How to have fun at home: how to keep your active mind and your loved one occupied. What not to do when you're bored and have nothing to do

What to do in your free time

100 and 1 ideas on how to have fun together


What to do…

in spring

1. Send paper boats on the water and see whose is faster

will swim to the finish line (stone, river bend, etc.).

2. Spend the whole day at an amusement park.

3. Write your wishes on a piece of paper, cork it in a bottle and let it go


4. If you live in big city- ride on it at night.

5. Learn how to make a Mojito (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) and

spend the evening talking.

6. Sit on the deck and kiss.

7. Write essays on the topic “How will we spend this summer” (the more

time has passed since graduation - the more fun).

8. Learn to bake pancakes by flipping them in the air.

9. Buy balloon filled with helium, write your

desires and release them into the sky.

10. Look at the stars and talk about the eternal.

In summer

11. Go to the park and fly a kite.

12. Swim at sunset.

13. Swim in the pond after the rain.

14. Watch the starfall (mid-August).

15. Let in sunbeams.

16. Go to the zoo: remember your childhood, feed the animals, and yourself

buy cotton candy.

17. Go to the park and lie on the grass, looking at the sky and guessing what

clouds look like.

18. Ride bicycles (roller skates) together. It will be doubly fun

Find a tandem bike for rent and master it.

19. Go to the sea in the middle of the night. 100 and 1 ideas of what to do with your loved one.

20. Have a water pistol fight.

21. Go to the park and rent a boat or catamaran.

22. Get up early in the morning and walk through the dew.

23. Go to the country and eat your favorite berries.

24. Take a walk in the summer rain.

25. Lie together in a hammock.

26. Go to the lake and watch the sunset sitting on a wooden pier.

27. Marinate and fry kebabs together.

28. Spend the night outdoors (in a hut).

29. Swim in the river naked.

in autumn

30. Take a walk through the yellow leaves.

31. Pick up a whole armful of them and arrange leaf fall.

32. Bake charlotte.

33. Carve a monster into a pumpkin for Halloween.

34. Tell horror stories around the fire.

35. Jump in puddles.

36. Have an evening of childhood memories, asking each other questions

queue questions.

37. Ride on a children's swing.

38. Launch a flying lantern (which is set on fire).

in winter

40. Meet New Year in an unusual place.

41. Have a winter picnic, decorate it with candles sunk into holes

In the snow.

42. Make special cookies for birds and hang them on your walk.


43. Organize One Day of Summer: go to a water park.

44. Slide down a high icy mountain.

45. Do snow angels in the snow.100 and 1 idea of ​​what to do with your loved one.

46. ​​Cut out snowflakes from paper and decorate your apartment with them.

47. Wrap and sign gifts for friends for the New Year.

48. Cover yourself with one blanket and watch “An Ordinary Miracle.”

49. Turn off the lights and watch the lights on the Christmas tree blink.

50. Learn to make mulled wine.

51. Take a ride icy paths that children roll on


52. Build a snowman.

53. Decorate the Christmas tree and apartment for the New Year.

54. Go to the skating rink, skate on it all day, and then drink tea or

mulled wine from a thermos.

55. Play in the snow. You can even make a snow castle for this.

Ideas that you can implement regardless of the time of year

56. Jump on a trampoline.

57. Bet a small amount on his favorite football team to win


58. Let go bubble from the bridge.

59. Attend a hockey or football match.

60. Learn to make sushi.

61. Learn to eat with chopsticks.

62. Make a milkshake in a glass, beautifully decorated with sugar


63. Give each other funny roles for one day and perform them.

64. Eating with your eyes closed, or feeding each other with your eyes closed


65. Lead each other around the apartment when one of you is blindfolded.

66. Make a joint video clip.

67. Write a story about you together (how you met, what awaits you

etc.) and print this story in the form of a photo book.

68. Learn to perform magic tricks and have a theme night.

69. Come up with your own gesture (for example, squeeze your palm three times tightly

another means “I love you”).

70. Set up a shadow theater at home.

71. Shake a tree branch when your other half is standing under it and arrange

leaf fall (snowfall, rain).

72. Watch the sunrise and sunset.

73. Sing a duet at karaoke.

74. Talk about dreams.

75. Go on a picnic.

76. Have a pillow fight.

77. Make some popcorn and buy a DVD of a movie you’ve been wanting for a long time

wanted to see.

78. Spend a weekend in the countryside - explore neighboring settlements


79. Choose a book that interests both of you and read it out loud.

80. Have a romantic dinner.

81. Feed each other pieces of fruit placed on the body.

82. Write a letter to yourself to the future: how do you see your

relationships, your dreams, how you feel now, wishes, etc.

83. Paint each other with gouache. You can also draw on the body -

chocolate spread or whipped cream.

84. Arrange a photo shoot for each other.

85. Play first date: take off wedding rings, order

two different tables in a restaurant and meet there “by chance.”

86. Come up with a joint poem about you, your relationship or about

how you met.

87. Play chess/checkers/fool for stripping/desire.

88. Take a shower together.

89. Go for a test drive.

90. Give each other massages according to instructions (or go to a

Training courses).

91. Dance funny dances at home (you can do it without music).

92. Play tag in a big shopping center.

93. Fight for fun.

94. Complete 100 puzzles and 1 idea of ​​what to do with your loved one.

95. Sing each other a lullaby before bed.

96. Make faces and imitate each other (no offense!).

97. Speak only in sign language all day.

98. Play a sea battle.

99. Eating long noodles together (one for two).

100. Go on a “healthy eating” diet together.

101. Go to a nursing home with homemade goodies or

orphanage with toys.

In this article we will look at what to do at home, when you're bored. There are actually a lot of entertainment options. But there are many people who have free time, but do not know where and how to use it, how to entertain and occupy themselves.

Home boredom

Each of us is interested in something, has a certain predisposition to some hobby and activity. This could be computer games, creativity, handicrafts or cooking. Girls are more inclined to engage in activities with the opportunity to realize their creative potential. Men are more inclined to online games, computer hobbies, collecting and disassembling various equipment. Their way of thinking is so complicated and structured.

Boredom at home most often overwhelms us in the summer, when we are on vacation or on vacation. Of course, if you have cheerful and active friends, they will not let you get bored, organize a cool party, go fishing, to nature, to the sea. There are still many activities outside the home. But in this article we will talk specifically about entertainment within the walls of your native apartment. Below we present 30 useful tips , what you can do at home in your free time.

30 ideas for things to do at home

1. If you have a computer, you also have access to the Internet. If you are reading this article, then you have gone online and, accordingly, you can go to other sites. We will not advise you to spend time uselessly on any entertainment and gaming sites. Go to the Wikipedia website and get started read on home page useful articles, which will expand your horizons and increase your vocabulary.

2. If a talented composer is missing in you and you are a creative person, you probably wanted to compose music. Download some simple music editor (for example “Fl Studio”). It’s not at all difficult to understand, the interface is intuitive. You don't have to have a synthesizer to play a melody. You can use a regular keyboard for this. Try it, suddenly the second Mozart dies in you!

4. You can take up cooking. For example, if you like Japanese cuisine, you can try yourself as a sushi chef. To do this, you will need to purchase a pack of nori sheets, rice (even regular, short-grain rice will do), and filling. Don't think that you will need to buy expensive fish or crab meat. To begin with, you can practice rolling cucumber rolls. When you begin to get beautiful and even sausages, then you can move on to more complex fillings.

5. When you're bored at home, you can do things that you constantly put off until later. Surely you have pantry, various rubbish gradually accumulated in it. A few hours can be usefully spent. To do this, take out all the things from the pantry and sort things into boxes. Then all this can be folded again, now there is several times more space in the pantry!

6. If you have a piggy bank, or just a place where you collect small change that was given to you in the store for change, you can use it sort. Divide the coins by denomination, count them and put them in bags. You can add a piece of paper to the bag with the number of coins written on it. After this, take it to the nearest chain supermarket. They happily accept cash coins. You will also need to carefully examine each coin, because you may come across anniversary or simply rare coins that cost a fortune!

7. Arrange tea ceremony. Buy expensive and high-quality tea, you can take Chinese pu-erh. There is a lot of information on the Internet on how to conduct a tea ritual according to all the rules. This tea party can bring you a lot of pleasure.

8. If everything is in order with your imagination and grammar, then you can to write an article. You can choose any topic. It is better to write on the topic in which you understand best. Moreover, your work will not be in vain, because after writing the article you can sell it! There are many article exchanges on the Internet that are ready to buy your text if it turns out to be interesting at an attractive price. You can earn approximately 50 to 300 rubles for each article of 2000 - 3000 characters without spaces.

9. If today is a day off and you have a work week ahead, then you can iron clothes for every working day. You need to think in advance what you are going to wear to work from Monday to Friday, then carefully iron the things and hang them in the closet from left to right, according to the days of the week. This will save you time in the morning. These extra 10 minutes will allow you to just sleep.

10. No matter how trivial it may sound, you can invite friends and have a non-alcoholic party. You can make it look like it’s your hamster/fish/cat’s birthday. If the word “non-alcoholic” does not sound trivial to you, then you can watch Professor Zhdanov’s videos about the dangers of alcohol. He talks quite interestingly, with examples from life.

11. You can try your hand at composing origami. This ancient Chinese art is not as complex as it seems at first glance. And paper crafts look very impressive. You can brag about the result to your friends by posting a photo paper crafts to your favorite social network.

12. You can review Top 250 films, a list of which can be found on the Kinopoisk website. You've probably watched many of them, perhaps more than once. But most likely there will be films there that will cause you a storm of emotions. Don’t look at the year the film was made, because in the last century there were interesting films with exciting plots.

13. If you have a family photo album, then you can review the photos in him. At the same time, you are guaranteed a wave of nostalgia and pleasant memories.

14. If your apartment or house is not decorated enough, then you can decorate it with beautiful paintings:

  • Search the Internet for high-quality photographs;
  • Using photo editors, apply filters to your taste;
  • Go and buy picture frames of suitable sizes at the store;
  • Take the files on the flash drive to the nearest photo studio;
  • Order a print the right size on glossy paper;
  • After receiving the printed photo, come home and trim off the excess edges;
  • Insert the picture into the frame;
  • Hang on the wall in a suitable place.

This way you can turn your home into a cozy nest.

15. If you know even a little about computers and programs, then it’s time to start reinstalling the operating system. Over time, OS Windows needs to be reinstalled, as viruses, unnecessary programs and other junk appear in the program files. This greatly slows down the system performance and sometimes harms files. The new OS will show a noticeable increase in performance, and working on your computer will now become much more enjoyable for you.

16. Do general cleaning in the house. This is how it differs from the usual one, that when spring cleaning You will look into places you usually don’t pay attention to:

  • Skirting boards;
  • Place behind the kitchen stove;
  • Behind furniture, bedside tables;
  • Under the bath;
  • Behind the toilet;
  • Cobwebs in the corners of the ceiling;
  • Dust on the chandelier;
  • Place under the microwave oven;
  • Dust and floors in the storage room;
  • The entire balcony and loggia.

17. You can go to the international online trading platform Ebay and search there for any trinkets. Sometimes they come across interesting decorations and small items self made for a ridiculous price. The only drawback Such purchases mean a tedious wait for the package of several weeks, and sometimes months.

18. Surely you rarely pay attention to reverse side kitchen utensils. But in vain, because besides appearance Various bacteria also gather there. Can clean the dishes and pans using simple remedy"Pemo-Lux". Wherein outer side it will simply shine with purity.

19. If you have culinary inclinations, then you simply need to master preparing puff pastry. After all, instead of buying ready-made puff pastry in the store, it is much better to roll it out yourself. You only need a few ingredients for this: flour, eggs, milk and butter. Store-bought dough is made with margarine, so homemade dough turns out much tastier!

20. You don’t notice how your windows are dimming. After all, they are gradually covered with a layer of dust and soot. Try them wash, both outside and inside. Old newspapers are great for this. Washing windows with newspapers does not leave streaks on them. You will notice how the room will immediately become much lighter.

21. If you have a car, then the problem of a mess in the trunk is probably pressing for you. You can do cleaning and sorting things in the trunk. We are sure that O Most of the things can be taken home so that they do not hang around in the back when driving. The remaining things can be neatly folded, dusted and the trunk completely vacuumed.

22. Also, it wouldn’t hurt any car enthusiast repeat the rules traffic . Buy traffic rules at any bookstore, or just download it on the Internet. After reading, be sure to test your knowledge. You can take online exams on special websites. We are sure that you will not succeed in this the first time.

23. If you have thread and a needle, and even more so sewing machine, then get busy designing your old clothes. More specifically, go through your wardrobe and find old jeans and shirts that you haven’t worn for a long time. Try making denim shorts out of jeans, and denim shorts out of a shirt. long sleeve- a short shirt. You can additionally make holes and abrasions on the jeans (with sandpaper).

This way you will breathe life into your old clothes. new life, and will be happy to wear your designer creations next summer.

24. Do you often watch videos on YouTube? Would you like to try yourself? as a blogger? To do this, you need to log in to the service and make a video. For filming at first, the camera of your mobile phone. Nowadays, everyone is equipped with fairly high-quality cameras that allow recording in HD format. In this case, sound recording becomes a problem, but for the first time you can use the built-in microphone. You need to keep the room quiet; to do this, close all doors and windows. It is not advisable to record video in small rooms with bare walls, such as a bathroom. The sound will bounce off the walls and create a noise effect. Choose a blog topic that you like. Who knows, maybe your first video will get a lot of views and likes, and in the near future you will outshine the famous beauty blogger Katya Klap?

25. If there is a poet in the depths of your soul, you can try compose and record some kind of small poem. Dedicate it to your loved one or loved one. You can send it via SMS, Whatupp or Viber. We are sure, your girlfriend or boyfriend.

26. If you have a game console, you can re- beat your favorite game. Surely the passage will give you no less pleasure and adrenaline than when you first met the game. To make it more interesting, you can increase the difficulty of the game this time.

27. If you have chess, try it play them with yourself. You can even do this on your phone or computer. And don’t think that it’s very simple, because you yourself know your moves in advance. In chess everything is different. When you unfold the board, you usually forget your position and plans for future moves.

28. Download new games for smartphones in the Android Market or in the App Store for iPhone. Go to the top downloaded games and see what is popular now. Sometimes the simplest and free games can keep you busy for half a day.

29. Get busy breathing exercises. Find exercises on the Internet and learn a few techniques. This will improve your overall health, develop your lungs and improve your body's metabolism.

30. Make up business plan for the coming year. Take a notepad and write each month on a separate sheet. After that, think carefully about what you have planned for each month. For example: May - undergo a technical inspection, go to grandma. June - take the bike to a workshop for service, enroll in a music school, and so on. Such a plan will allow you to understand the scale of work for the near future, and redistribute activities into less busy months.

If you have access to the Internet - .

You can also find several other interesting leisure options.

The above suggestions and tips on what to do at home when you're bored can help you spend your time profitably. If you are still asking this question - read others interesting articles on our website!

Video: what to do when you're bored

And a few more ideas from Maria:

All people experience boredom at home from time to time. It doesn’t matter how old they are, what gender they are. Some quickly find entertainment and something to do, while others suffer from idleness, walking around the house from corner to corner, not knowing how to entertain themselves, thereby causing even greater melancholy. So, before we get rid of boredom, let's figure out why it happened in the first place. Having found the cause, we will try to eliminate it.

Causes of boredom at home

  1. You have returned from vacation. The days were full of entertainment, travel, and meetings. Life was boiling and seething. Emotions were overwhelming. And now you find yourself at home in peace and quiet. Working days ahead. You are sad and don’t know what to do.
  2. You are a sociable person. Love spending time in the company of friends. When you find yourself at home alone, boredom can set in.
  3. Your days are similar to each other. Everything is on schedule. Monotony and routine become boring at some point. I want something new. All your thoughts are about how to entertain yourself at home with unusual activities, activities, and entertainment.
  4. Fatigue has accumulated. I don't want to do anything.

Left at home alone with yourself, you can take time different ways, while getting pleasure for the mind, soul and body. You don't know how? It’s not difficult to entertain yourself; there are many ways.

For women and girls

  • Create a spa at home. Pamper yourself! Get a manicure, pedicure, masks, body wrap. Whatever comes to mind and suits your age and skin type. You will undoubtedly be in a better mood after these procedures. And the time you spend on yourself, your loved one, will not be in vain.
  • Try to create a new image. Do unusual makeup and hairstyle. The question of how to entertain yourself will disappear by itself. Take all things out of the closet and try them on. Try making new combinations. Perhaps you will find something new for yourself from long-forgotten things. This will not only help you forget about boredom, but will also help you save a little on new things.

For boys and men

  • It would be good to remember that you were asked to screw in a screw, drive a nail, or repair a cabinet. But you busy man, there is always not enough time for such trifles. Right now the moment has come when you can do this and get the well-deserved admiring glances of your beloved women: mother, wife, girlfriend.
  • You have long dreamed of defeating all the enemies in a computer game. Now you can completely surrender to the virtual world. It will captivate you so much that there will be no trace of boredom left. You won't notice how time flies by.

Common to all

When a girl becomes sad, bored and sad with you, then there will definitely not be sex. 60 simple ways entertain the girl and yourself.

1. go to the movies (especially horror movies: you’ll hug and be afraid together)
2. play snowballs and make a woman
3. go to the skating rink

4. teach how to play billiards
5. karting (take a ride - get adrenaline)
6. city quests
7. walk in the center, in parks (not a button accordion, but a classic)
8. make a horn in some bar, club
9. cottage/walk through the forest (fireplace, bathhouse, barbecue, guitar...)
10. bowling (exciting and fun)
11. horseback ride
12. skydive
13. tea ceremony (you can paint yourself like the Japanese and have a tea party at home)
14. arrange the shooting of an amateur film (a lot of entertainment at once - writing a script, filming, editing, uploading to YouTube, spamming the contact sheet in Ace, flooding the forums with the ceremonial presentation of a link to the film, a trip to Cannes for a prize for the best amateur video (or “golden member” competition, depending on the genre of the film)
15. water park
16. exhibitions and museums (there are very unusual ones)
17. trip to another city
18. handcuffs, whip
19. leave the girl (extreme)
20. study of the Schrödinger equation
21. sign up together for aikido and Latin dance courses, Chinese language
22. go to a commie rally
23. play tic-tac-toe
24. bring a lady and show a shadow theater

25. go to the zoo
26. to the library (in a quiet, distant corner...)
27. curling
28. pub with darts
29. trash band concert
30. go boating/kayaking
31. karaoke
32. cafe with hookah
33. sit with a bottle of wine on the roof of a high-rise building
34. play the fool (preference, stripping)
35. get married
36. dinner by candlelight
37. fighting with laser swords
38. rent bicycles and ride (rollerblades, skis)
39. sauna
40. anti-shopping (wander around the shops and not buy anything)
41. buy lottery tickets
42. circus (you can organize it yourself)
43. start installing Linux (patch KDE2 for fryukha)
44. opera, ballet, theater
45. digging (climbing through the sewer)
46. ​​quiet evening watching TV
47. plant a tree together

48. look at the moons of Jupiter, but you will need a telescope (if your girl’s eyes light up like stars, then it’s time to uncover the telescope)
49. take a ride on the nursery railway
50. go on an excursion with a girl to any city
51. invite the girl to devote the day to photography
52. have sex
53. and then one more time
54. offer to have sex with 2 of her girlfriends, if she starts beating you, then say that she was joking
55. buy a puzzle and put it together
56. read books out loud to each other
57. to be offended, to disperse different rooms, and start exchanging text messages
58. do something occult - for example, tell fortunes on cards, runes. For extreme sports enthusiasts - tying spirits at midnight
59. play trust: one person is blindfolded or black opaque glasses are put on, and the second must lead him “to the bus stop/to the house/through the park” or simply lead him to beautiful place
60. give a massage and put the bed to bed

Summer is over, but don’t get discouraged and fall into seal mode until spring, entertaining yourself only by eating and sleeping. We have prepared a list of activities that will turn autumn into best time of the year.

1. Go to an amusement park

On a warm and sunny day, grab a thermos of tea and go ride the carousel. The Ferris wheel is a must-see item on the program. Golden foliage, clear autumn sky - you will see such beauty only once a year. Interesting fact: The tallest Ferris wheel in Russia is located in Sochi. The height of the attraction installed in the Lazarevsky Culture and Recreation Park is 83.5 meters. In general, if you are going to Sochi, you know what to do with yourself.

2. Find out where they make the best mulled wine in the city

Or coffee, tea, hot chocolate - depends on what you like best. You can devote a separate day to this or stretch the pleasure over a week, whiling away the evening with a mug of your favorite drink. And, of course, carrot cake is probably the most autumnal dessert in the world. The Otkritie Bank “Entertainment Card” will help you receive cashback for every visit to cafes, bars and restaurants. Pay her, and then up to 10% of the funds spent will be returned to your account.

3. Attend the opening of the theater season

If you haven't gone to the theater for a long time, the premiere of the play is an excellent reason to finally do it. For example, on October 16, the Taganka Theater will host the first showing of the rock and drama “Viy” - a mix from the original work of Nikolai Gogol, Nina Sadur’s play “Pannochka” and texts by Venya D’rkin. You can combine a trip to a cultural temple with the previous point and end the evening with gatherings in a cafe. By the way, the purchase of theater tickets and a visit to a cafe is covered by the “Entertainment Card”, so the evening will delight not only pleasant impressions, but also cashback.

4. Organize a house party

Of course, thematic. For example, gastronomic fun for burger lovers or a harvest festival with food made exclusively from seasonal products. Another option is a home-made Oktoberfest with homemade snacks. Practice shows that the best food for such events is food that can be handled without cutlery: spicy cheese cookies, salty pretzels and pies with various fillings.

5. Gather friends for a bowling championship

Organizing a meeting of old comrades in the summer is a fantasy: everyone has vacations and trips. But in the fall this can easily be done, especially when we are talking about something fun. Bowling is not a bad idea, especially since the Entertainment Card gives you cashback for it.

6. Sort out summer photos

Choose the best ones, print them out and make an album that will remind you of how cool this summer was. Imagination in album design is only welcome: train or museum tickets, drawings and short stories about what is happening in the photo will turn a selection of photographs into a fascinating story. In autumn and winter, such memories are worth their weight in gold. An idea for next summer: take a photo every day, in the end you will get a good selection - three months of warmth and sun in pictures.

7. Decorate the house

You can get down to business in a big way and collect a whole collection of home textiles - from curtains to towels - in autumn colors or with themed prints and patterns. If you don’t have time for such large-scale changes, collect a bouquet in the nearest park yellow leaves, add a couple of rowan branches to them - you get a simple but pretty composition. In a vase and on the table - that’s it autumn mood. By using double sided tape stick leaves on the windows - there will be indoor leaf fall. Or decorate with plain white candles colorful leaves, there’s generally only five minutes to do here.

8. Find a new favorite game

When it's cold, rainy and generally disgusting outside, spend the whole day computer games- the sweetest thing. For example, Battlefield 1 is coming out soon, so the question of what to do on the weekend is resolved by itself. And again a surprise from Otkritie Bank: purchases on Steam, Origin, PlayStation Store and Xbox Live will ultimately turn out to be cheaper if you pay with the “Entertainment Card”. Need another reason to buy the game you've been dreaming about for so long?

9. Go on a hike

In winter you can’t easily get out into the forest, so you need to make the most of the chance that warm autumn gives. Just take blankets and sweaters with you so that the coolness of the night does not spoil the impression of a forest weekend. What can I say, a hike is always great idea: fire, guitar, tea in a pot... If you spend the night in autumn forest doesn’t appeal to you, at least go for a picnic.

10. Learn a new craft

There are many activities that don't require a lot of money. Consumables: soap making, knitting, making chocolate and bath bombs... You can try pouring candles. To do this you will need beeswax, a wick and a mold for the future candle, essential oils and flavorings - optional. If you get good at this, by the New Year the issue of gifts for family and friends will be resolved.

11. Bury the treasure

Great fun for kids. Let the child collect little things that remind him of the past summer: colorful pieces of glass, small toys and the like. Put it all in a stronger box (optionally, in a cookie or chips jar), close it, wrap it in several layers of cling film and bury it in the nearest park. Draw a map so you don't forget this place, and in the spring go in search of treasures.

12. Have a movie marathon

Cinema is perhaps the best entertainment at any time of the year. If the weather is cool, have a movie show at home. What you will need: two or three good films and more delicious food. As for food, we’ll leave everything up to your discretion, but with movies, Amediateka, IVI and Okko will help out - the “Entertainment Card” will help you return part of the cost of each purchase.

Fall is fun if you have a few fun ideas up your sleeve. Tell us, how do you prefer to deal with autumn melancholy?
