How to clean the inside of oven glass. How to clean the oven glass located inside the door? Overview of specialized tools

Previously, people cooked in ovens heated with coal or wood, but civilization gradually came and electric and gas ovens appeared in our homes.

Those who constantly manage the kitchen know that the cooking process is very dirty, and here we will tell you how to clean the glass in the oven using improvised means.

On the door oven Contamination quickly appears in the form of greasy splashes and soot, and the longer the glass remains dirty, the more difficult it is to wash it.

Methods for cleaning glass in an oven

Today there are quite a lot household chemicals for removing grease, soot, and stubborn food stains from kitchen appliances. To clean the glass in the oven, universal cleaners labeled “anti-grease” are suitable. It is advisable to use gel ones; products with abrasive particles can scratch the glass. Such products quickly and effectively cope with complex stains.

Here we will look at traditional methods, using available tools that will help return the glass in the oven to ideal transparency.

Steam cleaning

It's very simple and effective way How to quickly clean glass in the oven.

You will need:

  • Heat-resistant container.
  • Water.
  • Detergent.
  • Sponge or soft brush.
  • Clean napkin.
  • Latex gloves.

Take a larger container that can be heated in the oven, fill it with water and add a little soap. It could be dishwashing gel, liquid soap, but it is best to use laundry soap, rubbing it on a fine grater.

Preheat the oven to maximum power and place a container with soap solution in it for 40-50 minutes. After the time has passed, turn off the oven, open the door, and while it is still warm, start cleaning it with a sponge and dishwashing detergent. Steamed dirt should come off very easily. Finally, wipe the glass with a clean, dry cloth.

Advice! You can try scraping off stains that won't come off with a knife blade.


Baking soda is an effective cleaner for stubborn grease stains and carbon deposits. Dissolve baking soda powder with water to a mushy consistency. First, wet the oven glass. warm water using a napkin. Then, apply soda slurry evenly onto the damp surface and leave for 20-30 minutes. If the soda dries out, you can moisten it with a spray bottle.

After the specified time, thoroughly scrub the glass with a brush. Grease, splashes, and burnt stains will come off without difficulty. If the glass was so dirty that not all the stains were removed the first time, you can repeat the process.

Baking soda not only corrodes and removes food dirt well, but also neutralizes unpleasant odors.

Advice! If the oven door is too dirty and has not been washed for a long time, add a little to the soda slurry. table vinegar. Under the influence of acid, baking soda will penetrate deeper and faster into the layers of stains.

Peroxide and laundry soap

Another home method for cleaning the glass in the oven door is to mix hydrogen peroxide with laundry soap. Liquid peroxide is sold in pharmacies and costs pennies.

Grate the laundry soap on a fine grater. Break him up hot water to a thick paste. When the mass becomes homogeneous, add peroxide to it (about 50 ml per 300 ml of soap). Spread the resulting mixture over the surface of the glass and leave for 20 minutes. After time, use a brush to wipe off the dirt and rinse the glass.

On a note! After cleaning, do not immediately close the oven door. Let the device stand open for several hours so that the chamber is well ventilated and the odors of detergents disappear.

If the glass is not very dirty, there are only a few food splashes on it, it will help to quickly remove them ammonia. It is diluted with warm water at a ratio of 1:3, a napkin is moistened in the liquid and the door is wiped.

These were the simplest, most budget-friendly, but effective ways to clean glass in the oven. Don’t forget that if you wipe the oven immediately after preparing a dish, you won’t have to waste time cleaning old, dried and burnt stains later.

If you like to cook in the oven, then you know well how difficult it can be to wash off the grease and dirt that remain on the walls of the oven after cooking. Such fat then begins to gradually burn out, beginning to smoke during subsequent cooking.

Ideally, you should wash the oven after each cooking, but in practice this is far from the case. How to wash off burnt fat, which seems to have stuck tightly, turned into carbon deposits, how to clean the oven? There are several ways to restore the cleanliness and shine of your oven.

Cleaning the oven with vinegar

It's fairly easy to clean your oven using vinegar. Remove all baking sheets and racks from the oven, clean it of debris and moisten the surface with a cloth or sponge. Apply vinegar evenly to the walls of the oven. It should be evenly distributed over the entire surface. Leave it to work on fat for several hours.

If the contamination is small, then it will be enough to wipe with a damp sponge or cloth. The surface after this treatment will become clean. If the stains and dirt are old, you will have to scrub with a brush or hard sponge.

How to clean the oven with ammonia

An effective way to remove burnt fat from the oven is to treat the surface with ammonia or ammonia. It's pretty inexpensive, but effective remedy, which is not inferior in results to expensive ones detergents. But when working with ammonia solution, the following precautions must be observed. Do not allow it to come into contact with your skin. You only need to work with rubber gloves. Due to its pungent odor, it is necessary to carry out treatment only in a respirator.

Apply ammonia to the surface of the oven and leave for half an hour to act. Then simply wash off the dirt with a damp cloth or sponge. After treatment with an ammonia solution, you need to wipe the oven until the smell disappears completely. Otherwise, the dish will smell like it during subsequent cooking.

Steam the oven

Steam treatment will help clean the oven from burnt fat. To do this, pour water into a saucepan and add a little dishwashing detergent to it. Set the heating temperature to 100 degrees and leave the water to boil for 30 minutes.

During processing, do not open the oven door to avoid burns to your hands and face. You can open it only after it has completely cooled down. Then simply rub with a cloth until the grease and dirt are completely removed.

How to clean oven glass

The glass on the oven door is also susceptible to the accumulation of burnt grease. It's easy enough to clean. Sprinkle it on a small amount of soda To prevent it from crumbling and to better clean the surface, moisten it with warm water. The wet baking soda should be left on the glass for about 40 minutes. Then simply wipe the glass with a damp cloth or sponge. All dirt will easily come off and the glass will become transparent.

Knowing these simple ways cleaning the oven, you can easily keep your oven clean, and the accumulated burnt fat will not spoil the taste and smell of your favorite dish.

When we bake any dish containing fat in the oven, its splashes are sure to settle on the walls of the oven and on the glass of its door. Fatty deposits accumulate, and as a result the oven loses its attractive appearance. To clean glass and maintain it in this condition, you need to learn how to care for it.

Basic cleansing

  1. You need to prepare a paste from regular soda. To do this, mix baking soda with water until it forms a paste. The paste should not be too thick. Lubricate the glass from the inside with it.
  2. Leave the paste on the surface for 15 minutes for better effect. As a result of the action of soda, the stains will become softer.
  3. Take a simple dish sponge that has a hard side and wipe it across the surface of the glass. By this time, the dirt will have softened, and the harder side of the sponge can be removed.
  4. After all contaminants have been removed, the soda paste must be thoroughly rinsed with a sponge so that no traces of soda remain on the surface.
  5. Wipe the door with a dry towel.
  6. To keep the glass surface looking perfect, use glass cleaner. After this, your oven door will be perfectly clean.

How to remove particularly stubborn stains?

The oven must be preheated to 50 degrees. As soon as the temperature reaches the required level, the oven must be turned off. Open the door and leave for a minute. You need to wait until the door becomes warm, not hot. Do not heat the oven above the recommended temperature, otherwise it may cause burns. This temperature will be enough for stubborn stains to become somewhat softer.

Sprinkle a little cleaning agent onto the glass (only choose a safe one). The product should just cover the surface, but not form large clumps. After this, close the door for 5 minutes.

After 5 minutes, open the oven and wipe the glass with a special scraper designed for glass ceramics. You can also use a stiff sponge. Once the stain is removed, wipe the surface with a clean sponge soaked in water.

Use a dry towel to wipe the glass dry. If any stubborn dirt remains, it can be removed using a blade.

Regular care

  1. Clean the oven door frequently. Choose a day of the week to do this, or make it a habit to wash it after each use of the oven.
  2. If fat spills on the door while cooking, you need to remove at least the worst dirt immediately after cooling. This will make cleaning the oven much easier in the future. After all, if fat and food particles dry out during further use, it will be very difficult to clean the door next time.
  3. If your oven is equipped with a self-cleaning function, then this function must be used at least once a month.

By following these tips you can maintain glass door keep your oven clean. If you clean it regularly, the procedure will not cause any problems.

It is recommended to first clean the inside of the cabinet itself, then excess dirt will not interfere with work. And then start cleaning the glass. The problem can be solved using special expensive household chemicals or affordable home methods that are not inferior to the first in their effectiveness.

When planning to wash the oven glass, you need to prepare:

  • rubber gloves, they will help protect your hands from heavy greasy dirt and aggressive cleaning agents;
  • a special glass scraper or razor blade to remove burnt-on organic food debris and large areas of dirt;
  • newspapers or cotton rags that can be laid on the floor so as not to stain it during cleaning;
  • a toothbrush or stiff brush to remove dirt and apply cleaning products in hard-to-reach places.

To clean the double glass inside the oven, you will have to perform additional manipulations. Specialists in kitchen appliances We recommend using one of the following methods:

  1. Remove the oven door yourself or invite specialists service center. In some models, one glass is removed, and then the door does not need to be disassembled.
  2. Wash the glass from the inside without disconnecting it.

Removing the door is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It is attached with clamps or bolts. The latter are removed with a screwdriver from the end or on inside designs. Differences in action for different models ovens are present, but they are not significant.

In the second case, you will need a rag on a holder (a long stick or telescopic fork will do). A rag is wrapped around a stick and pushed between the glass panes through the holes for ventilation.

Folk remedies

To clean glass at home, you will need:

  • table vinegar,
  • ammonia,
  • baking soda;
  • baking powder for the dough
  • laundry soap.

Table vinegar

The liquid successfully softens old deep carbon deposits. It can be used without fear that it will damage the surface. Procedure:

  1. The grates and baking sheets are removed.
  2. Vinegar is distributed over the entire area of ​​contamination with a moistened sponge or sprayer. Leave for several hours to soften.
  3. The glass should be washed with a clean sponge until the characteristic odor is removed.


This inexpensive product is not inferior in its cleaning properties to household chemicals purchased in stores. When using it, it is recommended to work in a respirator, opening doors and windows to ventilate the kitchen. Cleaning algorithm:

  1. Alcohol is applied to the glass and left for half an hour.
  2. After this time, wipe the surface with a clean sponge, removing dirt. Repeat the procedure until it disappears Strong smell ammonia.

Baking soda

The powder has an abrasive effect, so before use it is diluted with water to a paste-like state.

  1. The mixture is applied to the glass in areas of contamination and left for a third of an hour.
  2. The soda is washed off, and the dirt is removed along with it. The powder successfully removes dirt without requiring strong pressure on the surface.

Baking powder for the dough

The powder, familiar in cooking, successfully collects abundant fat deposits:

  1. The glass is sprayed with water and sprinkled with baking powder.
  2. When the fat gathers in clumps, it is removed with a damp sponge.

Laundry soap

In cases of complex deposits on large area For it, use the method of cleaning with steam and laundry soap:

  1. Dissolve a small amount of soap in water.
  2. Place the container with water in the oven, preheated to 100 °C for half an hour. This procedure softens the carbon deposits.
  3. Once the cabinet has cooled, the glass will be easy to clean.

At heavily polluted After applying softening agents, first use a hard sponge, brush or brush. If the stains cannot be removed, use a scraper or razor blade.

Household chemicals

Installed in the slab design tempered glass, and regular glass cleaners are not suitable for cleaning it. It is necessary to use special liquids:

  • Amway Oven Cleaner Gel. This is quite expensive, but effective. It is applied evenly over the entire surface of the glass for several minutes. In places of contamination, the substance enters chemical reaction and foam appears. After this, the glass is cleaned. Where a lot of foam has formed, you should wipe more intensively. The product is washed off big amount warm water.
  • Cif Anti-Fat. This liquid is suitable for fresh stains. It is evenly distributed over the surface and left for a quarter of an hour, after which it is washed off.

Even when you have completely cleaned the stove and washed the oven, the glass part of the oven door sometimes leaves much to be desired. Luckily, it can be cleaned without using harsh chemicals.

You will need:

  • soda;
  • vinegar (or its mixture with water);
  • spray;
  • old sponges and towels;
  • adhesive tape for painting

It is better to immediately spread a towel on the floor, as water will flow onto the floor.

If the oven door has hot air vents, cover them with masking tape. The oven should be relatively airtight. Now take the regular one baking soda and cover the glass door window with a thick layer.

Now apply a mixture of vinegar and water to the baking soda. The solution will work with just 9 parts water to one part vinegar, but you can make it more concentrated.

The baking soda should become slightly damp, but not wet. You need consistency to create a thick paste. Remove excess moisture with an old rag.

Now rub the paste over the glass, removing all dirt.

Press the napkin with particular force in the area where there are stains.

The metal around the glass can also be cleaned with paste. Grease and carbon deposits are very easy to remove.

Now all that remains is to remove the remaining paste. You should not wash them off so as not to leave streaks on the glass. IN in this case a vacuum cleaner was used, but you can remove them with a regular brush or dry cloth.

Wipe the glass several times with a dry cloth or towel.

This is how you can clean your oven glass simply, inexpensively and safely. The stove will be clean, without traces of household chemicals.
