Children's house with a pitched roof. Playhouse for children: how to build in the country, in the yard, in the apartment. Types of children's houses and requirements for them

DIY children's houses. Keeping a child busy is not an easy task. Especially when you need to free up quite a significant portion of your time. Of course, it’s great if you have grandparents or funds for nanny services. What to do in a situation where there is neither one nor the other?

Well, there is a solution - why not build a children's compact house for your little fidget? On the one hand, it will become cozy place to play, and on the other hand, it will allow the child to acquire personal space.

To make a children's playhouse with your own hands, you just need to use your imagination and remember everything you learned in labor lessons. As a last resort, you can find necessary materials and advice on the Internet.

First, let's find out what it is Orphanage ik or tent? This is an excellent solution for organizing your child’s free time for the benefit of his development. Any little person will enjoy spending time in his personal “fortress.” A children's house or tent will allow you to please your child and lighten up your own day for personal matters.

Making a wooden playhouse with your own hands is not difficult; almost every one of us can make a tent or cardboard structure, and this article will help you in this exciting activity. So, we build a children's playhouse in the apartment with our own hands

Children's playhouse: choice of material

Each of us has an idea of ​​how to build a children's house: you just need to draw up a plan for the future construction and decide on necessary materials. A house can be built not only from wood, but also from cardboard, although wood as a raw material for this construction is optimal for a number of reasons:

  • Wood is stronger and more durable than cardboard, and in the case of building a house for children, this plays a huge role;
  • can be made with various decorative cut-out elements, thereby making it attractive and interesting for the future owner;
  • a wooden structure looks more aesthetically pleasing than a cardboard product.

Despite all the above advantages of wood as a material for constructing a children's play structure, you need to decide for yourself where the constructed product will be located. According to many parents, for an apartment it is still better to choose a cardboard option or even install a fabric tent.

This design will take much less space, its construction will not bring a large amount of garbage into the house, and it will be much easier to liquidate such a house if necessary.

House dimensions

The next step after choosing the material will be to determine and calculate the dimensions and parameters of the future house. To make it interesting for your child to be in it, keep in mind that the more free territory there is, the safer and more comfortable it will be for the child to play in his “fortress.”

If you are building a house outside the apartment (for example, in the country), also choose a freer plot. Although, of course, the territory of the dacha plot will allow you to express your plan much more freely and widely.

DIY wooden house

If you prefer wood when choosing a material, then pay attention to the option of construction from beams. First, we make a frame from them, which should then be covered with boards.

If a child has nowhere to play and is bored at the dacha, a children's house made of wood can solve the problem. Children are much less demanding than adults. Even the simplest house - no more than a hut made of wooden slats covered with fabric - can become a wonderful place for them to play. What can we say about more complex structures- located on a tree, looking like wonderful forest huts, with a built-in slide, or even imitating a pirate frigate. Everything will be discussed in more detail later in the article.

Why wood: pros and cons

Of course, in order to make a house for a child, you can use a variety of materials - from plastic to real brick. But wood has a number of specific advantages, some of which other materials lack. This:

Besides, the tree is purely meaningful the best way Suitable for realizing some ideas. For example, it would be strange to make a fairy-tale hut out of plastic, but it would be impossible to assemble an alien ship out of brick. In addition, if you have a summer house and connections with neighbors, you can find a tree at a low price.

There are also disadvantages:
  • Need for care. Every year the house will have to be painted or varnished again so that nothing happens to it.
  • The need for careful processing. To prevent the child from getting a chance to splinter his hand, you need to carefully check all the boards and sand them if necessary.

A tree that is not cared for quickly begins to rot or dry out. But if you are willing to treat it every spring, it will last a long time.

To further increase this period, you can make a house from one of the most common rocks in construction:
  • Pine. Among coniferous species- the best one you can choose. It has a delicate golden color and a faint resinous odor. In the first years it will not need treatment, since due to the high resin content in the wood it does not rot. May have a positive effect on the condition of the child’s respiratory organs.
  • Oak or beech. Wood of a dark, noble shade, which, due to tannins, does not absorb moisture well and therefore resists well external environment. Pliable, amenable to processing - it can be given any shape if it is bent correctly during drying.

You can also use an apple tree, but first you need to make sure that its wood is completely dry - during drying it cracks and changes shape. There is no point in processing it until it is completely dry.

You should not buy wood for your house that does not meet the standards - it is unsafe and will also greatly affect its appearance.

No need to take boards that have:
  • cracks- this means that they are overdried and will quickly crack further;
  • green spots- this is mold or rot, which means the boards will quickly fail;
  • protruding knots- it’s ugly, and the child can get caught during play;
  • resin filled cavities- it will have to be pumped out, otherwise the board will be fragile.

Ideally, the tree should be of a uniform color, without any admixture of shades, without large knots, without spots, without minor defects. Then it can be used for the house without fear.

What types of wooden houses are there?

Children's houses can differ greatly from each other - several different categories can be distinguished at once.

The first one is by number of floors:
  • Single-tier. It is easier to make such a design, since you do not need to calculate whether the pillars will withstand the second tier, or whether it will be dangerous for a child to be on it. But they usually look less impressive, you can’t attach a slide to them, and you can’t satisfy the kids’ endless love for climbing. However, if you approach the design correctly, the result can still be noteworthy.
  • Bunk. Such houses look more interesting, plus you can attach a slide, a ladder or even a rope to them, along which the children can go down. They require precision and accuracy - if you don’t calculate it, the pillars simply won’t hold up, the second tier will collapse, and it’s good if no one is on it at that moment.

You can, of course, show creativity and build a three-story house for your children, but usually such an idea is abandoned - it is costly in terms of materials, labor, and more difficult to calculate.

The second is by design:
  • Open. These are, in fact, small gazebos that are relevant in the southern regions, where in the summer indoors children will suffer too much from the heat. They are made either in the form of a hut, or in the form of pillars that support the roof, and are themselves connected by a wooden lattice. As a result, there is a shelter, but it is cozy and cool. And if you want privacy, the child can always hang fabric between the posts.
  • Half open. Such houses have one or two walls, and the rest are posts with lattice, like in a gazebo. On the one hand, they are not too stuffy, on the other hand, the child will not be harmed by the rain if it comes, and it is more convenient for him to hide from the sun.
  • Closed. If you make two windows and keep them open, you can even be inside in the heat - especially if you place the house under the trees, in the shade. It is this variety that most structures belong to - castles, huts, ships, houses in a certain style.
Third - by placement:
  • On fresh air. In the courtyard of a private house or in a country house, so that the child can spend more time outside - this is good for health.
  • Inside. Usually in an apartment, for those who do not have a dacha or a private house. Such a house cannot be two-tiered and does not require laying a foundation, but it can become an excellent playground.
Fourth - in terms of mobility:
  • Mobile. These are structures that can be assembled and moved to another location if desired. Usually these include plastic houses, but huts on wooden slats can also be easily rearranged.
  • Stationary. They stand in one place for several years - most of the wooden structures belong to them.

What the house you build will be like depends solely on your imagination and the tastes of the child.


If you are going to build a structure at your dacha where you only spend weekends, you would be better suited a mobile open house that you can assemble and put away while you are away. And if you live in a private house, then it makes more sense to make a stationary one - the child can play in it even in winter.

How to build a house?

You need to approach construction carefully, without haste. There is no need to rush, and the quality of the result depends on how much effort you put in, how much time you spend on calculations, how well you select the material.

Preliminary work

For a house to last for a long time, you need to lay the foundation from the very beginning. There are rules for this:

  • Without a drawing - nowhere. Finished drawing You can find it on the Internet, or you can do it yourself. Imagine what your dream design looks like. What size should it be to make it comfortable for the child, and how to achieve this. The easiest way is to make a drawing as usual wooden box- and this is exactly what you can do to begin with. Then, once you understand the principle, you can do something more complex.
  • Height. In order for the child to be comfortable, the structure must be thirty centimeters higher than his height so that he can stand up. In fact, this rule is inaccurate - children grow quickly, and soon the ceilings will become in the way. Therefore, it is better to take a universal height of sixty meters - although if you suspect that even a teenager will not get tired of the house, then you can take two.
  • Width with length. The area of ​​the house should be such that the child can turn around in it normally. Usually this is one and a half by one and a half - in such an area you can seat toys, put a table, and play board games. But less is possible.
  • Accommodation. Right place for a house - in the shade, but not too close to the trees, otherwise they may begin to touch it. It is also advisable that it is convenient for you to keep an eye on your playing children from anywhere in the house and garden, and that no large-scale changes are planned in its place.
  • Foundation area. Must be clean and even. If there is no such thing in the garden, you can make it yourself by removing the top layer of soil and leveling it with the same shovel.

And, of course, you need to stock up on materials.

For the simplest hut this is:
  • several (from five) slats of the same length;
  • strong twine;
  • fabric measuring approximately two by one and a half meters plus nails.
For a single-tier structure you will need, of course, more:

You will also need nails, screws, mounting angles, along with tools that can be used to secure them.

As for the rest, it’s just neatness along with a willingness to redo it if anything happens.

Direct construction

To make a hut - and they haven’t come up with anything simpler yet - you don’t need that much effort:
  • slats are dug into the ground in a circle with a radius of about a meter;
  • the ends of the slats are tied together with twine;
  • The fabric is attached to the top - first to one strip with nails, then to the next, and so on until two adjacent strips remain.

It’s somewhat more difficult with a real single-tier structure - it won’t be possible to build it in half an hour. Although you also need to act consistently:

  • fold the base beams into a square, fasten them with corners, plus attach a separate beam in the middle with them;
  • dig four holes in the selected location foundation blocks and lay them down;
  • put a frame on top, cover it with boards to form a floor;
  • attach wall beams to the frame - four at the corners, two where there will be windows and doors, one on the remaining free wall, fasten a frame similar to the foundation one on top;
  • make rafters - connect two bars each with special corners at an acute angle, attach them to the wall frame;
  • cover everything with panel sheets - from the walls to the roof;
  • hang a pre-prepared door and windows.

Of course, in the details the process is much more complicated, but its main stages look exactly like this. The result is a simple house that needs to be furnished to look good.


For registration children's house you need to approach it with imagination. It should be bright, interesting even in appearance, but at the same time not lacking in taste.

Ready ideas

Of course, you don’t have to take what someone else has already come up with before you. But you can always use other people's ideas for inspiration. Yes, childish wooden house IR can look very different.

The first solution is like a fairytale hut.
  • Exterior design. The walls are finished so that it seems as if they are made of logs (imitation can be used for this). The door is squat, also made of logs, but vertical. The roof is gable, with a carved canopy and trim in the shape of a cockerel. The shutters are carved and can be closed if desired. Colors - natural wood, bright red, bright yellow.
  • Interior decoration . The walls are made of the same logs, the floor is wooden, there is a homespun (at least in appearance) carpet on it - it is comfortable and soft for children to play on. In the corner there is a small whitewashed brick stove, in which, of course, you can’t really bake anything, but you can play the same Kolobok perfectly.
  • Interior decoration. They sit on the walls of the shop. There is a table in the middle - you can put it on it Board games, constructor, sandwiches brought from big house. In the corner there is a traditional chest with toys in it, and a lock can be hung on the lid. Hang bunches of herbs, beads, and dried flowers from the ceiling. A Russian rag or straw doll will look good.

Of course, children will quickly turn a thoughtful design into something of their own - they will play with a doll, spill something on the table, litter the carpet with toys - but the general atmosphere will still be visible.

The second is the Sultan's gazebo.

  • Exterior design. There are no walls - instead there are four pillars, wicker wooden mesh, which looks intricate and interesting (instead of wood, you can take metal). The roof is pointed, if you have enough skill - in the shape of an elegant onion. There is an arch instead of a door. It will be beautiful if grapes or other similar plants trail along the mesh. Colors - wood, red, blue, white, gold.
  • Interior decoration. Wooden floor, no carpet. There is a fabric attached to the ceiling - if it gets hot or you want to hide, it can be stretched by closing the mesh.
  • Interior decoration. Lots of colorful pillows on the floor, a low table that not only adds to the ambiance, but is also comfortable for children. An intricate iron candlestick with a real candle - of course, lit only in the presence of adults. A dream catcher or wind chime hangs from the ceiling.

If children do not have allergies, you can put a stand for incense sticks- in the fresh air their smell will not be suffocating, but pleasant.

The third is a pirate ship.
  • Exterior design. The walls follow the shape of a pirate ship; instead of a roof, there is actually a deck. Can be done an ordinary door, Can i - round hatch in the roof, like on a real ship. Then the child will need to climb the rope ladder to the deck and go down through the hatch. Such exercises are useful for coordination, but if the child is clumsy, it is better to avoid them.
  • Interior decoration. The floor is made of wood, the walls too, the round portholes are not curtained with anything. There are benches or hammocks along the walls where you can lie down, read, and swing. You can put a table, but you can do without it.
  • Interior decoration. Necessarily - marine-themed accessories. Encyclopedia with ships. A rope on which you can learn to tie knots. A compass that can be used to determine directions. You could even give everyone who boards the ship an eye patch to make it easier to play pirates.
Fourth - a house in a European style.
  • Exterior design. Paint the walls, make the door paneled and beautiful. The windows are simple, with rectangular shutters. In front of the entrance, you can set up flower beds that children can care for if they want. Colors - pastel, with bright accents on the roof and doors.
  • Interior decoration. Cover the walls with simple wallpaper, leave the floor wooden, and whitewash the ceiling. You can put a carpet to make it more comfortable.
  • Interior decoration. Be sure to have a vase of flowers and a small sofa child size. You can make an imitation of a fireplace, you can put a bookcase. Plush toys, table with tea set. Nothing superfluous, nothing flashy.

This solution is suitable only for calm, introverted children - this is worth taking into account. Play in such a house in active games not interesting, but in something economical - quite.


When building a house, be sure to use the help of a child. Discuss with him what he wants to see. Invite them to participate in the creation of the sketch. Even if the child is only four years old, he will be the one who will benefit from the result, which means his opinion is also important.

Additional nuances

To make your house look even better, you can use tricks:

  • Make a separate path for it. You can lay it out with stone, tiles or wooden dies - depending on how it looks overall. So, for a Russian hut, mossy stones are suitable, scattered so that you need to step widely from one to another. But for oriental motifs I need some nice tiles.
  • Plant flower beds. Not all children like to tinker with flowers, but if yours likes it, it’s quite possible to allocate him a plot near the house so that he can plant whatever he wants on it.
  • Use more than just simple varnish and paint. You can paint the walls with interesting designs (for example, your favorite cartoon characters), you can draw beautiful patterns, or you can decorate them with intricate carvings. Even stained glass instead of ordinary glass in the window will look beautiful.

It is simply necessary to keep children occupied at the dacha, because adults are absorbed in the garden or vegetable garden, and children remain unattended at this time. A playhouse on a playground will occupy a child’s attention for a long time, especially if it looks like a fairy-tale palace or a space rocket—there are no limits to imagination. Easy to build wooden hut with your own hands - look at the photo gallery with what imagination and love some parents build playhouses. Everything their kids dreamed of was realized and built. Read this article to the end, then even the most complex and fantastic playhouse project will be within your grasp.

Wood - natural natural material, which does not cause allergic reactions in children and adults. Children's houses are best made from wood, which does not heat up in the sun like metal or plastic; does not release into the air when heated sun rays phenols, as occurs with some types of plastics. Wooden logs or boards can be easily purchased within walking distance from the location of the summer cottage.

Wood different breeds has a unique textured pattern that can be preserved by covering the wooden houses with a layer of protective varnish. Wood is easily painted with any paint, so a wooden hut for children to play can be painted in bright colors, giving the house a fabulous flavor.

Play complex for children with a house

What place to choose for a gaming hut

A playhouse for a child should be built in a place that parents can control from anywhere in the summer cottage.

You should not densely plant a wooden hut with shrubs and trees - frequent watering of green spaces planted next to the house can increase soil moisture, which causes the development of mold and fungal infections of wooden parts. It is worth placing the playground with a hut away from fountains, pools and ponds.

Advice! The house should be located away from the shish kebab or barbecue area - the proximity of an open fire, especially in windy weather, can cause a fire in the children's house. Wooden parts A playhouse for children must be treated with special fire-fighting agents.

Project of a house for a children's playground

The choice of house design should correspond to the basic ideas that the parents decided to implement on their own.

  • The dimensions of the building depend on the actual availability of free space on the site allocated for the construction of a children's hut.
  • Availability of foundation. When constructing a foundation for a wooden playhouse, the service life of the building increases significantly. Wooden parts without touching wet soil, do not become covered with mold and rot, eliminating the possibility of developing fungal infections of the wood.
  • Mobility – the playhouse can be collapsible. In this case, you can move the play structure to different areas.
  • Type of construction - the house can be built open or closed type. IN closed house a doorway and at least two window openings must be provided. Hut open type resembles a gazebo with a fencing belt at the bottom, the roof of which is supported by four vertical beams.

Project of a children's house for a summer residence

Roof design – it is worth providing a pitched roof on a playhouse for children, then children will not be able to climb on it, thus preventing injuries and falls. If the construction is of a stationary type, it will stand on the site in winter, pitched roof will not allow large amounts of snow to accumulate. In spring, snow begins to melt, moisture seeps inside wooden structures, causing premature destruction.

Advice! Finishing interior walls– the wall surfaces of wooden houses should be finished smooth, otherwise the child can easily get splinters on his hands.

The height of the openings is provided in the following dimensions:

  • window openings – from 55 cm from the surface of the floor covering.
  • doorways – the minimum accepted height of the child is 25 cm.

Types of wooden houses (using different materials)

Advice! Wooden houses for a children's playground can be made from different materials: boards, plywood, logs.

Parts of plywood houses are cut out of a thick sheet of waterproof plywood in full size. Strengthening of the cut parts is carried out on the erected frame made of wooden beams using self-tapping screws. Installation of plywood houses does not take much time. The structure can be supported by a pre-built foundation or thick timber, laid in the ground as a support belt.

The assembly of a hut from boards is carried out in a similar way. All parts must be pre-treated with antiseptic substances to prevent premature rotting. Boards with a thickness of at least 40 cm are cut according to a template. Then a frame of wooden beams is erected. The frame is tied with boards, making sure to create the necessary openings for the entry of children and internal lighting of the hut.

Two-story house made of wood

It is best to have a high gable roof. With this roof shape, the hut takes on a fabulous look. The roof can be made of boards, covering it with siding or rolled roofing materials to protect it from precipitation. The high roof, decorated with piecework, takes on an amazing look. roofing tiles. The roof area of ​​the playhouse is small, so we cannot talk about the large costs of decorating a children's hut.

The most exotic houses for children are made from logs; the option made from birch trunks with bark looks very interesting. When building a hut from logs, you need to have some skills in working with round log– the house is assembled using a special technology (installation in grooves along notches). The interior decoration of a log house can be provided with or without wall cladding. In any case, a log cabin is the most durable playhouse option, especially if it has a foundation support.

If there is an old tree growing on the site that is planned to be destroyed, a children's playhouse can be built on the trunk of this tree. In order for the child to get inside the hut, it is worth building a safe staircase with railings.

Any version of a play hut, built with your own hands, will decorate the area and cause a lot of delight among the kids. Invite them to participate in the discussion of the house project, and also assign simple tasks to the children construction works, for example, painting shutters or exterior walls of a house. In any case, the child will be proud of the wonderful playground that he and his parents have equipped.

Playhouse for children: video

Ennobling your own suburban area, the owners apply all their imagination to this. Well-groomed paths, gazebos and terraces - all this is good for spending time with an adult family. But we can’t forget about children: themed games in the fresh air will have the best impact on their health. In addition to the sandbox and swing, you can build a house for your child out of plywood with your own hands. There you can hide from short-term rain and come up with new entertainment.

A plywood house will decorate the area and make the child’s games fun and varied.

Construction takes little time and is not too expensive. First you need to draw a sketch of the future house on paper. Given the scale, one can immediately determine required quantity material. You should immediately calculate the location for construction and take into account that the tree should not be in the shade or damp. During operation, the parts will be coated with protective compounds. But this will not save if the children's area is constantly in contact with moisture. The question of how to make a house is not difficult if you purchase everything you need at once.

As an option for building a children's house, you can take doll models from your own child's toys. In addition, look through all the sketches and models offered by the Internet, or come up with your own.

Materials for work

To make a house you will need a jigsaw, a knife, a tape measure, self-tapping screws, and a screwdriver.

  1. Plywood. Its thickness varies from 8-12 mm. Based on the drawn sketch, the total area of ​​the parts is summed up and the required quantity is obtained if converted to standard sheets.
  2. Beam. A section of 50*50 mm should be sufficient unless the owners intend to build a permanent residential building.
  3. Soft tiles according to the size of the house roof.
  4. Plexiglas or plexiglass. Such windows will be safer than real glass.
  5. Beads for inserting windows.
  6. Fasteners These can be either nails or self-tapping screws. It is desirable that they be made from of stainless steel. The length is selected in accordance with the thickness of the plywood, so that the sharp ends do not protrude outward in any case - children climb everywhere, and injuries are unacceptable.
  7. The hinges are also stainless, for window and door shutters.
  8. Coating compositions – paints, varnishes, water-repellent mastics, etc. All chemistry must be on water based and have special markings. Volatile solvents and alkyd paints should be avoided - their compounds are dangerous to the health of children.

The process of making a plywood house.

  • hacksaw, jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • emery wheel or grinder;
  • brushes, rollers, trays, spray gun;
  • personal protective equipment – ​​goggles, respirator, gloves;
  • vacuum cleaner for cleaning.
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Stages and features

When creating a house on paper, you need to take into account the age and height of the child. The theme of the “hut” depends on the first one - a big child, especially a boy, will want something fantastic or courageous, unlike little ones, who still delight in a fairy tale. The size of the building depends on the second condition - the child should not crawl into it. And an adult should get there without hindrance. You need to enter with a slight bend. Optimal sizes The door height may be 30 cm higher than the child’s height and the roof slope may be at least 45°.

Drawing of a children's house made of plywood.

  1. A hacksaw is used to cut off pieces of timber for the future frame. All parts are cleaned sandpaper or by car and soaked protective composition from mold and mildew.
  2. After this, the parts are cut out of plywood. If the design of the house is simple, like a box, then you can use an ordinary saw, but, as a rule, parents want to admire and create something unusual, so the parts can be wavy, round, and others. It will come in handy here electric jigsaw allowing you to cut any shape. Plywood elements are also cleaned and processed protective coatings. Considering that construction dust There will be a lot, it’s not a bad idea to use a vacuum cleaner and put on a respirator.
  3. While the parts of the future house are soaking and drying, you need to prepare a place for the building. It must meet several requirements: be visible; located in a dry place without shady or tall vegetation; located so that the area reserved for children's entertainment can also accommodate a sandbox with a swing.
  4. The ground is cleared of grass, covered with a layer of sand or expanded clay with limiters made of wooden planks. To protect the bottom from moisture, you can lay rubber or foam. The orphanage can also stand on supports, which will provide additional protection from contact with moisture.
  5. Construction of the frame. There is no special wisdom, you just have to take into account the width of the plywood parts and thus build a frame with a certain pitch of the beams. The children's house does not provide for being in it in cold weather, so we will not talk about any insulation. A layer of plywood with outside. Of course, when creating a plywood house, some make it in the form of a miniature copy of the real thing, but this is for people who are passionate about the idea. If the owners are like that, you can dare and follow the instructions for building a real house.
  6. After the frame of the building is ready, construction of the roof begins. It should be gable and with such an inclination that it would be a problem for a child to climb into it. Flat ones are not recommended: jumping on the roof can break it and injure yourself. The work of installing the roof is also not difficult: they make the main frame from beams, then fill the sheathing, with a step corresponding to the width plywood sheet. After covering the roof, it must be covered with rain-protective material. Corrugated sheeting or slate are absolutely not suitable, they are heavy and the edges are sharp. Due to heating by the sun's rays, roofing felt or other chemical coating will emit pungent odors - this is suitable for a residential building, but not for a children's building, due to the lowness of the structure. You can splurge on soft tiles– it is safe from any side and you only need a little of it.
  7. The frame is sheathed ready-made elements using a screwdriver or hammer. It is necessary to ensure that the sharp ends of nails or screws do not protrude. If this does happen, the excess is cut off or filed off with a file. After covering, you need to seal all the cracks and joints of the plywood to avoid drafts. Suitable for this: polyurethane foam, as well as any other sealant. Unclean marks can be cut off after curing.
  8. After all the work done, the structure must first be primed, and then it can be painted. It is very convenient to use a paint sprayer or balloon options inside. Outside work is done with brushes and a roller. Coloring orphanage A great way to get your child involved in work. Having come up with a plot together, you can draw the outlines of a fairy tale or characters, allowing your child to color it later. You can cover the orphanage with all sorts of posters from his favorite comics. And then coat them with varnish. There are a lot of ways to decorate – which one to choose, the child will decide for himself, because this is his territory

While adults are busy caring for the garden and landscaping the garden, kids should not be bored: let them be carried away by a fun game nearby. Comprehensively thought out children's cottages made of wood can become the center of children's attention, because their infrastructure meets all the needs of the younger generation. To ensure that a localized playground always causes excitement, it can be designed as an illustration of the child’s interests - in the form of a ship for a young sailor, a palace for a princess, a science laboratory for an enthusiastic researcher. In general, if you wish, you can implement any project for a children’s house for a summer cottage, the main thing is to arm yourself with imagination.

Children's house made of wood, stylized as a ship Source

But one cannot rely solely on aesthetic considerations: the structure must be safe and comfortable. Professional intervention will help in this aspect - specialists will tell you what materials will be appropriate, use ergonomic zoning techniques, and make sure that all technical and sanitary standards are met during construction.

Selection of location and optimal material

For the construction of a children's wooden house you should find a site that will be equally visible from all over the property - then parents will be able to continuously monitor the child. It is not recommended to plant trees, shrubs, or create flower beds along the perimeter: due to inevitable watering, soil moisture will increase, which is fraught with fungal and mold damage to the wood. Fountains and artificial ponds pose the same danger.

If there is already a barbecue area on the site, the play hut cannot be placed nearby: a combination of open fire and gusty wind can lead to a fire, and the abundant smoke from the barbecue will not benefit the young body.

All wooden structures require careful impregnation with fire-retardant compounds.

Most often, children's houses are installed on a flat area, away from others. outbuildings Source

Why is wood recommended as a basic building material? The secret is its natural origin and minimal risk of provoking allergic reactions. Wood, as opposed to plastic and metal surfaces, does not heat up, does not release hazardous chemical components into the air (provided that all coatings and impregnations have been selected with special care). The fittings can be made of a similar material, plastic, or metal.

Unique texture, pleasant color and natural pattern are the key to aesthetics finished building, it does not require additional decoration; it is enough to indicate in the work plan the application of several layers of protective varnish. If, on the contrary, you want to create a bright composition, the tree can be easily painted in any color scheme.

How to order a wooden house: models made of plywood, boards, logs

This environmentally friendly materials, easy to assemble and process, which is why they are taken as the basis for the construction of structures intended for the leisure of children.

It’s easy to make a full-fledged children’s playground next to the house Source

Plywood construction

To build a children's house from plywood, craftsmen trace life-size templates of parts on sheets and cut blanks from them. Usually a material that is resistant to moisture is used. Next, the prepared “semi-finished products” are fixed on a frame made of thick beams using self-tapping screws. All these manipulations are preceded by the assembly of a support belt made of large timber buried in the soil or the laying of a full-fledged foundation.

A plywood house is also another reason to start coloring with your child. Source

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of wooden houses from construction companies, presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

Simple plank hut

All parts are pre-impregnated with antiseptic compounds that protect the wood from rotting, fungi, and mold. The thickness of the boards must exceed 40 mm; parts are cut out of them according to a template. The frame, as in the previous case, is made of thick beams, it is sheathed, observing the window and door openings noted in the project.

To construct a gable roof, the same brand of boards can be used; it is additionally reinforced with rolled or siding roofing materials and tiles.

In such a “hut” you can play Snow White and the Three Little Pigs Source

Fairytale log cabin

A simple project for a children's wooden house can turn into a fairytale hut. In this case, the complexity of construction is comparable to laying a log house for a full-fledged dwelling: the result is a small, strong, stable building. Interior equipped on three sides window openings, here you can provide full-fledged shutters.

The entrance area can also have a “zest”: a mini-terrace or porch without an elevation is enclosed under the same roof as the house, patterned railings are assembled, chairs and a compact tabletop are installed. This impromptu summer kitchen easily converted into an area for drawing or board games.

Just a little imagination and “visiting a fairy tale” is not just a TV show Source

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer construction services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Country tree house

Every child will be delighted with such a project, even adults will enthusiastically participate in children's games. The logical connecting link in this category is one spreading old tree or several nearby trees, on which a house is “built up” with minimal damage to nature. Playground It can be closed, that is, having a full roof (and in some cases, walls), or open, equipped with high railings.

The ladder can be spiral, attached (if desired, the child will lift it up), stationary, a special training net stretched over the frame looks interesting. In the free space under the floor you can hang rope trainers and attractions; bungee and swings with one crossbar will be relevant. In large-scale projects, two or more sites are connected by a bridge system.

After building such a house, you can visit your child Source

House on poles for children with sandbox

This solution fits perfectly into small summer cottages, since the sandbox is located on the first floor - directly under the bottom of the hut. In addition to the stairs, a miniature climbing wall and a Swedish wall can lead up. A swing and slide are attached to the house. It is recommended to equip the sandbox with a toy box and benches.

When developing all models placed at height, Special attention is given to elements that level out the injury factor. By ordering such a house from professionals, you can be sure of its stability, thoughtfulness and overall safety for the child.

Such a house can easily replace a child’s full-fledged playground Source

Drawing up a plan and determining the future dimensions of a children's wooden house

When developing a project for a children's house for a summer residence, several factors must be taken into account:

    foundation will significantly extend the operational life of the building. It will protect the wood from constant contact with wet soil, which will prevent premature destruction of the material;

    type of construction. Huts can be closed or open; in the first case, at least 2 windows and a door should be included in the plan. Open structures look like mini-gazebos, the roof is supported by vertical supports, and fences are installed along the lower edge;

    dimensions set depending on the parameters free space on local area;

    mobility. The structure can be moved from place to place if you initially adhere to the prefabricated design.

To reduce the risk of injury, experts suggest paying attention to the single- or gable roof design: sooner or later, direct horizontal variations of the roof become an object of children’s interest - they climb on them, try to jump off.

Gable roofs will allow permanent structures to naturally be freed from snow during wintering.

Such a roof is very beautiful, but few children would not want to climb on it Source

Specific boundaries are established regarding openings:

    the height of the door must exceed the height of the child by at least 25-30 cm;

    windows should be located at a height of at least 50-55 cm from the floor.

The final dimensions of huts built directly on the foundation are determined by the operational needs and capabilities of the site. As for houses on trees and posts, the height of their floor relative to the ground level should exceed 1.2 m, the height of the living part to the top point of the roof should be from 1.6 m. Taking into account slides, stairs, and attractions, an area of ​​at least 4x4 m must be cleared. This space will be enough for kids to play. preschool age, for older children all parameters need to be increased by about 1.5 times.

Stages of building a wooden house for children

Based on the drawing of the children's house, builders calculate required amount materials and after their delivery to the customer’s premises, assembly begins.

Key steps:

    Formation of the foundation made of brick or decking boards. Upon request, the masonry can be supplemented with timber framing. The specifics of the structure do not imply the pouring of a full-scale concrete foundation.

Children's house on columnar foundation Source

    Floor They are created according to the classic scenario: they knock together logs and cover them with floorboards. In some cases, it is permissible to use plywood in several layers with offset seams.

    Frame looks like beams dug into the corners of the foundation that have undergone preliminary antiseptic and water-repellent treatment. In areas where openings will be located in the future, additional supports are installed. Metal corners provide frame stability.

    Walls made of plywood and boards.

    Gable roof is based on pediments - triangles made of thick timber, fixed on two opposite walls. If you are planning a large structure, it would not hurt to install additional gables between the main ones. The structure is stuffed with timber and sheathed roofing material– boards, straw, bitumen shingles, roofing felt, etc., depending on the budget of the event.

    Finishing in the very in simple form consists of thoroughly sanding all surfaces that children will touch and coating the wood with protective compounds.

Careful finishing and painting is the key to the safety of the structure Source

The latter are necessary to prevent rotting and insect damage. Next, the wood is opened with varnish, stain, and, if necessary, painted. The furniture, which will be placed both inside and outside, is made from leftover material and is also processed.

Building a tree house begins with finding a suitable piece of hardwood. Professionals note that the shape of the tree will change in proportion to its natural growth, so they design models located mainly on the lower branches.

The supports and floor are mounted at the chosen location, while the preliminary assembly of the walls and roof is carried out on the ground, then the workpieces are lifted and fixed. The safest and simplest staircase is a wooden one with railings. To stimulate children's interest, you can also provide a rope for a quick descent.

Video description

And a few more beautiful children's houses are clearly shown in the following video:

Let's choose a project together

To ensure that a visit to the dacha always delights the child, let him also take part in drawing up the sketch. In this case, a children's wooden house will become a favorite playground and a starting point for the development of the creative abilities of the younger generation. Next, the joint family developments are passed on to professionals who will calculate the project taking into account the aesthetic and operational needs of the customer, draw up an estimate, bring the material and begin construction.
