What to plant next to hydrangea. What can be planted next to hydrangea Joint planting of flowers and hydrangeas

The shrub owes its name to its small inflorescence. Native places - Far East. IN wildlife found in Japan, China, the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin. Garden form resistant to negative influence environment. The height of the bush rarely reaches 150 cm. The main decoration of paniculata hydrangea is the lush inflorescence. Its dimensions vary from 25 to 30 cm. Flowers are presented in two types - bisexual and sterile. The latter remain on the branches for a long time, and the former fall off after pollination.

Color shades during the flowering period range from white to cream, the intermediate color is greenish. Velvety soft leaves serve an aesthetic function after all the flowers have fallen. Their bright color and sharp ends attract attention and give the area original look. The plant can be used for decorative purposes within a year; all that is required from the gardener is to create favorable conditions. In 12 months it grows up to 20 cm. The plant is unpretentious and frost-resistant. Used by designers and gardeners for decoration and transformation country houses and summer cottages.

Use in landscape design

The beauty and unpretentiousness of the plant makes it in demand and popular among designers and gardeners. The shrub perfectly plays the role of a single planting plant and a hedge in a group planting. Considering the need to constantly replant the plant for up to 5 years, it decorates various parts of the garden. An adult tree gives the area festive look, and leaves no one indifferent. The plant lends itself well to cutting and modeling. Its appearance depends on the chosen ensemble.

Primarily used in Russian style. When planting hydrangea with various shrubs and trees, the composition of the soil is taken into account. The plant is its indicator and changes color in response to its composition. Slightly alkaline soil gives pink color, from pale to rich. Acidic soil turns the inflorescences deep blue. This happens due to the lack of iron, which is so necessary for the bush. By experimenting with the addition of iron salts, gardeners obtain the desired shade of shrub flowers. A rare exception is the combination of pink and blue flowers on the branches of one hydrangea.

Making the garden picturesque, shrubs are planted on the banks of natural and artificial reservoirs. Reflected in the water during flowering bright colors give the landscape a vibrant and relief look. The landscape seemed to have stepped out of a painting. A large number of hydrangeas will turn any area into a Garden of Eden. Flowering comes later than everyone else popular plants- at the end of summer. This is another reason to plant this miracle. After flowering, the water reflection is decorated with unusual leaves, giving a mysterious and even mystical look to this area of ​​the garden.

Long-lasting bush branches are easy to model. The plant is freely transformed into a flowering ball or bright hedge. It can be created from several varieties of hydrangea, depending on climatic conditions. The shrub is quite large and looks harmonious and holistic as a single plant. Planted on a well-kept lawn. No less impressive is the combination of hydrangea with other flowering shrubs: bulldonezh, spirea and others. If desired, you can create a flowering meadow or front garden.

By dividing the territory into certain zones, you can safely use flowering shrub. Doing your thing functional purpose Hydrangea forms impenetrable hedges and fences. With skillful planting and pruning of the bush, the plant acquires the desired size and shape. Decorating a garden or area with hydrangea creates a romantic and cozy atmosphere. Blooming hydrangeas near the gazebo have a relaxing and peaceful look.

Creating a monochrome English flower garden with hydrangea is as easy as shelling pears. All plants from the composition are selected to be of the same shade when flowering. The distance between the objects of the ensemble is the same. Another option for an English garden using hydrangea is a flowerbed of geraniums, ornamental herbs and plants; place the hydrangea closer to the center of the composition.

French charm - planting hydrangeas entrance area, when bright colors and ease of transitions open to the eye. The plant captivates with its late flowering, when most of the plants have already faded.

Combination with other plants

In the Russian style, hydrangea is combined with birch, maple, willow, and lilac. Ensemble various forms crown, flowers and size of plants gives the composition versatility. Plants combine well from an aesthetic and biological point of view.

The combination with represents a bright bloom against a background of noble greenery or steel blue. Juicy graceful flowers in the “neighborhood” with give the site the appearance of a garden. The needles prevent the development of diseases in hydrangeas and prevent the appearance of insect pests.

Garden plot in oriental style assigns hydrangea a role in flower beds. The plasticity and unpretentiousness of the culture allows it to be mixed with all kinds of low shrubs and flower representatives. Evergreen azalea, deciduous, dahlias and roses combine well with hydrangea in one composition.

Darkleaf and hydrangea, regardless of loose or clear form, in combination with sakura represent a smooth transition from one crop to another. Hydrangea helps bring many bold dreams to life design solutions and ideas.

Types and varieties

To decide on the choice of shrub, you need to study all known and popular species. The plant has more than a dozen of them. The most spectacular in landscape design:

Hydrangea paniculata. The height of an adult bush is 200 cm. The flowering period is 4 weeks. Slightly acidic soil is preferred. The inflorescences are cone-shaped.

Hydrangea. The most unpretentious and frost-resistant variety. The inflorescence is spherical. An adult representative is 250 cm in height.

Hydrangea largeleaf. Picky and whimsical appearance. Doesn't like frosts clay soil, direct rays of the sun. Height reaches 250 cm.

Hydrangea climbing. A slow-growing vine takes on the structure of a tree over time. Popular when arranging hedges.

Hydrangea oakleaf. Grows in a place protected from low temperatures. The leaves are similar to oak leaves, hence the name.

Paniculata hydrangea has many varieties, here are some of them:

  • vanilla Fraise,

  • pinky winky,

  • grandiflora,

  • limelight,

The plant needs access to the sun and protection from drafts. The perfect solution- planting behind a building or fence. There must be a source of moisture, no more than one and a half meters away. Only by following all the rules for caring for the plant can you grow a strong and beautiful hydrangea bush. In cold climates, after planting, a small canopy is immediately arranged. It will protect the plant from aggressive environmental influences (wind, frost). The size of the planting hole should be 20 cm larger than the root node. When planting, the plant is fertilized with manure, peat or compost. The soil is compacted and the bushes are watered abundantly.

Abundant watering is an important component of healthy hydrangea development. In early spring and throughout the dry summer, the bush is watered abundantly and often. Most suitable soil- acidified. You can create it yourself using iron sulfate or ammonium sulfate. The plant is susceptible to low temperatures. The near-trunk part is covered with coniferous litter or peat. Pruning is carried out in early spring. Recovering after winter, it has sufficient recovery abilities. Late pruning leads to weakening and disease. Necessary frequent and timely feeding with minerals.

Of course, like all shrubs, hydrangea has a tendency to disease and susceptibility to insect pests. Fungal diseases and spider mites can cause serious trouble.

Their influence leads to the falling of leaves, rotting of the root system and the death of the bush is not excluded. The plant should be regularly exposed preventive measures. Bushes are sprayed with a special solution in early spring. If disease occurs, the plant may require a long period of treatment.

Video - planting, pruning, care of Hydrangea paniculata

Thanks to its long and bright flowering, paniculata hydrangea has become one of the most popular plants in landscape design. This shrub has several colorful varieties that can be combined with different plants in the garden. What to plant next to the paniculata hydrangea should be decided in advance.

Different types of hydrangeas in the yard

Comfortable growing conditions

All types of hydrangeas, including paniculata, are sun-loving plants, which prefer to grow in a site with access to natural light, but the possibility of shading during the midday hours. This condition is necessary to preserve the decorative appearance of foliage and large, colorful inflorescences from harmful effects sun rays.

Hydrangea in the shade with hosta and balsams

When choosing a place in the garden, you should think through everything to the smallest detail.

  1. Hydrangea paniculata does not like stagnant moisture, so the wetland is not best site for its cultivation. Optimal burial depth groundwater- at least 1.5 m.
  2. Also, the colorful shrub does not grow well on acidified soil, so before planting the soil needs to be deoxidized - by 1 square meter. m. add 350 g of calcite, chalk, slaked lime or dolomite flour. Afterwards, carry out deep digging and leveling.
  3. It does not tolerate strong winds, from which the soil quickly dries out, followed by the hydrangea roots. Choose an area protected from drafts - you can plant it near the walls of the house, along the fence.
  4. Highly decorative shrubs in any composition will be provided by fertile soil, so before planting it is advisable to sprinkle the area with compost or rotted manure - 10 kg per 1 sq. m. m.

Combination with woody plants

Thanks to its excellent appearance, ability to grow on sunny areas, this culture goes well with almost any vegetation in the garden, both decorative deciduous and decorative flowering.

Planting under a tree looks impressive and protects the hydrangea from the bright midday sun.

A beautiful compact bush with lush pale pink inflorescences can be used in several variations.

  1. A colorful and variegated combination is obtained when planted in a flower garden along with spirea, mock orange, and lilac, which often decorate sunny corners of the garden. Long-flowering hydrangeas enliven and create an extraordinary contrast with their inflorescences for the monochromatic greenery of previously faded shrubs.
  2. Panicle hydrangeas can be planted together with cotoneaster, juniper and boxwood. The result is a bright and effective hedge.
  3. A successful combination would be to plant next to fruit trees. A lushly flowering shrub will easily tolerate such shading and embellish the garden. additional colors and greens.
  4. In late autumn, when almost all the flowers in the flower beds and flower beds have faded, paniculate hydrangea continues to delight with its grace and colors against the backdrop of evergreen thujas, junipers, and fir trees.
  5. For garden paths great solution There will be a planting in combination with barberry, surrounded by perennial herbs.

Two types of paniculate hydrangea with conifers and heucheras

Neighborhood with flowers of different types

The shrub goes well not only with tree-like, perennial plants, but also decorative foliage and brightly flowering crops in the garden. It is readily used in creating unusual and original compositions in mixborders.

Several varieties of hydrangea look good together in a mixborder

Paniculate varieties

If you are thinking about which flowers to plant hydrangea with, remember that in a flower garden this ornamental shrub crop goes well with roses, clematis, and lilies. In this combination the bush performs additional function hedge.

On a sunny garden, you can create a composition of paniculate hydrangea surrounded by delphiniums, polygonums, paniculate phlox or autumn anemones.

A flower bed with hydrangea will decorate the path in the garden

Paniculate hydrangeas look good near artificial reservoirs. In such a place they are the highlight of the overall composition against the background of decorative deciduous crops. For an effective combination better neighbors There will be several crops - hosta, astilbe, bergenia. Even after the colorful shrub fades, the composition will remain beautiful and variegated, thanks to the varied shape and color of the leaves. A beautiful addition There will be ferns, heucheras, cuffs, buzulniks, bruners and rogersias. Such flowers with bright and variegated leaves look colorful and excellent.

Tree varieties

For tree hydrangea, which has not only lush but also bright inflorescences of different shades, plants with a more modest appearance are suitable.

A good combination will turn out when planted together with perennial hosta, snow-white or pale pink astilbes, and astrantia.

For lovers of bright and contrasting tones, a combination of blue tree hydrangea flowers with bright red astilbe inflorescences is suitable.

A combination of a tree-like crop with tall sedums, aconites, paniculata phlox and Echinacea will be successful.

A successful combination - hydrangea bushes with plants of different levels

There are many variations of the combination of paniculate hydrangea on personal plot. The main thing is to take into account all the requirements of each plant for soil composition, moisture, and space when planting in order to avoid competition. Otherwise, the decorativeness and beauty of such a composition will not be fully revealed.

Garden hydrangea- a favorite of many gardeners. Attractive air caps of lush inflorescences in white, blue, pink, and light green shades add sophistication to any landscape.

To successfully plant and grow hydrangea in your garden, you need to follow a few simple recommendations.

Optimal time for planting garden hydrangea - spring, after the threat of overnight soil freezing has passed, but before the buds begin to bloom.

In regions with not very severe winters acceptable autumn planting , but here you need to be in time before the first frost.

Choosing the best location

Hydrangea tolerates some shade well and grows well in penumbra. Like any aristocrat, she does not tolerate exposure to direct sunlight. Choose a slightly shaded area that receives the brightest light in the first half of the day.

Keep in mind that an adult hydrangea bush, including branches and flowers, is approximately 1.5 m in diameter.

The soil for hydrangea should be loose, nutritious in composition, with a predominantly acidic environment. An alkaline environment is absolutely not suitable for hydrangeas - they lime is contraindicated.

The ideal option is mature compost containing many nutrients.

Bad and good neighbors

Not worth it place hydrangea next to plants with a shallow root system, since due to similar environmental requirements they will inhibit each other. Do not plant hydrangea under trees - the powerful roots of the trees take all the moisture from the soil.

Best neighborhood for hydrangea, these are plants with fleshy roots or tubers. Hydrangea goes very well with hostas and astilbe, and looks beautiful in combination with boxwood.

Welcome to your new home

If you purchased a new pet in a store, most likely it was raised in a greenhouse and therefore somewhat pampered. You need to accustom your princess to her new place of residence. For this upon landing remember:

  • if you are not going to plant hydrangea immediately after purchase, then water it generously until planting;
  • under no circumstances should you shorten or trim the roots of a plant taken out of a container (although this is often recommended!);
  • they also cannot be soaked or shaken off the ground;
  • The roots of the plant should not feel a sharp transition from the store-bought substrate to the garden soil, otherwise the growth of the root system will slow down or stop. Stir in the planting hole garden soil with fertilized at a distance of at least 25 cm from the plant.

When digging landing pit take into account the size of the above-ground part of the plant. The volume of the root system should be comparable to the volume of the crown. The rule is simple - dig a hole of such depth and width that the plant can fit in it “upside down”!

After landinggreenhouse capricious, accustomed to drip irrigation and large doses of phytohormones and fertilizers, there will be a period of adaptation. You have to gradually “remove” the plant from stimulating nutrition, like a patient from strong painkillers. To do this, be sure to feed the plant once every two weeks for the first two months after planting.mineral and organic fertilizers.

If you planted a young plant grown from a rooted cutting in the first yeardon't let it bloom, cut off the resulting inflorescences to give the opportunity to lay full-fledged flower buds for the next year.

Seasonal care

Watering. Remember that hydrangea is a “vessel of water”: provide the possibility of abundant irrigation, ideally drip irrigation. Each plant should receive several buckets of water per week, under no circumstances tap water - only rainwater or settled water. To prevent the soil from drying out, mulch trunk circle peat, pine needles, sawdust, tree bark, spreading mulch in a layer of 20-25 cm.

Throughout the summer, remove inflorescences that have bloomed and dried out - this will give the plant the opportunity to extend the flowering period. Carry out anti-aging pruning in the spring - remove shoots that have frozen after severe cold, as well as branches that are more than three years old. After the buds awaken, correct the result - cut off the shoots with unopened buds. In order for the bush to be lush, trim the shoots at 4-5 buds.

If you want to rejuvenate old bush hydrangeas, in the fall, completely cut off all the shoots at the root, leaving only a small stump. Powerful in spring root system will allow you to quickly grow a lush crown.

Feeding. Water the hydrangea with water dissolved in it two to three times a month. organic fertilizer(humus, manure). Don't overdo it mineral fertilizers, their excess can have a bad effect on the winter hardiness of the plant. Hydrangea cannot be fertilized with ash.

When to replant hydrangea?

If you want to replant a hydrangea, follow the same rules and recommendations as when you first planted the plant. It's best to do this in early spring or in the fall after the end of the flowering period.

If your goal is not just a change of location for beautiful bush, A reproduction hydrangeas, then the optimal technology will be the following:

  • 1.Water the plant generously and allow the moisture to be absorbed.
  • 2.Dig the hydrangea in a circle at a distance of 15 cm from the bush. It is more effective to use a pitchfork for this.
  • 3.Tilt the bush and sharp knife or use a shovel to separate part of it.
  • 4. Disinfect the incision site with ash.
  • 5.Transplant part of the bush into a previously prepared hole in a new location.

Take care of the Princess Hydrangea when planting, and this magnificent plant will thank you for your care in a spectacular way. appearance, becoming a real pearl of your beautiful garden.

Plant nursery "Sign of the Earth"

Landscape design plot

Landscape design of a site is a real art, which involves a whole group of specialists. Landscape design is distinguished by individuality, because you are unlikely to find two identical plots: each house with its surrounding area and landscape is unique. Therefore, designers and planners create a landscape design that is suitable only for you and where all your dreams are realized. Landscape design is only limited by your imagination. For example, you need to beautifully decorate your terrace for a pleasant pastime. Or maybe you dream of a small pond with a cascade of murmuring water. If the project includes a swimming pool, then a changing cabin is needed, and the ground around the entire perimeter must be covered with safe materials.
Having equipped a fountain, you can listen to the sound of falling water. Some people do not need the presence of ponds on their plot, then a landscape design specialist can create the appearance of water with the help of a “dry” stream. The imagination of our landscape designers is limitless, and a photo gallery of our completed projects will help you in determining what your summer cottage should be like. Our company employs creative personalities, who are experienced and highly qualified specialists who are ready to fill your garden with life, which will bring you the joy of communicating with it for many years.
Our landscape design studio strives to preserve and improve the natural environment that has developed on the site. In this regard, each tree, shrub or part of the relief, at your request, will become integral organic elements of the new garden design. Our specialists love their work and will be happy to provide any assistance!

Nursery ornamental plants

We are engaged landscaping personal plots, dachas, suburban and urban areas. Our task is A complex approach to landscaping. We are ready not only to give you beautiful and adapted plants, but to deliver them and plant them.

Our plant nursery employs only competent and qualified specialists in various fields. Each of us has unique knowledge of planting and replanting plants, pruning trees and shrubs, we will tell you how to properly care for your garden and give recommendations on landscape design.

I love beautiful plants. And naturally, roses and hydrangeas are my favorites: they are luxurious, look great next to each other, they need similar conditions for growth (rich, loose, acidic soil, places protected from the wind, high humidity air (especially relevant in our Trans-Urals, where dry winds are not uncommon)).

And “an idea came”: to create a mixborder with paniculate hydrangeas. It turned out to be one of the brightest corners of my garden, which is decorative all season long.

In June and July, light caps of "Vanille Fraise" highlight the beauty of pink "Angela" Kordes roses. In August, pinking hydrangeas and roses are a luxurious mixborder, where pink sets the tone.

In September more dark color hydrangeas advantageously emphasize the constancy of the color of rose petals.

Hydrangea flowers are so luxurious (in the photo is Hydrangea paniculata "Limelight") that the best pair for them would be roses with small semi-double or simple flowers.

The flower garden turned out very bright, I wanted to add a little white. I tried placing white potted roses and I liked them.

And bush roses and white floribunda roses fit very organically into the final scheme of the mixborder.

When creating a bright flower garden or mixborder on my site, I always remember that the main color in the garden is green. Here the plants set the main tone.

Green has many shades and is the color that gives harmony and peace.

Therefore, pine, junipers, bluish-silver willows are desirable plants in such a mixborder.

Have you tried growing blueberries and cranberries? Try it, the berries are very tasty and beautiful. And how these plants look with my roses and hydrangeas! They are the sunniest corner near the pond. It will grow and become an openwork carpet, flowing all the way to the water, and in the fall it will be covered with bright red droplets of berries (one and a half to two centimeters: these are the berries of garden cranberries!).

Blue blueberries are an additional decoration for our flower garden. And how delicious they are, comparable only to strawberries and raspberries! Blueberry leaves turn fiery scarlet in autumn. You can read how to plant blueberries correctly. For better fruiting, at least two varieties of blueberries are planted.

Caring for such a flower garden is simple. The pond will create optimal air humidity.

It may be small. The pond will become a source of water for irrigation and spraying. Such a mixborder should always be mulched. Coniferous litter is preferable, but lawn mowing is also suitable if there is temporarily no coniferous litter. saves optimal humidity soil and serves as food for plants. Watering over mulch increases the nutritional value of mulch and serves to protect plants from disease. Therefore, if you like my flower garden, pay attention to the bluish coniferous and white roses - they will add coolness.
In October we saw a stunning sight - luxurious plants were covered with silvery frost.
