How to select personnel without recruitment agencies. How and where to find a good employee

Do you know what to look for in an ideal employee? I didn’t know that when I first started my entrepreneurial journey. After making a dozen mistakes, I realized what to value and what to avoid.

If you're trying to grow your business, especially early on, it's important to hire high-performing, right people. One bad employee can derail the entire business and be the reason for your downfall.

Don't make the mistakes I made by hiring the cheapest employees. Make sure you select the right employees for your business project. Here are the qualities to look for:

Hire people smarter than you

Never hire people who are less skilled than you. They may not be a jack of all trades right away, but they should be more productive than you once they start working.

For example, if I were hiring an Internet marketer, I would choose one who is more knowledgeable than me. Plus, he should not only be able to tell a story, but also implement it as best as possible.

If employees can't do what they say they can do, they generally aren't fit to work at all.

If you don't hire smart people, you will waste time solving small stupid questions. Subordinates don't like interference, and it takes up a lot of your time.

Smart people are independent and will find a way to solve a problem in their own way. They can do a better job than you.

Pay attention to culture

One of greatest lessons What I learned was the cultural aspect. I used to think that I could hire smart people and expect results from them.

But, if an employee does not fit into the company culture, he will resist even when it makes no sense. In this case, things are bad, no one wants to worry about the company.

Many branded companies are worried about the cultural aspect of their staff. They spend money finding and removing bad shots.

If a new employee won't complement the staff culture, you shouldn't hire him...even if he's perfect in every other way.

Hire hungry people

The main reason why companies don't hire highly qualified people is because they aren't willing to do the job. Successful people do not want to get their hands dirty compared to those who strive for success in a competitive world.

If an option does not work for a specialist, he can always find another high paying job. But if a young specialist encounters this, he will be left with nothing. For this reason, you need to hire hungry people who have no choice but to work hard and succeed.

When we first started building our sales team, we were faced with a choice: hire a specialist from a company that sold $30 million a year or someone else who managed a small team and sold $16 million.

Who do you think we hired?

Second. Not because he wanted cheaper for his work. He was ready to develop further.

Focus on thirsty people, their achievements will be many times better than highly paid specialists. In the worst case, you can always hire a highly paid specialist.

Money is not everything

If someone cares about your money more than anything else, they probably won't be the best person in the company. Surely, you want to hire people who love your company and want to work because they believe in your vision.

The right candidate will be fair and less paid because they will be willing to work with you. He will get a chance to learn from you, to work with like-minded people who can change him. Such people will find it fun and not depressing during useless meetings and everyday life.

Naturally, such people need to pay and survive. Therefore, they cannot work for free. But you will definitely have the opportunity to pay less than the market average.

Difficult to expand without workflow

As you expand, there are likely to be problems with this. You need to think about how to make things extensible, you also need to learn large quantity employees. Plus think about the quality of things and processes.

There is no quick fix to these problems, but employees who can create workflows can make your life easier.

If you hire people who don't understand much about work processes, it will be difficult for them to define the boundaries of what is possible in the business and what can be more developed.

If you want to grow faster, you need to establish a workflow, and this is difficult without creating workflows.

Do not accept candidates from recruitment companies

I know from experience that there is no quality in a candidate from such companies. In most cases, recruitment firms do not have good employees. Why? Because talented people they don’t need companies to find them work.

If someone is really good at what they do, they will be bombarded with offers of collaboration. Therefore, try to avoid options from recruitment firms.

People who cannot realize themselves, as a rule, turn to such companies that try to find them employment.

In conclusion

Don't get caught up in recruiting "so-so" employees who could ruin the trajectory of your business!

If you want to find the best candidate for your Internet project, you should search among the fans of your web resource. Or leave a message on the website about the vacancy, and then carefully consider the candidacy yourself.

In principle, we have considered everything... What else should we consider? Any ideas, practice?

The success of an enterprise directly depends on the hired personnel: without professional employees who can quickly and efficiently perform their job duties, the prosperity of no company is possible. This article will tell you how to choose worthwhile shots.

Areas of activity and criteria

IN modern world The following main areas of activity can be distinguished:

  • policy;
  • business;
  • creation;
  • education;
  • medicine.

Each of these areas has its own specific requirements for the knowledge, skills and personal qualities of potential employees, without which fruitful work is impossible.

Let's consider the specifics of the criteria for selecting personnel by area of ​​detail.

Policy. Personnel closely interconnected with the state apparatus must first of all know the entire regulatory and legal part by heart, in other words, have a first-hand knowledge of the law. Without this, it is impossible to efficiently cope with any job responsibilities.

Also to the people involved in government agencies, there are increased demands in terms of character. Responsibility, accuracy, hard work, restraint, honesty, fairness are the essential qualities of a future politician.

He must have perfect social skills: if a person cannot put two words together when communicating with only one recruiting manager, his candidacy should not even be considered. The ability to control yourself will also play into your hands.

Business. What is a person in business like? Of course, this is a person who, first of all, knows how to make money. When searching for personnel for a business area, the following aspects need to be taken into account:

  • Knowledge of Russian legislation is highly desirable.
  • Employee foresight. A person must be fully aware of the results (not only financial) his current and subsequent actions will lead to.
  • Knowledge of finance and markets. A personnel who is not aware of the current state of affairs on the market and does not understand which activities will be profitable and which will not, will not be able to bring income to the company.
  • It is important to be able to work with people, because the business sector is not only the production of products, the provision of services and their sale, but also communication with real people in the person of buyers and suppliers.
  • Willingness to work overtime.

This video will tell you how to properly search and select personnel in business:

Creation. This area primarily includes designers, musicians, artists and other artists. Perhaps the smallest list of requirements is presented to future personnel in this area: possession of the required skills, creative thinking, good imagination and ability to navigate the place. However, the future employee must possess all these skills perfectly: a musician who does not hit the notes, but with an amazing imagination, will not make a good shot.

Education and medicine. Two areas in dire need of three basic qualities:

  • willingness to constantly study and remember information;
  • ability to work with people;
  • stress resistance.

People working in these areas are constantly exposed to stress: they need to study and remember a huge amount of information, as well as constantly interact with people. A good memory, willingness to work overtime, hard work, sympathy and empathy for people are very significant qualities for a future educational or healthcare professional.

In addition to skill and personality criteria, there are also general criteria such as:

  • age;
  • work experience;
  • place of residence, etc.

These criteria are not significantly significant when it comes to requirements in different fields of activity, however, it is worth noting that it is better to offer a vacancy in the political sphere to a more mature applicant; and in medical field Work experience is much more valuable than the ability to empathize.

Basic rules of personnel selection

There are several key recruiting rules that a hiring manager must follow:

  • Before starting the procedure for searching and selecting potential employees, the objectives and needs of the enterprise (strategic, financial and tactical nature) must be clearly defined. The HR manager must have a clear understanding of who, what and why the company is looking for.
  • The ideal is unattainable. It is understood that it is impossible to find a person for an open vacancy who would satisfy absolutely all the requirements. However, any requirement has a certain priority, and it is worth choosing a future employee, relying on priorities.
  • Regardless of the field of activity, it is important to remember that a future employee is not only paid skills and abilities, but also a personality. If a person hiding behind professional knowledge is conflictual, sooner or later he will do more harm than good.
  • If the hiring manager cannot give objective assessment knowledge and skills of the applicant, it is better to involve an appropriate specialist or the head of the department where the employee is needed for consultation.
  • When searching for employees, you must be guided by etiquette, not forgetting restraint and literacy.

The recruiting manager is the first person the applicant meets; this is the face of the company in his eyes. If the applicant remains dissatisfied with the manager's manners, it can significantly damage the company's reputation.

  • You can’t skimp on recruiting staff. A lot of time, finances and other resources may be spent, but the result of the expenditure should be a competent workforce that brings profit and does not cause problems.
  • A clear outline of the selection process is required. The list of criteria must be uniform and objective. Each applicant who comes for an interview must go through the same series of questions and meet the same requirements as his predecessors.

Procedure for searching and selecting employees

The procedure for searching for new personnel involves two ways: through external sources and internal.

Co. external source m can be attributed to:

  • public employment services;
  • recruitment agencies;
  • advertisements in the media;
  • posting advertisements on the Internet;
  • higher educational establishments and etc.

In short, using this method, the manager searches for potential employees from the outside. Some of the methods are more expensive (recruitment agencies), some do not require any costs at all (resumes found on the Internet). There are often cases when job seekers themselves may contact the company offering their services.

Internal sources are connected with people already employed by the company: if a vacancy opens, employees can point to an applicant from their environment, be it a relative, former colleague and so on.

As soon as a potential future employee is found, the employee selection process begins. The final decision to fill a vacancy is made based on several stages:

  • Preliminary conversation with the applicant. This is a kind of first acquaintance between a manager and a candidate for a vacancy, which can be carried out through a personal meeting, a telephone call, a letter to e-mail and so on. It is necessary for the first impression of the applicant, and many applicants can be eliminated already at this stage.
  • Application form. If, as a result of the preliminary conversation, the parties are satisfied with each other, the applicant is provided with a form (questionnaire). Here the potential employee provides basic information about himself and his professional activity: length of service and past places of work, strengths and weaknesses, knowledge, abilities, skills, expected level of income, etc.
  • Interview. Personal (in rare cases, remote, using Internet conferencing) conversation between the manager and the applicant, more detailed and detailed. The interview is not one-sided: HR can clarify and supplement information about the applicant, and the applicant himself can learn more about the company and the intricacies of the upcoming work.

A successful interview practically guarantees new job and a closed vacancy. Therefore, this stage should be approached as responsibly as possible by both parties.

There are such types of interviews:

  • Biographical. A detailed survey is conducted about the personal and professional qualities of the applicant.
  • Situational interview. The applicant is offered several situations to solve, which they must resolve theoretically, based on personal experience(life and professional).
  • Structured interview. The manager identifies professional and personal qualities candidate according to a structured list of questions.
  • Competency interview. The manager determines how competent the applicant is and whether he meets at least most of the requirements and expectations dictated by the needs of the company.
  • Stressful interview. This type interviews help reveal negative sides applicant, essential for the work process, namely, how the applicant reacts to stressful situations.

Only one type of interview is rarely productive, so to achieve best result types should be combined.

  • Testing(optional). The applicant is given a certain test task for solutions. As a result, the level of knowledge and skills will be demonstrated to the potential employee.
  • Examination recommendations(optional). If the applicant provided any recommendations when filling out the application form or in a personal conversation, these links should be checked.
  • (optional). Required if any special requirements are required for employment medical indications(lack of certain chronic diseases etc.).
  • Adoption solutions .

Interview questions

The question of what to ask in an interview is one that every HR person asks. Below are the most productive questions.

  • Questions about strengths and weaknesses.
  • Questions about seeing yourself in the future (in a year, five, ten, fifty).
  • Questions about work preferences and interests besides. What kind of work attracts a person, why, what would you like to do, what hobby, and so on.
  • Existing work experience is a reason to ask what was the reason for leaving (dismissal).
  • Questions about readiness for non-standard actions, if they are not directly provided for in the vacancy. For example, is an office worker willing to travel frequently on business trips?
  • You can also ask about the applicant’s knowledge of the company and the industry in which it operates.
  • Questions about the most significant and/or recent achievements in work, whether there is any experience.
  • The most big mistakes in your career, the method for solving them (if any), and the lesson that was learned as a result.
  • Achievements in life, besides career.
  • Questions about family.
  • Situational standard questions: “What would you do in such a situation?”
  • Views on a future career in this company and beyond.
  • Favorite piece arts (literature, cinema, performance, etc.) and why?
  • Non-standard questions. For example: “How to measure the height of a building with only a barometer?”, “How many times in three days do the clock hands intersect?” and so on.
  • Payment issues, i.e. what salary the applicant is applying for, etc.

Correct selection of personnel (video)

From the following video you will learn how to correctly carry out the procedure for searching and selecting an employee, as well as possible errors in this process.

A new employee is always a greater risk, and it is never known in advance what he will bring more - problems or benefits. However, with the right and responsible approach on the part of the recruiting manager, the risk is as close to zero as possible.

In our car services, we do not work “from pick-up to lunch”, but for results. We have very strict control, a special system of motivation, ratings and KPIs. In our system you can only work honestly and efficiently. Even previous work experience in car services does not guarantee that an employee will be able to work at Vilgud, so we have developed our own employee search system.

In this post, HR Director Vilgud Dyuzhaeva Anastasia tells how we look for personnel.

Selection criteria

Analytical thinking. Whatever position a person takes: a manager in the sales department, a mechanic or a call center operator, we always give preference to people with analytical skills. They know how to think abstractly, how to calculate from a large array of data correct solution. In our opinion, this is the most important skill of any employee. The rest can be taught to him.

There are examples when the head of a car service took a young applicant with minimal experience, after which the candidate, after completing training, became a good specialist.

Skill to work in team. Our system has a collective intelligence; team members constantly interact with each other. Our team is considered effective only if each member works well. Read more.

Ability to work according to a given algorithm. Our employees work according to a specific pattern and mark their actions in the Wilgood IS program. This program controls all processes. We select people who can work within the program, are able to learn and have a positive attitude towards innovation. The candidate must be willing to comply with quality standards; their salary directly depends on this.

Honesty. In our company you either work honestly or you don’t. The problem with most car services is that it is difficult to control the work of employees. Many mechanics and craftsmen take advantage of this and begin to work “on the wrong side” and deceive clients or the owner. This is impossible with us, everything is controlled by the system. We try to immediately select conscientious employees at the interview stage. At Vilgood, employees earn approximately 30% more than the market rate, but only if they work efficiently and honestly.

Customer focus. All our employees must have this quality. We understand that attracting a new client costs money, so we value our regular ones very much. Even the owners and managers of Vilgud car service centers themselves call customers who have complaints about the service. They find out what the problem is and resolve the issue in his favor so that the client is satisfied. New employees should accept this and act the same way.

How we check compliance with the criteria

We ask the candidate to fill out an application form. We have included special questions that help reveal personal and professional quality employee.

To understand whether a person is able to work in the system, we ask the candidate to fill out a long 7-page form online. If he fills it out to the end and follows the complex instructions, we understand that the person is interested in working for Vilgood and is able to work within the given algorithm.

Here are some sample questions:

Computer skills. This is critically important to us because all Wilgood employees work in the Wilgood IS program. But there are no problems with this; most candidates are familiar with computers, at least at the user level.

Questions on character type. With these questions we determine whether a person can work well with colleagues. In the questionnaire, please select what type of character the candidate has: collected, calm, talkative, active or other. We hire active and talkative master consultants, and sensible mechanics.

What motivates you to work. We provide answer options, for example, high salary, respect from colleagues, company status, career, medical insurance, independence in choosing work methods and others. For example, “independence” is not very suitable for call center operators - they must follow clearly defined scripts. But for receptionists this is an excellent motivation, because you need to communicate with the client, quickly find an approach to him and also quickly make decisions.

We carefully review and compare answers to questions. If they contradict each other, this is a reason to suspect the candidate of dishonesty or illogicality. Neither one nor the other suits us.

Where do we look for employees?

In Moscow and the regions, we search on all available job search sites: Headhunter, Superjob, Avito, Job-mo and others.

Adaptation period

If a beginner tries hard and follows the instructions, he will get used to working in the system within a month. During this time, it becomes clear that working in the Wilgood IS program is convenient, and all actions and efficiency can be monitored in real time. In addition, he sees with his own eyes that those employees who work well earn 30% above the market.

There are no difficulties with adaptation: experienced mentors (colleagues) are always ready to help.

If a person is able to work in a team and learns quickly, then it is easy for him.


We have developed our own personnel selection system and do not spend money on the services of recruiting agencies. We are constantly growing, the number of car services is increasing, and along with this the need for personnel. When an independent auto service company joins Vilgood, 50% of workers are not ready for the new rules and quit. Our personnel department works like clockwork and has a personnel reserve, so there are no disruptions in work.

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An ideal employee – what is he like? What does he look like? What qualities does he have? How to recognize him among tens, hundreds and thousands of applicants? No organization can exist without employees, and the success of the company directly depends on professionalism. There are specialists who deal with personnel, including their selection and training. If there is no such employee on staff, then you can use the personnel outsourcing service in Krasnodar This option can be a great help, especially if there is not much time to find people.

How to select the right personnel for the job: step-by-step instructions

The employer needs to be prepared that he will have to communicate a lot and conduct interviews. Applicants will come of different ages, with and without experience, with different levels education, etc. It is important to learn to behave confidently. And if you are a beginner and don’t know how to properly select personnel for a job, then you can use the following algorithm as a guide:

  1. Who are we looking for? This is really the first thing to decide. Take a sheet of paper and write down the qualities that a future employee should have and what responsibilities will be assigned to him. Based on this, you can create a portrait of a person. And such a list is needed for every vacancy. You can specify General requirements, for example, the absence bad habits, work experience, etc.
  2. Creating an attractive ad. It should be informative, concise, capacious and understandable. All information must be truthful, and in no case should you deceive.
  3. Posting a vacancy. A beautiful ad has been created, but where to place it? Bulletin boards and websites with vacancies are suitable for this. You can publish it in the newspaper and even post it around the city.
  4. Selection of candidates. The most likely to respond to the offer different people, and right now we need to make a selection. For example, you can ask to send your resume by email.
  5. Interview. The interview cannot be spontaneous. It is necessary to prepare a room, a list of questions, and a form for recording the applicant’s answers.
  6. Choosing the best. At this stage, it is important to maintain sobriety and not give in to emotions. Subject to verification employment history candidates, if possible, contact their previous employer and former employees.

It’s hard to disagree that such a scrupulous approach requires a lot of time and effort. But this is the only way to find exactly the right person who will cope with his responsibilities and fit perfectly into the team.

Interview rules

The first conversation with a potential subordinate - what will it be like? It needs to be planned and thought through. The employer acts as a picky buyer, and the applicant acts as a product buyer. It is better to conduct the interview in a prepared room, but it’s okay if this is not possible. An alternative could be a cafe, where the candidate will feel more free and relaxed. In the process of how to correctly and competently select personnel, there are no trifles, but there are rules for conducting interviews.

And the last rule is that you don’t have to make a decision immediately after the interview. You need to “digest” everything you hear and see.

Advice from an HR manager on how to select personnel for a job

There is such a profession - HR manager. This is a specialist who deals with personnel. He owns many effective techniques selection, knows how to find an approach to any person. But not every company (especially a “young” one) can afford to have such a specialist on staff. And then the task of how to select an employee for a job falls on the shoulders of management. Without special education and experience, this will not be easy to do. Advice from experienced recruiters will come in handy.

  1. Trust your intuition.
  2. The interview must take place in a one-on-one format. No strangers, no rush.
  3. Most the right way getting to know a person lies in an individual approach.
  4. Which interview method should you choose? It is advisable to combine several methods rather than stick to one.
  5. Formulate questions so that the interlocutor is forced to give a detailed answer. In no case should there be closed questions, that is, those where you can answer “Yes” or “No”.
  6. Try to build a lively dialogue.
  7. Your remarks should make up no more than 50% of the conversation.
  8. It is not enough just to form an opinion about the candidate - you must try to impress him.
  9. Test. Create a test or simulate a situation. This will give a clear picture of the skills and demonstrate the candidate's level of interest.

However, there is no perfect recruitment recipe. And even experienced recruiters can make mistakes, and you need to be prepared for this. But studying the recommendations, being attentive and trusting your own intuition will help you do right choice. Today, the task of how to correctly and competently select an employee for a job often faces novice entrepreneurs. Skills and experience in this area will definitely come, the main thing is to work, improve, learn to understand and listen to people.

Needed in business the right people on right place. They determine the success of a business. How do you know which of them fits this definition and which does not? Today there are different techniques, the use of which helps to answer this question. Professional personnel companies accumulate successful and new methods of personnel selection in their experience. The topic of a non-standard, but effective approach to personnel selection is discussed in an article prepared by the Nizhny Novgorod personnel company MEGAPOLIS.

Personnel: instructions for use

Have you ever purchased a complex household appliances? What did you do before turning it on yourself? new device? Surely, you carefully read the instructions for its use. For what? After all, only if the conditions and rules specified in the instructions are observed, the manufacturer guarantees the functionality and serviceability of the equipment, and also bears responsibility for this. Otherwise, the device will either simply break down, or the results of its operation will differ from the declared characteristics.

What happens when you hire a new employee? The same. The company acquires a new resource, which it “puts into operation.” She intends to get results from her employee that suit her, and he is ready to achieve them.

Why is it that sometimes, over time, an employee who was successful in his previous job turns out to be unsuccessful in a new company? Is that the problem? For example, in work he shows initiative and accepts independent decisions, and the company needs him as a good performer due to his authoritarian management style. IN in this case employee behavior is focused on own opinion. His inclination does not correspond to the working conditions (company management style), which leads to conflicts. The employee and the company, while good individually, are simply not a good fit for each other. Probably, knowing this in advance, the company would have offered him another area of ​​work where exactly this kind of behavior would have been required of him: the employee would have shown the greatest performance there. But where, at the hiring stage, was it possible to provide an employee with “instructions for its use”?

Job profile and competencies

Each person is unique and is characterized by a set of individual personal qualities, skills, values ​​and behavior patterns, that is, competencies. Each position in the company has its own profile, which predetermines the required or desired set of competencies for an employee (what he must be able to do and what he should be like). The coincidence of these sets between the employee and the job profile ensures the greatest efficiency and effectiveness.

Competencies specifically highlight skills and behavior patterns. If skills show what a person can do, then behavior patterns predetermine his inclinations and abilities to do various types and work conditions (process - result, globality - detail, activity - passivity - analyticism, procedures - opportunities, content - environment, etc.)

For effective management It is crucial for the employee to determine his behavior patterns and place him in conditions that correspond to his behavior patterns.

For example, if a person is process-oriented, then he is unlikely to be successful in active sales, where the result is important. And vice versa, a result person who is in a process job (translator, secretary) will be greatly demotivated.

Projective questions and methods of speech analysis (psycholinguistics) allow you to determine the candidate’s behavior patterns.

How to recognize a candidate in an hour

Have you often been in a situation where, when interviewing for a new job, you were asked mainly biographical questions about your resume? How did you respond to these questions? On the one hand, you might feel irritated that the interviewer could read all the information in your resume himself and not waste time on it now. On the other hand, it was easy for you to answer, since you said what you had already said many times before, and only what was beneficial for you.

What if you are the one who interviews and evaluates job candidates yourself? Is the information about the applicant obtained during such a conversation sufficient for you to select a candidate? After all, the candidate only told you about his past experience. And where is the guarantee that he will also be able to successfully repeat it in new conditions, in your company? How to recognize his reactions to future events and actions? How to define its “instructions for use”?

The use of projective questions and speech analysis methods (psycholinguistics) helps to “decipher” a candidate during an interview.

Projective questions reveal a person’s key motivators, that is, what drives them towards a goal. A projective question is open question and a question “not about yourself.” For example, “Why do you think people steal in some companies and not in others?”, “What do you think is the reason why conflicts most often arise?”, “Why do people make a career?”, “For what reasons do people work?” ?. The meaning of using a projective question is that in the answer the candidate projects himself, names his own preferences and attitudes in asked a question situations. For example, if the question “Describe perfect place work" the candidate begins to describe workplace(furniture, equipment, premises), then we can assume that it is important for him hygiene factors. As a result, he may be poorly effective in sales and sharply demotivated when working in uncomfortable conditions.

The use of psycholinguistics (speech analysis and determination of meta-programs) in interviews helps to identify the candidate’s aptitudes and abilities for various types and conditions of work. 7 scales are identified as key for the analysis: “type of reference”, “aspiration - avoidance”, “process - result”, “procedures - opportunities”, “single - manager - team player”, “content - environment”, “activity - reflexivity” .

For example, the type of reference indicates the basis on which the candidate evaluates and makes decisions, and reveals the extent to which he tends to rely on the opinions of others when making decisions. The tendency to externally refer is important for professions where it is necessary to carry out someone else's decisions (for example, a personal assistant). Having a high internal reference is required in professions where it is important to defend one’s own opinion - lawyer, auditor, controller. For successful leader it is preferable to have a mixed type of reference closer to internal (be able to take into account the opinions of others when making a decision, but consider your opinion decisive), for a sales specialist - mixed closer to external (be able to adapt to the client).

The type of reference can be identified, for example, by the following question: “Are you a good employee? Why do you think so?" If the candidate answers: “They praise me, they pay me bonuses,” then there is a high probability that he will prevail external type references. If the answer is: “I think I’m doing everything right / I feel, I see...”, then we can assume his tendency to internal reference. The answer: “I think I’m good because I have the most repeat clients” shows the presence of a mixed type of reference.

The candidate is assessed using psycholinguistic methods based on the verbal forms and expressions he uses in his speech (the structure of phrases). For example, when analyzing on the “activity - reflexivity” scale, in the candidate’s answer to the question “Describe your actions / steps in the situation ...”, the form he chose for the answer is assessed: “I do / would do ...” indicates activity, initiative; “They will tell me what to do / is being done...” marks passivity, the need for clear instructions and control.

To correctly interpret a candidate's aptitudes, it is important to rely on his responses to at least 3 questions on each assessment scale, asked inconsistently. The susceptibility of characteristics to change with age and professional experience should also be taken into account.

The candidate's characteristics are determined in a similar way for all seven key indicators. Based on the results obtained, you can quickly evaluate the candidate with a high degree of reliability and compare his compliance with the profile of the vacant position. Maximum matching of profile and competencies will ensure the greatest performance of the candidate in the new job.

Who will do it right?

Modern companies increase business efficiency by quickly responding to changes in environment and using the successful experience of other market participants and competitors (benchmarking). In the key area of ​​human resources (HR) for any company, the use of benchmarking is also effective.

Each company has its own unique experience in forming a team of employees. However, it is not always possible to directly study and adopt the experience of successful companies, for example, the Russian representative office of Johnson & Johnson, which uses the methods of projective questions and psycholinguistics described above when selecting candidates.

An effective way to learn about successful personnel assessment experiences is to collaborate with competent companies on personnel selection. As a rule, professional personnel companies constantly improve the qualifications of their employees, inviting trainers and HR directors to share their experience famous companies. In addition, while working on orders, they are in constant interaction with client HR managers and accumulate their experience.

Recruitment companies that master the methods of case interviews, projective questions and psycholinguistics have a rare competitive advantage today. They offer clients a personnel selection service with elements of consulting: as a result, the client, along with the candidate who best meets the requirements of the application, receives “management instructions.”

The consulting part of such a service contains recommendations for developing a motivation system for the hired employee based on the results of the interview. In addition, it may indicate other important aspects for a particular candidate (for example, in which areas he can not be controlled, and in which he should be controlled Special attention), availability of potential, etc. Competent recommendations help the company adapt the management system and achieve maximum efficiency from the staff.

An approach to personnel selection based on compliance with the job profile using case interviews, projective questions and speech analysis techniques creates the opportunity to clearly correlate the selection of people with strategic objectives, constantly improve the processes of personnel selection and development, and ultimately provides the most important competitive advantage - the level of people , working in the company. And this is precisely the decisive factor on the basis of which the most successful commercial companies in business compete. Today the one with the better team wins!
