the pit, and on top is a layer of sheet soil mixed with humus and river sand in a 2:2:1 ratio. You need to add about 100 grams of mineral fertilizers or ash to the soil mixture.
  3. The seedling is placed in the planting hole. The main condition for planting a cinquefoil seedling is careful placement in landing pit root collar of the plant. It must be above ground level.
  4. Then the seedling is watered abundantly, the soil around the bush is mulched: sawdust, dry bark, straw. For a month after planting, it is necessary to maintain soil moisture and prevent it from drying out.

Cinquefoil - care

Caring for cinquefoil is not difficult and even novice gardeners can do it. It is enough to provide the perennial with regular and moderate watering, fertilization, timely pruning and weeding under the bushes.

Watering cinquefoil

Cinquefoil blooms profusely and grows actively in well-moistened soil, although it is considered a drought-resistant, unpretentious crop. In rainy summers, the plant may not need additional watering. And in hot summers, it needs to be watered 2-3 times a week, preventing the soil from drying out. You cannot use cold, ice-cold water, so as not to harm the root system; it is better to water the bushes with warm, settled water. After watering, it is recommended to loosen the soil shallowly. In the evening, cinquefoil can be sprayed. Young seedlings need special watering; they are watered frequently, spending up to 10 liters warm water under one bush.

Feeding cinquefoil

The flowering perennial responds well to fertilizing. When planting a seedling, any mineral fertilizer or ash is added, and next spring the plant can be fed with the following fertilizers:

  • During the period of active growth, in the spring, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with 30-40 grams of potassium sulfate and phosphate, diluted in 10 liters of water, per plant.
  • During the budding period, the soil is fertilized with phosphorus-potassium complex fertilizers, according to the instructions.

Pruning cinquefoil

To maintain an attractive appearance shrubby cinquefoil and its decorative properties, it is necessary to regularly trim the crown of the plant. Pruning is carried out in early spring, before the buds open or in the fall, by shortening the shoots by a third, giving the crown the necessary shape, as well as removing dry, broken branches growing inward. Most often, the bush is shaped into a ball or pillow. After rejuvenation, active shoot growth begins and abundant flowering is stimulated. In addition to pruning, the soil under the plant must be periodically loosened, especially after watering, and weeds removed.

Cinquefoil after flowering

In the fall, after flowering, when the plant loses its decorative effect, annual cinquefoil species are removed, and the area where it grew is dug up, adding fertilizer to the soil. After flowering of the shrubby cinquefoil is completed, the shoots are shortened by a third and the soil is watered with Bordeaux mixture as a preventative measure.

Cinquefoil in winter

Perennial herbaceous and shrubby species of cinquefoil do not require winter shelter, as the plant is hardy to winter frosts. Only cuttings and young seedlings that are planted in the fall need to be covered for the winter.

Cinquefoil - reproduction

Like all garden plants, Potentilla propagates by seeds or vegetatively.

Propagation of cinquefoil by seeds

The seed method of planting cinquefoil is used less frequently than the vegetative method and can only be done by experienced gardeners who prefer to sow seeds directly into the ground. However, for good germination, it is recommended to sow seeds indoors using containers. Sowing seeds in containers is carried out in the last ten days of February. For planting, prepare a wide box with drainage holes, which is filled with nutritious soil mixture. You can use peat and humus taken in equal proportions. The seeds are planted in moist soil, sprinkled with a small layer of earth, and covered with transparent glass or film. The optimal temperature for seedling germination is - +16–18 °C. It is worth noting that some varieties of cinquefoil reproduce by self-sowing.

Propagation of cinquefoil by cuttings

Cuttings are carried out in July or August. For propagation by cuttings, last year's shoots are selected, from which leaves and flowers are removed; the length of the cutting is from 8 to 10 cm. The cutting can be rooted in moist perlite or in open ground, choosing a shaded and draft-protected place in the garden for it. It is necessary to cover the cutting with a jar or plastic bottle, creating greenhouse conditions for it, not forgetting that the cutting must be sprayed and ventilated several times a day. When buds appear on the cuttings, they should be removed so that they do not weaken the rooting cuttings. In winter, young plants need shelter.

Propagation of cinquefoil by layering

Reproduction by layering is the most simple method Potentilla propagation. In the spring, select a low-growing shoot of the plant, make a cut along its outer side and place it in a small, pre-dug ditch. The cut should be located at the bottom of the groove; attach the shoot to the ground with a metal bracket and sprinkle with soil. By autumn, the cuttings have formed a strong root system and can be separated from the mother bush and transplanted to a permanent place.

Propagation of cinquefoil by dividing the bush

Adult bushes are propagated by division; the age of the mother bush must reach 4 years. The bush is dug up, its rhizome is washed with warm water and the root is cut into pieces using a sharp knife. Each part of the division should have 2-3 buds. The roots of the divisions are treated in a growth stimulator and transplanted into the ground without burying the buds in the ground. The method of propagation by dividing the mother bush is used in the spring, in April or September.

Diseases and pests of cinquefoil

When planting shrubby cinquefoil at the dacha or in the garden, you don’t have to worry about the plant, because the perennial is practically not susceptible to diseases and is not affected by pests, like other garden crops. But there is one disease that plagues perennial plant species - rust. The disease is manifested by the appearance of yellow-brown spots on the green leaves of the cinquefoil. If the plant is not treated, its leaves dry out and fall off. To treat plants against rust, preparations containing sulfur and boron, Bordeaux mixture are used, and spraying with a solution of potassium permanganate also helps. Experienced flower growers have noticed that rust appears on the plant if the bushes are planted next to coniferous crops. To avoid of this disease Do not plant cinquefoil next to conifers.

Among the cinquefoil pests, an attack by cutworms is sometimes observed; insecticides are effective in combating them: Fufanon, Fitoverm.

Cinquefoil: beneficial properties

Along with the decorative properties of plants, cinquefoil is a medicinal plant. IN folk medicine widely used beneficial features Potentilla shrub, which is popularly called “Kuril tea”. Its leaves contain large amounts of vitamin C, A, and essential oils. An infusion of plant shoots is used to treat pyelonephritis, enuresis in children, to wash pustules, to treat burns and boils. Used for stomach pain and diarrhea.

Cinquefoil in landscape design

Thanks to its long and abundant flowering, as well as its ease of cultivation, cinquefoil has won the hearts of many flower growers and landscape designers who decorate summer cottages and flower beds with the plant. Cinquefoil shrub is a favorite of summer residents; it looks great in garden compositions as a flowering hedge. Shrubs reaching a height of up to 1.5 meters are used for garden landscaping; their crown is shaped into a ball or pillow. The bush looks luxurious when planted alone in the center of the lawn. Low growing varieties– decoration of borders. The endurance and unpretentiousness of cinquefoil is used to create a stone garden, rockeries, and alpine slides. Cinquefoil fits harmoniously into any group plantings. A bush with yellow flowers looks impressive in the vicinity of barberry, spirea Boumalda, junipers, and lavender. Varieties with bright pink, orange flowers, such as “Lovely Pink”, “Red Ice” will decorate any corner of the garden with their blooms throughout the summer.

Cinquefoil - beautiful plant, which does not require special attention, but will delight its owner with long and continuous flowering throughout the summer. If you decide to plant shrubby cinquefoil in your summer cottage, select a suitable permanent place for it, where it will grow for up to 20-30 years, delighting and admiring its beauty for many years.

Cinquefoil: photo

Cinquefoil, cinquefoil, Kuril tea - three official botanical names of one plant. Few shrubs can “boast” of such popularity. In this article we will tell you how to plant and care for cinquefoil and give recommendations to gardeners.

In the literature, cinquefoil can be found by one of three names.

Effectiveness combined with unpretentiousness attracts professional gardeners and summer residents. Grows in a variety of soils and is easily propagated. One of simple ways- sowing seeds.

  1. The material is harvested at the end of August and September as the seeds ripen.
  2. Store at temperature in a dark, dry place. Three months before sowing, stratify at a temperature of +4 0.
  3. No seeds required preliminary preparation Before sowing, they are placed in a garden bed or in a greenhouse in a light sandy substrate, not deepened, but sprinkled with a thin layer of soil.
  4. Cinquefoil germinates at an average daily temperature of +15 0 and above, approximately two or three weeks after sowing. The seedlings are very weak in the first year - 5 cm; they are planted the next year, when their size increases to 10 cm.

Tip #1. Note! Flowering of cinquefoil grown from seeds occurs in the second year.

Optimal conditions for sowing seedlings - soil preparation, lighting, temperature conditions, watering

To obtain strong seedlings, cinquefoil seeds are sown on seedlings in February and early March. Sowing boxes 5–7 cm high are filled with soil substrate prepared from peat and sand in equal proportions. You can use a purchased one soil mixture for seedlings. Optimal temperature for seed germination +15 0 - +18 0. Crops do not require additional lighting.

Shoots appear after two weeks, but the sprouts are so weak that they need to be watered very carefully, spraying from a spray bottle with a fine nozzle. The seedlings are also carefully fed.

Five best brands of fertilizers for feeding seedlings

To strengthen cinquefoil seedlings, fertilizers that are used for flower and vegetable seedlings are well suited.

Fertilizer name Features of application Dosage
1. “Terraflex – Start” (for seedlings with a biostimulator) Stimulates root growth, strengthens seedlings, increases resistance to fungal diseases. Use every 10 - 15 days. 25 g per 10 liters of water.
2. "Premium" (for seedlings with adhesive) Balanced fertilizer NPK 13%-36%-13% with microelements and adhesive.

Provides survival rate, increases immunity, promotes the formation of leaf buds. The adhesive improves nutrition absorption.

1 sachet per 10 l.
3. “Clean slate” for seedlings Easily soluble mineral fertilizer with the addition of iron and magnesium. Supplemented with phytohormones, vitamins, humates, succinic acid.

Maintains soil fertility and provides adequate nutrition for seedlings.

A measuring spoon is included with the package. To dose seedlings, you need one portion per 5 liters of water.
4. "Agronomist pro" for seedlings. Effectively dissolves in cold water. Qualitatively compensates for lack of nutrition, strengthens seedlings and ensures full growth of seedlings. 0.5 scoop per 2 - 3 liters of water.
5. "Royal Mix" for seedlings The special composition of minerals provides the necessary nutrition and ensures resistance to adverse conditions. 1g per 1 liter of water for root feeding.

When using ready-made fertilizers, you must strictly adhere to the dosage recommendations.

Features and timing of picking

One cinquefoil seedling is planted in each pot (or tablet). After two weeks, feed with fertilizer for seedlings. With the onset of stable heat after hardening, the pots (or peat tablets) with young plants are taken out into the garden, but they are planted only at the end of summer along with a clod of earth (or a tablet).

Propagation of cinquefoil by cuttings and layering

Cinquefoil grown from seeds does not retain the characteristics of the mother plant. To decorative properties repeated, it is better to choose a vegetative method - propagation by cuttings.

Cutting sequence:

  1. They are cut in July–August, when the buds on the shoots ripen. Before harvesting cuttings, flowers and dried buds must be removed.
  2. Planting material is cut from the top of the branches, 8–10 cm long.
  3. Treat with a rooting agent, for example, “Kornevin”.
  4. Place in a sandy-peat substrate or perlite in a garden bed in open ground.
  5. Covering plastic film. After survival, the cover is removed. If flower buds appear, they need to be torn off so that the nutrition goes to the roots and not to the flowers.
  6. For the winter, the cuttings are covered with spunbond and sawdust on top.
  7. In spring, planting is opened when warm weather sets in.

The easiest method of propagation is rooting cuttings.

In the spring, in April, early May, the shoots of the lower tier are bent to the ground and buried in the grooves. The bark on the branch can be cut from the underside to the cambium, then the shoot will take root faster.

Timing and differences in planting cinquefoil with open and closed root systems in open ground

Garden centers offer a wide range of cinquefoils of different ages. If the bushes are sold with a rooted ball, then planting is carried out at any time of the year, while the ground can be dug. Bare-rooted cinquefoil (seedlings) are best planted in spring or late summer.

Landing Features:

  1. The roots of the cinquefoil are shallow, so a hole is prepared with a depth of 50 cm, the diameter is twice the size of the coma.
  2. Drainage made of crushed stone and sand is placed at the bottom of the pit.
  3. The shrub is placed so that the root collar is flush with the edge of the hole.
  4. The roots are covered with a nutrient mixture of garden soil, humus and sand 2:2:1, with the addition of superphosphate and potassium salt, 100 g for each hole.
  5. After planting and watering, trunk circle mulch with peat or mowed dry grass to reduce evaporation.

To optimize the soil before planting cinquefoil, you can use green manure. If the work is planned for spring, then sowing green fertilizers can be done in the fall.

At the end of August and September, winter rye or oats are sown, and at the end of October, beginning of November, the young green mass is plowed.

Question No. 1. How long does the cinquefoil live?

On average 20 years.

Question No. 2. How long does bloodroot bloom?

From June to October, that is, 4 – 4.5 months.

Question No. 3. Why do the leaves turn yellow and curl?

There may be two reasons:

  1. Drought, lack of watering. To protect the cinquefoil from evaporation, it is better to mulch the bushes with a thick layer of bark, wood chips, and dry lawn grass.
  2. Rust disease. Red dots appear on the leaves, which turn into brown spots. Then the cinquefoil needs to be pollinated with colloidal sulfur.

Question No. 4. Why doesn't cinquefoil bloom?

Most likely due to lack of lighting.

Serious mistakes gardeners make when growing cinquefoil

Mistake #1. The choice for cinquefoil is an open place where there is never shade.

Cinquefoil loves light, without it it will not bloom. But in the scorching sun and hot air, due to excess evaporation and dry air, it begins to dry out. The best place is where there is sun in the morning and shade in the afternoon.

Mistake #2. Planting in sandy, infertile soil.

The cinquefoil will survive in such conditions, but due to lack of nutrition the crown will be sparse, the flowering will be sparse, that is, there will be a complete lack of decorativeness.

Mistake #3. Neglecting pruning.

  • Firstly, during flowering, dry buds look ugly,
  • Secondly, if you do not remove the dried flowers, the cinquefoil does not bloom too profusely.
  • Thirdly, thickened shoots give the bush a sloppy, neglected appearance, which negatively affects the density of flowering.

The Rosaceae family gave the world one amazing plantPotentilla.

You can meet it everywhere in our country (Siberia, the Urals, the Caucasus). This magical herb grows everywhere with a straight, slightly leafy stem 25-50 cm high.

Its unusually delicate flowers, sitting comfortably on long stalks, can be admired from spring to autumn.

  • This herb is also known under other names: oak grass, elm-grass, knotweed, whisperer, uzik, cat's paws, goose's foot, voloshka, millet, and scale. The Latin name for cinquefoil is "Potentilla", which means "power, strength".

It grows everywhere: in meadows, pastures, clearings, clearings, near rivers, lakes, streams and ponds. In the middle of dry lawns and marshy places. Even on high mountain rocky cliffs.

The amazing power of a flower

Bloodroot- one of the most revered plants in the history of our Slavic ancestors.

This modest flower, very pleasant, velvety to the touch, is endowed with the mystical power of life. He has repeatedly become the hero of numerous legends and myths.

“In ancient times, the hero Ilya Muromets lived in the world, he defended the Russian land from misfortune. Before his decisive battle with the villain Nightingale the Robber, Ilya turned to this powerful herb for help. The hero lay down near the magical thickets and inhaled the aroma of the flower. The grass gifted him unprecedented power and helped to rid Rus' of evil spirits."

It’s not for nothing that our ancestors called the humble grass “mighty.” She also helped another glorious hero.

The epic Ruslan, killed in an unequal battle, was revived with the help of living water from a spring, which was fed by the oak tree growing nearby.

Let's get to know each other better

The cinquefoil genus is quite large. Today, more than 300 of its species are known, distributed almost throughout the entire earth.

The most famous:

Kuril tea(or cinquefoil). A nice, low shrub (the plant reaches a height of up to a meter) with soft, fleecy leaves.

The plant blooms with single flowers of white or yellow color. Cinquefoil fruits look like small buttons, Brown, they are all covered with fine hairs.

♦ Indian Duchesnea(or false strawberry). Interesting view centipede, which can easily be confused with strawberries.

After flowering, the exotic plant acquires bright red berries.

Perennial creeping plants very quickly and aggressively take over the territory and cover the ground with an amazingly beautiful living carpet.

Soon the strawberry-like berries are replaced by inedible bright ruby ​​fruits.

♦ Nepalese. Probably the most beautiful among its sisters, the Nepalese cinquefoil is simply created for cultural breeding. Her bright flowers will be a magnificent decoration for flower beds personal plot.

She looks equally good as a charming loner or in a group of bright fellow tribesmen. Especially if you plant a hundred-headed plant with different flower colors in one place.

♦ Groundblood(or sandy). This perennial type of oak tree is distinguished by its rich flowering. Its bush with spreading shoots is ideal for a personal plot.

It is especially beautiful in the spring, when the cinquefoil shrub is completely covered with golden sparkles of beautiful flowers.

♦ Stemless. The homeland of this plant: the harsh lands of Mongolia, China and Siberia.

The stemless grasshopper prefers alpine meadows located at an altitude of 500-3000 m. Favorite habitats are gravelly, rocky mountain slopes and the edges of pine forests.

♦ Cinquefoil Kranz. A perennial plant with a highly developed root system prefers to settle in the alpine and arctic tundra, favoring mountain slopes and the banks of northern streams.

This amazing creature has an arched stem about 25 cm high. Its flowers are pink or yellow color give a unique charm to the entire plant.

♦ Goose(or gourd). This species of cinquefoil is distributed throughout the European territory of Russia.

It has a creeping, slightly curved stem, feathery leaves and very fragrant, bright yellow flowers.

You can meet it near bodies of water, near roads in meadows and pastures.

♦ Large-flowered. One of the spectacular plants, stands out brightly with its golden, large flowers.

Dubrovka grandiflora mainly grows in Japan, the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin. She loves to settle on crushed scree rocks and rocky slopes of the seaside.

It is especially beautiful in spring, when abundant fragrant flowers appear with rich green leaves.

♦ Kalgan(or erect). This beautiful perennial plant can be found in thinned out coniferous forests, near swamps, ponds, pastures and meadows.

Kalgan is distinguished by a very thick rhizome and an amazing, spicy aroma of its bright yellow flowers, reminiscent of the smell of a rose.

Cinquefoil, its healing abilities

Cinquefoil is not only an attractive, fragrant flower.

Among its many types, there are especially useful ones, medicinal plants with unique and invaluable properties.

Some of the most useful creatures– this is Kuril tea and galangal.

Kuril tea

Particular attention should be paid to medicinal properties this plant for people suffering from hypertension.

Regular use of this amazing drink made from cinquefoil helps not only normalize blood pressure, but also successfully rejuvenate the body and strengthen it.

  • Residents of the Far East and Siberia actively use Kuril tea instead of the usual black tea. And in Belarus they even produce a healing drink “Kuril Islands” based on cinquefoil.

Cinquefoil is simply a Klondike of valuable elements (carotene, vitamin C, tannins, mineral salts, essential oils, coumarins).

It is recommended to take a healing drink for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, lung disease, liver disease, heart failure and seasonal colds.

Traditional medicine advises drinking a drink from this cinquefoil to dissolve stones in bladder, kidneys.

It can also help with anemia and skin diseases, during painful periods and untimely vaginal bleeding.

How to prepare a life-giving drink. Pour boiling water (½ l) over the dry herbal substrate (2 tbsp), boil the mixture slightly (5-7 minutes), cool and filter through several layers of gauze.

To save more valuable substances, Kuril tea can be prepared in a water bath (1 tablespoon of substrate per glass of boiling water).

  • You should take healing tea 3-4 times daily, ½ cup. The course of treatment is 10-15 days.

Be aware that cinquefoil, whose properties are designed to help people, can cause some irritation to the mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach.

The life-giving infusion can also be used externally, in the form of lotions or poultices (for skin problems and leucorrhoea).


“Powerful”, as it was called in Rus', is a unique plant, overflowing with healing energy.

The medicinal properties of this cinquefoil are considered the strongest among other medicinal plants.

  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Hemostatic.
  • Wound healing.
  • Painkillers.
  • Expectorants.
  • Bactericidal.
  • Choleretic.
  • Astringents.

These are just a few of the useful features that galangal can be proud of. It is included in the composition of the most effective healing preparations (creams, gels, ointments).

This amazing plant can smooth out scars, cure bronchitis, and provides powerful assistance for rheumatism, liver diseases, and jaundice.

Kalgan or cinquefoil in folk medicine is used in different ways:

  • Tincture. Pour the rhizome (30-50 g) with alcohol (0.5-0.7 l). Leave for 14 days and take 20-25 g before meals.
  • Decoction. Grind the dry root and brew (1-2 tablespoons of root powder per liter of water). Leave for about 2 hours and take a tablespoon 4 times daily.

Cinquefoil, useful properties in cooking. Galangal root is used as a noble spice in the preparation of numerous dishes.

This is an indispensable additive for meat and poultry dishes. The spicy spice is used in the manufacture of confectionery and various drinks.

There are a large number of recipes that have come down to us from the time ancient Rus' preparing gingerbreads, liqueurs, mash, tinctures, sbitney, where dry galangal root is used.

Cinquefoil and its life in a summer cottage

Growing cinquefoil is a real pleasure for the owner. The plant does not require particularly careful care.

But you still need to know some of the tricks and tendencies of this amazing herb.

♦ Choose a place. The plant does not like shade - give it warm places. The most ideal thing is when its bush is illuminated by the sun in the morning, and by noon the centipede hides in partial shade. Make sure that the place is not too swampy and protected from the winds.

  • If you grow oak grass without hiding it from the sun, its flowers will turn pale and become ugly. And if there is not enough sunlight, the plant will slow down and will not want to bloom.

The beauty will like the soil to be fertile and loose (the best is loamy soil mixed with sand and lime).

♦ Landing. Perfect time for the appearance of cinquefoil in the garden - early spring.

The seeds of the plant are very small, so they are not buried in the ground, but scattered on the surface, slightly pressing with your hand.

Slightly grown seedlings, a month old, are transplanted onto a distribution ridge (the weakest sprouts are removed).

More mature seedlings (from 2 years of age) are placed on permanent places residence:

  1. Dig holes to a depth of 50 cm with a distance of 60 cm from each other.
  2. Drainage is laid at the bottom of the dug hole. As drainage would be better suited limestone gravel (the plant loves calcium).
  3. Earth mixed with coarse sand and humus is laid on top of the drainage layer. You can add ash or lime (100 g) to them.
  4. The seedling is carefully placed in the hole and covered with soil mixed with mineral additives.
  5. Immediately after planting the cinquefoil, the young plant is watered abundantly, and the ground around the seedling is strewn with sawdust or pine needles.

Seeds will germinate at a temperature of +18°-22° C.

Centipede will begin to bloom in the second or third year of life. If you are going to grow Dubrovka seedlings from the nursery, they should first be placed in a mixture of humus and water for 10-12 hours.

Caring for a beauty

Cinquefoil care and cultivation. After planting, caring for the plant is not particularly difficult.

♦ Watering. In order for the oak tree to grow healthy and strong, it cannot be kept in dry soil. At first, young seedlings are watered weekly with ½ bucket for 2-3 weeks. In dry times, increase the water flow to a bucket.

  • It is forbidden! Watering the cinquefoil cold water, use only warm watering for it. Best time watering - evening, after sunset.

To keep the soil moist longer, mulch the soil after each watering. Mulch will help protect the plant from the aggression of weeds, which must be removed regularly.

Before watering, loosen the soil (the root system of the hogweed is shallow, so loosening is carried out superficially).

♦ Feeding. In the spring, potassium sulfate and phosphate fertilizer (25-30 g of each) are applied to each bush of the plant at the rate of a bucket for each bush.

Dubrovka needs to be fed with this mixture both before and after flowering. Mineral fertilizers can be alternated with natural ones (wood ash, slurry and humus in equal parts).

♦ Trimming. Like any lady, Potentilla loves to do her hair.

The main goal of pruning oak trees is to stimulate more vigorous flowering.

  • Spring(April May). All new growths are cut off by 1/3 (a little more can be done to give the plant a more beautiful shape).
  • Autumn(late August-September). All old and overly elongated shoots are removed.
  • Rejuvenating(every 3-4 years). The beauty has bushes that are prone to falling apart. To prolong the attractive life of the plant, fading inflorescences are cut off and all branches growing in the center of the bush are removed, as well as dried shoots. As a result of this operation, the bush is reduced by half (take this into account when planting beautiful flower in the front garden).

You can also prune the plant head to give the bush a more beautiful and attractive shape (ball, oval, cushion).


This amazing plant can be propagated in many ways: by seeds, by dividing the bush (April-May or August-September), cuttings and layering (July-August).

♦ Seeds. Potentilla seeds are collected at the end of the summer season, or in mid-autumn (this depends on weather conditions region).

The seeds are cleaned, dried and stored. It is better to store them in paper bags.

Next year the seeds can already be sown.

♦ By division. The plant head can be divided every 3-4 years. Such an event can be carried out in autumn or spring, but always in warm weather.

The shoot selected for division must have sprout buds.

It must be delicately separated from the mother bush and planted in a new place.

♦ Cuttings. They are prepared at the very beginning of summer, cutting from last year's growth. All lower leaves of the shoots should be removed (so that the plant can take root better) and treated with Kornevin.

For the cuttings to live, choose a shaded corner of the garden and root them there in moist soil.

Cover the cuttings with a glass jar or part of a plastic bottle on top.

  • Do not forget to spray them with water several times a day, tear off all the buds that appear, otherwise the flowers will greatly weaken the young plant.

♦ By layering. The simplest and easiest way to propagate cinquefoil. Lightly cut your favorite shoot with a sharp knife and bend it to the ground.

Secure the cut area with a pin and sprinkle with soil. Soon after the cuttings have formed their own root system, the new bush is transplanted to another place.

Dangers of Potentilla


The beauty has excellent immunity, is very strong and strong. But when unfavorable conditions(if the summer turned out to be very wet and cold) the oak tree may get sick.

The two most dangerous diseases for a plant are:

♦ Rust. Brown-yellow spots with a noticeable appearance appear on the leaves. purple tint. Numerous spores are visible on the back of the leaves.

They can be carried by the wind and infect other crops.

  • They will save you from this disease foliar feeding manganese, boron. Spraying the bush with a solution of sulfur, copper-soap or zineba works well.

To protect cinquefoil from rust, you should not plant it near pine trees. Pathogens like to live (live and overwinter) on these trees.

♦ Leaf spotting. The development of the disease can be noticed by multi-colored spots on the leaves (gray, brown, reddish or yellow).

All spots have a dark border (it consists of the fungal spores themselves).

The cause of the disease can be too dry air, lack of fertilizers, light, or sudden hypothermia.

  • All affected parts of the plant must be removed, and the remaining parts of the bush must be treated with fungicides.

In particularly hot and dry summers, the beauty may be attacked by spider mites.

They will reveal their presence by the bronze color of the upper parts of the leaves, and they themselves will hide on the back side of the crown, in the web.

Getting rid of them is easy - just gently wipe the leaves with a damp soft sponge.

Now, dear readers, we have learned how to grow this most useful and beautiful plant in your garden. If anyone has not planted it yet, then by all means do so. I also planted cinquefoil seedlings this spring. Very tiny plants surprisingly quickly turned into wonderful bushes and from mid-summer they delighted me with their flowering.

In conclusion, I suggest watching a short video about galangal, its properties and how to prepare galangal roots. Very useful video.

See you soon, dear readers!
