Stones that suit Taurus. Talisman stones for beautiful Taurus women

Each of the 12 zodiac signs has its own talisman stones. The choice of a mineral, which will henceforth serve as an amulet, depends not only on the zodiac characteristics of the owner, but also on his gender. A talisman stone for a Taurus woman, for example, must match the character of its owner and at the same time not harm her karma.

Taurus is a zodiac sign known for its amazing tenacity and stubbornness. People born under this sign are accustomed to going ahead at any cost and proving to others that they are right. They love stability in everything and prefer to solve problems that arise consistently and methodically.

The Taurus woman is not lacking in perseverance and purposefulness. But this does not prevent her from having a peaceful disposition, calmness and leisureliness. At the same time, the character of these stubborn individuals is dominated by some secrecy and pragmatism. The Taurus woman is particularly meticulous in her work and prefers to do everything strictly according to instructions.

The young lady born under the sign of Taurus is also no stranger to romance and sentimentality. She is a sensual person, but in love she shows some caution and gradually reveals herself to her partner.

These ladies love comfort and chic, so they approach any choice with special care. The same goes for talismans.

The right stone - what is it?

The most strong talismans become stones received as an inheritance or as a gift. Minerals purchased with your own money begin to perform the function of a talisman only after a few years. And stolen gems carry nothing but negative energy.

So which talisman stone is best for a Taurus woman, how to choose it, what parameters to rely on? One will help answer this question simple recommendation: Taurus is a spring sign and its natives like spring colors. Therefore, talisman stones should be rich and at the same time delicate spring shades: blue sky, white clouds, young greenery.

People born under the constellation Taurus are naturally endowed with high energy potential (including women). Therefore, it is better to choose minerals that are active and at the same time not too aggressive as talismans. Their main task should be to direct the innate energy of their owner in the right direction.

Select by date of birth

The best solution is to choose a talisman stone for a charming Taurus woman, based on her birth period. In total, 3 such periods can be distinguished:

  1. Taurus women born April 21 - May 1.
  2. Taurus women born May 2 - 11.
  3. Taurus women born May 12 - 20.

Each group will have its own amulets.

First ten days (April 21 - May 1)

Taurus women, born between April 21 and May 1, are ruled by the planet Mercury. Their distinctive features are balance, amazing luck, generosity, love for pleasant surprises. The best talisman stones for these young ladies are:

  • Aventurine is a stone that brings prosperity to its owner and protects her from various unpleasant situations. The mineral also enhances the leadership qualities of its owner. It helps you get active positive energy, he singles it out. Attracts luck and fortune.
  • - protects its owner from the influence of dark forces, from the evil eye. Calms and softens her disposition, gives her confidence in her abilities. Eliminates anger and irritability. Strengthens health. Helps to establish peace and harmony in her family.
  • - calming, anti-anxiety and evocative good mood stone. Brings harmony into the family life of its owner. Recommended for single Taurus women, as it gives the energy needed to create a family, attracts prosperity, peace into the home, and gives a feeling of security.
  • - a talisman that helps its owner relax, achieve peace and tranquility, and take control of her emotions. Protects against alcoholism.
  • — it is recommended to choose an “old” mineral. This is a talisman stone that will help strengthen intuition and bring prosperity and well-being. Attracts love, strengthens family relationships, brings harmony and happiness to the family.
  • Bull's eye - helps to cope with various diseases and addictions, protects against them. Awakens the gift of clairvoyance. Recommended for active and active Taurus women. It will bring harm to its owner if she is prone to laziness.
  • - activates mental activity, develops imagination. Attracts financial well-being. Treats the respiratory system.
  • - a stone that brings good luck in love, and also attracts money and fame. Attracts the attention of men and gets rid of overly intrusive suitors. Protects its owner from betrayal.
  • - endows his mistress with insight. Develops patience and concentration. Instills determination and activity.
  • bloody is a powerful talisman stone that protects the Taurus woman from any negative influence, including those coming from evil forces (damage, the evil eye). Gives happiness and prosperity.

Second decade (May 2 - 11)

Taurus women born between May 2 and May 11 are ruled by the Moon. These are business and practical ladies who are absolutely alien to romanticism. The key goal of their life is to build a career. At the same time, these individuals are distinguished by some indecisiveness.

The best talisman stones for representatives of this period are:

  • - a talisman against misfortunes and failures. Endows its owner with intelligence, wisdom and perseverance. Makes her more modest and merciful, courageous and fair.
  • - a stone with healing powers. Improves mood, protects against depression. Gives harmony and performs secret desires. Attracts wealth. It is recommended to wear it framed in silver so that the talisman can protect its owner from the envy of others.
  • - a mineral that can calm its owner and strengthen her body. Helps you find life purpose, gives a good mood, enhances positive traits owner.
  • Opal is an amulet that protects against the influence of dark witchcraft forces. Protects from failures and accidents, from dishonest people and diseases. Develops talents.
  • - a stone with strong energy of love, happiness and joy. Attracts the attention of men to its owner, sometimes even too active and intrusive. Makes the atmosphere in the family joyful and happy.
  • - a talisman that protects against danger and malice. Stone of friendship - helps to make friends with worthy people. Gives its owner good luck.

Third ten days (May 12 - 20)

Taurus women whose birth date fell in the third decade (May 12-20) seem cheerful, perky, cheerful, cheerful and full of optimism to the people around them. In fact, this is a kind of mask under which a pessimistic and uncommunicative nature is hidden.

For Taurus women of the third decade, talisman stones are suitable:

  • Aquamarine - directs the owner’s energy in the right direction, helps her learn to distinguish between any deception and the secret meaning of things. Possesses medicinal properties: strengthens the immune system, cleanses the body of toxins and waste.
  • () - makes the hostess happy, attracts material well-being into her life. Makes her character more decisive and firm. Heals mental illnesses and relieves depression. Protects from any evil. Recommended for Taurus women for constant wear.
  • Beryl - guards the financial well-being of its owner. Protects against any diseases, gives the body vitality and tone, increases its potential. Recommended for older Taurus women.
  • - ignites passion, brings back faded feelings. Suitable for Taurus women in creative professions.
  • - helps out in difficult life circumstances, gives strength and patience. Attracts prosperity.
  • Ruby - brings up purely masculine qualities in its owner: courage, fearlessness, bravery and strength. Recommended for wearing by Taurus whose activities involve danger and risk.
  • - strengthens marriage bonds, protects against lies. Represents virgin purity, chastity and constancy.
  • - protects against deceit, lies and intrigue. Helps to manage subordinates and find the right solutions. Instills focus. Recommended for Taurus women involved in business.

Each sign of the zodiac circle has its own distinctive features. Certain character traits of zodiac signs can be influenced by patron planets and even mascot stones.

Distinctive features of Taurus

Taurus people are considered quite reliable people. You can always rely on them in any situation life situation. They are quite conservative and do not like changes in life. Moreover, representatives of this zodiac sign are considered very constant and unshakable people. It is unlikely that any minor problem will make them angry.

At times, Taurus may seem rather sedentary. This is due to their calmness. They prefer to do everything in a calm atmosphere, without haste and unnecessary emotions.

It is unlikely that anyone will be able to force Taurus to commit this or that act. They are quite stubborn and do not tolerate coercion. Moreover, representatives of this zodiac sign are incredibly stubborn and will stand their ground to the end.

Taurus is also characterized by commercialism. They can find benefits even where there simply cannot be any. People born under this sign know how to make money.

But in order to be completely happy, Taurus needs to constantly satisfy their demands and needs. Moreover, these needs, as a rule, consist of love and craving for beauty. Taurus can spend hours admiring paintings and studying sculptures. It is worth noting that only a truly beautiful thing can please them.

However, Taurus also has negative qualities, among which selfishness and stinginess occupy a special place. However, this stinginess is expressed a little differently. For example, Taurus can hardly be called greedy when it comes to money. But they really love collecting expensive and high-quality items. Representatives of this zodiac sign can easily part with a certain amount of money, but they are unlikely to be able to give away a valuable figurine brought from a trip.

Talisman stones by date of birth

Surprisingly right choice birthstone depends not only on the zodiac sign, but also on the date on which the person was born. Most often, stones are selected depending on the decade in which the person was born.

Taurus, who were born from April 21 to May 1, that is, in the 1st decade of a given zodiac sign, should give preference to stones such as aventurine or carnelian, for example. Quartz and tiger's eye are also popular. Bloody jasper and agate will be an excellent talisman for such Taurus. All these stones interact well with the planet that patronizes this zodiac sign - Mercury.

Taurus who were born in the second decade of the zodiac sign, namely from May 2 to 11, should choose products that contain stones such as chalcedony or turquoise, coral. Excellent choice a product with onyx or opal will also be available. Chrysoprase can also become a talisman for such people. The patron saint of Taurus born in the second decade of the zodiac sign is the Moon.

But Taurus, who were born from May 12 to May 20, that is, in the third decade of the sign, should pay attention to stones such as diamond or sapphire, topaz. Excellent talismans can be garnet or emerald, as well as aquamarine or tourmaline. The planet that is the patron of Taurus in the third decade is Saturn.

Talisman stone for Taurus woman

It is no secret that it is preferable to choose talisman stones not only by zodiac sign, but also by gender. Taurus women should pay attention to the following stones:

  1. White or green agate will help bring happiness and peace to the family, as well as awaken hidden creative talents in a woman. These stones can also improve mood and are excellent at relieving stress and helping to cope with depression. Shy ladies who choose agate as their talisman become more courageous and sociable. But black agate, which was skillfully inlaid into jewelry, will help the Taurus woman achieve financial well-being.
  2. But a stone like aventurine will help ladies cope with problems in business and bring good luck in this field. Moreover, this stone is considered an excellent talisman in love affairs. It is worth noting that if worn for a long time, the stone can harm a beautiful lady and make her very special and gambling. Aventurine is able to have not only a magical, but also a healing effect on Taurus women. The stone is able to cope with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, and will also help you forget about such ailments as allergies.
  3. It is worth noting that Taurus women have such negative quality as exposure to the influence of strangers. Chalcedony will help a woman protect herself from the influence of other people's energy. For women who work in a large team, this stone can become a real talisman protector.
  4. But ladies who are not confident in their abilities need to pay attention to a stone such as chrysoprase. These stones will also help get rid of laziness. They will force their mistress to act. Creative people chrysoprase will bring good luck and help in their endeavors.
  5. Turquoise is a favorite stone of the fair sex. Unmarried girls will be able to find a gentleman if they always have a stone with them. Moreover, turquoise will be able to protect the Taurus woman from lies and rash actions. A green stone can be brought into the house married woman peace and comfort will make the atmosphere more pleasant. Turquoise of this color will become a talisman in that family where they dream of having a baby.
  6. A Taurus woman who thinks about her beauty should definitely make sapphire her talisman stone yellow color. This stone also helps cope with stress and makes a woman stronger.

Stones that Taurus women should not choose

There are also a number of stones that not only will not bring any benefit, but can also harm the Taurus woman.

  1. The worst stone for representatives of this zodiac sign is amber. It is worth noting that ladies should strictly avoid this stone in all kinds of jewelry and other trinkets. Owners of this stone very soon begin to notice its negative effects on themselves. As soon as a woman buys this stone for herself, misfortunes simply begin to haunt her.
  2. You should also avoid stones such as opal. Presented as a gift, a stone can cause envy, which, in turn, will lead to other problems.

There are also a number of stones that are undesirable for women of the zodiac sign Taurus. These include heliotrope and amethyst. Taurus ladies should also treat stones such as ruby ​​and topaz with caution. A stone such as pyrite can be dangerous for the fair sex.

The whole point is that Taurus women should simply avoid too active talisman stones. It is best to give preference to those talismans that can direct their energy in the right direction.

Therefore, when choosing jewelry, a lady should listen to her inner voice. When a woman looks at a piece of jewelry with any stone and feels a surge of warmth and strength, then you can be sure that this talisman is suitable for her.

Main stone of Taurus woman

This is, of course, turquoise. For the Earth sign, this living mineral brings love to life and stability, provided the stone is worn constantly. For those born in late April-early May, turquoise serves as a talisman. By appearance The fossil shows whether the owner was attacked from outside. The stone, taking the blow upon itself, may become covered with stains, in this case it is worth giving it a rest, holding it for several days. But if the color of turquoise changes, you should consult a doctor, as most likely this is a sign of some disease.

Taurus Gems

These include: sapphire, emerald, opal, malachite, lapis lazuli, diamond. All of them serve as amulets and amulets for Taurus.

Taurus Woman Stone


With this amulet, any doors will be open to you. Protects the owner from slander, betrayal and evil fate. If utensils are made from sapphire, the quality of any food contained in it noticeably improves. In addition, it is a talisman of love and fidelity.


One of the best defenders. Especially when it is a talisman based on your zodiac sign. And this is exactly the case of Taurus. For a spring sign, this rich green beryl is a talisman of good luck in all areas, including health, love and wealth. Like most minerals, it can harm an evil and vile person, and on the contrary, it will help and protect a merciful and kind owner.


Milky-colored cacholong is especially good for the fair half of the population. This stone of the Taurus woman protects the family, protects it, and brings peace and prosperity. Has a feminine origin. Stone of monks, purity of thoughts.


It is of great value for discovering talents in children. Then develops these abilities. A stone of wisdom and knowledge, it acts by purifying consciousness and enlightening thoughts. It is also a talisman of health.

Lapis lazuli

This beautiful mineral is suitable for people who communicate with big amount people. Gives eloquence and endows oratorical abilities. It helps fickle owners to spend their energy wisely and be more careful in performing various actions and more restrained in their statements.


It is capable of both helping and harming its owner if he received the stone illegally or is a person with low desires and evil thoughts. It is believed that this gemstone works better when passed on by inheritance or as a gift from someone you trust, otherwise, owning a diamond will not turn out to be anything good for you. How strong a talisman is. Grants brave warriors fighting for good causes invincibility and courage.

And further…

The Taurus woman's stone must be able to control her, because this Earth sign often suffers from excess both in deeds and actions, as well as in food and statements. Taurus just doesn't know when to stop. In general, this is a rather peaceful and permanent sign. Stimulants such as amazonite and carnelian are suitable for maintaining mental strength, while rock crystal and moonstone will help develop the gift of foresight, intuition, and make the spiritual world of the spring constellation richer. Stones with high energy potential, too active, are not recommended for Taurus, since the sign already has a fairly high vitality.


Silent aesthetes

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Loving and gentle Taurus is subject to the influence of Venus. They love physical and mental comfort very much and are willing to pay a high price for it. Taurus are great lovers of beautiful things, works of art and architecture. They can get everything they want, but often they are simply lazy or do not consider it necessary to strain. Taurus are materialists, they know how to earn and spend. They show their feelings in the form of gifts, forgetting about compliments and recognition. Taurus will not appreciate symbolic gifts, but will be delighted with a beautiful or useful thing.

Thanks to their soft and compliant nature, Taurus often follows the lead of stronger signs. It is very difficult to anger them, but if Taurus the bull is brought to the boiling point, he will destroy everything in his path. He would rather sing than tell. Taurus like to make far-reaching plans and strictly follow them; they will stubbornly resist anyone who tries to stop them. Taurus people make good leaders who strive for the highest heights.

Patron stones

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Sapphire suits all Taurus regardless of date of birth. Astrologers and lithotherapists advise choosing gems for Taurus in accordance with the ten-day period of the zodiac period.

  • For Taurus born in the 1st decade ( from April 21 to May 1) Quartz, aventurine, blood jasper, tiger's eye, carnelian and agate are suitable. These stones interact well with the patron Mercury.
  • For Taurus of the 2nd decade ( date of birth - from May 2 to May 11) products with corals, chalcedony, onyx, opal, turquoise and chrysoprase will be optimal. The Moon helps indecisive romantics of this period.
  • In the 3rd decade ( 12th - 20th May) misanthropes and pessimists are born who avoid material difficulties. Their patron planet is also heavy - Saturn. For the most part, the stones that patronize Taurus in this decade are very expensive: diamond, garnet, emerald, sapphire, aquamarine, topaz and tourmaline.

Learn more about stones for Taurus in the video:

The right neighborhood

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It is very important to choose the right frame for the stone. An emerald should be set in gold, and for men it is best to wear the stone in a ring. Women can afford a set with emeralds (necklace, earrings and ring). Turquoise goes perfectly with silver. Opals do not tolerate proximity to gold or other stones. Good frame suitable sign, is copper. Light-colored stones (blue, white, pink) are most suitable for Taurus women; stones with darker and richer colors (emerald, black agate) help male Taurus women.

Choosing a Stone for Taurus

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Which stone is best for Taurus, who are... earth sign? Solid stones with high density and hardness. White or green agate can bring happiness to Taurus in all endeavors. The stone lifts the mood of people prone to depression and gives them strength to live. Agate helps silent Taurus at important speeches in front of a large number of people. Taurus, who is especially concerned about material wealth, will be happy with black agate in decoration. Blue shades will add vital energy and activity. The most suitable setting for agate is copper.

Taurus people are not special intellectual abilities and knowledge of life. Gain wisdom and activate logical thinking talismans with sapphire will help. The stone will also pacify carnal passions, which often boil in the soul of the sign and prevent them from looking at the world soberly. Most suitable shade will be pink. He will give peace and composure.

Taurus is protected by aventurine - a stone of good luck in business and love affairs.. It has a beneficial effect on the energy field of children. But you should not wear it too often, so as not to become a careless and overly gambling person. Except magical properties, aventurine helps with upper respiratory tract diseases and allergic reactions.

Emeralds can help Taurus avoid serious stress and outbursts of anger. This stone symbolizes wisdom and harmony with oneself and others. Products with emeralds will not allow Taurus to become despondent and mopey from everyday responsibilities.

Taurus are very susceptible to the influence of others; outside opinions often mean more to them than their own. To protect yourself from excessive energy influence from the outside, jewelry with chalcedony is recommended for this sign. This is especially true for those whose work involves direct contact with many people. The stone can protect you from unnecessary worries and worries.

Astrologers recommend wearing chrysoprase to those Taurus who lack self-confidence and their abilities.. In addition, the stone fights laziness and apathy, which are so characteristic of Taurus. Chrysoprase gives activity and the desire to move forward. Jewelry with it will help creative individuals express themselves better, and inventors and scientists will help bring their ideas to life.

Among the semi-precious stones, rose quartz is the most suitable for Taurus.. It has a positive impact on the area interpersonal relationships. Quartz promotes harmonization family life and helps those who are experiencing setbacks in their personal lives. The mineral gives strength to move on and leave negative experiences in the past.

Eccentric and loving Taurus often have to rein themselves in so as not to do something stupid. Jewelry with turquoise can help with this. This gem helps maintain fidelity, protects against quarrels and petty insults. Turquoise has a particularly positive effect on young Taurus. Elderly people can wear it in spring and summer.

As for other signs of the Zodiac, talisman stones for Taurus in life are very important. They will provide assistance in difficult times and attract good luck into the life of their owner. We will talk about which amulet or talisman is recommended for use by Taurus in this article.

If everything in your life is not going well, luck has forgotten its way to you and failures are pursuing you in all areas, then it is quite possible that you lack a magical assistant who would take problems and troubles away from you and attract positive events.

Talismans are also great when everything is going well and you want to do everything to make this “good” last as long as possible. A variety of objects can be used as magical assistants: stones, crafts, jewelry, gizmos. It is very important to choose the one that is most suitable for you.

The most popular classification of magical assistants is their division according to the signs of the Zodiac. The same talisman stones are suitable for men and women if they were born in the same time period.

The whole year is divided into twelve signs of the Zodiac and each of them has its own talismans. In this article we will look at the most suitable stones for those men and women whose sign is Taurus.

Taurus - characteristics of the sign

Taurus is the second symbol of the zodiac circle and belongs to the element Earth. All people born between April 21 and May 20 will be in the sign of Taurus.

Basic distinctive feature Men and women of this sign are considered to be somewhat cool, stubborn and collected. Such people can quickly distance themselves from the crowd and public opinion and defend their point of view. Many consider them to be sociable and pleasant people.

Those whose sign is Taurus do not let even the closest people get too close, preferring, at least a little, to remain a mystery. Very often they can be so confident that they are right that someone else’s opinion will not matter to them.

They also have a negative attitude towards any changes and try to avoid innovations. On the financial side, they devote a lot of time and effort to securing their future.

On the one hand, Taurus may seem like a real secret behind seven seals, but on the other hand, for those who notice the details, it will be an open book. Therefore, attention to detail is important when communicating with them.

When choosing mascot stones for a given sign, you should give preference to those minerals that will help develop them strengths, such as determination, self-confidence, focus on results. Also, the talisman stone should minimize the effect of negative character traits, making Taurus more compliant and able to listen to other people’s opinions.

In addition, for both men and women, the ability of the mineral to attract good luck and protect against negative influences and various diseases will be useful.

Talisman stones for Taurus are very diverse in their colors and properties. The most suitable minerals for Taurus are green and blue shades. However, apart from suitable color, the stone must have suitable properties.

Talisman stones for Taurus should help their owners complete started projects and attract good luck in financial matters. And, of course, those born under these signs need good protection from troubles and negative influences.

It is not recommended to use too active talisman stones for Taurus. After all, the representatives of this sign themselves are very active. Therefore, minerals that can direct their energy in the right direction are more suitable for them.

Taking into account all these features, you should select a stone. The following gems can be used as a talisman:

  • rose quartz
  • onyx
  • malachite
  • coral
  • emerald
  • turquoise
  • cacholong
  • opal
  • sapphire
  • aquamarine
  • topaz

A talisman with rose quartz will help its owner fulfill all his desires. In addition, it will help single people meet their soulmate and build harmonious relationships. The stone will give both women and men sociability and attractiveness.

For people who have experienced a breakup or misfortune, the mineral will become a kind of medicine that helps get rid of worries.

Rose quartz is considered one of the most suitable stones for Taurus. This mineral will help a lonely person find a mate, and help someone who has already met their love maintain a warm and tender relationship.

The stone adds attractiveness and sociability to a person.

Women and men who have recently experienced a serious shock will be able to cope with problems using rose quartz products. Also, a talisman with this mineral will give you peace of mind and tranquility and guide you to the desired goal.

People who were born under the sign of Taurus and dream of a career in politics should give preference to onyx.

This mineral focuses on victory, attracts good luck and strengthens the will of its owner.

Onyx stone helps develop intelligence and intuition. He will help you gain authority and defend your interests in such a way that strangers trust and respect the opinion of Taurus.

For very sensitive and vulnerable people, onyx will become a kind of salvation from unnecessary worries and worries.

The horoscope of this sign suggests for strong defense use of light green malachite. This stone will protect its owner from any problems and negative influences from outsiders. The talisman will also help in stressful situations and cure depression.

It is believed that malachite is one of the strongest minerals. However, it is not recommended for women, since a representative of the fair half of humanity can become so attractive in the eyes of men that she will be subjected to violence.

Malachite in light green shades is considered one of the best magic items for Taurus. This stone absorbs all negativity that is directed at its owner and protects against troubles. Malachite helps fight stress and depression, uplifting your mood and instilling optimism.

Women who choose the malachite stone as a talisman will attract male attention, sometimes even too much. If you set such a stone in silver, then the attention from the male half of humanity will be only positive.

For its owner, malachite will become an object that will harmonize the inner world. For representatives of creative professions, it is recommended to set malachite in copper. In this case, the muse will definitely visit the owner of such a mineral.

The best talisman for Taurus, who is creative, is coral. This stone enhances subtlety of perception and develops imagination.

Coral will also be an excellent helper in the family and can be used to stabilize relationships and return the spark.

This stone is considered a stone of prudence, wisdom and protects its owner from temptations.

The Taurus horoscope makes emerald one of the most powerful magical helpers. A talisman with this mineral enlightens the mind, improves memory, enhances intuition and balances passions and emotions.

The gem is able to guide its owner on the right path and persuade good deeds. This assistant also improves mood and relieves a person from difficult thoughts.

This is one of the most powerful talismans, which enlightens the mind, enhances intuition and pacifies excessive passions.

Emerald is considered an excellent companion for good deeds that will bring great pleasure to a person.

Also, with the help of this mineral you can get rid of negative thoughts and improve your mood. Emerald, among other things, gives its owner hope and helps to reveal their creative potential. The most suitable setting for this stone is gold. Men are recommended to wear an emerald in a ring, and women - in earrings or a pendant.

Turquoise has long been considered a stone of fidelity and brings happiness in marriage. This mineral helps spouses live in peace and harmony.

For Taurus, the stone is considered a symbol of self-realization and gives a sober look at everything that happens.

It has a special effect on impulsive and flighty people, making them more reasonable and patient.

It is believed that this gem is most suitable for young and middle-aged people. The best frame for it is silver.

For women born under the sign of Taurus, cacholong, which is closely associated with motherhood, is perfect.

For a man, this stone will become a symbol of his masculine strength and power.

A talisman with cacholong helps to harmonize relationships between lovers and is most active in winter and spring.

Taurus talisman - opal symbolizes wealth and a successful career.

The owner of this stone will influence the people around him.

This mineral must be chosen independently and it is not recommended to use gold as a frame.

Also, you should not wear this mineral in proximity to other stones at the same time.

The talisman stone sapphire is read as one of the most suitable for Taurus. Sapphire will give Taurus inner harmony and peace. It also represents chastity, fidelity, knowledge and modesty.

This mineral is great for hot-tempered people, for whom it helps cool down their ardor and not make uninformed decisions. Sapphire gives its owner wisdom and strength and helps to withstand any situation.

This stone is perfect for both men and women. The talisman will be most effective if you make owl eyes from this gem in the craft. When choosing a mate, having studied the horoscope, sapphire is an excellent choice.

This mineral is perfect for those who like to achieve their goals and feel at their best. Sapphire will help its owner choose only reliable people as friends, and it will help keep enemies at a distance.

For overly emotional and sensitive Taurus, aquamarine is suitable, which will help you calmly experience the most exciting moments.

The mineral also calms those who often go to extremes.

For lovers, the stone will become a symbol of peace and tranquility, helping to smooth out rough edges, and teach them to negotiate.

The Taurus horoscope also makes topaz one of the most appropriate minerals for this zodiac sign.

This stone helps develop intuition and restrains the hot ardor of Taurus. The mineral is also great for creative personalities, which are constantly in search.

Topaz will help them get rid of creative crisis, depression and boredom. To increase its effectiveness, topaz should be framed in silver and worn in the heart area.

Stones talismans for Taurus video

As you can see, there are a lot of talisman stones for Taurus and they all have their own individuality. Choosing talisman stones according to the signs of the Zodiac is not so difficult; you just need to have certain knowledge.

The horoscope clearly determines the most suitable minerals for a given zodiac sign. For women and men born in the sign of Taurus, the best magical helpers will be the following stones: topaz, sapphire, coral, rose quartz, emerald, malachite and turquoise.

These minerals not only attract good luck and protect against negative influences, but also help develop the strengths of Taurus.
