When is the full moon in September?

When, from what date to what date will the Full Moon be in September 2018? And also when and how to make a wish on the Full Moon?

The full moon is the moment in the middle lunar month when the Moon is 100% illuminated. We see the full Moon in the sky, and it gives us its energy. This is a magical time, so you can attract various benefits into your life.

Full moon in September 2018 - from what date?

The moon will become full exactly on September 25 at 5:52 Moscow time. Calculate the time for your region, taking into account the difference with Moscow.

Full Moon - September 25, 5:52 Moscow time in the sign of Aries. The Full Moon Day begins from this moment. The Day of the Full Moon can be conventionally considered the day from September 25, 5:52 Moscow time, to September 26, 5:52 Moscow time.

It is on this day that you can (not only at night, but at any time of the day) make wishes.

How to make wishes on the Full Moon?

To make your wishes come true, you can use a candle on the Full Moon. The New Moon is ruled by water. Full moon - fire. Choose your wishes. It is important that there are no more than 5 of them. You should have enough energy for each of your wishes.

First, take a dark-colored candle: black or brown. With its help you can cleanse yourself of negativity. Light it, look at the flame for a long time, and feel how the energy of the fire cleanses you from the inside. Try to dissolve in this flame and let its energy into yourself.

Then take a candle of red or another color. The color of the candle can be chosen depending on the theme of the desire. Write down your wishes on a piece of paper. Close your eyes and transport your thoughts and feelings to the moment when they have already come true. You must let through yourself all the positive emotions associated with the fulfillment of desires. IMPORTANT! Don't imagine the wish coming true, because then it won't come true. You cannot specify the exact implementation scenario.

Just feel good and happy. Read your wishes and burn the sheet in a candle flame. Desires will be sent to the Universe. If you were interested in the article, be sure to share it on social networks.

The waxing Moon will reach the peak of its energy at exactly 5.56 Moscow time in the fiery constellation Aries. The full moon on September 25, 2018 will occur on Tuesday, and this day of the week is under the protection of Mars, so the situation will be tense to the limit.

The lunar calendar for September 2018 warns that there may be breakdowns in agreements, scandals between close associates, and an intensification of the struggle for power and finances. Today is September 23rd, when you feel general nervousness and the inability to plan the course of events the way you need it. Representatives of all zodiac signs try to get as much as possible from this life, realizing that time and resources are limited. It is this fuss that leads to scandals out of the blue, an increase in the number of accidents, failures and breakdowns in the operation of equipment.

The fire sign of Aries will fill the Full Moon on September 25, 2018 with powerful energy of sexual desire, which can be turned to its advantage. But for this you need to skillfully maneuver so as not to accidentally become a victim of violence or cruelty. In order to soften emotions, it is necessary to select soft pastel colors in clothes, as well as use the art of diplomacy and negotiation.

But on the eve of Tuesday, September 25, 2018, all people without exception will have a heightened intuition and the ability to literally read the thoughts of their interlocutor. Be sure to remember what you dream about these days, it’s very good if it happens Blooming tree, a pair of shoes, the sun, a dog or some pleasant aroma. A warning of impending danger may be a dream in which you cultivate the soil with a shovel or buy raw meat. You should also think about your behavior if you constantly dream about cats and kittens, as this indicates a quarrelsome nature and the inability to build harmonious relationships with others.

The full moon on September 25, 2018 is perfect for your personal consultation with a clairvoyant by phone. After all, the aggravated psychic abilities will help the fortune teller make a true forecast using Tarot cards online and remotely remove the evil eye, damage or negative programs blocking your progress towards your goal. The Full Moon phase in the sign of Aries is excellent for activation love spells and rituals for prosperity in the family. At this time, you can charge the silver and natural stones lunar energy in order to receive a magical amulet for happiness and good luck.

It is enough to wake up at dawn on September 25, 2018, when the Full Moon will take place in Aries, and ask the Moon for help and support. The enchanted object should always be with you and in contact with the warmth of your skin, then its effect will be very fast and effective. A cherished wish made on the night of the Full Moon on September 25, 2018 will definitely come true, provided that your feelings are sincere and your intentions are decent and honest.

In contact with

Two weeks from New Moon to Full Moon is a magical period. These days the Moon is young (the first week after the New Moon) and growing (the second week after the New Moon).

In these two weeks from the New Moon to the Full Moon, we can start all new things, projects, make purchases, do important things, get a haircut, hair coloring, move forward, travel, influence our lives.

When will the Full Moon occur in September 2018?

Full moon will occur during the 16th lunar day, at 01°60′ Aries.

The influence of the Full Moon in September 2018

The full moon in September 2018 will occur in square to Saturn. This means that we will finally be able to see the results of our work and efforts, to see where our endeavors are leading us.

On this Full Moon, problems in relationships, especially business ones, may worsen. Some will see progress, while others will identify difficulties in their work.

The full moon in September 2018 will help us see what we need to change in ourselves and our plans in order to achieve our own goals.

The full moon is a moment of summing up and adjusting the chosen path, methods, and creating new ideas.

Every Full Moon brings with it changes. This Full Moon will show where we are going and how to improve our affairs.

The Sun square Saturn during the Full Moon draws our attention to how satisfied we are with our relationships with people and whether this brings benefit and benefit to both parties. It is in this vein that you will need to work during the Full Moon in September 2018.

Full moon September 2018 - what you can and cannot do?

On the Full Moon, chaos and destruction reign in the world, so this day is always dangerous and very energetically strong.

On the Full Moon you need:

  • be careful on the roads, as people become too careless
  • don't quarrel, control your emotions
  • do not start new things, but correct the ones already started
  • make changes
  • don’t cut your hair or wear makeup, this day is full of different energy
  • do not clean, as the Full Moon is ruled by chaos
  • come home early, spend the evening at home
  • channel your energy into creativity and creating new ideas
  • If necessary, isolate yourself and limit your social circle

The day of the Full Moon and the day before it are the most dangerous periods. These days, the number of crimes, accidents, injuries, poisonings, quarrels, and scandals increases. It is very important to be restrained, attentive and careful.

How to prepare for the Full Moon in September 2018?

The period from New Moon to Full Moon from September 9 to 24, 2018 is a time of beginnings, active actions, the period when we influence our lives.

From the moment of the New Moon to the Full Moon, the Moon grows in the sky, and with it our energy grows. The energy peak occurs during the Full Moon.

To prepare for the Full Moon - the moment when our lives will change, when a period of change will begin, we need to lay the foundation for all the good things in our lives.

  • think and talk only about good things
  • start new things and projects
  • get to know each other, harmonize relationships
  • gain strength and energy from nature
  • cut your hair, dye your hair
  • engage in financial transactions
  • establish cooperation and contacts with people
  • every day to direct your energy in the right direction

How to understand how much energy you can spend in a day? Look at the moon in the sky. What percentage of the moon is illuminated sun rays? What is the visibility of the Moon at the moment?

On New Moon The moon is almost invisible in the sky, so we can plan and dream, but we should not start new things.

On the young moon you need to rest a lot, find a balance between work and rest.

When the moon is waxing and its visibility becomes more than half, we can be more active, mobile, and work a lot.

On the Full Moon and the days approaching this moment, the moon is the largest, and people have the greatest amount of energy.

The upcoming Full Moon will take place under the auspices of Aries, which suggests dramatic changes. We will have a chance to add something new to our lives, as well as solve many problems. The lunar calendar and advice from astrologers will help you succeed in this.

The full moon will occur on September 25th. The Moon will be in the Sign of Aries, which is considered an unstable combination that is devoid of harmony. The 16th lunar day can bring a lot of problems, but site specialists know how to get the maximum benefit from such a combination.

There are 5 rules that will help you change your life for the better and strengthen the energy of your desires. With their help, on September 25th you will really be able to make your dream come true.

Finance, career and work September 25

From the point of view of astrologers, the Full Moon in Aries is a good time to begin transformations in the financial sphere of life: getting rid of material problems, completing important projects and searching for new opportunities that will abound in the Universe.

On September 25, people will have a clear understanding of the situation or the opportunity to resolve issues related to work, money or business. Until this day, a huge number of incomprehensible events may occur throughout the week, behind which it will be impossible to see the main goal and prospects beneficial for career growth and increasing wealth. On the Full Moon everything will change.

Love and Relationships on the Full Moon

On this energetically difficult day, it is best to forget about new acquaintances and indulge in relaxation. It is important to be patient and be careful when communicating, since there is a high risk of quarreling with loved ones over a trifle.

The influence of Aries will interfere with productive business and romantic communication. Meetings will be rescheduled important points- to be violated, and quarrels - to arise out of the blue. It will be easier to get through this day if you find additional ones and remain calm - such an attitude will help you avoid many problems and squabbles.

Mood and health on the 16th lunar day

During the Full Moon, many experience apathy, loss of strength and inexplicable fear. Men often transform it into anger, and women into irritation.

The Full Moon in Aries can reward with negativity everyone who does not know how or does not want to tune in to a positive wave. Problems on such days come literally out of nowhere, so many people feel devastated, a sharp decline in activity and frequent mood swings. Practices aimed at attracting positive events and changes into your life will help correct the situation.

When the Moon's activity is at its maximum, it can cause headaches, restlessness and poor health. In the lunar calendar, September 25 is the day of the load on nervous system. Mental and physical fatigue will significantly reduce the overall tone of the body. Staying organized and concentrating on something important will help you avoid problems.

Most big problem During the Full Moon there is a decline in activity and increased nervousness, which irreversibly entail internal and external problems. Affirmations for health, luck and love will help you cope with this mood. If you cope with negativity, then any other problem will not make you worry. We wish you good mood, success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

18.09.2018 04:41

The full moon has always been considered a mystical period of time. At this time, the Moon has a special effect on a person: we become more vulnerable, ...

A full moon is the moment when the Moon approaches the halfway point of its path around our planet. The side facing the Earth is completely illuminated by the sun's rays, which is why the full disk of the Moon is visible in the night sky.

During the period of the full Moon, the shape of the earth's satellite becomes a regular luminous disk. Its period in each month extends to several days. If lunar days affect our behavior, then the phases affect the activity of the body.

Energy is consumed faster as this is the critical lunar point. Increased irritability, disturbed sleep, worsened chronic diseases. The risk of road accidents and accidents is also increasing. So these days, focus on your safety and look around.

But the influence of the full moon is felt not only by people, but by all living things. To manage and monitor these processes, use moon calendar, indicating a favorable time for a particular action.

Moon phases in September 2018

Full moon in Russia and the most dangerous days in September 2018

According to experts, the first month of autumn promises to be quite positive. Despite this, in September several very difficult and challenging events await earthlings. dangerous days. In order to avoid major problems, it is worth knowing about these dates in advance so that you can prepare for them.

9th of September. Sesquiquadrate Venus and Neptune. On this day, two completely opposite planets, such as Venus and Neptune, will come into conflict. Their opposition will lead to various kinds of disagreements and misunderstandings. Conflicts are likely both at work and in the family. You should be vigilant and not be too trusting on this day, since a stab in the back can overtake anyone completely unexpectedly.

September 14. Mercury and Neptune are in opposition. On this day, almost every person may have base and dark thoughts, a desire to take revenge on someone for past grievances. Also, everyone can be overtaken by disappointment from betrayal loved one. To avoid sad consequences, try not to give in negative emotions, follow the voice of reason.

September 19. Moon in trine with the Sun. On this day the Moon will be in Capricorn. Capricorn's stubbornness on such a difficult day does not bode well, since it will be necessary to show flexibility in order to avoid major troubles. There is also a high risk of overestimating your own capabilities, as a result of which you can fail a big deal. It is extremely important on this day to be careful and not neglect the little things.

23 September. Quincunx of Mercury and Uranus. The day is especially dangerous in terms of financial mistakes. If you let them happen on this day, you will have to deal with the consequences for a long time. Common sense, clear planning and calculation - all this will be extremely important on September 23.

September 25. Full moon. The full moon is always considered a special and ambiguous day. It can either give you a unique chance to improve your life or cause great harm. The danger of the full moon on September 25, 2018 lies in the fact that it will pass in the sign of Aries. Hot temper and impulsiveness are what can play a cruel joke on you on this day. Therefore, try to control yourself so as not to spoil your relationships with others, because later it will be very difficult to restore them.

The influence of the full moon on humans

The full moon is the period lunar cycle, at which the luminary reaches the peak of its growth, while its influence on all living things intensifies and reaches maximum level. At this time, plants grow especially quickly, all recovery processes increase significantly, and metabolism is activated.

The full moon affects humans even more strongly. During this period, his brain activity reaches its peak, continuing even at night. The Full Moon is fundamentally different from the New Moon - you are bursting with energy, you are charged with strength, and you may want to do the impossible. This state must be used to achieve your goals. At such moments, it is recommended to engage in important and necessary things to do. It's time to realize what you lacked enthusiasm or energy for, and everything will work out perfectly, and you may even feel like you've caught luck by the tail.

However, due to such a tide, conflicts may arise, because during the Full Moon emotional background heated to the limit.

To avoid quarrels with loved ones, try:

  • Maintain composure until the last moment;
  • Be patient;
  • Do not give in to provocations or “injections”;
  • Steer the conversation to a neutral topic if you feel that a quarrel may break out.
