Numerals simple complex compounds table. “Simple, complex and compound numerals


Bird chirping.
The ticking of a drop.
The morning rises early
First of April.
On this smiling day
Living without jokes is bad.
If you are touchy,
Hot-tempered, forgetful,
Gloomy, quarrelsome,
Beware of the catch!

Valentin Berestov



Five lessons on the topic “Numerals”

6th grade

Numeral as part of speech

First lesson

1. Introduction to the textbook material.

2. Reading survey:

    What questions do numerals answer?

    Give examples of cardinal numbers.

    Give examples of ordinal numbers.

    Why are numerals classified as nominal parts of speech?

    What parts of a sentence can numerals be?

3. The teacher’s story about the origin of numerals.

At first, people used only these words to count: one two Three And a lot of. Doesn't this system of seeing the world and yourself in this world remind you of the words of another part of speech? Yes, this counting system reminds us of pronouns: I (one, first, one), you (second, other, not me), he (third) And we (a lot) . Probably, such a close relationship between a person and himself explains the fact that in Russian the numeral one has all three types: one, one, one – and even plural: alone . Compare: two . Compare: I (one, first, one), you (second, other, not me), he (third) has only two forms - two

, and the remaining numerals have only one form. When the need arose for a more accurate count (for example, of domestic animals), they began to count in tens. Ten became the main word: the numbers from 11 to 19 were formed like this: one in ten is eleven, two in ten is twelve

(write down both words). Form the remaining numerals orally. Let's move on. Two tens is twenty, three tens is thirty(write it down). Four tens- ... Yes, according to the laws of logic, the word should have been fourty or fourty. But there is no such numeral in the Russian language, but there is a word fourty fourty. Where did it come from? IN

Ancient Rus' this word was used to describe a bag that contained exactly four dozen squirrel or sable skins - a set for one fur coat. Soon the bag disappeared, and in a word they began to name any objects in the amount of four dozen. From(write it down, underline the soft sign). From six tens– ... (and so on until 80, write down all the words, b underline, highlight the roots). And here again there is a violation of the pattern. Instead of ninety we have ninety.

Let's decline this numeral:

i.p. (How many?) ninety,
r.p. (how many?) ninety,
d.p. (how many?) ninety,
v.p. (How many?) ninety,
etc. (how many) ninety,
p.p. (about how many?) about ninety.

Now try to decline the numeral yourself one hundred. Draw conclusions. There was no word in Rus' thousand, but there was another word - dark. Now it remains only in phraseological units. Can you remember them? (There are tons of people, tons of people.)

At the word million interesting story. They say that when the world famous traveler Marco Polo saw the countless riches of China, he expressed his surprise: “A million!” Literally, if you translate all Italian morphemes into Russian, you will get thousand.

Laughter is laughter, and the world thus received a new numeral, which means a thousand thousand. Billion also called. billion Bi – in Latin “two”. What words do you know with this meaning?

(Binoculars, binary, bisector, binomial.)

Try writing down the numbers:

Do they remind you of other words? And the word itself number borrowed. Word And the word itself.

sifr means "zero" in Arabic..

Name the spelling in the word

4. Vocabulary dictation with mutual checking

(after recording, students check each other’s dictation, since they are well familiar with the spelling)

Dial, action, compass, circus, gypsy, foxes, pale-faced, demonstration, operation, cylinder, cyclamen, chick, scurvy, mat, chickens, tits, gypsy, acacia, knitting needles.

Tasks 1) Determine which part of speech these words belong to..

2) Make up five phrases “numeral + noun” with any words from this dictation.

5. Before you are the words:

threesome, triple, arrange, threesome, threesome

Do you think there are numerals among them? That's right, no. Read the textbook material on page 124 and complete the exercise. 320.

6. Syntactic five-minute.

Let's write down the sentences on the board and analyze them syntactically. 7. Writing from memory. Read the sentence written on the board and write it down from memory. IN " Explanatory dictionary

living Great Russian language" V.I. Dalya from above two hundred thousand words 1) Find compound adjective, explain its spelling ( great O RU) .

ss To.

Wow 2) Find words with unstressed vowels, select test ones for them (sensible - sense, dictionary - word, alive - alive)– how much is this?

9. Conclusions at the end of the lesson.

10. Homework .

1) Find and write down 10 proverbs and sayings with numerals.

2) Write the longest numeral.

(From homework Elvira's Luts.

According to the student, the longest numeral can be a number of 47 words.)

Eight hundred twenty-four decillion nine hundred seventy-three nonillion one hundred fifty-four octillion three hundred seventy-five septillion five hundred ninety-eight sextillion seven hundred forty-eight quintillion two hundred sixty-one quadrillion nine hundred thirty-one trillion seven hundred seventy-seven billion five hundred fifty-five million two hundred ninety-four thousand one hundred eighty-four.

Proverbs written out by children.
1. Seven do not wait for one.
2. Measure seven times, cut once.
3. Alone in the field is not a warrior.
4. Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.
5. Seven nannies have a child without an eye.
6. Seven troubles - one answer.
7. For one beaten, they give two unbeaten.
8. One wolf chases the sheep of the regiment.
9. One goose will not trample the grass.
10. Two people fight – the third one doesn’t interfere.
11. Two boots - a pair.
12. Two to one is an army.
13. Two are plowing, and seven are waving their hands.
14. Two bald men are fighting over a comb.
15. He had three wives and suffered from them all.
16. Forgive three times, and the fourth is sick.
17. Three money a day – wherever you want, go there for the day.

18. The fifth wheel in the cart is superfluous.

Kudelin Igor

Simple and compound numbers

Second lesson Proverbs are tested orally by 2–3 students, additional task

- the longest numeral - is written down as a dictionary dictation: the student who came up with this numeral writes on the board, and the class writes in workbooks (usually such a numeral begins with a billion).

2. Watch new material. Look at the numerals that are found in proverbs, and at the numeral that we have just written. Are there any differences? Let's formulate a rule. Numerals consisting of one word are simple, those of two or more are compound. Let's test ourselves using the textbook. Open paragraph 57. Now let's think about one more question. Are ordinal numbers prime and composite? Give examples. Now let's get it out

general rule and write it down.

3. Basic summary

in a theory notebook. 4. Compose examples. Two students go to the blackboard. One makes up examples with

simple numbers , the other - only with compound ones. One hundred divided by five b ten equals two. If you multiply four by five, you get twenty. From one NN yard divided by mi NN ion - there will be a thousand. Sl ABOUT live a hundred and a pole , the other - only with compound ones. sot - get seven , the other - only with compound ones. cell

Twenty-two plus eighty-three equals one hundred and one. One thousand fifty-four minus sixty-four is nine hundred and ninety.

Twelve multiplied by eleven - we get one hundred and thirty-two. Two thousand six hundred twenty three divided by sixty one equals forty three.

5. Selective dictation..

    Listen to the sentences. Write simple numbers in one column and compound numbers in the other. Two hundred and fifty

    years is necessary for the formation of oil. Fourty

    Percent of the territory of the Netherlands, the inhabitants of this country conquered from the sea with the help of dams. A giant rassamal tree rises above the ground at fifty–sixty meters and has a crown diameter twenty thirty

    meters. thousand If you write down everything we say throughout our lives, you will get exactly volumes of four hundred

    pages in each. In our Galaxy, which is called the Milky Way, there are one hundred billion

    stars Life on Earth began three billion eight hundred

    years ago. two hundred twenty-five million

years ago, dinosaurs were the masters of our planet. 6. Self-test

(check with the note on the board made in advance). 7. Consolidation exercise

(from the textbook).

8. Game “Make a sentence”. Open your textbook on page twenty, find given name
noun. On page fifty-five, take the verb in the past tense, in singular
, in the masculine gender (in boxes).
On page fifty-nine you will find a noun in a box - write it down with the corresponding verb.

On page one hundred and seventy-two there are two nouns in a box. Form them into a compound noun and insert it into a sentence.
What proposal did you come up with?

(Vyacheslav arrived at the painters-plasterers competition.)
What can you say about the numerals that were used in the game?

(They are ordinal and compound, with the exception of the first numeral - it is simple.)

Come up with a similar task for your desk buddy. And in the next lesson you can play with it. (Orthoepic norms for the pronunciation of numerals are being practiced.)

10. 9. Lesson summary. Homework. "Journey to the Future."

Imagine being transported 10–20 years into the future. Describe to us any product from the future (a car, a robot, a watch, a space rocket or something more fantastic). Write his passport using 10 compound numerals.

Spelling of soft sign in numerals

1. Checking homework. Exhibition of homework. (It hangs for several days so that you have the opportunity to get acquainted with all the works. Then you can award a prize for the most original idea or the most fantastic product of the future.)

2. Material for observation.

Have you noticed that in some numerals the soft sign is written in the middle of the word, in others - at the end. Can you explain this pattern? (See lesson #1.)
What does the textbook tell us about this?

Let's turn to him.

3. Recording from memory.
For numerals
Soft sign one:
Or he stands at the end,

Or in the middle. 4. Material for discussion. Why then in the numeral fifty

two soft signs?

5. Precautionary dictation..

The dictation words with missing spellings are written down on the board in advance (the same words can be written on whatman paper or a code card).

All cases of spelling words with a soft sign are analyzed, and the spelling is written in with colored chalk in place of the gaps (on whatman paper and a code card - with a marker). Then what has been written is covered and students write from dictation.

Nurses, roofer, seventy, less, branches, five hundred and fifty-five, clove, herring, seventy, threshing, January, sixteen, take, October, fifteenth, earring, thinner, eighty-six, glazier, stove maker, eight hundred and eighty-eighth, cup, birdhouse . Self-test.

6. Consolidation exercise

(Ex. 325)..

7. Creative dictation. Now I will read to you an excerpt from an ancient geographical book written by a wonderful teacher, geographer and traveler Sergei Mech. This is a story about the sensations experienced at the sight of the aurora. You will write this text in the 3rd person. Write down all numerals only in words.
It's clear? Let's get started Night was falling. The thermometer showed 38 degrees below zero. The severe frost made our beards look like tangled wires, and our eyelashes look like icy ice., and after another twenty seconds the sky turned pale green. Then two arcs appeared, which lasted in the sky for about fifteen seconds, and then broke up into a million vertical stripes. Half an hour later, this splendor disappeared, and the snowy desert again turned into gloomy and impenetrable.

Underline the spellings in the numerals.
Indicate verb prefixes.

8. Game “Guess the numeral.”

It has two roots: the first is like a noun nickel, the second – as in a noun ten.

(This numeral is From.)

Come up with your own word - and you can play at the next lesson with your neighbor at your desk.

Come up with a similar task for your desk buddy. And in the next lesson you can play with it. (Orthoepic norms for the pronunciation of numerals are being practiced.)

10. 9. Lesson summary.. § 58, ex. 328.

Quantities of cardinal numbers

Lesson four

1. Frontal survey on the topic studied.

2. Control vocabulary dictation on the topic of the previous lesson.

Six hundred masons, babysitting four children, eight hundred less than a million, roofer's assistant, eighth buoyant, shifter's request, looking for a letter, seventeen athletes, put herring on a plate, December eleventh, January frost, day three, casually.

3. Textbook material(p. 127).

Basic summary.

4. Intellectual warm-up. Replace these words with others:, a dozen, damn dozen, one and a half one and a half hundred, three (kitten), four


What words did you come up with? Twelve, thirteen, one hundred and fifty

– numerals denoting whole numbers. One point five

– fractional number. Three, four

– collective numbers. 5. Consolidation exercise

(Ex. 329).

6. Selective dictation. Exercise.

. Write cardinal numbers in three columns In the harsh Arctic expanses lies the snow-covered Wrangel Island, unknown to science until early XIX
century. It is 150 km long and 75 km wide. In 1820–1824, the Russian expedition of F. Wrangel first explored this snow-covered region and compiled the first map of this area. Russian researchers tried to reach an unknown land, but each time, moving 200–300 kilometers from the mainland, they became hostages of impassable hummocks. Three of them once found themselves on a drifting ice floe, two had to swim in an unfrozen ice hole.
Now the entire island has been declared a nature reserve. For ten months - from September to June - winter reigns here.
From mid-November the polar night begins, which lasts for a month and a half. The wind speed here during hurricanes reaches 120 kilometers per hour, and the height of the snowdrifts is 25 meters.

The polar day here lasts two and a half months. The island is transforming: streams are babbling, mosses, lichens, grasses and dwarf shrubs are colorful. You rarely see plants on the island more than 15 cm high. The rivers and lakes of the island freeze to the bottom in winter, so there are no fish in them. But the largest animals in the Arctic – walruses – set up their rookeries near the coast. Old males reach a length of 4.8 m and weigh 2.5 tons. But the main attraction of the reserve is the polar bear. These powerful predators, three meters long, sometimes weigh 700 kg. In the deep snowdrifts on the mountain slopes you can count up to 200 bear dwellings in winter. Three quarters of all species of animals and plants on the island are listed in the Red Book.

    7. Let's check the board.

Numerals denoting whole numbers
One hundred fifty
Seventy five
Two hundred
Three hundred
One hundred and twenty
Twenty five
Seventy five

    Seven hundred

Fractional numbers
One and a half
Two and a half
Four point eight
Two and a half

    Three quarters

Collective numbers


8. Let's calculate the results.

256 – 100%
10 – This text contains 256 words. What percentage are numerals representing whole numbers?% This text contains 256 words. What percentage are numerals representing whole numbers? = 3,94%


256 – 100%
5 – This text contains 256 words. What percentage are numerals representing whole numbers?% This text contains 256 words. What percentage are numerals representing whole numbers? = 1,97%

What percentage are fractional numbers?

256 – 100%
2 – This text contains 256 words. What percentage are numerals representing whole numbers?% This text contains 256 words. What percentage are numerals representing whole numbers? = 0,8%.

Come up with a similar task for your desk buddy. And in the next lesson you can play with it. (Orthoepic norms for the pronunciation of numerals are being practiced.)

10. 9. Lesson summary. What percentage are collective numbers?

. § 59, ex. 330.

Practical lesson

Fifth lesson

4. Vocabulary dictation with mutual checking

Practicing spelling and pronunciation skills of cardinal numbers.
1. Write the sentences by inserting the missing letters. Write all numerals in words.
2. Indicate the category, type, and case of the numerals.

3. Find and underline the adjective in the superlative compound degree.

Option I

ancient - the pyramid of Cheops (146.6 m). §1. general characteristics

numeral name A numeral is an independent significant part of speech. Numerals have different meanings grammatical features

, structure.- “number, amount, order when counting.”
Numerals include words that answer the questions: How many?, Which?

2. Morphological characteristics:

  • constants - quantitative/ordinal, simple/composite
  • changeable - case for all numerals, gender and number for ordinal ones, and also, in addition, individual numerals have features that do not fit into the general scheme:
    for some quantitative ones: genus, for example, one-one-one, two-two,
    number, for example, one-ones, a thousand-thousands, a million-millions.

Numerals are declined, changing according to cases, and some - according to cases, numbers and genders in the singular. On this basis they are referred to as names.

3. Syntactic role in a sentence:

  • cardinal numbers, together with the noun that depends on them, form a single member of a sentence, for example:

    Three magazines were on the table.

    I bought three magazines.

    The story was published in three magazines.

    Cardinal numbers are included in those parts of a sentence that can be nouns.

  • Ordinal numbers are in a sentence a definition or part of a compound nominal predicate.

    Our place is in the tenth row.

    The boy was third.

§2. Rank by value

According to their meaning, numerals are divided into two categories: quantitative and ordinal.
Quantitative means "number" or "quantity". Number is an abstract mathematical concept. Quantity is the number of items. Cardinal numbers, in turn, are divided into subcategories:

  • whole denote integers and quantities in integers, for example: five, twenty-five, one hundred and twenty-five
  • fractional denote fractional numbers and quantities, for example: one second, two thirds
  • collective express the meaning of the totality: both, three, seven

All subcategories of cardinal numbers have their own characteristics. Integers and fractions can form mixed numbers, for example: five point three (or: five point three).

Ordinal Numerals indicate the order of counting: first, one hundred and first, two thousand and eleven.

§3. Numeral structure

According to their structure, numerals are divided into simple and compound.

  • Simple Numerals are those that are written in one word: three, thirteen, three hundred, third, three hundredth
  • Composite- these are numerals made up of several words written separately: thirty-three, three hundred thirty-three, three hundred thirty-third .

What happens?

  • Whole quantitative
  • Fractional quantitative- compound.
  • Collective quantitative- simple.
  • Ordinal Numerals can be both simple and compound.

§4. Cardinal numbers. Morphological features

Whole numbers

Integer numbers change according to cases. If these are compound integer numerals, then with declension all parts change. For example:

I.p. eight hundred five ten six (books)
R.p. eight hundred fifty six (books)
D.p. eight hundred and fifty-six (books), etc.

From the examples it is clear that for derivatives of numerals formed by adding stems, both parts change when declension occurs.
Of great interest are numerals that have not only case forms, but also gender or gender and number.

These are numerals: one, two, one and a half, thousand, million, billion and others like that.


Word . Probably, such a close relationship between a person and himself explains the fact that in Russian the numeral varies by gender and number: one boy - M.R., one girl - F.R., one state - cf. r., alone - plural This numeral does not have one set of forms, like most integer cardinal numerals, but four: for each gender in the singular and for the plural.

The numeral two changes not only by cases, like all numerals, but also by gender: two boys, two girls, two windows (the forms sr.r. and m.r. coincide).

Thousand, million, billion

These numerals are similar to nouns. They have a constant gender and vary in numbers and cases.

I.p. thousand, thousands
R.p. thousands, thousands
D.p. thousand, thousands, etc.

Fractional cardinal numbers

In addition to numerals one and a half, one and a half hundred, all fractional compounds: the first part is an integer cardinal number, and the second is an ordinal number: two thirds, five eighths. With declension, both parts change, for example:

I.p. five eighths
R.p. five eighths
D.p. five-eighth

One and a half
Numeral one and a half changes not only by cases, but also by gender: one and a half - one and a half, For example:

a day and a half, a week and a half.
(The form of the sr.r. coincides with the form of the m.r.)

One two as part of fractional genders they do not change, but are used in the form of genders, for example:

one eighth, two thirds.

Collective numbers

Collective numbers vary by case. Only the word is special both, which has genus forms:

both brothers, both sisters, both states
(The forms of m. and s.r. are the same)

§5. Ordinals. Morphological features

Ordinal numbers are closest to relative adjectives. They change by number, in the singular by gender and by case, and have endings like adjectives. In compound ordinal numbers, only the final word changes, for example:

I.p. one thousand nine hundred eighty-four
R.p. one thousand nine hundred eighty-four
D.p. one thousand nine hundred and eighty-four, etc.

§6. Syntactic compatibility of numerals with nouns

U cardinal numbers there are features in syntactic compatibility with the nouns to which they relate.

In I.p. and V.p. they require after themselves nouns in the form of R.p., for example:

eight books, fifteen roses, twenty people.

At the same time, the numerals one and a half, two, three, four require a singular noun. h., and the rest - in the plural. h.

Two windows - five windows, three roses - thirty roses, four boys - forty boys.

This type of syntactic compatibility is called control, because The case of the noun is governed by the numeral.

In all other forms, the type of connection is different, namely: agreement, i.e. numerals agree with nouns in case.

R.p. five windows, three roses
D.p. five windows, three roses
etc. five windows, three roses
P.p. (about) five windows, three roses

The exception is the numeral . Probably, such a close relationship between a person and himself explains the fact that in Russian the numeral. It agrees with the noun in all cases.

Fractional numbers have prime numbers one and a half, one and a half hundred combine with nouns as whole units.
The remaining fractions control the R.p. It is possible to use nouns in both the singular and plural, For example: two-thirds apple (part of the object) and two-thirds apples (part of the total number of items).

Collective numerals combine with nouns in the same way as whole cardinal numerals. In I.p. and V.p. they control R.p. noun, and in all other cases agree with the noun in the case. With all collective numerals except both, the noun is used in the plural form, for example, seven kids. And only with both nouns are used in the singular: both brother both sisters.

Ordinals agree with nouns, i.e. behave like adjectives. For example:
first day, seventh a week, eighth notes day.


in compound numerals only the final word changes:
one hundred and twenty third paragraph (t.p., singular, m.r.),
second hand (t.p., singular, f.r.),
fourth window (T.p., singular, s.r.).

Test of strength

Check your understanding of this chapter.

Final test

  1. What grammatical meaning do the numerals express?

    • Number, amount, order when counting
    • Item attribute
    • Note
  2. What numerals indicate order when counting and answer the question Which?

    • Quantitative
    • Ordinal
  3. Is it possible in Russian to combine whole numbers with fractions?

  4. Can collective numbers be compound?

  5. Does the numeral change by gender? both?

  6. Can a numeral be a definition?

  7. What type of syntactic connection does the collective numeral have in the example: Seven kids were waiting for their mother. ?

    • Coordination
    • Control
  8. In what forms do ordinal numbers agree with the noun in case?

    • In all
    • In all except I.p. and V.p.
    • In I.p. and V.p.
  9. How do collective numbers change?

    • By case
    • By cases and numbers
    • By cases, numbers and in the singular - by gender
  10. Which numerals have subcategories according to their meaning?

    • In quantitative
    • In ordinal

Has ten parts of speech. They can be divided into interjections and non-interjections, independent and auxiliary.

Independent non-interjective parts of speech are divided into names, verbs and adverbs. There are three names in Russian: adjective, noun, numeral. Based on some characteristics, pronouns can also be classified as such.

Numeral as a nominal part of speech

What words are numerals? What question does the numeral answer? How is the numeral declined? Far from it full list questions related to determining the name of a numeral.

Like all nominal parts of speech, the numeral is characterized by declension according to the case paradigm. The initial form is considered to be the form nominative case. There is no category of gender for numerals (the exception is numerals two,. Probably, such a close relationship between a person and himself explains the fact that in Russian the numeral, ordinal numbers and collective numbers both/both). The category of number is not defined for this part of speech, except for ordinal numbers.

Numerals can be all members of a sentence. They often perform subject, modifier, or object. Rarely are they predicates and circumstances. Phrases of numerals and nouns are indivisible and act as one member of the sentence.

Grammatical places of numerals

Leading scientists emphasize the insufficient development of this part of speech. There is a group of linguists who do not recognize the numeral as a separate part of speech. In this regard, there are different opinions on determining the composition of numerals. In the narrow sense, only quantitative ones belong to a numeral: compound numerals, simple and complex, and ordinal ones are included in the category of relative adjectives. In a broad sense, numerals include quantitative and ordinal categories, as well as words that do not denote a specific quantity: as much, much, how much, little.

Numbers in Everyday life play an important role, with their help people determine the number of objects, count time, determine mass, cost and order when counting. Words that can be designated in writing by writing letters and numbers are called numerals. Another definition is: numerals are words denoting the serial number of an object or quantity.

Grammatical signs of numerals

All lexemes denoting integer and fractional numbers, as well as the number of people, animals or objects, are a special group of words, the composition of which is fully formed and does not change.

Such units are one of the important, or, as they also say, significant parts of speech and can have several designations:

The concept of number as such: five, ten, fifteen and so on;

Number of specific items: two cars, six houses;

The cumulative value of several items that were counted.

Accordingly, the questions to them sound like this: what is the count? which? How many? Depending on the meaning and the question that the numeral name answers, they are divided into several types (we will talk about this a little later).

For example: Thirty (subject) is divisible by ten. Six six - thirty six(nominal part of the predicate). Speaking about the place of numerals in a sentence, it should be noted that they can be both main and secondary members. Another feature is that the numeral as a part of speech is a non-replenishable group of words. All forms used orally and writing, are formed solely from the names of the numbers. IN syntactic construction a numeral as a part of speech can be either part of the main or part of a secondary member of a sentence.

Note! The numeral denoting quantity and the noun associated with it always act as one inseparable member of the sentence. For example: We walked until six in the morning. Swimming pool classes start at five o'clock. The girls collected twenty-five daisies.

Types of numerals

Next you should highlight initial form the word being analyzed, what category it belongs to (ordinal or cardinal), structure (simple or compound) and features of its declension by case.

The next step is to identify non-constant features. These are case, gender and number, if these can be recognized.

At the end of the analysis they describe syntactic function words in a sentence, what part of speech it is associated with and whether it is consistent with it. And although such an analysis of the numeral is unlikely to be useful to anyone in life (except perhaps to future philologists), for the correct use of words in speech and writing, it is simply necessary to be able to produce it.

Numeral- one of the simplest parts of speech in the Russian language. Finding out a numeral is easy - just ask the question “how much” or “which”, and if the word answers it, then it is included in this group.

But within a large group, numerals are divided into several varieties. Let's look at the main ones and find out how to classify a part of speech to one type or another.

What numbers are called simple?

Main hallmark numeral is the ability to write a word in numerical form, that is, in numbers. But the records may differ greatly from each other appearance and by reading - for example, the words “ten”, “three hundred twelve” and “one thousand six hundred seventy eight”.

  • The group of simple numbers includes mainly prime numbers, which are written in just one word - “six”, “nine”, “four”.
  • It happens that a numeral consists of two or more digits - “twelve”, “one hundred”, “million”. It still remains simple, since there is only one word - and most importantly, only one root.

Complex numbers

But words like “sixty”, “eighty” or “seven hundred” are no longer simple. Although they are written in one word, there are more roots here. For example, the word “sixty” consists of the stems “six” and “ten”, the word “seven hundred” - from the stems “seven” and “hundred”. Such words are usually called complex, and it is very important not to confuse them with simple ones.

Compounds - numerals made up of several words

The main difference between compound numerals and the previous two groups is that they are written in several in separate words. Examples are “one thousand sixty eight”, “four hundred twenty three”, “eight hundred forty one”, “twenty two”. Almost all fractions also belong to this group - if you write them in words and not in numbers, you always get a whole phrase.

For example - “one point six”, “five ninths”, “two thirds”. The only exception is the word “one and a half” - it can be used to express the number “one point five.”

The rules for declension of compound numerals deserve special mention. They vary depending on the situation. Sometimes the expression is declined completely, for each word - for example, “pay for the purchase with three hundred and forty-three rubles.” But in some cases, only the last part of the compound numeral is transformed. For example, you can take “in one thousand nine hundred and forty-five.” As we see, here the case is changed only for the last part - all the rest remain in the nominative case.
