How to grow decorative tangerines at home. Indoor tangerine: caring for your orchard at home Does the tangerine tree love the sun?

Seed propagation in the garden strawberries we are used to, unfortunately, leads to the appearance of less productive plants and weaker bushes. But another type of these sweet berries, alpine strawberries, can be successfully grown from seeds. Let's learn about the main advantages and disadvantages of this crop, consider the main varieties and features of agricultural technology. The information presented in this article will help you decide whether it is worth allocating a place for it in the berry garden.

Often at the sight beautiful flower we instinctively lean in to smell its fragrance. All fragrant flowers can be divided into two large groups: nocturnal (pollinated by moths) and daytime, whose pollinators are mainly bees. Both groups of plants are important for the florist and designer, because we often walk around the garden during the day and relax in our favorite corners when evening comes. We are never overwhelmed by the scent of our favorite fragrant flowers.

Many gardeners consider pumpkin to be the queen of garden beds. And not only because of its size, variety of shapes and colors, but also for its excellent taste, healthy qualities and rich harvest. Pumpkin contains a large amount of carotene, iron, various vitamins and minerals. Thanks to the opportunity long-term storage this vegetable supports our health all year round. If you decide to plant a pumpkin on your plot, you will be interested in learning how to get the largest possible harvest.

Scotch eggs - incredibly delicious! Try to prepare this dish at home, there is nothing difficult in preparation. Scotch eggs are a hard-boiled egg wrapped in minced meat, breaded in flour, egg and breadcrumbs and deep-fried. For frying, you will need a frying pan with a high side, and if you have a deep fryer, then that’s just great - even less hassle. You will also need oil for frying so as not to smoke in the kitchen. Choose farm eggs for this recipe.

One of the most amazing large-flowered tubs of Dominican Cubanola fully justifies its status as a tropical miracle. Warm-loving, slow-growing, with huge and in many ways unique bells of flowers, Cubanola is a fragrant star with a complex character. She demands special conditions contents in the rooms. But for those who are looking for exclusive plants for their interior, a better (and more chocolatey) candidate for the role of indoor giant cannot be found.

Chickpea curry with meat is a hearty hot dish for lunch or dinner, inspired by Indian cuisine. This curry is quick to prepare but requires some prep. The chickpeas must first be soaked in plenty of cold water for several hours, preferably overnight; the water can be changed several times. It is also better to leave the meat in the marinade overnight so that it turns out juicy and tender. Then you should boil the chickpeas until tender and then prepare the curry according to the recipe.

Rhubarb can not be found on everyone garden plot. It's a pity. This plant is a storehouse of vitamins and can be widely used in cooking. What is not prepared from rhubarb: soups and cabbage soup, salads, delicious jam, kvass, compotes and juices, candied fruits and marmalade, and even wine. But that's not all! The large green or red rosette of leaves of the plant, reminiscent of burdock, acts as a beautiful background for annuals. It is not surprising that rhubarb can also be seen in flower beds.

Today, the trend is to experiment with unusual combinations and non-standard colors in the garden. For example, plants with black inflorescences have become very fashionable. All black flowers are original and specific, and it is important to be able to select them suitable partners and location. Therefore, this article will not only introduce you to an assortment of plants with slate-black inflorescences, but will also teach you the intricacies of using such mystical plants in garden design.

3 delicious sandwiches - cucumber sandwich, chicken sandwich, cabbage and meat sandwich - great idea for a quick snack or for a picnic in nature. Only fresh vegetables, juicy chicken and cream cheese and a little seasoning. There are no onions in these sandwiches; if you wish, you can add onions marinated in balsamic vinegar to any of the sandwiches; this will not spoil the taste. Having quickly prepared snacks, all that remains is to pack a picnic basket and head to the nearest green lawn.

Depending on the varietal group, the age of seedlings suitable for planting in open ground is: for early tomatoes- 45-50 days, average ripening time - 55-60 and late dates- at least 70 days. When planting tomato seedlings at a younger age, the period of its adaptation to new conditions is significantly extended. But success in obtaining a high-quality tomato harvest also depends on carefully following the basic rules for planting seedlings in open ground.

Unpretentious plants“background” sansevieria does not seem boring to those who value minimalism. They are better suited than other indoor decorative foliage stars for collections that require minimal care. Stable decorativeness and extreme hardiness in only one species of sansevieria are also combined with compactness and very rapid growth - rosette sansevieria Hana. The squat rosettes of their tough leaves create striking clusters and patterns.

One of the brightest months garden calendar I am pleasantly surprised by the balanced distribution of favorable and unfavorable days for working with plants according to the lunar calendar. Vegetable gardening in June can be done throughout the entire month, while the unfavorable periods are very short and still allow you to do it useful work. There will be optimal days for sowing and planting, for pruning, for a pond, and even for construction work.

Meat with mushrooms in a frying pan is an inexpensive hot dish that is suitable for a regular lunch and for a holiday menu. Pork will cook quickly, veal and chicken too, so this is the preferred meat for the recipe. Mushrooms - fresh champignons, in my opinion, are the most good choice for homemade stew. Forest gold - boletus mushrooms, boletus and other delicacies is best prepared for the winter. Boiled rice or mashed potatoes are ideal as a side dish.

I love ornamental shrubs, especially unpretentious ones and with interesting, non-trivial foliage colors. I have various Japanese spirea, Thunberg barberries, black elderberry... And there is one special shrub, which I will talk about in this article - viburnum leaf. To fulfill my dream of a low-maintenance garden, it is perhaps ideal. At the same time, it is capable of greatly diversifying the picture in the garden, from spring to autumn.

Mandarin – evergreen, which belongs to the Rutov family. Species Latin name tangerine Citrus reticulate. Like orange, lemon, lime, and grapefruit, it belongs to the Citrus genus. The life form of this plant is interesting - it can be a shrub or a tree, reaching a height of 5 meters.

Like other representatives of the Citrus genus, tangerines have long been grown in greenhouses, conservatories, and winter gardens. Despite its size, tangerines can be grown at home on a balcony or windowsill. Currently, breeders have developed many varieties of dwarf and low-growing tangerines for home grown, maximum height which are 0.6-1.1 m. Indoor tangerine may not be a dwarf variety, then the plant needs to be heavily pruned and shaped.

Indoor tangerine is a very spectacular potted plant. And not only because of the bright, fragrant and appetizing orange fruits that can last for several months. Sometimes a plant gives pleasure only by its flowering, because the delicate white flowers of tangerine exude an amazing aroma. In some varieties, flowering begins in the spring and can continue all year round. An indoor mandarin grown as a bonsai is a real work of art.

The fruits of indoor tangerines are set without artificial pollination and usually ripen at the end of the year. Often an indoor tangerine in a pot is bought in a store with fruits already hanging on it. Despite the fact that they are very appetizing, you should not eat them. After all, to achieve such a high decorative effect plants receive high doses of fertilizers. The tangerine has beautiful leathery and corrugated leaves.

Popular tangerine varieties for growing at home

UnshiuJapanese variety, the most unpretentious, begins to bear fruit in 3-4 years, in room conditions grows up to 0.8-1.5 m. Branches well. It blooms profusely in spring, producing fruits in late October-November. Pear-shaped fruits lack seeds.
Kowano-Wase, Micha-Wase, Miyagawa-Wase - dwarf tangerines Vasya group - suitable for growing on a windowsill, height 40-80 cm. Orange-yellow fruits ripen for the first time in the second year of cultivation, flowering is abundant. Like all dwarf varieties, they do not require crown formation.
Shiva-Mikan– early compact fast-growing variety. The fruits are small, no more than 30 g
Murcot t – the fruits of this compact tangerine variety are very sweet, ripen in summer, and taste very sweet, which is why the name of the variety is translated as “honey.”
Clementine- a hybrid of tangerine and orange, bears fruit at home in the second year. One adult domestic tree produces up to 50 medium-sized, flattened orange-red fruits per year, very fragrant, with shiny skin. Plants of this variety with numerous seeds are called Montreals.

Mandarin: home care

Lighting mandarin at home

The first step in successfully growing indoor tangerine is choosing a place for the plant and its proper lighting.
Indoor tangerine, as well as those grown in open ground, good lighting with some direct sunlight is necessary. When there is insufficient light, the plant slows down its growth, throws out a small number of flowers or does not bloom at all. With a strong lack of light, the leaves of indoor tangerines become faded, new shoots become elongated, thin and painful in appearance. Therefore, it is better to grow the plant on eastern, south-eastern and southern windows, shading them from direct midday rays. In summer, the plant can be taken out to the balcony, gradually accustoming it to the street.
IN winter period, with a short daylight hours, the indoor tangerine should be placed in the brightest place with direct sunlight. But sometimes this is not enough: artificial lighting is needed. For this purpose, an ordinary phytolamp is suitable, which can be screwed into a chandelier or table lamp. It is necessary to transfer the plant to additional lighting gradually. With a sharp change in daylight hours, it can shed its leaves.

Content temperature

Optimal temperature for indoor tangerine in the summer + 20-25 oC. During the period of budding and flowering, so that the flowers do not fall off, it is better to keep the plant at a temperature slightly below + 20 ° C. IN winter time To ensure a relative period of rest, tangerine is kept at + 5 -10 °C. A plant that has rested over the winter will bloom and bear fruit better.

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What to cook from tangerines »
In search of the sweetest and juiciest tangerines »

How to water and spray tangerines at home

The indoor mandarin, like its wild ancestors, is adapted to withstand dry periods. In extreme cases, the plant will shed its leaves to reduce the amount of liquid that evaporates. A common problem when growing tangerines at home is excessive watering, which leads to the development of fungal diseases.
The amount of water for watering indoor tangerines depends on several factors:
- size of the plant;
- the size of the container in which the tangerine grows;
- ambient temperature;
- length of daylight hours and lighting intensity.
The larger the leaf surface of an indoor tangerine, the greater the evaporation, and the more it needs watering. Temperature also affects the rate of evaporation: the higher it is, the more moisture the plant loses. The length of daylight directly affects the amount of moisture that evaporates. Stomata - formations on the underside land plants, serving for gas exchange, open during daylight hours.
Watering indoor tangerines should be done in the first half of the day, when the plant has activated its life processes. When the temperature drops, watering is reduced, even stopping for several days during the period when the room temperature is only +12-15 oC. In this case, the tangerine is watered with a small amount of water only to maintain vital functions.
Mandarin at home needs regular spraying of leaves. Very dry air has a bad effect on the plant and is often a prerequisite for its infection with spider mites. If an indoor tangerine is blooming, then you need to make sure that water does not get on its flowers.

How to feed tangerines at home

Complete care for tangerines at home is not possible without additional mineral and organic feeding. The soil in the pot is quickly depleted and washed away when watering, and recreational processes practically do not occur in it, unlike soil in nature.
For fertilizing, you can use soluble or dry fertilizers. In the spring, as daylight hours increase, fertilizing for indoor tangerines is increased. It is in the early spring that vegetative and generative buds begin to develop intensively; at this time, the plant requires additional nutrients.
At home, tangerines are fertilized like all other indoor plants, that is, in the first half of the day. The ambient temperature should be at least + 18-19 degrees.
Soluble fertilizers are often used for fertilizing. You can water the plant with them, and spray its leaves in a weaker concentration. To feed indoor tangerines, any complex mineral fertilizer containing phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium is suitable - the main elements necessary for plants.
Fertilizers should be dissolved in soft or settled water at room temperature. The main thing is not to increase the dose. If the instructions say: 1 capful of product per 1 liter of water, do not think that 2 capfuls will make the solution more useful. This will lead to the opposite effect - a chemical burn or toxic poisoning of the plant.
You need to feed tangerines at home during the period of intensive growth (from March to September) 2 times a week. Possibly less often, but not more often.
Dry fertilizers, which are applied to the soil and gradually dissolve, releasing microelements to the soil, must be applied even more carefully. Their advantage is that by introducing them in the spring you can for a long time forget about feeding. However, they can be quickly used by the plant, and it will be difficult to guess about it. Adding an additional dose of fertilizer will lead to the above-mentioned overdose.
To grow tangerines, organic fertilizers are also needed. To do this, you can dilute infused cow manure in a ratio of 1/10. The best option would be to use organic fertilizer in combination with minerals for soil feeding.

Additional care for tangerines at home

To form a lush tangerine tree, pinch the tops of its branches.
Caring for tangerines at home also involves removing dried leaves or elongated branches.
On young flowering plants, the flowers are partially removed so as not to deplete them and to allow several fruits to ripen. For 15-20 leaves of an adult plant, you can leave one ovary. The fewer fruits remain on the tangerine, the larger they will be.
The fruiting branches of indoor mandarin are tied and tied to a support, otherwise they may break due to the weight of the fruit and the plant will not have an attractive appearance.

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Many people probably associate the word “tangerine” with anticipation and a feeling of celebration. However, this is not only one of the most festive fruits. Of all the tropical fruits, tangerine is second only to lemon in popularity, and its limited natural growing area (Transcaucasia, the Black Sea coast, Abkhazia and the Sochi region are considered the northernmost areas of distribution of this crop) makes it one of the most desirable citrus fruits in any home. With all this, tangerine is used both in cooking and in Food Industry, and in medicine.

It is not surprising that with such demand, many people seek to grow it at home. And it must be said that they have all the possibilities for this: there are special varieties of tangerines that can be grown in winter gardens, greenhouses, greenhouses or in an ordinary room. Depending on growing conditions, they can reach a height of one and a half or two to three meters. This tangerine is called “decorative” or home, indoor.

Varieties of decorative tangerine

Due to the appearance of its fruits, dense dark green leaves and the aroma of flowering, the indoor tangerine is recognized as a very spectacular plant, and if it is also grown as a bonsai, then without exaggeration it can be called a work of art. The most popular are the following varieties and groups:

  1. Unshiu. It is considered the most unpretentious, early-fruiting, fast-growing and productive variety of all available. It branches well, has a spreading crown, thornless branches and wide leathery leaves. In indoor conditions it grows to a maximum of one and a half meters, and bears fruit already in the third or fourth year. Flowering time is spring, the beginning of fruiting is the end of October/November. The fruits are small, yellowish-orange in color, thin-barked, pear-shaped, without seeds.
  2. Wase is a group of low-growing, low-growing varieties, in which three varieties are distinguished: Kowano, Mikha, Miyagawa. Next to these names, the general name of the entire group is usually indicated with a hyphen, so they look like this: Kowano-Wase, Mikha-Wase, Miyagawa-Wase. They reach a height of 40-80 cm, so they are very convenient to grow on a regular windowsill. Flowering is abundant, fruiting begins in the second year of cultivation, the fruits have a rich orange-yellow color.
  3. Shiva-Mikan. An early compact fast-growing small-fruited variety weighing no more than 30 grams. and with large, fleshy, dark green foliage.
  4. Murcott. A rare compact variety whose fruits are distinguished by their extraordinary sweetness. Ripening time is summer.

The following varieties of decorative tangerine are also known: Tangier, Robinson, Tardivo di Chiakulli.

There are also hybrids of tangerine and some other citrus fruits. For example, Clementine is a very popular hybrid of tangerine and orange. At home, it begins to bear fruit depending on the height it has reached. Fruiting abundantly: one mature tree can produce up to fifty medium-sized orange-red, slightly flattened fruits with a good aroma and shiny skin. In addition to this hybrid, Ellendale, Tangor, Minneola, Tangelo, Santin and Agli are also known.

In many varieties, fruiting directly depends on the height of the plant. The dependency is:

  1. With a height of 20 cm, tangerine begins to bear fruit after 60 months.
  2. At 21 - 30 cm - in four years.
  3. At 31 - 40 cm - in three years.
  4. At 41 - 50 cm - in two years.
  5. At 51 - 75 cm - in a year and a half.
  6. From 76 cm to 1 meter - in the second year after the start of cultivation.

General principles for growing ornamental tangerines

Purchasing any variety of decorative tangerine is not difficult: this can be done both on the Internet and in specialized stores. However, you should not buy a plant with already existing fruits: no matter how appetizing they may look, they should not be eaten because of the too much fertilizer that such a plant receives. The best way get tasty and edible decorative tangerine- is to grow it yourself.

The key to successful cultivation of this plant is right choice place - well lit, with a small amount of direct sunlight. Insufficient lighting leads to slower plant growth, the formation of a small number of flowers, or a complete cessation of flowering; a severe lack of light causes fading of the leaves, thinning and elongation of new shoots and their painful appearance. That's why best place For decorative mandarin, southern, south-eastern and eastern windows are recognized, shaded from the sun by an ordinary gauze curtain attached to the frame. If the windows are not shaded, the leaves may get burned, the crown and roots may overheat, and as a result the plant may develop chlorosis.

In summer, the decorative tangerine can be placed on the balcony, veranda or garden, but it should be protected from the wind. In winter, it should be placed in the most illuminated place (if it is a window, then it should be well insulated beforehand) with direct rays of the sun and artificial lighting, for which they use a regular phytolight bulb or special fluorescent lamps. The tangerine should be switched to additional lighting gradually, otherwise, with a sharp change in daylight hours, it may shed its leaves.

The next factor influencing the growth of decorative tangerines is temperature. In summer it should reach +20-25, but during budding and flowering (for some varieties it can last almost all year round), it is better to keep it at +16-18 so that the color does not fall off. In winter, like other indoor plants, it needs a dormant temperature - that is, approximately +5-10. Under such conditions, it will rest over the winter and will bloom and bear fruit better.

The problem of watering should be solved very carefully and carefully. In its unpretentiousness and ability to tolerate drought, the decorative tangerine is no different from its relatives growing in nature, so it should be watered moderately, depending on the drying of the top layer of soil, so as not to cause the development of fungal diseases and at the same time to prevent the soil from drying out completely. coma. The frequency of watering depends on:

  1. The size of the plant, especially its leaves (the larger their surface, the more moisture evaporates and the more the plant needs watering).
  2. The size of the container in which it grows.
  3. Room temperatures.
  4. Length of daylight and lighting intensity.

Determining the frequency of watering is easy: you just need to take a pinch of soil in a container and squeeze it. If it sticks together, then there is no need to water, but if it crumbles, then watering is necessary. It is advisable to check the soil in this way every day, especially in the summer, so that the earth ball does not dry out. Water for irrigation should be chosen carefully - for example, it is not recommended to use rainwater, because it contains too many impurities harmful to citrus fruits. Before using water, it should be allowed to stand, left in an open container at room temperature for at least one day, and only then water the tree with it.

The plant is usually watered before noon, when it “woke up” and its life processes became more active. As the temperature drops, the frequency of watering should be reduced until it stops for several days if the temperature drops to +12-15. In this case, it should be watered only in such a volume as to maintain vital activity. Some experts advise at this time to heat the water intended for irrigation to a temperature of +30-35. In summer there is no need to heat the water; just leave it on a sunny windowsill for a while.

In addition to watering, you should also spray the leaves with a spray bottle. This procedure is especially important in the summer. It kills several birds with one stone: it prevents the tangerine from becoming infected with spider mites, creates the humidity it needs, and washes away household dust from branches and leaves. In general, the level of humidity should be controlled in the same way as watering, and to better provide it, you can place a bowl of water next to the plant. The frequency of spraying is at least once a day, but if it is carried out during flowering, you need to make sure that water does not get on the flowers. About once a month, it is advisable to treat the tangerine crown with cotton wool and soap suds to prevent the appearance of pests. It is best to do this in the bathroom, covering the substrate with plastic wrap and tying the plant trunk at the bottom so that soapy water does not get into the substrate and is absorbed into the fabric.

Another element of successfully growing a plant is feeding it. This is all the more important at home, since the soil in the container is quickly depleted and washed away, and almost no recreational processes occur in it. Fertilizer application is best done according to this principle:

  1. Use only soluble or dry fertilizers.
  2. Apply fertilizing only before noon at a temperature of at least +18-19.
  3. The frequency of application is no more than once every two weeks, and then only during growth (i.e., from March to September). The rest of the time, medications can be administered even less frequently.

If soluble fertilizers are used, then they must be dissolved in soft or settled water at room temperature strictly according to the instructions, in no case increasing the dosage. Top dressing is oil, which, as you know, cannot spoil the porridge: even with a slight overdose, a burn or poisoning of the tree is possible. Dry fertilizers should be applied even more carefully, keeping in mind one of their features. The fact is that the spring application of dry fertilizer will allow you to forget about fertilizing for a long time, but it is quite difficult to guess that the fertilizer was used by the tangerine. An additional contribution will lead to its poisoning.

To what has been said, it only remains to add that the best option for the plant is a complex nitrogen-, phosphorus- and potassium-containing preparation. In low concentrations, you can even spray the leaves with it. It is also acceptable to use organic matter such as infused cow manure diluted in a ratio of 1 to 10 or organic matter in combination with a mineral agent. You only need to feed the plant the next day after watering, so as not to burn the root system. It is also practiced to feed decorative tangerines with fish soup prepared according to this recipe: 200 gr. fish waste or small unsalted fish should be boiled in two liters of water for half an hour, then dilute the solution cold water and strain through cheesecloth. This soup is used once a month along with complex fertilizer to feed adult plants at least one meter high. According to experts, this enhances their fruiting. Regular drunken tea is also used as fertilizer.

Finally, another element of growing decorative tangerines is:

  1. Pinching the tops of its branches.
  2. Removing dried leaves and elongated, improperly growing branches.
  3. Removing some of the flowers on a young plant so as not to deplete it and to allow several fruits to ripen. The fewer fruits grow on it, the larger they will be, so the most optimal ratio of ovary to leaves is 1 ovary per 15-20 leaves.
  4. Tying the fruiting branches of a plant to some kind of support so that they do not break under their weight.

What is wrong with the decorative tangerine?

Like many other plants, especially those growing in a climate that is not very favorable for them, the decorative tangerine is susceptible to some diseases. It is most often affected by:

  1. Shield.
  2. Red spider mite.
  3. Mealybug.
  4. Leaf spotting followed by leaf drop.

If the pest infestation of the tangerine is protracted and persistent, then to cure it they resort to potent chemicals, but their use within the apartment may lead to unpleasant consequences, so it is better not to bring the situation to such a measure. If the initial stage of the disease is recorded, you can get by with improvised means. For example, scale insects can be removed by spraying with a soap solution diluted in 3 liters. water 2 tbsp. l. liquid soap or “Fary”, after cleaning off the insects beforehand. The solution should remain on the plant for about half an hour, after which it is washed off with warm water. Water-oil emulsion is also very effective: 1 tsp. machine oil stirred in a glass warm water, 40 grams are added to it. household soap and 2 tbsp. l. washing powder. All this should be applied with a cotton-gauze swab, left for three to four hours, and then rinsed off in the shower so that the drug does not get into the ground. Before processing, the soil should be covered with a film, and the trunk should be tied at the bottom with a bandage - this will help prevent the product used from getting into it. Treatment frequency is three times with an interval of six days.

How to fight spider mites:

  1. It is collected by hand.
  2. Wipe the leaves and branches with a cotton swab dipped in cold water or alcohol.
  3. Spray three times with a two-day strained infusion of crushed garlic or onion (no more than 200 g), poured with warm water. boiled water, with an interval of six days. You can also use a mixture of soap and tobacco dust according to this recipe: pour 1 tbsp. l. dust with boiling water, leave for six days, add 10 g. household soap and spray the “patient” three times with a six-day interval between treatments.

You can also remove the scale insects manually, and then spray the plant with garlic infusion three times (once a week), or wipe its parts with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol or calendula infusion.

Well, to avoid leaf spotting and falling off, you just need to follow the watering rules, because it is their violation that causes spots to appear.

Transplantation and propagation of decorative tangerine

If the plant is properly cared for, then over time it becomes cramped in the “cradle” container, and the need arises to replant it. Young plants are replanted annually, but if the roots have not yet entwined the earthen ball, it is better to refrain from replanting - just change the drainage and upper layer soil. If the plant is three years old, it is replanted once every three to four years, while a seven-year-old plant requires replanting once every two years. No replanting should be carried out during flowering, otherwise the tree will simply die. When replanting, use a ready-made soil mixture for citrus fruits or form it yourself using the following calculation: 50% (3 parts) turf soil, the remaining 50% - equal parts of leaf soil, humus, river sand and a small amount of fatty clay. Sometimes it is recommended to add a little ash to this mixture. For young tangerines, the same soil composition is recommended, only without clay, and instead of three parts of turf soil, two parts are usually taken. The resulting substrate should be light and slightly acidic.

To prevent stagnation of water and the appearance of root rot, before laying the soil at the bottom of the container, be sure to place drainage three to five centimeters thick in the form of expanded clay, small stones, pieces of foam plastic or even fragments of ceramic dishes and charcoal. The pot into which the tangerine will be transplanted should be 5-8 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. It is not recommended to immediately plant the plant in a large container: it is impractical, unaesthetic and can lead to rotting of the roots. Therefore, if you want your tangerine to please you for as long as possible, you cannot do without regular replanting.

The best time to replant a tangerine is the beginning of spring, when it comes out of dormancy. It is recommended to refrain from applying fertilizers, stopping feeding two to three days before transplanting and resuming them only two weeks after the plant finds a new home.

The process itself is no different from replanting any other indoor plant, except that immediately after replanting it should be lightly watered, after 30-40 minutes, if necessary, add the substrate and water again. Some experts advise using a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate when watering a transplanted plant for the first time, after which the plant can be placed on the windowsill so that the surface of the leaves is directed towards the light.

Decorative tangerines can be propagated by rooting branches or growing from seeds. In the first case, the use of a rooting agent will increase the survival rate several times. They use it like this: a cutting with two or three leaves is dipped in a rooting agent and, having been planted in wet soil, cover with film or a cut plastic bottle with holes for ventilation. And although in some sources you can find the statement that decorative tangerines are practically impossible to take cuttings at home, many amateur gardeners from own experience They claim that with the use of a rooting agent, cuttings take root within a few months.

The second case is not suitable for every variety of decorative tangerine. For example, they will not be able to propagate unshiu because it is a seedless variety. In addition, the plant grown in this way will need to be grafted indoor lemon, an orange or a grapefruit grown from a seed, otherwise it will not bloom.

Some amateurs claim that there is a third way to propagate this plant - by air layering.


The main advantage of the decorative tangerine is not only a piece of exoticism in a city apartment or in the countryside, but also the almost year-round availability of tasty and edible fruits in your diet, the purchase of which will no longer be necessary. And the appearance of this beautiful plant will certainly decorate not only your home, but also your life.

tangerine tree behind last years has gained particular popularity among amateur gardeners. For its cultivation, not only greenhouses, greenhouses, winter gardens, but also the most regular balconies and window sills in the apartment.


Indoor tangerine attracts with its lush greenery, beautiful flowers and bright sunny fruits. It does not shed its leaves, so it will remain green even in winter. The light aroma of the plant helps relieve headaches, irritability and lifts your spirits. And when the tree blooms, an even more extraordinary smell emanates from it. The flowering period can last from spring until autumn. At the same time, growing a tangerine tree at home will not require much effort or skill - even a beginner can properly care for it.

The usual tangerine variety grows up to 5 meters high. But modern breeders have developed a huge number of special dwarf and low-growing varieties of plants in the form of small trees or bushes.

The height of an adult plant is no more than one and a half meters, and to maintain beautiful shape less effort will be required. With the right approach, the tangerine tree in the apartment grows quite quickly and begins to bear fruit.

Varieties for growing at home

Breeders bred big number various varieties of tangerine trees. They differ from each other in the appearance of the crown, foliage, flowers and fruits, as well as in size, fertility and taste. Not all of them are suitable for home growing. Among the many indoor tangerines, it is worth highlighting the most popular types.

  • "Kovano-Vase" is an ideal option for an apartment. This dwarf variety, up to 50 cm in height, so you can even grow it on a windowsill. Leaves dark green have the shape of an arrow. Distinctive feature Another advantage is that the bush does not have to be pruned to maintain its shape. “Kovano-Vase” begins to actively bloom in the spring, and bright orange fruits ripen in the fall. The fruits appear within a year and do not fall for a long time.
  • "Unshiu" It is an unpretentious variety and is not difficult to grow. This variety tolerates low temperatures and lack of sunlight. In apartment conditions, the height is usually about 80 cm, sometimes up to one and a half meters. The first fruits appear in the third or fourth year. "Unshiu" has lush greenery, blooms beautifully and bears fruit well. Flowering begins in spring, lasts several months, and by the end of autumn the fruits ripen. They are slightly elongated pear-shaped, sweet and contain almost no seeds.



  • "Pavlovsky" Mandarin has also proven itself well when grown at home. The height of an adult tree does not exceed one meter. Its leaves are similar to an ordinary tangerine - large, shiny, dense. There are many fruits, they are round in shape, up to 7 cm in diameter, and have a sweetish-tart taste. The skin is bright orange, thin, and easily peels off. The flowers of the “Pavlovsk” mandarin are large, about 3 cm, and are collected in whole inflorescences. They are white in color, but the buds are pinkish. The flowering period begins in April-May, and the first fruits may appear as early as September.
  • "Clementine"– the most delicious and sweet hybrid. A plant with dense elongated leaves, fragrant flowers and bright flattened fruits. The first tangerines ripen within 1.5-2 years. In an apartment, the harvest is small, about 40-50 fruits per season.
  • "Shiva-Mikan" refers to early varieties. At home it is more likely ornamental plant– this variety grows quickly, has a compact size and small fruits weighing no more than 30 grams.
  • "Marcotte"– translated as “honey”. This variety has surprisingly sweet fruits. Plant small size, with a neat crown of elongated leaves and yellow-orange fruits. The skin is smooth and tight; the pulp contains many seeds.


How to plant?

If you decide to grow a tangerine tree at home, you can either buy ready-made seedlings in plant growing stores, or germinate them yourself from a seed.

The first method is simpler and faster. Plant seedlings are sold immediately in a pot or in a packaged earthen coma. After purchasing, they must be transplanted into a suitable container.

The second method is more economical and interesting. Indoor tangerine can be grown from an ordinary seed of a ripe fruit. It is recommended to germinate several pieces at once, in which case the probability of obtaining the desired result will be higher. The seeds must first be soaked for several days until they swell and sprout. To do this, they are placed in 3-4 layers of damp gauze. Be sure to ensure that the gauze does not dry out and add water periodically.

If you don’t want to wait a long time for germination, then you can use Epin, a growth stimulator. It is added to water and left for a couple of hours. After the first shoots appear, the tangerine can be planted in the ground.

The ready-made mixture can be purchased at a plant growing store. It is important that the soil for the seedlings is not acidic - tangerines will not grow in such an environment. Therefore, the soil should not contain peat.

You can prepare the soil yourself, suitable option is a mixture:

  • 2/5 parts cow humus;
  • 2/5 parts of turf and leaf soil;
  • 1/5 part sand.

As the first container you can use regular cups, pots up to 10 cm in diameter or seedling boxes.

At the bottom of a clean and dry container, it is imperative to lay a layer of drainage made of small stones or expanded clay. This will prevent stagnation of moisture and rotting of the roots.

Prepared soil is poured on top. The sprouted seeds are carefully placed in holes 4-6 cm deep and sprinkled with soil. The soil should be moist throughout the entire time, and watering should not be forgotten. The container with seeds must be placed in a well-lit place, but not under direct Sun rays. The optimal room temperature for the germination period should be +20.25 degrees. The first shoots appear after about 2-4 weeks. If several shoots sprout from one seed at once, then the weakest of them must then be carefully cut off.


So that the tangerine tree pleases with its healthy appearance, shape, beautiful flowering and tasty fruits, it is necessary to provide it with comfortable conditions. The most basic care and attention will help to prolong and make life easier for the plant in apartment conditions.

Location and lighting

It is recommended to place the tangerine tree in a well-lit place with diffused light. Windows facing south, southwest or southeast are best suited for it. Direct ultraviolet rays should be avoided in hot weather - the plant can get burned, and the soil in the pot will quickly dry out. You need to accustom the plant to ultraviolet radiation in stages: first stick to partial shade, and only then gradually increase the time spent under direct rays. Mandarin gets used to one-sided lighting, so it is not recommended to often rotate it around its own axis. In the warm season, the tree can be taken out onto the balcony, terrace or outside.

The optimal daylight hours for tangerines should be 8-12 hours. With a lack of natural solar lighting the plant will weaken, the leaves will begin to turn yellow and fall off. You can extend his daylight hours with the help of special phytolamps.


The recommended temperature for citrus trees in the warm season (spring and summer) is +18.20 degrees. During this period there is a phase of active flowering, and more high temperatures will lead to the falling of flowers and leaves. And lower temperatures will slow growth and prevent fruit formation.

In winter, it is necessary to give the plant a rest and gain strength for the next season. To do this, the room temperature must be kept at +10.12 degrees. Otherwise, subsequent flowering and fruiting may not occur. You can start raising temperatures for spring as early as the end of January. The tangerine tree does not tolerate sudden temperature changes, so any change in conditions should be gradual. But at the same time, the tree needs to be accustomed to natural changes. To do this, it is recommended to take it out for a very short time during the day. closed terrace or a balcony - this way the plant hardens and becomes stronger.


In the room where the tangerine tree is located, there should always be high level air humidity. To do this, the plant is often sprayed with a spray bottle. In hot weather or during the heating season, it is advisable to do this twice a day. The water should be at room temperature.

It is advisable to water in the morning and evening to avoid the midday sun from hitting wet leaves.

If the plant already has flowers, then irrigation must be done very carefully, without getting on the buds. It’s better to simply wipe the leaves with a damp cloth during this period.

If there is a heating radiator in the room, it is recommended to cover it wet towel. You can place a container of water next to the tree. Ideal option there will be a humidifier.


During rapid growth and flowering, it is especially important to properly water your home citrus tree. At this time, the soil should not dry out; it is recommended to do the procedure daily. Even a short drought can negatively affect the plant - to save moisture consumption, it will shed its leaves and they will not grow again in this place.

When the plant “winters”, you can water it only twice a week. The amount of water should be moderate - excessive soil moisture should not be allowed, this will lead to rotting of the roots, and mold may appear on the surface of the soil. It is recommended to use only settled clean water room temperature. Tap water contains chlorine, so it is not suitable for irrigation.

You can check whether the soil needs moisture with your finger - if the soil is dry and crumbly, then the plant needs to be “watered”.

You can only pour water on the rhizome - the tree trunk, leaves, and especially flowers cannot tolerate excess moisture.

The most the right time morning is considered the day. It is during this period that the tangerine tree is most active.


The soil composition required for young and mature plants is different.

For a young plant, you need to mix one part of sand with leaf soil, two parts of turf and cow humus.

For an adult plant, take part of leaf soil, three parts of turf and one each of sand and cow humus. And most importantly, fatty clay must be added to the soil for adult citrus trees.

You can also buy ready-made mixtures in gardening stores, but you should pay attention to high-quality products from a trusted manufacturer.

Top dressing

Due to frequent watering, all useful substances are quickly washed out of the soil, so the first feeding of the citrus tree is done immediately after the sprouts appear. And what older plant, the more it needs to be fertilized. You can buy it in a specialized store ready mixture fertilizers You can also use mullein manure as organic matter in proportions of 1/10 with water.

It is especially important to feed the tangerine in the spring, when the plant begins to develop intensively. This period lasts until September; fertilizer can be applied once every two weeks. This regime will promote the appearance of buds, flowers and ovaries, and the ripe fruits will not taste bitter. In the cold season, fertilizing should be stopped. Like most of everyone indoor plants, it is recommended to fertilize tangerines in the morning. The tree must first be watered with warm water. The temperature of the nutrient solution should also be at a comfortable room temperature. The composition of the mixtures varies, but the content of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen is mandatory for a citrus tree.

The proportions and recipe must be observed; this information is indicated on the packaging. Irrational use of fertilizers can cause burns to the stem, roots and leaves or, in general, lead to the death of the tree. Among folk remedies, gardeners recommend using “fish soup.” For cooking, take 100 grams of fish per liter of water. Boil this for 30 minutes, strain, cool and add store-bought mineral mixture to the solution.

Trimming and pinching

Pruning frequently homemade tangerine it is not necessary, since the formation of the crown of this crop occurs on its own. But pruning and pinching the upper young shoots every 3-4 months will not only help better development branches and leaves, but will also speed up fruiting. The top shoots should be pinched only after five leaves have formed.

You can also get rid of all weak and unnecessary branches. If dried leaves and branches appear on the tree, they also need to be carefully cut off. It is recommended to trim with special sharp scissors.

During the first flowering, some of the buds should be removed. This procedure will preserve the strength of the young tree and increase productivity not only this year, but also in subsequent years.

Possible problems

Improper care of indoor mandarin becomes the cause of its diseases. If the microclimate in the apartment is disturbed, irregular moisture, lack or excess of fertilizers, the plant begins to hurt. Let's look at the most common problems and the reasons for their occurrence.

Leaves turn yellow and fall off

If this happens rarely and in small quantity, then this is a natural process, especially in old trees. If leaf fall is intense, then this may indicate insufficient lighting, improper watering or a lack of nitrogen in the soil. The reason for this may be a sharp change in regime (temperature, light). If the plant begins to turn yellow after transplantation, then the cause is most likely a violation of technology. Make sure that the root neck is not too deep. A pot that is too large can also cause yellowing.

All these processes need to be reviewed, conditions favorable for the tree must be created, and the plant will begin to recover.

  • Brown leaves most often indicate improper feeding. It is necessary to reduce the amount of fertilizer and strictly adhere to the recipe.
  • The leaves dry out due to dry air in the room. It is necessary to spray the tree more often with a spray bottle, wipe the leaves with a sponge, cover heating devices and use a humidifier.
  • Leaves curl due to excess ultraviolet rays. To solve the problem, the tree needs to be shaded.
  • “Rust” spots on the leaves also indicate improper watering. This process needs to be regulated.
  • Red spots on the trunk of a tree indicate insufficient drainage, damage to the trunk or excess fertilizer. A light solution of vitriol is suitable for treating already damaged areas. After this, the cracks are rubbed with a special garden varnish.
  • If the bush begins to shrink and dry out, then the reason for this lies in insufficient feeding. It is necessary to provide tangerine with beneficial vitamins and minerals.

But even high-quality care is not enough to avoid some diseases.

Some diseases can also affect the tangerine tree.

  • Anthracnose causes deformation of the bark, yellowing and falling leaves. The affected parts of the tree must be carefully cut off and destroyed, and it is recommended to use Fitosporin to treat the entire plant.
  • Scab begins to appear as small transparent spots. Subsequently, gray “warts” are formed from them. Bordeaux mixture is used for treatment. You need to spray the entire bush with it three times.

One should not exclude such a threat as all kinds of pests.

They are almost invisible, but can cause irreparable harm to the plant.

  • Spider mite. It manifests itself as cobwebs on the leaves and red dots on the stems. This pest thrives in dry, hot microclimates. To combat it, you first need to clean the wood with a brush and then water it with a contrast shower. The soil must be sprinkled with ash and the entire procedure repeated after 10 days. A mixture of tobacco dust and laundry soap. A spoonful of dust and a spoonful of grated soap are dissolved in water and infused for 5-6 hours. You need to spray the solution 2-3 times a week.

  • Aphid. If there is a large amount, you must first thoroughly wash the plant with a solution of laundry soap. A decoction of wormwood or nettle is suitable for treating damaged leaves. It is recommended to spray the leaves with garlic water. To prepare it, one clove is infused in a glass of water for two days. The tree needs to be treated with the solution several times a week.
  • Shield. Signs of infection are brown bumps and dried, yellowed bushes. First, use a brush to clean the plant from insects. Wash the tree and its location with soapy water. To spray, you need to dissolve a little soap, two tablespoons of washing powder and a teaspoon of machine oil in water. 3-4 hours after treatment, the plant should be rinsed with water. Repeat the procedures three times a month.
  • Mealybug. With its appearance, white sticky spots form on the leaves. The leaves fall asleep and fall off. The best folk remedy the fight is a soap solution. You need to wipe the tree with it and spray it once a week.

To combat uninvited “guests” you can also use special means (for example, “Fitoverm”, “Karbofos” or “Aktellik”). It is necessary to wipe the leaves and trunk with the solution. To improve the effect, the bush can be packed in plastic for a couple of hours. It is important to note that the fruits after this procedure cannot be eaten for at least a week.

As preventive measures You can consider treating the leaves with soap foam. At the same time, it should not get into the soil, so it is recommended to cover the pot first.

How to replant and how often to do it?

As the tangerine tree grows and its root system expands, replanting into a pot is required bigger size. The young plant must be replanted every year in early spring before flowering begins. After reaching 4 years of age, a transplant is needed every 3-4 years.

This culture does not like large containers, so new pot You only need to choose a size larger than the previous one.

Tangerine transplantation is carried out by transferring the entire earthen clod. To make the tree easier to remove, the soil needs to be watered - this will reduce the adhesion of the soil and the walls of the pot. Next, you can lightly tap the pot with your palms so that the lump of earth moves away from it. After this, the plant is carefully removed and transferred to another place. First you need to lay a layer of clean drainage on the bottom of the new pot. The tree is installed and covered with earth. There is no need to compact the soil too hard. It is important to ensure that the root collar (small compaction between the root and the trunk) is only partially covered with soil. Otherwise, the tree will take a long time to take root and will begin to hurt.

It’s easy to learn how to properly care for a tangerine tree at home. You just need to follow the recommendations, and then the plant will delight you for a long time with a lush crown, beautiful fragrant flowers and fruits.

To learn how to grow a tangerine tree from a seed at home, see the following video.

Tangerine trees take root in city apartments more easily than lemon or orange trees. They do not wither when the room temperature drops to +14, and can produce up to 70 juicy and sweet fruits per year. Citruses clean and disinfect the air, protecting apartment residents from colds and viral diseases, delight the eye with a thick dark green crown and soft white flowers that smell much better than any freshener.

Rules for buying tangerine

On the Internet or specialized nurseries they sell already mature fruit-bearing trees, which you just need to bring home, water and feed. Formed citrus fruits will cost a hefty sum, so it’s easier to grow your own tangerine from a sprout or seed.

The first option is less troublesome, but when buying a young tree you should ask the seller for a certificate. Some traders pass off calamondins as tangerines, which smell like citrus and bear fruit, but the orange fruit is completely tasteless. They cheat mainly in markets or supermarkets, because nurseries value their reputation, but even when visiting a specialized center, you should ask the employees for documents.

Land preparation

Can't stand citrus fruits acidic soils, which contain peat. The soil for growing tangerines should be light and nutritious, allow air to pass through and retain moisture. To prepare the right soil for young trees, you need to mix 4 components:

  • leaf and turf soil in equal proportions;
  • coarse river sand, which must be disinfected;
  • humus obtained from cow dung.

The last ingredient can be replaced with compost, which has no less nutrients. When the tangerine is 3-4 years old, fatty clay is added to the soil, which will retain moisture and protect the root system from drying out.

Pour a drainage layer 3–5 cm thick into a pot or tub intended for citrus. Expanded clay, small pebbles or clay shards are suitable. Use large pebbles that allow air to pass through better and prevent water from stagnating at the bottom.

Do I need to replant the tangerine?

Every year the citrus tree is moved from a smaller pot to a larger one, because the growing tree needs more space. It is recommended to transplant a four-year-old tangerine immediately into a wooden tub, where it will live and bear fruit over the next 2-3 years.

Relocate a plant better in spring when citrus wakes up and actively develops. First, they make a small dig to check the condition of the root system. If the tangerine tightly entwines the earthen ball, it is replanted. If not, change the top layer of soil and leave it in the old pot until next year.

How to relocate citrus without injuring it?

  1. Moisten the soil around the edges so that it better comes away from the walls of the pot.
  2. Lightly tap the container with a spatula or hand. This makes it easier to separate the roots and soil from the clay or wooden walls.
  3. Take the tangerine by the trunk and remove it along with the soil. There is no need to remove old soil from the plant so as not to damage it.
  4. Prepare a new pot with drainage and a layer of soil in advance. Place a tangerine in it and cover it with soil on top.
  5. Compact the soil, but not too much. Water the citrus and place in the sun.

When replanting a tree, you cannot completely cover the root collar with soil. Its upper part should remain on the surface so that the citrus takes root faster.

Help: The root collar of a tangerine is the line separating the trunk and skeletal roots. In this place the tree has a small compaction, which is half covered with earth.


Tangerines need sunlight. The more, the healthier the tree and the juicier the fruit. Mature citrus trees are placed next to western or eastern windows. Pots with young trees are placed on the northern windowsill.

Plants also do well next to south-facing windows if they have blinds or translucent curtains installed to diffuse the light. It is undesirable for citrus leaves to be exposed to direct sunlight. Ultraviolet light burns the crown of tangerines and dries out the soil.

In summer, it is useful to take citrus fruits out onto the balcony or leave them in the garden. The tub is placed under tall, spreading trees, which will diffuse and soften the light. Plants located in an apartment near a window should be protected from the sun at noon, and opened in the evening, closer to 4–5 o’clock.

In winter, tangerines must be illuminated with phytolamps. The duration of daylight hours is 8–12 hours, no less, otherwise the citrus weakens, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. The tree's recovery is long and difficult, spending a lot of energy and nutrients, and some specimens cannot cope with the shock and die.

Tip: When using special lamps, the citrus tub needs to be rotated around its own axis from time to time so that all sides of the plant receive approximately the same amount of light.

Temperature and humidity

In spring, the first buds appear on the tangerine tree, and it is important that the temperature in the room does not fall below +20–25 degrees. When the thermometer drops to +17–15, the citrus is covered with barren flowers, which smell pleasant, but do not produce a harvest.

In winter, the plant is moved to a cool room. The temperature in the room is reduced gradually; due to the sudden cold snap, the tree may shed its leaves. The room should first be +18, then +16–14, and some gardeners drop it to +10. Why keep citrus in a cool room? So that the mandarin has time to rest a little and gain strength. After a short winter holiday, the tree blossoms more buds, and the fruits become juicier and sweeter.

Mandarins need to be prepared for hibernation after harvesting. In mid-January, the temperature in the room begins to gradually increase so that the citrus “wake up” and have time to prepare for spring flowering.

The tangerine tree loves warmth and moisture, so in hot weather it needs to be sprayed twice or thrice a day with a spray bottle. In summer, a bucket or bowl of water is left next to the plant to prevent the air from drying out. In winter, it is recommended to install special humidifiers or ionizers. If the tub of tangerine is located close to the radiator or radiator, cover the heater with a damp towel.

The room in which the citrus tree is located is regularly ventilated. But the tree is moved away from the window, because the tangerine does not tolerate drafts.

Watering citrus

When the soil in a tub with tangerine dries out, the plant may develop spider mites. The soil should always be slightly moist, but not wet, so in summer the tree is watered daily, and in winter it is reduced to 2-3 times a week.

You need to test the soil with your finger, and if it seems crumbly and too dry, add a little water. Before watering, look into the pan. Accumulated liquid indicates that there is too much water and the tree does not have time to absorb it. Watering must be stopped before the tray dries, otherwise root system will begin to rot or fungus will appear.

Use only purified melt or rain water. The liquid is allowed to sit for 3-4 days in a large saucepan or plastic bucket and then passed through a kitchen filter. You can’t just water the tangerine with tap water, because heavy impurities and salts settle in the soil, inhibiting the plant.

Liquid volumes depend on the size of the tree and air temperature. The hotter the room, the more moisture evaporates. If 0.5–1 liter is enough for a small tangerine, then an adult tree will need three or four.

The water must be heated to +35–40 degrees. How to check the temperature of a liquid without a thermometer? Dip your finger into it. It should be pleasant, but not hot.

Pour water onto the root, being careful not to let droplets fall on the leaves and trunk. Moisten the crown separately from a spray bottle so that the liquid is distributed evenly. During the flowering period, make sure that water does not get on the buds. If a few drops fall on green or ripe fruit, it's okay.

It is better to water the tree in the morning. Water helps the plant wake up and starts metabolic processes.


In winter, the tangerine does not need feeding, but from April to September-October, when the buds bloom and the fruits ripen, the tree needs to be fertilized. Apply nutrients twice a month. Buy complex fertilizers containing:

  • phosphorus;
  • nitrogen;
  • potassium.

You can find suitable fertilizers in flower shops. We recommend stopping at:

  • Uniflor bud during flowering;
  • Kemira Suite;
  • Uniflor growth during fruit ripening.

Mineral fertilizers alternate with organic ones. Natural nutrient solutions are prepared from cow manure or poultry droppings. Part of the dry matter is diluted in 10–12 parts of water, left for 2–4 days, and then added in small portions.

The soil is moistened before fertilizing. Using chemicals It is important to follow the instructions. If you increase the dosage, you can burn the tangerine roots or poison the tree. Citrus leaves are also treated with a weak solution. Mineral fertilizers should not get on the fruits.

In the spring, before flowering begins, the tree is pruned. Remove dry and thin branches, pick off yellowed leaves. Garden shears must be sharpened and disinfected before pruning. Treat the cuts with tree resin to help them heal faster.

It is easy to form an oval crown on a tangerine. It is enough to pinch the tops of the branches and trim off excess shoots that are not capable of bearing fruit and only draw nutrients from the tree.

When the plant first blooms, you need to leave only 10-15 buds. The rest are carefully cut off so that they do not deplete the young tree. The older the tangerine becomes, the more ovaries can be left.

Install one or more wooden supports in the tub, to which branches with fruits are tied. Large fruits are attracted to the ground, and the tangerine may break or split into several pieces.

Citrus needs to be bathed monthly. Cover the pot and soil plastic film and take the plant to the bath. The leaves are first moistened and then soaped. You can gently rub them with a soft cloth to remove dust and cobwebs. Turn on low pressure and rinse off the soap suds. The water should be at room temperature or slightly warmer.

All that remains is to blot the leaves and branches with a dry towel. Let the tangerine sit in the bathroom until it dries completely, and then you can return it to its old place and remove the film.

Caring for a citrus tree is no more difficult than caring for an apple tree in the garden or an orchid growing on the windowsill. Lots of light, a little water and fertilizer - and the tangerine will stretch out, covered with dark green leaves and delicate buds. In summer, citrus will delight you with its rich aroma, and in winter it will reward you with sweet and healthy fruits that are associated with the New Year and magic.

Video: how to grow a tangerine from a seed
