Bank statement. Extract from the personal account of Sberbank


One of the main conditions for obtaining a Schengen visa is Bank statement from the applicant's personal account. You can do this quite simply by submitting an application to an employee of your bank. You need to have a civil passport with you - without the main document of a citizen of the Russian Federation it is impossible to order a document on income. The bank's certificate is made according to a standard-approved sample that is well known to bank employees. Therefore, there is no need to delve into what form the certificate is needed: just say that it is needed to obtain a foreign visa. The goal is to confirm the availability required quantity money from the applicant applying for a foreign visa. It should be remembered that the financial requirements of countries vary, although for the Schengen area it is usually enough to have an amount equal to 60 euros for each night of stay. If the certificate is issued for a smaller amount, the chances of obtaining a visa are significantly reduced.

This certificate is needed if the applicant’s official salary is low or the applicant is self-employed entrepreneurial activity. This category of citizens must attach registration documents and an extract from the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs to the received paper.

  • Production time and validity
  • Some nuances

Production time and validity

A bank statement is usually completed in one to three days, although an income statement in some financial institutions is prepared in a few hours.

The most common validity period for bank income information is one month. Less often, the consulate requires you to bring a more recent account statement, received no later than a week at the time of submitting the package of documents.

The extract must contain the following information:

  • full legal name of the bank;
  • last name, first name and patronymic of the client;
  • quantity Money;
  • information about the account balance;
  • bank seal.

Some consulates only accept paper with a round department seal. It will take a long time to wait - at least three to five days, and you will also have to pay about 200 rubles.

Some nuances

Some consular departments allow the invoice statement to be replaced with other financial documents. Instead, it is allowed to confirm solvency in the following ways:

  • document on the purchase of currency;
  • credit cards along with ATM receipts containing information about the amount of cash;
  • traveler's checks (travel checks) purchased personally by the applicant.

There is a common practice: putting other people's money in order to get the “correct” statement. After a certificate from the bank about the status of the account is received, the money is withdrawn and returned to the lender. It should be remembered that some consulates (precisely to prevent such cases) require written confirmation of the movement of monetary assets over the last three months. An excellent option is if it is a salary account, which indicates the amount of monthly income. This will help consular specialists understand whether opening an account was an attempt to obtain a Schengen visa or whether the applicant actually has the financial level necessary for traveling abroad.

Not everyone has this option. There is no need to despair: a statement of money stored in a savings book will also work. Such a certificate of income is considered proof that the applicant has money. This is a computer printout that shows the dates and times of transactions performed: receipt of money, expenditure for certain needs. Embassy employees see that the applicant really uses banking services and is not trying to deceive them.

Another option for dishonest behavior is to resort to the services of companies that make fake papers indicating the required balance. If this fact is revealed, you will have to say goodbye to the dream of traveling abroad for at least several years.

With any option, it is most reliable to find out exactly how much money is enough to have for the trip in order to prevent a possible refusal to obtain a visa, because even the Schengen countries have different requirements regarding financial guarantees.

A bank statement is not provided free of charge. You will have to pay about two hundred rubles for the document. Some consular services require translation of documents, so it is worth requesting this service from bank employees.

It does not matter in what currency the account is opened. The main thing is that information about income complies with the conditions for obtaining a visa, and that the bank certificate is drawn up in accordance with in the required form. An extract in euros is only needed to obtain an internal national visa.

A bank statement is a prerequisite for obtaining a foreign visa. If it is not possible to do it yourself, you need to turn to specialists.

To summarize: the purpose of obtaining a bank document of the presence of funds is evidence that the applicant has stable income, does not intend to migrate illegally. That is why a high income is the main condition for successfully obtaining an entry permit.

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The article will cover the main points regarding account statements. Why the document is needed, where to get it and how to get it - further.

The activities of an organization or individual entrepreneur involve the implementation of financial transactions.

It is possible to obtain a statement from the bank that reflects the flow of funds. What does it look like, how to get it and what is needed for it?

What you need to know

Cash discipline is observed in any organization. A bank statement is a document that:

  • is a similar copy of information financial organization about a specific account;
  • is of a financial nature;
  • displays the inflow and outflow of funds;
  • issued by bank employees personally to the client;
  • may be in electronic or paper form.

Documents of counterparties (credits, write-offs) and documents prepared by the enterprise must be attached to this document.

The bank account statement is always different - it depends on the technology used. However, the current account always contains the following data:

  • number consisting of 20 digits;
  • date of last statement;
  • The rest of money;
  • details of documents confirming banking transactions;
  • purpose of payment;
  • accounts of counterparties to whom money is received or from which it comes;
  • the amount of debit and credit.

The bank statement will be ready within 3 days from the date of submission. Some banks provide the document within several hours. The statement is valid for one month.

The statement indicates the date, document number and type of transaction, codes of the bank and account owner. Upon issuance, the accountant is obliged to check the compliance of the data in the statement with the transactions performed.

Features of compilation:

It happens that due to the client’s fault, money is written off or credited incorrectly. In this case, they are transferred to account 63, called “Settlements for claims”.

The credit institution must be notified to make changes. The document displays corrections.

The check proceeds as follows:

  1. Documents that serve as the basis for recalculation are selected and attached.
  2. A thorough check of the entries in the statement is carried out to identify erroneously credited funds and the correctness of the payment.
  3. If errors are detected, a representative of the financial institution is notified.
  4. Account codes are entered.
  5. Highlighting the serial number on documents and displaying them in the statement.

Data verification and processing is carried out by an accountant on the day the document is issued. These actions are aimed at:

  • monitoring the movement of finances;
  • automation of accounting work;
  • generation of information for references;
  • passing the test;
  • storage of documents.


There are also nuances:

  • the extract must be prepared in two copies - for the client and the organization;
  • there are no signatures or stamps on the printed statements;
  • Only the account owner has the right to change the issuance procedure.

Basic definitions

Purpose of the document

There are many purposes for which an extract may be needed. The main ones:

Thanks to a bank statement, you can track the crediting of finances, expense transactions and bank commissions for certain services.

A statement is generated for each account, so you can apply for it on any day. For individuals, an extract may be needed when closing an agreement.

This confirms the fulfillment of obligations to the credit institution. The statement confirms that the account is closed and there are no claims against the client. It may also be necessary for those who have arrears with the bank.

Some embassies require when applying for a visa to check a person’s solvency and ensure financial stability.

Current standards

  • there is no need to store data confirming transactions in paper form;
  • There is no uniform procedure for providing statements by tax payers.

According to the rules for conducting accounting by banks, which were approved by the Central Bank (March 26, 2007), banking transactions of clients are carried out on a personal account.

The information is printed in several copies - for the financial institution and the client. In the second case, it is issued in paper form.

Procedure for receiving an account statement

At the client's request, the bank must issue a statement for any period of time.

It is possible to receive an extended statement, which, in addition to basic data, contains information about the name of the counterparty company and the basis for making the payment.

The Bank has established the following rules governing the procedure for providing a document:

  • the statement does not need to be certified with a stamp or signature of the bank manager. If it is necessary for submission to the tax authorities, then a stamp is required;
  • if the statement is lost, the bank issues a duplicate (for a fee);
  • available for any type of account.

Bank clients are interested in the question of where to get a statement. There are many options, the easiest one is to visit the bank. To do this, you will need a passport and an account opening agreement.

Another option is to submit notifications by mail or via the Internet. IN in this case receiving the document for free.

If the account is attached to the card, you can receive a statement through an ATM. The only negative is that data is provided only for the last week, the service is paid.

To do this, you need to insert the card and dial the PIN code, select the “get statement” item in the menu.

Using the paid Internet banking service, you can receive your statement anywhere. You need to go to Personal Area, select the required item and enter the reporting period. Next, print out the information.

To obtain an extract from a personal account, people can contact specialized centers that provide government services.

If the locality is small, you can visit the local administration. A citizen must provide a passport, application and documents that confirm the right to an apartment or house.

When checking documentation, the specialist must:

  • identify the person;
  • check the applicant's credentials;
  • check documents for compliance with legal requirements;
  • establish the purpose of the appeal.

Once the application is accepted, it is registered and a number is issued. The extract is handed over under the signature of the applicant. In case of refusal to issue a document, the reason must be explained.

Sending a request to the bank

To receive a current account statement, you must submit a request. There is no exact form, but there are data that must be indicated. First, you must provide the full name of the bank.

For individuals and individual entrepreneurs It is mandatory to indicate personal information – full name, residential address.

For legal entities– name of the organization and location. This data is indicated at the top right, on an A-4 sheet.

The main text must contain the reason for the request, deadlines for submission. You can also link to an article that guarantees the issuance of the document. Then sign and date it.

According to the calculated

The current account statement must contain the following items:

  • account number for transferring funds or source of their income;
  • date of the last statement and account balance at that time;
  • serial number of the document on the basis of which the movement of funds occurs;
  • account code;
  • debit and credit balance.

By financial personal account

A financial-personal account can be opened for any apartment or house, regardless of the size of the living space and the type of property - private or municipal.

The extract from the personal account of the apartment tenant () must indicate the following:

  • personal data of the owner;
  • place of residence and contact telephone number;
  • amenities available in the apartment - electricity, gas;
  • area of ​​the premises and number of rooms;
  • grounds for owning an apartment - document number;
  • number of registered people.

Completed example (sample)

A completed sample of a personal account statement can be viewed here.

Thus, an account statement is an official document containing information about completed financial transactions.

It can be in paper form or electronic. To obtain the document, you must contact the bank with an application.

A bank statement is a document reflecting account movements for a certain period, as well as the final balance. We will tell our readers for what purposes a bank statement is taken, how to order it and what information can be obtained using this document.

Document "Bank Statement"

The bank statement contains the following information:

  • Name of the bank and its correspondent account;
  • Full name of the client and his account number;
  • Account currency;
  • Movements on D-tu and K-tu and final amounts of crediting and writing off;
  • Information about counterparties;
  • Balance at the beginning and end of a given period.

Working with a bank statement is to view: where and in what volume funds were transferred from the account, the size and sources of the amounts credited, and also find out the final balance.

This information will be useful for the following actions:

  1. Control of movements on the account;
  2. Reports to tax and other regulatory authorities;
  3. Visa processing and other purposes.

How to get a bank statement

There are several ways to obtain a bank statement. Can:

  • Go to the bank branch with your passport and card (agreement, passbook, etc.);
  • Receive a mini-statement via SMS;
  • Print it out at an ATM (usually shows the last 7-10 transactions);
  • Issue a statement online, through the Internet banking system;
  • Order regular receipt of an electronic statement or a statement sent by mail.

In order to get more detailed information about completed transactions - names of purchases, accrued commissions, addresses where payment was made - is issued extended bank statement.

Electronic bank statement

If you are registered in the Internet banking system, then in your personal account you can view and print an electronic account statement using the “Statement” menu.

You can also receive regular electronic statements by email. To do this, you need to contact the bank with supporting documents. Such an extract is no different from a paper document. To certify it - to put a seal, signature and stamp of the bank - you need to contact the branch.

Bank statement for the organization's account

Information about transactions made on the account is reflected in the statement. In other words, a bank statement on an organization’s account allows the company’s accountant to know the actual information about the status of the current account and see all movements on it. An employee of the enterprise files a bank statement with the primary documents (payment order) according to which the funds were flowing through the account.

The statement reflects the movement of the enterprise’s own finances (income, expenses).

The document is issued to an official employee of the enterprise by bank service personnel, sent by mail or in electronic format daily, unless other dates have been previously agreed upon by the parties.

Features of document formation

Statements in most cases are issued the next day after the movement of money through the organization’s bank account. The important features of document formation are two columns in which debit and credit are reflected. The first reflects funds debited from the account, the second - credits made to the account.

The company's account with a credit institution is a settlement account, in other words, the bank stores money belonging to the client on it. When considered a debtor, the financial institution displays the account balance as accounts payable. Due to the fact that the company's account for the bank is passive, the balance of funds is displayed in the statement. Financial assets written off from the organization’s account reduce the debt of the credit institution, so the debt to the client becomes less. For an organization, it's exactly the opposite.

Checking your bank statement

Processing of financial documents and checking of bank statements occurs on the day they are received by the company's accountant.

IN job responsibilities accounting of a company or enterprise includes:

  1. check and attach all supporting documents for the statement of crediting and debiting funds;
  2. check all entries in the extract with the primary documents. If inconsistencies and discrepancies are detected in the documents, the accountant is obliged to urgently contact an employee of the banking institution;
  3. The accountant enters account codes in the right margin of the statement. They are placed opposite the corresponding amounts;

The actions of an accountant help to monitor the enterprise’s funds, generate information for inspection bodies, and bring documents into a finished form before their final archiving.

Doubts about electronic statements

Accountants working at enterprises that have implemented the system electronic document management(“Accounting 1C”, “Client Bank”) doubts arise about electronic statements, how they should be stored correctly and whether they should be printed.

None regulations, which would directly allow or prohibit the storage of electronic statements in PDF format, so the situation becomes somewhat more complicated. In this case, the rule of Article 9 of Federal Law No. 129 applies, according to which the enterprise is obliged, at the request of the inspection authorities or another authorized person, to produce at its own expense and submit primary documents in electronic form.

Many banks, after switching to an online service system, refuse to issue the required statements, asking clients to print and certify documents themselves as needed.

Bank statement: sample

If an enterprise independently maintains more modern financial accounting, then it would be wise to install an electronic bank for its convenience. The accountant will be able to personally monitor all movements of funds in the accounts of the reporting enterprise, and he will be able to easily print out a bank statement himself at any time without interrupting his work.

To fill out this form manually A standard bank statement will do: a sample can be downloaded on the Internet, opened in Excel and the necessary edits can be made there. The main thing is that the document contains the necessary information.

What information is included in the statement?

Bank account statements may vary slightly appearance, because they are printed on different techniques. It is more important to find out what information is indicated in the statement.

  1. “Posting date” - the date of the transaction on the client’s account;
  2. “Recipient's account” - recipient's current account number;
  3. “VO” - type of financial transaction;
  4. “Nom. doc. Bank" - incoming document number;
  5. “Nom. doc. Client" - payment document No.;
  6. “BIC bank corr” - BIC of the recipient’s bank;
  7. "Corr. Account" - the bank's corresponding account;
  8. “Payer's account” - payer's account number;
  9. “Debit” (client arrival);
  10. “Credit” (customer expense).

How an accountant checks and processes statements

Only an officially authorized employee of the enterprise can obtain a bank statement. The list of such persons is compiled by the head of the organization and the chief accountant. Usually the accounting staff deals with financial documents.

How does an accountant check and process statements? The employee receives bank account statements, checks related documents, comparing amounts and dates. If there is a discrepancy in information, the employee must immediately contact the bank. Some accountants, for their own convenience, when checking statements, mark corresponding accounts in the fields of the document, which will be useful for making entries. On the same day, it is necessary to enter verified statements into the company’s cash flow system. By applying the double entry rule, the accountant in a simple way Posts each transaction.

Why is a bank statement issued for individuals?

A bank statement is sometimes necessary for individuals. Why is a bank statement issued for individuals and when is it necessary?

  1. When closing a loan agreement, such a document confirms that the borrower has fulfilled his obligations to the bank.
  2. The extract will be useful when considering a credit case in court regarding overdue debt. The document reflects all withheld penalties, fines and payments. If you bring the loan agreement and extract to Rospotrebnadzor, you can receive a recommended letter, which the court sometimes takes into account and this will help write off fines and penalties.
  3. An account statement is required when obtaining a visa; it confirms the person’s solvency.

An account statement helps you control your finances.

Advice from If you need an extract for visa or confirmation financial security while staying in another country, you should ask the bank if it is possible to print it in English.

Account statement is a reference financial document that allows you to track all transactions (expenses and receipts) for a day or for a certain period. Receiving such a certificate can confirm or refute the fact of crediting/writing off funds, as well as justify the calculation of income tax.

Let's look at what it contains and how it works.

No specific form in which a bank statement must be provided is specified in any law or normative act. However, there is a list of information that the document must absolutely contain:

  • The name of the financial institution and its main details – BIC and correspondent account;
  • Client's name and current account;
  • Date of preparation;
  • Date of previous statement;
  • Account balances at the beginning and end of the day;
  • All transactions of incoming and outgoing funds.

Moreover, each operation reflected in the document contains:

  • date;
  • No. of the document on the basis of which the transaction was carried out;
  • counterparty account and correspondent bank details;
  • amount.

Statements are generated daily for current accounts of companies and entrepreneurs. But you need to pick it up yourself, at a convenient time. Some banks also practice other methods of receiving, which we will discuss below.

Account statement individual you will have to request it, no one will generate it automatically. In this case, the account owner himself determines for what period the document will be generated. The receipt time in this case is determined by the bank’s conditions and can range from several minutes to 3 business days. The same period is provided for account statements of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, if the period for which they are compiled exceeds the standard cash day.

You can see a sample statement below.

Types of statements

The statement has several varieties, depending on the status of the account owner and the type of banking product used:

  • Current account statement. Compiled daily in relation to transactions taking place on the account of a company or individual entrepreneur. If necessary, you can request a document for a certain time interval - month, quarter, etc. The client’s current account is passive for the bank, so debit means debiting funds, and credit means receiving them.

Deposit account statement. Compiled and transmitted to the client upon request. The document contains:

  • amount available in the account;
  • the amount of accrued interest;
  • transactions on receipts and expenses.

A standard example of such a statement is a printout in a savings book. But you can also generate a document for an account linked to any debit card. This may be necessary when applying for a loan.

  • Loan account statement. Reflects the amount of deposited funds, the amount written off (broken down into principal and interest), as well as the balance of the loan debt. For credit cards, an invoice statement is prepared containing, in addition to the information specified above, the amount of the obligatory payment.
  • Electronic statement. This is an analogue of a regular paper statement, which is printed independently and certified by the bank’s representative office (if necessary). An electronic statement is available to clients using online banking services: for legal entities - a remote banking system banking services(Internet bank), for citizens - Internet bank or mobile bank.

Methods of obtaining

The specific methods for obtaining a statement depend on the services provided by the individual bank.

Having summarized the conditions of numerous financial institutions, several options can be distinguished:

  1. Personal application to a bank branch;
  2. SMS notification (relevant for credit cards);
  3. Receiving a document online (electronic statement);
  4. Sending by mail or e-mail to the client (by prior agreement with the bank).

To be sure to find out the method available to you, contact the servicing bank or check this information on its official web page.

One of the most frequently requested documents when applying for visas to different countries is confirmation of the availability of sufficient financial resources for the trip and a guarantee of return to their homeland. Many citizens of the Russian Federation are clients of Sberbank, so it is in this financial institution that it is easiest for them to register the necessary certificate. An extract from the Sberbank account for a visa is issued to the client upon personal application to one of the bank’s branches.

What information does the extract contain?

An extract from a Sberbank account for registration or any other visa can be of two types:

  • statement of the amount of money on the card's spending limit;
  • statement of account status and transactions for a certain period of time.

If a debit card is not available, a credit card may be suitable for issuing a visa. The main thing is to check whether there are any debts on this card.

The document is issued on the official letterhead of Sberbank; it must bear the seal of the institution and the signature of the head of the branch.

Mandatory information that must be indicated in the certificate:

  • bank client account number;
  • balance – the amount of financial resources at the beginning and end of the reporting period;
  • operations for crediting and debiting money;
  • balance of finances.

The most important thing to consider when preparing of this document, is the availability of sufficient money in accordance with the requirements of the country to which the trip is planned.

In what situations is it required

In order to obtain a visa, an extract from the personal account of a Sberbank card in 2019 may be needed in the following cases:

  • confirmation of the traveler’s financial solvency;
  • confirmation of the availability of sufficient funds for the duration of the trip to a specific country in accordance with its requirements.

Immigration and consular officers request this certificate to confirm that the visa applicant has a stable, high income in home country and does not intend to migrate and earn money illegally.

In addition, such a certificate is a guarantee that the traveler can pay all expenses during the trip, and, if necessary, a return ticket.

How to issue a statement on a Sberbank card

Before receiving a card statement from Sberbank, you should clarify what document format is required specifically at the consulate of the country where you intend to go. Most often they require information on the bank's official letterhead, but sometimes an ATM statement is sufficient.

Personal appeal to the department

You can obtain a credit card statement for a visa from Sberbank by visiting your local bank branch. When you communicate in person with a bank employee, you are guaranteed to receive the type of certificate that the consulate requires from you. To do this, you need to explain to the employee what information should be contained in this document.

In addition, when visiting the bank, you can use other additional services of the financial institution and receive expert advice.

They may provide the document immediately on the spot or offer to send it to you by email. But when you pick up the certificate in person, you will receive a letterhead certified by the signature of the head of the branch and the round seal of the bank; They often send only information about the account balance and transactions by mail.

Receiving information through an ATM

If the consulates accept a mini-statement of a Sberbank card as confirmation of the availability of financial funds, then just find the nearest ATM of the financial institution, insert the card, enter the PIN code, then select the “Information and Service” section, then select the “Card History” service.

The ATM will give you a receipt, which will indicate information on the movement of funds on the card for the last three months. The service is paid - approximately 15 rubles are debited from the card. Below is a sample receipt.

Mobile banking

The method of receiving information about the account status via SMS is available only to users who have activated the Mobile Banking service. The cost of providing the service depends on the operator’s tariff; You should definitely check the balance on your phone before sending a request, since if you do not have money, you will be denied information.

Despite the ease this method, this option is not suitable as documentary evidence of the availability of financial resources for the consulate, but this way you can check the status of your bank account before preparing a statement.

In order to find out your balance, you need to send an SMS to number 900 with the text “Balance ****”, “Balance ****”, or “Balance ****”, where instead of **** you need to indicate the last 4 digits card numbers. In response, a message will follow indicating the balance of money in the account at the current moment.

If you send an SMS with the text “Istoria ****” or “History ****”, then the response SMS message will contain information about the last 10 transactions performed on the account, indicating the exact time of their execution.

Personal account on the bank's website

You can also find out about the status of your Sberbank account online, through your personal account on the institution’s website:

“Russian Post” or email

Obtaining information about the account status is also possible using email, and by sending by Russian Post. In the first case, the service is provided free of charge, in the second it is necessary to pay for it in accordance with the tariff.

The advantage of this method is the ability to receive information consistently, since the data is sent monthly: to do this, you need to contact a Sberbank branch and write an application for such a service.

Mobile applications

Smartphone owners can obtain information about their bank account balance using the Sberbank Online mobile application. The application is available on any mobile platform: iOS, Windows, Android.

Registering a card via mobile app happens the same way as on the website. Information on operations can be found by clicking on the clock icon.

The application will display all information on the crediting and debiting of funds, indicating the date, time and places where the operations were carried out. In addition, if your card is a credit card, you will be provided with information on the total amount owed plus interest.

Translation of certificate

If a document confirming the availability of financial resources is required solely for the purpose of submitting documents to the consulate, you may be issued a certificate from Sberbank for a visa in English. To do this, you should ask whether such a service is provided specifically at the branch you are applying to.

An additional fee is charged for document translation (from 100 to 200 rubles). In addition, Sberbank employees usually ask you to wait finished document within three working days.

If the branch you are contacting does not provide a translation service to foreign language, translation of an extract from Sberbank for a visa can be done through an accredited agency. Consulates require that such a translation be notarized.

Therefore, familiarize yourself in advance with the document requirements at the consulate you intend to apply to.

Find out more about how to do it correctly.


Sberbank clients have many ways to obtain information about the balance of their bank account. But not every one of them is suitable for the official document requested from the applicant by the consulates different countries to obtain a visa.

To confirm the availability of financial resources when applying for a visa, only a certificate issued by bank employees when applying to the branch in person is suitable, since such a document will be issued in accordance with the requirements of the consulate: on letterhead, with the signature of the head of the branch and the seal of the bank.

How to get a statement for a Sberbank card. Where can I get a statement for a Sberbank card? How to make an extract: Video
