Doorway without. Doorway without a door: necessity or design solution? Complex openings without doors

The design of an opening without a door involves several features. Not all materials are suitable for this type of finishing, and the selected options will have to be handled quite carefully. Some structures can be created with your own hands, but the construction of others is best left to a professional.


The logical conclusion would be that a doorway without a door is made entirely without a door frame. All decoration includes only the lining of the opening itself, which is done using a variety of different materials.

The design of a doorless opening allows you to choose from a variety of shapes, including classic and interesting fancy options.

Not every room will have an opening without a door that will look appropriate. There are some rooms that must have a door, and these include not only the toilet and bathroom. The bedroom, kitchen, office must be equipped with a full door Since these rooms are larger than others, there is a need for privacy and intimacy.

However, every rule can be circumvented. For additional decoration of such openings, curtains, muslin, and screens are used. They allow you to create the illusion of dividing the room without completely replacing the door.

Decorating an open doorway implies relying on the integrity of the entire home. As a rule, identical doorless openings are made in an apartment or house. This applies to both shape and finish. They act as a connecting element, uniting all rooms into a single ensemble.

Speaking about the advantages that open openings have compared to classic doorways, we cannot fail to mention saving space. Each door occupies at least a square meter of usable space. When creating a doorless structure, this problem disappears. From an aesthetic point of view, an opening allows you to visually expand the space or expand the functional area of ​​the room by combining it with a utility room. A good example is the recent frequent combination of a balcony and a living room.

In some cases, a doorless space looks much more attractive than a door, especially when it is beautifully decorated. For example, shelves are often placed along the contour of such an opening. The figurines or other little things placed on them beautifully frame the skylight, creating a unique atmosphere that cannot be repeated. Thus, sometimes an open doorway looks even more intimate than a thick oak door.

Finally, another important advantage is creating sufficient ventilation in the apartment. Air circulates better through open space, and for small apartments, for example, like in houses built by Khrushchev, this factor is important - it allows you to combat stuffiness.

Creating several openings can completely change the original layout of the apartment, but in reality it comes out much cheaper than a full-fledged redevelopment.

In addition, it is often possible to create an opening even in a load-bearing wall, so there are many more options for a new apartment plan.


There are many different configurations of doorways without a door, which differ from each other not only in their shape, but also in the material with which they are created. Along with traditional raw materials, the latest developments in the field of design are also used.

The simplest in design is ordinary rectangular span. Creating a rectangular opening is very simple: the door frame is completely dismantled, then the surface of the walls is leveled along the contour. In the future, the resulting gap is simply painted or lined with a suitable material. There are a great variety of finishing methods, starting with the simple installation of wooden extensions and ending with the creation of pompous stucco columns.

More popular building arched structures. To do this, it is not necessary to expand the existing opening in the wall, but last years The idea of ​​creating false arches is actively used. In this case, corner elements made of polyurethane or plasterboard with rounded sides are installed in the rectangular span, and the result is a full-fledged arch with much less cost and labor. However, this method is not suitable for all homes: it is necessary that the opening be of sufficient height.

There are several types of arches:

  • Rounded arch. It is a classic interpretation and can be used in absolutely any room, regardless of the parameters, but there is one unspoken rule. The lower the ceiling, the wider the arched span should be.
  • Trapezoidal span. It is created from straight lines and can only be called an arch conditionally. Designers do not recommend using this form because of its strong association with a funeral accessory - a coffin.
  • Triangular arch. There are a huge number of subtypes of triangular arches: keeled, pointed horseshoe, Tudor. Similar elements came to modern design from the Middle Ages, and they are used preferably in high, spacious rooms.

More and more often, people are abandoning the creation of ordinary classical openings in favor of fancy asymmetrical ones.

They can only be made in plasterboard partition walls. Asymmetrical openings can have any shape, and can also be supplemented with all kinds of auxiliary details: shelves, niches, lighting. This design acts as bright element and sets the tone for the entire appearance of the room. Catching your gaze, an asymmetrical opening helps to hide possible flaws when renovating a room.


It is possible to balance the proportions of rooms in an apartment using doorways without doors. Depending on whether the opening is wide or narrow, high or low, the impression made varies.

For rooms with low ceilings, it is strictly not recommended to install narrow spans. Visually they will make the room tiny and uncomfortable. It is better to choose a wide option that will visually expand the area of ​​the room, add air and light to it. This applies not only arched openings, but also rectangular.

Optimal height also depends on the original proportions of the room. If you want to use a skylight to combine two rooms, it is recommended to make it almost as high as the ceiling. An ordinary span, serving only as an alternative to a door, should be made significantly lower, but its height should not be lower than 2 m. In the case of arches, this figure increases by at least 30 cm. This is due not so much to aesthetic rules as to safety requirements: people may hit the upper narrow part of the arch hard in the dark.

When constructing asymmetrical structures, the following rule should be followed: the more intricate the shape, the wider the opening should be. Too much concentration of monograms and other elements on small space will overload the look, making the design unnecessarily pretentious and bulky. As a result, instead of a spectacular accent, you will get a tasteless option that you will soon get tired of.

Thus, the size of the doorway is largely determined by the characteristics of the room itself, and not by the chosen shape.

Remember that very wide doorways are best decorated using some kind of texture, for example, relief moldings. If you use ordinary smooth cladding, the light will be “lost” against the general background of the room and, from an aesthetic point of view, will not look particularly harmonious.

In various rooms

In the vast majority of cases, the advisability of installing a doorless opening is obvious, however, sometimes refusing a door is extremely undesirable. Some of the rooms where it is best to leave a door include the kitchen. This is especially true in small apartments, where a strong kitchen smell will be especially annoying. It's not always pleasant when scents are felt in the living room or bedroom.

The old boring interior of the living room can be changed beyond recognition, at the same time intelligently expanding the usable area. If you abandon the separate balcony block and the door to the balcony, you will be able to make the living room brighter. The balcony will certainly need to be furnished in a style similar to the living room, since the rooms, united by a doorless skylight, should be perceived as a single whole.

You can often encounter cases where the door is refused between the corridor and the dressing room. Since both of these spaces are quite small and cramped, this move helps hide this fact, allowing people to feel more free.

In small apartments, doors between the hallway and the living room are abandoned, especially if the apartment is one-room. This way the entire area is perceived as a single whole, making the home seem larger.

In cases where such a small apartment has low ceilings, it is better not to choose an arched shape as an opening. It is much more logical to focus on the classic rectangular span.

It is quite rare for people to refuse a door to the bedroom, but they do not dare to completely leave the entrance “defenseless”. They come to the rescue thick curtains or screens, which perfectly protect the intimacy of the room. If necessary, they can be easily and quickly dismantled. Interesting solution is the use of curtains with tiebacks: at night they can be completely closed, and during the day they will serve as a beautiful frame for the opening.

How to apply correctly?

The opening is cashed with different materials and using different techniques. You can decorate the interior space with your own hands, or you can turn to professionals who will create a complex and unique decor.

Good idea– decorate the doorway with curtains.

Decorative curtain plays the same role as the door psychologically, but it takes up much less space. If desired, the curtains can be removed completely without any problems or replaced with others, and the appearance of the opening structure will not be affected (for example, if you simply remove the door leaf, hinges will remain on the span, which do not look very attractive).

Another option for decorating a doorway without a door is to use additional elements registration – various stucco panels. With their help, it will be possible to improve any opening, regardless of how smooth walls and in what colors the opening is made. Finishing is extremely simple and is often done entirely independently.

With the help of stucco it is possible to decorate openings in different styles. For example, you can make a classic arch with columns and heavy shaped elements. If you add gilding, you will be able to completely recreate the spirit of baroque or classic. For modern interiors, it is more appropriate to use simple relief moldings with geometric patterns, for example, embossed lines and grooves. If in the first case it was appropriate to choose pilasters and capitals, then in the second they should be avoided.

Stucco molding can be found quite rarely; it has practically gone out of use recently. This is due to the relatively small dimensions modern apartments, because in small spaces intricate designs look ridiculous. You shouldn’t completely abandon stucco elements: some of them can help expand the room.

Also, masonry is often used to design door openings without doors. artificial stone, clinker tiles or drywall.


Cladding a doorway without a door can be done using a variety of materials. The simplest solution is to paint the gap or cover it with the same wallpaper as the walls. However, there is one “but”: only perfectly smooth walls are suitable for this, otherwise the whole structure will look insufficiently neat and as if made hastily.

Another option is to make a box from the extensions and place it in the gap or sheathe it MDF panels. In both cases, you will get a wooden aperture that looks stylish and can be harmoniously integrated into almost any interior.

Framing the opening is best done with wood valuable species or their imitation, since these are the solutions that look best.

It is also possible to cover the gap with plasterboard. Drywall is a truly unique material. With its help, you can form a structure of almost any configuration, supplementing it with elements from other lightweight materials, for example, polyurethane.

You can easily make a simple plasterboard opening yourself, and it will not take much time, and the effect will please you.

Often the gaps are lined with imitation stone or clinker tiles. Clinker tiles imitate brick, but they weigh several times less. They produce tiles in different shapes: there are also classic elements, as well as special corner ones. There is a wide variety of sizes on the market, but medium-sized tiles are the most popular. The seams between the tiles are usually rubbed with a composition that exactly imitates the main covering of the walls.

Artificial stone looks more interesting than clinker tiles. There are imitations of various materials: limestone, marble, malachite and many others. This material has many advantages: such cladding looks expensive, harmonizes perfectly with other finishing materials, has a long service life and wear resistance, and is also very easy to maintain. Laying such material can be carried out either in a geometrically thought-out order, or chaotically - both options look equally successful.

Both tiles and stone are attached either with tile adhesive (when the walls under them are not well aligned) or with liquid nails (if the walls have a perfectly flat surface).

How to do it yourself decorative arch, lined with gypsum stone and bas-reliefs, see the following video.

Options in the interior

A fairly simple opening with a slightly curved edge adds pomp and grandeur to the room. Its unusual structure is made in fairly restrained proportions: straight lines are used, and there is no complex decor. The almost even square shape helps to visually maintain the proportions of the room without creating any visual illusions.

Usage natural materials welcome when creating the design of a doorless opening. Wood and raw stone harmonize well with each other, despite the fact that the wood was selected from a valuable species, and the stone was the most ordinary one. Playing with contrasts deserves special attention: firstly, contrasting colors of wood and stone are used, and secondly, a smooth edge wooden frame adjacent to the ragged edges of the stonework.

The types and methods of finishing doorways are of fundamental importance for interior design. This detail occupies a significant part of the wall and attracts attention: sometimes with beauty, and sometimes with inappropriateness in the overall interior composition. Therefore, it is so important to properly design the doorway during renovation, choosing the finish with taste and intelligence.


The doorways themselves have virtually no distinctive features. They are only a place for installing an interior door, and perform a transit function at the border of rooms in the room. However, the nature of the housing structure directly affects the features of doorways.

In an apartment, the appearance and functional load on the openings depend on the type of construction:

  • The old fund and the “Stalin” ones. These are apartments from pre-revolutionary construction and the Soviet period of the 30-50s of the last century. Their distinctive features are good quality, large dimensions, high ceilings, wide openings. They require non-standard door leaf sizes and high-quality decorative finishing. A common drawback in the interior of such an apartment is that the doorway is too low in relation to the height of the ceiling. It can be leveled using a transom. This is an artificial increase in the height of the door and opening by installing a wooden panel above the opening in the color of the door or glass window;

  • "Khrushchev" and communal apartments. They, on the contrary, are distinguished by their small dimensions, narrow doorways with thin walls, and cramped spaces. In them, it is important to design an opening without a door leaf, use design techniques increasing space, installing folding and sliding doors or hidden structures;

  • Typical modern buildings. Their advantage is that the doorways comply with GOST and are universal in width and height. It is convenient to design them using doors of different types or without them at all.

In a private house, the doorway has more functions. The arch of the opening is subject to significant load from static structural elements (ceiling, second floor, roof).

It literally helps to hold up the floor of the upper floor or the ceiling of the house, so the following methods of decorating and strengthening doorways are often used:

  • An important element is the lintel (top beam). It provides reinforcement and strengthening of the arch, creates the opening itself (the upper part), and serves as the basis for the ceiling;
  • The doorway is built as part of the wall, therefore it is made of the same materials as it, but can also be made of others. For example, in wooden house it can be brick or block, and vice versa;
  • Doors of different types are installed in the opening, which make it possible to isolate functional areas from each other and some traumatic areas from small children.

The opening is considered “ideal” if:

  • the length from one slope to another remains the same at any point;
  • two slopes form strictly parallel straight lines;
  • the thickness is uniform along the entire perimeter of the arch;
  • the distance from the floor to the lintel is the same at any measurement location;
  • there is no angle of inclination of the floor surface under the opening.

What should they be for interior doors?

SNiP standards regulate only the height and minimum width for different types of rooms in a room, and thickness is a secondary characteristic and is not regulated by building codes.

Almost any doorway is suitable for installing interior doors. The exception is the case when a partition was installed independently inside the room. It is not a full wall, especially if it is a single sheet of fiberboard, chipboard or plywood, and will not support the weight of the door leaf. In other cases, you just need to choose the right type of door in accordance with the characteristics of the room and its operational condition.

Thus, openings made of loose materials are suitable for sliding structures with low weight, but not suitable for installation metal door, in which the frame fastening weighs more than all the components of the sliding doors.

Types of doors that are installed in the opening:

  • Swing. For standard opening widths, single-leaf doors are used, while for wide openings, one-and-a-half doors (up to 120 cm) or double doors (from 120 cm) are suitable. Structures made of two sashes are heavy, so they need to be used in openings made of strong materials. Such doors close tightly, therefore they are universal; they are used in children's rooms, in the bathroom for good tightness, in the kitchen, and in the bedroom to ensure comfort and silence. For installation swing doors that open towards themselves, the distance from the opening to the nearest wall should be no more than less than a meter;

  • Sliding and compartment. Such doors “walk” along the monorail on gel rollers. Suitable for doorways of varying widths and thickness does not matter as the door panel rolls left or right. Designed for rooms where reinforced insulation is not needed and there is room to roll the door to the side;

  • Cassette. Optimal solution for Khrushchev and small rooms. When open, the door takes up no space at all - it rolls back into a special groove in the wall. Can be installed even with a small opening thickness;

  • Foldable. These are book doors (of two slats) and accordion doors (3 or more slats), which fold according to the principle of accordion bellows, which is why they got their name. They have a low dead weight, so they are suitable for plasterboard openings, narrow arches and rooms where saving space is a priority. They protect well from odors, but sound insulation and thermal insulation are worse than those of swing doors.


The standard and “correct” one is a doorway of a classic rectangular shape. In typical buildings, the width and height parameters are regulated by SNiP and GOST, while for different rooms these parameters vary. Thickness does not have strictly regulated parameters.

The height of the doorway varies between 188–210 cm. It is considered optimal for the passage of a person of average or slightly above average height and harmoniously combines with a ceiling height from 270 to 470 cm.

The width depends on the location of the doorway. If it is intended for the front door, the width will be 80 plus or minus a few centimeters. Accurate measurements are important here when choosing doors. If this is a doorway at the entrance to a bathroom, toilet, adjacent bathroom, kitchen, the average width is 60 or 65 cm. In the pantry the door can be even narrower - 55 cm. In other rooms (bedrooms, offices, children's rooms) the opening width is from 65 to 80 cm.

But openings do not always and not everywhere have standard shapes and parameters, or design features do not allow them to be left that way.

Often the passages to the living room, hall, large kitchen or other large room are enlarged. In this case, the height can change at several points by changing the shape of the upper edge of the opening (arched or figured) up to 250-260 cm, or up to 300, but through the use of a transom, which does not increase the opening itself, but only stretches it visually.

The width can increase with virtually no restrictions if the design features of the home allow you to dismantle part of the wall or the entire wall. As a rule, such changes need to be resolved in the appropriate authorities, but the result is worth it. A large cassette or telescopic door at the entrance to the living room or kitchen looks luxurious and modern.

A slight increase in width from 80 to 120 cm is a doorway for one-and-a-half doors. From 120 cm to 160 - parameters for installing massive double-leaf structures. Over 160 cm - the basis for installing sliding doors of three or more panels.

You will learn more about how to design a doorway without a door by watching the following video.

Finish options

Types of finishing of doorways, both for subsequent installation of doors and without it, are divided into two main processes: “rough” finishing and “front” or decorative.

Rough finishing is necessary regardless of whether the repair is done by hand or carried out by professionals.

Its purpose:

  • Preparation of openings and slopes for decorative finishing;
  • Leveling the surface of the walls. IN brickwork or a wall made of foam blocks, there are often gaps and irregularities that need to be eliminated before proceeding with the front finishing;
  • Filling empty spaces between the decorative layer and the masonry, which increases the insulating properties of interior doors (sound insulation, thermal insulation, airtightness). If the opening is perfectly flat and finished with high-quality materials, you don’t have to use a seal in the future, and it’s better to install the threshold on a flat floor surface when using interior doors.

For rough finishing, the following are used sequentially:

  • Priming. Primers level and improve the absorbency of doorway surfaces. They are necessary for good “adhesion” of the next “layers” of finishing to the wall. In addition, the primer prevents the occurrence of fungi and mold;

  • Panels made of polystyrene foam or plasterboard. They are not mandatory for use if the surfaces of the opening are sufficiently smooth and the room does not need to be insulated. But their installation is necessary in cold apartments on the lower floors and in private wooden or brick house;

  • Plaster. As a rule, it is used immediately after primer, if there is no drywall, since it is convenient to level surfaces with its help;

  • Reinforcing corners or mesh. Many people think that it is not necessary to make such a complex rough layer, but this device can protect the corners of doorways from chips and destruction. They are made from metal, most often aluminum profile, ready-made corner. They have little weight, size and price, but great importance to preserve the beautiful appearance of the openings;

  • Putty compounds. They are necessary for the final leveling of the slope surface after installing the corners. However, the putty itself lays down in an uneven layer; after drying, it must be “sanded” sandpaper with fine grain;

  • Primer. A second coat of primer is not necessary in all cases. For example, if the decorative finishing is carried out using the cladding method (mounted into the wall using dowels and screws), it can be missed, but if the materials are glued, then it will not be superfluous to improve the adhesion of the adhesives to the surface of the slopes.

Decorative design

The choice of decorative finishing depends on whether there is a door in the doorway, or whether this space is free.

In the first case, there are fewer design options, since the finish should match the color and texture of the door leaf, and after installing the door, it is necessary to put the slopes in order. If the width of the doorway is small, then extensions or extensions - thin wooden planks in the color of the door or door trim - will help to refine it. They are practically invisible and form a single whole with the door panel at first glance. It is neat, practical and convenient if the interior design does not require a more original solution.

See the entire rough finishing process more clearly door slopes you can in the next video.

The remaining types of finishes can be divided into several groups according to the type of execution.


Used over plaster, drywall, fiberboard. It is an easy-to-perform technique that does not require the help of professionals and does not require large expenses. Allows you to decorate the doorway in the color of the walls, if the interior is dominated by classical or minimalist trends, or to create an interesting decor. For example, an optical illusion, imitation of arches of different shapes.

Are used different types colors:

  • Acrylic. Suitable for adding to plaster to obtain a uniform color at the same time as finishing. Gives a velvety “matte” finish. It is not resistant to wet cleaning and therefore requires treatment with a colorless primer or PVA solution;
  • Water emulsion. Used in the same way as acrylic. In white color it goes well with colors of different shades;
  • latex compounds. They have less satin and matte effect, and are resistant to wet cleaning. The color must be purchased ready-made, since basic white “eats” the brightness of the colors;
  • Alkyd, oil, enamel. For a more wear-resistant, moisture-resistant, glossy finish. There is only one downside to using it – a strong chemical smell.


This method allows you to create the most original decor, since absolutely any materials can be glued, both in solid fragments and in small parts.

For pasting use:

  • Wallpaper. The simplest and most cost-effective option is to decorate the opening as an extension of the wall with washable vinyl wallpaper. This gives integrity to the room, and is especially convenient when the opening does not use a door. Wallpaper combines well with plastic curtains various types;

  • Ceramic tile. Beautiful tiled slopes harmonize perfectly with the interiors of historical-style apartments, especially if they have other ceramic details (fireplace, “apron” above the stove in the kitchen, floors, floor vases large sizes, partial finishing of walls or floors). Laying tiles does not require much professionalism, but a little experience is necessary. It is glued to construction adhesive, and the gaps at the joints, if necessary, are treated with transparent sealants or grout.

  • Mosaic. One of the most interesting types of tile finishing is mosaic. For this you can use like ready set, and marriage in the form of fragments. The formation of a drawing depends only on the author’s imagination. Then the finish will not only be original, but also cheap;

  • Porcelain tiles. A more expensive, but different quality alternative to tiles. Porcelain tile is stronger, easier to cut, it is painted over the entire thickness of the slabs, unlike tiles, so chips will not be so noticeable, it is easy to clean, and looks like a natural material. It is best to combine porcelain tiles in color with other interior elements: flooring, baseboards, doors. It is glued in the same way as tiles, using construction adhesive with subsequent treatment of the seams;

  • Decorative rock. It is one of the rarely used materials in design, since it does not fit easily into the interior and is often inappropriate. But in suitable interiors it can become a highlight in the house, since with the help of decorative stone you can imitate real stonework made from natural rough materials. In addition to its attractive appearance, the stone has a number of other advantages: it is environmentally friendly, is not subject to chips and mechanical damage, is easy to wash and clean, and is fixed with the same construction adhesive. The disadvantages include the high cost of the material.


It is very convenient to use cladding to finish openings due to the fact that sheets of material cover large areas of surfaces at once, there is no need to mess around with adhesives and waste time on subsequent processing of seams and joints. However, the corners of the openings must be sheathed especially carefully so that they do not have to be covered with corners.

Materials used:

  • MDF. Lightweight, inexpensive, easy-to-process material. Provides a durable and aesthetic coating with good performance. MDF can be pasted over and painted many times. Helps enhance the insulation properties of doors;

  • Chipboard and laminated chipboard. A practical and economical solution that will help you finish doorways that are in poor condition without additional effort (putty, primer, leveling the surface). Laminated chipboard already has a ready-made decorative coating and does not require processing. Important nuance– you should not decorate passages to rooms with high humidity with this hydrophobic material;

  • Laminate. With qualities similar to MDF, laminate has a more aesthetic appearance. It costs an order of magnitude more, but its wear-resistant characteristics are higher. The basic rule when choosing a laminate is the minimum presence of formaldehyde in the composition;

  • Plastic. It is appropriate in the design of openings with plastic doors, at the entrance to the kitchen, which requires frequent cleaning, and to the bathroom, where there is always higher humidity. Plastic is not afraid of shocks, water, household chemicals, however, may become cloudy over time;

  • Sidings. Gives you the opportunity to make the finish unusual. For example, use aluminum or brass siding (panels) to decorate openings in a room with a technological interior (high-tech, techno, minimalism). Goes well with plastic, glossy surfaces, and chrome elements. Durable, durable and moisture resistant. It comes from different materials, from wood to PVC;

  • Drywall. Finishing with plasterboard is considered universal, since it is on the border between rough and decorative look. It can be used as an intermediate layer to level the surface and increase heat and sound insulation, or it can be installed as an independent material, which is the final stage of finishing the doorway. It is easy to process and provides wide possibilities in the design of openings.

How to sheathe with plasterboard?

You can finish plasterboard (gypsum plasterboard) with your own hands, without the participation of professionals, and this is one of its important advantages. Among other things, it has other distinctive characteristics: light weight, efficiency, strength, amenability to processing, versatility.

Covering the opening with plasterboard is required when the doorway is uneven, the surface of the slopes has depressions and protrusions, or cables pass through the opening and need to be hidden.

Sheathing involves the installation of a frame made of PVC, wooden or metal profiles.

The work takes place in stages:

  • Treat the working surface with a primer to prevent the formation of fungi, mold and condensation;
  • Take accurate measurements of the length of the profile sections necessary to form the frame. Measurements are taken taking into account the joints on the lintel;

  • Cut off profile fragments with a grinder or hacksaw. Place it on the surface and mark the edges. If there are no holes in the profile, drill them according to the size of the screws;

  • Use a puncher to make holes for the dowels along the edge of the opening and insert the dowels. You can hammer them in by lightly tapping them with a rubber hammer;

  • Place the profile with the holes on the dowels and secure it with screws using a screwdriver. If the opening is wide, ties should be used to firmly fix the frame. If necessary, voids are filled with insulation - mineral wool;

  • Cut the gypsum board exactly to the dimensions of the opening. Cutting taking into account the joint of sheets in the upper part. That is, you need to subtract the thickness of the gypsum board sheet from the height of the side panels;

  • Drywall sheets are attached to the profile with self-tapping screws. To keep the holes neat, it is recommended to mark them in advance and drill them at the same distance of 15-20 cm;

One of the common options visual increase spaces in the room - this is the dismantling of interior doors. This solution allows you to visually expand the premises and create a single space in the interior. In this case, an important task arises - finishing the doorway. In this article we have collected the most popular and non-trivial ways to solve this issue.

Preparing the opening

The process of preparing the work surface varies due to the materials chosen as finishing.

Types of finishing materials

The choice of materials for finishing the doorway on construction market is extensive, there are both economy class options and expensive alternatives. Everything depends directly on the needs, desires and capabilities of buyers, as well as several important aspects:

  • you should not skimp on the quantity and quality of fastening elements (for example, if you make a sheathing from wooden blocks, you need to check them for the presence of mold, rot and large cracks);
  • when purchasing materials packaged according to different boxes, you should check the delivery batches; if they differ, then the shade of the contents may also differ;
  • durability of the material, its ability to withstand daily contact with various external influences- this is what all masters should think about first.

Using the example of the most popular options for finishing a doorway, we will consider in more detail the workflow for each of them.


This option can be called the most popular due to the simplicity of the work and the practicality of using the finishing material.

The only thing you should take care of before starting finishing is to cover the floor with film or newspapers so as not to damage or contaminate the surface.

  1. Work begins with preparing the opening: removing old materials and priming the surface.
  2. Installation of beacons (you should mix a little mortar and fix the perforated corners on the walls, aligning them to the building level).
  3. A masonry reinforcing mesh is attached between the corners.
  4. In preparation mortar in the required quantity.
  5. Using several spatulas, the mixture is applied to the walls in a chaotic manner, after which it is smoothed over the surface using a rule.

It is important to remember that the thickness of one layer should not exceed 2 cm, otherwise voids or cracks may form, and this will negatively affect the durability of the finish.

If everything is met, all you have to do is wait until the surface has dried, and you can start finishing: painting, wallpapering or applying decorative mixtures.

Clinker tiles, mosaic

This material is intended for cladding a variety of areas of a residential building, including the doorway. There are no special installation rules; options are offered depending on the interior design:

Covering a doorway with tiles or mosaics does not require any special tools or special skills; the work process consists of step-by-step actions:

  1. after the surfaces have been cleaned and plastered, it is necessary to apply markings according to which the tiles will be located in the doorway;
  2. prepare special glue (liquid nails are used only in cases where the surface is perfectly flat);
  3. apply glue with a spatula to reverse side tiles, distribute it over the surface, remove excess;
  4. Press the tile against the wall and hold it for a few seconds, applying force.

To ensure that the products are fixed evenly on the surface of the opening, you should prepare plastic beads in advance, which are inserted into the seams between the tiles. It is removed after the adhesive mass has hardened, no earlier than 24 hours later.

It is very important that if glue gets on the surface of the tile, it should be removed immediately, since the hardened mass is very difficult to remove.

When the opening is completely ennobled, the seams between the tiles are sealed with special grouts, the color of which is matched to the tone of the walls or finishing materials.

Decorative rock

Another option that is used as an alternative to clinker tiles is decorative stone. It has several advantages over other finishing materials:

  • an exact imitation of natural rocks, while there are a lot of varieties of textures: marble, limestone, jasper, brick, cut wood and many others.
  • tolerates high humidity without consequences;
  • easy to care for, because does not require application special means to remove dirt from the surface;
  • resistant to mechanical damage if installation rules are followed.

The installation process is very similar to laying clinker tiles, but there are several important points that should not be forgotten:

  • depending on the thickness, the weight of the products may vary, which may increase the consumption of the adhesive mass;
  • acquiring finishing material, inspect several pieces from the back, if there are many pores on the surface, they have a low density, which will affect the strength of the stone.

This finishing material comes in two types:

  1. Natural. Made from natural rocks crushed into crumbs. Such products are distinguished by their heaviness and strength under direct mechanical influences.
  2. Artificial. It is based on gypsum, to which dyes and polymers are added. The main advantage is the low price, which fluctuates around 300-800 rubles per square meter.

Wooden panels, MDF

An equally popular option for finishing door slopes are wooden or MDF panels laminated to resemble wood, which harmoniously fit into the classic style. The advantages include:

  • aesthetics;
  • durability;
  • no visible defects upon contact with water.

The process of installing wood or MDF panels will require you to purchase additional materialswooden slats that will be used as sheathing:

  1. The slats are cut to fit the width of the opening and attached to the walls using dowels and screws.
  2. The panels are also adjusted to fit the opening with a small indentation, to hide which an end corner is used.
  3. The starter panel is secured with finishing nails.
  4. All subsequent panels are attached through a tongue and groove (connection system present on the products).
  5. From the end, the structure is closed with a side panel - a platband, which is attached with nails to the sheathing or with an end angle.

Photo instructions for finishing the opening with MDF panels

To hide the fasteners, you can use special furniture wax or adhesive plugs, matching them to the color of the panels.

This finish will look rich, even if inexpensive MDF panels with a textured pattern imitating exotic wood were used.


Many finishers love laminate for its flexibility, which allows this material to cover almost any openings, corners and nooks found in residential premises. The only thing worth worrying about is that it does not tolerate moisture well and after contact with water, swelling may form at the ends of the products, and such defects cannot be eliminated.

The laminate is attached using self-tapping screws to the sheathing in the same way as finishing with PVC or MDF panels.

If the walls are relatively smooth, then you can use liquid nails and spacers, which will press the material to the surface of the walls for several hours.

Stucco molding – gypsum and polyurethane foam

One of the most interesting, but in its own way capricious materials is stucco. When using it in the interior to decorate the door opening, it should be maintained unified concept general design, fit into the style of columns, pilasters with capitals and other similar decorative elements.

The stucco molding on the opening should be combined with other interior elements, for example with floor and ceiling skirting boards

There are two types of stucco on the construction market:

  1. Plaster. It is impossible to imagine interiors without it country houses, made in Venetian or classic style. But in small apartments such products seem too bulky; interior openings narrow not only visually, but also actually. Plus, plaster is very heavy and brittle material, under mechanical stress it will not last long.
  2. Artificial, or rather polyurethane, is an affordable analogue of gypsum.

The advantages of polyurethane foam decor also include:

  • ease of construction;
  • ease of installation: products are easy to cut stationery knife and are attached to liquid nails;
  • variety of ready-made forms;
  • The polyurethane surface is suitable for painting.

Stucco molding looks ideal in the frame of a doorway with an arch, especially if the width allows the erection of monolithic column supports along the edges.

Doorway shapes

Finishing openings between rooms without a door is complicated not only by the choice of material used, but also by what shape this very opening will be.

The solution to this issue will affect the harmony of the transition between rooms, the lighting of the rooms, the combination of styles in the interior and the practicality of movement.


A common option is rectangular. Such an opening remains immediately after dismantling the door frame and it has its advantages:

  • suitable for all finishing materials;
  • no additional structures are required;
  • clearly delineates two living spaces, for example, a balcony and a kitchen, while visually expanding both;
  • great for modern styles interior design.

A wide rectangular opening allows the slopes to be used as niches for interior items


The arch has an interesting ability: in rooms with low ceilings it visually raises them, and in cases with high ceilings, on the contrary, it lowers them. Moreover, the wider the arch-shaped opening, the lower the ceiling appears.

Many people prefer this option for its softness and lack of sharp corners, which makes transitions between rooms more invisible. The arch fits perfectly when exiting the hall; if it is wide enough, the movement between rooms will be imperceptible.

The absence of massive doorway decor emphasizes the beauty and complexity of the rest of the interior

A nice addition are ready-made solutions– arched-type extensions prepared for installation in doorways.

Extensions and developed edging of the opening emphasize complex shape opening, placing a visual emphasis on it


This form is used very rarely, due to the fact that in small areas such a solution has the opposite effect: the room does not expand, and the ceiling visually lowers. Especially in cases where the upper horizontal part of the trapezoid is too narrow. It may seem that when decorating the opening they wanted to make an arch, but did not have enough strength and skills.

Such an opening looks good when it matches the shape of the room located behind it, as in this picture

The polygon will fit well into the transition where double doors were planned or installed interior doors. Using drywall, you can easily and effortlessly turn a rectangular opening into a smooth trapezoid by securing it at the corners of the opening.


A doorway that embodies the fantasies of the owners of a living space is an asymmetrical shape. Designers love it for its ability to bring the most amazing solutions to life. The opening ceases to be the boundary of two rooms, it turns into a decoration of the apartment, into an element that attracts the eye and emphasizes the given style.

An asymmetrical opening is the highlight of any interior

However, there are nuances here that many people forget about and encounter difficulties during the work process:

  • you cannot undertake the expansion of the opening without creating a project where all possibilities will be taken into account load-bearing walls and floors;
  • sharp corners and sharp shapes have a negative psychological impact on others; it is necessary to minimize the presence of irritating factors so that ennobled openings serve as an advantage and not a disadvantage.

Decoration with curtains

A simple but very interesting option for decorating a doorway using curtains is a look into the past. Several decades ago, people demarcated their living space in this way, decorating the passage with wooden or fabric curtains. The desired effect was achieved: the boundaries of the room were visually outlined, without creating a closed space.

Curtain - a simple and effective solution

But similar solutions are still popular now, but the variety of shapes and materials has become much greater. The most commonly used are bamboo sticks, which are very durable and produce a pleasant sound when colliding with each other. You can paint them yourself in the desired shade or choose a ready-made option to suit your interior.

You can use curtains anywhere, even on the border between the hallway and the bathroom, although this is a little intimate, but if home owners are interested in this option, then why not experiment.

To increase space, as well as simply for aesthetic purposes, door blocks are removed from interior partitions. When remodeling an apartment, a free passage is most often created between the hallway and the living room. No less popular is an opening without a door, combining the kitchen with the living room. The expansion of space occurs due to getting rid of the dead zone reserved for opening the sash. However, redevelopment creates new problem, associated with the design of a doorway without a door, which is sometimes difficult for the owner to solve.

Not every opening in a house can be left without a door. The open passage of a bathroom or pantry will look ridiculous. The kitchen, bedroom and office are considered a secluded area, but for these rooms there is an exception to the rules. To organize intimacy, openings are decorated with curtains, sliding screens and other similar devices. As a result, a visual illusion of separation of rooms is created, while the space remains without a dead zone.

Open passages emphasize the integrity of the living space. All openings are made of the same shape and decorated with material similar in structure to create a single ensemble.

The door leaf is removed when creating an opening between the kitchen and living room or when one of these rooms is connected to the hallway. However, it is advisable to provide visual separation at least with curtains.

If a gas stove is installed in the kitchen, for safety reasons the room will have to be fenced off with at least a sliding system.

Free passage is arranged when combining a hall or kitchen with a balcony. The process involves the simultaneous removal of door and window box. If an office or small bedroom is set up on the balcony, the rooms are separated by curtains or a screen.

When we are not talking about partitioning off a kitchen with a gas stove, the passage is often decorated with shelves. Climbing flowers, figurines and other elements are placed on decorative shelves.

Getting rid of the door doesn't just open up the space. Air circulates freely through open passages. Even in a small apartment it becomes fresher in summer.

When creating an opening, doors are not required in the following cases:

  • A modern solution when performing redevelopment is an interior portal, which allows you to maintain the rectangular shape of the opening. Without a door, the passage becomes freer, and the decoration from massive decorative elements adds aesthetics.

  • Popular are arched passages. In an apartment with high ceilings, they give preference to the classics, arranging the opening in a semicircular configuration. For a building with low ceilings, it is advisable to visually raise the walls with an elliptical arch.

  • The door block is abandoned by owners who like passages of the wrong configuration. When designing, asymmetrical arches, triangles, and trapezoids are in demand. A rectangular portal looks beautiful, the corners of which are rounded at different radii. The only drawback is the limited passage size. It will not be possible to create an opening if its width is less than 80 cm.

Doors are abandoned when the passage is decorated with a bar counter, stained glass elements, and mosaic fragments. Often such techniques are appropriate for studio apartments.

Advantages and disadvantages

If you compare a beautifully designed open doorway with a door block, you will be able to identify a number of advantages:

  • The integrity of the space of the combined rooms is created. The apartment becomes free, bright, while maintaining the functionality of each zone. The kitchen remains a kitchen, the living room remains a living room.
  • When framing the doorway, materials that do not require complex maintenance are used. The absence of a sash eliminates loosening of the frame and the formation of a dead zone.
  • Without a door leaf, the opening can be given an original configuration, allowing you to emphasize the interior style of the entire room.
  • Decorating an interior portal with even the most expensive materials will be more cost-effective than installing a high-quality one door block.

The disadvantage of an open passage is that it cannot be used for storage. With any type of design, a passage without a door is not able to provide intimacy for a specific purpose area.

Free ventilation through open openings will bring great inconvenience when combining a kitchen with living rooms. Smells from cooking, along with fat vapors, will spread throughout the apartment.


You can design the opening while maintaining the original configuration or modify the passage. Often the shape of the structure depends on the materials used for finishing. The skill of the master plays an important role.

Of all the types of doorways, the simplest option is the classic one. rectangular shape. An inexperienced person can assemble such a structure. To create an opening, remove the entire door block along with the frame. The ends of the walls are trimmed along the contour decorative cladding. If it is difficult to dismantle the hatch, you can remove only one flap. Cover the remaining frame elements with MDF or plastic. The disadvantage of this method is the narrowing of the doorway due to the remaining elements of the frame.

In the case of arched openings selection of forms huge:

  • Considered a classic semicircular arch. The transition is suitable when combining any rooms. If the apartment has low ceilings, from semicircular arch it is better to refuse or widen the passage.

  • Arches trapezoidal the forms are easier to manufacture, suitable for apartments with low ceilings, and are often installed when combining a kitchen with a living space. However, designers rarely use the trapezoid due to its association with the shape of ritual accessories.

  • Fans of unusual configurations prefer triangular arches The design has many subtypes, more suitable for spacious rooms with high ceilings.

Modern apartments are increasingly equipped with doorways asymmetrical forms. The structure is easier to make from plasterboard. For registration use LED backlight, arrange niches, shelves and other decorative elements. Asymmetrical designs make it possible to hide large defects in the passage and the interior partition itself.

How to decorate a doorway?

When decorating an opening without a door, almost any material used for wall decoration is suitable. Budget option is a plasterboard construction followed by painting or wallpapering. It is optimal to choose gypsum boards when manufacturing a device of an asymmetrical shape. Plastic or MDF will be cheap.

Of the more expensive materials, artificial stone, tiles, and valuable wood species are used to decorate the doorway. The pinnacle of art is the design of a passage with stucco.

When choosing the option of finishing a doorway without a door, you need to take into account the style of the entire room. The design should harmoniously fit the passage into the interior, and not highlight it with a separate structure.

The portal in the apartment is equipped with two types: full - with a top and side elements, double-sided - only side faces without top. Similarly, they provide for the installation of a threshold and platbands or abandon these elements.

Installation of slopes and plasterboard arches

If you decide to create a doorway without a door with your own hands in the shape of an arch, it is better to use drywall for decoration. The sheets are inexpensive, easy to cut and install. When making an arch, a frame is assembled from a galvanized profile. The structures give the shape of the future opening. The frame is sheathed with fragments cut from gypsum board sheets. Fixation occurs with self-tapping screws. The finished arch is treated with a primer, a perforated corner is glued, putty is applied, and after drying it is sanded.

If there is no desire to build an arch, the slopes are simply lined with plasterboard. To further refine the doorway, use water-based paint or glue wallpaper.

How to decorate a doorway with stone?

The finishing of the portal with decorative stone looks stylish. The material is made from natural chips with the addition of coloring pigments and polymers. When framing an opening, smooth boundaries are rarely adhered to. Most often, preference is given to torn edges. To decorate aesthetically doorway indoors, use stone with a small, almost smooth relief pattern. Elements with deep texture create a bulky design. They are used to finish openings entrance doors from the street side.

Decorative stone cuts well, but for corners it is better to use ready-made corner elements. Installation is carried out with tile adhesive or liquid nails.

Finishing with additions and platbands

It will be possible to simply and tastefully decorate a rectangular doorway made in the form of slats. The elements are made of wood, MDF or plastic. The latter look less aesthetically pleasing.

Made from MDF, there are regular ones, with an edge at the end, and telescopic ones. In the first option, the edge of the plank is without decorative covering. You need to fit the joints tightly. Extensions with edges have a finished look. The end is sealed decorative film and in case of flaws, the joints look presentable.

They are produced in flat, rounded and other shapes. Wood planks can be decorated with carvings. The elements are installed using glue, nails or self-tapping screws. Telescopic platbands are secured with a lock to a pre-fixed strip.

Finishing the interior doorway with MDF

MDF panels will make a beautiful and inexpensive portal decoration, only from similar material They are still selecting platbands. The disadvantage of cladding is the fear of dampness. It is better not to use MDF to design the passage connecting the kitchen to the living space. If there is a good exhaust system above the stove, then the material is not at risk of dampness.

To cover a doorway with MDF, first construct a frame of wooden slats. The panels are cut to size and secured with special metal clips. The planks are joined together using a tongue-and-groove joint.

MDF panels without locks are placed on adhesive solutions. The frame is not being built. To glue the planks, prepare a perfectly flat surface. The joints are covered with a decorative strip, and the edges of the passage are framed with platbands.

Decorating a doorway with plastic

The principle of decorating an opening with plastic is reminiscent of finishing with MDF panels. Only the material is different. PVC plastic panels are fixed to the frame with fastening clips or glued. The completion of the frame is a platband made of a similar material, attached to the guide strip.

PVC panels are used to decorate doorways of rectangular, semicircular and other configurations. Stores sell ready-made kits for cladding arches; you just need to select the product according to the size of the passage.

Advantages of polyurethane stucco molding

Gypsum stucco is rarely used due to its fragility and heavy weight. If the apartment has high ceilings, and the Venetian or other similar style is chosen for decoration, then the doorways are decorated with polyurethane elements. The material is non-fragile, lightweight, and can be painted.

To install such stucco molding, prepare a flat surface durable surface. Pre-treatment with primer deep penetration. Elements are fastened glue mixture. After the glue has hardened, the joints are puttied and then sanded with sandpaper.

Wood finishing

Lovers of natural materials prefer a portal made of wood, lined with extensions and platbands. When making a door portal with your own hands, you can even use cheap pine wood. After good grinding, processing protective impregnations and painting with varnish, it will be difficult to distinguish the material from valuable wood. You can decorate the wooden portal of a doorway with carved ornaments.

The elements are being installed on the frame. First, level planks are attached to the slopes, then platbands are installed. The doorway lining is fixed with self-tapping screws. The caps are recessed into drilled secret holes, and the top is rubbed with putty. I glue the platbands and secure them with nails or self-tapping screws.

Decoration with curtains

Simple option to apply doorways without a door - hang curtains. The whole process consists of fixing the cornice over the passage. Curtains will hide the opening without a door from view, distract attention, and will not clutter up the space. The main requirement is not to use curtains with horizontal opening. They will become an obstacle to free passage. It is optimal to use curtains for doorways with vertical closure. When open, the curtains are tied to the wall.

If you make every effort, you can decorate a free interior passage better than a door block. If expensive materials are used, it is advisable to take advice from experts so that the costs are not in vain.

About 10 years ago, doorways without windows became fashionable. Either people were tired of doors and wanted something new in their living space, or it was due to cramped living conditions, where there is no room for swing doors. door leaves, but openings have become quite popular. In this article from the site we will talk about how to design a doorway without a door.

How to decorate a doorway without a door photo

Advantages and disadvantages of free space

Among the shortcomings, it should be noted the lack of doors in those rooms where they are needed. For example, sometimes you want to retire and be in silence. This cannot be done without a door. Also if we're talking about about a doorway to the kitchen without a door, then the sounds and smells of cooking food will spread throughout the living space even with a good hood.

To learn about different ways to design an opening without a door, watch this video.

Deciding on the shape of the opening: rectangle or arch

Since such a person literally burst into our lives construction material, like drywall, building a structure of any shape is no longer a problem. Rectangular and radius, symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes are realized easily and simply, because drywall is a malleable material, and with its help you can solve a lot of design ideas.

As for the shape of the opening, it all depends on personal preferences - some people like square shapes in the interior, some prefer rounded corners. And you also need to pay attention to interior styles and coordinate them with the future design of the opening.

Of course, not every room can be decorated with a doorway without a door. For example, in a bedroom or a nursery it is highly desirable. But if you want to completely abandon doors in the entire apartment, then curtains and screens will come to the rescue. Of course, they won’t provide sound insulation, but they will be able to cover the contents of the room.

How to decorate an opening without a door: choosing materials

The most important thing to strive for is the harmony of this interior element with the rest of the design. You can, of course, decorate the opening with the main type of decoration, as if to make it a continuation of the walls of the room, but it is better to highlight it at least a little along the contour. If the opening is not designed in any way, then it will seem unfinished, transferring this message to the entire room.

  1. At a minimum, it needs to be edged - this is the simplest decorative design the opening has the form of slats installed along its perimeter. Platbands can be made of wood, MDF, plastic - choose any option you like and be sure to match it in texture and color with the design of the room.
  2. Stone. If you are thinking about the question of how to refine a doorway without a door, then feel free to choose stone. The second most popular decoration method is the use of natural or artificial stone. It is ideally combined with almost any material: wood, plaster, putty and even wallpaper make a wonderful tandem for stone. The only thing it won't look good with is plastic.

    How to decorate a doorway without a door photo

  3. Stucco molding. Classics of the genre for luxurious and spacious interiors - classical, baroque, rococo and the like. But, unfortunately, it is not suitable for small-sized ones. Along with natural plaster stucco, imitation polyurethane or foam is now used. The latter material should not be used for decorating rich interiors. A polyurethane stucco today it competes with gypsum - it is lighter, cheaper and in appearance practically does not differ from the original.

    Finishing the opening with stucco photo

  4. Tile. A clearing trimmed with tiles has a number of advantages - the edges are resistant to mechanical damage, and tiles can also be chosen to imitate stone, brick, wood, etc., which expands design possibilities. The size of the tile is chosen depending on the dimensions of the opening, but most often medium-sized material is used.
  5. Tree. To design the opening, it is better to use valuable wood or veneer. Wood is suitable for decorating rectangular openings. Of course, it is possible to bend it, but it will not be easy. If you need to design radius surfaces, then it is better to use a wood-like composite material, for example, MDF.

    Decorating a doorway with wood photo

  6. Laminate. This material has long been used not only as flooring. He successfully painted on the walls and even on the ceiling. If you don’t know how to decorate a doorway without a door, but want something original, then feel free to choose laminate. It also imitates wood well.

    How to finish an opening with laminate photo

  7. Decorative plaster. Also an excellent option for decoration, especially since there is now a wide range on the market. decorative plaster, and you can choose it to suit every taste. The same applies to the color range - it is very wide, and you can match it to the main finish or play with contrast.

If you definitely decide to abandon one or more doors during the renovation, then the options described above will help you design a doorway without a door and choose a finishing method that suits your interior 100%.
