What if you kiss a girl. Cool tricks on how to kiss a girl for the first time without any problems. Trick and Teasing

She's beautiful and sweet and you're finally together... maybe it's time for a kiss? If you've never kissed her before (or at all), you might be a little scared right now. But don't worry! With a little preparation and practice, you will become a real pro in no time. Wait for the right moment when you are both ready to kiss. Gradually lean towards her until your lips touch hers. Passion is good, but tenderness is especially important in the first kiss.


Part 1

The basis for success

    Train! The best way feeling comfortable and being a good kisser is all about practicing first. This advice may seem obvious, but it really helps. You can practice on your hand, with another object or with another person.

    • Keep in mind that you may not want to kiss the other person. After all, if you already like a girl or you kiss soon after and she finds out, then it will naturally upset her.
  1. Check the freshness of your breath. After a kiss, a girl will not want to taste garlic or other repulsive aromatic bouquets, because this can completely discourage any desire. Before a date or meeting, brush your teeth and tongue, and also rinse your mouth with a special liquid! To maintain pleasant breathing, instead of soft drinks On a date, drink plain water. You can also suck on a peppermint candy, chew a peppermint, or chew mint gum for a few minutes in the middle of your date.

    • If you're at a restaurant, bring your favorite mouth freshener with you. After dinner, excuse yourself and go to the restroom. Freshen your breath and then check that your breath smells good: hold your hand near your face, exhale and evaluate the smell.
  2. Flirt a little! This should help create the right mood. Compliment her clothes; she'll love it! If she nudges you playfully or does a lot of friendly teasing, it means she wants you to touch her. Don't go beyond what is permitted yet, just take her hand as if you want to show her something. She will mentally thank you if you do not create awkward situations with embarrassed glances and blushes of shame.

    • If you're brave enough, put your arm around her waist as you laugh together and say something playful like, "You're so cute!"
    • If a girl likes this, offer to give her a piggyback ride or tickle her a little. Don't do this all the time, and when you do, be respectful. Don't grab her butt or breasts.
    • Flirting will help her open up to kissing you. Think of a kiss as reaching the top of a mountain. To reach the peak, you first need to walk a little.
  3. Choose the right moment. Right time will make your task much easier. Good opportunity for a kiss - this is the end of a date, when you say goodbye, go out for a walk or after watching a movie in the cinema. You will notice that all of these content moments are intimate and you will usually be alone. It is important! For your first kiss, you need to choose a time when it will be just the two of you.

    • A kiss should not be in the public domain. You shouldn't kiss and tell everyone about the kiss. That's rough.
  4. Ask! This may seem strange because we are used to adorable people kissing in movies, but sometimes asking this question will show a girl how much you respect her and care about her feelings. She will appreciate your concern!

    • You can say something like, “I really want to kiss you right now. Do you mind?” or: “Do you want me to kiss you?”

Part 2

We sharpen our technique
  1. Slowly bring your face closer to hers. This is a universal signal that you are about to kiss a girl. This will give the girl the choice to show you if she's uncomfortable. Plus, it will save you from the risk of getting slapped. Close your eyes only when you start kissing.

    Try a simple closed-mouth kiss first. Kiss a girl without tongue for the first time. Close your eyes right before the kiss.

    Bow your head. Approach a little from the side. If your head is in the same position as hers, your noses will bump together instead of your lips touching.

    Move slowly and watch her response. If she prefers to kiss deeply and passionately, then she will hold your lips for a while; you don't have to make a lot of movements.

    Use your hands. If you want, gently place your hand on her face or slowly thumb on her cheek. But at the same time, do not forget to hug her tightly around the waist or lower back with your other hand.

    Be gentle and loving. A kiss is like a silent conversation. You need to be kind, gentle, forgiving... because you want the girl to want to repeat it?

    Breathe. You'd be surprised how many people who aren't used to kissing forget to breathe. If you want to continue kissing but can't figure out how to get air to breathe, try moving from kissing the lips to kissing the cheek or forehead.

    Stop when you're ready. Slowly pull away after a few seconds (or minutes!) and open your eyes. Congratulations! Every kiss after the first so it's easier. Now you have reached your peak.

Part 3

Let's go pro

    Learn to kiss in French . This is the next skill to master. It's not as hard as it sounds, and with time and practice, you'll have a killer new weapon in your kissing arsenal.

    Learn to petting . All this passionate hugging and caressing may seem difficult at first, especially if you both have problems with rhythm, but over time it will become much easier. Just don't overdo it and always keep it interesting.

    Learn to kiss passionately . Once you have the basic techniques in your arsenal, you'll want to be a really good kisser, and that usually comes down to being passionate. You will make it easier for yourself if you relax and give free rein to your feelings.

    Learn to kiss in front of other people . Chances are that the longer you date your girlfriend, the more often you will find yourself in situations where you kiss in front of others (for example, on a double date or in big company). There is nothing wrong with this, but you must learn to do it politely and civilly!

    Learn to kiss with braces . If this is your first kiss, chances are you're wearing braces too. Don't worry! Contrary to all the jokes in movies and TV shows, kissing with braces is not as hard as it seems.

  • Take care of your lips: they should not be dry or chapped. Rub them with regular sugar beforehand to remove dead skin on your lips.
  • Right before your lips touch, swallow any excess saliva and lightly lick your lips to moisten them a little. But not too obviously, otherwise the girl will feel very strange.
  • Don't push. If she wants to stop, stop kissing her. You need to respect the girl's feelings. Better try another time.
  • It's completely normal if she doesn't want to continue kissing. However, if she likes it, don't stop!
  • A kiss can say a lot, so be careful. Don't kiss someone if you don't want to.
  • Don't be upset if she doesn't kiss you. Perhaps she's just not ready.
  • To intensify the kiss, place your hand behind her neck, grab her waist, or place your hand on her cheek. Once you do this, gently and slowly press her closer.
  • Lick inner side wrist or hand, and as soon as the saliva dries, smell it - this way you can understand if everything is okay with your breathing. And yes, this method is better than cupping your palms. Make sure no one notices this.
  • Keep yourself in control both during the kiss and after. During the first kiss, many people are nervous - this is normal. But don't show your emotions.
  • Some girls are VERY shy - as soon as you talk to them about a kiss, they immediately retreat. However, if the situation is appropriate, and she initiates the kiss, answer her in kind!

A kiss is one of the most important moments in any couple's relationship. The girl’s feelings for the guy depend on how he will be. It is by kissing that you can determine how a man feels about his partner. To give your beloved pleasure, you need knowledge of certain rules and regular practice. Especially important has the lovers' first kiss. The main thing for a man is not to scare off an inexperienced partner.

When preparing for a date with a girl, it is worth considering all the nuances. In order for a kiss to bring pleasure to your chosen one, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Take care of fresh breath. Your breath should not smell like garlic or beer. It's better not to smoke beforehand. And you should take care of the condition of your teeth in advance - you need to visit the dentist twice a year. If you have doubts about the freshness of your breath, you can use a mouth freshener or mint gum.
  • Whether to shave or not is up to a man to decide for himself. Nowadays it is fashionable to wear a beard. But if this is not well-groomed vegetation, but uneven fluff that is breaking through, then it is better to shave it off so as not to make the lady disgusted.
  • Before a date you can use eau de toilette. The main thing is not to overdo it, so that strong smell The girl didn't have a headache.
  • A guy should feel confident when he kisses his lover.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the place where the first kiss will take place. The place should be romantic and cozy.

How to understand that a girl is ready

For a kiss to be passionate, both partners must desire it. Under no circumstances should you kiss a girl if she doesn’t want it. You should not persistently try to kiss on the first date - your beloved may be offended and will not agree to the next meeting.

An attentive man will notice when his chosen one is ready for a kiss. It is worth paying attention to the behavior of your companion:

  • The girl does not look away, smiles and blushes embarrassedly. In this case, the gentleman needs to immediately take action.
  • When a guy escorts his companion home in the evening after a date, she is in no hurry to enter the entrance, but looks at her friend, as if expecting something.
  • Sitting next to him, the woman leans towards her gentleman and leans her head on his shoulder.

To prepare your beloved for a kiss, you need to sit on the side of her and, without interrupting the conversation, carefully place her hand on her back, hug her by the shoulders and move closer. Light resistance indicates the girl’s excitement, especially if the kiss happens for the first time. If she didn’t jump up and run away, then she won’t refuse close communication.

Before kissing a girl, you definitely need to compliment her. She should feel the most beautiful and desirable.

Kiss rules

In order for the kiss to be both tender and passionate at the same time, you should not only have loving feelings for your chosen one, but also follow certain rules:

  1. 1. Lack of excitement. A slight tremor may be present, but the man needs to be confident. If he only thinks about how not to lose face and show himself as a tough macho, he will not be able to please his partner. The main thing in love relationships– is to dissolve in your soul mate.
  2. 2. Creating a romantic atmosphere. The time and place must be suitable: a beautiful embankment of the city, a cozy street with small old houses, a quiet cafe or a cinema hall. The conversation needs to be gradually brought to an intimate topic.
  3. 3. Gentle hugs. Preliminary caresses put you in a certain mood and evoke desire.
  4. 4. Slowly touch the girl’s lips. At the same time, you need to look into her eyes. The lips should be left relaxed and thirsty. After the first touch, you can close your eyes and completely surrender to the pleasant sensations.
  5. 5. Assessing the partner's lips for taste. The guy easily touches the girl’s lower lip and pulls it into his mouth. Then he begins to suck and bite it, showing how much pleasure he feels. After about 15 seconds, you should step away for a while.
  6. 6. Evaluation of the effect produced. In between kisses, you can see the woman's reaction. With all her appearance she will show whether she likes the process and whether it is worth continuing further.
  7. 7. Duration of the kiss. Any kiss, no matter how desired, should not be delayed. An experienced lover always senses the moment when kissing on the lips should be stopped.

Types of kisses

Touching your partner's lips differs in their technique. Some people like gentle and light kisses, while others prefer to French kiss.


This option is one of the most pure; it occurs without a tongue. It is suitable for young lovers who are just starting to get to know each other better. To do this, you need to stand close to each other, close your eyes and open your mouth slightly. The guy slightly stretches his lips forward and touches his partner’s lips one by one, moving from top to bottom. During a break, you need to look the girl in the eyes. If she wants to continue, then you need to press closer to her more insistently, pull one of your lips into your mouth and bite lightly.

Approach the kiss the right way.

A kiss is mutual pleasure. If you feel good and pleasant with a girl, then the kiss will be the same. A girl always feels what you feel. Your condition is transmitted to her.

If you want to suck her, do it now

Let's say you just met a nice person. Now you want to know how to kiss this girl on the lips so that it will be pleasant for both of you. In fact, there is no need to delay for long. No strict criteria of when you can and cannot kiss. You are drawn to her, you have mutual sympathy, you can immediately get sucked in.

Successful guys do not put off their first kiss with a girl and getting closer to her. I kissed girls without words, not knowing her name or who she was.

How I sucked a girl without words, knowing her for only 5 seconds

I remember an incident at the AFP festival near Nizhny Novgorod. I had a wordless kiss with a girl I didn't know at all and didn't even interact with.

I saw a blonde with short hair wearing sunglasses on the dance floor. She had a great figure and a headband with bunny ears, she stood out among everyone.

I didn’t want to communicate, ask her name, I wasn’t in the mood to talk. I gestured to her - raise your glasses. She made it.

The blonde turned out to be a cutie. I liked her. I approached and without words immediately began to suck her passionately. At first there was slight resistance, and then she succumbed to my love. It turned out to be a nice passionate French kiss.

There is nothing magical or complicated here. It just happened that way. I wanted to kiss and didn't want to communicate. You too can kiss a girl for the first time without saying a single word to her.

Video “A guy passionately sucked a stranger without permission”

The following cool video clearly shows that kissing for the first time can be quick and easy. In this video, a guy kisses a girl, knowing her for only 5 seconds!

Why sometimes a kiss doesn't work

1. If everything is going badly, stop, don’t torture each other

If you feel that the kiss is going badly, then you should not kiss. Some guys, when dating, chase a kiss as if it is something special, they chase numbers - how many girls they have sucked. This is very funny and stupid! If you don't enjoy kissing her or someone's breath stinks, why torture each other?

2. Don't let your ego manipulate you

You need to distinguish and recognize in yourself when the greedy ego through discomfort makes you do something you don't want to do. I've seen this with a lot of guys. They have such a strong dependence on the result, such an attachment to the kiss, that the girl begins to manipulate the guy and play with his passion.

Just know how to stop yourself in time. If you cannot stop and succumbed to her game, then know that you succumbed to your insatiable greedy ego.

The ego is always not enough, it wants everything and more. The ego chases the result, the number, instead of enjoying the process and a kiss, instead of being in passion and pleasure with your partner here and now.

3. Don't make a big deal about the kiss.

Girls themselves often kiss each other on the lips or cheek when they meet. This is a very common and common occurrence for them. They don't attach much importance to it. So why should you attach so much importance to a kiss?

4. There must first be attraction, trust and comfort between you

It is a mistake to kiss a girl when there is no mutual attraction, no trust and comfort.

5. Don't ask her permission

You don't need to ask a girl's permission if you want to kiss her for the first time. Don't give her the initiative and responsibility for the kiss. It is imposed in films that supposedly you need to ask permission. Never ask, just do.

The following video is about how to kiss a girl for the first time, with an excerpt from the famous series. Pay attention to the fact that kisses go not only to the lips, but also to the neck and around the neck.

I have a few of my favorite things that I like to do before I kiss a girl. At first I didn't even want to share them with you. Since you're here, you deserve to know my secrets :)

2 tips for getting closer to the first kiss

We stand or sit, it doesn’t matter, but all this - close facing each other. It is necessary. You should not be distracted by external things.

1. “Lip smacking” trick

One of them is to look at it up close and smack your lips, letting her know that I want to give her a kiss.

Smack your lips, convey your passion to her through your eyes and then kiss. You can look at her passionately, sexually, most importantly, sincerely and openly.

There is no need to hide your intentions and desires. Your desire for her must fully correspond to your actions.

2. The trick “Alternately look at her eyes and lips”

The second trick to getting closer for a kiss is - it's looking into her lips and then back into her eyes and alternate it. You look into her eyes, again at her lips, into her eyes, at her lips.

You do all this slowly: you look at the lips longer than at the eyes. This is a wonderful feature, simply magic! Try it in practice. She herself will begin to understand everything.

The world around you seems to stop. I cannot describe such moments in words. Just try it and write back to me here.

Exciting game: kiss with ice

You can drink some iced drink with a friend, but after drinking it, do not rush to throw away the ice cube. Eat great way get a girl to kiss you using this ice.

I told you my very personal and sensitive topics. Everything I have written here is of great value.. You now know everything about how to excite a girl with a kiss and stay in her memory for a long time. Re-read the article again, visualizing all the subtle points that I described above.

Kiss only the girls you like, to whom you are attracted and who you really like! Have fun with it!

There is a lot that is unclear in this matter for young guys, so it would not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with typical situations and their possible solutions in order to understand how to act correctly and how to win a girl or pick up a woman these days.

How to get a girl to kiss you if she's in school, afraid, doesn't want to

Respect the girl’s feelings and if she doesn’t want to kiss, then forcing her to do it is dishonest.

Be a gentleman, show care and attention to your chosen one, don’t force things - and soon she will definitely kiss you.

How to kiss a girl if she turns away and is shy

A shy girl will feel more comfortable in the twilight or in the evening. Stand opposite your chosen one, touch her hair and pull it back, look closely into her eyes and try to kiss her.

How to kiss a girl with tongue if she doesn't know how to kiss

If a girl doesn't know how to kiss, teach her. But do it without moralizing and unnecessary words. This will push her away from you. Remember yourself - you didn’t immediately become such a macho either.

How to kiss a girl so that she falls in love and melts

Just the ability to kiss professionally will not make a girl melt and fall in love. In addition, she should see you as a brave, strong, reliable and cheerful guy.

How to kiss a girl so that she never forgets it, goes nuts and doesn’t mind and remembers the kiss for the rest of her life

Girls, like boys, remember their very first kiss for the rest of their lives. If this is the first time for both of you, then you will both be freaked out, which is much more pleasant than she alone will be freaked out.

How to kiss a girl you like but is shorter or short

Kissing a girl who is shorter than you is much more convenient by placing her on a pedestal or dais. Many lovers also like to kiss on a bench in the park - then the difference in height is not so noticeable.

How to kiss a girl you are dating, friends with, who has a boyfriend

A girl who already has a boyfriend is unlikely to want to kiss another. Therefore, to begin with, it is better to recapture it from your opponent.

How to properly kiss a girl on the lips for the first time, without tongue and her permission in one minute

Act as you described - kiss for the first time, without tongue and without her permission, in one minute. However, it’s not a fact that after such an attack you won’t get hit in the face.

How to kiss a girl or guy with your lips without getting hit in the face

To avoid getting hit in the face, you only need to meet two conditions - mutual sympathy and consent to the kiss.

How to kiss a girl and not be afraid on what date

Only a psychic can give clear recommendations on which date you won’t be afraid to kiss your chosen one. And since clairvoyants are usually not bothered about such trifles, proceed at your own peril and risk.

How to French kiss

Detailed instructions on how to kiss with a French kiss can be found on the Internet. However, you need to know that this type of kiss also assumes healthy teeth and fresh breath.

How to kiss a girl when you walk her home

Her friend can also accompany the girl home. Then a kiss upon parting will not be appropriate, since the girl may not be ready for more serious relationship. Unless, as a friend, you quickly kiss her on the cheek, thereby killing “two birds with one stone” - look at the girl’s reaction and you will know how to behave further.

This article presents the main secrets and most simple ways, how to seduce a girl into kissing, which you can use whenever you want to kiss a woman.

How to seduce a girl into kissing as effectively as possible

It’s interesting that for many guys, seducing a girl for a kiss is a big problem. In reality, there is nothing complicated here. You need to boldly take the initiative into your own hands.

If you want a girl to kiss you, you can try to take her weakly, ask her to peck you on the cheek and at the last moment offer her lips, but all this is the lot of schoolchildren. If you want to look like a real man and male in her eyes, then you must take the initiative into your own hands.

Often guys wait for the right moment for a kiss and try to somehow gently lead to it. Practice shows that it is much more effective to act simply.

If a girl has trust in you, and you feel that in her eyes, then it’s time to act, especially if no one is bothering you next to you. Just pick her up and kiss her - girls love spontaneity.

Believe me, this will have a much greater effect and will be many times better than if you sit, figure out the right moment for half the evening and be stupid.

Women love this kind of rush. As a last resort, if she is not ready, she will dodge. Whatever the outcome, your attempt will direct her thoughts in the right direction and, if she likes you, on the second or third try you will get what you want.

How to kiss a girl and not worry

Sometimes it happens that a guy wants to kiss a girl and is no longer looking for an opportune moment and is not trying to lead her to this in some cunning ways, but he is still worried, and anxiety does not allow him to take a decisive step.

In such cases it is useful. Just decide for yourself that you will kiss her when you count to three or finish saying the sentence you started.

It is important that you definitely do what you decide. Crooked, askew, but I did it! Only by acting in this way will you become effective at seducing women.

Understand that the faster you move towards sex, the better. Girls are tired of guys who sit quietly next to them and torment them with intelligent conversations. She didn't come to talk to you! The dream of every girl is to meet passionate love, which will develop quickly and rapidly. So don’t be shy and act decisively, and your courage will definitely be rewarded.

  1. Make sure you smell nice. You shouldn't eat garlic before going on a date. It is best to brush your teeth before meeting a girl or at least chew some gum;
  2. Don't delay the kiss. You shouldn't wait until the end of the date to kiss a girl just because it's customary. It is acceptable to kiss a woman both at the beginning of a date and in the middle - it depends on the circumstances. If you kiss a girl at the beginning of a date, it is likely that it will end in sex;
  3. Women breed better in secluded places. It's easier to kiss someone while sitting together in a car than standing at a bus stop where there are a lot of people. But there is no fundamental difference here;
  4. Be persistent. If the woman doesn’t fall for the kiss right away, try again after a while. If she likes you, then after 2-3 approaches she will give up;
  5. Don't stop there. Don't be satisfied with little, act persistently. A kiss is not the limit of your dreams; a girl should feel what you really want. After you kissed your passion, and then it is likely that today you will sleep in the same bed.