How to cut sheets. What is the best way to cut ceramic tiles? What you need to know about concrete

During installation flooring, namely laminate, it is important not only to be able to correctly connect the panels together. It is also necessary to correctly measure the size of the panels in accordance with the area of ​​the room, and also not to disturb the traditional checkerboard laying. In such a situation, the question reasonably arises - how to cut the panels measured to size? Let's try to understand the situation.

Types of coating

The choice of tools for cutting laminated panels largely depends on the type of lamellas used. If you plan to lay the floor yourself and without the help of specialists, then better pay attention to soft types laminate

At home it will not work special labor cut soft cork or two-layer vinyl laminate. These types of laminated panels are characterized by high levels of wear resistance and moisture protection, as well as the speed of laying.

To cut this type of lamellas you will not need a special tool; it will be enough to arm yourself with an ordinary ruler, a pencil or pen and a construction knife. First, the cut line is marked with a pencil or pen, and then a knife should be drawn along it. After this, you just need to bend the canvas. If you need to make a shaped cut, you can use large scissors for this action.

However, for sawing other types of multilayer panels, which include high-strength fiberboard or chipboard, you need to choose more serious tools.

What to use at home?

When choosing a tool that will be used to cut laminated panels Several factors need to be taken into account:

  • The tool should be easy to use and not cause discomfort. It depends more on personal preference and handling skills.
  • Compact and lightweight objects are much easier and faster to operate, and during repairs, every minute counts.
  • Another most important point of all is that the chosen tool should produce an even cut without chips or cracks. However, you should not focus too much on this factor, since minor irregularities will easily disappear under the baseboards.

Having familiarized yourself with the main characteristics, you can move on to a more detailed study of tools for cutting laminate.

One of the easy-to-use tools that can be used to cut lamella is electric jigsaw. The device is lightweight and even a teenager or girl can quickly figure it out. The jigsaw operates at high speeds, so the cutting occurs accurately. One of important factors when using this device it is right choice jigsaw files. Modern models usually equipped with special replaceable files for working on laminate. They differ from other files in the shape, location and size of the teeth. However, in the absence of specialized attachments, narrow files with fine teeth are also suitable for cutting metal products.

To avoid damage to the decorative side, marks and all manipulations with the panel with a jigsaw should be carried out from the wrong side. It is necessary to place the canvas on a table or chair so that the cut piece of the lamella is suspended. Holding the panel firmly against the table with your hand, quickly move the jigsaw along the cut line.

Suitable for cutting the required pieces of laminated panels guillotine. Unlike the previous device, the guillotine mechanical device. By appearance it can be compared to large scissors. This cutter is quiet, uncomplicated and precise to operate. It is the easiest way to cut laminate flooring crosswise, but buying a cutter for renovations in an apartment will not be practical. This device is suitable for those who professionally lay flooring, so it can be found for temporary use from familiar repairmen.

To cut the slats using professional machine, you need to lay the panel on the guillotine support. Then adjust the blade so that the cut mark aligns with the cutter blade. After this, you need to lower the guillotine handle, cutting off the required piece of the panel evenly and accurately. To obtain an even cut when sawing laminate, you can use a circular saw.

However, in this case, the circular saw must be equipped with a special blade for working on metal. In addition, unlike a jigsaw, working with a circular saw requires some skills in order to easily and quickly cut off even pieces of panels.

To work with circular It is necessary to lay the laminated panel face up and securely fasten it. During operation, you need to act carefully, pressing a little while moving the disk and not staying in one place for a long time. Also, do not forget about basic safety rules: the sleeves of clothing must be buttoned while working, and you must also protect your hands.

Another tool that requires operating skills is router. Manual design with replaceable cutters is unlikely to be found in every home, but can be found in those involved in professional furniture assembly. The cutter is capable of leaving behind a perfectly smooth and smooth surface, besides, the tool can cut out various shapes.

Sometimes it can be an assistant when cutting laminate ordinary construction knife . It can be used for small amounts of work, for example, for cutting one or two panels, when there is no time to look for another tool.

When using a knife, place the laminate face up, then use the knife to make a deep cut in the marking area. Then, holding one side of the panel, you need to press on the other part until it breaks at the point of the cut.

How to choose a hacksaw?

Often, when carrying out laminate laying work, they resort to the help of such a popular tool as hacksaw. However, to cut panels efficiently and quickly, you need to choose the right model. Of course, if you don’t have anything else, you can use a hacksaw for wood. But in this case, the process will be labor-intensive, since a hacksaw for wood has large teeth. Due to these features, the hacksaw will not carefully cut the canvas, but will dig into it.

Most the best option will be the choice of a hacksaw for metal. It has fine teeth and is able to cut the panel smoothly.

However, it is worth remembering that you should only use a hacksaw for small amounts of work. Unlike power tools, this one takes longer to cut and requires more effort, so professional builders Do not use a hacksaw for these purposes.

Is it possible to use a grinder?

This tool, also called an angle grinder, is great for sawing different materials, including laminated panels. Using this device you can get an even and neat cut. To properly cut laminate flooring with a grinder, you need to lay the panel with the decorative side up, and also use special replaceable discs with fine teeth for working on metal, ceramic surfaces or concrete.

Since when working with an angle grinder, a large amount of dust and dirt is generated, and you can also feel bad smell burning during the sawing process, it is better to carry out all manipulations outdoors. On the ground floor you can stretch an extension cord through the window and work outside, on upper floors it's impossible would be better suited unglazed balcony.

Another nuance when working with an angle grinder, as in handling a circular saw, is that you need to have at least a little experience working with this tool. Uncertain hand movement during sawing can lead to the formation uneven edge or he may become disheveled altogether.

How to trim on the floor?

Sometimes situations arise when it is necessary to trim laminated panels that are already laid on the floor. Usually people with insufficient experience in carrying out construction work in this case, they wonder how to do it correctly.

According to reviews of people who encountered such a problem while laying flooring, the best option in this case, the decision will be to use an angle grinder. In this case, according to the advice of experienced users, it is necessary to install a disk on the device for working on diamond-coated tiles. When performing work you must be extremely careful and move the tool all the time, without pressing it with special efforts. While working with an angle grinder, you need to keep your finger on the start button at all times, so that if you lose control of the situation, turn off the device in time and avoid injury.

In addition, you can turn to a safer, but at the same time labor-intensive method - using a cutter. In order to cut off the laid laminate, you need to be armed professional cutter for woodworking. According to the advice of experienced people, you need to make two parallel cuts along the width of a narrow chisel, then select the cut piece with a chisel. And so slowly reduce the length of the panel to the desired size.

How to cut without chipping?

In order to carefully cut the laminate to the required length, you need to carefully prepare before starting work.

Initially, you need to decide which tool from the ones described above will be used for the work. And when choosing, you need to be guided not only by the availability of the device, but also by the existing skills in handling it.

I made floor coverings from OSB sheets and leveled them. I cut it with a manual electric circular saw, it is also called a trim saw for some reason. It is very difficult to maintain a straight line; it constantly leads to the side. I had to correct and return the circular a little and run it again. I will need to cut the chipboard and maintain the direction accurately. Is there a way other than cutting along a line or using a stop to press the miter to the edge of the sheet?

Included in accessories miter saw(parquet flooring) should include a removable ruler designed specifically for cutting lines parallel to the edge of the sheet. Although, to be honest, I was already able to saw both OSB and chipboard quite straight along the line. Perhaps your saw is poorly sharpened and is constantly being cut?
If you don’t have a miter saw, then chipboard sheets can be successfully cut with a regular hacksaw. But it must be well sharpened and during cutting you need to keep the sharpest possible angle (hold the saw not at a right angle, but as inclined as possible). Although the effectiveness of using a hand hacksaw compared to a power tool is naturally not the same.

There is an old method that allows you to cut more or less evenly. You need an even strip, equal in length to the length of the sheet. Mark the sheet, position the saw so that the disc is positioned on the cutting mark, clamp the strip with a clamp, and do the same on the opposite side of the sheet. As a result, the strip secured with clamps acts as a guide, which the saw will constantly touch. If you are not at all confident in your hands or in the saw, then you can fasten the second rail parallel to the first, and the saw will go between them and will not turn anywhere.

It is very difficult to join chipboard sheets together even if they are cut strictly along the line. All the same, there will be irregularities at the junction due to which gaps appear between the joined sheets. But there is a simple way to cut the sheets and join them together without any gaps.
To do this you need:
- a sheet of chipboard is laid horizontally on the table or supports, the cut off (leveled part) hangs down by 10-15 centimeters,
- on the opposite side, another sheet of chipboard is laid on the same table or support and the end is overlapped with the first sheet of chipboard. The overlap should be 5 centimeters,
- a cutting line is drawn with a pencil or marker; it should be drawn so that two sheets are sawed at the same time, that is, in the middle of the overlap:
hand hacksaw or use a circular saw to cut both sheets at the same time.
As a result, when laying the floor, the joint will fit perfectly, since the slightest wave-like cut of one sheet is mirrored on the other. Naturally, you cannot turn the sheets over when laying them. They should lie down in the same position as they were cut.

Metal tiles are perhaps the most popular roofing material today. It is used for cladding the roofs of residential private houses, cottages, garages, production premises etc. Metal tile sheets have standard, very convenient sizes, and therefore there is practically no waste during their installation. However, sometimes you still have to cut this material. For example, in order to close the gables. This work should, of course, be carried out strictly adhering to a certain technology. First of all to the owners country house You will need to choose the right tool for cutting metal tiles.

What do you need to know?

Metal tiles are made from steel by cold stamping. The thickness of the sheets used in production can be 0.4-0.6 mm, so, in principle, cutting them is not particularly difficult. However, on top and bottom they are covered with zinc and polymer layers, providing protection from moisture. If these coatings are damaged during installation, the roof will subsequently begin to rust very quickly. This is why the answer to the question is so important.

Not every hand tool can be used to cut this material. For example, a grinder is completely unsuitable for this purpose. This equipment heats up the surface being cut very strongly, resulting in polymer coating sheets (and sometimes zinc) simply burns out.

How to cut metal tiles: choosing a tool

How to properly cut this roofing material? Manufacturers recommend using only tools such as:

    scissors for working with metal;

    a hacksaw with frequent small teeth;

    circular saws with carbide teeth;

    electric scissors;

  • Using electric scissors

    This tool is the best answer to the question of how to cut metal tiles. Nibblers can be used for cutting steel sheets up to 2 mm thick. That is, they are simply ideal for metal tiles. Their main advantage is that they can cut sheets without bending the edges. That is, there is no need for subsequent processing. Another advantage of scissors is their ease of use. This tool is small in size and therefore does not weigh too much. Scissors are connected, like any other household power tool, to a 220 V network. Everything you need to do home handyman during work, this is to carefully guide them along the cut.

    Mechanical tool

    Instead of electric ones, you can use regular scissors for cutting. They are also good for cutting metal tiles. But since working with this hand tools It is quite physically difficult; it is usually used mainly only for cutting small pieces. The disadvantage of mechanical scissors is that they can leave uneven edges.

    The best way to cut metal tiles: using a jigsaw

    This tool is a special saw with an electric motor. Its main advantage is the speed of cutting. In addition, with a jigsaw you can easily make not only straight cuts, but also curved ones. Modern instruments of this variety are usually equipped with backlighting and special device airflow, and therefore are very comfortable and do not spoil the polymer layer at all. Before you start cutting using a jigsaw, the metal tile sheet must be secured in such a way that it holds very tightly and does not move. Otherwise, you won’t get an even cut.

    In addition, to work with metal tiles, you will need to buy a special file with a wave-like pattern and very fine teeth. Cutting using this tool must be done as slowly and carefully as possible. Otherwise, you can bend the metal or damage the protective layer mechanically.

    Hand tool

    Sometimes a regular hand cut is used to cut metal tiles. However, of course, cutting a large number of sheets with such a tool will be very difficult. Like mechanical scissors, such a tool is usually used only for cutting off not too large pieces and in small quantities.

    How to cut with a circular saw?

    This could be a good answer to the question of how to cut metal tiles. modern instrument. Unlike a grinder, it provides cold cutting. Consequently, the polymer coating usually remains intact. However, it still heats up the metal a little, and therefore is much less suitable for cutting metal tiles than the same electric shears. High accuracy cutting circular saw can be achieved by using block guides. To avoid wrinkles, the tool should also be set to the lowest transfer speed.

    The main advantage of this equipment is its high degree of reliability. The owners of a country house will only need to purchase one high-quality disc. It is quite sufficient for cutting metal tiles in quantities sufficient to protect the entire roof. In the future, it can be used for other work. Actually, discs are not produced for the metal tiles themselves. However, for working with this material, an option designed for cutting aluminum is perfect.

    Using a drill

    What else can you use to cut metal tiles? Sometimes a drill with a special attachment called a “cricket” is also used to cut this material. The work in this case is carried out approximately according to the same rules as with the use of nibblers. With this attachment you can cut steel up to 1.5 mm thick. For roofing sheets this is quite enough.

    The “cricket” for cutting metal tiles allows you to make fairly high-quality cuts both in a straight line and curved ones. The same tool can be used to cut holes in sheets. Of course, in terms of ease of use, the “cricket” is much inferior to electric scissors. However, in the absence of such, he may well get away with it. Especially if the roof needs to be covered not too much large area, and accordingly, the sheets need to be cut in very small quantities.

    Using a grinder

    This tool, as already mentioned, is highly not recommended for cutting metal tiles. All manufacturers of roofing steel sheets warn about this. The grinder burns through both the polymer layer and the zinc layer. In this case, damage appears not only directly at the cut site, but also throughout the entire sheet - due to sparks flying from under the circle. Subsequently, when moisture gets into the damaged areas, the steel begins to rust. As a result, the roof loses not only its decorative effect, but also most of its protective qualities. At the same time, the owners of the house also lose the warranty on the roof from the manufacturer. If necessary, you will have to repair the roof at your own expense. The fact is that most manufacturers include a clause in the warranty agreement prohibiting the use of an angle grinder.

    Thus, an angle grinder is far from the best answer to the question of how to properly cut metal tiles. However, sometimes it happens that the farm does not have any other tool suitable for cutting sheets. In this situation, many owners country houses they still use an angle grinder. But in this case, a number of measures are usually taken to reduce the risk of burning through the polymer and zinc coating to a minimum. A grinder is a strong tool, and therefore, using it, you can cut several sheets at once by folding them in a stack. On top of the first one should be laid some old a metal sheet or any other material that can prevent sparks from hitting the polymer surface.

    After cutting the metal tiles with a grinder is completed, the edges roofing material should be treated to protect against corrosion. The best solution will use special paint sold with metal tiles for this purpose. You can also go over the cutting areas with enamel designed for steel and galvanized surfaces.

    Thus, we have found out how to cut metal tiles. It is best to use a jigsaw or electric scissors for this. You can also buy a special drill attachment. But in any case, no matter what tool the owners of a country house choose, the work should be done as carefully as possible, slowly, trying not to wrinkle the sheet or damage the zinc and polymer layers.

    The tool can be manual or electric.

    Hand tools include tile cutters, or their ancestors – glass cutters.

    A power tool can be universal, designed for various operations (angular Grinder, jigsaw, electric drill) or special. Special tools include tile cutting machines.

    What to consider when choosing a tool

    Factors that need to be taken into account when choosing a tool can be both technical and purely everyday.

    TO technical nuances can be attributed:

    • the need for shaped cutouts for ceramic tiles;
    • the need to trim the end of the tile at an angle;
    • the need for internal cutouts or curved lines;
    • unevenness of the front side of the tile and others.
    • the amount of work required.

    Household factors include the following:

    • the need to maintain silence;
    • the need to cut tiles without dust ;
    • availability of free space;
    • availability Money and others.

    Which tool to use

    Let's review from cheap tool options to more expensive ones.

    IN in capable hands and you can use a grinder to cut a circular hole;)

    If there is no need for complex trimming, and the tile has a smooth front surface, it is quite possible to get by with hand tools. For those who do not have any special tools in their arsenal, the cheapest option may be a glass cutter. The cutting speed will be minimal, and the same can be said about the quality. But if the amount of work is not large, and you are determined to keep costs to a minimum, you can start with it and see the results. If the quality suits you, you can stop there. If you do not have basic knowledge and basic skills in using a glass cutter, then the question remains of what to cut with ceramic tiles?

    It is worth considering purchasing a tool that can make the cutting process easier and faster. tiles. Here it is important to take into account the possibility and necessity of using this tool in the future. For example, the use of a manual tile cutter is limited to this operation only. You won't be able to use it in other areas. And if you do not plan to do this business regularly in the future, purchasing this tool is unlikely to be justified.

    However, for household needs, an angle grinder (grinder) can be quite useful. Depending on the cutting wheel, it can cut metal, wood, brick, concrete, and ceramic tiles. The purchase of this power tool will be completely justified.

    Alternatively it can be used. It is also used for cutting various materials. Its advantage is the ability to cut along curved lines. This need arises when you need to tile around plumbing connections, sockets and other protruding elements. You will need to purchase a diamond crown.

    A grinder can also cut curved lines, but with relatively large bending radii. In this case, decide , The best way to cut tiles can be through experimentation or having someone capable of doing the necessary trimming.

    The disadvantage of using an angle grinder (grinder) is the increased noise and presence of dust. The jigsaw will also create some noise, but there will be much less dust.

    For a person planning to engage in this sport professionally labor activity, it will be relevant to purchase both a manual tile cutter and various power tools. It is worth considering the option of a machine for cutting tiles, the price of which can range from several thousand to several tens of thousands of rubles.

    Methods for cutting tiles

    Exist various ways cutting ceramic tiles. First, we suggest watching a video on how to cut ceramic tiles and listen to the opinions of experts.

    Tile cutter The fastest and easiest option for cutting tiles in a straight line. First, mark the cutting line on the tile (with a pencil or thin marker). The tile is inserted into the tile cutter and the edge perpendicular to the cut is pressed against the stop bar (on the side farthest from you). In this case, you will get an even cut at 90⁰. The lever with the diamond cutting roller is pressed against the near edge of the tile and uniform movement carried out to the opposite side. Then you need to press the lever (not too much). The tile should break along the cut line. If it does not break, you need to once again walk the roller away from you until it stops and press down again.

    If necessary, irregularities are removed from the edge resulting from cutting. This can be done with a spatula or other metal object sufficient hardness.

    Now let's discuss how to cut tiles without a tile cutter

    Glass cutter. After you have passed the glass cutter along the cutting line, the tiles must be laid on a flat surface. Under one edge of the cutting line you need to place a small diameter nail parallel to the cutting line. On one side we hold the tile with our hand, on the other we press it with a level or rule. This method allows good craftsmen cut strips with a width of 15 millimeters.

    Bulgarian. This method has a number of advantages over hand tools. Using a grinder you can cut relief tiles . After marking the cutting line, the tiles must be placed so that there is no support under the cutting line, since cutting wheel will fall below the tile. It is also advisable that the tiles should not lie on a hard surface, but on rubber or hard foam. These materials will dampen possible vibration.

    Which circle to cut tiles? For cutting with a grinder, there are special circles for cutting ceramic tiles. Their cutting edge does not have cuts or waves that are found on circles for brick, concrete and other materials. Also, diamond coating consists of smaller particles. These two factors contribute to cutting with much less chipping. It is important not to exceed the diameter of the circle provided for your angle grinder and to use a protective cover.

    Most often cut professional tools, which do not leave nicks leading to corrosive changes on the panels. IN summer period

    It is allowed to use a hacksaw or metal scissors for cutting.

    Cutting plastic siding

    Cutting metal siding Metal siding panels are produced by cold rolling from galvanized steel or aluminum and can have different types coatings This material has big amount

    advantages, including absolute non-flammability, due to which it is widely used in exterior decoration. Metal siding is most often cut with professional tools that do not leave nicks that lead to corrosive changes on the panels. In summer, it is allowed to use a hacksaw or metal scissors for cutting. At any time of the year it is best to use a circular saw, which makes the most even cut, or manual

    It is allowed to use a hacksaw or metal scissors for cutting.

    circular saw , equipped with pobedit teeth. It is not recommended to use an angle grinder with an abrasive wheel, which leads to heating of the metal. Vinyl, or plastic, siding is made on the basis of thermoplastic synthetic materials, which makes its cutting very specific. Most often, manufacturers of such finishing material a standard grinder, known to many as an angle grinder. If such tools are not available, you can use a hand saw or metal scissors, as well as a sharpened shoe knife.

    The best manufacturers of cutting tools for siding

    Despite the rich assortment, the leading positions are still occupied by German manufacturers, presented on the Russian market by AEG, Kress and Bosch. Enough high quality characterized by equipment produced by American manufacturers Black & Decker and Skill. Somewhat inferior in quality japanese instrument from Hitachi and Makita.

    How to cut siding correctly (video)

    However, the most affordable in price and of good quality can be considered domestic instruments produced by the Bykovsky Tool Plant and the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant.
