Human anatomy: structure of internal organs. Human anatomy. Systems and organs. Bekhin P

The topographic anatomy of the facial nerve is quite confusing, due to the fact that it passes through the facial nerve, receiving and giving off processes.

Where does it start?

It arises from three nuclei at once: motor, secretory and sensory fibers. Then through the auditory opening it passes into the thickness of the temporal bone into the internal auditory canal. Here the intermediate nerve is added to it, and a knee is formed at the bend of the canal, which, taking the form of a node, gives the intermediate nerve the property of sensitivity. The anatomy of the facial nerve and its diagram will be discussed in this article.

Division into processes

To enter the thickness of the parotid gland, the facial nerve is divided into separate processes: the lingual branch, the posterior auricular nerve, the digastric and stylohyoid branches. The intermediate gives off branches such as the stapedius and petrosal nerves, connective tissue with the tympanic weave and the vagus nerve, and the terminal branch (corda tympani). The anatomy of the facial nerve is unique.


Once again, the facial nerve diverges in the thickness of the parotid gland, giving two main branches - a small lower and powerful upper, which then also branch, moreover, radially: up, forward and down to the facial muscles. As a result, the parotid plexus is formed.

Facial nerve(the anatomy diagram will be presented in the photo) consists of the following parts:

  • nerve trunk (more precisely, its processes);
  • the spaces of the cerebral cortex, which are responsible for the work of facial muscles;
  • nuclei located between the bridge and the medulla oblongata;
  • lymph nodes and a network of capillaries that feed nerve cells.


Anatomy (diagram posted above) is discussed. Now let's talk about its functions.

The main task of the facial nerve is to provide the face. However, everything is complicated by the fact that before it branches into small parts, it is intertwined with the intermediate nerve and partially shares responsibilities with it. Through the internal auditory opening they move into the tunnel of the facial nerve, where it forms a genu that provides sensory input to the intermediate nerve.

The facial nerve underlies motor activity almost all facial muscles, but in combination with the intermediate nerve it has taste and secretory fibers.

The pattern of the fibers of the facial nerve is very interesting and requires careful consideration.

Facial nerve lesions

If the canal is malfunctioned or infringed, paralysis of the motor muscles of the face may occur. Its asymmetry is visually observed: the relaxed part has a mask effect due to its immobility, the eye on the affected side does not close, and lacrimation increases due to the fact that the mucous membrane is irritated by dust and air, which, in turn, can cause conjunctivitis. Wrinkles on the forehead and the area around the nose and lips are straightened, the corners of the mouth are directed downward, the person cannot wrinkle his forehead.

In humans, the facial nerve is often affected (its branches, their anatomy and topography are presented in detail in the photo).

If for any reason the main motor function is affected, then we are talking about it. It is characterized by the following external signs: paralysis of the muscles responsible for facial expressions, complete asymmetry of the face, the speech apparatus is impaired, fluid intake can be limited. If the nerve was affected at a time when it was located in the pyramidal bone, then in addition to the signs listed above, deafness and lack of taste are also noted.

Neuritis is a neurological disease characterized by an inflammatory process. It can appear in the central part of the face and in the periphery. Symptoms depend on the area of ​​the nerve affected. The disease develops either due to hypothermia (primary neuritis) or as a complication of other diseases (secondary).

It is characterized by an acute onset, the pain radiates behind the ear, and after a few days facial asymmetry is observed. Symptoms may vary depending on the part affected. When the nucleus of the facial nerve is damaged, a person develops muscle weakness faces. When a nerve is pinched in the area of ​​the pons of the brain, strabismus occurs, as well as paralysis of almost all the facial muscles. If the infringement occurs at the exit, it will result in impaired or short-term hearing loss. Important has the human facial nerve. The structure, functions and problems have been studied for a long time.

In chronic otitis media, neuritis may be concomitant, arising due to inflammation in the middle ear, and therefore may be accompanied by a sensation of lumbago. If accompanied by mumps, then symptoms of general intoxication appear - chills, body aches, high fever.

Principles of therapy

The treatment regimen for the facial nerve for pinching and inflammatory processes must necessarily be comprehensive. Therapy includes:

  • diuretics, which remove fluid from the capillary network;
  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • drugs that dilate blood vessels;
  • vitamins (usually group B).

Such treatment eliminates the main cause of the disease, since inflammation of the facial nerve is often the result of another disease, a secondary disease. Nervous illnesses are most often accompanied by very unpleasant sensations, so the patient is prescribed analgesic drugs. For treatment to be faster and more effective, the facial muscles need to be provided with complete rest.

Part complex treatment Physiotherapeutic procedures are also included. From the second week of the disease, it is allowed to use facial massage and exercise physical therapy with gradually increasing load. Surgery is very rarely required. Surgery indicated when neuralgia is congenital or occurs after a mechanical injury. An operation of this kind consists in stitching together improperly fused and torn nerve endings. Surgical intervention is also legal if it is ineffective drug treatment within six months (maximum eight months). If you ignore the process and do not use the listed methods of therapy, the facial muscles can completely atrophy without the possibility of recovery in the future. The only way out is surgical facial plastic surgery, the material for which is taken from the victim’s leg.


Thus, if you apply for timely medical care and proper treatment, recovery and recovery will be quite long, but the prognosis remains favorable. To avoid a relapse, you need to monitor your health, avoid hypothermia and promptly treat inflammatory processes such as tonsillitis, ARVI, etc.

We reviewed the facial nerve - anatomy and symptoms of damage, and also described the principles of treatment.

Human anatomy. Systems and organs. Bekhin P.

M.: 2007. - 38 p.

The collection “Human Anatomy: Systems and Organs” is the most complete collection anatomical tables of the human body. Paired with a set of tables "Diseases and Disorders" - it represents the best anatomical reference book on the modern book market. We present to your attention the world's best anatomical tables "Human Anatomy. Systems and Organs". These popular tables focus on various systems and organs of the body. The authors have made additions to the compilations of world-famous tables and added to them the best anatomical tables from their collection. A team of highly trained medical artists, consultants and physicians have carefully crafted each chart to ensure accuracy, clarity and up-to-date standards. All tables have been digitally enhanced in reproduction, and terminology and illustrations have been updated and revised to reflect the latest advances in medical science. Each table has callouts and indexes, making it easy to use. The desktop format of the collection should facilitate the study of the anatomy of the human body, patient consultations or references. Here are tables of all the main systems and organs of the human body. This collection of reference materials is the most comprehensive collection of anatomical charts of the human body.

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List of tables
Body systems
Respiratory system
Autonomic nervous system
Nervous system
Digestive system
Endocrine apparatus
Female genital system
Male genital system
Lymphatic system
Vascular system
System of bones and their joints
Muscular system
Genitourinary system
Organs and body parts
General anatomical structure of the brain
Anatomical structure inner ear
The vestibulocochlear organ is the organ of hearing and balance.
Ear, throat, nose
Pharynx and larynx Cranial and spinal nerves
Organ of vision Skull
Anatomy of teeth
Head and neck
Vertebrae and spinal column
Shoulder and elbow
Hands and wrists
Feet and ankles
Hip and knee joints

The structure of the human body is unique. The coordinated work of each organ ensures vital activity. Each region consists of a specific set of organs.

Humans are the most complex organism on our planet, capable of performing several functions simultaneously. All organs have their responsibilities and perform their work smoothly: the heart pumps blood, distributing it throughout the body, the lungs process oxygen into carbon dioxide, and the brain processes thought processes, others are responsible for a person’s movement and life activities.

Anatomy is the science that studies the human structure. She distinguishes between the external (what can be observed visually) and internal (hidden from view) structure of a person.

Human structure based on external features

External structure- these are parts of the body that are open to the human eye and can easily be listed:

  • head - the upper round part of the body
  • neck - part of the body connecting the head and torso
  • chest - front part of the body
  • back - back of the body
  • torso - human body
  • upper limbs - hands
  • lower limbs - legs

The internal structure of a person - consists of a series internal organs, which are located inside a person and have their own functions. The internal structure of a person consists of the main, more important organs:

  • brain
  • lungs
  • heart
  • liver
  • stomach
  • intestines

main internal organs of a person

A more detailed listing of the internal structure includes blood vessels, glands and other vital organs.

It can be noted that the structure of the human body is similar to the structure of representatives of the animal world. This fact is explained by the fact that, according to the theory of evolution, man descended from mammals.

Man developed together with animals, and scientists often notice his similarity with some representatives of the animal world at the cellular and genetic level.

Cell - elementary particle of the human body. A cluster of cells forms textile, which actually makes up the internal organs of a person.

All human organs are united into systems that work in a balanced manner to ensure the full functioning of the body. The human body consists of the following important systems:

  • Musculoskeletal system- provides a person with movement and supports the body in the required position. It consists of a skeleton, muscles, ligaments and joints
  • Digestive system - the most a complex system V human body, it is responsible for the digestion process, providing a person with energy for life
  • Respiratory system - consists of the lungs and airways, which are designed to convert oxygen into carbon dioxide, oxygenating the blood
  • The cardiovascular system - has the most important transport function, providing blood to the entire human body
  • Nervous system - regulates all functions of the body, consists of two types of brain: the brain and the spinal cord, as well as nerve cells and nerve endings
  • Endocrine system regulates nervous and biological processes in the body
  • Reproductive and urinary system - a number of organs that differ in structure between men and women. Have important functions: reproductive and excretory
  • Integumentary system - provides protection of internal organs from the external environment, represented by the skin

Video: “Human Anatomy. Where is what?

The brain is an important human organ

The brain provides a person with mental activity, distinguishing him from other living organisms. It is essentially a mass of nervous tissue. It consists of two cerebral hemispheres, the pons and the cerebellum.

  • Large hemispheres necessary to control all thought processes and provide a person with conscious control of all movements
  • At the back of the brain is cerebellum. It is thanks to him that a person is able to control the balance of the entire body. The cerebellum controls muscle reflexes. Even such an important action as withdrawing your hand from a hot surface so as not to injure skin covering- controls the cerebellum
  • Pons lies below the cerebellum at the base of the skull. Its function is very simple - to receive nerve impulses and transmit them
  • The other bridge is oblong, located slightly lower and connects to spinal cord. Its function is to receive and transmit signals from other departments

Video: “Brain, structure and functions”

What organs are inside the chest?

There are several vital organs in the chest cavity:

  • lungs
  • heart
  • bronchi
  • trachea
  • esophagus
  • diaphragm
  • thymus

structure of the human chest organs

The rib cage is a complex structure primarily filled with lungs. It contains the most important muscular organ - the heart and large blood vessels. Diaphragm- a broad flat muscle that separates the chest from abdominal cavity.

Heart - Between the two lungs, in the chest there is this cavity organ-muscle. Its dimensions are not large enough and it does not exceed the volume of a fist. The organ's task is simple but important: to pump blood into the arteries and receive venous blood.

The position of the heart is quite interesting - oblique presentation. The wide part of the organ is directed up, back to the right, and the narrow part is directed down to the left.

detailed structure of the heart organ
  • The main vessels come from the base of the heart (the wide part). The heart must regularly pump and process blood, distributing fresh blood throughout the body
  • The movement of this organ is ensured by two halves: the left and right ventricle
  • The left ventricle of the heart is larger than the right
  • The pericardium is the tissue covering this muscular organ. The outer part of the pericardium is connected to blood vessels, the inner part grows to the heart

Lungs - the most voluminous paired organ in the human body. This organ occupies most of the chest. These organs are exactly the same, but it is worth noting that they have different functions and structures.

lung structure

As you can see in the picture, the right lung has three lobes, compared to the left lung, which has only two. Also, the left lung has a bend on the left side. The task of the lungs is to convert oxygen into carbon dioxide and saturate the blood with oxygen.

Trachea - occupies a position between the bronchi and larynx. The trachea is cartilaginous half-rings and connective ligaments, as well as muscle tissue on back wall covered with mucus. Inferiorly, the trachea divides into two bronchus These bronchi go to the left and right lungs. In fact, the bronchus is the most common extension of the trachea. The lung inside consists of many branches of the bronchi. Functions of the bronchi:

  • airway - carrying air through the lungs
  • protective - cleansing function

trachea and bronchi, structure

Esophagus - a long organ that originates in the larynx and passes through aperture(muscular organ) connecting to the stomach. The esophagus has circular muscles that move food to the stomach.

location of the esophagus in the chest

Thymus gland - gland, which has found its place under the sternum. It can be considered part of the human immune system.


Video: “Organs of the thoracic cavity”

What organs are included in the abdominal cavity?

The abdominal organs are the organs of the digestive tract, as well as the pancreas along with the liver and kidneys. The spleen, kidneys, stomach and genitals are also located here. The abdominal organs are covered with peritoneum.

internal organs of the human abdominal cavity

Stomach - one of the main organs digestive system. Essentially, it is a continuation of the esophagus, separated by a valve that covers the entrance to the stomach.

The stomach is shaped like a bag. Its walls are capable of producing special mucus (juice), the enzymes of which break down food.

structure of the stomach
  • Intestines - the longest and most voluminous part gastric tract. The intestines begin immediately after the outlet of the stomach. It is built in a loop shape and ends with an outlet. The intestines have large, small intestines and rectum
  • The small intestine (duodenum and ileum) passes into the large intestine, the colon into the rectum
  • The task of the intestines is to digest and remove leftover food from the body

detailed structure of the human intestine

Liver - the largest gland in the human body. It is also involved in the digestion process. Its task is to ensure metabolism and participate in the blood circulation process.

It is located directly under the diaphragm and is divided into two lobes. A vein connects the liver to the duodenum. The liver is closely related and functions with the gallbladder.

liver structure

Kidneys - a paired organ located in the lumbar region. They perform an important chemical function- regulation of homeostasis and urination.

The kidneys are bean-shaped and are part of the urinary organs. Directly above the kidneys are adrenal glands

kidney structure

Bladder - a kind of bag for collecting urine. It is located just behind the pubic bone in the groin area.

structure Bladder

Spleen - located above the diaphragm. Has a number of important functions:

  • hemorrhage
  • body protection

The spleen has the ability to change in size depending on the accumulation of blood.

structure of the spleen

How are the pelvic organs located?

These organs are located in the space limited by the pelvic bone. It is worth noting that female and male pelvic organs are different.

  • Rectum - a similar organ in both men and women. This is the final part of the intestine. Digestive products are removed through it. The length of the rectum should be about fifteen centimeters
  • Bladder differs in location, female and male placement in the cavity. In women, it is in contact with the walls of the vagina, as well as the uterus; in men, it is adjacent to the seminal vesicles and streams that remove the seed, as well as to the rectum

female pelvic (genital) organs
  • Vagina - a hollow tubular organ that is located from the genital slit to the uterus. It is about 10 centimeters long and is adjacent to the cervix, the organ passes through the genitourinary diaphragm
  • Uterus - an organ made up of muscles. It has a pear shape and is located behind bladder, but in front of the rectum. The organ is usually divided into: fundus, body and neck. Performs reproductive function
  • Ovary - paired organ ovoid. This is a female gland that produces hormones. The maturation of eggs occurs in them. The ovary is connected to the uterus fallopian tubes

male pelvic (genital) organs
  • Seminal vesicle - is located behind the bladder and looks like paired organ. This is a secretory male organ. Its size is approximately five centimeters in diameter. It consists of bubbles connected to each other. The function of the organ is to produce seed for fertilization
  • Prostate - an organ consisting of muscles and glands. It is located directly on the urogenital diaphragm. The base of the organ is the urinary and seminal canal

Video: “Human Anatomy. Abdominal organs"

Name: The world's best anatomical tables. Human anatomy. Systems and organs.
Behen P.
The year of publishing: 2007
Size: 24.64 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian

The publication contains unique posters on human anatomy created by the famous medical artist Peter Bechin. The tables are divided into body systems (respiratory, digestive, genitourinary, muscular, vascular, endocrine, reproductive, nervous, bone and joint systems), organs and body parts (skull, brain, teeth, pharynx, organ of vision, ear, throat, nose, leather, etc.).

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Pivchenko P.G., Trushel N.A.
The year of publishing: 2014
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Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The book "Anatomy of the musculoskeletal system", edited by P. G. Pivchenko, et al., examines general osteology: the function and structure of bones, their development, classification, as well as age characteristics...Download the book for free

Name: Large Atlas of Human Anatomy
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The year of publishing: 2015
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Language: Russian
Description:"The Great Atlas of Human Anatomy" by Vicente Perez presents compact illustrations of all sections on normal human anatomy. The atlas contains drawings, diagrams, photograms illuminating bone-we... Download the book for free

Name: Osteology. 5th edition.

The year of publishing: 2010
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Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: Presented to your attention is a textbook on anatomy "Osteology", where the issues of osteology - the initial section of human anatomy, the study of ... Download the book for free

Name: Anatomy of the muscular system. Muscles, fascia and topography.
Gaivoronsky I.V., Nichiporuk G.I.
The year of publishing: 2005
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Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: Tutorial"Anatomy of the muscular system. Muscles, fascia and topography" as always on high level examines, with the inherent accessibility of the description of the material, the main issues of myology, which reflects... Download the book for free

Name: Human anatomy.
Kravchuk S.Yu.
The year of publishing: 2007
Size: 143.36 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Ukrainian
Description: Presented book "Anatomy of a Human" by Kravchuk S.Yu. kindly provided to us directly by its author to popularize and facilitate the study of basic for all medical science and one of the most ... Download the book for free

Name: Functional anatomy of the sense organs

The year of publishing: 2011
Size: 87.69 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The presented book “Functional anatomy of the sense organs”, edited by I.V. Gaivoronsky, et al., examines the anatomy of the organ of vision, balance and hearing. The features of their innervation and... Download the book for free

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Name: Illustrated Atlas of Human Anatomy
McMillan B.
The year of publishing: 2010
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Format: pdf
Language: Russian
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Let's look at the anatomy of the internal organs of a person and its anatomical systems in pictures, as well as photos of how they look in the human body.

(Human anatomy, photo No. 1.1)

(Human anatomy, photo No. 1.2)

Photo of human anatomy, his nervous system. In one day, 3 billion is delivered and processed to the central nervous system. messages. Our brain is forced to analyze all this and make choices about what to ignore and what to react to, this happens in less than one second.

(Human anatomy, photo No. 2.1)

(Human anatomy, photo No. 2.2)

(Human anatomy, photo No. 2.3)

Anatomy of the body, photo of the circulatory system. During rest, a person's heart pumps approximately five liters of blood throughout the body every minute. To accomplish everything that is necessary for life, the incredibly complex circulatory system uses approximately 60,000 miles of blood vessels.

(Human anatomy, photo No. 3.1)

(Human anatomy, photo No. 3.2)

Man photo, anatomy of the digestive system. Duodenum- This is the center of digestive functioning, as it receives stomach hummus, as well as bile from the liver and enzymes from the pancreas. It is impossible for such complex channels to evolve simultaneously.

(Human anatomy, photo No. 4.1)

(Human anatomy, photo No. 4.2)

Human anatomy in pictures, muscular system. There are about 700 individual muscles in the human body, coordinated with each other without any defects; such a system could not have arisen gradually during evolution.

(Human anatomy, photo No. 5.1)

(Human anatomy, photo No. 5.2)

Photos of human bone anatomy. A human thigh bone can support one ton of weight, how is this possible? The structure of human bones is hollow inside and is arranged in the same way as in the structures of bridges and buildings in our time.

(Human anatomy, photo No. 6.1)

(Human anatomy, photo No. 6.2)

Human anatomy photo of the lymphatic system. Lymph nodes are cleansing centers of the entire human body; they are responsible for transporting toxins and cleaning the internal environment. Did you know that thanks to regular exercise, the lymphatic system will be fine?

(Human anatomy, photo No. 7.1)

(Human anatomy, photo No. 7.2)

The brain is the general of our body. In pictures, Anatomy of the brain, its parts responsible for various functions of the body. The human brain is incredibly complex and weighs only from 1 kg to two kg, depending on age.

(Human anatomy, photo No. 8.1)

(Human anatomy, photo No. 8.2)

Anatomy photo of the heart- double pump with autonomous nervous system. To maintain life, the human heart must beat approximately 100,000 times a day without interruption or stop.

(Human anatomy, photo No. 9.1)

(Human anatomy, photo No. 9.2)

Human anatomy, lungs in the photo. In one day, our lungs pass 12,000 liters through themselves. air and 6,000 l. Blood. It is interesting that humans have not observed a single beneficial mutation in the lungs, but only harmful ones, this indicates the impossibility of the evolution of the lungs.

(Human anatomy, photo No. 10.1)

(Human anatomy, photo No. 10.2)

Picture anatomy of the human liver. The liver claims to be the largest glandular organ in the human body.

(Human anatomy, photo No. 11.1)

(Human anatomy, photo No. 11.2)

Digestive tract, anatomy photo. Interestingly, the length of the human intestine ranges from 7 to 10 meters.

(Human anatomy, photo No. 12.1)

(Human anatomy, photo No. 12.2)

Photo anatomy of the kidney. In 24 hours, the kidneys clean up to 2 thousand liters of blood from toxins, while having 1 million filter elements.

(Human anatomy, photo No. 13.1)

(Human anatomy, photo No. 13.2)

Human anatomy, stomach photo. The human stomach can digest a substance that is much denser in composition than it is. It's amazing that he doesn't digest himself, even though he's made of flesh!

(Human anatomy, photo No. 14.1)

Our nose can detect a trillion smells. Our ear has 24,000 "hair" cells that convert vibrations into electrical impulses so we can hear sounds at very low acoustic levels. Our eyes are capable of analyzing about 50 thousand data simultaneously. Our skin is waterproof, antibacterial, antifungal, elastic, flexible, sensitive, self-regenerating, it is able to absorb the necessary chemical elements and reject others. It is porous, self-lubricating, produces vitamins, produces odorants, and can sense temperature, vibration and pressure.

All these amazing facts human anatomy simply screams to us not about evolution, but about the existence of an intelligent design by a Super-wise Creator.
