Church Orthodox holiday of July. Holidays and events in July

Today, July 8, all over Russia is celebrating the best family holiday - the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.

All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in Russia

In our country, every year on July 8, the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity is celebrated. It was first celebrated back in 2008, the year of the family. The holiday in Russia was established on the initiative of some deputies of the State Duma. The idea of ​​the holiday arose among residents of the old town of Murom, in the Vladimir region, where the relics of Peter and Fevronia, the holy spouses and patrons of Christian marriage, rest. It is on this day, July 8th, that they are commemorated. The idea and initiative of the holiday was warmly supported by all Russian traditional religious organizations, because the essence of this holiday has no denominational boundaries. There are examples of family fidelity and love in every religion.

Unusual holidays

Today, July 8, on an unusual holiday - Day of Communication with the Universe, you can learn a lot of new and interesting things about our world, and on this day you can celebrate another unusual holiday - Debt Day

Day of Communication with the Universe

On this Day of Communication with the Universe, try to climb to the Earth or simply throw your feet on the Moon and thus, having contacted the distant universe, tell it about your victories and defeats, about all your successes and failures. Today you can say hello to the distant universe, because it is in touch right now. If the universe doesn’t answer you today, don’t worry, maybe she’s just too timid, come back next time when she’s more talkative.

Debt Day

Everywhere we look, we have debts - male, marital, and friendly, civil, debt of honor and conscience, debt to the Motherland and the banks, and we need to beat them out with sticks...
And it would be nice to celebrate this holiday - Debt Day - without debts.

Church holiday according to the folk calendar

Peter and Fevronia Day

On this day, Orthodox Christians honor Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom - guardians of marital love and patrons of the family hearth.
According to popular legend, Peter, the future prince of Murom, once fell ill with leprosy, and could not find a cure for it anywhere. He had a dream that the peasant woman Fevronia from Ryazan could help him. When the girl was found on his orders, she demanded that Peter, as payment for treatment, marry her. Peter promised, but after getting rid of the illness, he did not keep his word.
Then his illness resumed again, and after Fevronia cured Peter again, he nevertheless fulfilled his promise and never regretted it.
Peter inherited his reign after his older brother, but the boyars of Murom did not want to see the former peasant woman as their ruler, so they ordered the young prince to abandon his wife or leave the city of Murom.
When Peter and Fevronia sailed along the Oka from Murom, turmoil began in the city - people demanded that the princely couple be returned to the throne. The people's wish was fulfilled.
After this, the couple lived happily ever after and took monastic vows in their old age, praying to God that they could die on the same day. That's how it all happened.
Peter and Fevronia bequeathed to bury them in the same coffin, but people considered their request indecent for people of monastic rank and did not fulfill it. The bodies of the husband and wife were laid in different monasteries, but the next day they miraculously ended up together.
In 1541 Christian church canonized Peter and Fevronia. In Rus', since then it has become customary to ask this couple of saints for a wedding blessing and to pray for well-being in the family. The holiday of Peter and Fevronia in Rus' can to some extent be considered an alternative to St. Valentine's Day.
Some signs of this day were associated with marriage. People believed that if a merchant worked a whole day in a shop with his wife for Peter and Fevronia, this would bring prosperity to his family.
Starting with Peter and Fevronia, the peasants waited another forty hot days.
Fevronia was sometimes remembered separately from Peter; she was called the Rusalnitsa. There was a popular belief that mermaids began to dance in circles from this day. While swimming, the river maiden can drag you to the bottom, so you need to be careful.
Name day July 8 at Vasily, David, Denis, Konstantin, Nikon, Peter, Semyon, Fedor

July 8th in history

1950 - Konstantin Raikin, theater and film actor, artistic director of the Satyricon Theater, was born.
1952 - Born Karen Georgievich Shakhnazarov, Russian film director, screenwriter and producer (“We are from Jazz”, “American Daughter”, “Full Moon Day”).
1969 - The withdrawal of American troops from South Vietnam began, ending three and a half years later.
1972 - US President Nixon announced that the USSR would purchase American grain worth $750 million within 3 years.
1974 - The CPSU Central Committee approved the project for the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM).
1980 - Tu-154 plane crash in Almaty. 166 people died.
1982 - The Panorama Museum was inaugurated Battle of Stalingrad».
1990 - The German national team became the World Football Champion, defeating the Argentine national team in Rome with a score of 1:0.
1994 - North Korean leader Kim Il Sung died.
1997 - A new regulation on passports was adopted in Russia (all citizens over 14 years of age are required to have one).
2003 - Boeing 737 crash south of Port Sudan. 117 people died
2009 - The G8 summit began in L’Aquila (Italy).

Are you wondering what holiday is celebrated on July 8, 2019 in our country? The Orthodox Church honors Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom, who are considered the patron saints of family and marriage.

Also on this day, the All-Russian holiday of love, family and fidelity, established in our country relatively recently - in 2008, is celebrated.

Traditions of the holiday celebrated in Russia on July 8

Let us tell you in more detail what kind of holiday in Russia falls on July 8, 2019. The lives of the saints, who became examples of marital love, are told in the ancient “Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom.”

Having killed the snake that sprinkled him with its blood, Prince Peter fell ill with leprosy, “and he sought healing from many doctors for his illness, but found no one. Peter heard that there were many doctors in the Ryazan land, and ordered to be taken there - due to a serious illness, he himself could not sit on a horse.”

In one of the villages he met a simple girl Fevronia, who promised to cure him. As a reward for this, he was to take her as his wife. The prince did not take her words seriously, although he promised to fulfill her will in case of healing.

He soon recovered (only one ulcer remained on his body), but did not fulfill his promise to marry, but sent gifts to the girl, which she did not accept. The prince left for Murom, but then fell ill again and was forced to return to Fevronia.

The girl healed the prince, and he married her, giving up wealth and power due to an unequal marriage. However, unrest began in Murom, and the boyars, who had previously expelled the prince, turned to him with a request to return.

After that, he ruled his fiefdom happily ever after. The couple remained together in sorrow and joy, in wealth and poverty, and nothing could separate them.

Having reached old age, Peter and Fevronia became monks and lived separately in different monasteries. In monasticism, Peter received the name David, and Fevronia - Euphrosyne. The couple bequeathed to bury them in the same coffin, but after they died on the same day - July 8 (June 25, old style) 1228 - their request was not fulfilled.

And yet the next day their bodies were together. As the “Tale…” says, “then people no longer dared to touch the bodies of the saints and, having fulfilled their will, buried them together in the cathedral church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary.”

Since that time, their relics have rested in a monastery in the city of Murom, Vladimir region. Having overcome the difficulties of earthly life, loving spouses were reunited in heaven. With their lives, the faithful showed the believers the path from earthly to heavenly reunion.

Peter and Fevronia were canonized by the Orthodox Church in 1547, and since then a holiday dedicated to them has been celebrated annually in our churches.

People who want to find happiness in marriage and have children turn to these saints with prayers.
IN historical museum In Murom you can see an icon dedicated to these saints, painted in 1618.

Since ancient times, people have believed that if they give this image to newlyweds for their wedding, their marriage will be happy and strong. According to legends, this icon also has the power of healing. There is a large amount of evidence that after reading the prayer before it, people got rid of various diseases.

What kind of holiday is celebrated on July 8, 2019 in Russia?

In the 1990s, Saints Peter and Fevronia began to be venerated again in Murom. In 2008, city residents, who put about 20 thousand signatures on the corresponding appeal, and representatives religious organizations took the initiative to establish an all-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.

She was supported The State Duma RF, Council of Federations and Russian Orthodox Church. The event was organized by the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives, headed by Svetlana Medvedeva, wife of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev.

The federal organizing committee of the holiday established a medal “For Love and Fidelity”, which began to be awarded to large families and spouses who celebrated a silver, gold or diamond wedding, “who became famous among fellow citizens for the strength of family foundations” and “who raised their children as worthy members of society.”

It is presented in a solemn atmosphere, and married couples are presented with memorable gifts. And the symbol of the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity was the chamomile, because this wild flower has long been considered a symbol of love in Rus'.

Exhibitions, concerts, master classes on folk crafts for children and adults, fairs of consumer goods, etc. are dedicated to this holiday.

Commemorations are being held large families, spouses who have lived together for 25 years or more. The “Give Me Life!” campaign, aimed at reducing the number of abortions, is also timed to coincide with the holiday.

These events are covered in the media. The First Television Channel annually broadcasts a concert with the participation of pop stars, which takes place in Murom.

How is it customary to celebrate July 8th?

In 60 cities of the country (in Murom, Arkhangelsk, Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk, Nizhny Tagil, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Rostov-on-Don, St. Petersburg, Sochi, Yaroslavl and others), with the blessing of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II, dedicated to the saints were installed Monuments to Peter and Fevronia.

Many of them were built as part of the national program “In the Family Circle”, the goal of which is “to create positive image family values, faithful and chaste relationships, love and devotion in marriage, the birth and upbringing of children in the spirit of love for the Motherland.”

Now you know what holiday is celebrated by Russians on July 8th. Every year it becomes more and more popular in our country. This date is also celebrated in Bulgaria, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Germany, Great Britain, France, and Transnistria.

It has become a good tradition to spend this day with family, loved ones or a loved one. Many couples get married on this day, as it is believed that they will be strong and happy.

Young spouses can have a romantic dinner, families with children can go out of town and organize a holiday with fun games and competitions.

Russia has its own Valentine's Day! A holiday for lovers and those who love, those who go through life together, “in sorrow and in joy”!On July 8, Russia celebrates the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, that is, all the beautiful things that this wonderful feeling of love actually leads to.

The idea of ​​celebrating Family Values ​​Day in Russia arose in the city of Murom, Vladimir Region, back in the mid-1990s, but this holiday was included in the holiday calendar only in 2008 (thanks to Svetlana Vladimirovna Medvedeva (wife of D.A. Medvedev). Why exactly 8 July and what connects this holiday specifically with Murom?

Since childhood, we have come across a touching saying in fairy tales: “They lived happily ever after and died on the same day.” It is borrowed from a famous story that children study back in the primary school schools. The work, which has become a monument of ancient Russian literature, was written in the 16th century. It was based on oral Murom legends. The main characters in the story are Peter and Fevronia of Murom - faithful spouses who showed the main spiritual values ​​with their lives. The story of their love passed through several centuries, was not lost among other works and was not forgotten. She was the one who started happy holidayPeter and Fevronia Day(Day of Family, Love and Fidelity).

The Legend of Peter and Fevronia

Historians and researchers associate the names of Saints Peter and Fevronia with Prince David Yuryevich and his wife Euphrosyne. Their history began in the ancient Russian city of Murom in the 13th century.

Reverend Peter (David Yuryevich in the world) appeared younger brother Prince Paul, who ruled in Murom. A misfortune occurred in Pavel’s family - a snake began to fly to his wife due to the devil’s delusion. In despair, she told her husband about everything. He ordered his wife to find out the secret of his death from the villain. It turned out that only Peter could defeat this snake with the help of Agrikov’s sword.

Prince Peter found out about this and immediately decided to punish the villain. Relying on God's help, during prayer he found out where Agrikov's sword was kept. He then tracked down the serpent and killed it. But before dying, the snake splashed him with its poisonous blood. After this, the prince was struck by a dangerous disease - his whole body was covered with ulcers. It is believed that it was leprosy, from which no one could cure him.

The prince no longer hoped to recover, but one day in a dream he saw a young girl, Efrosinya, the daughter of a beekeeper, who lived near Ryazan, in the village of Laskovaya. He realized that only she alone could heal him. In her village, this girl was known as a herbalist and, thanks to her kindness, she treated everyone who came to her.

The prince turned to her for help. The girl promised to cure him if he took her as his wife. The prince made a promise to marry her, but did not keep it when he was already healthy. He considered the commoner an unworthy bride. But the disease with new strength began to torment him. The prince again asked Euphrosyne for help and this time kept his promise - he took her as his wife.

After some time, the prince's elder brother died, and David Yuryevich took his place. He reigned in this city from 1205, for 23 years. But local boyars began to demand that the prince renounce his reign or his simple wife. The boyars began to slander the prince’s young wife, but he did not believe them.

Peter loved his wife very much and decided to leave the throne. The young couple got into the boat and sailed along the Oka River. They lived simply, like ordinary people and the important thing was that they were nearby. And at this time chaos began in Murom. The city was left without a legal ruler; the majority wanted to seize the throne. A violent turmoil began in the city: unrest, murders. The people asked the prince and his wife to return back.

The riches of the world were worth nothing to them in comparison with the true riches of love, fidelity and sanctity of marriage. Having gone through the difficulties of voluntary exile, these saints returned to Murom and received legitimate power. The intelligent and pious princess helped her husband with advice and charitable deeds. Euphrosyne soon managed to win the love and respect of the city nobility and ordinary people.

The pious spouses, already in their old age, decided to take monastic vows in different monasteries. After this they received the names Peter and Fevronia. They prayed to God to die one day. They even specially prepared a coffin, which had a thin partition in the middle. Prince Peter and Princess Euphrosyne lived in love and friendship for a long time. Their prayers were heard, they both died each in their own cell in 1228 on the same day and hour - June 25 according to the old style or July 8 according to the new style.

But people did not want to bury the monks in one coffin, considering it wicked. The will of the deceased was violated, and the next day their bodies were together again. Twice the bodies were carried to different temples, but twice they ended up nearby. Then they were buried in the same coffin in the same grave, and a green bush was planted. Spring came, and white fragrant flowers bloomed on it. They say that the bird cherry came from that bush on the ground.

At the end of the 18th century, the holy relics of Peter and Fevronia were placed in one tomb and now they are in the Murom Holy Trinity Monastery. Today many come here to venerate these relics. And the Orthodox Church canonized them as saints.

The meaning of the holiday

Such universal human values ​​as family, love, tenderness and fidelity are very important in our lives. Family gives a person love, support, stability and joy. It is needed to raise children. Unfortunately, in last years the value of the family has dropped significantly in the eyes of the younger generation, and it has lost its former meaning. It is for this reason that we should strive even more for the ideals that this holiday reminds us of. We should all take an example from these saints, family life which became the ideal of marriage, love and fidelity.

Medal "For Love and Fidelity"

In honor of this holiday, a special commemorative medal “For Love and Fidelity” was created. It was established by the Federal Organizing Committee and is awarded on July 8 to spouses who have been happily married for at least 25 years. And the chamomile was chosen as the symbol of the holiday “All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.” Since ancient times, this wildflower in Rus' was considered a symbol of love and fidelity.

The family is also an important social unit that is protected by law. Article 38 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states that:

1. Motherhood and childhood, the family are under the protection of the state.

2. Caring for children, raising them - equal right and the responsibility of parents.

3. Able-bodied children who have reached the age of 18 must take care of disabled parents.

Events and traditions for the holiday

Every year, the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity is becoming more and more popular in Russia. Life since those times has changed in our country beyond recognition. But there are also eternal, non-perishable values, which include love and family. And today people dream of such a strong family as Peter and Fevronia had. A holiday can be a good alternative and Catholic Day St. Valentine's Day, which is celebrated on February 14th.

All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity should be spent with your family or loved one. On this holiday it is not customary to give greeting cards, chocolate and various souvenirs. The best gift a bouquet of field or garden daisies can be a bouquet for a loved one on this day.

In many cities, local authorities and public organizations Various festive and special events are held: congratulatory concerts, exhibitions, fairs, charity events, as well as honoring large families and spouses who have lived together for more than 25 years.

Services are held in churches. A huge number of weddings take place. For many centuries in Rus' there was a tradition of getting engaged on July 8th. IN modern Russia This day is now considered one of the most successful for wedding ceremonies and marriage. Young people have a belief that he will have a long and happy life.

It has already become traditional to hold an information and educational campaign “Give me life!” in Russian cities and regions, dedicated to this holiday, which is aimed at reducing the number of abortions in Russia and preserving family values. All events are widely covered in the media.

The holiday “All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity” received wide support from the press and public organizations. It is celebrated throughout Russia, but the city of Murom becomes the main center of celebrations every year.

This holiday is a wonderful occasion to get together with the whole family and show special care for your family and friends. This warm holiday is welcome in any home, which is why it is so easy to step into - leaving church calendar, he is ready to knock on every door.

Happy Family, Love and Fidelity Day to you!

On this day, remember your parents, spouse, children, brothers, sisters... Tell them the warmest and most tender words of love, because in this world there is nothing more precious than close and dear people! Take care of them!

* Reverend Martyr Fevronia the Virgin (c. 304). ** Blessed Prince Peter (monastically David) and Princess Fevronia (monastically Euphrosyne), Murom miracle workers (1228).
Martyrs Euphrosyne and Theodora. Saints Constantine and Theodore. Venerable Martyrs Leonidas, Livia and Eutropia (IV). Venerable Simeon (V); Dionysius (after 1380) and Dometius (XIV), his associate, Athos. Venerable Martyr Procopius of Smyrna (1810). Holy Martyrs Nicholas (Bryantsev) and Vasily Presbyters (1918); St. Nikon (Belyaev) of Optina, confessor (1931); Hieromartyr Basil the Presbyter (1940).

Saints Peter and Fevronia

Peter and Fevronia are the patrons of family and marriage. Their marriage is a model of Christian marriage.
The blessed Prince Peter ascended the Murom throne in 1203. A few years earlier, Prince Peter fell ill with a serious illness from which no one could cure him. In a dream vision, it was revealed to the prince that he could be healed by Fevronia, a peasant woman from the village of Laskovoy in the Ryazan land. Virgin Fevronia was wise, beautiful, pious and kind girl. Having liked each other, they agreed to marry. When the prince was healed through Fevronia’s prayer, he, frightened by the boyars, did not keep his word. The illness resumed, and Fevronia again cured him and married him. When Peter inherited the reign after his brother, the boyars did not want to have a princess from the “simple people”, telling him: “Either let go of your wife, who insults noble ladies with her origin, or leave her as Murom.” The prince took Fevronia, got into a boat with her and sailed along the Oka. They began to live ordinary people, rejoicing that they were together, and God was helping them. In Murom, unrest began and murders began. Then the boyars came to their senses and decided to call Prince Peter back. The prince and princess have returned. Fevronia managed to earn the love of the townspeople. They died on the same day - July 8, 1228. At first their bodies were placed in different monasteries, but the next day they ended up together. The holy family was buried in the cathedral church of the city of Murom in honor of Christmas Holy Mother of God, erected over their relics on the initiative of Ivan the Terrible in 1553, now rest openly in the Church of the Holy Trinity of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Murom.
Saints Peter and Fevronia were exemplary spouses, so spouses come to them with prayers for their happiness.

Memory of the Venerable Optina Elder Nikon, Confessor

Reverend Confessor Nikon (in the world Nikolai Mitrofanovich Belyaev) was born on September 26, 1888 in Moscow into a large and friendly pious merchant family. Even in their youth, Nikolai and his younger brother Ivan decided to go to a monastery and chose the Kozelskaya Vvedenskaya Optina Hermitage by lot. On February 27, 1907, the brothers arrived in Optina and on December 9 they were accepted into the monastery brethren. The Monk Barsanuphius once especially noted Nicholas, and in October 1908 Nicholas was appointed his clerk, in 1915 he was tonsured into the mantle with the name Nikon, and in 1917 he was awarded the rank of hieromonk. After the revolution, Hieromonk Nikon was beset by sorrows - persecution, searches and arrests from the godless authorities. After the final closure of the Optina Hermitage in the summer of 1923, the rector, St. Isaac (Bobrikov), handed over the keys to the Kazan Church to St. Nikon, blessing him to serve and receive pilgrims for confession. So Reverend Nikon for holy obedience The last Optina elder became the abbot. At the same time, the Monk Nektarios, who was in exile, began to direct his children to the Monk Nikon. Expelled from the monastery in June 1924, he settled in Kozelsk, served in the church and received people. In June 1927, he was arrested and spent three years in prison at the Kemsky transit point, and then, suffering from a severe form of tuberculosis, he was sentenced to exile to the Northern Territory, to the city of Pinega. Sick, he wandered for a long time without shelter, then was forced to engage in hard physical labor. Father Peter (Drachev), also an exiled Optina resident, brought the dying Reverend Nikon to his place. On the day of his blessed death, June 25, 1931, Elder Nikon took communion and listened to the canon on the outcome of the soul. By the providence of God, twelve people, some clergy, gathered for the burial of the blessedly deceased elder. The elder was buried according to the monastic rites and buried in the cemetery of the village of Valdokurye.
