Making bricks with your own hands. From us you can buy professional machines for the production of bricks RK_mini_01 at the lowest price! From home production to mini-factory

Firebox old stove for firing

IN modern world prices for building materials are quite high. However, you can save a lot of money by knowing how to make bricks yourself. After all, not everyone can afford to build even a small structure from materials purchased in a store.

For example, you don't have to buy bricks to build walls. You can do it yourself. You will have to spend money on material for manufacturing, but in any case it will save a significant part of your finances. Precisely for preservation Money Knowledge of how to make bricks yourself will come in handy.

A brick is a rectangular stone made by human hands. Thanks to this shape, it is more convenient to use during construction than natural stone. So, what do you need for a homemade stone?


When making bricks with your own hands, you should start by finding clay. You can get it on your summer cottage. But if this is not possible, it is recommended to go to the nearest quarry. Making bricks at home involves the use of certain materials. You should first make sure the quality of the clay. It should be clean and normal in fat content. You can check this in the simplest ways. Here's one of them.

Pour water into 0.5 liters of clay prepared in advance. Do this until the clay becomes sticky. Roll a ball with a diameter of about 5 cm. Leave the product in the shade to dry for 2-3 days.

Next, evaluate how strong the ball is. If there is not a single crack on it, then the clay is not too greasy and there is no need to add sand to it. Then throw the ball from a height of 1 m. If cracks do not appear this time, then the material is definitely good quality and suitable fat content.

However, it also happens that the clay is not cracked, but at the same time is not strong enough. In this case, you need to mix clay and sand. Do this gradually, in small portions, constantly checking the consistency of the solution.

We make bricks when the ideal proportions of the mixture have been determined. You should choose the usual size for bricks - 250x120x65 mm. You need to fasten several molds with nails. A well-made mold will be the key to making bricks strong and suitable for construction.

A product made according to all the rules will be no worse than red brick made and fired at the factory. It is well suited for small structures. It is for such purposes that you need to know how to make a brick yourself at home.

The factory uses a specialized molding press because high-quality bricks are required to build houses. However, the owner who decided to build a barn does not have to buy such expensive equipment.

To make a brick mold, you need to purchase 2 sheets of plywood and several boards about 2.5 cm thick in advance. To speed up the process, you will need several molds. As a result, such a design will completely replace an expensive press, and the final product will be no worse than the factory one.

There should be voids in the brick to improve contact with the mortar. To do this, you need to make small cone-shaped protrusions on both covers. Fasten all the components of the mold with 5-6 cm nails, leaving only the top cover unfastened. This is required to fill the mold with mortar and remove the homemade brick from it.

Product molding

Take some clay, put it in a mold and press it down on all sides. Make sure the corners are filled.

Here's how to make a brick using a do-it-yourself mold. First, wet the mold with water and sprinkle with cement. This will eliminate problems when removing bricks. Place the clay mixture into the cells and shake the mold to distribute the clay into the corners. Excess material is carefully removed and covered with a lid. After time, you need to remove the homemade bricks.

Next, the main stage begins - drying. It is quite complicated due to the brick shrinking by 15%.
It is most convenient to carry out the process on a rack with a canopy. It is important that the future building material is well blown by the wind and does not fall under Sun rays and rain. This procedure takes from 6 to 15 days depending on weather conditions. The higher the air temperature, the faster the products will become dry.
So, the raw material is ready. How to make products fired? Most likely in household There is no industrial kiln, so you will have to make your own equipment for making bricks at home.
The firing process is complex. It is unlikely that it will be possible to build a large-scale structure from homemade materials, but if 30-50 products are required, then it would be wise to start processing the product yourself.

DIY firing

Making bricks at home requires only a barrel. Its volume should be about 250 liters. You need to lay bricks made by yourself there. Leave a small distance between the products so that they heat evenly.

Pre-prepare a hole 40-50 cm deep for the fire pit. For uniform heating of the products and convenient control of the fire, place the barrel on the fire with 20 cm legs.

Now fill it with content. Place the products one on top of the other, not forgetting to leave gaps. Then cover the barrel with a sheet of metal to prevent cold air from entering it. It is recommended to attach handles to the lid so as not to get burned when you need to remove it.

Bricks need to be fired for 18 to 20 hours. Maintain the fire under the barrel at the required level throughout.

After this, let the container cool. Do not remove the cover under any circumstances! The cooling process should occur slowly, gradually. It is necessary to regulate the temperature, slowly reducing the strength of the fire.

5 hours after the barrel has completely cooled, you can open the lid and take out the burnt brick.
The quality of the work done should be checked. To do this, conduct a test. You need to break one product with a hammer. If all firing rules are followed, it will be the same color in all places.

Next, pour water over the broken building material. At the end of its stay in water, the product must also have a uniform structure and the same color.
If the test is passed successfully, the firing process can be considered completed and you can continue to use building material made by yourself.
Thus, a brick that is made on its own without a press and industrial equipment, in no way inferior to the factory one.

The problem with bricks always exists, to a large extent, it is connected precisely with the cost of the building material. Many people would like to use it, but not everyone can afford it.

Therefore, people try to bypass the price barrier, save on costs, but at the same time remain with their desire. For example, you can make a machine that will prepare bricks without much effort.

What is required for work

In order for you to get a high-quality brick maker, you need to use following materials and tools:

  • The basis of everything is sheets of metal. It's best if it's stainless steel, but on the other hand, its price will cover all costs associated with the purchase of finished products.

Please note that the thickness of the material should be no thinner than 1 mm.

  • Additional metal elements: card loops, steel angle, small diameter solid tube.
  • Fastening elements: metal bolts and nuts.
  • Welding machine.
  • A set of keys.
  • Drill.
  • Metal scissors.
  • Hacksaw for metal (grinder).

Beginning of work

The first step is to cut metal products:

  • You can start by unraveling sheets of metal onto parts and cutting off 4 trapezoidal parts.

  • Also: two rectangular walls and two small square ones.

For your information!
Store building brick has the following dimensions: 250x120x65 mm - standard, 250x120x88 mm - one-and-a-half, 250x120x140 mm - double.

  • A rectangular shape is also cut out of sheets of metal, deeper, and this is where the work will be carried out.
  • Cut the steel angle into 4 pieces of equal length.
  • You can also use a metal corner for support, but it must be made of at least 3 mm steel.
  • For pressing, it is necessary to cut out a rectangular plate, the dimensions of which will be slightly smaller than the mold for pressing.
  • You also need to cut two. This is to make indentations in the workpiece that improve the adhesion of the mortar to the brick.

Welding work

This section is intended for those who have worked with welding machine, otherwise, we advise you to seek help from specialists.
Since welding is not only a dangerous stage of brick making, but also the most responsible.
There is no point in approaching this problem with negligence.

If, nevertheless, you are going to do everything yourself, then here is what you need to do:

  • The first step is to weld a container from trapezoidal parts into which the clay will be poured.
  • Now you need to make a brick mold. Weld small “wings” to it from the rectangular sides (for movement along the groove), and from the narrow side - a hollow tube. On the other narrow side another one is welded metal plate, which will cover the hole in the container with clay (so that it does not fall out).
  • Now let's move on to the frame homemade machine: out of 4 metal corners we make two grooves. Each groove consists of two corners welded together.
  • The next step is to weld the grooves together using a plate, which should cover most of the length of the corners.
  • Now we weld deep rectangular shape(it consists of five parts: 4 sides and one bottom). The lower part is attached to steel hinges and a latch, so that you can later remove the finished product without damaging it.
  • From one edge we weld a trapezoidal container with its tapering side to the grooved runners at a short distance.

The distance should be slightly greater than the height of the rectangular shape, which will be the basis for future bricks.

  • On the other edge, from the bottom, you should fix a rectangular shape for the blanks.
  • Metal corners are welded to it, which will serve as support for the entire structure.

It is best to securely fix these supports to the floor surface with something.
For example, if the machine will be placed outside, it is better to cement them; indoors they can be secured using metal corners and self-tapping screws.

  • Another important point– a solid metal tube is welded to the rectangular plate.
    This manual method pressing.
    For mechanized method you will need some knowledge of engineering.
    Two tubes are attached to the plate, which will make holes in the workpiece to improve the quality of setting with the solution.

On this welding work finished, you can begin the test production of clay bricks.

How to make a brick

  • For the base, use low-fat clay, one that will not crack after it dries in the sun.

To thin the clay, use sifted sand.

  • Insert the brick mold into the groove and slide it under the trapezoidal container.
  • Pour clay into the last one.

  • Push the workpiece by the handle to the end so that the contents fall into a rectangular shape.
  • Take the tamping tool in your hands and press firmly onto the clay.
  • Open the latch and carefully remove the brick.
  • Leave it to dry.

That's all, now you can make your own fairly strong and regularly shaped bricks.


As you can see, this instruction accessible only to those who know how to operate a welding machine. However, do not be discouraged if you need a budget option building material, then buy double sand-lime brick M 150. It harmoniously combines price and quality.

In the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.

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A few years ago, someone burned down their building and they decided to revive their place again, because here they spent best years their youth and left many memories and impressions here. And now, twenty years later, they are building their new winter hut here again.

The method of building and laying walls from short logs - logs - is not new. It was widely used as early as the late 1800s in the American Northeast, where barns and buildings built using this method survive to this day.

Our ancestors also built similar buildings, especially in the southern regions, where there is a shortage of timber. To fasten the masonry of logs, a clay-based solution was used. Therefore, the technology was called “clay mortar”.

We have houses like this since Soviet times, for example, a whole area called “chock town” in the city of Engels. Mostly timber mill workers live here. The logs were given out for heating (waste from export sawing), and each worker was given a limit of 10 m 3. This is how the village grew. The houses are beautiful to use, warm in winter, cool in summer.

Fig.1 Wood-burning house with walls made of firewood - logs.

In this house, Fig. 1, the walls are lined with short logs - logs laid on cement-sand mortar across the wall. Wall thickness 200-600 mm.

Only the ends of the logs are fastened with mortar, and in the middle sawdust and lime are poured between the logs.

For laying walls, short and thin-sized waste from logging and woodworking (cuts of beams, boards) or even chopped firewood - logs can be used.

The only condition is that the tree must be dry, otherwise, after the wood dries, through gaps may form in the wall.

Any craftsman can cut logs and place them in the wall. The cost of building the walls of such a house is significantly less than that of a log house.

A house with such walls is warm in winter and cool in summer. The walls have everything positive properties wooden walls, can be made to almost any thickness.

Small compact one-story country house, Fig. 1., was designed for construction using the technology of masonry walls made of logs, which allows you to build a cozy and cheap house.

Such a house will organically fit into the natural landscape.

The house plan is shown in Fig. 3.

On an area of ​​72.1 m 2 the house contains: common room, divided into living, dining and kitchen areas; two bedrooms; bathroom; laundry room

The house is heated wood stove- fireplace with heating circuit. A fireplace is installed in the living room.

The entrance to the house is on the left from the western facade.

The design of the house provides for the device.

Such houses are still being built. This house was built quite recently, Fig. 4.

The wooden walls of this house are 600 thick mm!!! We do not have any building standards for the construction of such walls.

garden house. The spaces between the posts of the timber frame are filled with wooden logs in mortar. Outbuilding. The spaces between the posts of the timber frame are filled with wooden logs in mortar.

The technology can be used as a summer cottage garden option for any one-story buildings - houses, bathhouses, garages, summer kitchens, veranda walls... .

For the construction of buildings from logs, three structural schemes are used:

  • Do wooden frame buildings from round timber, timber or boards and fill the gaps between the frame posts with masonry of logs.
  • Lay out from logs load-bearing walls. The corners of the walls are connected to each other by laying logs in the form of a cage, Fig. 2 and 4.
  • A log house is often made round in plan. The load-bearing external walls of the house do not have corners.

A wood-burning house with walls made of logs may not have corners - it may be round

Log sauna - video

Mortar for laying firewood - logs

  • Washed sand - 9 parts.
  • Wet sawdust— 3 parts.
  • Construction lime - 3 parts.
  • Cement - 2 parts.

The components of the mixture are first mixed dry and then water is added. Water is added in small portions in such an amount that the mortar becomes semi-dry “hard” - less plastic than mortar for laying bricks.

Roll the solution into a dense ball the size of a tennis ball in your hands, toss it and catch it in your palm. Ball from correct solution should not crumble or flatten.

Walls made of logs can also be laid on clay mortars. Laying method on clay mortar often called "clay**".

For laying logs, it is advantageous to use a more modern composition - cement-based. Such a solution will be more expensive, but will increase the resistance to heat transfer of the wall.

For insulation, a mixture of sawdust and building lime is poured into the space between the logs in the middle of the wall. One volume part of lime is mixed with 12 parts of sawdust. Lime protects sawdust from insects, fungi and mold.

Preparing logs for laying walls

For masonry walls, you can use both round and chipped or sawn wood. When laying wood, it is recommended to adhere to a certain style without randomly mixing logs of different shapes.

Round and chopped wood must be freed from bark. This is easier to do if the wood is still damp. Logs are prepared with a length equal to the thickness of the wall of the building - 200 - 600 mm.

Logs freed from bark must be dried in woodpiles under a canopy. The ends of the logs should be open to the sun and wind. Wood from the forest, naturally moist, is dried in a woodpile for at least one year.

During drying, logs shrink in size and may crack. Logs along through cracks must be split.

Wood house construction technology

Construction of the foundation and basement wood-burning house no different from similar structures, for example, wooden.

An example of laying logs on a mortar

Laying a wood-burning wall begins with laying two strips of mortar 60 - 70 wide on the base waterproofing layer mm. The distance between the outer edges of the strips is equal to the length of the log (wall thickness). Solution height about 30 mm.

The gap between the mortar strips is filled with an insulating mixture of sawdust and lime.

Then the logs of the first row are placed on the solution, slightly rocking and pressing. Between adjacent logs leave a gap of about 30 mm.

The next rows of logs are laid in the same way.

Until the mortar has set, the seams of the masonry outside and inside the house are unstitched, and the mortar is leveled and compacted in the spaces between the logs. The mortar in the seams is leveled so that the depth of the seams is about 5 mm.

To support beams attic floor and the roof rafters, a frame made of timber - a mauerlat - is laid on top of the walls. The mauerlat bars are fastened to the wall using wire ties. One end of the wire is twisted around a log in the thickness of the upper part of the wall, and the other end is secured to the roof rafter.

The walls of a wood-burning house can be sheathed both outside and inside. The design, materials and technology of cladding the walls of a house made of wood are no different from cladding wooden houses from other materials, for example, from timber.

During construction modern houses in cold climates, it is recommended to lay logs in the wall as shown in the figure - in two layers, with an air gap between the layers. The air gap is filled with insulation - ecowool. Layers of masonry are connected to each other by laying long logs over the entire thickness of the wall.

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