How to drill a well for water with your own. How to drill a well with your own hands: ways to do it yourself on a budget. Types of pumping stations

Water in a summer cottage or in a private home is a necessary resource that cannot be lived without. However, organizing a public water supply is often impractical. Due to the remoteness of land holdings from each other, centralized water supply is an expensive proposition. It is easier and cheaper to use an individual water source. True, you first need to organize it. Own well will provide its owner with confidence that the economic needs of the site and housing will be met. At the same time, the owners will not have to pay for water supply, counting every cubic meter of water spent. Digging a well is difficult and expensive, but drilling a well yourself is possible if you are familiar with the drilling technology and the type of well construction.

Types of wells and their features

Before drilling, the site area must be examined, determining the level of groundwater. The amount of work that will need to be done to make the well water-bearing will depend on this parameter. The type of well is chosen taking into account the depth of the water-containing formation.

If water is found at a depth of 3-12 m, choose the “” type. At a depth of up to 50 m, a sand well is used, and an artesian well, if the water lies in the ground at least 200 m. Almost every summer resident can do the first two types manually, but an artesian well will require a drilling rig and professional drillers.

Drilling a sand well by hand

This type of source involves pumping water from a depth of up to 50 m. A sand well is called this because it “gives water” from a water-containing sandy layer of soil, the depth of which is usually just fifty meters. This depth does not guarantee the purity of the water, so it is recommended to periodically check the contents of the well at the sanitation station for the presence of organic and chemical compounds.

To organize a sand well it is used classic scheme with pump. And to purify water from suspended matter and debris, use a filter installed at depth. The filter needs to be cleaned regularly. The service life of a sand well is about 15 years.

Organization of the “Abyssinian well” well

This is the simplest needle hole to make. It is shallow, so care must be taken to carefully select a place for it.

There should be no septic tanks, garbage heaps, cesspools or sewage pits nearby. Due to the shallow depth, harmful substances can seep into the source, polluting it.

If the ground does not contain pebbles or other hard rocks, drilling a well can be done in the area around the house or directly in the basement of the house. The well in the basement is convenient to use even in cold weather. Equipping a home well manual column and a pump so that you can use water, regardless of the availability of electricity.

Drilling an artesian well

Provided that there are already wells of this type in neighboring areas, there is a high probability of water occurring in a limestone formation in this area. In other cases, drillers are ordered to test a well to determine the depth of water. An artesian well can provide water to several areas at once. Often drilling is ordered together in order to save money and get the desired result.

The choice of well type depends on the type of soil and the planned amount of water consumed. An Abyssinian well and a sand well will provide a low flow rate. And if the flow rate is from 10 cubic meters per hour, you will need to install an artesian well. It is better to drill any well away from potential pollutants and close to the house so that there are no problems with laying the water supply.

Drilling equipment and tools

When drilling artesian wells, professionals use drilling rigs. For smaller wells, a regular tripod with a winch is suitable. It will lower and raise the drilling tool, consisting of a core pipe, drill rods, a drill column, and a drill.

Special equipment, without which it is problematic to make a well, is a drilling tool that will help you go deeper into the ground (auger), a tripod and a winch. To drill a well with your own hands, you will need a metal auger. An ice screw can be used as an auger, which is used for winter fishing. The main thing is that the drill is made of high-strength steel. This is the most cheap option drilling a well. In addition to the tripod, you will need pipes different diameters(water pipes, hoses, casing), valves, caisson, filters, well pump.

Drilling work: stages

1. First you need to dig a hole or pit, the dimensions of which are 150 by 150 cm. To prevent the recess from crumbling, its walls are lined with plywood, boards, and pieces of chipboard. Another option is to dig a trunk with a diameter of 15-20 cm and a depth of 1 m with an ordinary drill. This is done so that the pipe is more stable in a vertical position.

2. A strong metal or wooden tripod (called a drilling derrick) is placed directly above the recess, securing a winch at the junction of its supports. Towers made of logs are more common. A drill string with one and a half meter (if drilling independently) rods hangs on a tripod. The rods are threaded together into one pipe and secured with a clamp. This design is used for lifting and lowering equipment.

The pump is selected in advance in order to determine the diameter of the future well and core pipe. The pump must pass freely into the pipe. That is why the difference between the diameter of the pump and the internal diameter of the pipe should be at least 5 mm.

Lowering and lifting drilling equipment is the drilling of a well. The rod is rotated while simultaneously hitting it from above with a chisel. It’s much more convenient for two people to do this: the first one turns the gas wrench, and the second one hits the bar from above, breaking through the rock. Using a winch simplifies the process: it makes lifting and lowering equipment into the well much easier. The rod is marked during drilling. Markings will be required for orientation. The markings help determine when it is time to pull out the rod and clean the drill. It is usually recommended to do this approximately every half meter.

3. To make it easier to overcome different layers of soil, special drills are used.

  • spiral drill (otherwise, coil) - for clay soils;
  • drill bit for loosening hard soils;
  • drill spoons for sandy soil;
  • The bailer helps lift the soil to the surface.

4. It is easier to go through the sand layer with a spoon drill, adding water while drilling. If the soil is hard, use a chisel. Drill bits come in cross and flat types. In any case, their purpose is to help loosen hard rocks. Impact method overcome quicksand sands.

For clayey soil, you will need a coil, a bailer and a spoon. Coils or spiral drills penetrate clay soils well because they have a design similar to a spiral, and the pitch of the spiral is equal to the diameter of the drill. The size of the lower base of the drill is from 45 to 85 mm, the blade is from 258-290 mm. Pebble layers containing gravel are pierced, alternating with a bailer and a bit, with casing pipes. Sometimes you can't do without pouring water into the hole. This can significantly simplify the task of drilling a well. The option of drilling a well using a pump is also worth considering.

Soil drilling process

5. If the rock brought to the surface has become important, then the aquifer is already close. You need to go a little deeper to cross the aquifer. Drilling will suddenly become noticeably easier, but you cannot stop. You need to find a waterproof layer with a drill.

Well construction and pumping

Once the required depth has been reached, the next stage begins - arrangement. A filter column consisting of a pipe, a settling tank and a filter is lowered into the finished well. You can make it yourself from a filtration mesh, perforation and casing pipe, or use a ready-made, store-bought sand filter for submersible pump.

To strengthen the pipe, the space behind it is filled with 5-mm crushed stone or coarse sand. The backfill must be above the filter level. Filter - essential element any well. Main function filter - protection from sand and large impurities. In parallel with backfilling, water is pumped into a pipe with a sealed upper end. This manipulation helps to flush the annulus and filter. After washing, a natural barrier is formed for large impurities. Zhelonization of the well with a bailer attachment or screw pump means that water is pumped out of a fresh well until the water becomes clean and clear. This stage is called buildup. For it, electric power is most often used. centrifugal pump. The advantage of this mechanism is that it can pump high-density liquid media. A regular household pump is also acceptable, but it will require more effort and time. If there are problems with the power supply, it is possible to use a hand pump.

After pumping, the pump is lowered to a depth on a safety rope (see picture above). They connect to it water pipe or hose with a diameter of 25 or 50 mm. The choice of diameter depends on the capabilities of the well - the amount of water that can be pumped out of the well in a certain period of time.

If a metal pipe is used, the pump is not fixed. Instead, a waterproof cable coming from the pump is attached to the pipe.

Well pump. Peculiarities

To select a pump of the correct power, you must take into account such parameters as:

  1. well flow rate, indicators of its depth;
  2. casing diameter;
  3. distance of the well from the house.

The required pump power directly depends on these parameters. For shallow depths (up to 9 m), a self-priming surface pump is suitable; in other cases, a submersible well pump will serve well.

After the pump is immersed, a pipe is brought out into the wellhead, equipped with a caisson, welded to its head. A valve is installed on it, which will open the way for water to the top and regulate the flow. If the water intake rate is excessive, the low-productivity well will quickly dry up, and the pump, running idle, will fail. Pipes are connected to the caisson, which will serve as a water supply to the room. They require waterproofed and insulated trenches. You can read about how to choose a pump for a well, and about how to choose a pump for a well.

Well operation

Wells of all types need timely cleaning. Signs that an aquifer well requires service may include: jerks in the water outlet, the presence of air jams, impurities (silt, sand). If you miss the moment of maintenance, the productivity of the well may no longer be restored. To restore normal functions, the well is purged with a water or air compressor. More radical methods cleaning - acid or electricity. However, these methods are risky and are best left to specialists.

Tips for those who make a well themselves

Before starting work, it would be a good idea to ask your neighbors what the water level is in your area. If there are wells nearby, take a look there.

A water level above 5 m is good news, because the only tools needed for drilling are: garden auger.

A small-sized drilling rig or mechanical drilling device - “handbrake”, can be rented. This way you will have the opportunity to use convenient equipment and not pay a lot of money for it.

You cannot lower the water pipe into the well all the way to the bottom. It should not reach the deepest point by about half a meter. This way the water will go up better.

The pipe leading into the well must have on the surface ventilation holes, otherwise, without air access, the water will quickly become musty. It is convenient to equip the pipe with a hinged cover so that there is constant access to the well.

The most convenient way to equip a well is a solid plastic pipe.

After the well is operational, be sure to submit your water for examination. Water is recognized as drinking water if its transparency is at least 30 cm, the nitrate content is no more than 10 mg/l, there are less than 10 E. coli in 1 liter, and the maximum rating of smell and taste is 3 points.

Disadvantages and advantages of manual well drilling

Advantages: low cost; no need for bulky special equipment to enter the site; due to the relatively shallow depth, homemade wells are pumped faster and take less time to tighten; If there is no electricity, water can be obtained using a hand suction pump.

The main disadvantage of self-drilling is the limited depth and lack of specialists who can help maintain a homemade well. Thus, after reading this article, we hope that you will not have any questions about how to drill a well with your own hands.

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The basis of the entire living world is water, so ancient people always settled near bodies of water - rivers and lakes. Modern world It is more densely populated and it is not always possible to find a suitable site for a house or cottage on the shore of a reservoir. It would be good if the site has a central water supply, but this does not always happen. It is in such cases that the need to drill a water well arises. After all, even if you can bring water in cans for your own use, it still won’t be enough to water the plantings.

Modern technologies make it possible to drill in a short time using self-propelled drilling rigs, but this pleasure is not cheap, which is why amateur gardeners’ interest in DIY well construction without equipment. Moreover, if you have basic skills in using a tool, and every gardener probably has this skill, drilling a well with your own hands will not be difficult, of course, when the aquifer itself lies not far from the earth’s surface. Drilling on your own is not only a job, but also the satisfaction of your ambitions.

General information about hydraulic drilling

Hydrogeologists designate three aquifer intervals - depths from the surface of 12 meters, 13–50 meters and over 51 meters. Obviously, drilling a well with your own hands is only possible within the first aquifer level. And with the use special devices and in light soil you can also manually master the second level, but the third is only accessible self-propelled units hydro drilling. To drill with such a rig, you need to take a training course and become a professional.

Horizon 0–12

At the horizons of the highest level, water intake structures are usually carried out in the form "Abyssinian well"- name after the area in Ethiopia, which became the founder of the method of extracting water from the depths. Drilling wells for water in the upper layer is fraught with the fact that the perched water often has a brown tint, since it includes contaminants brought from the earth's surface. You can use such industrial water for irrigation, but it is advisable to drill a well deeper, until there is clean water. The output of the upper level well does not exceed 25 cubic meters per day; this water intake has a number of advantages:

  • the design is simple and there are no installation difficulties;
  • inexpensive materials are used, which results in low cost of work;
  • no water use permit required;
  • absence of excess salts in the water intake;
  • You can drill a well in limited space.

Disadvantages of this type of water intake already indicated above: this is the proximity of the surface with all its negatives. And also the fact that not every soil will allow you to break through it with your own hands and without special equipment to 10 meters.

Horizon 13–50

To extract from this horizon, under certain conditions, you can drill a well underwater with your own hands. This is the level medium depth and often it consists predominantly of sand, which is why water wells at this level are also called sandy. The water here is crystal clear, but to get to it with the help homemade equipment, it will take a lot of work. Using a sand well, it is possible to provide water intake with a capacity of 20 cubic meters per day. If the soils at the construction site of the water intake allow drilling wells for water, then the advantages of such designs are:

Towards unfavorable moments operation of sand wells may include the need to ensure their constant flow rate, although, depending on the conditions of use, this may turn out to be a plus. Depending on the quality of the extracted resource, it may be necessary to install filters to absorb unwanted chemical compounds.

Horizon 51–200

At this depth artesian waters lie, that is, they are enclosed among water-resistant rocks and compressed by their pressure. Surface pollution cannot penetrate this horizon. Wells for water from this level are called artesian and often, under the influence of pressure from mountain layers, they gush out.

It is obvious that drilling water wells of such length is only feasible using special equipment and subject to compliance with the technology of work, since the aquifer is under pressure. Nevertheless, in some areas it is necessary to draw water from such deep horizons simply because upper layers she's not there. Important advantages Such water intakes, in addition to high quality, have the ability to provide water to several water use facilities at once and the optional installation of a water pump.

To use artesian water, you will need to obtain a permit for special water use and attract a professional team with the appropriate equipment, and this costs a lot of money. In addition, this water will need to be softened, because it contains many dissolved minerals.

Having formed a definite opinion about the general ideas about the types of water wells, you can become more familiar with the technology of their construction. Available for independent arrangement water intake structures are wells:

  1. “Abyssinian well” up to 12 meters deep.
  2. Sandy - up to 50 meters.

"Abyssinian Well"

Having selected a place to lay the excavation, you need to make a half-meter deepening in the ground measuring 1x1 meter in plan. To drill a well manually use garden auger in the form of an auger with a diameter of 56–82 mm. As the tool penetrates the soil, the drill string, made from pipe sections, is expanded until the drill reaches the aquifer. This technology for drilling water wells was borrowed from professional drillers; their sequence of operations is approximately the same.

A sign of reaching the aquifer is wet sand extracted by a drill from the excavation. The usual depth is 4–8 meters, and this is normal for a pump installed on the surface, but drawing water from a depth of more than 10 meters entails installing a submersible pump, which complicates the design of the water intake well.

Upon reaching the required depth, the drill is removed from the excavation in the opposite way and immersed into it the so-called igloo. This is a piece of pipe with a cone-shaped tip, which facilitates the entry of the structure into the excavation. It is equipped with a filter 80 cm long in the form of slits (2.5 cm) with an interval of 2 cm, the slotted section is wrapped with wire and stainless mesh. The entire structure of the cone and filter must be made of homogeneous metal and held together with tin solder. The homogeneity of the metal will reduce corrosion processes on the working body.

The needle, like sections of pipe with threaded connections for drilling, can be bought in the retail chain. Before drilling a well with your own hands, the needle is inserted into the wellhead so that there is a liner at least 20 centimeters long above the surface. The next rod (piece of pipe) is screwed to it and the structure is driven into the well. Thus, gradually increasing the pipe steel, the structure is completely submerged to the aquifer, and the space between the outer diameter of the pipe and the walls of the excavation is filled with soil and compacted.

Now all that's left is pump the water intake with a manual or electric pump until clean water comes out. Next, the mouth of the excavation is concreted and water supply is supplied to it. This water intake does not require special care. If its efficiency decreases, you can clean the filter by pumping water under pressure into the well.

Sand well

Do-it-yourself hydrodrilling of water wells in some sandy ones is not much different from drilling Abyssinian ones. First you need to prepare the work site and clear it of foreign objects. Then it is issued mouth part in the form of a meter deepening to prevent soil from entering the mine shaft. A tripod with a winch is placed above the wellhead to lift the pipe string from the well.

The working body for drilling is an auger drill, which is turned by two people using removable handles. You can make a drill for a well with your own hands from an ice drill, or you can just buy it. It is important to prevent the well from moving away from the vertical, so the drilling stage should be taken with full responsibility.

During the drilling process, the workings should be periodically cleared of drill slag by lifting the drill bit. If it is difficult to rotate the drill string at a significant depth, you can add water into the excavation to facilitate the work. To prevent the walls of the well from being destroyed during the drilling process, they are lined with pipes of a larger diameter than the working tool. Casing is also carried out as the drill string is built up. Used for casing polymer pipes with coupling or threaded connections. At the bottom-hole section of the casing pipe, holes and slots are made for water penetration; they are located 50 cm from the end of the pipe.

Drilling stops, when the drill bit goes 0.5 m deep into the aquifer. Then the space near the casing is filled with gravel or small crushed stone, the well bore is cleared of mud, after which a submersible electric pump is placed in the bore at a distance of 1 meter from the bottom. Next is concreting the mouth and connecting the water supply.

Now, having familiarized yourself with how to drill a water well yourself, you can assess your strengths and make a decision. In this case, it is necessary to ask neighbors how deep the aquifer is in their areas. Having decided to independently drill a water intake, you should adhere to general requirements safety to avoid injury. And after drilling is completed, analyze the extracted water in a specialized laboratory.

Everyone is thinking about drilling a well on their property larger number of people.

Everyone can quickly make a well at their dacha, independently and correctly, both with a pump and manually.

But this process is complex, as it is often performed using special equipment and requires knowledge and compliance with certain nuances.

There are several reasons for installing a well on your site:

  • Own water source at the dacha.
  • Independence from utilities.
  • Access to water 24/7.
  • Pure water without chlorine and heavy metals.
  • We drilled it ourselves once and for years.

Let's look at the question of how to drill a well with your own hands in all details: types of drilling, nuances and the drilling process itself for practical implementation.

We are not talking about a well, since this is a different type of well, which does not always justify the investment of time and labor.

There are several ways to quickly and correctly drill with your own hands.

Let's look at them in detail so that you understand not only the essence of drilling, but also the options for choosing a method in relation to your dacha.


A special drilling rig breaks the rock, first rising to a height of 2 meters above ground level. The operating principle is reminiscent of the piston stroke in an engine: rise, strike, rise.

When drilling in this way, it is worth constantly pouring water into the well so that the walls do not crumble, and the rock in the well is softened and easily extracted.

When percussion-rope drilling, a tripod 2 meters high is needed, it stands directly above the drilling site. At the top of the tripod there is a block with the help of which the cable with the drill is pulled up and lowered.

You can easily drill up to 20 meters deep in a day. You can do without a tripod yourself, but you will be physically exhausted. Do not listen to such advice from “home-grown” drillers.

Watch the video: the tripod is very easy to assemble, and its role is invaluable.


The method is somewhat similar to the one described above.

The difference lies in the nature of the movement of the drill in the well - it does not just strike, but also rotates.

Soil is removed using a special bucket.

If the soil at the dacha is dense, then it is better to use this type of drilling.


The most common method that uses an auger is a metal rod with a screw thread along its entire length.

The auger has the advantage: it destroys the soil in the well and then brings it to the surface.

Auger drilling is performed in one of 2 ways:

  • 1st – the blades are welded to the auger at an angle of 90 degrees. Disadvantage: the soil will still fall off the drill and will have to be removed separately;
  • 2nd – the blades are welded at an angle of up to 70 degrees. No soil will get inside the well when extracting the drill, so this method is more profitable. You just need to have the necessary auger.

Please note that in order to drill a well quickly, correctly and without breakdowns, you need to supply water directly into the well itself, as it reduces the temperature of the drill itself and softens the soil in the well.

As a result, you can always pump it out yourself.


This method is performed using a core bit, which looks like an upside-down empty glass with metal teeth.

When rotating and passing through the earth, the bit forms a well of the required diameter. All collected sludge accumulates in the bit and is then carried to the surface along with it and sand.

It is enough to hit the bit correctly with a mallet a couple of times, and it will immediately empty the entire “reserve” of soil from the bottom of the well. If the soil does not go, pick it with a rod. Only a clean drill can be loaded.

When drilling, water is poured into the bit through a pipe, which softens the soil. The core approach is suitable for any soil.

To summarize: of all types of drilling, auger drilling is less effective, although it is easy to do independently.

The auger is suitable for softer rocks; for hard rocks, only the impact-rope method or the impact-rotary method.

Types of wells

There are several types of water wells. Each has its own terms of use.

Well on sand

With a depth of 15 to 30 meters, such a well is drilled using an auger method.

The well in this embodiment is a pipe with a diameter of 10 to 12 cm, at the end of which there is a filter in the form of a perforated pipe wrapped in mesh.

When drilling a well, you need to find a layer of so-called aquifer sand and install a filter. Otherwise, such a layer is called a water lens.

The thicker the lens, the greater the well's flow rate - you will get more water per unit of time. The service life of a well reaches up to 20 years; in winter, the well can be mothballed.

Rarely does a well silt up - in this case it is enough to clean it or powerful compressor, or an injector. The last option is preferable.

Advantages of a sand well:

  • low cost of drilling;
  • drilling takes only 1-2 days, even manually;
  • can be drilled in hard to reach places, in the country, with small-sized installations;
  • the water is not cloudy - not needed a complex system cleaning;
  • Well licensing and registration are not required.

There are only two disadvantages: low durability compared to artesian, instability of water level and well flow rate. Water runs out quickly and takes a long time to fill.

At the same time, it is rarely cloudy, but is supplemented with sand - therefore a filter is needed. At the summer cottage muddy water Suitable for watering only.

Artesian well

When drilling, a filter is not used.

Water accumulates in limestone layers, but it is not cloudy: porous limestone contains water and actively filters it, and its flow rate is up to 10 cubic meters per hour, which is a lot.

The service life of such a well can be tens of years!

Another advantage of such a well is that the water will not contain ammonia, microbes, suspended matter, and will not be covered with sand, so even a simple “Malysh” type pump will cope with the task.

Advantages of an artesian well:

  • a certain depth (the geological map of the area is well studied);
  • huge water yield, the water is rarely cloudy;
  • durability - 30-40 years;
  • constant water level;
  • You can install a powerful pump at your dacha.

True, there are also a number of disadvantages: drilling takes up to 7 days (but don’t do it manually!), it is necessary to purify the water in the well from high concentrations of minerals, sometimes permitting documentation for drilling is required.

There is also the familiar well and its Abyssinian variation. We do not consider them, because technically they are not drilled, but dug, and the water in them comes from the ground differently.

There is always a risk of contamination from outside in a well.

Do-it-yourself well drilling

The drilling process consists of 3 stages. After the description follows detailed video process.

Stage 1 – preparatory work:

  • We find out from the land committee or from neighbors the depth of the water layer;
  • Get ready for machine drilling - it is impractical to work manually in a well at a depth of 20 meters;
  • All sources of sewage should be located as far as possible from the place where you will make the well;
  • The diameter of the well is always slightly larger than the diameter of the casing pipe - 10-12 cm. Prepare the pipes in advance;
  • We dig a guide recess in the selected area: a hole with a diameter and depth of 1.5 m. We reinforce its walls with slate, or metal sheets so that it does not get covered with sand.

Stage 2 – assembling the tripod for drilling:

  • We take 3 metal pipes or very strong timber, the length of the part should be 4-5 meters;
  • We place the structure on the ground so that two legs are turned in one direction, and the third in the opposite direction;
  • In each leg you need to make a hole for fasteners;
  • We fasten the legs in the shape of a triangular pyramid;
  • At the top of the tripod we place a block along which the cable will slide freely;
  • We install a mechanical winch, which we will use to move the drill manually (an electric one is possible);
  • We secure the cable and attach the drill on top.

The tripod is ready.

Stage 3 – drilling:

  • We take a tripod with a winch, a driving glass, a rope (cable) and a shock rod;
  • We place a tripod, on top of it - a winch with a projectile over the dug hole, directly above the drilling point;
  • We lift the glass with a winch above the drilling point and lower it with force. A tool driven into the ground grabs the soil with a glass. When lifted, the sludge remains inside the glass. We take it out - this should be done after each lift;
  • We continue to drive the drill into the ground with the impact rod. When it is full, take it out and shake out the soil;
  • When passing a certain step, say 1 meter, we immediately insert a casing pipe whose diameter is slightly larger than the diameter of the drill itself. It prevents the well from collapsing;
  • As soon as the auger lowers to the entire length of the projectile, we attach an additional rod to it;
  • When drilling, we constantly check the evenness of the laying of the entire column: if you hear the sounds of the drill hitting the pipe walls, the barrel must be straightened immediately. How to do it: drive wooden wedges between the casing and the wall;
  • Once the projectile has passed the aquifer, we do not bury the pipe further. After the water arrives, wait 1 hour, then pump it out with a garden pump and check for cleanliness. Repeat this until the water becomes clear;
  • We pumped out the water in the improvised well for the last time - leave the well until tomorrow;
  • The next day, we measure the flow rate of the well: we multiply the depth of the well in meters by the pump capacity (cubic meters per hour) and divide the result of the product by the difference between the dynamic and static water levels. Static level is the distance to the surface of the water (we lower the load on a rope into the water and measure along the length of the dry part of the rope), dynamic level is the distance from the surface of the earth to the water, but after pumping it out. If the difference between the two levels is small, then the well’s flow rate is very large. This means that more water comes in per unit of time than the pump is able to pump out in the same unit of time. The pump body always indicates its power - cubic meters per hour;
  • If the flow rate is several cubic meters, then cover the bottom of the well: fill a layer of gravel or crushed stone, 20-30 cm wide;
  • We fill the entire space between the wall and the casing with gravel and sand;
  • We immerse a pump in the well (any pump, even a budget “Kid”, will do a great job) according to the manufacturer’s instructions and attach it to the surface, supply power;
  • We connect the hose, disassemble the tripod and winch.

Important point! This moment is not indicated in the video, but it is significant: the first one mined has already clean water, it is better to take it to the laboratory so that a series of tests can be performed on it - it may turn out to be completely unsuitable for drinking and contain traces of heavy metals, pathogenic organisms and an increased amount of minerals.


Now you know how to drill a well with your own hands at your dacha.

Pay attention to the process itself: in the video, all the work is done at home using equipment that can be borrowed from neighbors or rented for a couple of days.

After drilling, using a pump, you can organize water supply to any point on the site, even to your house.

Place a simple submersible “Malysh” in the well and it will easily cope with the supply of water in the required volume.

Professional well drilling is a very expensive pleasure. Depending on the method of excavation, the cost of services of specialized companies ranges from 15-50 USD. i.e. for each meter of depth. Note that the task is really not easy, and therefore most owners of dachas and estates turn to specialists for a solution. Hence the goal of this material– consider options on how you can drill a well on the site with your own hands without the use of expensive equipment. We will describe available methods, so that you can assess the complexity and scope of work, and then start moving along the chosen path.

How deep is drinking water?

This is the main question that a homeowner asks when organizing the water supply of a home. Only geological exploration can give an accurate answer. summer cottage, held in last years. To make sure of this, it is worth studying the layout of aquifers in the thickness of the earth.

As you can see, the water is located at different horizons, between which lie impenetrable rocks - dense loam, limestone and clay. To determine the appropriate layer, we suggest deciphering the presented diagram a little:

  1. Closest to the surface lies the water that enters the ground due to precipitation - the so-called perched water. In some places it starts from a depth of 0.4-0.8 m and continues up to 20 m. As a rule, this is dirty and poorly filtered water containing harmful impurities.
  2. At depths of up to 30 m there are cleaner groundwater, whose supply is also fed by precipitation. Most home wells are dug precisely to this horizon (its upper limit can be located at a distance of 5-8 m from the surface). Before consumption, this water must be filtered.
  3. Underground water accumulations located in the sand layer have undergone good natural filtration and are suitable for drinking water supply. If you want to make a well with your own hands, you will need to reach this horizon.
  4. The purest water is located in limestone voids at a depth of 80-100 m, which is unattainable using artisanal drilling methods. Since artesian water is under pressure, after drilling a well, the flow independently rises to ground level, or even splashes out.

Note. The boundaries of perched water and groundwater are indicated very arbitrarily; their depth may vary depending on the terrain and other factors.

Location of the source of autonomous water supply

When we have figured out between which layers a suitable horizon is located, we need to determine the location for the future source of water supply. We will not talk about dubious options such as dowsing with a frame or a slingshot made of vines, but will give a number of simple tips:

  • find out everything about your neighbors' wells and boreholes: their depth, water quality and location;
  • retreat as far as possible from sources of pollution - septic tanks, outdoor toilets and barnyard;
  • Please note: wells are not drilled at higher elevations; for this it is better to choose a lowland.

In any case, you need to be patient. It is quite likely that you will get it the first time drinking water It won't work and you'll need to try several times.

About drilling technologies

Before we talk about the methods of drilling, we list the types of wells:

  • to the water;
  • on the sand;
  • on limestone (artesian).

A shallow well for water is made in order to reach the upper horizons and organize the supply using a pump. This also includes an Abyssinian borehole well made from a small-diameter pipe. Accordingly, drilling for sand and limestone means going deep to the lower layers, as shown in the diagram above.

This is what auger drilling looks like

There are several technologies for punching narrow vertical channels in the thickness of the earth:

  1. Using a drill made in the form of an auger. To reach the required depth, the drill is expanded with new sections as it dives.
  2. Core drilling. In this case, the main tool is a hollow pipe with a sharp end, into which carbide teeth are welded. During the deepening process, the glass is filled with rock, which is periodically cleaned out.
  3. Hydraulic method (direct or reverse flushing). The point is that the drill is lowered into the channel along with the casing pipe, and the soil from working area is constantly flushed out by water pressure supplied by the drainage pump.
  4. The shock-rope method involves driving the same glass and periodically excavating soil to the surface. Here the impact force from free fall tool placed inside the casing. Typically, the operator manually lifts the glass, tied by a cable to a reel, and then releases it into free flight to the bottom of the well.

Reference. To pass through loose layers or intermediate water carriers, when an auger or glass falls into the slurry, a special device is used - a bailer or a drill-spoon. This is a piece of pipe with check valve in the form of a petal or ball, filled with liquid rock with each dive. Then the bailer is raised and cleaned.

Construction of a homemade bailer

In addition to the methods listed above, water wells are drilled using Abyssinian well technology. In short, a pipe with a diameter of 32 mm with a cone at the end is immersed to the groundwater level, which is subsequently pumped out of the well surface pump.

To drill a well on the site with your own hands and not use specialized equipment, only 2 technologies can be implemented: shock-rope and Abyssinian well. We will talk about them further.

How to make impact punching

This is the most inexpensive technology, but quite labor-intensive. To work you will need the following devices:

  • tripod made of rolled metal with a hook and a block on top;
  • winch with a cable equipped with a handle;
  • driving tool - glass and bailer;
  • welding machine;
  • hand drill

Glass for punching soil

Advice. In the presence of welding inverter and the skills to work with it, you can weld these simple devices in your garage. But making homemade devices justified when you need to drill not just one well, but 10 or 20. It’s easier to rent a tripod with a reel.

Before drilling the soil to the required depth, prepare casing pipes. Their diameter should be such that the working tool fits freely inside, but with minimal clearance, and the length should correspond to the height of the tripod. One condition: impact technology is not applicable on rocks or in soils with stone inclusions. To penetrate such horizons, you will need a drill with carbide tips.

Self-drilling a water well is carried out in the following order:

  1. Make a filter from the first section of the casing by drilling staggered holes Ø8-10 mm in increments of 7-8 cm on a section of pipe 1 meter long. Cover the top of the hole with a stainless mesh secured with rivets.
  2. Make a leader hole with a hand drill to a depth of 0.5-1 m. Here it is important to correctly position the tool at an angle of 90° to the surface so that the channel is strictly vertical.
  3. Insert the first section of casing into the hole, adjust the vertical and place the impact tool inside.
  4. Leaving an assistant to support the casing, lift and release the glass using the reel. When full, remove it and clean out the rock. As the soil is removed, the pipe will begin to take its place and gradually sink into the ground. To speed up the process, attach a couple of heavy weights to it.
  5. When the edge of the first section drops to the surface of the ground, weld the second section to it, strictly controlling the vertical level. Continue working in the same way until you reach the water layer.

Welding the next section in level

Important point. While going through the high water, you will probably come across slurry that falls out of the iron glass. A mixture of clay and water must be selected from the well using the bailer method, installing it instead of a conventional tool.

When the end of the pipe drops 40-50 cm below the groundwater level, stop punching the channel and proceed to “swinging” the source. To do this, lower the pipe connected to the surface pump to the bottom of the HDPE and pour 2-3 buckets of water into the shaft. Then turn on the unit and let it run for 2 hours, monitoring the cleanliness and water pressure. The last step is to install a well and connect it to the water supply of the house, as described in. For more details on the drilling process, watch the video:

Abyssinian borehole

Unlike traditional underground canals, the Abyssinian well has a small diameter (no more than 50 mm) and water is pumped out of it by a surface pump, not a submersible one. There is an opinion that, due to the vacuum created, such a well does not silt up, and over time its flow rate only increases due to the forced erosion of soil capillaries. In reality, such statements have no serious basis.

Before making an Abyssinian well, prepare the required number of casing pipes 2-2.5 m long. Since a depth below 15 m is not expected, it is enough to have on hand 6-7 ready-made sections Ø50 mm plus the first section with a steel cone at the end - a needle. It will play the role of a drilling tool.

Finished needle with mesh

The technology looks like this:

  1. Make the first section of the casing - the so-called needle. Weld a metal cone to its end, and make holes on the sides and place a mesh, as described in the previous section.
  2. Dig a small leader hole, insert a needle into it and start driving, keeping it vertical. To do this, you can use the same tripod with a suspended weight or another device.
  3. As you dive, weld new sections and continue hammering the casing. As you approach the calculated depth, check the appearance of water using a weight on a string.
  4. After passing through the aquifer, lower a polymer pipeline connected to a hand column into the well. Fill it with water and pump the source for 30-60 minutes until clean water comes out. Then proceed with the installation of an autonomous water supply system.

Construction of an Abyssinian well

Advice. When you order the production of a steel cone, keep in mind that its “skirt” should be 3-5 mm wider than the casing pipe, so that when driving it does not tear off the mesh against the walls of the shaft. To make work easier, make the end of the needle as sharp as possible.

U Abyssinian well there is one significant drawback: before drilling it, you need to know for sure that there is groundwater in a given place. Otherwise, you risk burying all the pipes in the ground, since it is not always possible to remove them back. The advantages of the source are ease of execution and minimum consumption materials. If you wish, you can drill a similar well right in your house, as a team of workers demonstrates in the video:


Method impact drilling really suitable in a situation where you need to make a well in your country house on your own. And the Abyssinian well is built using the same technology. To use other methods - auger, core and hydraulic - you need special equipment - a drilling machine, a drainage pump, and so on. But these options cannot be completely abandoned, despite the high prices, because the composition of the soil and the depth of the water carriers vary. You can’t break through rock by hand and you can’t go to a horizon of more than 50 m.

Design engineer with more than 8 years of experience in construction.
Graduated from the East Ukrainian National University. Vladimir Dal with a degree in Electronics Industry Equipment in 2011.

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In a country house, water is used constantly, so it is impossible to live without it. It happens that organizing a public water supply is quite difficult. Centralized water supply can be expensive due to the remote location summer cottages from each other.

The easiest way is to use your own water source. However, the first step is to make it. A private well can help the site owner meet his economic needs. In this case, the owner will not need to pay for the water supply, counting how many cubic meters of water were spent. Digging wells is costly in terms of money and time, which is why many owners of summer cottages are interested in knowing how to drill a well by hand. Do this design It’s quite simple to do it yourself if you know the manufacturing technology and the principle of constructing a well.

Before manufacturing, you will need to examine the site to determine the level of groundwater. The amount of work that needs to be done to ensure there is water in the well will depend on this parameter. The type of well is selected based on the depth of the soil that contains water.

If the water is at a depth of 4-10 m, then an “Abyssinian well” can be made. If water is available at a depth of up to 50 m, a sand well should be used. If the water is in the ground at a depth of up to 200 m, then you will need to make an artesian well. The first two types can be made independently by almost every owner of a summer cottage, but to make an artesian well, a drilling device and drillers with experience will be needed.

Features of the work

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This type of source involves pumping water from a depth of 50 m. A sand well has this name because the water from it will come from a layer of sand that lies at a depth of 50 m.

This will not be able to provide clean water, so after some time it will be necessary to check the contents of the well at the sanitation station.

To organize a sand well, you should use a scheme with a pump. The water will be cleared of suspended matter and debris thanks to a filter that is installed at the appropriate depth. The filter must be cleaned constantly. The service life of a sand well is approximately 15 years.

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“Abyssinian well”

This well is quite simple to make. It has a small depth, so you will need to take care in choosing suitable place for her. There should be no septic tanks, various debris or pits near the well.

The well will be of shallow depth, and therefore harmful substances may enter it, resulting in water pollution.

If the ground does not contain pebbles or any hard rocks, the well can be drilled in basement at home or near it. A similar source of water in the basement can be used even in frosty weather. A well of this type in a private house can be equipped with a manual column and pump, so that it is possible to use water even without electricity.

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Artesian well

If there are already similar wells in areas located nearby, then there is a high probability that water lies in a limestone layer in this area. If there are no similar areas nearby, then drillers need to order an experimental water source so that they can determine the depth of groundwater. Artesian wells can provide water to several summer cottages at the same time. In some cases, several land owners drill one well in order to save some money. Money.

The choice of well type will depend not only on the type of soil, but also on how much water is planned to be used. A sand well and an Abyssinian well can easily provide a small flow rate. If you need more than 10 m³/hour of water, you will have to make an artesian well. It is recommended to drill any structure away from various pollutants and closer to private or country house so that it is possible to lay the water supply without any problems.

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Specialists use drilling rigs to make artesian wells. To make shallow wells, you can use an ordinary tripod with a winch. She will be able to lower and raise tools for making a well, which consist of special pipes, rods, columns and a drill.

Special equipment will require a drilling tool, with which it is possible to go deeper into the ground, as well as a tripod and a winch. In order to do it yourself, you need to use a metal auger. In this case, an ice screw, which is used for winter fishing, may be suitable. The drill must be made exclusively from high strength steel. Using these tools, you can make a well with minimal costs Money. In addition to the tripod, you will need:

  1. Pipes of various diameters.
  2. Valves.
  3. Filter elements.
  4. Caisson.
  5. Special pump.

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First of all, you will need to dig a hole measuring 150x150 cm. To prevent the recess from starting to crumble, its walls will need to be lined plywood sheets, boards or pieces of chipboard. To secure the structure, you can also dig a hole with a diameter of 20 cm and a depth of 1 m with an ordinary drill. This must be done so that the pipe is securely fixed in a vertical position.

Above the recess you need to install a strong tripod made of metal or wood, securing a winch at the location of its supports. In most cases, tripods are made of wood. You need to hang a drilling column with 1.5 m rods on the tower. The rods are threaded into a pipe and then secured with a clamp. This device can be used to lower and raise tools.

The pump should be selected in advance so that it is possible to determine the diameter of the well being manufactured and the column pipe. The pump should fit easily into the pipe.

Drilling such a water source involves lowering and raising equipment.

The rod rotates and is immediately struck from above by the chisel. This work is best done by two people: one person will turn the gas wrench, and the second will hit the bar from above to break through the rock. Using a winch can simplify the process because it makes it much easier to lift and lower equipment into the well. The rod must be marked when drilling. Markings will be needed in order to be able to navigate freely. The markings help you determine when to pull out the rod and clean the drill. Most often this needs to be done every 0.5 m.

Using a chisel, it is necessary to loosen hard layers of soil.

To be able to easily overcome existing soil layers, you need to use the following drills:

  1. Coil. Recommended for use on clay layers.
  2. Bit. Used to loosen hard soils.
  3. Sand spoons.
  4. Bailer. This device will help lift the soil to the surface.

It is best to go through the sand layer with a spoon, adding the required amount of water. If the ground is hard, a chisel should be used. This tool can be a cross or flat. Quicksand sands can be overcome using the impact method.

In case of clay soil You will need to use a coil and a bailer. The coil is able to easily pass through soils with clay because its design is similar to a spiral. Pebble layers containing gravel can be broken through with a bailer and chisel. In some cases, you will need to pour water into the hole. This way it will be possible to simplify.

If the rock that is delivered to the surface is wet, this means that an aquifer is nearby. In this case, you will need to go a little deeper to overcome the aquifer. It will be much easier to drill, but you can’t stop. Using a drill, you will need to find the waterproof layer.
