Composite reinforcement pros and cons. Pros and cons, reviews from developers about composite reinforcement. Spatial reinforcing frame for strip foundation

For what purposes is plastic fittings used? Why is foundation reinforcement performed? These questions are relevant for beginners in the construction business; let’s try to find out the pros and cons of using reinforcement in modern construction. Plastic reinforcement for foundations has been used in the construction industry for quite a long time. With its help, you can increase the strength of concrete structures. Basically, the fittings are made of durable steel with excellent technical parameters. Plastic reinforcement is 7-8 times stronger than concrete itself. By placing reinforcement bars in concrete, it is possible to obtain a monolithic system, the operational life of which is several decades.

Types of material for strengthening the foundation

Plastic rods for foundations appeared in the construction industry relatively recently. Basically, reinforcing bars are made of steel. Depending on the degree of ribbing, profiled and smooth shapes are distinguished.

Advice! In cases where it is necessary to evenly distribute the load, use a ribbed shape.

To give a certain structure the desired shape, smooth reinforcement is used.


Plastic reinforcement for foundations is actively promoted these days in modern construction market. Not all professionals recommend this material for strengthening the foundation. Plastic fittings: pros and cons, we should talk about them in detail in order to analyze the effectiveness of use of this material in construction.

Plastic does not conduct electricity, therefore plastic fittings are suitable for grounding. Its weight is 4-5 times less than that of its steel counterparts. This material is offered to consumers in special bays.

The steel rods are shaped directly on the construction site. Such actions cannot be carried out with polymer materials. If you need plastic rods of irregular shape to arrange the foundation, you must order them at the factory in advance.

Attention! It is impossible to change the shape of polymer reinforcement on your own.

Plastic fittings, reviews of which can be found on construction sites, are made from a high-molecular compound of organic origin, which provides this material with chemical resistance to aggressive substances. Plastic does not break down if it gets into concrete excess moisture. If you comply with all the technological requirements for this material, the resulting structure will retain its original characteristics for decades. Let us also note the disadvantages of this material.

Plastic melts at a temperature of 200-300 degrees, and the melting point of steel is 600 degrees. A foundation made of concrete with the addition of plastic reinforcement will sag after a short period of time. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the elongation coefficient, which is 10-11 times higher than its value for steel. Sagging is also observed during arrangement strip foundation.

Advice! If you plan to build a monolithic two-story house, it is better to use classic steel reinforcement.

About the material parameters for creating a foundation

When choosing material for the foundation, it is necessary to take into account the condition of the soil, the material of the walls and roof. When determining the diameter, the flowability of the soil, the degree of its freezing in winter time, the mass of the structure being built. Fiberglass rods involve the use of rods made of durable glass fibers.

The main advantages of this material, highlighted by consumers, are its low weight and high strength. Fiberglass reinforcement is used as an alternative metal structures. The advantage of plastic rods is their resistance to corrosion. There are two types of this polymer material: basalt and polymer reinforcement. The polymer base has insignificant weight; it is mainly used in individual construction. Fiberglass material is a composite rod characterized by its low weight. Its main purpose is to strengthen and bind concrete structures.

When using reinforcement of this type, they strengthen structures on a solid foundation, and also reinforce unstressed concrete foundations. Fiberglass rods are suitable for aerated concrete and asphalt concrete. Reviews indicate that this material has virtually no disadvantages, so they may well become an alternative for heavy steel structures. Such reinforcement can be used when constructing unforeseen structures. Owners of suburban dacha plots purchase such rods to create supports for plants.

About the characteristics

Fiberglass rods have the following characteristics:

  • spiral pitch parameters;
  • Weight Limit;
  • internal and external diameter.

When manufacturing fittings of this type, the following numbering is used: 4, 5, 5; 6, 7, 8, 10, 16, 14, 18. These numbers coincide with the outer diameter parameters. When changing the profile number, the weight of the structure changes, as well as the outer diameter parameters.

Attention! The profile pitch value is unchanged, it is 1.5 cm.

The mass of the rod is calculated taking into account the profile number. This parameter is in the range of 0.02 - 0.42 kg per linear meter. A composite rod contains several elements. The first part is presented in the form of the main trunk. It is made of parallel fibers, combined into one structure using a polymer resin. The video presents interesting information about polymer reinforcement

This part of the structure is responsible for strength. Second element glass plastic fittings- fibrous raw materials. It is presented in the form of sand spraying or winding in two directions. The advantage of this material is that it is offered to customers in the form of huge bays. They are deployed as needed, making the rod suitable for certain construction tasks. Fiberglass reinforcement is transported horizontally.

In modern industrial and private construction, steel reinforcement is increasingly being replaced with polymer rods. Fiberglass has such a quality as elasticity, therefore a fiberglass rod significantly reduces the weight of the foundation, without loss performance characteristics foundation. Fiberglass reinforcement has low thermal conductivity, so it is suitable for tying multilayer wall masonry and inter-row reinforcement of masonry. Corrosion resistance allows the use of fiberglass material for strip-type concrete foundations.


The main reviews of fiberglass reinforcement are positive, so this material has a wide range of applications. Currently, this material is used to reinforce many porous materials, for example, aerated concrete. The cost of polymer rods is significantly lower than their steel counterparts, which attracts everyone large quantity consumers. Currently there are:

  • lightweight structures (greenhouses, fences);
  • medium-heavy structures (major two-story buildings, stone fences);
  • heavy structures (buildings with 3-4 floors).

Any modern construction associated with the use of reinforcement. This building element must connect individual structural elements with each other, strengthen the monolith of the main material, and secure the facing material to the wall.

Due to the development of nanotechnology, traditional materials are giving way to new composite materials created from polymer chemicals. Plastic reinforcement is placed in concrete mixture during direct pouring in order to strengthen the monolithic concrete structure. To increase adhesion and eliminate the risk of cavities and pores, vibration equipment is used at the point of direct contact. In addition, mine-type polymer reinforcement is used to fix the mesh, which prevents rock collapse and strengthens mine vaults and walls. Fiberglass materials perfectly withstand aggressive environments, which is why it has gained popularity in the construction industry.

The emergence of new technologies on the market is usually accompanied by widespread advertising of the positive and unique qualities of a particular product. Plastic fiberglass reinforcement appeared not so long ago, but during this time users have identified many and negative properties material, and in some cases dispelled myths about the stated benefits.

When choosing between fiberglass and metal, you should take into account the real performance qualities of the material, which will be discussed.

Low modulus of elasticity

Expert opinion indicates that plastic reinforcement inferior to metal in terms of tensile strength. This is due to the low elasticity threshold, which entails deformation of the rods during operation.

Here we should remember the primary function of reinforcement. In essence, it is a fastening frame, protecting the concrete structure from tension. Being in a normal state without external loads, both metal reinforcement and fiberglass rods do not stretch.

However, concrete has a much lower modulus of elasticity, that is, susceptibility to deformation in the form of tension, and this creates stress on the reinforcement. Respectively, fiberglass is more susceptible to this pressure, which reduces its effectiveness as a concrete fastening element.

Insufficient heat resistance

Although the material has sufficient protection from the effects of fire and is self-extinguishing, such fittings Can only be used in environments with limited thermal exposure thresholds.

According to various estimates, the loss of performance qualities of the composite begins within 300-400 °C. The threshold of 600 °C is critical, but concrete itself is not able to withstand such impacts.

In particular, the reinforcement loses strength, its fibers can delaminate as the process of destruction of the connecting components begins. But it is worth noting that this restriction does not apply to most residential properties. It is worth carrying out design calculations regarding the resistance of fiberglass reinforcement to thermal effects in cases where construction of industrial and production facilities is planned, in which high-temperature heating is assumed.

Elimination of welded joints

Expert opinion is unanimous on this issue. Fiberglass rods must not be connected using welding machines . Therefore, builders have to evaluate the possibility of using alternative means of forming a strong reinforcing frame.

Those who are also looking for the best ways to knit plastic reinforcement for a foundation should consider two options:

There is another approach to forming compounds. He assumes equipping fiberglass rods steel pipes at the ends. Actually, these complementary elements are subsequently fastened together by welding.

The myth of equivalent substitution

Among the first points devoted to positive properties fiberglass reinforcement, manufacturers note high strength. One cannot argue with this, but negative reviews of plastic reinforcement for foundations also affect its other qualities, in totality of characteristics cannot be an equal replacement for metal. Moreover, statements about equivalent replacement do not correspond to reality, both positively and negatively.

Expert opinion confirms that, in terms of strength criteria, metal reinforcement can be replaced by a fiberglass analogue with a smaller diameter. It would seem that such disparity is even a plus. But, if you take a comprehensive approach to assessing the performance properties of a material, you will find serious imbalances.

For example, 8 mm fiberglass reinforcement will provide the necessary structural strength, but the same modulus of elasticity will negate this advantage. As a result, in terms of the totality of qualities, replacing fiberglass rods with 12 mm metal reinforcement will not benefit, providing sufficient reliability to the foundation.

Difficulty of processing

The strength of the material caused a disadvantage in the form inability to bend the rods on the construction site. Execute this operation It is possible only in factory conditions on special machines. Therefore, when planning the construction of a foundation, it is recommended to initially calculate the functionality that plastic reinforcement for a strip foundation has, agreeing with the manufacturer on additional processing operations.

So, in addition to making bends, it is worth considering the possibility of supplying the rods with the mentioned pipes for subsequent welding.

Not a single more or less large concrete structure can do without a reinforcing frame. The use of rolled metal has become commonplace round section for these purposes. But the industry does not stand still and manufacturers are actively promoting its composite analogue, namely fiberglass reinforcement.

Interstate standard 31938-2012 regulates general technical specifications on polymer reinforcing products. The material is solid rods of round cross-section, consisting of two or more components: base, filler and binder. For fiberglass it is:

  • Staple glass fiber, known to every builder as an excellent insulation and reinforcing element.
  • Polyamide fiber filler, which gives the finished product an increased degree of tensile and tear strength.
  • Polymer thermosetting resins (epoxy, vinyl ester and others).

Composite reinforcement is produced using rods with a cross-section of 4-18 mm. The product is cut and packaged either in six-meter bundles or coils (length - up to 100 m). Buyers are offered 2 types of profile:

1. Periodic - corrugation is achieved by spirally wrapping a rod with a thin fiberglass strand. A layer of polymer resin is applied on top to protect the material.

2. Conditionally smooth - the finished product is sprinkled with fine quartz sand to improve adhesive properties with the concrete composition.

The main purpose is to reinforce standard and prestressed structures that are used in aggressive environments. But since the melting point of synthetic binders starts from approximately +120 °C, and the combustion temperature starts from +500 °C, the buildings being erected must meet the fire resistance requirements in accordance with GOST 30247.0-94, as well as the fire safety conditions specified in GOST 30403-2012.

Fiberglass is used in the following areas:

  • Construction of enclosing structures in low-rise construction: foundations of pile, strip or grillage type, multilayer or monolithic walls made of concrete, brick, cellular concrete blocks, floors and partitions.
  • Construction of road surfaces, sidewalks, sleepers.
  • Strengthening screeds, industrial floors, decking, bridge structures.
  • Production of shaped products, reinforced concrete products.
  • Formation of frames for greenhouses, small hangars, panel installations.

Companies engaged in the construction of houses made of wood and wood materials(OSB or chipboard, wood concrete), fiberglass reinforcement is actively used for attaching dowels, intersection points, etc. This is due to the fact that metal products rust over time, unsightly streaks appear, and fasteners and ligaments may become loose.

The scheme for forming a reinforcing frame from a composite is identical to the rules for working with rolled metal. The main task is to strengthen the foundation, floor or wall in the area of ​​maximum tensile or bending stress. The horizontal part is located closer to the surface of the structure with a minimum step between “layers” of up to 50 cm, and transverse and vertical supporting elements are mounted at intervals of at least 30 cm.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's list the advantages of fiberglass composite:

1. Light weight. A composite rod with a diameter of 8 mm weighs 0.07 kg/linear meter, and a metal rod of the same section weighs 0.395 kg/linear meter.

2. Dielectric properties. The material is inert to radio waves and magnetic fields and does not conduct electricity. It is thanks to this quality that it is used for the construction of buildings. special purpose: laboratories, medical centers, testing complexes.

3. Chemical resistance. The products are characterized by their inertness to aggressive acidic and alkaline compounds (concrete laitance, solvents, bitumen, sea ​​water, salt compositions). It is used in areas where the soil is highly acidic or alkaline. The foundation, piles and other similar structures will retain their basic properties even if the concrete part is superficially damaged.

4. Corrosion resistance. Not subject to oxidation, thermosetting resins do not interact with water.

5. The thermal expansion index of glass composite is similar to that of cement concrete, which eliminates the risk of delamination during sudden temperature changes.

6. Easy to transport and install. Packed in bundles of rods or rolled into coils. The weight of the package does not exceed 500 kg, so small freight vehicles or light-duty passenger cars can be used for transportation. For installation, knitting wire or special plastic clamps are used.

Now let's look at the other side of the coin:

1. Temperature limits for the use of glass composite – from -10 to +120 °C. At sub-zero temperatures, reinforcement becomes brittle and easily breaks under load.

2. The modulus elasticity index does not exceed 55,000 MPa. For comparison, the same coefficient for steel is 200,000. Such a low indicator for a composite means that the rod does not work well in tension. As a result, defects appear on the concrete structure (delamination, cracks).

3. When pouring concrete, fiberglass products exhibit poor stability, the structure wobbles and bends.

4. Plastic clamps are used to tie crosshairs and overlaps. In terms of reliability, they are seriously inferior to knitting wire and welding.

5. Corners, curved areas, points of rod output for subsequent connection with a wall or column are worked out with rolled metal. Fiberglass composite is categorically not recommended for these purposes.

6. High cost of material. If a steel rod with a diameter of 88 mm costs 8 rubles per linear meter, then the price of fiberglass reinforcement is 14 rubles. The difference is not too big, but the purchase volume starts from 200 m or more.

Cost in Moscow

ASP, section in mmPrice in rubles per linear meter
Corrugated ASPASP with sand coating
4 7 11
6 9 12
8 14 17
10 20 25
12 25 37
14 35 47
16 46 53

Feedback from design specialists is clear: the use of fiberglass composites should be limited exclusively to low-rise construction.

Comparison of fiberglass and metal

Fiberglass composite is positioned as an alternative to rolled metal. Let's make a comparison:

1. Deformation and physical and mechanical properties.

Based on the data in the table, glass composite works worse in tension and does not withstand the same loads as metal. But at the same time, the first type of reinforcement, unlike rolled steel, does not create “cold bridges”.

2. Reactivity.

Metal products are afraid of moisture in any form, as it contributes to corrosion of the product and its splitting. The material can withstand any subzero temperatures without loss of basic properties, and the frame is not afraid of fires - the melting point of steel starts from +1400 °C.

Fiberglass does not react with water, saline, alkaline and acidic solutions, and there is no interaction with such aggressive compounds as bitumen, solvents and the like. However, when the temperature drops below -10 or -15 °C, the product becomes brittle to break. Fiberglass composite belongs to the G2 flammability group (moderately flammable) and in the event of a fire it can create an additional source of fire.

3. Security.

Steel is a material that does not contain volatile impurities such as formaldehyde, toluene and others, so it is unreasonable to talk about the release of harmful substances. The same cannot be said about fiberglass composite. Thermosetting resins are synthetic polymer compositions that contain various toxic components, including phenol, benzene, the well-known formaldehyde, etc. Therefore, fiberglass does not belong to the category of environmentally friendly products.

One more point: metal fittings have been tested by time and vast experience in its use has been gained, there is real reviews. The advantages and disadvantages have become well known, and methods for overcoming the latter have been developed. The confirmed service life is on average 30-40 years, the same cannot be said about glass composite. Manufacturers claim that their material can last no less.

The conclusion from the above confirms the opinion of experts: rolled reinforcement is the leader in almost all parameters and replacing it with fiberglass is irrational.

People's opinions

"When developing a project small dacha The architect suggested using fiberglass for the strip foundation. I've heard a little about this material, but on forums on the Internet there is often a negative opinion about it. Primarily due to the lack of calculation methods and clear standards for replacing metal with composite. The developer convinced me of the feasibility of such a solution. Reviews may be different, but you should rely on the recommendations provided by the official manufacturer. The document contained basic instructions: replacement not by equal strength, but by diameter in a ratio of 1 to 4. The house was rebuilt in six months, and there are no signs of destruction on the foundation yet.”

Yaroslav Lemekhov, Voronezh.

“According to technology, a house made of foam blocks is reinforced every four rows. Both metal and fiberglass composite can be used. I chose the latter. According to reviews, such fittings are easy to install, there are no difficulties with welding or transportation. It’s very easy and fast to work with, and time costs are reduced significantly.”

Vladimir Katasonov, Nizhny Novgorod.

"For the foundation under frame bath with insulation I wanted to choose newfangled rods, but my neighbor-engineer criticized my positive opinion about the product to smithereens. In his deep conviction, fiberglass in concrete is full of disadvantages with a minimum of advantages. If the physical properties of the metal are similar to the concrete component, then it is very difficult to make the composite work with a cement-sand mixture. Due to this problem, there are negative reviews, so I used it for anchoring multi-layer walls. It also has low thermal conductivity.”

Anton Boldovsky, St. Petersburg.

“When I built the log house, I used fiberglass reinforcement instead of metal for dowels and joints. I put the remains in the barn, a year later they came in handy. Under brick fence I filled in a small tape and made a full-fledged composite frame for reinforcement. The disadvantages of the material in the form of a low tensile strength coefficient did not prevent me from building a good, durable fence, which has been in service for about three years.”

Evgeny Kovrigin, Moscow.

Composite reinforcement is a fairly young material that became available on the construction market not so long ago. However, due to its many advantages, it has gained wide popularity. Many manufacturers claim that such products can completely replace steel reinforcement. However, its use is not always justified. It is worth taking a closer look at both the advantages and disadvantages of the composite. This will allow you to choose a material that will last for many decades.

Composite reinforcement is a rod made of fiberglass. A carbon fiber thread is wound around it. Its use ensures not only the strength of the product, but also reliable adhesion to concrete. Such products have both a number of advantages and certain disadvantages. For this reason, it cannot always be used.

The carbon fiber rods are fastened with special clamps. There is no need to use welding for fastening. This is its significant advantage.

For each situation, it is worth considering the features of using such products. The use of this approach will ensure the reliability and efficiency of fastening various structures.

If the characteristics of the product are not taken into account sufficiently and without comparing them with metal fittings, significant damage can be caused. building structure, if used composite materials. For this reason, even before using composite products, it is worth finding out in what cases their use would be appropriate.

Important! It is also worth paying attention to the physical and mechanical properties of composite products.

Main advantages

Composite reinforcement differs in a number of ways positive qualities. Among its main advantages are:

The material also has many disadvantages that are worth considering in more detail.

Main disadvantages

Before purchasing fiberglass reinforcement, you should learn about all its characteristics, as well as the main disadvantages. The disadvantages of the material include:

  • She can't stand it high temperatures. However, it is quite difficult to imagine a case in which it can heat up to 200 degrees inside a concrete structure.
  • High price. However, this disadvantage is offset by the possibility of using carbon fiber products with a smaller diameter than metal products.
  • Composite reinforcement has poor bendability. This property imposes certain restrictions when using it to strengthen a concrete structure. However, bent sections can also be reinforced with steel rods.
  • Such products do not cope well with fracture loads. This is the case for most concrete structures is critical.
  • Compared to metal fittings, fiberglass products are less rigid. This drawback does not allow it to withstand large vibration loads that occur when pouring concrete using a truck mixer. When this technique is used, the concrete structure is subjected to heavy loads. Due to this, design defects are possible.

If we consider the disadvantages of carbon fiber reinforcement, we cannot say that one material has an absolute advantage over another. In any case, when choosing composite products, you should be careful, take into account its pros and cons, as well as the conditions of use in a particular situation.

Important! Since the composite material does not have sufficient flexural strength, it is not suitable for knitting when laying steel bars. For this it is better to use plastic clamps.

Areas of application

Reinforcement, which is made from various composites, has found application in both private and capital construction. You can learn the rules for its installation yourself according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Since there is no point in the specifics of using composite products in capital construction, it is worth focusing on the construction concrete foundations for private houses.

The main areas of use of fiberglass products:

To summarize the above, it is worth noting that fiberglass reinforcement can be used effectively in most cases. However, it is worth taking into account the shortcomings of the material and the associated operating limitations. They are often specified by the manufacturer.

Important! Knitting of composite reinforcement is carried out using plastic clamps.

Can fiberglass reinforcement replace metal?

Fiberglass products appeared on the construction market relatively recently. However, a lot of videos and text materials have been created on the topic of its use. If we take into account the above recommendations, it can be argued that fiberglass products can be used when strengthening walls or for connecting load-bearing structures with partitions.

The main advantage of fiberglass reinforcement is that it does not rust. In addition, when using it, no cold bridges appear, which cannot be said about metal rods. The use of such material is justified in cases where the structure being constructed will not be too heavy. It is also necessary to use it only when building a house on stable ground.

The success of using such material has not yet been confirmed by long-term practice. There are not enough reviews about it yet to make a correct conclusion. For this reason, every developer takes a certain risk when using composite reinforcement. If you plan to build a structure that has high requirements for strength and stability, you should choose metal reinforcement.


When choosing composite reinforcement to strengthen concrete structures, it is worth considering its main pros and cons. Thus, the material is lightweight, easy to transport and has fairly good strength indicators. However, it cannot withstand high fracture loads. For this reason, for buildings that have high demands in terms of strength and stability, traditional metal rods should be chosen.

This composite consists of a fiberglass cord wrapped with a carbon fiber thread. Due to the use of the latter, adhesion to concrete increases. If you plan to build lightweight design, you can use a composite. Typically, composite reinforcement is used in construction low-rise buildings. Fiberglass reinforcement is used for both strip and slab bases.

When using fiberglass, it is better to consult with experienced builders. It is especially important to enlist their help when drawing up a construction project.

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Despite the fact that reinforcement made of composite materials has been used in Europe, the USA and some other countries to strengthen concrete monolithic structures since the 70s of the last century, for us it is still a new and rarely used material. However, in last years, thanks to the desire of private construction companies introduce modern technologies into production; fiberglass reinforcement is becoming increasingly used.

Initially, fiberglass reinforcement, due to its high cost, was used only for monolithic structures subject to difficult conditions operation. But gradual development chemical industry and the building materials industry has led to lower prices and increased availability of fiberglass.

The expansion of production and scope of application of reinforcement with composite reinforcement entailed the development and approval of GOST 31938-2012, which defines the manufacturing conditions, appearance, dimensions and procedure for laboratory testing of products of this type.

What is fiberglass reinforcement

Structurally, in cross section, it is a bundle of threads made of fiberglass, carbon fiber, basalt and some other polymers, coated on top with viscous resins. This structure provides tensile strength more than three times higher than that of steel (a detailed comparison of composite and metal reinforcement is provided).


Depending on the type of raw materials used in the manufacture, PVC reinforcement for foundations is divided into:

  • glass composite - ASC;
  • carbon composite – AUK;
  • basalt - ABK;
  • combined – ACC.

In addition, polymer rods vary in cross-sectional diameter from 4 to 32 mm and appearance surface, which can be smooth, corrugated or powdered.

Deliveries are made in the form of rolled coils or straight cut rods up to 12 meters long.


The structural structure of composite reinforcement for foundations makes it a unique building material that is used for the construction of especially critical monolithic concrete structures. The main technical indicators include:

  • lower tensile strength for ASC 800 MPa, AUK 1400 MPa, ABK 1200 MPa;
  • ultimate strength during compression testing for all types - not less than 300 MPa;
  • transverse shear resistance for ASK is not less than 150 MPa, AUK 350 MPa, ABK 250 MPa;
  • average specific gravity composite reinforcement - 1900 kg/m 3 ;
  • The maximum operating temperature is 60˚C.

When comparing elasticity indicators, it should be noted that carbon fiber reinforcement is more than 2 times higher than fiberglass and 1.5 times higher than composite basalt reinforcement.

Weight of plastic fittings.

Cost of fiberglass rod

The price of polymer reinforcing materials depends on the structure and components in the composition. The design of the composite rod consists of a longitudinal set of glass fibers bonded together epoxy resin. The surface can remain smooth, have a rough powder, or be wrapped in a spiral with a special glass roving. The latter method allows you to obtain a ribbed surface that will provide more reliable adhesion to concrete.

Unlike rolled metal, which in most cases is sold by weight, the price of fiberglass reinforcement is always determined per linear meter. This often leads to the misconception that composite materials cost much more per ton than steel.

It is necessary to understand that with a diameter of 12 mm, one ton of metal will contain 1100 meters of rod, and plastic - 12500 meters. In addition, the high strength of fiberglass reinforcement allows the use of smaller diameters under the same installation conditions. These conditions show that the cost of polymers will not be higher, but lower, than that of rolled metal. A study of the price lists of manufacturing companies showed that the price of the most popular diameters 4-8 mm is in the range 8.50-27.20 rub/m.

Pros and cons of using fiberglass

Experts consider the main advantages of composite reinforcement to be:

  • resistance to corrosion and many aggressive chemicals;
  • high strength, exceeding similar indicators for metal;
  • durability, increasing the service life of the structure by 2-3 times;
  • low specific weight, facilitating loading and transportation;
  • simple calculation of fiberglass reinforcement for the foundation;
  • possibility of use when negative temperatures up to -60˚C;
  • environmental friendliness of the components used;
  • accessibility and cost-effectiveness of use;
  • no restriction on rod length during installation due to supplies in coils;
  • dielectric and antimagnetic properties.

A serious disadvantage of composite reinforcement is its reduced strength during fracture testing. Where metal rods simply bend, fiberglass can break, weakening the reliability of the structure. Therefore, such polymers are not used in the installation and production of load-bearing elements and floors, which limits their use and is a disadvantage.

The maximum heating temperature does not allow the use of plastic reinforcement with the potential for prolonged exposure to an open flame. In the event of a fire, such concrete monoliths will be identified as damaged and must be replaced.

Comparing the pros and cons of fiberglass reinforcement, we can confidently conclude that these materials can and should be used to create reliable and durable monolithic structures.

Scope of application

Fiberglass is an excellent material for installing any type of foundation. Composite reinforcement is used not only in industrial, but also in private construction. Especially if there is a possibility of high lifting groundwater and on marshy soils. This material is indispensable when performing work to strengthen banks, during construction hydraulic structures and at facilities with possible exposure to aggressive substances.

Good results are obtained if you use plastic reinforcement to strengthen road surfaces in areas with high humidity and in permafrost conditions. A rod with a diameter of 4 mm is used for reinforcing masonry made of foam concrete and aerated concrete blocks, as well as floors in industrial and commercial facilities.

Experts also recognize the possibility of effective joint use of traditional steel rods and composite reinforcement as an advantage of composite reinforcement. plastic materials. With the help of steel, the corners and junctions of the walls are strengthened, and all spans are reinforced with plastic. This allows you to speed up the assembly of the frame without compromising the quality of the structure and expand the areas of application of materials.

Foundation reinforcement technology

Thanks to the reduced weight of plastic reinforcement and the ability to use rods of any length, assembling a reinforcing frame is much easier than using metal rods. The increased strength of polymer reinforcement for foundation materials allows the use of a smaller cross-section.

For example, steel reinforcement with a diameter of 12 mm, often used for installing foundations in private construction, is replaced by 8 mm plastic, and 10 mm rods by 7 mm polymer.
A calculation table that will help you determine exactly what diameter can be used in each individual case.

Technological production process installation work using plastic reinforcement for the foundation is carried out in several stages, as shown in the video at the end of the article:

  1. installation of formwork;
  2. marking the concrete pouring level;
  3. assembly of the reinforcing frame;
  4. removal of formwork.

Installation of the formwork structure when reinforcing a strip foundation with fiberglass reinforcement must be carried out in accordance with the design to ensure the exact configuration and dimensions of the foundation elements. When out wooden planks, chipboard or plywood, it is recommended to wrap the panels in glassine. This will save the material and reuse it.

After that on inside enclosing elements, using a water level, it is necessary to mark the upper level of the future monolith. They will allow you to navigate when pouring concrete and ensure its even distribution.

Assembly of the reinforcing frame

The layout of the reinforcement and the dimensions between individual rods are always indicated in the project. If you use fiberglass reinforcement in the foundation, you can change the diameter of the rods to a smaller one, but the layout should be done only according to the drawing.

Scheme of reinforcement of a monolithic slab.

Initially, it is necessary to unwind rods of the required length from the coil and install them on stands parallel to each other. At specified intervals, place transverse bridges on the longitudinal strings. Tie the reinforcement at the intersections with tying wire or tighten it with tight plastic clamps (more about tying -). As a result, the bottom row of the frame will be ready for reinforcing the foundation with fiberglass reinforcement.

Prepare vertical posts of the required length. The top row of the frame is knitted similarly to the bottom row. After assembly, both rows are placed on top of each other and, starting from the edge, their vertical posts are connected, gradually raising the top row of reinforcement.

After assembling the structure, it must be moved and installed inside the formwork fence, as shown in the photo.

Before installing the reinforcing frame, sand is poured into the bottom of the trench and spilled with water or compacted. It is recommended to cover the compacted sand surface with waterproofing material or geotextile fabric. This will prevent moisture from entering the foundation and increase its reliability and service life.

In the process of installing a foundation made of fiberglass reinforcement, it must be remembered that the edges of the rods should not reach 5 cm from the formwork and the bottom of the trench. To ensure this condition, you can use special plastic fasteners such as “post” and “star” or dense moisture-resistant stone materials.

Belt reinforcement.

Pouring concrete mixture

Laying concrete inside the formwork is done in exactly the same way as when using metal reinforcement. However, extreme caution should be exercised, since the strength of fiberglass reinforcement may be insufficient under strong lateral impacts. Compacting concrete with a vibrator or tamper must be done in such a way as not to damage the installed frame.

Horizontal reinforcement

This method of using composite reinforcement in construction is used for installation slab foundations. Their main difference from the bases belt type consists in the absence of corners and adjacent areas. In fact, the entire structure is made in the form of two large grids, located one above the other. All assembly work is carried out at the installation site, since moving an assembled element of such a large size is quite problematic.

Therefore, initially it fits required amount longitudinal rods. Transverse ones are placed on them and a mesh is knitted using wire or clamps. The second one is knitted directly on it. After this, the lower mesh must be raised onto stands above the bottom of the pit. Next, the upper mesh can be placed on vertical posts installed at the intersections of the reinforcement.


Fiberglass mesh for reinforcement on construction sites in our country it is still considered a new material. Many builders still believe that the use of steel, the properties of which have long been studied, will provide a more reliable monolithic structure.

However, numerous tests and studies have shown that composite materials are superior to traditional metal in strength, durability and other characteristics. Plastic is more convenient to use and reduces installation time. It is also not susceptible to corrosion, stray currents or low temperatures.

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