Who was born under the sign of Ophiuchus. New zodiac sign Ophiuchus. Shift of zodiac signs. Zodiac sign in the horoscope - Ophiuchus: horoscope dates

What is behind us and what is in front of us -
only an insignificant amount compared to what
what's inside us...

Walt Emerson

There is no clear opinion about the 13th zodiac sign, and yet, here is what is written about the sign OPICHUS.

What do we really know about the signs of the zodiac, except that there are twelve of them and that the names of the signs of the zodiac come from the names of the twelve corresponding zodiac constellations in which the Sun is alternately located in its annual movement. Astrologers assure that the signs of the Zodiac certainly leave a certain imprint on the character and personality type of their owner, and also mark twelve stages of human development. It seems that everything in this world has long been predetermined for a person - read horoscopes and you will know where to go, at what speed and what to expect from life in general. It is difficult to argue with professional astrologers, but there are moments in astrology that are either hushed up or not advertised, because the “celestial specialists” do not have a consensus on some issues.

This sign is called "Ophiuchus", it covers the last 5 days of the sign of Scorpio and the initial 5 days of Sagittarius, from November 17 to 27. These 10 days are called "Via Combusta" or "Burnt Path". According to ancient Greek myth, there lived the sun god Helios, who had a solar chariot. Moving on it across the sky, he lit up the day. One day, the son of Helios, Phaeton, was behind the chariot, who, either with the control of this complex system he couldn’t cope, either Scorpio scared him, or Zeus didn’t like something and he hit Phaeton with lightning, only this chariot overturned and started such a fire in the heavens that it incinerated everything around for ten days. This is where these days got the name “Burnt Path”. The Gods restored something, but not everything; the ashes were too huge. This zodiac sign symbolizes sudden death, disasters and other troubles.

What does this mean for people born between November 17th and November 27th? Horoscopes say that people born at this time repeat this heavenly path from time to time in life, that is, they burn bridges behind them (like Scorpios), but when reborn, they believe in the highest justice and humanistic ideals. (like Sagittarius). Some symbolism of cleansing fire, the Phoenix bird, which is reborn from the ashes. With all this, the basis remains negative, torn, the memory of the terrible tragedy is always alive. Hence, in the lives of these people, everything is too contrasting - something completely
fall, then absolute rise. Ophiuchus does not recognize a third, that is, two perfect extremes. Either Caesar or no one - that's what the ancients said. Life, as a bet in a big game, is thrown on the altar of fate, people imagine themselves equal to God, but, like Phaeton, who does not know how to drive a chariot, but took up this task, they take on too much, but do not calculate their strength and “burn” like this, something you wouldn't wish on your enemy.

A positive feature, as we noted, is the ability, even after a fall, to be reborn like a Phoenix, but it is not for nothing that the symbol of this sign is a Snake biting its own tail. These people only dream of peace. Their fate is fate - even having returned, reborn, they again “climb into history.” Globa believes that in Ophiuchi, death and life are together. If you take Ophiuchus, it will be Woland, his two eyes: one was alive with golden sparkles; and the other is absolutely dead, a black bottomless abyss. This is the character of Ophiuchus: on the one hand there is an icy desert, lifelessness, as if one half is dead, cold, rational, like a burnt desert, and the other is alive, rich, filled, loving. And one or the other principle in him alternately has the upper hand.

This is such an “astrological” spot.

The sign between Sagittarius and Scorpio is Ophiuchus

The border between Sagittarius and Scorpio

If you were born on the border of two signs, then you may have a completely different Zodiac, a sign of the so-called upper Zodiac with completely different characteristics. The sign between Sagittarius and Scorpio is Ophiuchus. This is the one who conquered karma. First you need to know karma, karma first starts as such - the genus, the tree, the law of cause and effect. Only after this is it possible to break the rings of this karma. Ophiuchus are those who have two planets in their horoscope on the border of Scorpio and Sagittarius. Not even in conjunction, but simply one or two planets on the border of these signs, so that there is a border between them. Imagine that there are not 12 signs of the Zodiac, but as many as 14. Both the signs of Cetus and Ophiuchus exist, but little is known about them to most astrologers, and even more so, almost completely unknown to the general public. The whale and Ophiuchus are located opposite each other. Keith is between Aries and Taurus, Ophiuchus is between Scorpio and Sagittarius. The whale is considered the "underworld" of the Zodiac, the most complex and dangerous sign Zodiac. Today we will talk about Ophiuchus - an unusual and exclusive zone of the Zodiac. Ophiuchus is far from new in either astrology or astronomy. It was known to astronomers and astrologers of antiquity along with Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, Orion, Lyra and other 48 ancient constellations. And real professional astrologers always take into account the influence of Ophiuchus on a person’s life. If you were born on the border of the signs, you are neither Scorpio nor Sagittarius, but an Ophiuchus with Scorpio traits, and the usual descriptions of Scorpio and Sagittarius only partly match you. You retain the basic qualities of these signs, but you are a person with an incredible destiny. You can disappear forever, without saying goodbye, without leaving traces behind, you have the ability to be completely reborn, to become a different person. You bring incredible joy and happiness to some people, grief and devastation to others. A series of strange and inexplicable events follows behind you, like a trail, which sometimes you yourself are unable to explain.

Ophiuchus usually move a lot, are always on the road, and meet many people on their way. different people, and for each of them they know how to find their own key and form a special relationship with it. They may have several families in different cities, even several lives or layers of life, different social circles. This is, in fact, a real Chameleon who changes color, coloring, behavior, who at any moment is ready to change his life and turn the past into ashes in the literal and figurative sense of the word. Ophiuchus can be very dangerous. If you harm Ophiuchus, he may return you big trouble, destruction, even death. And not because Ophiuchus - evil people and they do it on purpose. The nature of this sign is a “burnt bridge” effect. When he leaves his place of residence, he burns all bridges behind him. This person knows how to start from scratch at any stage of life, and he will still be able to build everything anew. Ophiuchus can “erase” his past and start living from scratch, as if nothing had happened before. He is not afraid of dangerous situations, risks, he has no sense of fear, he loves adventures and adventures. In any dangerous situations, he usually survives, he is unusually tenacious. If there is a plane crash, everyone dies, but Ophiuchus survives. The ancient Roman astrologer Manilius writes that for people born at the time of the rising of Ophiuchus, snakes are completely harmless. Such people “will wear snakes in their bosoms and on flowing clothes, kiss them without suffering from poison.” In Latin, this constellation is called Serpentarius, in translation it really means Ophiuchus - “the one who carries snakes.” In the life of Ophiuchus there is always a contrast - either a complete fall, or a magnificent rise. There is no third. He takes pleasure in destroying what he created before in order to create something new. Seeks new adventures, strives for challenges. On the other hand, he, like no one else, knows how to have fun and enjoy life. He is literally able to plunge into the world of pleasures and wild joy, risk and adventure. The main difference between Ophiuchus and other signs is that life does not give him the opportunity to stop. If any other person can have a stop, block, conservatism, turn back, then Ophiuchus does not, only forward. This is the only sign of the Zodiac for which stopping, inaction, and conservatism are absolutely contraindicated. If he stops, collapse and disintegration immediately occurs, and he is forced to move on. The nature of Ophiuchus is such that he can only live in such difficult, essentially inhuman conditions. But for him these are the only acceptable human conditions. For Ophiuchus, his whole life is a series of battles. Some kind of situation constantly arises in his life in which no one helps him and everything depends only on himself. This was the case with Paganini, who even played on one string. Being around Ophiuchus can be interesting, but very restless. They may have dizzying, at first glance unexpected and even undeserved, successes in life, but they may also have the same failures. Unfortunately, it also brings bad luck to people associated with it. At the moment when you begin to get used to it, when you think that you have known it, studied it, you already have it completely in your hands and you control it - nothing like that, it suddenly becomes completely different, shows a different facet. It’s difficult to communicate with him; you don’t know how to approach him. He gives the impression of duality, contradiction, so characteristic of Ophiuchus. But sometimes, when you have given your all, and you no longer have the strength to respond to the evil of other people, but you know that you are right, and seeing fear in the eyes of those who have shown weakness, you think about what if everything was easy and luck came to you on its own in your hands, it would be very boring to live..."

A little about Ophiuchus

Ophiuchus are very reliable, holding the load for a long time where others retreat. In this they can outshine even Capricorns. However, if the world nevertheless bends them, and their efforts turn into dust, Ophiuchus falls loudly and to the very bottom. Phenomena such as binges, disappearances from home, etc. are possible. For example, this is what Goga does in the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.” The classic behavior of Ophiuchus, by the way - the beloved woman is excluded immediately - as soon as her “sin” was discovered.

Goga manages to move, at least a little, his own standards of existence towards the tolerance of other people's principles only through the ritual of drowning old Goga at the bottom of many bottles.

However, Ophiuchus has a tremendous ability to regenerate; they rise from ashes, dust, dust, dirt - again, precisely because they “have to”.

In fact, there are not 12, but 13 zodiac signs! Some scientists justify this fact by the displacement of the earth's axis after a strong tsunami in Asia. And Chinese astrologer Dr. Li explains this by the constant movement of everything in the Universe, including the stars and the Sun. Therefore, the star is now crossing the regions of 13 constellations. The 13th sign of the zodiac is Ophiuchus.
“Ophiuchus is not formally one of the zodiac signs, but its influence in astrology is quite remarkable,” says Dr. Lee. - A person born under this sign is often endowed with a special task. His path is service to people, sometimes reaching the point of self-sacrifice. A real Ophiuchus is a person who has stepped over his destiny. His own problems bother him much less than the affairs and concerns of those around him. And the more a difficult situation develops around him, the more energetically and selflessly he gets down to business. Many great things are accomplished through his will and talents.
- How many days a year does Ophiuchus “reign”?
- This sign covers the last five days of the sign of Scorpio and the initial five days of Sagittarius, that is, from November 17 to 26. - These 10 days are called “The Burnt Path”. Decade deserves special attention. According to ancient Greek myth, the sun god Helios owned a solar chariot. Moving on it across the sky, he lit up the day. And one day, the son of Helios, Phaeton, sat behind the chariot, who, according to one version, lost control; according to another, Scorpio scared the horses, as a result of which the chariot overturned and a fire began in the sky, which lasted 10 days. The fire burned everything around. The gods restored something with their own strength, but this ashes were huge. Hence the name - "Burnt Path". Therefore, Ophiuchus is a symbol of disasters, death and other troubles.
- That is, people born under the sign of Ophiuchus, like others born under other signs, have characteristics inherent only to them characteristic features. And the statement that Ophiuchus has equal parts of Scorpio and Sagittarius traits is not true?
- Ophiuchus are unique. Some of them are called upon to bring good to our planet. Other - negative personalities- are given in contrast. Everything on Earth - both positive and negative - should be in equal parts. For example, one Ophiuchus - dictator Augusto Pinochet - is balanced by another - Sathya Sai Baba.
Among Ophiuchus there are wonderful healers and psychics. But not everyone can take advantage of their unique gift. It was not in vain that I talked about “The Burnt Path”. The fact is that most of Ophiuchus live according to the Phoenix principle (this is my personal definition). They first burn everything and then rebuild it from scratch. These people are twofold - good constantly fights evil in them. And victory comes alternately to one side and then to the other. For example, I know a woman born on November 23rd. She married the man she loved, but after a couple of years, according to her, something suddenly clicked in her, and she with my own hands ruined happiness. Her marriage fell apart. Time passed, she realized that she could not live without her husband, and tried to restore the relationship. Fortunately, her husband loved her and until the last moment hoped to return his missus. Therefore, the matter ended with a happy ending. But, as a rule, most Ophiuchus people completely burn their bridges behind them. And then they greatly regret it.
- What else is inherent in this sign?
- Ophiuchus are people with an incredible destiny. They can disappear forever, without saying goodbye, without leaving traces behind, and have the ability to be completely reborn, to become a different person. Ophiuchus brings incredible joy and happiness to some people, and grief and devastation to others. A series of strange events follows behind them, like a trail, which they themselves are sometimes unable to explain.
Ophiuchus people usually move a lot, are always on the road, meet many different people on their way, and they know how to find their own key to each and form a special relationship with them. They may have several families in different cities, even several lives or layers of life, different social circles.
Ophiuchus can be very dangerous. If you harm Ophiuchus, he may in return bring you great trouble, destruction, even death. This sign is not afraid of dangerous situations, risks, he has no sense of fear, he loves adventures and adventures. In any dangerous situations, he usually survives. If there is a plane crash, everyone dies, but Ophiuchus survives. The ancient Roman astrologer Manilius writes that for people born at the time of the rising of Ophiuchus, snakes are completely harmless. Such people “will wear snakes in their bosoms and on flowing clothes, and kiss them without suffering from poison.”
The main difference between Ophiuchus and other signs is that life does not give him the opportunity to stop. If he stops, collapse and disintegration immediately occurs, and he is forced to move on.
- Which negative traits at Ophiuchus?
- Pessimism, consciousness of death. An annoying thought: “Why do we live, because we still have to die?” - constantly spinning in their minds. Hence the high rate of suicide among people of this sign. There are especially many such cases in adolescence, when a person is looking for the meaning of life. However, Ophiuchus can commit suicide even when nothing in life holds him back. For example, there are no parents who need constant care, there is no child who needs to be fed, clothed and looked after in every possible way. There is no loved one.
- Which ones are positive?
- The ability, even after a strong fall, to be reborn like a Phoenix. In addition, he, like no one else, knows how to have fun and enjoy life. Ophiuchus is able to literally immerse himself in the world of pleasures and wild joy, risk and adventure.
The symbol of this sign is a snake biting its own tail. If we compare Ophiuchus with a literary character, then these are the two eyes of Bulgakov’s Woland: one was alive with golden sparkles, and the other was absolutely dead, a black bottomless abyss. This is the character of Ophiuchus: one side is an icy desert, lifelessness, and the other is alive, loving. And a lover or loving Ophiuchus is the most positive person all over the world.
- They say that people born under the sign of Ophiuchus came to save humanity?
- Not certainly in that way. Ophiuchus, who is destined for a special mission, has a sign on his body. If there is a mole or birthmark in the armpit (men on the left, women on the right) Brown, which was already at birth, then this is a sign. A sign of a healer, psychic, or person who will do a lot for people. An equally important sign is a group of moles that resemble the shape of a constellation in the form of the letter Y. Such a figure should be clearly visible on the body. The ideal location is in the center - on the back, stomach, lower back. Moreover, the moles should be approximately the same. And they shouldn't be red or raised. In general, the presence of your zodiac sign on the body (in the form of moles) indicates that a person has some talent. Which is given from above and which needs to be developed and given to people.
But if a person was born from November 17 to 26 and has the above-mentioned signs on his body, then this means that he needs to fulfill a special mission in life!
- Who is among famous people born under this sign?
- Among Ophiuchus there are a lot of athletes, musicians and prominent political and military figures. For example, Mikhail Lomonosov, Alexander Suvorov, Indira Gandhi, Augusto Pinochet.
- Why is Ophiuchus still not included in the astrological calendar?
- There will always be twelve zodiac signs. The trajectory of the Sun is divided into 12 sectors. The passage of the Sun through the sign of Ophiuchus is divided between Scorpio and Sagittarius. According to the International Astronomical Union, this situation will continue for another century and a half, and then the list of zodiac signs will have to be rewritten again - Scorpio will have to be “kicked out” from it.
By the way, opposite Ophiuchus is the sign of Keith. It is located between Aries and Taurus. The whale is considered the “underworld” of the zodiac, the most complex and dangerous sign. But astrologers still talk little about it.

To complete the picture, we can provide a table of the actual passage of the sun through the constellations - since this is happening now, and not at the time of the birth of astrology in the Sumerian civilization 5000 years ago

In a new way The old way

1. Aquarius/ 16.02 - 12.03/ 25 Aquarius//21.01 - 20.02
2. Pisces / 13.03 - 18.04 / 37 Pisces / 21.02 - 20.03
3. Aries / 19.04 - 14.05 / 26 Aries / 21.03 - 20.04
4. Taurus / 15.05 - 21.06 / 38 Taurus / 21.04 - 20.05
5. Gemini / 22.06 - 21.07 / 30 Gemini / 21.05 - 21.06
6. Cancer / 22.07 - 11.08 / 21 Cancer / 22.06 - 22.07
7. Leo / 12.08 - 17.09 / 36 Leo / 23.07 - 23.08
8. Virgo / 18.09 - 31.10 / 45 Virgo / 24.08 - 23.09
9. Libra / 01.11 - 23.11 / 23 Libra / 24.09 - 23.10
10. Scorpio/11.24 - 11.29/ 6 Scorpio/10.24 - 11.22
11. Ophiuchus / 30.11 - 17.12 / 18th Sagittarius / 23.11 - 21.12
12. Sagittarius / 12.18 - 01.19 / 33
Capricorn/22.12 - 20.01

13. Capricorn / 20.01 - 15.02 / 27

The constellation Ophiuchus is located under Hercules. Ophiuchus was always depicted as a man entwined with a snake, the god of healing Asclepius (lat. Aesculapius). According to legend, the sun god Apollo fell in love with Asclepius' mother Coronis. But Koronida did not remain faithful to him; she, being pregnant, fell in love with a mere mortal. For treason, Apollo struck her with lightning, and abandoned the child, whom he managed to save, to the mercy of fate. A local shepherd, Arestan, accidentally discovered the baby and took him in. Later he was called Asclepius. Having matured, he went to study with the wise centaur Chiron, who taught him to use medicinal herbs, communicate with all-knowing snakes, and heal. As a doctor, he sailed with the Argonauts for the Golden Fleece. But Zeus ordered the death of the great doctor. Apollo was shocked by the tragedy of his son, and Zeus, in order to somehow console the Sun God, placed Asclepius with a snake among the stars.

People born under the sign of Ophiuchus
November 17. Soichiro Honda is a Japanese industrialist and engineer, founder of the company of the same name. Danny DeVito is an American film actor.
November 18th. Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre is a French artist and creator of photography. Eldar Ryazanov - film director.
November 19. Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov - scientist, poet, educator. Mikhail Kalinin is a statesman and party leader. Indira Gandhi is the Prime Minister of India. Calvin Klein is a trendsetter. Meg Ryan and Jodie Foster are film actresses.
20 November. Maya Plisetskaya - prima ballerina, People's Artist of the USSR. Mikhail Ulyanov and Alexey Batalov are actors.
November 21. French writer Voltaire. Mikhail Suslov - former secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. Actress Goldie Hawn and singer Björk.
November 22. Vladimir Dal - creator of " Explanatory dictionary living Great Russian language." Hans Gamper - founder of the Spanish football club Barcelona. Nikolai Dobronravov - songwriter. Boris Becker - German tennis player. Victor Pelevin - writer.
November 23. Anatoly Lunacharsky - People's Commissar of Education. Nikolai Nosov is a children's writer.
November 24. Alexander Suvorov - Generalissimo. Scott Joplin - musician, king of ragtime. Dale Carnegie is the author of the famous book. Alexander Maslyakov is the host of the KVN game.
November 25. Lope de Vega - Spanish playwright. Augusto Pinochet - Chilean dictator. Nonna Mordyukova - actress.
November 26. Tina Turner is an American rock singer.
November 27. Galina Polskikh is a film actress. Bruce Lee - film actor, martial artist. Boris Grebenshchikov - musician, leader of the group "Aquarium". Yulia Tymoshenko is the Prime Minister of Ukraine.

Astronomy relies primarily on scientific methods and uses rigorous mathematics to study outer space. Astronomers have still not been able to prove that stars located many light years from Earth have an impact on the ordinary lives of people. Astrological knowledge has been used for three thousand years to predict the future. Astrologers, based on a person’s date of birth, determine his past, present and future. It would seem that the paths of these two areas of knowledge diverged long ago. But the sensational statement of American scientists that they managed to obtain scientific confirmation that 13th Zodiac sign Ophiuchus exists, has caused heated discussions in the world of astrologers.

What did NASA scientists actually discover?

NASA experts noted that from November 30 to December 18, the Sun passes along the ecliptic through the constellation Ophiuchus - a zodiac sign not included in the traditional astrological chart. However, scientists emphasize: astronomy and astrology are different fields of knowledge.

“Here at NASA we study astronomy, not astrology. And we certainly do not pretend at all to interfere in astrological forecasts. We should not be blamed for allegedly demanding a revision of the horoscope. We didn't do this! All we are interested in is just mathematics.”

Ancient Babylon knew about Ophiuchus

More than 3,000 years ago, the inhabitants of Babylon divided the Zodiac into 12 equal parts. So the pizza is cut into 12 equal pieces. They then selected 1 constellation from each of the 12 “slices.” As a result, in their opinion, the Sun passes through each of the 12 zodiac constellations. By that time, the Babylonians already had a 12-month calendar, compiled by them based on the phases of the Moon, and each month received its own “piece of the Zodiac.”

However, even then the Babylonians were forced to admit that they deliberately simplified the starry picture of the sky, because their observations of the stars revealed not 12, but 13 zodiac constellations. The 13th constellation, named Ophiuchus, was simply excluded by them from the list of signs. But even so, the 12 constellations they chose did not correspond to the boundaries established for them and, figuratively speaking, overlapped with the subsequent “slice of pizza.”

Constellations have different sizes and shapes, which is why the sun spends different periods of time in each of them. The movement of the Earth through the points of the sun to Virgo takes 45 days, and to Scorpio only seven.

But, as stated above, in order to relate the movement of the sun to their 12-month calendar, the Babylonians ignored the fact that the sun actually moves through 13 constellations, not 12. And they allocated an equal number to each of these 12 constellations time.

In a word, the Babylonians made certain simplifications, which now, 3000 years later, are becoming more and more clear.

Thus, among the Babylonians, birth between June 23 and August 22 meant birth under the constellation Leo. Now, after millennia, the sky has shifted, since the earth's axis (North Pole) is gradually no longer located in its previous direction, and now the one who is born during this period is born under the sign of Cancer.

Not only the Babylonians, but also the Hindu priests knew about the sign of Ophiuchus. And just like the astrologers of Babylon, they still chose to abandon it.

Have your zodiac signs changed?

Has your zodiac sign changed with the arrival of Ophiuchus? The answer is likely to be negative, and here's why. Astronomy is built on strict observation of the stars, while astrology relies in its calculations on the movement of the Sun observed from the Earth. Along the entire trajectory of this movement, astrologers simply excluded statistical zones and track only planetary movements.

This is why the dates of the Zodiac signs remain unchanged even now, when, after 3 thousand years since the advent of astrology, the celestial configurations have changed.

Indeed, the constellations, as unified groups of stars, have shifted over the centuries. However, Western astrology follows a completely different system, using its own so-called “artificial” constellations, they can also be called “pseudo-constellations”.

In the second century great mathematician and the astronomer and astrologer Ptolemy of Alexandria created the Tropical Zodiac - a fixed system independent of changes in the constellations or the rotation of the Earth's axis. Ptolemy used the same names for the signs of the zodiac and for the constellations. This is why there is confusion in the approaches of astronomers and astrologers. The Tropical Zodiac begins each year with the pseudo-constellation Aries, which is based on the position of the Sun on the vernal equinox on March 21st.

Several centuries ago, astrology and astronomy were considered parts of the same science, but now their paths have diverged, and is it really right to transfer knowledge and discoveries from one area to another? Especially if both sciences have long had different goals and use different instruments and methods?

Ophiuchus - 13th sign of the zodiac. Characteristic

Ophiuchus has been known to astrologers for quite a long time, so NASA’s statement about the existence of the thirteenth sign of the Zodiac should not be considered an epoch-making event.

Characteristics of Ophiuchus is a sign that has high privileges in comparison with other signs of the Zodiac. Those born under this sign are rebels, bringing revolutionary changes to society, bringing the distant future closer with their actions, and having unlimited access to information inaccessible to others. Their difficulty is that they carry a dual charge of positive and negative: Ophiuchus can be strong and weak, wise and trusting, make real breakthroughs and do evil.

The constellation Ophiuchus is located between the Constellations Scorpio and Sagittarius, which means this is the sign of those born from November 30 to December 18. The symbol of Ophiuchus can be considered a staff entwined with snakes - the ancient Greeks depicted Aesculapius, the god of healing, with such a staff. Snakes, as carriers of wisdom and healing poison, have symbolized healing since ancient times.

How can a horoscope change?

By the way, even the very history of how discussions about this sign are developing now is interesting. On the one side, Mercury retrograde contributed a lot to the confusion and confusion in the ranks of astrologers after the NASA announcement. And the number 13 causes some uncertainty. On the other hand, maybe it’s really time to recognize Ophiuchus’ right to exist among the other 12 signs of the Zodiac? After all, he, even if only after 3 thousand years, still managed to oust Scorpio himself, and this costs a lot!

If astrologers nevertheless reconsider their classical schemes and let in the 13th sign of the Zodiac, then the horoscope sign will change for 86% of the inhabitants of the Earth, for whom the map of the starry sky is also a map of their destiny.

This is how they change dates for the signs of the Zodiac with the arrival of Ophiuchus:

  1. Capricorn: January 20 - February 16
  2. Aquarius: February 16 - March 11
  3. Pisces: March 11 - April 18
  4. Aries: April 18 - May 13
  5. Taurus: May 13 – June 21
  6. Gemini: June 21 - July 20
  7. Cancer: July 20 - August 10
  8. Leo: August 10 - September 16
  9. Virgo: September 16 - October 30
  10. Libra: October 30 - November 23
  11. Scorpio: November 23 – November 29
  12. Ophiuchus: November 29 - December 17
  13. Sagittarius: December 17 - January 20

In the meantime, astrologers insist that the time has finally come to admit new zodiac sign Ophiuchus, find themselves in the minority. And this is quite understandable. Indeed, after the recognition of the thirteenth sign, another, no less stunning event may follow - the recognition of the 14th sign, the constellation Cetus, which not only astronomers, but also astrologers have long been arguing about. The constellation Cetus makes itself known during the transition of the Sun from the constellation Aries to the constellation Taurus, i.e. from April 19 to May 1. People born under this sign are already spoken of as endowed with remarkable strength and power.

In contact with

IN last years the 13th sign of the zodiac, namely Ophiuchus, became known even to those who are indifferent to horoscopes and astrology. This happened thanks to numerous television projects and open disputes among astrologers on the topic of the official recognition of Ophiuchus as a new zodiac sign. However, things are not going beyond talk yet, and to understand whether this version has a chance of success, let’s look a little into history.

When did he appear

Ophiuchus has become a new constellation only for those who have not previously heard of it. In fact, it was known about it in ancient times, but in this case, why did they start talking about the 13th sign of the zodiac right now?

The fact is that at a time when the zodiac system was just being formed by ancient scientists, the concept of constellations meant asterisms, that is, easily distinguishable groups of stars that received independent names. From this we can conclude that the signs of the zodiac are tied to the constellations only conditionally.

In the first half of the last century, the IAU (International Astronomical Union) gave the concept of “constellation” a new definition. Now this word means a section of the celestial sphere between lines drawn along celestial parallels and meridians. There are 88 constellations in total, and the official diagram of their boundaries was determined in 1931. At this time, it turned out that the ecliptic line (the circle of the celestial sphere along which the Sun moves) partially intersects the area of ​​the sky on which the constellation Ophiuchus is located.

There is no direct connection between the present time and the appearance of a new zodiac sign.

What will happen next

The opinions of astrologers are divided into two main versions, and each of them sounds more than convincing:

  • Version No. 1. Ophiuchus should be officially recognized as the 13th sign of the zodiac. In addition, the boundaries of the remaining signs must be revised due to the shift in the axis of the planet. In other words, modern astrologers work in a non-existent coordinate system;
  • Version No. 2. There will still be 12 signs of the zodiac. The ecliptic is divided into 12 sectors, each of which has 30 degrees. In each of the sectors there is one constellation, which is associated with a certain image, as a result of which it received its name. In other words, the zodiac sign is determined not by the constellation, but by the relationship between the date and the location of the planet at the time of a person’s birth.

As you can see, there is no clarity, and there are many more questions than answers. If you believe the first version, it turns out that the boundaries of existing zodiac signs are shifting reverse side. This means that only a tiny number of people will have their “own” zodiac sign, while the rest will shift towards the previous zodiac sign.

There are few people willing to agree with this, because people who are interested in astrology find in themselves character traits attributed to their sign. Anyone who has considered himself an Aries all his life sees the “proposal” to suddenly become a Pisces as absurd - after all, these zodiac signs, like most other neighboring ones, have nothing in common at all! However, whether this is true or not, everyone will decide for themselves. And we will continue the conversation on the topic of changes, and try to imagine what will happen if Ophiuchus is officially recognized.

New boundaries of zodiac signs

Here he is, new horoscope taking into account all 13 zodiac signs:

  • Capricorn: January 19 - February 15;
  • Aquarius: February 16 - March 11;
  • Fish: March 12 - April 18;
  • Aries: April 19 - May 13;
  • Calf: May 14 - June 19;
  • Twins: June 20 - July 20;
  • Cancer: July 21 - August 9;
  • A lion: August 10 - September 15;
  • Virgo: September 16 - October 30;
  • Scales: October 31 - November 22;
  • Scorpion: November 23 - 29;
  • Ophiuchus: November 30 - December 17;
  • Sagittarius: December 18 - January 18.

As you can see, the balance has disappeared somewhere. If in the old system the time period assigned to each zodiac sign was about 30 days, now we are talking about completely different numbers and dates. Some signs increased the duration of their influence on the character of newborns, while others, on the contrary, significantly shortened them.

Characteristics of Ophiuchus

Scorpio was previously considered the most mystical sign of the zodiac, but now it is Ophiuchus. It is believed that people born at this time are able to change several destinies in just one life. They are reborn in an amazing way, radically changing their hobbies, environment and lifestyle in general. They seem to attract mysterious and inexplicable phenomena, which they themselves do not care about at all.

Ophiuchus also has character traits borrowed from another neighboring sign - Sagittarius. These people do not feel a sense of fear, even when danger is breathing in their backs. They are attracted to dubious adventures, hitchhiking, the company of random people, and everything else that contradicts the concept of a quiet life and home comfort.

Ophiuchus expects pleasure and strong emotions from relationships with the opposite sex. He is capable of moving mountains for the sake of a loved one, and literally appearing out of nowhere at the moment when that person especially needs him. Having completed his “mission”, Ophiuchus is able to disappear just as quickly. He is where he is needed, it is important for him to feel useful, so no matter how strange it sounds, if everything is fine with you, Ophiuchus will not stay around for long. If this is a woman, her image is associated with a mysterious and kind fairy, if a man, then this is someone like a prophet, next to whom you can feel safe and learn a new meaning of being.

The press received information that the 13th sign of the Zodiac - Ophiuchus - is being added to the traditional horoscope.
Horoscope lovers began to panic: all the dates of the zodiac signs will shift, what should I do now? I chose my husband according to the horoscope, who I will be now, why this is necessary, how can I move from the fire element to the water element, etc.
In fact, NASA did not change any zodiac signs, NASA spokesman Duane Brown told Gizmodo, and this will not entail changes in the horoscope. For the first time, people started talking about the 13th sign of the zodiac - Ophiuchus - in 1995, when scientists Walter Berg and Mark Yazaki advised its introduction. Over the course of 3 thousand years, the position of the earth's axis has changed, due to which the constellation Ophiuchus has been wedged into the row of 12 constellations.
The zodiac sign Ophiuchus is located between Scorpio and Sagittarius. His sign represents Latin letter"U", crossed out by a wavy stripe, similar to the "tilde" sign - "~".

The existence of the 13th sign was known 2000 years ago, in Ancient Babylon. But it was not included in the horoscope because there are 12 months in a year and it would be convenient to use exactly that number of signs.
The dates of Ophiuchus, a description of the sign and some other information about this zodiac constellation were also preserved by Hindu and Zoroastrian priests, as well as in astrology, which flourished in a number of Slavic states. The Slavs were one of the few who knew that the sign of Ophiuchus rules in the horoscope for only 20 days. Our ancestors also knew that part of the influence of this constellation occurs at the end of the Scorpio cycle, and part at the beginning of the Sagittarius Cycle. In most ancient symbolic horoscopes, which consisted of 12 parts, the sign Ophiuchus is contained as a multidimensional zodiac sign, which has access to other worlds, namely, the mental and astral plane. The ancients also believed that people born under the 13th zodiac sign were under the parallel influence of 2 zodiac constellations (either Serpent and Scorpio, or Serpent and Sagittarius).
Graphically, Ophiuchus is a projection of the Milky Way onto the circle of the zodiac. The time period of the influence of the Serpent and Scorpio, the numbers of Ophiuchus, which coincide with the numbers of Scorpio, are sometimes called the “burnt road,” which is a symbol of the path on which the most difficult trials await people. According to ancient Greek legends, at this time, the son of the Sun, Phaeton, passing over the Earth in his fiery chariot, burned all life on our planet, after which monsters crawled to the surface from the darkness of space.
The ancient Aryans associated Ophiuchus in the Zodiac with the king of the universe, Zakhak, who was seduced by the forces of Darkness. Zahkak always had man-eating snakes on his shoulders. It is no wonder that this god-king Arius later became a symbol of misfortune, hunger and death. In many ancient cultures, it is believed that for almost three weeks, when Ophiuchus is in power, people can only rely on their own strength, the gods during this period are deaf to their pleas. The constellation Serpent, which is not included in the zodiac, for ancient people is a symbol of fear, a weapon of evil, everything that is most insidious and terrible, a lie.
The Greeks believed that those who were able to overcome fear would be a free person. Those less fortunate in the future will face an unenviable repetition of the fate of the mythological Phaeton - the temptation of lies, the complete collapse of all hopes and ultimately death alone. It’s not for nothing that the moment of transition from Scorpio to Sagittarius is called the point of liberation. It was the influence of the Serpent that the ancients feared most. It is quite possible that this is another reason why Ophiuchus was not included in the zodiac.
Ophiuchus is a hidden multidimensional sign that has access to other worlds when the forces of Good and Evil enter into a struggle for power over the souls of people.
Ophiuchus rules for two weeks. The first half of the period - the end of the Scorpio period, is called the “Burnt Road”, and the second half of the period - at the ascension of Sagittarius, is called the “Road of Life”. The time when the Sun, before entering the constellation Sagittarius, passes through the “burnt road”, on this path a person faces the most difficult trials of the year. And he can only rely on himself.
The characteristics of the Ophiuchus sign are surprising: it is believed that a person born during this period is endowed with infernal and completely opposite character traits. This constellation, covering a vast region of the equatorial sky, influences a person, making him persistent, and at the same time weak, wise, and at the same time committing stupid and rash acts. It is not for nothing that the zodiac belt consists of constellations that have remained unchanged for more than 3,000 years; perhaps precisely because of its unpredictability, the sign of Ophiuchus is not one of the main zodiac constellations.
It is worth noting that Ophiuchus may not be the last addition to the zodiac system - back in the 1970s it was proposed to include another constellation in the zodiac - Cetus - and form a system of 14 signs.
Ophiuchus or Ophiuchus in Latin - equatorial, zodiac constellation. The brightest star in the constellation is Ras Alhague (magnitude 2.1). You can see the constellation with the naked eye only in June from any point on the territory of the former USSR.
The arrangement of stars in the constellation Serpens is also unique. The brightest star in this cluster, Ras Alhage, is located in close proximity to another notable star, Ras Algethi. In addition, the shape of the constellation (Ophiuchus) resembles a pentagon extending across the ecliptic and equator, which is unique for star clusters. If we take a closer look at the structural structure of the constellation, we can see that not only Ras Algeti is located not far from the brightest star, but also small star 9.7m, the so-called Barnard's flying star. This star got its name in honor of the American astronomer who discovered it to the scientific world.

Ophiuchus has absorbed the qualities inherent in Scorpios and Sagittarius. Ophiuchus people are distinguished by their demonic capabilities, they are successful, but sometimes life gives them unpleasant surprises. You need to be careful with them, as such people are very vindictive.
They prefer to express the truth directly, without keeping their thoughts behind their backs. They like to set goals and achieve them.
A person born under this sign is often endowed with a special task. His path is service to people, sometimes reaching the point of self-sacrifice. This is a person who has stepped over his destiny; for such a person, the Gates of Heaven open. His own problems bother him much less than the affairs and concerns of those around him. And the more difficult the situation develops around him, the more energetically and selflessly he gets down to business. Many great things are accomplished through his will and talents.
Among Ophiuchus there are wonderful healers and psychics. But not everyone can take advantage of their unique gift. The fact is that most Ophiuchus people live according to the Phoenix principle. They first burn everything and then rebuild it from scratch. The life of such people is divided into two parts: the first is to realize their dark sides, and the second is to defeat them in themselves, and thereby rise from the ashes or be reborn.
Ophiuchus are people with an incredible destiny; they can disappear forever, without saying goodbye, without leaving traces behind them. They have the ability to be completely reborn, to become a different person. Ophiuchus brings incredible joy and happiness to some people, and grief and devastation to others. A series of strange events follows behind them, like a trail, which they themselves are sometimes unable to explain. Ophiuchus people usually move a lot, are always on the road, meet many different people on their way, and they know how to find their own key to each and form a special relationship with them. They may have several lives or layers of life, different social circles. If you harm Ophiuchus, he may in return bring you great trouble, destruction, even death. This sign is not afraid of dangerous situations or risks. He has no sense of fear. He loves adventure and adventure. In any dangerous situations, he usually survives. If there is a plane crash and everyone dies, then Ophiuchus magically survives. The main difference between Ophiuchus and other signs is that life does not give him the opportunity to stop. If he stops, collapse and disintegration immediately occurs, and he is forced to move on. In addition, he, like no one else, knows how to have fun and enjoy life. Ophiuchus is able to literally immerse himself in the world of pleasures and wild joy, risk and adventure. And a loving or loving Ophiuchus is the most positive person in the whole world. Ophiuchus, who is destined for a special mission, has a sign on his body. The sign of a healer, a psychic, or a person who will do a lot for people is a group of moles that resemble the shape of a constellation in the form of the letter Y. The ideal location is in the center - on the back, stomach, lower back.
Among Ophiuchus there are a lot of athletes, musicians and prominent political and military figures. For example, Mikhail Lomonosov, Alexander Suvorov, Indira Gandhi, Augusto Pinochet and many others.
Jet (getting rid of fears and nightmares),
zircon (gaining mental and physical strength),
beryl ( strong amulet),
almandine (luck in disputes, healing of body and soul),
turquoise (achieving goals),
sapphire (wisdom and contemplation),
serpentine (used as an amulet).
Man - Ophiuchus
It is very difficult to tie such a man in marriage. He marries either out of convenience or stupidity. The marriage is unlikely to last. Washing dishes, helping around the house or with a child is not an activity for him. If you want to live a calm, long and happy family life with one person, then you need to quickly run away from the Ophiuchus man. Routine, silence and calm are like death for him. It costs him nothing to destroy everything old that no longer suits him and start life from scratch.
Ophiuchus Woman
Outwardly kind and charming, she has an inner core of steel. She is very attractive and sweet, but do not delude yourself, if you inadvertently offend her, she will find a way to get even with you. She is not ready to put up with someone else’s point of view, which contradicts her vision of the situation, so quarrels and scandals in the family are guaranteed. Even if she is wrong, she will never admit it and your resistance will only piss her off even more.

Ancient Sumerian astronomers came to the conclusion that the annual circle of the Sun's movement occurs along certain 12 constellations, as a result of which 2500 years ago the ecliptic was divided into twelve sectors. Therefore, the constellations were called zodiac, and the symbols by which they were designated are today known as the signs of the Zodiac.

When compiling horoscopes, classical practical astrology takes into account exactly 12 signs of the zodiac system, while not losing sight of the house that belongs to the 13th sign, called Ophiuchus. This mysterious and mysterious sign receives a lot of attention, as it is considered a symbol of access to other worlds, the struggle of Evil with Good for power over the souls of people.

The moment a person is born, his belonging to a certain zodiac sign taking into account the position of the Sun in the sign. Over time, spanning many centuries, the Earth's orbit has undergone some changes, and today the Sun is not in 12, but in 13 constellations. This information has been known for at least two thousand years, resulting in the appearance of the 13th zodiac sign Ophiuchus.

Formally, the 13th sign Ophiuchus was not included in the Zodiac, but taking into account quite a large number of persistent facts and many centuries of observations, it is becoming increasingly difficult to deny the influence of this constellation.

The sign Ophiuchus does not belong to the traditional Zodiac

Brief information about Ophiuchus is presented in the free Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia, which says that traditional astrology still adheres to the division of the solar ecliptic into only 12 sectors.

Particular attention to the constellation Ophiuchus was paid by astronomers, who in the 20-30s of the last century conducted a study to revise the boundaries of the constellations, as a result of which it was discovered that the Sun was in the zone of Ophiuchus for a very short period.

This fact was not of particular importance for the official science of astronomy, but at the same time, quite a large number of astrologers became interested in this discovery and began an active study of the influence of this constellation on people who were born during the passage of the Sun in this celestial sector. It was also found that the first mention of this interesting and mysterious constellation was in ancient Greek mythology.

Period of influence of Ophiuchus

In order to accurately determine the period of time when Ophiuchus reigns, you need to know which zodiac signs it is located between. However, today there are still doubts regarding the entry of this sign into the zodiac circle, as disputes about the dates of its influence continue.

Astrologers from different schools it is assumed that the time it takes the Sun to pass through a sector of a given constellation is different. Most sources claim that this is the period from November 30 to December 17. It is this time in one of the Greek legends that is called the “burnt path.”

This term is associated with an old legend. This myth tells how his son climbed into the chariot of the sun god Helios, but he did not have the necessary skills and strength to drive horses. As a result of such an act, a heavenly fire began, which broke out from the overturned chariot, which lasted almost 10 days and incinerated everything around. If you believe this ancient legend and the calculations of astrologers, the period of the “burnt path” of the 13th zodiac sign of Ophiuchus begins in the last 7.5 days of Scorpio and the first 7 days of Sagittarius.

Ophiuchus in astrology

When compiling horoscopes, astrologers cannot come to a consensus regarding the functions and role of the 13th sign of Ophiuchus. Some do not consider it a zodiac sign, suggesting that it is just a constellation that has no special meaning in astrology. But at the same time, there is a category of astrologers who, with extreme caution, consider Ophiuchus as an additional sign of the zodiac circle, but at the same time do not dare to include it in the method of drawing up a horoscope, so as not to undermine their own reputation. Consequently, today there is still no consensus on the role of this mysterious and enigmatic sign. The zodiac symbol, which corresponds to the 13th zodiac sign Ophiuchus, is the snake. Duality is attributed to him - the tail and head reflect the division of the pentagonal constellation into two halves. The first part is associated with the final period of the constellation Scorpio (“Burnt Path”), and the second is marked by the ascension of Sagittarius and is called “The Road of Life.”

Symbolism of the sign Ophiuchus

The Scorpio period brings quite a lot of challenges in people's lives. This is the time when the struggle between Good and Evil begins. That is why ancient customs and traditions continue to rule, helping people protect themselves from bad trends. At this time, you have to rely only on your own strength, because lies are the main weapon for evil, so you should not tempt fate by attracting increased attention from evil forces to your person. Only completely fearless individuals will be able to achieve the desired freedom. In the second period, when the influence of Sagittarius begins, the power of Good begins to take over and liberation occurs.

Born under the sign of Ophiuchus

The fact is that people who were born between November 30 and December 17 will not necessarily have the properties inherent in this sign. Ophiuchus is not always activated. This period is only a chance when it becomes possible to activate its impact on one’s own destiny, but for this a person must commit certain actions and actions that can lead to a similar result.

It will depend only on the person himself whether he will become an Ophiuchus or remain a simple Scorpio or Sagittarius. Here everything depends only on a certain person, persistent internal work, which is prescribed for a specific sign. People whose sign of Ophiuchus is activated will be forced to go through a lot of trials that befall them.

People who were born during the period when the 13th zodiac sign Ophiuchus rules are very bright and extraordinary personalities, which is why they attract the attention of others. They tend to burn bridges without any regret, as if repeating the ashes from the legend of the heavenly path.

However, at the same time, these individuals have the ability to be reborn and revive everything anew. But at the same time, the memory of the burned paths remains, which will manifest itself in the contrast of two extremes - a fall or a sharp rise against the backdrop of faith in humanism and justice.

In the fate of Ophiuchus, joy is sure to give way to grief, and inexplicable events literally follow on their heels. These individuals, as a rule, are completely devoid of fear, love to take risks, and are not afraid to take responsibility, accepting important decisions. They are often inclined towards various scams, prefer to spend their lives traveling and cannot resist the temptation of bright adventures.

Ophiuchus has a dual nature. They always have an undiminished craving for fun and pleasure; they are characterized by amazing vitality and the ability to bring constant misfortune and grief to others, without even realizing that they themselves have become the cause of the problems of loved ones. Such people are very dangerous and vindictive, especially if someone has recklessly offended them.

Those born under the sign of Ophiuchus are always very bright and extraordinary personalities.

People born under the influence of two constellations at once, Scorpio and Sagittarius, always strive for spiritual knowledge and insight, are bearers of the gift of telepathy given by nature itself, while they have a penchant for healing and extrasensory perception. Ophiuchus is often equated to the Felix bird, since they can be burned and, no matter what, be reborn.

Very often in the hearts of Ophiuchus lives the dream of becoming real healers who will one day be able to save humanity from various misfortunes and diseases, making people cleaner and better. Not only women, but also men born under this sign have certain similarities with snakes, with which they are able to develop a strong psychic connection.

Representatives of the 13th zodiac sign are very smart, extraordinary, self-confident, temperamental, power-hungry and incredibly magnetic. That is why they rarely remain on their own, and simply have a huge number of acquaintances to whom they can bring happiness or misfortune. The impact on a person of the 13th zodiac sign Ophiuchus can be determined by certain character traits, as well as behavior:

  • There is a strong discrepancy between personality traits and the effects of traditional constellations;
  • Scorpio and Sagittarius horoscopes will not reflect a person's character traits;
  • These individuals are particularly lucky and can achieve success in almost all endeavors, even if they were initially doomed to complete failure;
  • There is a strong tendency to travel and frequently change place of residence;
  • There is a pronounced desire to often be alone;
  • Demonstration of intellectual abilities at an early age;
  • Such individuals never recognize other people's authorities, considering themselves the main ones in everything;
  • From early childhood they begin to defend their own interests and desires;
  • They do not accept the restrictions and norms imposed by modern society;
  • Various inexplicable events often occur in the lives of such people;
  • There is a special holistic vision of the world, while not even the slightest attention is paid to the little things.

People with the strong influence of Ophiuchus are multifaceted and extraordinary personalities, while they can bring joy and happiness to the world or collect only negative qualities. If these people choose the bright path, they can become talented healers, philosophers, doctors and psychics, because they have natural abilities to study science and understand the world around them.
