How to replant phloxes in the fall to a new one. Flower garden care: when should phlox be replanted? Phlox is a flame

There is no consensus on when to replant phlox in order to do the least harm to the plant. These representatives of the cyanaceae family have long become one of the most popular flowers in Russia. They decorate city flower beds and garden plots.

In nature, this decorative crop can be found often. Wild phlox usually hides in the shade of trees on forest edges and in river floodplains. Plants prefer temperate climates and high humidity. They are quite unpretentious and easily propagated by seeds and cuttings.

Full flowering of a crop in one place is possible within 5-6 years. Then the root system of phlox grows greatly and interferes with the normal development of shoots and buds. To give the plant the opportunity to sparkle with all its colors again, it needs to be replanted. Relocation is stressful for the culture. It helps to rejuvenate plants and increase their protective properties.

The question of when to replant phlox - in spring or autumn - remains a subject of debate among amateur gardeners. Some argue that flowers take root well at any time of the year, so changing the flowerbed can be done even in summer. Others insist that spring period- the best time to rejuvenate the crop, although each phlox bush transplanted during this period will be 2-3 weeks late in flowering.

There is a rational grain in both statements. In fact, the plant can be replanted in spring and autumn. But each of these options has its own characteristics. If you correctly fulfill all the requirements for transferring flowers and caring for them, then replanting phlox will go smoothly, regardless of the season.

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    Spring change of flower bed

    After a long and frosty winter, nature is waiting for renewal. A flower garden on a personal plot is no exception. Spring is the best time to replant various perennial plants. Phlox is one of the ornamental crops that are recommended to be moved to another place once every 5-6 years in order to prolong their existence. The average lifespan of flowers is up to 10 years if they are provided with proper care.

    In early spring the weather is still quite unstable. Therefore, there is no need to rush to start working in the garden. It is better to wait until the thermometer rises above 10 °C for 7-10 days in a row. Usually by this time the snow melts and the ground has time to warm up a little. The root system of phlox is located very close to the surface, so it is important that frosts do not recur after replanting, otherwise the plant will die.

    Moving phlox too late to another place in the spring is also fraught unpleasant consequences. If the flowers do not have time to take root before the onset of the summer heat, they will not be able to develop normally. At best, the plant will not bloom this season, at worst, it will begin to dry out and die.

    The optimal time for spring transplantation of phlox is considered to be from mid to late April. If we are talking about late-flowering varieties, work on arranging the flowerbed can be extended until mid-May. But it is better to complete the transplantation before the beginning of the active growing season, since at this stage it is undesirable to interfere with the development of flowers or any other crops.

    Site requirements

    The place for an ornamental plant must be chosen taking into account its characteristics. The area intended for flowers should be well lit, but hidden from direct sunlight. The perennial prefers diffused light. The flowerbed should be laid out in the shade of trees or near outbuildings. They will be able to protect phlox not only from excess ultraviolet rays, but also from cold wind. Drafts are harmful to plants.

    The decorative crop prefers loose and light neutral soils. If the environment on the site is too acidic, it can be changed using lime or small quantity wood ash. Ash not only neutralizes the soil, but also structures it well.

    It is recommended to add washed river sand to heavy clay soils at the rate of 10 kg per 1 m². Sometimes it is mixed with crushed peat. These substances are evenly distributed around the perimeter of the site and dug up the soil to a depth of 15-20 cm. The use of sand and peat increases the drainage properties of the soil and prevents stagnation of moisture at the roots of plants. Excess water can cause mold, rot and other fungal diseases.

    It is desirable that the soil contains a sufficient amount of nutrients. To do this, rotted compost or humus is added to the soil in the spring. Organic fertilizers combined with artificial mineral fertilizers. They must include 3 main components necessary for the growth and development of flowers:

    • nitrogen;
    • phosphorus;
    • potassium.

    Ready-made chemical additives must be used strictly according to the instructions. Exceeding the dosage individual element can disrupt the development cycle of phlox and slow down the formation of buds.

    Planting phlox in spring

    Before moving the plant to a new location, it is necessary to prepare a planting hole. In Russia, the most popular species is Phlox paniculata. This is enough tall plant, which is a bush formed by elongated shoots. Their crowns are crowned with bright inflorescences consisting of flowers in pink, purple and white shades.

    The planting depth of this type of ornamental crop is 20-25 cm. A little sand is poured into the bottom of the hole, then turf and leaf soil mixed with organic fertilizers. After this, the plant is placed in the hole, carefully straightening the root shoots. They tend to break easily, so the gardener’s task is not to damage them when replanting.

    The flowers are sprinkled with earth so that the root collar is 1.5-3 cm below the surface. If the winter turns out to be snowless and the soil is quite dry, it is watered and then mulched with humus or sawdust.

    Phlox usually blooms in late May or early June. If the plant was replanted in the spring, then the time when the buds will bloom will come a little later. Usually this period is 2-3 weeks.

    Autumn transplant

    Flower growers who do not want to shift the time of summer flowering of phlox, but want to rejuvenate the crop by transferring it to another flowerbed, prefer autumn replanting. Preparations for it should begin in August.

    Before the onset of the first frost, the plant must adapt to new conditions and gain a foothold in open ground. If this does not happen, the crop will die in winter. Therefore, it is recommended to replant phlox in the fall until mid-September. Work in the garden begins in early August.

    This is the time when the last buds fade, and renewal buds are formed in the root part. If you fulfill all the requirements for replanting and manage to complete it before the end of the first ten days of September, then in the summer the phlox will delight the owner of the site with lush and bright inflorescences right on time.

    Flowerbed treatment

    Before moving plants to another place, you need to prepare the area. It should be located on a level area, protected from drafts and open sun. The soil needs to be dug up and organic fertilizers added to it. In autumn, cow or horse manure can be used. During the winter, these natural fertilizers will be slowly processed in the soil, releasing useful substances necessary to nourish the root system of the flowers.

    However experienced gardeners It is recommended to use only rotted organic compounds. The fact is that fresh manure contains a large number of seeds weeds. They are the first to germinate in the spring, which is undesirable for a flower garden.

    In addition, manure decomposes when high temperature. A sudden burst of heat can burn weak phlox roots. When fresh manure rots, a lot of nitrogen is released into the soil. This element provokes the growth of green mass, which is undesirable on the eve of winter.

    When choosing mineral additives to enrich the soil, you should give preference to phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Best for autumn processing superphosphate in combination with potassium sulfate is suitable for this area.

    The depth of the hole should be at least 20 cm. The distance between the bushes should be left up to 50 cm so that the plants do not interfere with each other when they enter the stage of active vegetative development. Phlox should be trimmed before planting. This promotes rapid rooting of flowers. Some gardeners prefer to leave cuttings 10-15 cm. But it can become a shelter for wintering harmful insects. Therefore, it is better to cut the stem completely, to the base.

    Each plant is carefully placed in a hole and covered with soil, leaving renewal buds at a depth of 1.5 cm from the surface. The flowerbed is watered abundantly and mulched. For this purpose, sawdust or peat is used. You can cover the flower garden with fallen leaves, humus or straw. The mulch layer should be at least 5-6 cm. This will protect root system phlox in winter from freezing.

    In early spring, when the air warms up, the shelter is removed, fertilizing is carried out and the soil is loosened. Correct and timely replanting and careful care will allow you to enjoy beautiful flowers called phlox for several more years, which means “flame”.

    On the eve of transplantation, the bushes are watered abundantly. This is necessary so that the soil sticks well to the roots. Then each plant is dug up, making a large indentation from the base of the crop, so as not to damage the shoots and renewal buds located in the soil. After this, the phloxes are carefully removed along with a lump of earth and installed in this form in the prepared planting hole. It is sprinkled with earth, lightly compacting the soil in the root zone. Then the plant is watered.

    Summer replanting can lead to slower flower growth, disease, and in rare cases, the death of the entire ornamental crop. Therefore, it is recommended to resort to it only in case of emergency. In all other situations, it is better to wait until the end of August and move the plant to a new location in due time.

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Phlox is a flame

​To get a good inflorescence of the second flowering​

​Prepared plot of land​

Main groups

are laid on the root collar of the stem slightly above the roots, and new ones

A full-fledged planting unit should have 3-4 buds, and in the fall 2-3 shoots with a well-developed root system.​

​, but one type of phlox is native to Siberia. In total, about 50 types of phlox are known. Phlox blooms in June-September; they produce abundant seeds, of which there are often two in a box.

​If you bought phlox in mid-autumn - in October or later, the bushes are dug (not planted!) into the soil to a depth of about 25 cm. The place for digging should be protected from strong cold winds. After the soil freezes, the seedlings need to be covered with peat or a dry leaf.​

Where to plant?

​In autumn in planting holes apply only phosphorus and potassium mineral fertilizers, postponing complex mixtures containing nitrogen for the spring. The use of root growth stimulants, for example, Kornevin, can be very useful.

​But those who are going to replant phlox in the fall must remember that such planting also has its own characteristics, its own rules, non-compliance with which can lead to very disastrous results.​

Phlox transplant time

The easiest way is to divide the bush. After all, phloxes are still replanted every 5-6 years, because the bushes grow and flowering weakens. Therefore, it is easy to combine these two procedures.​

Finally, if you still need to replant phlox in the summer, then this should be done on a cloudy day, and the plant should be replanted with a large lump of earth.

Phloxes have been widely used for a long time. In Soviet times, it was hardly possible to find a flower garden near a house in which these unpretentious flowers of various colors did not grow. The emergence of new varieties in last years gave a new impetus to their popularity. Moreover, propagation and transplantation of phloxes is not very difficult.

​, it is necessary to water phloxes abundantly,

How to plant phlox correctly

​100 x 100 cm fertilize well, and seeds before frost

​The roots for the next year are laid above this bud.​

​To obtain large quantities​

Phlox is a bushy plant

Phlox care: fertilizing with fertilizers

​Unfavorable natural conditions affect the fact that phlox can die in winter, these are winters with little snow, accompanied by severe frosts. When the snow thickness is small (less than 25 cm), the growth buds die; if the air temperature is around -15°C for 10-15 days, the rhizome freezes at a temperature of -20-25°C.​

You can also place phlox on clean sand. To do this, the soil is completely removed from the selected site, digging a hole about half a meter deep. A layer of clay 20 cm thick is laid on the bottom. A pre-prepared soil mixture is placed on top, leveled well and compacted. Ready flowerbed should rise 15 cm above ground level.​

​Autumn planting of phloxes, which have early and medium flowering periods, begins at the end of August, when their renewal buds have already formed. Late flowering plants can only be planted in the second half of September. In any case, phlox should have time to take root before the onset of frost. Therefore, delaying this work until mid-October is very risky.​

Maintaining humidity is a must

​As soon as the phloxes need to be transplanted, the timing should be combined with the time of dividing the bush. However, they already coincide. The division of the bush is also carried out either in the spring (in May) or in the autumn (August - September).

​When planting, we must not forget that the root system of plants is branched and lies shallow, which means that the fertile soil from which the roots feed should also be in the top layer of soil.​

​This is how the word Phlox is translated from Greek into Russian. Apparently, due to the bright red color of the flowers of wild species.​


​loosen the soil, add compost or humus, feed with mullein three times a week at a ratio of 1:10 and after 4-5 days feed with superphosphate - 100 g per 10 liters of water.​

Plant phloxes to a depth of 1.5 cm at a distance of 10 cm. In the spring, as soon as the soil warms up, phlox shoots will appear; when they reach 8 cm, place them on permanent place into well-fertilized soil at a distance of 15-18 cm. During the summer they should be removed well: loosen the soil, water abundantly warm water, feed with mullein two or three times, when buds appear, with superphosphate (diluted in hot water - 100 g per 10 liters of water).​

​And the root system​

​planting material or if you want to have some rare variety, when there are 1 - 2 stems of a given plant, phloxes are cut.

​, with a root system from a group of roots that preserve life in winter. By autumn, with the end of the growing season, the leaves and stems fade and die. In October - November they are cut and removed from the site or burned.​

​There are quite warm winters when snow fell in November, but melted in December or January, and then the cold came again down to -20°C. Left without snow cover, plants begin to germinate during the thaw period and immediately die.

Decorating the garden plot with phlox

Nature takes good care of plants, and if you want to grow phlox in your garden or dacha, planting and care will be your responsibilities. In fact, phloxes are not capricious plants and grow well in any soil, but they bloom and grow well only in loose, sufficiently moist, breathable, nutritious soils.​

​To be on the safe side, at the end of October, or even in November, many gardeners mulch their plantings with peat, rotted sawdust or other bulk materials. organic materials. In severe winters, this will slightly increase the temperature of the soil around the roots and protect them from freezing. But in no case should you cover the ground with film or roofing felt that does not allow air to pass through. Such coating very often causes the death of plants from damping off. With the onset of spring, as soon as the snow melts, the mulch must be removed so as not to interfere with the heating of the soil by direct sunlight.​

​Having chosen a bush, carefully dig it up, shake off the soil, and clean the root collars. Carefully, so as not to damage, we disassemble the roots that go to the stems and separate them from each other. Of course, if the bush is old, it will hardly be possible to do this. You need to take a knife or shovel and cut the delenka into several parts. Be sure to make sure that each part has eyes, roots and shoot buds.​

Medium loamy, close to neutral, loose and moist soils are considered the best for phlox. If you have to plant phloxes in heavy clay soil or sandy, then it is necessary to initially dig a hole for planting deeper and fill it there with coarse sand or clay to compensate, and then fertile soil, where you must add cow or horse manure, ash, leaf soil and mineral fertilizers.​

Phloxes are perennial plants of the cyanaceae family. They appeared in Europe in the 17th century. Thanks to selection, today there are about 1,500 varieties of phlox and about 60 species. The classification also divides phloxes into groups.

Late in autumn, all phlox stems are cut down to the root collar.

​In October, phlox will bloom, and you will see new varieties of them.​

The phlox eventually sticks out of the ground. Therefore, plants need to be supplemented with fresh fertile soil every year. And in the fall, additionally feed them with peat, well-rotted, decomposed manure, which

Landing dates

You can take cuttings almost all season long

​Growth of a bush

Selection and preparation of planting material

To prevent this from happening, you should sprinkle them with snow up to 65 cm thick, then they will withstand frosts down to -35°C. In the fall, even before frost, you can sprinkle them with fallen leaves.​

​To plant perennial bush phlox, choose areas in the garden that have a slight slope or with a completely flat surface so that melting or rainwater did not stagnate for a long time. The height of the flower beds should not be more than 10-15 cm, and if groundwater passes almost at the very surface of the soil, the flower beds should be made a little higher. It is important that snow accumulates in the flowerbed with planted plants in winter, otherwise they will die.​

​In the fall, it is better to plant relatively large cuttings - they take root faster and withstand wintering easier. At the same time, you can place in permanent places those plants that were obtained from spring cuttings.​

Soil preparation

It is better to plant the separated parts of the bush immediately so that the roots do not dry out. The earthen lump should also not be shaken off completely. The plant takes root better if it is transplanted with a clod of earth. By the way, transplanting phlox in the fall requires cutting the stems to 2/3 or 1/3 of their height.​

When planting a plant, you need to make sure that the root collar is a few centimeters below ground level.

Ground cover phloxes are the earliest flowering among them. For example, phlox subulate begins to bloom in May. It is called so because of the leaves, which have an awl-shaped shape. This group also includes phloxes of Douglas, lovely, Rugelli.​

​, loosen the ground and put in compost or rotted manure. In the spring, when the snow melts and the ground withers, the soil is hoeed around the bushes, fed two or three times with ammonium nitrate (30-40 g per 10 liters of water) with an interval of 10 days, then two feedings are given with mullein 1:10 with an interval of 7-8 days .​

​When you dig up a phlox bush for replanting or for another purpose, do not try to dig it up so as not to damage the roots, but, on the contrary, cut off the ends of the roots and leave them in the ground. Fill the holes from the dug bushes with humus and water them abundantly. After 1-1.5 months, dense growth will emerge from the roots remaining in the ground.

​will protect the buds and the plant itself from freezing, especially in snowless winters.​

​, but it is best to do this before flowering. Cut cuttings from 2-3

​proceeds intensively, so after 3-4 years it must be divided. Otherwise, shredding of shoots and weakening of flowering often occur.

Phlox in your garden

Phloxes are cut from mid-April to September. Taking cuttings healthy plants and planted in the soil at a distance of 40-45 cm from each other.

Choosing a place for phlox in the garden, planting

Phloxes bloom poorly and grow in heavily shaded places, and they prefer light. Under the canopies of large trees they are forced to fight for light, food and moisture. It is recommended to plant them among bushes - in light openwork partial shade. Choosing a good place to plant phlox and caring for them throughout their growth will allow you to get beautiful bushes with gorgeous flower caps.​

A cutting suitable for planting usually has at least two thick stems, which should be cut at a height of about 20 cm, and fully formed large renewal buds at the base. The skin on the stems should be quite rough. The roots must be shortened, leaving no more than 15 cm.​

Preparing the soil before planting phlox

​Phlox propagation by layering is also not a particularly complicated procedure. Even before flowering begins, the stem of the plant is bent to the ground, secured and sprinkled with a mixture of peat and humus. In the fall, the independent plant formed from the stem is transplanted to a permanent place.

​After finishing planting, the phloxes need to be watered, at least one and a half to two liters of water per bush. Then, regular watering should be continued every 2-3 days for two weeks. When the plants are well established and begin to grow, you can reduce the amount of watering, but you need to mulch the ground around the planted phloxes with humus or sawdust.​

The next group is loose-grass phlox. Their flowering begins a little later than that of groundcovers, but also early. These include, for example, splayed phlox. It blooms very luxuriantly, has a violet scent and, depending on the variety, different colors of flowers: white, violet, lilac.​

Planting phlox in spring

Before flowering add calcium

​As soon as she reaches a height of 6-7 cm, the phloxes must be planted.​

​If the plants are well cared for​


​Transplanting and dividing phloxes

Wintering phlox

​Dividing the bush is an easier way. Dividing and planting in the fall is allowed, but no later than mid-September, otherwise the plants simply will not take root. It is recommended to take cuttings and divide phloxes every 3-4 years.​

Bush phlox are fairly resilient plants, but their growth depends on the soil. It is very important to support it wet throughout the growing season. Even on fertilized but dry soil, plants grow short, have few inflorescences, small flowers, bloom early and finish flowering soon.​

For phloxes that are transplanted together with a clod of earth, only the top that has finished flowering should be cut off. Or leave at least two or three healthy leaves untouched. At this time, the leaf apparatus still continues its work, helping the plant prepare for winter.​

Phlox propagation

When to replant phloxes and how to do it is now known. Now you need to decide how the phlox bushes will fit into the landscape design of the existing site.​

​Although it is generally accepted that phloxes are unpretentious flowers, however good care behind them significantly improves their decorative qualities: the bush becomes more powerful, the flowers are larger, and the flowering period increases. If you conduct annual correct feeding, support required humidity soil, mulch it in a timely manner, then replanting phloxes will not be needed for 5 - 10 years.​

The third group is bush phlox; they come in tall and short varieties. The first of them are the most popular with us. Phlox paniculata, for example, can be of various colors, and its flowers are collected in lush inflorescences. The white phloxes of this variety are especially beautiful.

​, which contributes to obtaining a juicy color of the inflorescences and

Phlox, we have been caring for it all summer, replanting and dividing

With good care If they are properly fed, they are usually resistant to pests and do not get sick. They can grow without transplanting for up to 10 years, delighting you with lush flowering and bright colors.​

​Planted in ridges​​produce in early spring, but now it’s better to do it in the fall - the end of August, the first ten days of September. Good rooting of plants before the soil freezes and frost sets in ensures their successful wintering.​

The homeland of phlox is North America

​Growing phlox from seeds requires patience. You must first freeze them and sow them in winter in prepared soil, removing the snow. The seeds should be sprinkled with sand or prepared soil on top and covered with a layer of snow. Approximately 70% of the seeds germinate. In the spring they can be transplanted to a permanent place, but only when a couple of strong leaves appear. After 10 days they can be fed.

​To obtain slightly acidic, almost neutral mail, favorable for phlox, it is recommended to add it to loamy soil before planting garden soil(approximately 30% of its volume) horse dung(semi-decomposed) or leaf humus, various composts, bone meal, saltpeter, superphosphate and ash are added to them. It is advisable to prepare the area for phlox in advance, at least two weeks before planting. Otherwise, the earth simply will not have time to settle sufficiently. The soil should be thoroughly cleared of perennial weeds and various types of debris, because the bushes will grow on it for many years.​

​It depends on the variety. For example, subulate phlox is more suitable for alpine slides. But paniculata phlox can be used both as single plantings and in a group with other flowers. It can be either in the background, shading the plantings of annual flowers, or together with perennial flowers: carnations, bells, rudbeckia and others. During the season, it is necessary to fertilize the phlox three times. The first one is produced in May. Take half a bucket of humus or compost, add one tablespoon of urea and mix thoroughly. All this is poured under the bush of the plant.

Transplanting and dividing phlox

​The spotted phlox is also tall. It is sometimes confused with paniculata. However, its inflorescences resemble a cylinder shape, the stems are covered with purple specks, and it blooms much earlier.​ ​longer flowering. When the ovary of inflorescences appears, feed with superphosphate - 50-60 g per 10 liters of water. In dry weather, before feeding, phloxes are watered with water so as not to burn the roots.​

​part of this growth is already blooming in late autumn.​​E. Vidasova, Ph.D. agricultural sciences​

Phlox is propagated by dividing bushes.

​with fertile land, where upper layer 2-3 cm - sand. With daily spraying, watering and shading from direct sunlight, after 2-2.5 months such plants have good roots. Plants are planted

Phloxes are beautiful flowering plants. There are about 70 different species, they differ in the color of the flowers. They have a wonderful subtle aroma and are easy to care for. In recent years, phlox has become very popular among gardeners. It is better to apply mineral fertilizers together with organic ones, and to a depth of no more than 25 cm. Sawdust, moldy horse manure, and shavings are not suitable as fertilizers, since pathogens of various types can begin to develop in the soil. fungal diseases, and the decomposition of shavings and sawdust consumes a large amount of nitrogen.​

​The best are considered to be fertile and loose medium loamy soils with an acidity level close to neutral. If the soil is clayey and heavy, it is necessary to add coarse sand, aerated peat, compost or humus. When choosing varieties of phlox, it is better to give preference to domestic ones, which are more adapted to our climatic conditions. Moreover, there is a wide variety of these varieties.

​During budding, a second feeding is done. One or two tablespoons of mineral fertilizer, which is intended specifically for flowering plants, are diluted in a bucket of water. The third feeding is carried out after the phloxes bloom; phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are used for this. In a bucket of water, for example, superphosphate and potassium sulfate are diluted, one tablespoon each. Everyone talks about the unpretentiousness of phloxes, and yet, in order for them to please with the beauty and duration of their flowering, it is necessary to create for them good conditions. First of all, planting or replanting phloxes should be done on loose soil well seasoned with organic fertilizers. Two more important conditions: maintaining sufficient soil moisture and systematic fertilizing during the growing season.​

Phlox is a water-loving plant; the soil under them must be kept moist.

For long-lasting flowering, phloxes need to be pinched​color="#6600ff">top of page​

We take care of phloxes all summer

Phloxes are unpretentious​at a distance of 50 cm from each other.​

​On a hot summer day​ The phlox flower takes root well in the spring, and therefore you can plant it in the soil quite early, almost immediately after it thaws, in a place prepared in the fall. Planted bushes need to be well watered and the ground mulched with weathered peat or humus. For the first 2 weeks after planting, the plants need to be watered abundantly at least once every 2-3 days.​

​Sandy soil, on the contrary, must be made moisture-absorbing and nutritious. To do this, turf soil and clay are mixed into it. On last stage, when digging, they add mineral fertilizers and lime.​ ​If the selection of varieties is made taking into account the height of the bushes, the color of the flowers and the flowering time of the phloxes, then the garden will delight with its beauty for five months.​

​The powerful root system, large mass of stems, leaves and flowers of phlox require a large amount of moisture. If there is not enough of it, then plant growth is weakened, the leaves turn yellow, and the flowers become smaller and pale, and cease to be bright.

​But first, about the landing site. Phlox love good lighting, but prefer diffused light to the open sun. It’s good when, during the hottest time of the day, shrubs and sparse trees shade a flower garden with phlox. These same plantings will protect the flowers from the cold wind, which is contraindicated for them, maintain soil moisture, and in winter protect the phlox from freezing.​ ​In​

​at different times, as desired​

Phloxes are wonderful flowers: their aroma, wide variety in color, shape and flowering time attract flower lovers, but they develop better on loose, well-fertilized and sufficiently moist soils. They cannot tolerate stagnant water or getting wet. Flat areas protected from winds are desirable.​

Phloxes propagate

​a sea of ​​flowers of various shades and smells, but nothing can compare with the light, intoxicating aroma of phlox. Their bright red flowers glow in flower beds year after year, overcoming the winter cold, proving their long-term durability, even when planted as a single bush.​

How to remove phlox, replanting, secondary flowering, pests

​At first, phloxes take root, then they begin to grow intensively. It is recommended to feed them with a weak solution of slurry, mullein or ammonium nitrate (for 1 bucket of water - 20g of powder, for treating 1 m² of plantings). It is recommended to feed phlox bushes 3-4 times over the summer. Watering is carried out as necessary.

​You have to dig quite deeply - phloxes have a powerful, well-branched root system, reaching a depth of 30 cm. And the bulk of the roots feeding the bush are located at a distance of 20 cm from the surface.​ ​Phloxes are quite unpretentious perennials. They are able to grow and bloom in the same place for more than one year. But, like many other herbaceous plants, over time their flowers become smaller and become less lush and beautiful. To avoid this, phlox bushes are rejuvenated - divided and planted in new places.​

Of course, the amount of water that needs to be applied to phlox is not always the same; it depends on the soil and the weather. But on average it is recommended for 1 sq. m pour out one and a half to two buckets of water. In dry weather more is possible. By the way, if you need to transplant phlox in the summer, then the soil at the planting site must be very well moistened.

​These plants can be planted or replanted in late spring, early autumn and even in summer (but not in hot weather).​ ​To avoid the formation of a crust on the soil after watering, mulch the soil sawdust layer of 4-5 cm. The main care for phloxes is keeping the soil loose and moist, timely removal of faded inflorescences.

​by changing the timing of flowering (pinched stems give a good inflorescence, better than without pinching).​

​How nice it is to grow phlox yourself!​

Phloxes have long been widespread. In Soviet times, these varied in color and unpretentious flowers grew near every house. Recently, new varieties of phlox have appeared, which has given a new impetus to their popularity. Many people mistakenly believe that there is no need to care for the plant and that it grows like a weed. But this is not so; although the flower is not considered whimsical, it requires some self-care. In this article we will tell you how and when to replant phlox.

Phloxes are actively flowering plants that amaze with a riot of colors. These are perennial flowers that can grow in one place for up to 10 years. If they are not replanted, the inflorescences begin to become smaller, and the plantings themselves degenerate. Gradually, the bush begins to lose its decorative effect, loses the brightness of its flowers and fades.

In addition, the soil on which phlox grows is depleted. Even frequent feedings are not able to restore the required volume of substances for full development flower. Over time, pests and microorganisms accumulate in the soil, causing specific phlox diseases.

If we talk about transplanting phlox, then it is best to do this when the bush is 5-6 years old.

When to replant phloxes

Many people are interested in the question of when to replant phloxes in order to harm them as little as possible. After all, this procedure is considered quite traumatic for plants and therefore it should be performed correctly. First of all, this concerns timing.

It is also worth noting that phlox belongs to the category of flowering plants that begin to grow roots when the snow melts. If you replant in the spring and damage the roots, you may not see flowering this year. However, this does not mean that phlox cannot be transplanted in the spring. Some gardeners replant flowers at this time, believing that in the fall the plants will not have time to take root and will not survive the winter.

If absolutely necessary, phlox can be replanted even in summer. But in this case, it is necessary to preserve the earthen lump so that the root system is not damaged. When replanting in summer, it is not recommended to divide the bush.

So, the timing of phlox transplantation is as follows:

  1. Autumn: last ten days of August - mid-September.
  2. Spring: mid-April – early May.
  3. Summer: any time, but only in cloudy weather and in the evening.

Phlox transplantation

Once you have decided on the timing of the transplant, you need to prepare for the process itself, which occurs in several stages. We will discuss this in more detail below. As mentioned above, the ideal time for transplantation is autumn, so we will consider all the nuances of transplantation, which occurs precisely at this time of year. These rules apply to both spring and autumn transplants.

How to choose a place

The rooting of transplanted flowers largely depends on the condition of the soil. Wild species of phlox grow in floodplain meadows and forest edges, where the ground is different high humidity and special friability. These plants love soil that contains a sufficient amount of organic matter.

The soil for phlox should be sufficiently fertile and loose. If the flowerbed is on loam, then the soil should be supplemented with crushed peat or river sand. They will ensure constant access of moisture to the root system and enhance the drainage properties of the soil.

Phloxes need frequent watering and this must be taken into account when choosing a planting location. It is better to choose a place with close occurrence groundwater. But even this does not always guarantee high-quality hydration of the roots, so in the hot summer the plants will need to be watered periodically.

Phloxes also thrive in partial shade; they do not require constant light. It will be great if in the midday heat the inflorescences are protected from the scorching sun.

The only thing you need to remember is that phloxes do not tolerate proximity to fruit trees.

Preparing the flowerbed

The flowerbed needs to be prepared in advance. This should usually be done 2 weeks before transplanting phlox in the fall. Pre-treatment of the site is due to the fact that the soil must settle before the plants are moved.

The soil of the flower bed must be dug up using a spade, that is, to a depth of 20-30 cm. After this, weeds and other plant debris must be removed. Next you need to apply fertilizer. For autumn feeding will fit:

  • compost;
  • humus + wood ash;
  • potassium and phosphorus compounds.

Consumption organic fertilizers: 1 bucket per 1 sq. m. The amount of mineral fertilizers applied is indicated on the packaging. Nitrogen-containing substances are introduced only in the spring, as this component causes the formation of new leaves and shoots.

The soil in the flowerbed should be moist. A few days before transferring the phloxes, it needs to be watered abundantly. If the weather is damp, the amount of water can be reduced.

The holes in the flower garden should be 50 cm apart from each other, since phlox bushes grow quite strongly. The depth of the planting hole should be spacious: the roots of the plant should be freely placed in it. The developed root system of an adult phlox can lie to a depth of 20-25 cm. Another 5 cm must be added to this mark, since during cold weather the soil can freeze very much, so the upper part of the rhizome is deepened 5 cm below the surface of the earth.

Processing of planting material

Transferring phlox to a new place contributes to the rejuvenation of the culture. With proper care and compliance with all the rules, the plants will bloom magnificently, but for this you need to choose the strongest and most viable specimens.

A couple of days before transplanting, the bushes need to be watered and then carefully dug up using a pitchfork. Be careful not to damage the roots. Next, you need to divide the largest flowers into separate cuttings, and cut off the shoots. Pruning the stems is necessary to preserve nutrients. There should be a few leaves left on the shoot - this way the plant will survive the winter well, and in the spring it will quickly produce young shoots. Make sure that the skin on the stems is dry and tough.

Flower roots that are too long also need to be shortened. Their size should not exceed 15-20 cm. This is necessary so that the plants take root faster in a new place. Additional branches develop on the roots and the flowers are securely fixed in the ground.

If you do not want to cut off the roots, then you need to dig up the bush, leaving a large lump of earth. This technology is more suitable for summer transplants. In this case, pruning of leaves is not carried out, since the green mass is still involved in metabolic processes. Only dried flowers are removed.

Transplanting bushes into a flower garden

After planting material processed and the area is prepared, then you can proceed to the main stage:

  1. Pour 1-2 liters of water into the holes.
  2. Place the roots of the cutting so that the neck is 5 cm below the surface of the ground.
  3. Fill the hole completely with soil and lightly compact it with your palms. Make a small mound of soil 15 cm high on top. This will protect the stem from winter cold.

With the onset of the first cold weather, place a layer of mulch 2-3 cm thick (dry sawdust, last year's leaves, crushed peat) on the flowerbed. Plants do not need to be covered with film or other synthetic materials. Lack of ventilation can lead to plant death. This is what all autumn care consists of.

During the winter, make sure that the flower bed is covered with snow. In spring, remove the mulch so that the first rays of spring warm the ground and plant roots. If all conditions are met, then in the first spring phlox will delight you with magnificent delicate flowers.

Phlox are perennial unpretentious plants that are a real decoration for a flower bed. Caring for them is as easy as shelling pears: you need to water them in hot weather, remove weeds and replant them. In the latter case, transplantation is carried out only every 5-6 years. Our tips will help you grow a healthy and strong plant.

Plant with flowers Phlox is one of the most favorite crops to grow in Russia. Phlox belongs to the small family of Sinyukhovs (Polemoniaceae), which has more than 60 species. The most common in Russia is Phlox paniculata, of which there are already more than 400 varieties and hybrids. Read what varieties of phlox there are.

Agricultural technology for growing phlox

Selecting a place to plant Phlox is a very responsible and important point.

It is worth paying attention to the areas where this plant exists in wildlife. These are mainly meadows, forest edges and river floodplains in a moderately warm, humid climate.

The soil in such places is loose and very rich in organic elements. Accordingly, the most basic requirement when growing Phlox in our conditions is the possibility of generous and regular watering of flowers. The next important point is fertile soil. It is best to choose a place for planting in the partial shade of trees or shrubs, although open area is also possible.

When to plant phlox? There are no restrictions on planting periods for this plant. Phlox can be planted throughout the growing season, that is, while the plant is growing and developing:

  • In the spring, Phloxes are planted as soon as the soil has thawed; do not forget that the planting period in spring is shortened, this is only the first half of May. The flowering period for Phlox is after spring planting It's a little delayed, about 2 weeks.
  • The autumn period for planting flowers begins from the second half of August until the end of September. IN in this case You should not delay planting; the sooner the plant is planted, the better the seedlings will take root in the soil, and accordingly they will be able to survive the winter.

    If the seedlings do not have time to take root and the winter is cold, they will simply freeze.

    Phloxes autumn planting They bloom on time next summer.

  • Summer planting of Phlox flowers is also possible, but there should be a lump of earth on the rhizome, and provide plenty of watering. The inflorescences will need to be removed so that the plant can direct all its energy to rooting.

It is recommended to replant Phlox regularly every 5-6 years. This is necessary for rejuvenation perennial plant, since when a flower stays in one place for a long time, it grows greatly and flowering becomes weaker. But if the flowers are provided with good care and feeding, then they can bloom in one place for up to 10 years.

Phlox is grown in open ground by cuttings. This method requires loamy soil, to which it is recommended to add peat soil. After planting in the ground, the cuttings should be mulched, for example with tree leaves. This will stimulate the plant to develop in the spring. The cuttings remain in this form until spring.

When to replant phlox - in spring or autumn?

Phlox care after flowering

Punching, or in other words pruning, tearing off shoots. Using this technique, you can get Phlox to bloom later and also help the side shoots develop. If you remove all dried and faded twigs and flowers from the inflorescences, then in this way you can extend the flowering period of the plant.

Planting phlox in autumn

As mentioned above, if you plant phlox in the fall, it is better to complete all the work before mid-August. If it was not possible to fulfill this condition, but you still really want to plant, then in this case the plant should not be planted, but should be buried in an area with loose soil to a depth of up to 25 cm, covering the seedlings with mulch and dense covering material to protect against freezing.

For the central zone of the European part of Russia, phlox transplantation is possible from mid-August to early September. During this growth period, most varieties develop buds on the root collars. With proper planting and proper care, the plants will take root well and will produce abundant flowering next year.

Phlox care in autumn

In the summer autumn period Phlox care is not much different. Regular, abundant watering and pruning of faded inflorescences and dried branches are necessary. This plant is easy to care for. During the entire growing season of Phlox, the plant should be fertilized 5-6 times to enhance growth, budding and to prepare for winter. Feedings are:

  • root
  • foliar.

In the first method, fertilizer and watering with nutrients are carried out directly into the roots, the second method is carried out by spraying on the leaves.

In the autumn, those Phloxes that have been growing in one place for several years in a row are fed. In this case, manure or liquid fecal fertilizer should be added. Such fertilizers help to become more vital and enhance flowering.

How to prepare phlox for winter?

In order for Phlox to safely overwinter, it is necessary to cut off the above-ground part at the end of autumn. Most gardeners do this, leaving stumps 10-15 cm high. Experts advise cutting the plant very short, almost flush with the ground. In the first case, various pests and spores with diseases can overwinter on the stumps. The second option excludes this possibility. Pruning should be carried out in the second half of October, when cold weather has already set in. And treat the base of Phlox and its soil with agents against various diseases. Approximately 10 days after pruning and processing, it is necessary to mulch the planting site.

Phlox Reproduction

There are seven ways to propagate Phlox:

  1. Seeds;
  2. By division;
  3. Root suckers;
  4. Propagation by stem cuttings;
  5. Propagation by leaf cuttings;
  6. Propagation by root cuttings;
  7. Reproduction by layering and residues.

The most popular and effective method- This is cuttings.

  1. Cuttings are prepared in early spring, when young shoots have reached 10-12 cm.
  2. Shoots are separated with part of the rhizome
  3. Planted in a greenhouse.

Also, green stems with foliage are taken as cuttings so that there are at least two pairs of leaves.

Such cuttings can be done at the beginning of summer:

  1. The cutting is cut above the node.
  2. The already prepared cuttings must be left in the Kornevin solution for a day.
  3. Afterwards, plant it in a greenhouse on a tightly leveled fertile soil, sprinkled with sand on top.
  4. Next, the planted cuttings should be covered with a jar and darkened.
  5. Within three weeks the cutting should take root,
  6. Once new leaves begin to appear, you can remove the jar.

Phlox diseases and their treatment photo

Phlox can be affected by various pests and diseases, such as:

  • viral
  • mushroom

No viruses that infect only phlox have been identified.

Fungal diseases also bring quite a lot of trouble.

The most common fungal diseases in Phlox are leaf spot, phomosis, and powdery mildew.

All affected areas must be identified in a timely manner, removed from the plant and burned. Powdery mildew is one of the most common phlox diseases and appears in August. This disease manifests itself in the form of white cobweb spots, first on the lower and then on the upper leaves. Over time, the number of spots increases and then they merge into one. The affected leaves dry out, the plant weakens and may completely wither.

To prevent disease, it is necessary to comply with all conditions for planting Phlox, including the distance between bushes. Treat in a timely manner with special solutions and fertilizers as a preventive measure.


It is imperative to care for garden plants, and you should understand that each variety has its own agricultural technology. Video tips on caring for phlox will help you grow very beautiful and strong specimens in your garden.

Phlox is a popular garden plant, which, thanks to the variety of varieties, can decorate any flowerbed or country cottage area. However, for stable and bright flowering they require not only appropriate care, but also timely replanting. All the features of this process will be discussed in detail in this article, which will allow even novice gardeners to carry out this procedure in compliance with technology.

When to replant phloxes

The most favorable period for transplanting these flowers is autumn, but phlox can adapt quite well to being transferred to a new location at virtually any time of the year.

All the features of this process, depending on the specific season, are discussed in detail below:

  1. Autumn is the most recommended time for replanting, since the root system of phlox feels good in cold conditions and begins to actively develop immediately after the snow melts, and it does not need to wait for the soil to warm up. Another advantage of this option is that the plant does not have stems with increased fragility, which can be accidentally broken during the procedure, which is associated with preliminary seasonal pruning of flowers.
  2. IN middle lane It is often practiced to transplant phloxes in the spring, but this process will be much more difficult, since increased care must be taken so as not to accidentally damage the root shoots that have awakened after hibernation. The fact is that this plant It tolerates very little mechanical impact on its root system very poorly, so the flowering period may not occur in the current season.
  3. Transfer to summer period It is practiced extremely rarely, but if necessary it can be done, but it will be necessary to eliminate the process of dividing the bushes. The procedure must be carried out extremely carefully so as not to touch the roots; for this, the bush must be dug up around the perimeter and transplanted to a new place along with a large lump of old soil.

Depending on the chosen time of year for replanting phloxes, certain periods are set aside for this procedure:

  1. In the autumn, transplantation can be carried out from the last week of August to the beginning of September, then the plant will have enough time to get used to the new place before the first frost.
  2. In the spring, meeting deadlines is most important, the procedure must be performed at the end of April or early May.
  3. During the summer the dates are uncertain., you can replant during June, July and August.

Purposes of transplantation

Phloxes are active flowering plants, so the transplant is for them mandatory process, which is carried out for the following reasons:

Step-by-step transplant instructions

There is nothing complicated in the implementation of this procedure; a detailed algorithm of actions is given below:

  1. The selected location is pre-cleared of weeds., their roots, stones and other debris; comprehensive soil preparation for planting flowers is carried out.
  2. The places where the bushes will be planted are marked; it is recommended to maintain a distance between them of at least 50 cm, since if there is no urgent need, the next planned replanting will be carried out only after 5-6 years.
  3. A hole is dug, depth and diameter which depends on the size of the root shoots of the bushes.
  4. The bush is carefully immersed inside the hole, after which it is covered with garden soil.
  5. The soil surface must be thoroughly mulched immediately, humus is best used for these purposes, since it will help retain the necessary supply of moisture in the ground, and in winter it will additionally serve as insulation.

Selecting a location for transplantation and preparing the soil

Location requirements

The processes of rooting and adaptation of phlox in a new place are directly dependent on the correctness of the choice made, as well as the quality, structure and composition of the soil.

For this reason, the place where the plants will be transplanted must meet the following requirements:

  1. The soil should be loosened and abundantly moistened, this is due to the fact that in their natural environment phloxes prefer to grow on forest edges or meadows located on floodplains. It is for this reason that they, unlike most others, garden plants and crops are not afraid of groundwater being too close, even in this case they will require additional watering.
  2. Most a good option considered landing in the ground, which contains a large number of different elements and compounds of the organic type.
  3. Phloxes are not too demanding on the degree of lighting; being in partial shade can even, on the contrary, have a positive effect on their condition, since exposure to direct sunlight can have disastrous consequences. In addition, in winter in such places there is usually an accumulation of snow masses, which act as an insulating layer and can save root processes from freezing when the temperature drops too much.
  4. The selected location should be free of trees or large shrubs, especially those with a shallow root system. This is due to the fact that phlox requires a large amount of moisture, and they often feel a lack of it, and similar neighbors will compete with them for water.

Preparing the site

After choosing a suitable place for transplanting phlox, you will need to first prepare the soil on it. To carry out the procedure in the autumn, you will need to start preparing in the summer; this process will include the following set of measures:

  1. All weeds are removed from the soil surface, after which the future flower bed is carefully dug up. At the same stage, it is recommended to remove all roots remaining in the soil layers.
  2. A large amount of organic fertilizers must be applied to the soil, and after that, fertilizing with mineral mixtures is carried out. Rotted manure, compost, ammonium nitrate, wood ash, superphosphate, and potassium salts are well suited for improving the soil. All fertilizer components must be mixed with the soil to a depth of at least 15 cm, since it is in these layers that most of the root processes of phlox are located.
  3. The free space around the bush should have a diameter of 35 to 50 cm, depending on its size. This entire area must be fertilized and moistened; the cultivation of any other plants or crops is not allowed on it. Only if this condition is met, the flowers will be able to do without another transplant for another 5-6 years.

Below is a recipe for preparing a bait mixture that is most effective in preparing a place for planting phlox. All the indicated dosages are enough to treat one square meter:

  1. Take a standard bucket and fill it with compost. or rotted manure.
  2. About 200 grams are added to the bucket. wood ash, it is recommended to crush it first.
  3. Potassium salts and ammonium nitrate are added, the optimal dosage of each component is approximately 30 g.
  4. Superphosphate is added last, the volume should be no more than 50 g.

Aftercare after transplant

After the plant is transplanted, it will need help to adapt and take root in a new place; for this, it must be provided with the following care:

  1. All weeds must be removed from the flowerbed in a timely manner, the soil must be kept loose, Special attention This moment is given after watering or heavy precipitation.
  2. Watering should be carried out systematically, and each bush will require a large volume of water. During dry and particularly hot periods, you can increase both the amount of water used and the frequency of the procedure.
  3. The soil is mulched; for these purposes it is recommended to use a mixture of straw manure, humus and peat, which are mixed in equal proportions. The layer must have a thickness of at least 5 cm.
  4. Feeding should be done on a regular basis, it is recommended to give preference to fertilizers in liquid form, since they reach the root system faster.
  5. Dried stems and inflorescences should be cut off in a timely manner, since their preservation will take a significant amount of energy and nutrients from the plant to try to preserve the vital activity of these unnecessary shoots.
  6. Pinching of all shoots must be done in a timely manner, as soon as the need arises.

Preparing for winter

Phloxes are distinguished by a very high level of frost resistance, but prolonged exposure to low conditions temperature conditions can still negatively affect their condition, so it is necessary to organize shelter for the winter.

Basic mistakes

Below we discuss the most common mistakes that do not allow phlox to take root and bloom in full force. Familiarization with them will help prevent the likelihood of their recurrence in the future:

  1. It is too late to remove the cover in the spring. It must be remembered that phloxes are frost-resistant flowers, so they tolerate light frosts in the spring without special labor. At the same time, a humid and warm microclimate is formed inside the shelter; if dismantling is delayed, the plant may be prohibited in such conditions.
  2. Failure to maintain distances between rows or individual bushes. Depending on the size, it should be 30-60 cm, otherwise the phlox becomes too crowded, a lack of moisture and nutrients begins to be felt, which leads to rather poor flowering.
  3. Failure to comply with the deadlines for spring transplantation. When carrying out the procedure in the autumn, difficulties usually do not arise, but in the spring the timing is often determined incorrectly. You should not be afraid of frosts or delay the process, since all delays lead to the fact that the plants simply do not have enough time to adapt and take root, which is why there is no flowering in the current season.

  1. Despite the absence of viruses that would exclusively infect phlox, these flowers are very susceptible to infection by any universal fungal or viral infections. Timely application of fertilizers to the soil and preventive treatment with chemicals can reduce this risk.
  2. It is recommended to throw away all cut inflorescences, shoots or foliage away from the flower bed, or even better, burn them, as they can become sources for the formation dangerous infections or attract the attention of insects.
  3. In the autumn, liquid fecal fertilizing can be done, but this practice is not suitable for only transplanted bushes. It is recommended to carry out similar procedures with bushes that grow in one place for about 2-3 years.