Calamondin sheds its leaves. Calamondin (citrofortunella): home care for golden orange. Briefly about the plant

Evergreen ornamental plant calamondin (citrofortunella) appeared as a result of a monohybrid crossing of mandarin with fortunella, better known as kumquat.

Calamondin (citrofortunella) - a hybrid of mandarin and fortunella

Briefly about the plant

If you choose a well-lit room for it, water it regularly, protecting it from sudden temperature changes, then the gardener can grow a real miniature citrus tree at home, which will bloom and also bear fruit regularly.

Amateur gardeners note that appearance Calamondin vaguely resembles Pavlovsk lemon.

Citrofortunella has only two subspecies:

  1. Tiger. His green leaves outlined with a golden-yellow stripe along the edge.
  2. Variegata. His distinguishing feature- whitish “striations” on the leaves, which makes it look like Benjamin’s ficus.

Growing Calamondin variegata

Before buying a calamondin flower, you need to think in which room you can create the ideal one for it. permanent place a habitat.

Preparing to plant calamondin

  1. It is necessary to prepare a pot according to the size of the root system of a small flower, since calamondin belongs to the group of indoor plants that need to be replanted after purchase.
  2. It is better to buy in a specialized store suitable land for citrus fruits. Calamondin will not grow well indoors if rooted in succulent soil.
  3. It is advisable to purchase in advance a soft, thin brush for manual pollination, preferably made from natural bristle.
  4. A spray bottle plays an important role in creating conditions of moderate humidity not only for the soil, but also for the crown.
  5. You should consider what kind of drainage will be at the bottom of the pot: gravel, medium-sized pebbles, or any non-plastic (natural) material.
  6. Don't forget about the complex mineral fertilizers, with which you can grow a healthy, strong flower.

Transplanting a plant

When the flower has already been purchased and brought home, you need to take the next step: put a transparent bag on it without crushing the leaves. Every next day open slightly for access fresh air and close the greenhouse again. Start from 20 minutes, and gradually extend the time spent in room conditions until the greenhouse is completely cancelled.

Subsequent replanting takes place every year in winter. When the plant is already mature, and this will happen in the fourth year, the soil will need to be changed after 2-3 years at will.

Why is it important not to skip this step? The fact is that the climate in the house is significantly different from the conditions of a flower shop, especially from South Asia, where the evergreen plant comes from.

If you do not do this, then, most often, calamondin sheds its leaves and for a long time recovers instead of growing.

It is forbidden to move a flowering tree, much less rearrange it. This can cause flowers and leaves to drop. If there is a need to move it to another place, then it is recommended to wait for a “calm” moment when the calamondin fruits have already been collected.

What to do if the leaves have fallen

In order to restore the plant, you must follow some recommendations:

  1. You need to check the soil for excess moisture, remember whether the flower has been watered cold water. Both factors are extreme for the flower.
  2. Next, you should measure the temperature in the room (maximum permissible up to 28 ° C) and eliminate drafts, which the Calamondin citrus does not tolerate.
  3. If the integrity of the root system has been compromised, then calamondin should be allowed to survive this period calmly, without stimulating rapid growth. The plant is under stress for up to two months if it has been transplanted.
  4. Feed the plant on time. When green leaves fall on a Calamondin plant, this is a normal process, but it is worth remembering at what time last time the evergreen received feeding. As a rule, it is enough to do this once every 3 months.
  5. Be sure to check the plant for the presence of a dark powdery film on the leaves or “spotting,” which indicates disease. It is better to take an example of a diseased leaf with you and contact the store where the flower was purchased. A specialist will advise how to cure fungus or anthracosis.

The reason why calamondin is sick may be a lack of magnesium in the soil. It behaves in a similar way homemade lemon, the care for which is almost identical.


It is not difficult to reproduce calamondin at home.

Propagation by cuttings

Reproduction of calamondin by cuttings can be considered in the case when it already has a fairly developed crown. It should be taken into account that the rooting period will be long. It is optimal to do cuttings during the period of time when calamondin does not bloom or bear fruit.

  1. You need to select a branch at the top with developed and healthy five leaves, cut it off and immediately dip the lower edge in a solution that stimulates growth.
  2. Then plant the cuttings in appropriate soil and compact it.
  3. Greenhouse conditions should also be created. Cover the seedling with a jar, giving it air baths daily for up to 20 minutes.

Perform such procedures every day for three weeks. If the conditions are met exactly, you are guaranteed good luck in obtaining a young rooted flower. New plants grown in this way at home are more hardy and resistant to aggressive factors.

Some experts advise lubricating the damaged cut area on the main plant with brilliant green to prevent the entry of germs or microorganisms that contribute to disease.

Propagation from seed

Perennials propagate from seeds more readily. To do this you will need:

  1. Wash the prepared seeds and dry them (but do not dry them completely).
  2. Then immediately take a large pot and pour a thick layer of drainage onto its bottom. Place one seed in the main layer of suitable soil at a level of 5–7 cm from the main surface and sprinkle with the remaining soil.
  3. It is necessary to create a greenhouse, cover the plant with something that allows light to pass through, but not air. In this case, after 2 months a new sprout will appear, the care of which will be identical to cuttings.

Propagation of calamondin from seed is more popular among amateur gardeners than cuttings.

Calamondin for soul and health

Calamondin fruits differ slightly in taste depending on the variety. Most often they are bitter and sour, like lemon, but much more aromatic and with a sweetish zest. Growing such a plant at home is perfect option for aromatherapy. Citrus fruits are known to increase concentration and performance.

Calamondin exudes a pleasant citrus scent, which improves mood, increases performance and concentration.

The calamondin flower will be an ideal decorative and aesthetic element in the design of the kitchen area, since there usually the air humidity and temperature are most suitable for its normal growth and development.

Valeria N.

What to do if calamondin sheds its leaves?

Among the ornamental citrus plants, miniature trees strewn with bright orange fruits - calamondin (citrofortunella) - look especially touching. This plant, obtained from crossing a tangerine and a kumquat, is quite undemanding in terms of keeping conditions; with minimal care it can delight with bright fruits against the backdrop of dense green foliage.

Mistakes made in caring for the plant lead to the fact that calamondin begins to shed its leaves. How to prevent such a situation? What to do if citrus stubbornly loses its leaves?

In order to prevent the occurrence of stress in domestic citrus fruits, in particular calamondin, it is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions for the plant.

  • The plant loves a sunny, bright location, especially in winter time. For a pot with calamondin, you need to choose a western or southern window sill.
  • IN winter period The plant is harmed by dry air from heating radiators; the crown of the tree should be sprayed periodically.
  • The winter temperature of calamondin is from 10 to 15 degrees. In summer, the plant feels great at temperatures from 22 to 25 degrees.
  • The size of the plant pot is selected depending on the size of the tree. You cannot immediately plant a young calamondin in a huge pot; small roots are not able to master the earthen ball; the soil in such a pot does not dry out well and turns sour, which ultimately harms the plant.
  • Calamondin does not like frequent changes of place and drafts, especially in winter. It is worth making sure that the plant is not under an open window or next to open window. Cold air flow may well cause stress to a citrus plant.
  • Watering the plant should be provided evenly, but without overflowing.
  • Adult calamondins can all year round bloom and bear fruit, so the plant does not have a pronounced dormant period, especially when grown indoors. Applying fertilizers at the root gives the most effective results in summer period. In winter, the plant better absorbs nutrients and microelements with foliar feeding.

Violation of any of the listed requirements for caring for calamondin can cause stress in the plant and leaf fall. To stop the yellowing and falling of citrus leaves, you should change the conditions under which the plant is kept: remove calamondin from a source of warm or cold air, establish uniform watering, loosen the overwatered soil in the pot.

Advice! If the pot with the plant is very flooded with water, you should remove the earthen ball with the plant from the pot onto old newspapers, ventilate for some time, during which the excess moisture will be absorbed by the newsprint.

In some cases, leaf drop in calamondin may be caused by a lack of microelements, especially magnesium. To correct the situation, you should feed the plant with magnesium or a cocktail of microelements.

Is Calamondin losing leaves? Pests and diseases are to blame!

In addition to improper care, calamondin can lose leaves from attack by pests and the development of various infectious diseases.

Citrus plants suffer from attacks from many pests:

  1. Spider mite- a microscopic pest that settles at the bottom of the leaf blade. The mite is so small that it looks like inconspicuous dust on the leaves. Despite its microscopic size, the pest quickly multiplies on the plant and colonizes all healthy leaves, from which it sucks the juice. After some time, the leaves dry out and fall off, exposing the plant. Systemic insecticides, a solution of which should be treated with calamondin, will help get rid of the pest.
  2. Shchitovka(false scale) is a persistent pest that is quite difficult to remove from the plant. An adult scale insect settles on citrus leaves, sucks out the juice and weakens the plant. The affected leaves fly off, and the scale insect moves to healthy ones, gradually infecting the entire plant. Simple treatment with systemic drugs helps in the fight against scale insects with repeated treatment.
  3. Mealybug– this pest sometimes settles on citrus fruits. Before treating the plant with systemic preparations against the pest, it is necessary to spray the plant with vodka or remove the pests manually with a cotton swab dipped in vodka.
  4. Aphid– can settle on young branches of a citrus tree. Effective measures control - treatment with Fitoverm, Fufanon, Actellik or other drugs against aphids.

Diseases calamondina causing leaf drop

  • Sooty fungus (black fungus) - this disease manifests itself on healthy green leaves in the form of sooty rashes. The fungus gradually eats away the leaf plate, the leaf dies and falls off. Treating the plant with Fitosporin helps eliminate fungal disease.

Advice! Sometimes dusting the leaves with ash or colloidal sulfur helps against sooty fungus.

  • Anthracnose - the disease develops on the leaves in the form of yellow dots, which develop into solid brown spots. To treat the disease, the tree is sprayed with a solution copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture.

Advice! To prevent anthracnose, you should foliar feeding zinc or manganese.

It is useful to inspect the calamondin from time to time for the presence of pests and diseases.

Decorative tangerine: video

Calamondin is exotic fruit, obtained by crossing a mandarin with a fortunella, so it also has another name - citrofortunella.

Sometimes it is called indoor tangerine, golden orange. Calamondin belongs to the Rutaceae family, widespread and popular in Southeast Asia.

General information

Citrus calamondin is an evergreen small tree about 1 m high with bright yellow-orange edible fruits. In its usual habitat, the height of the tree can reach 5 meters. Many amateur gardeners would like to see this beautiful plant in their greenhouse.

Caring for calamondin does not require much time or expense. This plant propagates by seeds and cuttings. Since calamondin is considered a houseplant, it tolerates winter well. ordinary apartment, greenhouse. When kept at home, it bears fruit for a long time. In summer, Kalamandin feels great on the balcony.

The flowering period of citrofortunella usually begins at the end of spring and continues throughout the summer; the flowers have the shape of graceful white stars with a pleasant aroma. The flowering process can be observed even in the presence of fruits.

To ensure guaranteed fruiting of the golden mandarin, it is better to pollinate the flowers manually using a soft brush. Fruits can form even on small plants, tree height 25cm.

The fruits have a bitter-sour taste and aromatic smell, they contain many seeds, and the peel tastes sweet.

Calamondin care at home

Most often, imported calamondins are available for sale, grown under special conditions using special technologies.

The roots may contain capsules with special hormones. If, after purchasing a citrus tree in a store, its leaves begin to fall off, you need to immediately start replanting it. Inspect the roots, remove rotting roots, transplant into a new pot.

There is no need to be upset if calamondin sheds its leaves, the plant can still be saved. You just need to remove individual branches and cut off all the fruits, as they take away the strength of the plant.

Spray with a nutrient solution daily and use preventative agents to protect indoor plants from diseases and pests. Soon the citrus calamondin will again delight with young shoots.

Any indoor plant requires constant attention. Regular care of calamondin involves not only certain types of feeding, watering, transplanting and propagation, but also maintaining a certain temperature, humidity, and lighting.

The plant has difficulty adapting to new living conditions. The microclimate of a flower shop is usually different from that at home. Therefore, sometimes after purchasing calamondin and moving it into a house or apartment, leaves fall off.

To eliminate this unfavorable factor and increase humidity to 95-100%, the plant must be dressed plastic bag, securing it to the trunk. The bag is opened daily for ventilation.

The room in which the citrofortunella is located should be sufficiently warm and bright; in winter, you can additionally use a lamp. In summer, it is necessary to protect the plant from direct sunlight.

To avoid flowers falling off during flowering and fruiting, calamondins should not be actively moved, rotated, or rearranged. To form a symmetrical crown, the tree must be rotated very carefully and literally by 1 mm per day.

Despite the fact that citrofortunella is a heat-loving plant (optimum temperature +18 +20°C), wintering must be cold in order for the plant to bear fruit.

In winter, the room temperature should be maintained from +12 to +15°C, although it can withstand a significant drop in temperature down to +4 degrees. In hot weather, watering should be plentiful and moderate in the cool period.

Fertilizer for calamondin

To feed calamondin, you can use any complex fertilizer with microelements for citrus fruits. Since the plant bears fruit constantly, therefore, fertilizing must be applied throughout the year.

Liquid extra-root feeding is considered the most effective. In order not to spoil the surface of the leaves, it is better to spray the nutrient solution under them.

Calamondin diseases and pests

Calamondin, like any vegetation, needs protection from pests. Its main pests are scale insects and false scale insects. spider mite, whitefly, aphid. If they are detected, the plant must be treated using a drug designed to destroy this type of pest.

The treatment is repeated several times (2-3 times) at the interval specified in the instructions for the drug. Then covering the citrus calamondin plastic film, in a package, place it on the windowsill away from direct sunlight.

It must be remembered that both when treating a plant from diseases and pests, and when spraying it with a nutrient solution, it has to be moved from one place to another.

Therefore, based on personal experience, flower growers recommend making a small landmark (mark) on the flowerpot in order to remember the constant position of the pot on the windowsill. After the necessary procedures, the plant returns to its usual place, and the flowerpot is positioned towards the light according to the marked mark.

Transplanting calamondin

It is best to replant citrofortunella in a pot large sizes, because, despite the small tree, calamondin has a large and branched root system.

As planting soil The following mixture is used (2 parts turf soil + 1 part rotted manure + 1 part sand). The plant is not fertilized for a month, since this planting mixture contains a sufficient amount of nutrients.

Calamondin propagation by cuttings

The reproduction process is long and complex. It will take many years to grow calamondin from seeds and get the first fruits.

Planting material from cuttings is rooted in a loose substrate in greenhouse conditions with mandatory lower heating. Optimal temperature for the appearance of roots +23 + 25 ᵒС, therefore it is preferable to carry out cuttings of a plant at the beginning of summer, when the air is warmed up to the required temperature and there is sufficient daylight hours. Even if these conditions are met, not all cuttings take root. At this stage, the use of phytohormones is recommended.

In order for indoor plants to look good and retain their attractiveness, it is important to care for them properly - replant and fertilize them in a timely manner, provide adequate lighting, temperature regime and the required air humidity. And with exotic indoor plants More often than not, the situation is not simple. They need a special approach. Citrofortunella, also known as Calamondin, belongs to just such crops. That's why there are two names of this plant in the title! So, let's talk about the Citrofortunella plant and look at caring for it at home, and also try to clarify if the Calamondin flower sheds its leaves, then what to do with it?

Calamondin belongs to citrus crops. This plant is popular among gardeners due to its decorativeness, unpretentiousness and frost resistance. It is believed that this crop can grow without problems on the windowsill of an ordinary city apartment. But you still need to care for her correctly.


Citrofortunella is considered frost-resistant plant. But it is best to provide such a flower with fairly warm conditions - within 20 - 25C.

The optimal air humidity for calamondin is seventy percent. The flower does not react very favorably to heat and cold. For his successful growth and development, it is important that the roots of such a plant and its crown are located in the same temperature conditions.


In the cold season, citrofortunella needs to be provided with proper rest. To do this, the pot with the plant should be moved to a heated loggia or to a greenhouse where the temperature is maintained at 10 to 15 C. If the tree overwinters on the windowsill, it should be properly fenced off from the room using thick film. This will help create the required temperature around the calamondin and maintain it. Rest should last from November to the fifteenth of February.

Towards the beginning of March, citrofortunella, transferred to comfortable temperature, awakens. Adequate rest in winter ensures the active growth and development of indoor citrus, promotes its flowering and fruiting. If the calamondin does not overwinter in a cool place, it will not be able to live for more than four years, it will quickly become exhausted and die.

Indoor citrus begins to bloom in the first month of spring, and bears fruit towards the end of September. It is worth noting that the fruits need about five to nine months to fully ripen. Sometimes they remain on the branches until the next harvest appears.

Features of watering calamondin

Homemade Citrofortunella needs abundant watering and systematic spraying. But it is important to take into account that stagnant moisture can greatly harm such a flower, cause rotting of the root system and negatively affect the development of the tree. That is why watering should be done after the earthen ball dries out a little.
For irrigation, it is best to use warm, settled water that does not contain chlorine.

During the wintering period, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the earthen lump in the pot with the plant. It shouldn't dry out. While the flower is resting, it needs to be watered less often, using cool water.

Lighting and location

Regardless of the time of year, citrofortunella needs sufficient lighting. But direct rays of the sun can harm it. It is believed that it is best to place a pot with such a plant on a windowsill that faces southwest or southeast. And in the cold season, it is advisable to provide the citrofortunella with partial shade or move it to the north side.

Keep in mind that the leaves of domestic calamondin exposed to the sun may become burnt, and the roots may also suffer from overheating.

Features of feeding

Citrofortunella needs regular application of mineral fertilizers. So, it is advisable to feed it once or twice a month. AND root system plants and its crown need nutrients. Therefore, calamondin lovers often advise diluting fertilizers in water and spraying the tree using a spray bottle. A deficiency of nutrients is fraught with the occurrence of diseases and weakness of citrofortunella. For fertilizing, it is worth using special complex formulations for citrus fruits.

Keep in mind that you cannot apply fertilizer when the tree is heavily crumbling.

Pruning and replanting

Calamondin needs to be pruned in early February at the end of wintering. In the hot season, it is allowed to shorten long and fattening shoots.

Transplantation must be done in large pots using the transfer method. For citrofortunella, a combination of peat with turf and leaf soil, sand and manure humus is excellent. You can use ready-made soil mixture for citrus fruits. It is important to provide the plant with good drainage.

Why does Citrofortunella shed its leaves??

Most often, calamondin leaves fall off due to insufficient proper care:

Overdrying or waterlogging;

Excessive dry air;

Lack of lighting;

Lack of nutrients;

Lack of a full winter.

By improving plant care, you can cope with the problem of leaf falling.

It is worth remembering that sometimes citrofortunella dropping leaves is absolutely normal. A similar situation occurs when the plant is moved and when the temperature changes. environment.

Dropping leaves can also be explained by a pest attack:

Spider mite;

Scale insects;


Sometimes leaf drop is caused by certain diseases:

Sooty fungus (for treatment you need to use Fitosporin);

Anthracnose (for treatment, spray with Bordeaux mixture).
