Physical quantities. Measurement of physical quantities - Knowledge Hypermarket. Choosing measuring instruments that can be measured and

3. Frontal survey

- Guys, what concepts did we get acquainted with in the last lesson?
– At home, it was necessary to draw a table in a notebook in which it was necessary to distribute the following words into columns (physical body, matter, phenomenon): lead, thunder, rails, blizzard, aluminum, dawn, blizzard, Moon, alcohol, scissors, mercury, snowfall, table, copper, helicopter, oil, boiling, blizzard, shot, flood.

Completion of the table is checked orally.

Meanwhile, one student draws up the solution to the task of converting units of measurement on the board.
Afterwards, the children themselves evaluate the correctness of the completed task.
The most active students who commented and answered confidently, correctly and reasonably should be evaluated.
– The third task was creative: to pick up riddles about physical bodies, phenomena, substances.
- Let's play the game "Chain". The condition of the game is as follows: I will tell you a riddle, and you must not only guess it, but also determine: body, substance or phenomenon. Whoever guesses the answer reads out theirs. Whoever guesses a classmate's riddle offers his own, etc. along the chain. And the last condition: the riddles are not repeated.


Miracle - bird, scarlet tail
Flew into a flock of stars.

- Well done!
Evaluating homework results.
Marks are placed in the journal.
You are encouraged to submit creative assignments in the form of puzzles, crosswords, and drawings.

4. Learning new material

- Guys, how long do you think it took us to check our homework?
-Have you ever had to Everyday life Should I still take measurements? Which?
– All of these listed examples are physical quantities. Today in the lesson we will get to know them in more detail and learn how to measure them.( Slide 1).
– Write down the date and topic of the lesson in your notebook: “Measurement is the basis of technology.”
– What measuring instruments are you familiar with? What quantities can be measured with them? ( Slide 2)

– You know a lot of physical instruments!
– Do you know how to determine quantities with their help?
- Shall we check?
– I will divide you into groups of 5 people. And each group will experimentally test and confirm their knowledge.
I divide the class into 5 groups with an equal number of children, but different skills and abilities. Since the groups are of different levels, therefore, it is necessary to select differentiated tasks: low, medium, high level. (Appendix 3 )
When performing the experiment, I remind you of the basic safety rules: working with thermometers, small objects and sharp objects.
The performing student (from each group) is evaluated, and the correctness of homework is also taken into account.
- Well done!
– You have all now proven that you know how to use measuring instruments.
– Tell me, why do we need to know the length and width of the palm?
– Why do we need to know how to determine body weight?

– Where and when did you take your temperature?

– When else can we measure the volume of a body using a ruler?

– Guys, think about how you can determine the volume of air in a classroom?

– Let’s write this formula in a notebook.
– How can you determine the volume of a piece of chalk? (Show me the chalk).
– But we are surrounded not only by bodies with the correct geometric shape. For example, a porcelain roller, a Kinder-surprise toy, a spoon, etc.
All items are on display.

– How to determine the volume of an irregularly shaped body? For example, “Kinder-surprise” toys?

– We measure the volume of a small toy physical device- beaker.
– Write down the name of this device in your notebook.
– How to measure body volume with a beaker? To do this, pour a certain amount of water into a beaker. Immerse the entire body being examined into a beaker of water and notice that the water level has increased. The difference in the readings of water volumes will be the desired value - the volume of the body.
– Write the formula in your notebook:
V = V 1 – V 2, where V 1 is the volume of water in the beaker, and V 2 is the volume of water and the body immersed in it.
– Who will determine the volume of a copper cylinder using a beaker?
The following must be taken into account: this experiment is visible only from a seated audience. Therefore, it is demonstrated slide 3(result of the experiment).
– Guys, what do all measuring instruments have in common? ( Slide 2. Hyperlink).
Next, follow the hyperlink to slide 4. The scale and its characteristics.
– Let’s consider a device with the same purpose, but with different scales. On page 9 of the textbook, fig. 11 and 12.
- Guys, tell me if the thermometer readings are the same.
– Which thermometer shows the highest temperature?
– In order to be able to accurately take readings from an instrument, you need to know its division value.
– Write down the subtitle “Division Price” in your notebook.
– The division value is the smallest value of a physical quantity that the device can measure.
– In order to correctly determine the division price, there is a rule. ( Slide 5) We find the same rule in the textbook.
Let's learn to determine the price of a beaker scale division. ( Slide 6).
– Write down the formula for determining the division price:
C = (a – b) / d. ( Slide 7).
We learn to determine the value of scale divisions and measure instrument readings. ( Slides 8, 9).

5. Consolidation of the studied material

- Well done!
- Guys, what new did you learn in class today?

Evaluating those children who were active in the lesson, taking into account group work.

6. Homework

- Let's write it down homework in the diaries. ( Slide 10).
I distribute cards with tasks of two options. ( Appendix 4 )
I answer children’s questions if they arise while getting acquainted with the tasks.
At the next lesson, students check this work with each other and mark it in the margins with a pencil.
– In the remaining time we will play “Understand Me.” ( Slide 11)
– Game condition: I ask leading statements, and your task is to guess what we're talking about as soon as possible. If the answer is correct, the answer will appear on the screen.
– What physical quantity can be measured with their help?
– Where else is this device used?

- Second riddle. ( Slide 12).
– Where and for what is this device used?

– Third riddle: ( Slide 13).
– Have you seen this device and where?

The most savvy one also needs to be assessed.

- Well done, thank you all for your attention. Everyone Thanks a lot. (Slide 14).

Magnitude is something that can be measured. Concepts such as length, area, volume, mass, time, speed, etc. are called quantities. The value is measurement result, it is determined by a number expressed in certain units. The units in which a quantity is measured are called units of measurement.

To indicate a quantity, a number is written, and next to it is the name of the unit in which it was measured. For example, 5 cm, 10 kg, 12 km, 5 min. Each quantity has countless values, for example the length can be equal to: 1 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm, etc.

The same quantity can be expressed in different units, for example kilogram, gram and ton are units of weight. The same quantity in different units is expressed by different numbers. For example, 5 cm = 50 mm (length), 1 hour = 60 minutes (time), 2 kg = 2000 g (weight).

To measure a quantity means to find out how many times it contains another quantity of the same kind, taken as a unit of measurement.

For example, we want to find out the exact length of a room. This means we need to measure this length using another length that is well known to us, for example using a meter. To do this, set aside a meter along the length of the room as many times as possible. If it fits exactly 7 times along the length of the room, then its length is 7 meters.

As a result of measuring the quantity, we obtain or named number, for example 12 meters, or several named numbers, for example 5 meters 7 centimeters, the totality of which is called compound named number.


In each state, the government has established certain units of measurement for various quantities. An accurately calculated unit of measurement, adopted as a standard, is called standard or exemplary unit. Model units of the meter, kilogram, centimeter, etc. were made, according to which units for everyday use were made. Units that have come into use and are approved by the state are called measures.

The measures are called homogeneous, if they serve to measure quantities of the same kind. So, gram and kilogram are homogeneous measures, since they are used to measure weight.


Below are units of measurement of various quantities that are often found in mathematics problems:

Weight/mass measures

  • 1 ton = 10 quintals
  • 1 quintal = 100 kilograms
  • 1 kilogram = 1000 grams
  • 1 gram = 1000 milligrams
  • 1 kilometer = 1000 meters
  • 1 meter = 10 decimeters
  • 1 decimeter = 10 centimeters
  • 1 centimeter = 10 millimeters

  • 1 sq. kilometer = 100 hectares
  • 1 hectare = 10,000 sq. meters
  • 1 sq. meter = 10000 sq. centimeters
  • 1 sq. centimeter = 100 square meters millimeters
  • 1 cu. meter = 1000 cubic meters decimeters
  • 1 cu. decimeter = 1000 cubic meters centimeters
  • 1 cu. centimeter = 1000 cubic meters millimeters

Let's consider another quantity like liter. A liter is used to measure the capacity of vessels. A liter is a volume that is equal to one cubic decimeter (1 liter = 1 cubic decimeter).

Measures of time

  • 1 century (century) = 100 years
  • 1 year = 12 months
  • 1 month = 30 days
  • 1 week = 7 days
  • 1 day = 24 hours
  • 1 hour = 60 minutes
  • 1 minute = 60 seconds
  • 1 second = 1000 milliseconds

In addition, time units such as quarter and decade are used.

  • quarter - 3 months
  • decade - 10 days

A month is taken to be 30 days unless it is necessary to specify the date and name of the month. January, March, May, July, August, October and December - 31 days. February in a simple year - 28 days, February in leap year- 29 days. April, June, September, November - 30 days.

A year is (approximately) the time it takes for the Earth to complete one revolution around the Sun. It is customary to count every three consecutive years as 365 days, and the fourth year following them as 366 days. A year containing 366 days is called leap year, and years containing 365 days - simple. One extra day is added to the fourth year for the following reason. The Earth's revolution around the Sun does not contain exactly 365 days, but 365 days and 6 hours (approximately). Thus, a simple year is shorter than a true year by 6 hours, and 4 simple years are shorter than 4 true years by 24 hours, i.e., by one day. Therefore, one day is added to every fourth year (February 29).

You will learn about other types of quantities as you further study various sciences.

Abbreviated names of measures

Abbreviated names of measures are usually written without a dot:

  • Kilometer - km
  • Meter - m
  • Decimeter - dm
  • Centimeter - cm
  • Millimeter - mm

Weight/mass measures

  • ton - t
  • quintal - c
  • kilogram - kg
  • gram - g
  • milligram - mg

Area measures (square measures)

  • sq. kilometer - km 2
  • hectare - ha
  • sq. meter - m 2
  • sq. centimeter - cm 2
  • sq. millimeter - mm 2

  • cube meter - m 3
  • cube decimeter - dm 3
  • cube centimeter - cm 3
  • cube millimeter - mm 3

Measures of time

  • century - in
  • year - g
  • month - m or months
  • week - n or week
  • day - s or d (day)
  • hour - h
  • minute - m
  • second - s
  • millisecond - ms

Measure of vessel capacity

  • liter - l

Measuring instruments

Special measuring instruments are used to measure various quantities. Some of them are very simple and designed for simple measurements. Such instruments include a measuring ruler, tape measure, measuring cylinder, etc. Other measuring instruments are more complex. Such devices include stopwatches, thermometers, electronic scales, etc.

Measuring instruments usually have a measuring scale (or scale for short). This means that there are line divisions on the device, and next to each line division the corresponding value of the quantity is written. The distance between the two strokes, next to which the value of the value is written, can be additionally divided into several smaller divisions; these divisions are most often not indicated by numbers.

It is not difficult to determine what value each smallest division corresponds to. So, for example, the figure below shows a measuring ruler:

The numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. indicate the distances between the strokes, which are divided into 10 identical divisions. Therefore, each division (the distance between the nearest strokes) corresponds to 1 mm. This quantity is called at the cost of a scale division measuring instrument.

Before you begin measuring a value, you should determine the scale division value of the instrument you are using.

In order to determine the division price, you must:

  1. Find the two closest lines on the scale, next to which the values ​​of the quantity are written.
  2. Subtract the smaller number from the larger value and divide the resulting number by the number of divisions between them.

As an example, let’s determine the price of the scale division of the thermometer shown in the figure on the left.

Let's take two lines, near which the numerical values ​​of the measured value (temperature) are plotted.

For example, bars indicating 20 °C and 30 °C. The distance between these strokes is divided into 10 divisions. Thus, the price of each division will be equal to:

(30 °C - 20 °C) : 10 = 1 °C

Therefore, the thermometer shows 47 °C.

Each of us constantly has to measure various quantities in everyday life. For example, in order to arrive at school or work on time, you have to measure the time that will be spent on the road. Meteorologists measure the temperature to predict the weather, Atmosphere pressure, wind speed, etc.

Hidden damage to a car can be determined by assessing the thickness of the paint. Surely many have seen special devices in the hands of resellers, with the help of which they determine whether the car is intact or “damaged.” These devices are called thickness gauges. Let's talk about their main types and methods for determining thickness paint coating cars.

You don't have to be a professional reseller to master the use of thickness gauges. Their use is justified even if you decide to buy a used car for yourself. Because of this, I would like to talk in more detail about the main varieties and methods of working with them. To begin with, let’s cover the topic of how you can use a thickness gauge to determine whether a car was “damaged” or not.

The fact is that the thickness of the factory paint layer on all car body parts, as a rule, ranges from 70 to 180 microns. If the device readings are within these limits, then this or that part has not been repainted. If the car has been in an accident, but has been restored, then this cannot be done without applying a layer of putty. This greatly increases the thickness of the paint coating.

If the device shows that the total thickness of the coating exceeds 200-250 microns, this serves as a signal that the car has been in an accident. Or if in one or several places the thickness is significantly greater than in others, it means there is a layer of repair putty.

Types of thickness gauges, which ones are most practical

There are many types of thickness gauges, the operation of which is based on different principles, but three types are suitable for assessing the thickness of car paintwork: electromagnetic, eddy current and ultrasonic. Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages, which is why they should be discussed separately.

Electromagnetic thickness gauges are practical and reliable instruments, the main advantage of which can be considered high measurement accuracy. Their disadvantages include the fact that measurements are available only for iron-containing surfaces. These thickness gauges are too tough for any non-ferrous metals or plastic.

Eddy current thickness gauges cope with measuring coating thickness on any metal. They work best with materials that have high conductivity and this is their main disadvantage. These devices have excellent measurement accuracy for surfaces made of metals such as aluminum, but for iron this parameter leaves much to be desired.

Ultrasonic thickness gauges- the most universal. With their help, you can measure the thickness of the paint layer not only on metal surfaces, but also on plastic, composite materials, ceramics. They With high accuracy measure the thickness of the coating not only on car body parts, but also on plastic bumpers, carbon inserts and other decorative elements.

Ultrasonic devices are best suited for professional activity and their main disadvantage can be considered their relatively high cost. Therefore, there are services where you can rent a thickness gauge for several days/days, which will be more profitable.

How to use it correctly?

In conclusion, we will briefly describe the method of using a thickness gauge to assess the condition of a car body. It boils down to the following actions: when applying the control part of the device to each body part, you need to monitor the indicator readings. You should start measuring from one of the front wings, sequentially walking around the car.

Each part should be measured at a minimum of 4 points, paying special attention to the vertical posts and roof. For example, we measured the front fender - the device showed 180, the front door - 140, back door- 690, rear wing - from 150 to 600. This means that the blow was to the rear door and the wing. Very great importance on the pillars and roof - indicates serious repairs to the car; a more thorough check is needed.

Video - measurement example

If the device readings in any place exceed the factory standard, it is necessary to increase the number of control points. This will reveal the area of ​​damage and its severity, which is directly proportional to the layer of putty applied.

Vernier calipers are a very popular measuring tool. The design of a caliper is quite simple, so almost anyone can use it without any special effort. preliminary preparation. It can be used to measure both external and inner dimensions various parts, as well as the depth of the holes in them. Despite simple design, this tool has different class accuracy and can give readings with an accuracy of 0.1 to 0.01 mm. It received its name based on the main design detail. Thanks to its design, the caliper is rightfully considered one of the most versatile measuring instruments.

Using a caliper, you can measure both the external and internal dimensions of various parts, as well as the depth of the holes in them.

Fundamental design characteristics of a caliper

A vernier tool in principle, and a caliper in in this case, has as its main part a retractable rod with a measuring scale. This scale is divided into 1 mm divisions, and its total length for the simplest household model ШЦ-1 ranges from 15 to 25 cm. There are also larger models, but they are used only on industrial enterprises and are much less common. It is this rod that determines the maximum value that this particular model of caliper can measure.

Digital caliper The SCC has a digital display mounted on a movable frame.

A special design feature of it is the presence of such a device as a vernier. This is an auxiliary scale that is movable relative to the main ruler. It helps to correctly determine the number of division shares on this ruler. The divisions on the vernier scale, also known as “vernier”, are a certain fraction smaller than the divisions of the main ruler. There can be 10 of them for a model with an accuracy of up to 0.1 mm, or 20 for models with an accuracy of up to 0.05 mm. The principle of operation of a vernier is based on the fact that it is much easier to determine by eye the coincidence of divisions than the relative location of one division between two others.

If it is necessary to measure external surfaces, such as the cross-section of a wire, large jaws are simply placed on both sides of the internal surfaces. The wire is clamped between them, and the zero division of the scale of the moving frame gives an indication on the main scale of the rod. Small jaws are shaped like scissor blades, which helps measure the diameter of a pipe or other hole on a scale without additional calculations. They have external working surfaces, having the profile of a sharpened blade, so they can measure such an indicator as the thread pitch.

Components and Applications

The tool consists of a fixed base and retractable fittings. They are made of tool steel. The caliper includes the following components:

  1. The main rod on which all movable fittings are attached. The main scale is located on it.
  2. A movable frame with a screw lock and pressed by an internal spring plate. There is a vernier scale on it. It can be applied directly to it, or it can be on a plate secured with screws. This allows you to adjust it relative to the scale on the bar.
  3. Sponges for measuring external surfaces, or large sponges. One of them is mounted on a fixed rod, and the other on a movable frame. The ends have narrow surfaces, which gives additional features for measuring.
  4. Measuring sponges internal surfaces, or small sponges. They are located according to the same principle opposite the previous ones along the central axis.
  5. Ruler for measuring depths. Attached to a movable frame.

The ruler for measuring depth is mounted on a movable frame and moves along a groove made in the plane of the rod. It can also be used to measure internal grooves and shoulder distances. The rod is placed on its end perpendicular to the object being measured. The ruler extends until it rests on the bottom. To measure conical holes, its end has a slight point. After receiving the measurement result, it is recommended to fix the position of the instrument with a locking screw, and only then take readings.

Types of caliper designs and their markings

Along with the simplest mechanical model, the structure of which is discussed above, there are others. They can be divided into 4 main types, having 8 standard sizes. Their designs, as well as their purpose, have some differences. In addition to the double-sided caliper ShTs-1 discussed above, there is a one-sided version ShTsT-1. It has jaws on only one side and a ruler for measuring depths. Although he has mechanical device, like ShTs-1, the material for its manufacture is hard high-alloy steel. Such a tool helps to determine the external linear dimensions and depth of holes during abrasive action on the object being measured.

The instrument, called ShTs-2, is equipped with a double-sided design, but the jaws for measuring internal and external surfaces are combined, and have, respectively, flat surfaces on the inside and cylindrical surfaces on the outside. Opposite them are jaws of the same size for measuring external dimensions, which have sharpened edges. This allows you to not only measure, but also mark on the surface of the part being measured. In addition, this model has an auxiliary micrometer feed frame, which allows you to take readings with great accuracy.

The ShTs-3 caliper differs from the previous model only in its one-sided design. Its pair of jaws are designed to measure both internal and external dimensions. This model is designed to measure the largest sizes, so it is also quite large. With what larger sizes measuring device, the greater the resulting measurement error. Therefore, in addition to the designs described above, calipers are divided according to the indicators with which readings are taken.

According to this principle, they are divided into vernier ones, in which the readings are calculated independently based on the movement of the frame, into dial and digital ones. Dials marked ShTsK use the same mechanical principle. On the frame there is a digital scale connected to the rod by a gear transmission. Whole millimeters are read by the position of the edge of the frame, and their fractions are narrower by the dial. Such a caliper has a higher accuracy class than a vernier caliper and can be up to 0.01 mm. However, it is very vulnerable to mechanical damage and contamination of the rack from the parts being measured.

The use of calipers is inextricably linked with turning production, installation of various pipeline systems, screw connections and other structures that require increased accuracy.

At the same time, thanks to the design, almost everyone can use it. The ShTsTs digital caliper has a digital display mounted on a movable frame. A reading device is built into the frame, indicating the distance between the measuring jaws. There are buttons on the display that allow you to control them. The accuracy of such a device is 0.01 mm and allows you to measure the most small parts, in particular to control the thread. However, all the disadvantages of electronic devices are inherent in this instrument. Changes in rod parameters due to temperature changes immediately affect the display readings.

A thermometer is a device designed to measure the temperature of a liquid, gaseous or solid medium. The inventor of the first device for measuring temperature is Galileo Galilei. Device name with Greek language translates as “to measure heat.” Galileo's first prototype was significantly different from modern ones. The device appeared in a more familiar form more than 200 years later, when the Swedish physicist Celsius began studying this issue. He developed a system for measuring temperature by dividing the thermometer into a scale from 0 to 100. In honor of the physicist, temperature levels are measured in degrees Celsius.

Varieties based on operating principle

Although more than 400 years have passed since the invention of the first thermometers, these devices are still being improved. In this regard, new devices are appearing based on previously unused operating principles.

Nowadays there are 7 types of thermometers:
  • Liquid.
  • Gas.
  • Mechanical.
  • Electrical.
  • Thermoelectric.
  • Fiber optic.
  • Infrared.

Thermometers are among the very first instruments. They work on the principle that liquids expand when temperature changes. When a liquid heats up, it expands, and when it cools, it contracts. The device itself consists of a very thin glass flask filled with liquid substance. The flask is applied to a vertical scale made in the form of a ruler. The temperature of the medium being measured is equal to the division on the scale indicated by the liquid level in the flask. These devices are very accurate. Their error is rarely more than 0.1 degrees. In various designs, liquid devices are capable of measuring temperatures up to +600 degrees. Their disadvantage is that if dropped, the flask may break.


They work exactly the same as liquid ones, only their flasks are filled with inert gas. Due to the fact that gas is used as a filler, the measuring range increases. Such a thermometer can show maximum temperatures ranging from +271 to +1000 degrees. These instruments are usually used to take temperature readings of various hot substances.


The thermometer works on the principle of deformation of a metal spiral. Such devices are equipped with an arrow. They look a little like a clock. Similar devices are used on car dashboards and various special equipment. The main advantage of mechanical thermometers is their durability. They are not afraid of shaking or shocks, like glass models.


The devices operate on the physical principle of changing the resistance level of a conductor at different temperatures. The hotter the metal, the more resistant it is to transmission. electric current higher. The sensitivity range of electric thermometers depends on the metal used as a conductor. For copper it ranges from -50 to +180 degrees. More expensive models on platinum can indicate temperatures from -200 to +750 degrees. Such devices are used as temperature sensors in production and laboratories.


The thermometer has 2 conductors in its design that measure temperature according to the physical principle, the so-called Seebeck effect. Such devices have a wide measurement range from -100 to +2500 degrees. The accuracy of thermoelectric devices is about 0.01 degrees. They can be found in industrial production when measurement is required high temperatures over 1000 degrees.

Fiber Optic

Made from fiber optics. These are very sensitive sensors that can measure temperatures up to +400 degrees. Moreover, their error does not exceed 0.1 degrees. This thermometer is based on a stretched optical fiber, which stretches or contracts when the temperature changes. A beam of light passing through it is refracted, which is recorded by an optical sensor that compares the refraction with the ambient temperature.


The thermometer, or pyrometer, is one of the most recent inventions. They have an upper measurement range from +100 to +3000 degrees. Unlike previous types of thermometers, they take readings without direct contact with the substance being measured. The device sends an infrared beam to the surface being measured and displays its temperature on a small screen. However, the accuracy may differ by several degrees. Similar devices are used to measure heating levels metal blanks, which are located in the furnace, engine housing, etc. Infrared thermometers can show the temperature of an open flame. Similar devices are used in dozens of different areas.

Varieties by purpose
Thermometers can be classified into several groups:
  • Medical.
  • Household for air.
  • Kitchen.
  • Industrial.
Medical thermometer

Medical thermometers are usually called thermometers. They have a low measuring range. This is due to the fact that the body temperature of a living person cannot be below +29.5 and above +42 degrees.

Depending on the design, medical thermometers are:
  • Glass.
  • Digital.
  • Pacifier.
  • Button.
  • Infrared ear.
  • Infrared frontal.

Glass Thermometers were the first to be used for medical purposes. These devices are universal. Usually their flasks are filled with alcohol. Previously, mercury was used for such purposes. Such devices have one big drawback, namely the need for a long wait to display real body temperature. For axillary execution, the waiting time is at least 5 minutes.

Digital Thermometers have a small screen on which body temperature is displayed. They are able to show accurate data 30-60 seconds after the start of measurement. When the thermometer reaches its final temperature, it creates sound signal, after which it can be removed. These devices may operate with errors if they do not fit very tightly to the body. Cheap models exist electronic thermometers, which take readings no less long than glass ones. However, they do not create a sound signal about the end of the measurement.

Thermometers nipples made especially for small children. The device is a pacifier that is inserted into the baby's mouth. Typically, such models emit a musical signal after completing the measurement. The accuracy of the devices is 0.1 degrees. If the baby begins to breathe through his mouth or cry, the deviation from the actual temperature can be significant. The measurement duration is 3-5 minutes.

Thermometers buttons They are also used for children under three years of age. The shape of such devices resembles a pushpin, which is placed rectally. These devices take readings quickly, but have low accuracy.

Infrared ear The thermometer reads the temperature from the eardrum. Such a device can take measurements in just 2-4 seconds. It also comes with a digital display and runs on . This device Has a backlight to facilitate insertion into the ear canal. The devices are suitable for measuring temperature in children over 3 years of age and adults, since infants have too thin ear canals into which the tip of the thermometer does not fit.

Infrared frontal thermometers are simply applied to the forehead. They work on the same principle as ear ones. One of the advantages of such devices is that they can operate without contact at a distance of 2.5 cm from the skin. Thus, with their help you can measure the child’s body temperature without waking him up. The speed of operation of forehead thermometers is several seconds.

Household for air

Household thermometers are used to measure air temperature outdoors or indoors. They are usually made in glass version and filled with alcohol or mercury. Typically, their measurement range in outdoor settings is from -50 to +50 degrees, and in indoor settings from 0 to +50 degrees. Such devices can often be found in the form of interior decorations or refrigerator magnets.


Kitchen thermometers are designed to measure the temperature of various dishes and ingredients. They can be mechanical, electrical or fluid. They are used in cases where it is necessary to strictly control the temperature of the recipe, for example, when preparing caramel. Typically, such devices come complete with a sealed tube for storage.


Industrial thermometers are designed to measure temperature in various systems. They are usually devices mechanical type with an arrow. They can be seen in water and gas supply lines. Industrial models are electrical, infrared, mechanical, etc. They have the widest variety of shapes, sizes and measurement ranges.
