How to remove greasy stains on an MDF door: special and improvised means. How not to clean an MDF door. How to clean doors? How to wash MDF doors

Door cleaning- the ability to maintain an attractive appearance and integrity of the coating on for a long time. At the same time, care must be regular and correct. Doors, like any other household item, need to be cleaned. For this purpose, suitable cleaning agents are specially selected depending on the material of the door surface, its color and some other parameters. Let's figure out how to properly care for the interior and entrance doors.

  • Before washing, adjust the doors;
  • lubricate the locks and hinges with a special product;
  • make sure that the room humidity is up to 65% and the temperature is up to 24 degrees;
  • remove any fresh stains from the door surface as quickly as possible, without delaying;
  • cover door structure varnish, especially if it is a low-quality fabric;
  • cover the doors with film if repair work is planned;
  • In general, you need to use the door very carefully so that you do not have to try to remove serious dents or deep scratches.

You need to choose the right cleaning product. In particular, veneer and natural wood They clean completely differently. If you do not take this into account, there is a possibility of hopelessly damaging the door covering. In addition, it is recommended to consider the following tricks:

  • Use cool water with a few drops of ammonia to wash the glass in decorative door frames;
  • use a soap solution to wash metal door elements;
  • wipe the doors only with soft cloths;
  • get special microfiber cloths for cleaning doors;
  • once every 3-4 days, wipe the decorative elements, handles and inserts of the structure from dust;
  • use a disinfectant (a fairly weak solution).

The main reasons that lead to door coverings losing their aesthetics are insufficient or improper care and careless handling of the door.

Important! Sprays, aerosols and products specially designed for this are excellent for cleaning doors. They are applied to the door covering through a spray bottle, allowing you to wash off any dirt.

Fight fat

Fighting grease on wooden doors is a necessity, especially if they are located in the kitchen opening. The easiest way to use folk remedies that are effective and safe to use. You can give preference to the following methods:

  1. Use a solution of water and a surfactant or dishwashing detergent if you need to get rid of stains. The method is effective for wooden and MDF doors.
  2. Use a slice raw potatoes, if you need to quickly get rid of greasy drops or stains. Finally, wipe the area with a slightly damp cloth.
  3. Mix clay and vinegar in equal proportions. You should get a mixture that resembles a paste. It is applied to the stain and waited for 20-30 minutes. After that, you just have to wash it off. This method effectively fights stains of any type, including greasy marks. For the most serious stains, you can repeat the cleaning procedure 2-3 times. The method is suitable for cleaning unpainted wooden doors.
  4. Pour talc onto a napkin and press it onto the stain on the door for 5-10 minutes (you can use tape). After this time, wipe the talc off the surface of the door and wipe the surface with a dry cloth.

To restore the glossy shine of the surface, you need to wash the door with a solution of water and vinegar (1 tablespoon per liter of water is enough).

Remember that all solutions must be washed off the door surface using cool water. Finally door leaf wipe dry thoroughly. The use of metal brushes, hard sponges and products containing abrasives is unacceptable.

It is important! By the way, getting rid of dust is very easy. To do this, just wipe the door leaf with a dry and damp (but not wet) cloth. Finally, it needs to be polished using door polish.

Glass cleaning

Glass cleaning is not the best simple task. It always seems that you can easily wipe the glass insert on the door and it will shine clean. In reality, there are always divorces, and eliminating them is a real problem.

  1. Onion juice or soap solution will help remove greasy stains.
  2. The matte surface can be washed with a starch solution (add 20 grams of starch to 500 ml of water).
  3. Alcohol, thinner, acetone and even nail polish remover will help you quickly get rid of traces of glue, coffee and tea. However, you need to act carefully so that the products do not come into contact with the box, rubber seals, as well as the skin of the hands.

There is no need to use alkalis, acids, gasoline and ammonia in concentrated form to clean frosted glass. Scraping off dirt with a knife or scraper is taboo.

It is important! First you need to clean it glass inserts interior door, and then the door leaf.

Tips for caring for an iron front door will help keep it clean:

  • napkin soaked in hot water, will get rid of traces of adhesive tape;
  • acetone-containing liquids will help get rid of old tape residues;
  • White spirit or another solvent will help remove traces of paint;
  • sandpaper will help get rid of traces of lime and whitewash (this method cannot be used for cleaning iron doors with vinyl or leather covering);
  • a vinegar solution will help to cope with stains and traces of whitewash;
  • A solution of water and kerosene will help remove plaque;
  • products containing acetone or alcohol will help get rid of polyurethane foam, which did not have time to harden.

How to clean plastic?

How to clean plastic? It's very simple. It is enough to use a soap solution. You can give preference to the other compositions listed above, but in most cases there is no need for this, since all dirt can be easily wiped off.

You can also use vinegar solution, liquid washing powder, soda. Special sprays and cleaning products for plastic surfaces are effective for cleaning.

It is important to note that plastic cannot be rubbed, washed with metal sponges, or rubbed with a brush. This leads to its damage and the appearance of microcracks, into which dirt subsequently gets clogged.

What about defects?

Defects that may appear on the door during use can also be combated. In particular, it is recommended to listen to the following advice:

  1. Use sprays that contain beeswax and polish to get rid of small cracks and other barely noticeable defects.
  2. Take advantage of the special wax pencil suitable color range for elimination deep scratches. It is enough to rub the damaged area to fill the void of the crack.

Caring for doors is a feasible task for everyone. The procedure is not complicated and does not require serious economic costs. Regular maintenance is an opportunity to extend the service life of the door surface and take care of its aesthetics.

MDF panels, from which modern interior and entrance doors, often become contaminated by the appearance of greasy stains. To maintain the ethics and beauty of such doors, many housewives have to use various improvised means to remove such stains. Moreover, depending on the type of surface coating, use appropriate cleaning agents. In this review, we’ll take a closer look at how to remove greasy stains from MDF doors while preserving natural look and without spoiling the surface layer.

Mostly, grease stains are localized in the area where the door handle is located, since this is where we most often touch with our hands. As you know from biology courses, the skin of our hands tends to secrete sweat-fat segments. When it comes into contact with the surface of the door, those same transparent sweat marks remain on it, onto which over time many dust particles settle and turn into real dirty spots. This problem is especially common among young housewives with small children and pets.

But it is also worth noting that greasy stains on the surface of interior doors appear as a result of contact with various biological or chemical liquid substances having a certain percentage of fat content.

Safe methods for cleaning MDF doors from greasy stains

Every woman strives to maintain 100% perfect cleanliness and external beauty of all surfaces in the house, therefore for the most effective removal If traces of grease are found on a wooden surface, it is recommended that you first accurately determine the type of coating. Then start selecting the most effective remedy for cleaning.

Tip: before you start cleaning the door various contaminants, it is recommended to conduct a trial test on the interaction of the door with the selected cleaning agent in an inconspicuous area. If no reaction occurs during a test application of the cleaning product, use the selected ingredient to clean the main area of ​​contamination.

Also remember that it is not recommended to remove stubborn stains using the following substances:

  • pure alcohol;
  • undiluted acetone;
  • all types of solvents;
  • using acids.

Moreover, the use of special metal and hard sponges to remove dirt is also strictly prohibited, since the use of the listed equipment will lead not only to the removal of greasy stains, but also the protective surface layer, leaving a layer of solid wood unprotected. As a result of such cleaning, you will either have to completely repaint the entire door or replace it altogether.

Let's take a closer look at how to remove a greasy stain from MDF with a laminated, veneered and painted surface layer.

Cleaning laminated doors

First of all, let's look at how to wash MDF panels with laminated coating. First of all, it is worth noting that such doors have a special protective coating in the form of a thin film, which makes caring for them much easier:

  • To effectively remove greasy marks from laminate flooring, you should first prepare an alcohol solution by mixing pure alcohol with water in a ratio of 1:9, where 9 parts are water and 1 part is alcohol. Next, you need to moisten a small piece of cloth or napkin in the prepared mixture and, applying it to the area of ​​contamination, try to fix it for 5-6 minutes, after which wipe the treated area with a clean, dry towel.

It is important to remember that laminated surfaces should not be cleaned using abrasives, various alkalis and acids.

  • You can wash grease stains from a laminated surface using 72% laundry soap. But first, prepare a strong soap solution from it. To clean the door, you should first quickly wipe all affected areas with a soap solution using a foam sponge or melamine cloth, then wash off all soap stains from the treated areas clean water and wipe the entire surface of the door dry with a paper towel. Procedures using soap solution and clean water do it very quickly so that the door does not have time to absorb a large amount of liquid and swell.
  • You can remove greasy stains from laminate flooring using a special pencil, which can be purchased at any household chemicals store.
  • And also on the shelves of modern supermarkets and household stores there is huge selection pasty chemicals, designed specifically for removing greasy marks and other types of stubborn stains.

Cleaning the veneer surface of MDF doors

If you have installed new MDF doors with a veneered surface in your apartment, then to prevent the appearance of various abrasions, hand-grease marks and other stains on it, it is recommended to cover them with polish immediately after installation.

But if such a nuisance happens, and greasy marks still appear, then we will consider in more detail how to remove these contaminants in order to preserve the original appearance of the veneer coating.

Our ancestors also used one unique way to remove various contaminants from any surface - using a potato cut in half. To accomplish this you will need the following additional ingredients:

  • the potato itself, cut in half;
  • a small amount of baby powder (or body talcum powder);
  • clean cloth or napkins.

Before removing a greasy mark from a veneered surface, you should:

  1. Depending on the amount of dirt on the surface of the door, take one or two halves of cut potatoes and apply them to the marks themselves, using a little effort, thoroughly rub the entire area of ​​​​the dirt until potato juice appears.
  2. The whole thing should be left in this form for 10–12 minutes, until all the juice is completely dry.
  3. After thorough drying, white starch should remain on the surface of the door, which should be removed with a clean, dry cloth or napkins.
  4. If, after removing the starch, white marks remain on the veneer, then taking a clean towel or napkin, apply a small amount of baby powder to it and carefully wipe off the remaining stains.

Advice: after the cleaning procedure, the veneer should be thin layer polish carefully.

Cleaning painted MDF surfaces

Almost all painted wooden surfaces have one more unique property- This varnish coating which creates additional protection paint and gives a beautiful shine. Therefore, when caring for such a door, it is not recommended to use abrasive cleaning agents, which can damage the protective layer, lead to dulling of the treated area and the disappearance of the previous shine. Let's take a closer look at how to wash painted doors in order to preserve all the beauty of their appearance:

  1. The first thing that is recommended to use is a solution baking soda, which should be prepared from equal proportions of baking soda and mouthwash. Moisten a clean cloth in the prepared mixture and treat all dirty areas, then wipe everything dry with a clean towel.
  2. You can also clean a painted door using a strong soap solution prepared on the basis of 72% liquid soap, after which the entire treated surface of the door should be thoroughly rinsed with clean water and wiped dry with a towel.

How can you remove grease stains from interior doors with a polished surface?

Now let's look at how to clean a wooden door with a polished surface from grease stains. To do this, it is recommended to use body talc or baby powder. After applying one of the products to a clean napkin, you should treat all contaminated areas of the door surface and leave everything for 20–25 minutes. After time has passed, any remaining talc or powder should be removed using White list paper or napkin.

How to clean grease stains from MDF and chipboard panels?

There are four ways to remove grease stains from the surfaces of chipboard, MDF and laminated chipboard:

  1. Using a solvent: moisten a foam sponge in this product, carefully rub this substance into the grease stains for 4-5 minutes. After which the treated area should be thoroughly wiped with a dry towel.
  2. Usage natural remedy in the form of citric acid, which should be diluted in the amount of two tablespoons in 200 ml of water and, using a cotton pad, wash the affected areas of the door surface for 3-4 minutes.
  3. Using baking soda: dilute 3 tablespoons of this product in a glass of water and remove all dirt with a cloth soaked in the resulting mixture, then wipe dry all treated areas.
  4. To use detergent: dilute 3 tablespoons of dishwashing detergent in half a glass of water and lather thoroughly. Then apply the resulting foam to the greasy stains and leave it all for 4-5 minutes. Then rinse the panel with a cloth with clean water and wipe with a dry towel.

To learn how to clean doors made from PVC panels, watch the following video:

Dear visitor! If you know other methods on how to remove stains, please leave your experience in the comments.

Every housewife, when cleaning her home, strives to achieve perfect cleanliness. But grease stains do not give up, especially trying to stain the entrance and interior doors. And no matter how much you polish it, if the handles and bottom are stained with dirt, then the result of cleaning will be low.

What you need to know before cleaning

When starting to clean interior doors, you need to consider some points:

  • Do not start cleaning door coverings without testing the selected cleaning product. To do this, you need to use an inconspicuous area. If it doesn't come negative consequences, then you can begin to thoroughly wash the surface.
  • Do not use any kind of hard brushes, steel wool or scrapers. They will certainly lead to the integrity of the coating being compromised. Once the stain is removed, it will be necessary to repaint or replace the entire door.
  • Do not use the following strong reagents when cleaning: 96% alcohol, pure, undiluted acetone, acids and solvents.
  • Do not leave the cleaning agent, or water, on the surface to be cleaned for a long time to avoid unpleasant consequences in the form of swelling or lightening of the area.

Methods for cleaning doors made of various materials

Before you begin removing grease stains from the surface of interior doors, you need to clarify what material they are made of. Cleaning methods depend on this.

Chipboard and MDF (verified by the editors)

Method 1: citric acid or vinegar cleans chipboard and MDF surfaces well. Prepare a solution of 2 tbsp. l. lemons (or table vinegar) into a glass of water and use a soft sponge or cotton pad to clean the problem areas.

Method 2: make a soda solution (take 3 tablespoons of product per 200 ml of water). The dirt is washed off with a soft sponge soaked in it, and then wiped dry with a clean rag.

Method 3: prepare a solution of water and dishwashing gel and foam thoroughly. This foam is applied to greasy blots and left for 5 minutes. After this, the remaining dirt is washed off with water and wiped with a dry cloth. This method is suitable even for white products.

After cleaning using any of the above methods, be sure to polish the surface using soft flannel.

Verified by the editors: on the doors MDF fat old spots. Previously, alcohol-based glass and surface cleaners were used for cleaning. The result of cleansing is 10 out of 100.

Tested on one of the doors solution with citric acid . The photo shows 100% removal of stains from the door. But it wasn't easy. The procedure had to be repeated several times with pressure. Cleaning an entire door in this way is very difficult, time-consuming and troublesome.

result after cleaning stains with citric acid solution

Next test - cleaning soda solution. Stains from doors are washed quickly, without any effort. After cleaning, you need to wash off the whitish stains. The only drawback– drops fall on the floor, which will need to be washed immediately. And this may not be included in the plans of those who are used to general cleaning do partially. Which is even correct, so it’s worth laying something down.

result of cleansing with soda solution

Read also: on interior doors.


The surface of such doors is a particularly durable laminating film, with the exception of paper, which greatly simplifies the task of washing off greasy stains.

  1. The first method requires alcohol. Dilute it at the rate of 9 parts water to 1 part alcohol. Place a cloth soaked in the solution on the stain for 5 minutes. After this, wipe the door dry.
  2. Cleans laminated surfaces very well 72% laundry soap. To do this, grate it on a coarse grater and prepare a thick soap solution from it. To prevent the material from absorbing water, the procedure must be done as quickly as possible. Use a foam sponge to wipe the stain, and then remove the moisture with a paper towel.

Do not use abrasives or chemically active reagents (acids, alkalis) to clean laminated products.

If the stain still cannot be removed, you can purchase hardware store special concealer pencil to match.

Wooden surfaces

You can remove dirt from a wooden door using talcum powder. Pour a little powder onto a sponge and rub the greasy stain. Remove remaining traces damp cloth, and then wipe everything dry.

Raw potatoes will also help clean wooden interior door from greasy marks. You need to cut the potato and grate the cut side problem area. Then remove the residue with a damp cloth and wipe dry.

For the next method, prepare a mixture of 3 tbsp. l. white clay and 2 tbsp. l. vinegar, and then cover up the dirt with a small brush. After waiting for everything to dry, you need to remove the residue with a damp sponge.

Painted doors can be cleaned with 9% vinegar. Soak the stain with a cotton swab soaked in it, and then remove the dirt with a damp cloth.


To remove stains from such doors, you can use a regular glass cleaner, or prepare an alcohol solution at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. per 1 liter of water (can be replaced ammonia in the same proportion). After washing the glass surface with this solution, rub it with crumpled newspapers.


These are thin sheets of wood used to cover door products or furniture. For veneered surfaces, it is best to use a polish containing wax. Raw potatoes will help remove old greasy stains, as in the method for cleaning wooden door products.

If you promptly get rid of grease stains and wash your interior doors at least once a month, you can preserve their original appearance for a long time.

Professionals advise how to wash wooden doors yourself, and what means are best to use for this. Modern doors They are often embossed and decorated with decorative slats and mosaic patterns.

Door handles take on an untidy appearance within a short time after cleaning and also require separate cleaning agents. Therefore, it is better to learn the rules for washing doors from various materials.

Basic rules for caring for doors

In order for the doors to serve as long as possible, owners should:

  • take into account that the tree does not like humidity above 65% and temperatures above 24 degrees;
  • treats doors with care to prevent damage;
  • various stains are removed from doors immediately;
  • if the door leaf is not of high quality, you should coat it with two layers of varnish - then there will be no problem with how to wash MDF doors.
  • for a while repair work, the doors are covered with polyethylene.

Choosing cleaning products for doors

For cleaning doors use:

  • neutral detergents;
  • the glass in the doors is wiped with water and ammonia and wiped dry;
  • metal inserts are washed with soapy water;
  • door handles disinfected.

TO common funds for washing include "Mr. Muscle" and a spray with a spray. They are used to wipe doors and remove greasy stains from glass.

Cleaning doors

Wood cannot be wiped with a wet cloth, so you need to wring it out before washing. To remove stains on doors use:

  • Dishwashing liquid is used for the door leaf;
  • grease stains can be removed by wiping them with a cut potato;
  • Cover the stains with a mixture of clay and vinegar in equal proportions, leave for 30 minutes and wash off with water;
  • To add shine to glossy glass, add to water Apple vinegar;
  • First the glass is washed, and then the door;
  • Smooth glass is washed with a soft cloth, textured glass with a brush, and for frosted glass, starch is added to the water.

A particular problem is how to wash white doors, because dirt is more noticeable on them. The main thing is to apply cleaning composition to soften the dirt, and after a while, wash off the dirt with water and wipe the doors dry.

Elimination of surface defects

When damage to the door cannot be avoided, they are eliminated with a wax pencil matching the color of the door. If the damage is deeper, you need to use wood putty, after which the doors are painted or varnished.

All compounds are washed off with clean water, after which the doors are wiped dry. When washing, do not use steel wool or abrasives to avoid damaging the surface of the doors.

Even 20 years ago, choosing an interior door was very simple - almost all of them were produced using approximately the same technology. And there weren’t that many materials used to make them. Today, the situation is completely different. Now, for the production of doors, a wide variety of materials are used: solid wood, veneer, plastic, eco-veneer, glass, plywood, MDF and many others. It is worth saying that MDF doors are among the most popular today.

MDF is the first letters of the English phrase Medium Density Fiberboard, which translated into Russian means “medium density fiberboard.” The technology for producing such doors is not as new as it might seem. These doors were first produced in America around 1966. In Russia, which is closer to us, their production began in the late 90s. This door consists of a pine frame, which is covered on both sides. MDF boards. The space between the plates is filled with special paper honeycomb filler. Moreover, the smaller the “honeycomb” of this filler, the stronger the door.

MDF doors have a number of advantages, due to which they have taken such a strong place in our houses and apartments. Firstly, they have fairly high heat resistance and moisture resistance - these indicators for MDF are higher than for wood. Secondly, these doors are less susceptible to fungi. Thirdly, when high-quality manufacturing, they have fairly good sound insulation. Fourthly, there are more than 200 possible colors of these doors, which allows you to select them for almost any interior. Fifthly, doors made of MDF, compared to others, have a very reasonable price.

After purchasing and installing MDF doors, we must not forget that they also require some maintenance. So that you don’t have to think about how to clean greasy stains on an MDF door and so that the door retains its quality for as long as possible, it is recommended to periodically wipe them with an alcohol solution. To prepare it, you need to mix 900 ml of water and 100 ml of alcohol. Then we take a piece of soft cloth and wipe the door with this solution, not forgetting about the cash strips. After this procedure, it is advisable to wipe the door again - with a dry cloth.

In addition to the alcohol solution, you can also use special products to care for MDF doors. Most often, various polishes are used that contain oils and wax. The most famous of them are “Pronto”, “Big D”, “EuroNOVA”, “Mebelux”, “Amway”. To give the door a neat look, you need to apply the product to soft cloth, and then thoroughly wipe its surface. If the door surface is glossy, the direction of movement of the fabric does not matter. But if the door leaf has a fibrous texture, then you need to wipe along the grain. It must be said that polishes not only perfectly clean doors, but also perfectly mask scratches and other defects that appear on them. In addition, polishes “envelop” the surface of the door with a kind of film, which prevents dust from settling on them.

If you don't have special means To clean the greasy stains on an MDF door, you can also use window cleaners to care for the doors. They are usually sold in spray bottles, making them very convenient to use. To clean a door with this product, you need to apply a small amount to the door and then wipe thoroughly with a dry soft cloth. This cleaning procedure can also be carried out before using the polish.

If you do not take care of the doors, then there is a high probability that, over time, greasy old stains will form on them. Moreover, sometimes it can be quite difficult to get rid of them. But there is no need to despair right away. You can try to clean old stains using products that every housewife can find in her home.

You can wash off greasy stains on an MDF door using raw potatoes. After peeling the potato, cut it in half and rub the spots. We wait until the potato juice is completely dry, and then wipe the surface of the door with a dry cloth. If after this there are small stains left on the doors, you need to apply talc or powder to them, and then wipe them again with a dry cloth.

A soap solution also works well on old greasy stains. To do this, pour it into a saucepan or any other container. warm water, add a few drops of dishwashing detergent there, and then stir until foam forms. Use this solution to wipe stains. Laundry soap is also suitable for its preparation. It may take some effort to get the door looking neat again. After all stains have been washed, the door should be wiped with a dry piece of cloth.

Another way to remove grease stains on an MDF door is ordinary vegetable oil, which can be found in every home. To do this, dip a piece of cloth in the oil and vigorously rub the stain with it until foam forms. Then you should wipe off the resulting foam with a soft, dry cloth. The next stage of cleaning is to prepare a vinegar solution consisting of water and 9% table vinegar in a 1:1 ratio. With this solution we wipe the areas that we just “cleaned”. vegetable oil. Finally, wipe the door with a dry cloth. The door will look like new!

In some cases, you may have to resort to a more sophisticated method. To do this, we need to prepare a paste of clay and table vinegar in a 1:1 ratio. Then this paste should be applied to the stain for 20-30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. If the result is achieved and the stain has disappeared, we wipe the door dry; if not, we repeat the procedure again. On final stage It is advisable to use polish.

Sometimes a stationery eraser can help in the fight against old stains. We use it as usual - we “erase” stains from the door surface. Just to get started, try this procedure on a small area to see if the surface of the door is damaged.

These tips will help you clean old stains from your doors. However, it is worth mentioning that there are some means that it is not advisable to resort to when cleaning MDF doors. First, it's best not to use bleach or abrasive cleaners. The latter include, for example, washing powder, particles of which can damage the door surface. Bleach will simply discolor the door. Secondly, when cleaning doors, you cannot use metal scrapers, hard brushes and the like. They can also ruin it irrevocably. Thirdly, remember: no matter what cleaning method you use, the final step will always be wiping the door with a dry soft cloth.

So, by following these tips, you can clean your MDF door from old greasy stains and give it a neat look.
